Section 2.0 Geology 1960050-03
Regional Geology
The project site is located on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, near the boundary of the North
American and Pacific plates. This plate boundary is marked by the San Andreas Fault zone,
which is located approximately 60 miles east of the peninsula. The peninsula is the result of
geological processes that began approximately 16 million years ago in the Middle Miocene.
Divergent motion along the fault developing at the plate boundary created a basin-and-range type
topography. The sediments that would become the Monterey Formation were deposited in one
of these basins during a period of about 12 million years (from 16 million years ago until the
early Pliocene; about 4 million years before present). Widespread volcanism until about 14.5
million years before present contributed to the sediments of the Monterey Formation (Conrad
and Ehlig, 1987) . In the early Pliocene, the depositional basin was folded and uplifted into an
anticline along the south side of the Palos Verdes Fault, until it formed an island, separated from
the mainland by a shallow sea. Sediments were deposited along the north and northeast flanks of
the island, gradually filling the low-lying Los Angeles Basin and connecting the Palos Verdes
Peninsula with the. mainland. During the Pleistocene, uplift of the peninsula continued, and
changes in sea level due to glacial retreats carved a series of thirteen recognized terraces into the
flanks of the peninsula. Currently, wave action is continuing to cut into the peninsula, creating
steep, near-vertical cliffs up to 150 feet high along the shoreline.
The bedrock of the Palos Verdes Peninsula consists of a core of Mesozoic_Age Catalina Schist,
overlain by the Monterey Formation (Figure 2). It has a gentle to moderate dip, approximately
15 to 30 degrees toward the south on the seaward side. The rock has smaller folds within the
limbs of the anticline that forms the Palos Verdes Hills. The Monterey Formation has been
divided into three subordinate units or members. The oldest unit is the Altamira Shale which is
overlain by the Valmonte Diatomite, which is, in turn, overlain by the youngest of the three
members, the Malaga Mudstone. The Altamira Shale is the most prominent member of the
Monterey Formation exposed in Rancho Palos Verdes. It consists of beds of tuffaceous shale,
siltstone, tuff. and tuffaceous siltstone that are intruded by basaltic dikes and sills, as well as
tuffs. The tuffs can form distinct marker beds. One of these, the Portuguese Tuff, has an average
thickness of about 55 feet and is an important marker bed in the study area. Many of the tuff
beds have been altered to bentonite clay. Another bedrock unit overlying the Monterey
Formation is the Pliocene Reppetto Formation which outcrops in the northern part of the
peninsula. The Pliocene Lomita Marl, Timms Point Silt, and the San Pedro Sand are found in
the north and east edges of the peninsula.
Landslide Geologv and Geomorphology
Coastal portions of the Palos Verdes Peninsula have been affected by episodic landsliding for
approximately the last 600,000 years (Jahns and Vonder Linden. 1973). The largest of these
ancient landslides was the Pleistocene-Age Ancient Abalone Cove Landslide. The ancient
landslide occupies a two square mile, bowl-shaped area between the Pacific Ocean and the top of
the Palos Verdes hills. The area contains a complex of landslides that vary in size from less than
an acre to hundreds of acres. The recently active Abalone Cove and Portuguese Bend Landslides
are portions of the large Pleistocene-Age Abalone Cove Landslide (Figure 3). Other nearby
recently active landslides include the Klondike Canyon and Flying Triangle landslides.
Portions of the ancient Abalone Cove Landslide became unstable and began to move
approximately 120,000 years ago (Jahns and Vonder Linden, 1973; Ehlig, 1987 and 1992).
Initially, the landslide began moving as a single sheet (Ehlig, 1992). This is supported by the
stratigraphic continuity of the ancient landslide rupture surface between upslope and downslope
areas, as well as laterally across the landslide complex. Borings drilled throughout the landslide
complex have found the ancient landslide rupture surface at or near the top of the Portuguese
Tuff(Leighton, 1990, 1996, and Law/Crandall, 1991). Subsequently, the landslide has broken
into several large blocks which moved separately.
The recently active (1974-1982) Abalone Cove Landslide is the western portion of the ancient •
(Pleistocene Age) Abalone Cove mega-landslide. The ancient complex overrode the bedrock of
Portuguese and Inspiration Point before wave action eroded the cove between the two points.
Later sliding appears to have moved around the points, leaving ancient slide debris resting over
terrace deposits and bedrock on the two points. The recently active Abalone Cove Landslide
consists of slide debris from the ancient Pleistocene landslide that was remobilized. Sliding was
first noticed in 1974 at the toe, and over the next two years, progressed inland to Palos Verdes
Drive South. By 1980, the active sliding had propagated inland of Palos Verdes Drive South,
with a maximum area of about 80 acres. Reduction of groundwater within the landslide by
dewatering wells began in early 1980, and, by the end of 1981, most of the movement had
The Klondike Canyon Landslide lies just to the east of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide,
and is part of the larger, ancient landslide complex (Kerwin, 1982). The landslide was reactivated
in 1979 following Vseveral heavy rainfall seasons. Frictional drag along the edge of the
Portuguese Bend Landslide may have contributed to reactivation. Kerwin (1982) considers the
landslide to be an eastward extension of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide. The 50-acre
landslide does not appear to be moving at the present time.
The active Portuguese Bend Landslide is the largest of the recent slides in the ancient
Pleistocene-age Abalone Cove Landslide area (Figure 3). The active landslide has an area of
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approximately 260 acres. It is a reactivated portion of the ancient landslide complex. which has
been continually moving since August 1956. The initial failure in 1956 was due to the loading
on the head of the active landslide with fill materials. The continued movement of the landslide
is attributed to the high groundwater table, the continual shoreline erosion. and the low shear
strength of the bentonite.
The Portuguese Bend Landslide is located between Klondike Canyon on the east, and Portuguese
Point on the west. It is separated from the recently active Abalone Cove Landslide by a diffuse
ill-defined contact near Portuguese Point. Neither Portuguese Point nor Inspiration Point have
been affected by the sliding. The rupture surface of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide is
underlain by bedrock east of Portuguese Canyon, and inactive landslide debris west of
Portuguese Canyon.. Since its reactivation, several efforts have been made to stabilize the
landslide, including grading, dewatering, and construction of gabions to protect the toe. These
efforts are complicated by multiple factors contributing to the continued movement. The most
significant factor causing continuing movement is the presence of groundwater within the
landslide. The water causes a reduction in the strength of the bentonite clays, due to adsorption
of the water by smectites within the clay. Ground water also reduces the effective stresses along
the rupture surface, and increases the weight of the landslide material. In addition to high ground
water, the slightly undulatory, seaward-dipping rupture surface reduces the stability of the
landslide mass. The toe of the landslide is continually eroded by the ocean, removing resisting
forces at the landslide toe and allowing continued downslope movement.
The Role of the Portuguese Tuff
The Miocene-Age, Portuguese Tuff is a distinctive marker unit throughout the project area. The
Portuguese Tuff consists of a thick bentonitic tuff bed approximately 55 feet thick. The tuff
grades upward from a coarse ash, often with pumice fragments, at the base to a fine, reworked
ash at the top of the unit. After deposition, most of the tuff has devitrified and weathered to a
nearly pure bentonite. The upper portion of the unit is a distinctively waxy bentonite. The
bentonitic composition and thickness of the Portuguese Tuff make it a nearly perfect aquiclude.
Groundwater migrates downward until reaching the tuff, which prevents continued downward
migration. Borings drilled within the landslide often find local groundwater perched on top of
the bentonite. Borings drilled at the toe of the adjacent Klondike Canyon Landslide encountered
groundwater under artesian pressures beneath the Portuguese Tuff. Following dewatering, the
Klondike Canyon Landslide stabilized.
Extensive drilling within the active Portuguese Bend Landslide and the ancient Abalone Cove
Landslide area demonstrate that the ancient landslide rupture surface is near the top of the
Portuguese Tuff. Recent mapping by Dr. Ehlig indicates that a bentonite layer approximately 30
feet above the top of the Portuguese Tuff may be the active rupture surface.
Faulting. and Seismicity410.
Southern California, which includes the Palos Verdes Peninsula and the project site, is in a
seismically active area due to its proximity to the San Andreas Fault zone. This fault zone forms
the boundary between the North American and Pacific plates. Movement alone this boundary
occurs along a broad zone of faults throughout Southern California (Figure 5). Major active
faults include the Newport-Inglewood, Whittier-Elsinore, San Fernando, and the San Andreas
Faults. Other major active faults in the area include the Palos Verdes, Malibu Coast. Santa
Monica, Elysian Park. and Verdugo Faults. Major potentially active faults include the Cabrillo,
Redondo Canyon,Hollywood, and San Pedro Faults.
To evaluate the seismicity of the project area, a deterministic seismic analysis was performed
using EQSEARCH and EQFAULT. EQSEARCH tabulates the location and magnitude of all
historical earthquakes near the site since 1880. The program also calculates the peak ground
acceleration (PGA) at the site from each of the old earthquakes using a selected attenuation
equation. EQSEARCH was also used to generate Figure 6, which shows the location of
historical earthquakes and their magnitude. The computer calculated the distance from the site to
active faults within a•radius of 62 miles. The program then used the published maximum
credible (MCE) and maximum probable (MPE) earthquakes for each fault to determine the peak
ground acceleration at the site, assuming that the MCE and MPE were to occur at the closest
approach of the fault to the site. Both computer programs were written by Thomas Blake. As
shown in Table 1, the maximum site acceleration felt at the study area is estimated to have
occurred as a result of the December 8, 1812 earthquake that had an epicenter offshore of Orange
County. This earthquake, with an estimated magnitude of 6.9, destroyed the mission at San Juan
Capistrano. The site acceleration at Portuguese Bend is estimated to have been 0.138 g. As
shown on Table 2, the maximum accelerations expected from the maximum credible or
maximum probable earthquakes is 0.535 g and 0.419 g, respectively. In both cases the causative
fault is the Palos Verdes Fault,with the epicenter approximately 3 miles from the site.
Groundwater Conditions
Groundwater plays a critical role in the continuing movement of the Portuguese Bend Landslide
as well as other landslides within the region. Nearly all of the adjacent landslides have been
active during periods of high ground water in the late 1970's and early 1980's. As ground water
levels were lowered following a program of withdrawals, both the Klondike Canyon and
Abalone Cove Landslides stabilized and ceased moving (Ehlig, 1992).
Most of the Palos Verdes Peninsula consists of dense, impermeable bedrock that does not store
groundwater; hence, there is little data on regional groundwater levels for the south side of the
peninsula. Site specific groundwater data is available, however, for the study area(Appendix D).
The Groundwater Contour Map (Figure 7) shows present day groundwater levels in the
IP Portuguese Bend Landslide. In general. the groundwater table parallels the ground surface and
groundwater flows south and southwestward, toward the ocean. Figure 7 also shows the wells
and well designations that form the basis of the groundwater contour map. The water table
slopes seaward, and varies from an elevation of about 375 feet MSL at the north edge of the
landslide to sea level at the shoreline. Comparison of the Groundwater Contour Map (Figure 7)
and the Structure Contour Map (Figure 17) show that the groundwater levels are generally
substantially higher than the rupture surface. In most cases, the elevation difference between the
rupture surface and the groundwater elevation is greatest where the rupture surface is deepest. In
the east-central portion of the active landslide, for example, a depression in the underlying
bedrock surface is located just north of Palos Verdes Drive South. In this area, the rupture
surface is located approximately 90 feet below the ground water surface. South of Palos Verdes
Drive South, the water table drops to sea level. There do not appear to be artesian pressures
beneath the landslide rupture surface, except near the shoreline along the eastern edge of the
Portuguese Bend Landslide (Ehlig, 1992).
High levels of groundwater within the landslide result from the relatively high permeability of
the broken and fractured landslide mass. Cracks, fissures, and abundant coarse debris allow for
easy filtration of surface water. Rainfall, runoff along canyon bottoms, and residential runoff are
sources of inflow to the water table (Ehlig and Bean. 1982). Groundwater levels are higher today
than they have been in the past. According to Ehlig (Ehlig and Yen, 1997), current ground water
levels in the northern and western portions of the landslide are generally at the levels observed in
the few observation stations available in 1956. Water levels in the eastern portion of the
landslide, however, are much higher today than in 1956.
Following activation of the landslide in 1956, the ground surface was quickly riven by fissures
and cracks. According to Ehlig (Ehlig and Yen, 1997), by 1968 the groundwater table had risen
to near its present level. Heavy rainfall during 1977 through 1983 resulted in a significant rise in
the groundwater table. As a consequence of this rise in the groundwater table, the landslide
accelerated to its highest recorded rate of movement(Figure 21).
Groundwater withdrawal in the study area is very difficult due to low permeability of the clay
and silt that make up the landslide mass, and dewatering wells have been only moderately
successful. Production from all 14 dewatering wells in the Portuguese Bend Landslide averages
20,000 gallons per day. In comparison, the 18 dewatering wells in the adjacent Abalone Cove
Landslide Abatement District average a total of 220,000 gallons per day. Increased production at
Abalone Cove is proportional to increased rainfall in most cases, with the exception of two wells
located within the west-central subslide. Production rates from these wells vary with no relation
to precipitation (Ehlig, 1992). Figures 21 through 23 compare monthly and annual rainfall totals
with groundwater levels for four monitoring wells in the Portuguese Bend Landslide.
The difference in production volumes is the result of a higher quantity of bentonite in the
• landslide debris below the water table at Portuguese Bend. The fine grained clays retain more of
the groundwater than fine sands and silts. Permeability rates calculated by EhligEhlig and Yen.
1997) are 7 x 10 -5 cm/sec ba Ehlig (Ehlig
as d on production rates from the dewatering wells. Ehlig notes that
laboratory testing generally results in hydraulic conductivities one to two magnitudes lower than
the yields based on well production. The lower production of the dewatering system indicates
that dewatering wells have a limited effect that will decrease as the groundwater levels become
lower. Therefore, as the groundwater levels decline below some, as yet undefined. level, the
additional withdrawal effort will have a progressively decreasing result in lowering the water