EIR: Section 07 Effects Found Not To Be Significant . SECTION 7 -EFFECTS FOUND NOT TO BE SIGNIFICANT
Scoping for significant environmental issues relative to this project was initiated with the publishing
of the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS in the federal register(see Appendix K). The NOI
described the Corps' intent to study potential environmental effects associated with alternative
methods of reducing erosion, sedimentation and turbidity along the shore of Portuguese Bend. This
public scoping process was initiated to request input from responsible government agencies and the
general public to define the range of environmental concerns to be addressed in this EIS/EIR. As a
result of public input and consultation/coordination with affected state, local and federal agencies,
it was determined that a number of potential environmental impact issues would not need to be
addressed as part of this EIS/EIR. Some topics were ruled out because none of the potential action
alternatives would have environmental effects related to those topics. Other topics were eliminated
from further review because it was clear that the alternatives under consideration would result in
minor, insignificant environmental effects. Topics or effects found not significant during the EIS/EIR
scoping process are listed below.
Mineral Resources
Public Services
Utilities/Service Systems
Agricultural Resources
• 7-1