EIR: Section 06 Environmental Commitments and Mitigation Measures • SECTION 6 -ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES
The proposed action is intended as an environmental restoration effort. As such, the intent is to result
in a net benefit to environmental resources. Impacts to the existing poor quality marine biological
community are expected to be more then offset by the restoration of high quality marine biological
habitat and no mitigation is necessary.
Construction and future maintenance of the dike is expected to result an increased amount of fugitive
dust. The work site would be watered, at least, twice daily to minimize construction- and
maintenance-generated dust emissions.
If rock for the dike is to be acquired from a mainland source, the sheer amount of daily truck trips
necessary is expected to result in significant daily emissions of NOx in the South Coast Air Basin.
This impact will be reduced by extending the construction period by six months to reduce the daily
number of trucks delivering rock to the site.
During the PED phase a detailed underwater archeological survey will be conducted in the project
area to determine if any significant resources are present and whether identified sites are eligible for
listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Also a more quantitative evaluation of the
movement and exchange of water behind the dike is proposed during the PED phase to verify the
assessment that the quality of water behind the dike is not significantly affected.
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