EIR: Section 04 Affected Environment SECTION 4-AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT
4.1 Introduction
This section of the Draft EIS (Section 4, Affected Environment) provides a description of baseline
(existing) conditions in the study area. Information on existing conditions is presented for relevant
environmental issues. For the purposes of this document, and pursuant to regulations for
implementing NEPA, the baseline used for the EIS reflects the actual conditions at the time of
preparation of this document.
4.2 Physical Environment
The source of the majority of the information provided in this section on the Physical Environment
is USACOE(1992),Dailey et al. (1993), Hickey(1993), City of Rancho Palos Verdes (1991), City
of Rancho Palos Verdes (1995), and NRC (1990)unless cited otherwise.
4.2.1 Geology and Marine Sediment
The Palos Verdes Peninsula land mass may be described as a northwest-tending dome located at the
southwestern edge of the Los Angeles Basin. A detailed discussion of the geology and geologic
features of the Study Area appears in the Geotechnical Appendix(Volumne II).
A series of wave cut beaches eroded on the hills as a result of sea level changes gives the Palos
Verdes Peninsula its distinctive profile. The most pronounced geological phenomenon of the Study
Area is the periodic, recurrent landslide activities which have been ongoing over the past 120,000
years. The recent major slide began in 1956 and the shoreline in Portuguese Bend was acreated and
extended by the earth movement into the surf zone (Merriam 1960).
The coastal portions of the Palos Verdes Hills have undergone periodic, recurrent landside activity
over the last 600,000 years. A majority of the landslides have occured in the past 120,000 years and
have been in a 2 mit area of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The most recent landslides in the study
area have been the Abalone Cove landslide (reactivated in 1974 and considered stopped by 1980),
the Klondike Canyon Landslide (movement occured in 1979 but appears to not be among at the
present), and the Portuguese Bend Landslide(activated in 1956 and currently active and estimated
to be moving at 7.6 ft./year). (A detailed discussion of the landslide geology and geomorphology of
the Palos Verdes Peninsula appears in the Geothechnical Appendix(see Volumne II) and Chapter 2
and 3 of the Main Report.)
A new slide in the study area(about 1 mile downcoast of Portuguese Bend in the vicinity of Bunker
Point) ruptured in June 1999 at the Ocean Trails Golf Club on the 18th fairway of a not-yet-
completed golf course. The triangular land mass had surface dimensions of about 25 acres. The head
of the slide ruptured about 600 feet inland, causing portions of the 150 foot high shoreline bluff to
cascade down slope to the Pacific shoreline. The slide impacted about 2000 feet of shoreline and
• 4-1
extended to about 200 feet in the nearshore area in depths of-10 ft. to -15 ft. MLLW. The •
developer of the Ocean Trails Golf Course has plans to stabilize this slide and prevent bluff erosion i
and associated turbidity.
As previously mentioned in Section 2.1, the nearshore marine environment of the Portuguese Bend
area was known for its hard rock reef prior to becoming covered by sediment from the Portuguese
Bend landslide. Currently the hard rock reef is consistently covered by landslide sediment. Details
of the sediment budget and the contribution of material from the Portuguese Bend Landslide (as a
source of sediment) is presented in hte Coastal Engineering Appendix, sectioon 5.3. As a brief
summary, material from the Portuguese Bend Landslide is estimated to contribute 146,00 yd3/yr. of
sediment into the study area. The contribution of sediment from other sources (streams and coastal
bluff erosion) is minor by comparison (22,000 yd3/yr). Although wave energy moves material
through the study area, the estimated sediment transport potential (i.e., the rate at which sediment
is removed by longshore transport) indicates only about 107,000 yd3/yr could be removed (see
Coastal Engineer Appendix, section 5.4). As such, significant amounts of sediment remain in the
study area and smothers nearshore hard rock substrate.
The sediment in the Portuguese Bend area consists of sand, silt, and clay sized material. A detailed
marine sediment analysis was performed in the Portuguese Bend area to determine sediment grain
size, sediment thickness, sediment compactness, and sediment contamination(Sadd and Davis 1997;
pgs. 11-15, provided as Appendix B of this report). Briefly, there is a fairly wide range of silt and
clay fraction content in the study area. Sediments with the lowest silt and clay fractions occur along
the coast and in the shallow and intermediate depths of Portuguese Bend near the southeast part of
the area. There is a general trend of increasing silt and clay in the offshore direction from east to
west, with sediment in the central part of the Bend characterized by a high percentage of silt and clay
(50%for most samples) (see Figures 7 and 8 of Sadd and Davis 1997).
The thickness of sediment covering underlaying hard rock in the nearshore Portuguese Bend area is
shown in Fig. 5.1 of this report and in Fig. 5 of Sadd and Davis (1997). (See Appendix B of the
DEIS/EIR and Figs. 13-18 of the Geothecnical Appendix ). In general, sediment in the nearshore
(less than -25' MLLW) area is less than 5 feet thick. Sediment further offshore (greater than -30'
MLLW)is 10 ft. and thicker. (Note that the results of Sadd and Davis 1997 are in general agreement
with those of Dill and Norall 1995). Sadd and Davis found no evidence of compaction or
cementation of sediment covering the underlaying hard rock reef(Sadd and Davis 1997:9).
The chemical quality of the marine sediment of Portuguese bend is discussed in Section 4.6.2.
4.2.2 Marine Currents and Tides
The primary surface current in the Southern California Bight is the California Current. The direction
of flow is primarily in a southeastern direction. The net flow beneath the California Current is
northward and is called the California Undercurrent. Therefore, in the Study Area surface flows are
in a southeast direction, and subsurface flows are in a northwestern direction(Fig. 4.1).
`14°C -
Santa Barbara
....... . .
.... ::: .. ... ::::::::::::::::
; ' ::. : ......... Los
.. ... ::.::: ` � a os Verde
.......:::::::.::.: : .......... . enns
a.. . :: ::: : :
..:: ::::::::::: :.
15°C -S%,,
' U.S.
16° C
:::... ..
` . Prevailin Winds 490ilsomo4 --% g,•,:,-- '1\4- -
r � ::Surface Water Flow . ! ns
0 Mid-depth Water Flow -:'`°` i;,'-' -
(Below 200 m) \ \
Freshwater Inflow
— Average Water Temperature fs::. .......
at 10 m
Fig. 4.1 Surface and Subsurface Ocean Currents in the Southern
California Bight. (from Zedler et al. 1992).
On the Pacific Coast typically have mixed tides that are the heights of high and low tides are unequal.
Mean tidal data(relative to Mean Lower Low Water)for the Study Area(as reported at Los Angeles410
Harbor) is as follows:
Mean Higher Water(M}IHW) - 5.5'
Mean High Water (MHW) - 4.8'
Mean Sea Level (MSL) - 2.9'
Mean Low Water(MLW) - 1.0'
Mean Lower Low Water - 0.0'
The physical processes of the coastal environment are discussed in detail in the Coastal Engineering
Appendix. For details on tides, currents, and waves in the study area, see section 4.0 of the Coastal
Engineering Appendix. A discussion of longshore currents, longshore transport of sediment, and
discussion of littorial processes appears in section 5.0 of the Coastal Engineering Appendix.
4.2.3 Air Quality and Climate
The Study Area is located in the southwestern coastal area of the South Coast Air Basin(SCAB).
The SCAB consists of the non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino
counties and all of Orange County. The SCAB covers an area of approximately 6,600 square miles
l 1 . a ] t vv-est 1.. the Pacific O the Ertl. and east 1. the San brie Q.a„
and is uuuilucu on the well by tllc 1 al+luV Ocean-, hi!1 the north allu va.JL by 1114 Uai1 Gabriel, gall
Bernardino, and San Jacinto Mountains; and on the south by the San Diego County line (see Fig. 4.2).
The potential for adverse air pollution conditions in the SCAB is high, particularly during the period •
from June through September. Poor ventilation caused by generally light winds and shallow vertical
mixing is frequently insufficient to disperse the large quantities of emissions generated in the basin.
In addition, the plentiful sunshine of the area provides the requisite energy to convert oxides of
nitrnaan (Nn ) anrd raactiva nraanic rmmpcnn da (RtlC) which cnncict nfhvrdrncarhnnc and related
compounds, into ozone. The general climatic and meteorological conditions, baseline air quality, and
information describing current emissions in the SCAB are described in the sections below.
Winds. A subtropical high-pressure system stationed offshore of the southern California Bight
produces a net weak southerly and onshore flow. In general, offshore wind speeds can be classified
as moderate and are on the order of 10 km/hr. Near the coast, wind speeds average about 5 km/hr.
Strong winds are common with the passage of winter storm systems, however. On occasion, a high
pressure area develops over the Great Basin, reversing the surface pressure gradient and generating
strong, dry, gUJLy Winds throughout Southern'‘.:.7
VUtye1n1.i1_l.11a. Ti hese,
so called, J._ , Luria winds are most
common in late summer, but can occur anytime of the year.
• • •
` ,`•
1 • 1
1 •
‘ • t
• SANTA CLARITA(2) 1----r j
• SonBomardino Co.
Los Angors Co. I
/�� •
—"� PASADENA • A: •USA r
• OS ANGELES • PICO RIVERA / r �_- —' -8
) • ANAHEIM \\
`-- • HEMET
I Rlvorsido Co.
ire\ F--
r' �f !__ -
,-- South Coast Alt Basin
N • Air Monitoring Station
scALE Source: California Air Qua11tY12Ua ummat 9QJ as_aatm_an>i
to—s o —io Particulato Pollutants.California Air Resources Board
MILES Technical Support Division
Fig. 4.2 Boundaries of the South Coast Air Basins and Locations of
Monitoring Stations. -
Climate and Meteorology. The climate of the Study Area is typical of Southern California, and is
generally classified as Mediterranean (i.e., short wet winters and long dry winters). Temperature is
generally mild, and frost is rare. Monthly mean air temperatures range from 54 degrees Fahrenheit
(F) in winter to 70 degrees F during the summer. Extremes in winter can fall below freezing and
above 100 degrees F during summer. Fog and low clouds are common throughout the year for
coastal southern California, and the Study Area is no exception. The major influence on the regional
climate is the Eastern Pacific High, a strong persistent anticyclone(i.e., counterclockwise circulation),
and the moderating effects of the cool Pacific Ocean.
Large-scale circulation associated with the Eastern Pacific High produces an elevated temperature
inversion along the West Coast. The base of this subsidence inversion is generally from 1,000 to
3,000 feet above mean sea level during the summer. Vertical mixing is often limited to the base of
the inversion, and air pollutants are trapped in the lower atmosphere. The mountain ranges that rim
the Los Angeles Basin constrain the horizontal movement of air and also inhibit the dispersion of air
pollutants out of the region. These two factors are largely responsible for producing the high
pollutant conditions experienced in the SCAB, and consequently in the Study Area. During the
summer, these two factors together with the long hours of sunlight result in the formation of high
concentrations of ozone. During the winter, the same two factors produce stagnant air that allows
high concentration pockets of carbon monoxide to form.
The proximity of the Eastern Pacific High and a thermal low pressure system in the interior desert
region to the east produces a general westerly, onshore air flow in the region for most of the year.
The high frequency of southwest to northwest sea breezes usually occurs during the daytime for most
of the year and transports air pollutants away from the coast toward the interior regions in the
afternoon hours. Easterly winds are attributed to night time and winter time land breezes.
High pollutant impacts can occur during these conditions when land breezes transport emissions
offshore, then return them with the onset of the sea breeze to recombine with local emissions. This
"sloshing" effect is known to produce high ozone concentrations in the SCAB during the warmer
months of the year.
During the fall and winter months,the Eastern Pacific High can combine with high pressure over the
continent to produce light winds and extended inversion conditions in the region. These stagnant
atmospheric conditions often result in adverse pollutant concentrations in the SCAB. Excessive
build-up of high pressure in the Great Basin region can produce a Santa Ana-type condition,
characterized by warm, dry, northeast winds in the SCAB and offshore regions. Santa Ana winds
often ventilate the basin and prevent the build-up of air pollutants.
Baseline Air Quality. Air quality at a given location is described by the concentration of various
pollutants in the atmosphere. Units of concentration are generally expressed in parts per million
(ppm) or micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). The significance of a pollutant concentration is
determined by comparing the concentration to an appropriate Federal and/or State ambient air quality
standard. The standards represent the allowable atmospheric concentrations at which the public
health and welfare are protected and include a reasonable margin of safety to protect the more
• sensitive individuals in the population. Federal standards, established by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), are termed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The
NAAQS are defined as the maximum acceptable concentrations that may not be exceeded more than
once per year, except annual standards, which may never be exceeded. The State standards,
established by the California Air Resources Board (ARB), are termed the California Ambient Air
Quality Standards (CAAQS). The CAAQS are defined as the maximum acceptable pollutant
concentrations that are never to be equaled or exceeded. The NAAQS and CAAQS are presented in
Table 1. The pollutants of most concern considered in this analysis include ozone (03), carbon
monoxide(CO), nitrogen dioxide(NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter smaller than 10
microns in diameter(PM10). Ozone is formed from the ROC portion of volatile organic compounds
(VOC) and oxides of nitrogen(NO).
The EPA designates all areas of the United States as having air quality better than (attainment) or
worse than (non-attainment) the NAAQS. A non-attainment designation means that a primary
NAAQS has been exceeded more than three discontinuous times in three years in a given area.
Pollutants in an area are often designated as "unclassified" when there is a lack of data for the EPA
to form a basis of attainment status.
At the present time, the SCAB is in "extreme"non-attainment for the NAAQS for 03, "serious" non-
attainment for the NAAQS for CO and PM10, non-attainment for the NAAQS for NQ , and in
attainment of the NAAQS for SO2. The Air Resources Board (ARB) also designates areas of the
• state as either in attainment or non-attainment of the CAAQS. An area is in non-attainment if the
CAAQS has been exceeded more than once in three years. At the present time, the SCAB is in
"severe" non-attainment for the CAAQS for 03, NO2, and CO, non-attainment for the CAAQS for
PM10i and in attainment of the CAAQS for SO2(SCAQMD 1994).
Maximum pollutant concentrations measured at various monitoring stations maintained by the South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) within the SCAB from 1991 through 1993 are
provided in Table 2 and characterize the background air quality of the Study Area (ARB 1992 and
1993; SCAQMD 1994).
The North Long Beach location is the closest air quality monitoring station to the Study Area, located
approximately 8 miles to the east. Generally, concentrations of photochemical smog, or 03, are
highest during the summer months and coincide with periods of maximum solar insolation. Inert
pollutant concentrations (those pollutants other than 03) tend to be the greatest during the winter
months when extended periods of reduced wind conditions and surface-based temperature inversions
occur. A summary of the maximum pollutant levels monitored in the Study Area is shown in Table
Table 1. California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) and National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) for criteria and other atmospheric pollutants.
III I California Standards<o I National Standards ro) II
Pollutant Averaging Time Concentration 0 Method(° Primary") Secondary(`•") Method
Ozone 1-hour 0.09 ppm Ultraviolet 0.12 ppm Same as Primary Ethylene
(180µg/m') Photometry (235µp/m') Standard Chemiluminescence
9.0 ppm 9 PPm
Carbon 8-hour (10 mg/m') Non-dispersive (10 mg/m') Same � Non-dispersiInfrareve
Monoxide 20 ppm Id( PuPY 35StandardsSpectroscopy
1-hour ppm(40 mg/m')
(23 mem')
Annual Average — 0.053 ppm
Nitrogen Gas Phase (100µgm) Same as Primary Gas Phase
Dioxide I Chemiluminescence StandardsChemiluminescence I
II I 1-hour I 0.25 ppm — ii II
II I (470µ giro') I
0.03 ppm
1 I Annual Average — —
I 1
24-hour 0.04 ppm 0.14 ppm
Sulfur (105µg/m') Ultraviolet (3.65µg/m')
Dioxide Fluorescence Pazazosoan line
3-hour — — 1300µg(m)
1-hour 0.25 ppm — —
Geometric Mean 30 pp/r' — —
Suspended Size Selective
Particulate Inlet Hi v r. _ Inertial Separation
24 hour I 50µghr'•' Sampler and " I 150µg/m' I I and
Matter �P Gravimetric Analysis
(PM-10) Gravimetric Analysis Same as Primary
Arithmetic Mean — 50 fig./m3 Standards
Sulfates 24-hour 25µEimr Turbidimetric Barium — — f — •
II I I I I t f II
30-day Average 1.5µe/m' — —
Lead Atomic Atomic
Absorption Same as
Calender Quarter — _5µg/m'
Primary Absorption
II I— I I Standard II
Hydrogen 0.03 ppm Cadmium Hydroxide l —
Sulfide 1-hour I (42µg/m') I STRactan I I I II
Vinyl Chloride 0.010 ppm Tedlar Bag
(chloroethene) 24-hour (26µg/m') Collection,Gas — I — —
In a sufficient amount to produce an extinction
Visibility 8-hour
Reducing (10 am to 6 p.m, coefficient of 0.23 per kilometer due to particles — — —
when thO relative humidity is less than 70 percent.
Particles ro) Pacific Standard Time)
II I 1 Measurement in accordance with ARB Method V. I I II
(a) California standards for ozone,carbon monoxide,sulfur dioxide(1-hour and 24-hour),nitrogen dioxide,suspended particulate matter(PM-10),and visibility reducing
particles are values that are not to be exceeded The standards for sulfates,lead,hydrogen sulfide,and vinyl chloride arc not to be equaled or exceeded
(b) National standards,other than ozone and those based on annual averages or annual arithmetic means;are not to be exceeded more than once a year. The ozone standard
is attained when the expected number of days per calender year is equal to or less than one.
O Concentration expressed first in units in which it was promulgatrrl Equivalent units given in parenthesis are hand upon a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference
pressure of 760 mmHg All measurements of air quality are assumed to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 mrnHg(1,013.2
millibar):ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume,or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas.
(d) Any equivalent procedure which can be shown to the satisfaction of the Air Resources Board to give equivalent results at or near the level of the air quality standard may
be used
(e) National Primary Standards: The levels of air quality nececcary,with an adegr iatr margin of safety to protect the public health.Each state must attain the primary standards
no later than three years after that state's implementation plan is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
(f) National Secondary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary to protect public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effect of a pollutant. Each state must
attain the secondary standards within a'reasonable time"after the implementation plan is approved by the EPA
(g) Reference method as described by the EPA An"equivalent method"of measurement may be used but must have a"consistent relationship to the reference method"and
must be approved by the EPA
(h) This standard is intended to limit the frequency and severity of visibility impairment due to regional haze and is equivalent to a 10-mile nominal visual range when relative
humidity is less than 70 percent0
0 • •
Table 2 .
Station (units) 1991 1 1992 I 1993 1991 1992 1993 1 I [NATE STANDARD EXCCEDED"
OZONE I1 1992 1993
North Long Beach I I-hour r 0.11 ' I 0.130 6
I j I I
(PPm) I 1 0.14 I I 19 15
North Long Beach Annual 0.041 0.039 0.036 0 0 0 NA NA
North Long Beach ITiour 0.028 0.18 0.20 NA NA NA 2
(PPm) 0 0
North Long Beach Annual 0.004 0.004 0.004 0 0 0 NA NA NA
North Long Beach 24-hour 0.018 0.026 0.014 0 0 0 0 0
(ppm) 0
North Long Beach I-hour 0.14 0.11 0.05 NA NA NA 0 0
(Ppm) 0
- North Long Beach 0
s-hour 9.3 8.1 6.9' 0 -- - 0 r I 0u
(PPm) 0
North Long Beach I-hour 14.0 10.0 9.0' 0 0 0 0 0 0
North Long Beach Annual 36.4•. 36.6 33.8 NA NA NA - 1 I .- " " i
North Long Beach Annual 39.8• 38.6• 37.4 1 0 0 NA NA NA
North Long Beach 24-hour 92 67 86 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.6% 19.3% 19.7%
Notes: NA = Not applicable.
• = Data presented are valid, but incomplete in that an insufficient number of valid data points were collected to meet the EPA and/or the ARB criteria for
•• = Annual averaging periods are reported as either being exceeded or not being exceeded. PM10 24-hour standard exceedance,measured as percentage of time
samples exceeded standard. Percentage is used because Philo sampling is not performed on a daily basis.
Sources: ARB 1992, 1993;SCAQMD 1994.
South Coast Air Basin Emissions. The total air emissions that occurred in the SCAB during 1993 lir
are displayed in Table 3. The SCAB emissions inventory is periodically updated to forecast future
emissions inventories,to analyze individual control measures, and for input data to regional air quality
modeling. The inventory emissions are reported to the ARB; they compile the information from all
air districts pursuant to Section 39607(b) of the California Health and Safety Code. The 1993
inventory represents the most current emissions data available for the SCAB (SCAQMD 1997).
Table 3 shows that the largest contributors to air pollutants in the SCAB are mobile sources. On-
road motor vehicles account for 55 percent of the VOC, 66 percent of the NON, and 81 percent of
the CO emitted in the SCAB.
Table 3. 1993 Base year Average Annual Day Emission Inventory for the South Coast
Air Basin (Tons/Day)
Stationary Sources
Fuel combustion 11 136 8 10 65
Waste burning 1 3 2 2 17
Solvent use 331 0 0 1 0
Petrol. Process,
storage, and transfer 58 8 11 2 5
Industrial Process 17 6 2 20 1 •
Miscellaneous 32 1 0 344 11
Total Stationary 450 154 23 379 99
Mobile Sources
On-road vehicles 676 794 25 27 5,682
Off-road vehicles 114 246 31 15 1,264
Total Mobile Sources 790 1,040 56 42 6,946
TOTAL 1,240 1,194 79 421 7,045
SourrP: SCAQMD 1997. All values reported as rounded in the 1997
Air Quality Management Plan.
4.2.4 Water Resources & Water Quality
Surface water. Surface water in the western portion of the Study Area occurs primarily as
streamflow. The flows in drainages occur as ephemeral or intermittent streams that flow only during
the wet seasons. These intermittent streams lie within 50 to 75 feet of deep drainage canyons and
are fed by rainwater runoff(City of RPV 1984).
In the eastern portion of the Study Area, drainage has been so extensively disrupted by the
contemporary landslide that there is little drainage to the ocean. As such, most surface flow becomes
trapped in small depressions and temporary ponds (City of RPV 1984).
No data is available on the quality of water in drainages in the Study Area. However, because of the
disturbed nature of vegetative cover and the existing urbanization, it is expected that relatively high
levels of silt and moderate levels of urban runoff contaminants (i.e., oils and grease, chlorinated
hydrocarbons, heavy metals) exist in surface waters (SCCWRP 1987).
Ground water. In general, the water table in the Study Area was not monitored prior to the
activation of the landslide in 1956. Although the early ground water levels are not known, indirect
evidence suggests that the water table elevation in the Portuguese Bend and Abalone Cove areas has
risen significantly since 1948 (USACOE 1992: Appendix E).
Ocean water quality. Water column temperatures in the ocean vary with depth and time of year.
• The upper portion of the water column is strongly thermally stratified from about May to October,
reaching an average maximum surface temperature of about 19 degrees Celsius (C) from July to
September. During this period, the temperature changes by approximately 5 degrees C over the
upper 20 meters of the water column. The minimum water temperature (approximately 14 degrees
C) occurs in late winter.
The recurring oceanographic phenomenon known as El Nino occurs periodically in the South Pacific
and occasionally effects Southern California waters by increasing marine water temperature,
especially during fall and winter, by several degrees.
The quality of the marine water in the Southern California Bight is monitored by various agencies for
a variety of reasons (NRC 1990); however, the quality of water in the Study Area has not been
specifically monitored and the area is not known to have any site-specific water quality problems
other than the obvious turbidity problems in Portuguese Bend. (Marine sediment chemical
contamination is discussed below in Section 5.6).
Incidental to the marine biological surveys conducted for this Study (reported in Section 4.2.2),
dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and salinity were recorded (Pondella 1999, per com.). The
readings for surface and bottom ocean waters were as shown below.
Table 4a. Surface Water Quality Measurements. il
Dissolved Temp. Salinity
SITE 02 (mill) pH (°C) (parts/thousand)
Portuguese Bend' 9.7, 8.9 7.9, 8.0 19, 17 35.1, 34.9
Abalone Cove' 9.3, 8.9 7.9, 8.0 19.7, 17.3 34.5, 34.9
Lunada Bay2 8.9 8.0 17.3 34.9
I_Palos Verdes Pt.3 1 10.1 1 8.0 1 19.0 1 34.5 I�
Ir ' The first reading.was taken on Aug `95,the second was taken in Dec. '95:
(I 2 Only one reading taken in Dec '95: �)
I[ 'Only one reading taken in Aug. '95;
[ Source: Pondelia j(1999 per.c4m.)
Table 4b. Subsurface Water Quality Measurements
' Dissolved ' ' Temp. ' Salinity II
SITE 02 (ml/l) pH (°C) (parts/thousand)
Portuguese Bend'
1 0, 8.6 7.9, 7.9 ( 16, 17.1 I
34.6, 34.9
eV1nnecove' 93, s3.6 8.0. 7.9 12.✓, 17 1 3A Q' 249 '
Lu11 �aDdy2 n O.0 /.n 17.1 34.9
Palos Verdes Pt.3 11.6 7.9 15.5 ( 34.1 I
'The first reading:was taken on Aug.195:the second was taken in Dec. '95.
2 Only one reading taken in Dec '95.' II
3 Only one readingtaken in Aug. '95
Source: Pondella(1999,per.corn.). 1I
These measurements are all consistent with those found under natural, open ocean conditions in the
Southern California Bight (Eganhouse and Venkatesan, 1993).
Turbidity. Erosion of landslide material causes an extensive turbidity plume that extends offshore
several hundred feet and downcoast southeast of Portuguese Bend for more than 2 miles (see
Fig.2.1). Stephens (1990: page C-2-9) reports that the turbidity plume affects clarity not only in
nearshore waters, but also in deeper (60m) offshore waters. (Note that data on Secchi disk and
transmissivity readings collected in the Portuguese Bend during the Reconnaissance Phase of this
Study are provided in Stephens [1990: Appendix A]. Turbidity impacts to the marine biological
community are discussed in Section 5.1.1).
• 4.3 Biological Resources
4.3.1 Coastal Zone Resources
Plant and animal surveys performed for other projects in the Study Area provide a list of plants and
animals that have been observed in the Study Area(City of RPV 1984; 1987; 1991; 1995; and 1999).
Also a detailed description of biological resources in the coastal zone also appears in the Draft
Coordination Act Report(CAR)under the section"Terrestrial Environment" (USFWS 1999:40-60).
These reports are incorporated by reference as per 40 CFR 1502.21. Coastal Vegetation
The vegetation in the undeveloped areas of the Study Area can be classified as California coastal
scrub (Pease and Brown 1982:86). Others consider this vegetation type coastal sage scrub
(Westman, 1981; Paysen et al. 1980). Characteristic shrub species of this vegetation type are
California sagebrush (Artemisia californica), white and black sage (Salvia apiana, S. mellifera),
California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), laural sumac
(Rhus laurina), and prickly pear cactus (Oppuntia littoralis). The dominant understory herbs are
typically wild oats (Avena fatua) and red brome(Bromus rubens).
Detailed information on the various vegetation communities in the study area appear in a report
prepared for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Natural Communities Conservation Plan (City of RPV
• 1999). (See section and 4.4 for a discussion of the NCCP.) The vegetaion communities of
the NCCP are mapped and described in detail. The undeveloped coastal area below Rancho Palos
Verdes Drive South consist of the following vegation communities: Southern Coastal Bluff Scrub,
Coastal sage Scrub, Grassland and Agricultural areas(see City of RPV 1999:Figure 4).
The area within the active landslide has vegetation that is highly disturbed. The constantly shifting
land surface and fissures keep the vegetative community in a seral stage. This constant disturbance
has also allowed weedy, opportunistic plants to invade the site, such as, sweet fennel (Foeniculum
vulgare), pepper tree(Schinus molle), castor bean(Riccinus cummunis), and Russian thistle (Salsola
iberica). The majority of this area is typed as"grassland" in the NCCP report. Coastal Wildlife
Natural, undisturbed Coastal sage scrub provides suitable habitat for a variety of wildlife species
adapted to both open chaparral and desert scrub. Brown(1982:II) provides a list of wildlife species
typical of Coastal sage scrub (Type 133.2 - California Coastalscrub). Bradley (1980) provides
detailed abundance and distribution data on birds of the peninsula.
The Study Area, however, has been disturbed by the recent landslide and urban development; as such,
the Study Area does not possess the wildlife diversity that would be associated with a well-developed,
natural coastal sage scrub community.
This is evidenced by surveys performed for other Projects in the Study Area(see City of RPV 1984,
1987). Many of the species observed or expected are typical of disturbed habitats in the early seral
stages (e.g., ground squirrel [Spermophilus beecheyl], cottontail [Sylviligus auduboni], racoon
[Procyon lotor], morning dove [Zenaida macoura], song sparrow [Melospiza melodia], raven
[Corvus corax], fence lizard [Sceloporus occidentalis], and side-blotched lizard [Uta stansburiana]).
USFWS (1999) list amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that are known or are reasonably
expected to occur within the study area. For this analysis, the wildlife species listed in the references
cited above are assumed to occur in the Study Area.
2 '1 Marine Biological Resources
The type of substrate has a strong influence on the type of marine plants and animals that are found
on the coast. This is especially true of hard rock substrate as compared to sandy, particulate
substrates where entire assemblages of plants and animals change with shifts in these substrates. In
general, animals and plants that are adapted to attach or cling to hard rock characterize rocky shores;
animals that burrow into the substrate dominate sandy shores. (Marine plants are generally absent
on open coast sandy shores.)
Obviously, not all substrates are alike. Different biological assemblages are associated with sandy,
gravely shores as opposed to clay or muddy shores. On rocky shores, the composition of the •
substrate also influences the type of plants and animals. Cobbles and smaller boulders that can be
,] large
L l T boulders
� L
moved by large waves tend to have few species. Large boulders and bedrock often have a rich
assemblage of plants and animals.
The Study --K-Lhl.wo basic habitat types for m—ine biological resources. (1) so L-botton habitat
which includes sandy beaches and sandy, subtidal areas, and (2) hard-bottom habitat which includes
the rocky intertidal and rocky subtidal reefs.
As previously mentioned, the purpose of this Feasibility Study is to determine feasible measures to
restore the marine environment in the Portuguese Bend Cove and adjacent areas. Sedimentation,
severe erosion of landslide debris, and excessive turbidity appears to have resulted in the smothering
and degradation of the hard rock reef habitat in the Portuguese Bend area. Non-affected upcoast
areas, such as Rocky Point, have a healthy biological community that is typically associated with hard
rock reefs of Southern California. (ThG Rocky
Point area, therefore, serves as a "reference site"
which will be used in evaluating the success of restoration efforts at Portuguese Bend.) As such, the
Corps contracted the Chambers Group and the Vantuna Research Group to perform marine biological
surveys in the Study Area and concentrate survey efforts on these two sites and Abalone Cove, which
appears to be moderately impacted by sedimentation and turbidity. (The complete report is presented
as Appendix A of this report.) The discussion in this Section is based largely on the results of those
Also, it should be noted that soft and hard bottom habitat types and their respective marine biological
. communities have been extensively studied and reported in Southern California(e.g., Bakus 1989;
Dailey et al. 1993). Soft bottom habitat studies and descriptions are reported in the literature at:
Cross and Allen(1993), Davis and VanBlaricom (1978), Fager(1968), Love et al. (1986), Morin
et al. (1985),Rickets et al. (1985), Reish 1972, Stephens (1990), Thompson et al. (1993). Species
found in Southern California hard-bottom habitat are documented at: Ambrose and Swarbrick (1989),
Cross and Reish(1993), DeMartini et al (1989), Ebeling et al. (1980), Feder et al. (1974), Foster
and Schiel(1985),Han-is(1980), Jessee et al. (1985), Larson and DeMartini (1984), Ricketts et al
(1985),Reish(1972), Stephens and Zebra (1981), Stephens et al. (1984), Thompson et al. (1993).
A discussion of the marine biological resources in the study area also appears in USFWS 1999:28-
38.) These reports provide detailed descriptions and characterizations of the species that occur in
these habitat-types; they are incorporated by reference, as per 40 CFR 1502.21.
For this analysis, it is assumed that all marine plants and animals that are typical of Southern
California hard-and soft-bottom habitats are expected to occur at suitable habitat in the Study Area.
Portuguese Bend's Historical Marine Biological Conditions. The distribution of kelp in the
nearshore areas of the Palos Verdes Peninsula has been studied by several investigations and reported
in Bascom (1980) and Bascom (1983) (especially see Wilson et al. 1980:84; North 1983:150; and
Wilson and Togstad 1983:306). These reports revel that the distribution of kelp on the Palos Verdes
Peninsula has varied significantly over the past 75+years (see Fig. 3-9 of the Main Report.) The
decline of kelp along the Peninsula has been commonly attributed to a combination of factors. The
Coordination Act Report (see Appendix D:75) identifies some of these factors: such as pollution
from the Whites Point sewage outfall, siltation and smothering of hard bottom substrate by floc from
sewage, reduced depth of light penetration of light by suspended material in the water, and increased
grazing of kelp by sea urchins.
In Portuguese Bend, kelp was historically a significant marine resource. Dr. John Stephens (who has
personally done several SCUBA dives at Portuguese Bend area in pre-landslide conditions) report
that historically a dense kelp forest existed off Portuguese Bend. Stephens and his associate Dan
Pondella attribute the loss of kelp in Portuguese Bend (as opposed to the entire Palos Verdes
Peninsula) to the burial of hard rock reef in the Bend by landslide-generated sediment and the
associated excessive turbidity in the nearshore waters from this sediment (see Stephens 1990; page
C-2-1;Pondella et al 1996:61;Pondella and Stephens 1998: page C1-1; Bond et al. 1999:232. The
loss and degradation of the historic kelp at Portuguese bend by landslide-generated sediment is also
documented at Wilson et al. 1980: 85 & 90.)
(Note that very recently the distibution of kelp on the Palos Verdes Peninsula was mapped from aerial
photos flown on April 26, 2000 (North 2000). Scattered clumps of kelp are present in Portuguese
Bend, and is one of the first times in recent years that anything other than a few isolated fronds have
been documented in the Bend. The presence of the clumps of kelp in the Bend is probably the result
of the extremenly favorable oceanic conditions(i.e., La Nina)for kelp that have existed the past year.
This is further evidence that the kelp forest was an important component of the marine biological
environemnt of Portuguese Bend.)
Even though no systematic marine biological surveys were performed in pre-slide Portuguese Bend,
it is reasonable to assume that the quality of the kelp forest and associated marine biological
community at Portuguese Bend was similar to kelp forests that are currently along the Peninsula but
are not impacted by landslide-generated sediment and turbidity. As mentioned in section 4.3.2, the
kelp bed at Rocky Pont (which is just north of Palos Verdes Point and is unaffected by landslide
sediment) was used as a "reference point" and is assumed to have values similar to those that
historically existed in Portuguese Bend. Marine Vegetation
Sandy Intertidal and Subtidal. Most macroscopic marine plants (macrophytes) grow in intertidal
and shallow subtidal habitats where the substrate is sufficiently stable to permit their attachment. The
instability of sandy, gravely and/or loose cobbles, especially along the exposed ocean coast, provides
unsuitable conditions for most marine plants. In the sediment-laden Portuguese Bend turf-like mats
of green algae formed the predominant marine vegetation; the branching coralline green algae
(Corallina sp.) and green algal mats of Enteromorpha are the common vegetation on the sandstone
and unstable substrate common in the area. The encrusting brown algae (Ralfsia pacifica) was also
common on suitable cobble substrate. (Also see Appendix A, pg. 17.)
In the sediment-laden Portuguese Bend area, giant kelp and associated understory plants were only
observed in a few areas where rock had been exposed above the sediment layer (see Appendix A:
page 15). Abalone Cove, which has a moderate amount of turbidity and sediment (relative to the
dense covering at Portuguese Bend), has a low density of giant kelp and sparse growth of understory
vegetation. (Also see recent distribution repoted in North 120001).
Rocky Intertidal: Surveys performed in rocky intertidal areas of the Study Area indicate that the
marine plants are typical of southern California rocky intertidal areas. Areas with rocky intertidal
habitat(e.g., Palos Verdes Point, Portuguese Point, and inspiration Point) have marine plants typical
of the open coast. Branching coralline algae (Corallina sp.), feather boa kelp (Egregia menziesii),
surf grass (Phyllospadix torreyi), encrusting red algae (Lithothamnion cahfornicum), and green
algae(Endocladia muricata) are all common plants of the rocky intertidal (see Appendix A; also see
Harris 1980, Reish 1972, and Murray and Bray 1993:314-332).
Rocky Subtidal. Surveys performed in the rocky subtidal areas in the Study Area(see Appendix A)
confirm that sediment-free and turbidity-free areas are dominated by the giant kelp (Macrocystis
pyrifera) and have understory plants that are typical of the giant kelp forest community as described
in Foster and Schiel(1985) and Murray and Bray(1993:332). The giant kelp forms a dense overstory
with other marine plants like feather boa kelp,bladder chain kelp (Cystoseira osmundacea), palm kelp
(Pterygophora californica), and the brown algae (Pachydictyon coriaceum) forming the understory
• Marine Invertebrate Animals
Substrates also play an important role in the type of marine animals that are present. Unstable sand
and loose cobbles provide little support for most invertebrate animals; also burial and scouring by
sand and loose cobbles makes for a hostile environment. On hard rock, invertebrates can either attach
themselves or cling to the hard substrate. Animals that can bury themselves or burrow dominate the
loose sandy intertidal or soft-bottom subtidal.
Intertidal. The sandy intertidal beach in southern California is dominated by beach hoppers
(Orchestoidea sp.), and the isopod(Excirolana chiltoni)in the upper intertidal; the middle and lower
intertidal is characterized by sand crabs (Emerita analoga and Blepharipoda occidentalis), and the
clam,Donax gouldi (Thompson et al. 1993:392).
The rocky intertidal habitat of the Pacific Coast, in general, and Southern California in particular, has
been extensively studied and documented(e.g., see Rickets et al. 1985; Reish 1972; Thompson et al.
1993:381; Harris 1980). As throughout the world, a marked vertical zonation occurs in the
distribution of rocky intertidal animals in southern California. Portions of the Study Area with rocky
intertidal habitat (e.g., Palos Verdes Point, Portuguese Point, and Inspiration Point) have marine
animals typical of the open coast. The splash and high tide zone is characterized by the barnacles
(Balanis sp.), limpets (Acmaea digitalis and Collisella sp.), the gray littorine snails (Littorina
planaxis), and the striped shore crab (Pachygrapsus crassipes).
• The characteristic animal of the mid-tide zone is the California mussel (Mytelus californianus).
Although this zone is dominated by mussels, representatives of nearly every invertebrate phylum are
found attached or crawling within the mussel beds. In the Study area hermit crabs (Pagurus sp.),
goose neck barnacles (Pollicipes polymerus), red barnacles (Tetraclita rubens), chiton(Nuttallina
californica), aggregating sea anemone (Anthopleura elegantissima), and the stripped shore crab
were common in this zone.
The most readily identified animal of the low tide zone is the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus
purpuratus), turban snails (Tegula sp.), and ochre or common starfish(Pisaster ocharceus).
Subtidal. In the sandy, soft bottoms of southern California, the epifauna (motile species adapted to
cling to surfaces) dominate shallow depths; these species are primarily suspension feeders (e.g., sea
pen,Stylatula elongata). In water deeper than 30 feet, the number of epifaunal animals declines, and
those epifauna that are found there are carnivores or scavengers(e.g., sea stars,Pisaster brevispinus,
sand star,Astropecten armatus, elbow crab,Heterocrypta occidentalis, and ophiuroids [brittle stars]).
The reverse is true of infaunal animals (animals that burrow into the sediment) in subtidal soft
bottoms, as their numbers increase with depth. In shallow waters (< 45 ft.). the infauna are
predominately amphipod crustaceans and ostracods; in deeper waters (> 45 ft) the predominate
infauna are polychaete worms which establish tubes or burrows in the relatively stable, deep soft
bottom sediment (e.g., the tube worm,Diopatra sp.).
A site specific infauna survey was conducted in the Portuguese Bend area to determine if the infauna
community of Portuguese Bend had substantially changed since it was surveyed in 1990 (see
Appendix A:58). The survey indicate that there is little change in the tube-building infaunal
community off Portuguese Bend.
Macroinvertebrate surveys of soft-bottom areas indicate that frequent deposition of eroded sediment
probably retards the establishment of some epifaunal animals that would normally be expected in
Southern California soft-bottoms like the tube worm,Diopatra, the sea pansy,Renilla, and the sea
pen, Stylatula(Appendix A:56).
As previously mentioned, the hard rock subtidal community is dominated by giant kelp, and its
biological community are best categorized as a kelp forest community. Areas not adversely affected
by heavy sedimentation and turbidity have invertebrate animals typical of those found in southern
California kelp forest (e.g., see Foster and Schiel 1985:55; Thompson et al. 1993:396).
The giant kelp forest is inhabited by a species-rich invertebrate fauna. Literally hundreds of species
have been recorded in this habitat type. The diversity of morphologies, feeding types, and behaviors
make it difficult to provide a general overview of the species present. Forster and Schiel (1985:55-
69)provides a general overview of the invertebrate animals that are common in the kelp forest, and
that publication is incorporated by reference, as per 40 CFR 1502.21.
As a brief summary,the kelp forest is typically rich in filter/suspension/detritus feeders like sponges,
anemones, corals, sea cucumbers, clams, and mussels. Grazers like sea urchins, abalone, isopods,
amphipods, and sea snails are all common. Among the predators, sea stars, crabs, spiny lobster,
octopus, and squids are all regular inhabitants of the kelp forest. In short, the species abundance and
richness of a healthy kelp forest are among the highest in nature.
As mentioned previously,the Study Area includes the sediment-laden, turbid Portuguese Bend area.
The giant kelp community in Portuguese Bend and immediately downcoast have been adversely
affected by these conditions. Turbidity decreases light penetration which reduces plant production
and reduces the food source of grazing species. The sediment load causes direct burial and
smothering of sessile invertebrates, and clogging of gills and scouring of all animal invertebrates.
As a result, surveys of the kelp communities in and near Portuguese Bend reveal a depauparate
invertebrate community. Abalone Cove, which is moderately impacted by sedimentation, has less
species diversity and abundance than the relatively unaffected Palos Verdes Point area (see Appendix
A). (Also see Wilson et al. 1980). Marine fishes
Cross and Allen(1993)provide a detailed description of the distribution, life history, and migration
of marine fishes in the Southern California Bight, including pelagic fish and fish associated with hard
and soft bottom habitats. The following discussion is based largely on that report and on the marine
biological surveys performed for this Study(see Appendix A). It should be noted that in this analysis,
• as previously stated(in Section,it is assumed that all marine fish that are typical of Southern
California hard-and soft-bottom habitats are expected to occur in suitable habitat in the Study Area.
Soft bottom fish. The dominant fish of the soft-bottom habitats in Southern California are the left-
eyed flatfish (family Bothidae) (e.g., California halibut [Paralichthys californicus] and sanddab
[Citharichthys sp.]); right-eyed flatfish (family Pleuronectidae) (e.g., turbot [Hypsopsetta guttulata
and Pleuronichthys sp.]); and toungfish(family Cynoglossidae) (e.g., California toungfish [Symphurus
atricauda]). These fish have evolved to adapt to the soft bottom. Their depressed body form with
their eyes on one side allows them to easily bury themselves in sediment to hide from predators.
Love et al. (1986)reported on the dominant marine fish of the nearshore of southern California; their
surveys include the above species, as well as, the queenfish (Seriphus politus), white croaker
(Grenyonemus lineatus), northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), and fan tailed sole (Xystreurys
Otter trawl surveys performed for this Study (see Appendix A) indicate that yellow sculpin (Icelinus
quadriseriatus), midshipman(Porichthys sp.), and California scorpionfish(Scorpaena guttata)were
also abundant in soft bottom areas of the Study Area.
Rocky intertidal fish. The rocky intertidal areas are a turbulent and hostile environment for fish.
There they have to cope with waves, surge, and fluctuations in temperature, salinity and dissolved
oxygen caused by changing tides. Only a few species are thought to be typical residents of rocky
11/ intertidal areas of Southern California: wooly sculpin (Clinocottus analis), rockpool blenny
(Hypsoblennis gilberti), and California clingfish(Gobiesox rhessodon). These fish spend all but their
larval existence in the intertidal and shallow subtidal areas.
Rocky subtidal fish. As previously mentioned for subtidal plants and invertebrates, the hard rock
subtidal community is dominated by giant kelp and its biological community is best categorized as
a kelp forest community. In areas not adversely affected by heavy sedimentation and turbidity, the
marine fish found in the Study Area are typical of those found in southern California kelp forests.
The giant kelp forest is inhabited by a diverse and abundant fish fauna. More than 120 species are
known to occur in southern California kelp beds; this represents almost 23% of the known marine
fishes of California.
Fedler et al. (1974), Foster and Schiel (1985:69) and Cross and Allen (1993:507) provide an
overview of the marine fish that are common in the kelp forest, and that publication is incorporated
by reference, as per 40 CFR 1502.21. The following is a brief summary of those reports and the
results of surveys performed for this Study(see Appendix A).
Foster and Schiel (1985) categorize kelp forest fish into two general categories: canopy/midwater
orienting fish and bottom-orienting fish. They further sub-divide the fish of these groups as browsers,
planktivores, and predators (see Table 5).
Table 5. Common kelp fish of Southern California by sub-habitat type.
Sub-habitat: Browsers Planktivores;`: Predators
Canopy-midwater Senorita Blue rockfish Giant kelpfish
Kelp surfperch Blacksmith Kelp bass
Halfmoon Black rockfish
Bottom Garibaldi Surfperch
Surfperch Rockfish
Opaleye Cabezon
From Forest and Schiel'.(19857I)
Diver surveys performed for this Study (see Appendix A:27) indicate that Selema (Xenistius
californiensis), Rock wrasse(Halichoreres semicinctus), and California sheephead (Semicossyphus
pulcher)were also abundant in the kelp forest areas of the Study Area.
As mentioned previously,the Study Area includes the sediment-laden, turbid Portuguese Bend area.
The giant kelp community and associated fishes in that area have been adversely affected by these
conditions. Turbidity decreases light penetration which reduces plant production and reduces the
food source of grazing species. Also, the sediment load causes clogging of fish gills. Fish surveys
performed in the study area reveal a depauparate fish community in Portuguese Bend when compared
to the unimpacted area of Palos Verdes Point (see Appendix A, pg. 53).
(Surveys of Abalone Cove indicate that, even though,only moderately impacted by sedimentation, it
also has less fish species diversity than the relatively unaffected Palos Verdes Point area [see
Appendix A, pg. 56].)
Pelagic fish. These open ocean marine fishes move and/or migrate through the Study area and are
not identified with either soft or hard bottom habitat. In the Southern California Bight, these species
include: mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), anchovy, Pacific bonito (Sarda chiliensis), yellowtail
(Seriola lalandi),blue shark(Prionace glauca), white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis), and swordfish
(Xiphias gladius).
Gill net and beach seine surveys performed for this Study (see Appendix A) indicate that topsmelt
(Atherinops affinis), queenfish(Seriphus politus), and grey smoothhound (Mustelus californicus)
were also abundant pelagic fish that move through the Study Area. Essential Fish Habitat
The 1996 amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and Conservation Act set forth
a number of new mandates for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), regional fishery
management councils, and other federal agencies to identify and protect important marine and
anadromous fish habitat. The Councils, with assistance from NMFS, are required to delineate
• "essential fish habitat" (EFH) for all managed species. The Act defines EFH as " . . . those waters
and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity." Federal
action agencies which fund, permit, or carry out activities that may adversely impact EFH are
required to consult with NMFS regarding the potential effects of their actions on EFH, and respond
in writing to the fishery service's recommendations.
For the Pacific region, EFH has been identified for a total of 89 species covered by three Fishery
Management Plans (FMPs) under the auspices of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (see
NMFS 1998:Table 1). Several of these"managed" species are known to occur in the study area (e.g.,
Northern anchovy, leopard shark, big skate, Dover sole, rockfish, and others. Compare Table 3.1.1
of Appendix A with NMFS 1998:Table 1). Also many other native marine fish in the study area
undoubtedly serve as prey for many of"managed" species. Also,the Rancho Palos Verdes study area
is located within an area designated as EFH for the Coastal Pelagics and Pacific Groundfish
Management Plans.
4.3.3 Threatened and Endangered Species
USFWS provided the Corps with a list of federal threatened and endangered species and a list of
numerous other"sensitive" species in a letter dated letter dated June 19, 1998. An updated list of
federally listed species was provided on May 23, 2000 (see Appendix J). The discussion below will,
concentrate only on those species listed or proposed under the Federal Endangered Species Act. (The
other"sensitive" species have no legal protection under the Endangered Species Act.)
• Table 6. Federally listed threatened, endangered, or proposed species known or
reasonably expected to occur in the Rancho Palos Verdes Study Area.
Common Name Se'en tific Name Stags
Lyon's pentachaeta Pentachaeta lyonii Endangered'
Glaucopsyche lygdamus
Palos Verdes blue butterfly palosverdesensis Endangered
El Segundo blue butterfly Euphilotes battoides allyni Endangered
Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Endangered'
California least tern Sterna antillarum browni Endangered'
Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Threatened'
Polioptila californica
California gnatcatcher californica Threatened
Perognathus longimembris
Pacific Pocket Mouse paci.frcus Endangered
'This species is also listed as Endangered by the State of California
Lyon's pentachaeta. This plant grows primarily along the coastal sage scrub/grassland edge. It was
historically known to occur on the Palos Verdes peninsula, but has not been documented there
recently. The primary reason for this species decline has been extensive urbanization.
Palos Verde blue butterfly. This is a coastal subspecies of the more widely ranging silvery blue
butterfly(G. 1. australis). The decline of most endangered butterflies can be attributed to the lost of
the host/foodplant on which these butterflies use exclusively during one or more life stages (Thelander
1994:419). The larval host/foodplant for the Palos Verdes blue - the rattlepod (Astragalus
trichopodus var. lonchus) - has been heavily impacted by urbanization, overgrowth by weeds, and
weed control practices.
Females lay their eggs on the host plant during February to April, and the eggs hatch about a week
later. The larvae feed on the seeds and flowers and quickly pass through 5 larval phases. When fully
grown the larvae pupate on the host plant seedpods or under decomposing leaves at the base of the
plant. New butterflies emerge the following February or March, synchronized with the appearance
the host plant's flowers (Thelander 1994:426).
This species was presumed to be extinct (it had not been seen in over 10 years) when it was re-
discovered on the grounds of the Defense Fuel Support Point (a Department of Defense facility) in
San Pedro. This population was observed using deerweed (Lotus scoparius), as well as rattlepod as
a foodplant(Nelson 1994). Both larval host plants have the potential to occur in the inland portions
of the Study Area.
El Segundo blue butterfly. This species was once widespread throughout the southern coast of Los
Angeles County. It is now believed to be limited to a few acres near El Segundo and a larger area
on the west of Los Angeles International Airport. The larval host/foodplant for this species is the
dune buckwheat(Eriogonum parvifolium); this host/foodplant can be found along the coastal bluffs
in the Study Area (USFWS 1999).
Brown pelican. The California brown pelican is a frequent visitor and sometime yearlong resident
along the California coast. Although they can be found anytime of the year, they are most
conspicuous in the late spring through the fall after the breeding season(February-May) on Anacapa
and the Santa Barbara Islands (Briggs et al. 1987). Birds appearing in early spring are most likely
migrants from coastal Mexican colonies. Pelicans forage for surface fish, particularly anchovies
(Engraulis mordax), in the open ocean.
Pelicans are extremely tolerant of human activity at day-time roosts and are often seen roosting and
loafing on breakwaters, piers, buoys, harbors wharves, and the shoreline all along the California coast.
They are not tolerant of disturbances on night roosts, however, and are known to quickly flush from
roosts at the slightest disturbance (Jacques and Anderson 1987). No night-time roosts are known
to occur in the Study Area.
• California least tern. This seabird migrates from Mexico and Central and South America to coastal
south-central California to breed. During their stay in California, the birds forage for fish in the
nearshore coastal waters and embayments. Birds typically nest in small colonies. The nest usually
occurs in the open expanse of lightly colored sand or dirt or dried mud next to lagoons or estuaries
or on open sandy beaches. The nest generally consists of merely a small depression or scrape in the
soil or sand lined with pebbles or sea shell fragments. Nesting usually concludes by mid-August, with
post-breeding groups still present into September (USFWS 1980).
USFWS document that least terns have been observed foraging within the Study Area; they speculate
that the birds represent adults from the Terminal Island colony and birds from more northerly
breeding sites (USFWS 1999:582).
Bald eagle. The decline in the bald eagle population in the contiguous 48 states was largely due
to increased use of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (DDT)following World War II. This large
bird of prey was listed as endangered in 1967 for population outside of Alaska. It was reclassified
as threatened in 1995. In July 1999, this species was proposed for delisting. The delisting action
recognizes that this species has undergone a remarkable recovery from drastic declines in numbers
from just 30 years ago (64 FR 36454-36463, July 6, 1999).
Increased protection of eagles and the ban on DDT in 1972 has helped this species numbers rebound
nationally over the past two decades; over the last 10 years the population in the lower 48 states has
• increased by 10% per year. At the Channel Islands (especially Santa Catalina Island) bald eagle
population continues to have severe productivity problems from chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides
contamination realted to historic realease onto the Palos Verdes Shelf(Sharpe and Garcelon 1999).
(Also see section 4.6.1 of the DEIS). Bald eagles in the Channel Islands are present only through re-
introduction efforts.
Bald eagle habitat is primarily large bodies of water where birds feed on fish and waterfowl. Most
breeding adults are yearlong residents of their nesting areas. During fall and winter, subadults are
nomadic and wide-ranging over areas where food is plentiful. In the early 1990's, there were just
more than 100 pairs occupying breeding territories in California.
No eagle nesting habitat exists in or near the project area. At best, foraging bald eagles may
incidently migrate through the Project Area.
California gnatcatcher. This small songbird is a resident of Southern California coastal sage scrub.
Due to the extensive loss of habitat in southern California, the gnatcatcher was listed as threatened
in 1993.
Atwood et al. 1995a (as cited by USFWS 1999:60) reported 26-56 breeding pairs of gnatcatchers
on the Palos Verdes Peninsula during 1993 through 1995. In the Study Area, they report 7 breeding
pairs in 1993, 7 in 1994, and 3 in 1995 (Atwood et al. 1995a and 1995b). In the Portuguese Bend
area,gnatcatcher distribution appears to be in the coastal sage scrub areas of Portuguese Point and gir
Inspiration Point and the Coastal Bluff Scrub above Bunker Point (City of RPV 1999:Figs. 4 and 5a).
Due to the number of species that are dependant on California Coastal Sage Scrub, the State of
California's has developed guidelines to protect Coastal Sage Scrub habitat through the Natural
Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) Process in the Southern California Coastal Sage Scrub
Planning Area (see CDF&G 1993). The intent of the guidelines is to elicit voluntary participation
of local entities with Coastal Sage Scrub habitat in their jurisdictions. The goal being to provide for
regional protection and perpetuation of natural wildlife diversity in coastal sage scrub areas while
allowing compatible land use and appropriate development and growth. The City of Rancho Palos
Verdes has recently(1996) signed a NCCP Planning Agreement which formalised the City's interest
in participating in the NCCP planning efforts. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has prepared a
landscape scale database of biological respources and land use information to allow the City and
resource agencies to make informed land use and conservation decisions for future projects (City of
RPV 1999). (Also see Section 4.4, below.)
Pacific pocket mouse. This is the smallest of the 19 races of the little pocket mouse (P.
longimembris). Members of this species inhabit arid regions over much of the western U.S. Pocket
mice,in general, are more closely related to kangaroo rats in that they are nocturnal, seed eaters with
fur-lined cheek pouches for transporting seeds back to burrows (Thelander 1994:67).
This subspecies is adapted to coastal habitats with open, shrubby vegetation, including coastal strand,
coastal dunes, weedy vegetation on river alluvium, and coastal sage scrub. For burrowing it requires
areas with fine-grained sandy soil. Like kangaroo rats, it eats mainly seeds, and appears to
supplement its diet with leafy material and insects.
This species once extended along the coast from Marina del Rey and El Segundo in Los Angeles
County to the Mexican border. But from 1940-1960, populations declined rapidly under coastal
development. After a collection was made in 1971, no confirmed sighting of this species was made
until a small population was located in 1993. It is believed that other populations may exist in suitable
habitat, but this species is difficult to trap and subject to widely fluctuating population levels
(Thelander 1994:67). Potentially suitable habitat may exist in the Study Area, but no populations
have been detected despite several trapping efforts within potentially suitable habitat (City of RPV
4.4 Land Use and Recreation
The Study Area is primarily composed of public land (Abalone Cove County Park), residential, and
coastal hazard areas (City of RPV, 1975). Part of the study area(i.e., the coastal zone area below
Rancho Palos Verdes Drive South which includes Abalone Cove, Smugglers Cove and Portuguese
Bend)is in the Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment District (City of RPV, 1984). The portion of
• the Study Area in the Redevelopment District is designated as coastal zone and subject to Hazard
Zone Codes; no new subdivision development is expected to occur there. Outside of the
Redevelopment boundary (i.e., the area between Long Point and Abalone Cove), the Study Area is
designated as recreational, and residential areas supporting 2-4, 4-6, and 12-22 dwelling units/acre.
Most of the recreation below Palos Verdes Drive South is oriented to beach use. Approximately
51,000 persons annually visit the public beach in the Abalone Cove County Park and adjacent
shoreline areas for sunbathing, swimming, and some skin diving. Smugglers Cove and Portuguese
Point receives surprising recreational use by swimmers and sunbathers despite awkward access (the
areas are fenced off due to the steep, hazardous cliffs).
Once very popular to the local residents, recreational use at the private Portuguese Bend Club has
diminished due to the deterioration of the beach by the adjacent landslide. (Note that there is no
public access to the beach at Portuguese Bend.) The area is now used mostly for family picnics and
barbecues by the Club's 200 members' families.
As mentioned in Section 4.3.3, above (see discussion under the"California gnatcatcher"), the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes has recently (1996) signed a NCCP (Natural Communities Conservation
Plan) Agreement which formalised the City's interest in participating in the NCCP Program. The
NCCP Program was established by the State of California with the National Community Conservation
Act of 1991 (Fish& Game Code Section 2800 et seq.). The goal of the NCCP Program is to elicit
• voluntary participation of local entities in the comprehensive management and conservation of habitat
for multiple wildlife species in their jurisdictions. NCCPs are intended to result in land use plans and
management programs for the long-term protection of designated habitats and their component
species. The ultimate objective is to provide for regional protection and perpetuation of natural
wildlife diversity in a given area covered by the Plan, while allowing compatible land use and
appropriate development and growth (Calif Resources Agency 1997).
Due to the number of species that are dependant on California Coastal Sage Scrub, the State of
California's developed guidelines to protect Coastal Sage Scrub habitat in 5 southern California
counties (San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles) through the NCCP
Program (see CDF&G 1993). Coastal sage habitat on the Palos Verdes Peninsula falls within a
"sub-region" of the larger Southern California Coastal Sage Scrub Planning Area effort. The City
of Rancho Palos Verdes, the City of Rolling Hills estates, and the County of Los Angeles are
currently involved in the Planning effort with CDF&G and the USFWS (and other environmental
groups). A conceptual plan is being developed which includes alternative coastal sage scrub habitat
preserves to be considered in the Palos Verdes Peninsula NCCP. Parts of the preserves, when
formally identified, are expected to occur within the feasibility study area and/or the bluffs above the
Portuguese Bend Project area.
As mentioned in section 4.3.3 above, recently, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes has prepared a
landscape scale database of biological respources and land use information to allow the City and
resource agencies to make informed land use and conservation decisions for future projects(City of
RPV 1999). This report is considered part of the Phase I effort of the Peninsula NCCP program. •
In Phase II the task will be to complete biological surveys, finilize preserve areas, develope preserve
management and monitoring programs, and prepare a subarea plan document.
4.5 Aesthetics
The study area is highly scenic when vistas and views are directed from high points on land toward
the ocean. For areas outside the active landslide, the landscape appears as gently rolling hillsides with
much open space.
The area within the Portuguese Bend landslide provides an ocean view that is often marred by the
fairly consistent sediment plume from the eroding bluff. After major storms, the turbidity plume
extends miles offshore and downcoast. The landward viewer sees a landscape with scattered
residential units and hillsides that are in various stages of erosion cause by the moving landmass.
4.6 Sediment Chemical Contamination
4.6.1 Offshore Contamination
The marine pollution problem offshore the Palos Verdes Peninsula has been well documented in
several sources (e.g., Gigg and Kiwala 1970; Chartrand et al. 1985;Lee 1994; L.A. Co. Sanitation
District 1992; Stull 1995). For 55 years treated wastewater has been discharged off Palos Verdes
through the Los Angeles County Sanitation District's Joint Water Pollution Control Plant(.iWPCP)
sewer outfall at Whites Point. The world's largest manufacturer of DDT (Montrose Chemical
Corporation) discharged its processed waste into the sanitation District's sewers from the 1950's to
1971. Prior to the early 1970's,before improved pollution source control and wastewater treatment
practices,the discharge is reported to have significantly altered the Palos Verdes shelf environment.
Sediments off the Peninsula were reported to contain elevated levels for heavy metals, DDT, and
PCBs in the surface sediments to 20 cm in depth near the discharge (SCCWRP 1973; Stull et al.
The sediment affected by effluent from the Whites Point outfall occurs as an asymmetrical, elongated
oval shaped mound some 50-60 meters (160-200 ft.) offshore on the continental shelf; northwest of
the outfall (Fig. 4.3). The effluent-affected mound thins both offshore (out to the 500 m. depth
contour) and inshore (to the 30 m. depth) (L.A. County Sanitation District 1992).
The actual distribution and depth of offshore contamination varies with the contaminant (see Lee
1994), but, in general, peak contamination is closest to the outfall. The contamination footprint
typically extends in a northwesterly direction with contamination concentration decreasing as the
distance from the outfall increases (see Fig. 4.3 and Figs. in Lee 1994). The highest concentrations
�� Palos Verdes Peninsula
r ,
600 ee
I Verdes
i `, - - °a
1 U 0 m.-N, N Je`'
`c`N` o�,� Q
''''S 4.. el Los Angeles
1.0 el
• ,c Harbor
.,_is. . ...'......,//
n N`
Area of Highly Contaminated`
Sediment =-;�
\ ,
o i.S_ 3
• Fig. 4.3 Area of High Contaminated Sediment Concentration Offshore the
Palos Verdes Peninsula (adapted from Montgomery 1996).
of most contaminants are buried 20-30 cm. (50-76 inches) along the 60 m isobath (L.A. Co.
Sanitation District 1992). •
Sediment quality off the Peninsula has improved significantly since the discharge of DDT was
discontinued in 1971, and since improved treatment technology and control of contaminant sources
has significantly decreased the amount of heavy metals entering the ocean through the JWPCP (Stull
and Baird 1985; Finney and Huh 1989; Stull 1995).
(Note that recent laboratory experiments of continental shelf sediments off the Palos Verdes Peninsula
[Quensen et al. 1998] report that DDE [the most prevalent metabolite of DDT present in the
sediment] is readily dechlorinated to a less toxic form, DDMTJ, by anaerobic marine bacteria. This
is contrary to the commonly held notion that DDE is recalcitrant, and implies that the commonly held
notion that DDE poses a long-term environmental risk of bioaccumiuiation should be reevaluated.)
Currently, the federal government has a lawsuit against chemical corporations that were involved in
the discharges through the JWPCP at Whites Point (United States of America et al. v. Montrose
Chemical Corporation of California, et. al.). The contaminated shelf offshore was designated as
a site for Superfund investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency in July 1996 (EPA 1996).
EPA has recently prepared a draft report evaluating the current and future ecological risk posed by
the, VV,t-61mLna+eLL site (EP.,A.. 1998).
4.6.2 Nearshore Contamination a
All of the etiricting ongoing monitrtring of rnntaminated marine ceiliment hag hpPn perfnrmeri in
depths of 30 meters to 500 meters (cf. L.A. Co. Sanitation District 1992;Lee 1994). As part of the
sediment surveys performed for this feasibility study, contaminant sediment analysis was performed
on nearshore sediment samples in the Study Area(see Appendix B). Vibra-cored sediment samples
were taken at five nearshore (7.6 to 17 m. in depth) locations in Portuguese Rend and one location
in Smugglers Cove. These six samples were further divided into an upper, middle, and lower
subsample. All 18 subsampies were analyzed for heavy metals, pesticides, and organic pollutants as
per EPA/USACOE (1993, Appendix D).
Chemical analysis of sediment show that cadmium and nickel occurred at all vibra-cored locations in
concentrations that could cause possible environmental effects as defined by Long et al. 1993 (i.e.,
the concentrations exceed the ERT, [effects range- low] level). The highest concentrations of these
metals were found in the upper and middle layers of sediment in the central part of Portuguese Bend.
No metal concentrations, however, exceeded the ERM (effects range - medium) level at any
DDT and its derivatives (i.e., 4,4'-DDD, 4,4'-DDE, and 4,4'-DDT, and Total DDT) were also
detected in vibra-cored samples. DDE concentrations exceeded the 27 ppb ERM level at all but one
• vibra-core location. (Levels that exceeded the ERL level of 2.2 ppb occurred at all locations.) DDE
was found in the upper, middle and bottom vibra-core sediment subsamples (Sadd and Davis
1997:Table 6). Cores from the farthest east, however, showed an increasing pattern of total DDT
from top to bottom; westernmost cores had the opposite pattern. Sediment rates and/or vertical
mixing of sediment(by physical and/or biological processes)may explain the observed patterns (Sadd
and Davis 1997:22).
It should be noted that the contamination levels found in the nearshore cores taken in Portuguese
Bend were similar to contaminated sediment levels in Santa Monica Bay (see Sadd and Davis
1997:25) and several times less than the levels found in and near the effluent-affected contaminated
mound offshore the Peninsula.
4.7 Cultural Resources
4.7.1 Ethnography
The Native American group who lived in the area prehistorically is known as the Gabrielino. The
name, as given to them by the Spanish, comes from Mission San Gabriel. Tongva is the name the
Gabrielino have for themselves. The Tongva occupied prehistorically a geographical area which
extended from Topanga Canyon in the northwest to Aliso Creek in the south, and included most areas
in what we know today as Los Angeles and Orange Counties (Bean and Smith 1978:538). The
• Tongva are a Uto-Aztecan linguistic stock speaking peoples who were first contacted by the Spanish
in the mid-16th century and later subjugated by Spanish Franciscan padres during the establishment
of the California mission system in the mid 18th century. The Tongva had villages along the coast
where they exploited marine resources. Inland villages were located near major potable water
sources. Trade was carried out with groups on the Channel islands and as far east as central Arizona.
Based on ethnographic studies, several Tongva villages were located on Palos Verdes Peninsula
including Chowig-na, Tovemungna and Chowi(Johnston 1962:93).
4.7.2 Prehistory
Archaeological dating of prehistoric sites in California has established human occupation in the area
beginning with southward migration of big game hunters at least 10,000 years before present.
Regional prehistory of the area is based on decades of research and is generally divided into four
periods. They are defined as follows:
Paleo-Coastal Period (ca. 10,000 to 6000 B.C.). This period was marked by small groups
subsisting on marine and terrestrial species. The number of sites (and therefore data) for this period
is very limited due to the very small population at that time, and several thousand years of erosion
and deposition.
• 4-29
Millingstone Period (ca. 6000 to 2000 B.C.). This period was characterized by the addition of
groundstone (handstones and milling slabs) to the tool assemblage. This was a product of greater
reliance on hard seed products. Mortars and pestles were added to the assemblage by the end of the
period. There is a higher frequency of more stable settlements as evidenced by the presence of well-
developed middens.
Intermediate Period (2000 B.C. to A.D. 500). This was a period of increased technological
innovation. This period was time of increasing population size, interregional exchange, and a greater
focus on marine resources.
Late Period (A.D. 500 to European Contact). This period was marked by the creation of large
permanent villages and extensive trade with the Channel Islands. This period was also a time of
increased diversity of craft items and manufactured goods and greater political and societal
4.7.3 History
The first European explorers to visit the area were Cabrillo in 1542 and Vizcaino in 1602. The
establishment of missions by the Spanish, including Mission San Gabriel Archangel in 1771, was the
beginning of Spanish colonization of California. Juan Jose Dominguez was granted 75,000 acres on
Palos Verdes Peninsula in 1784 by the Spanish governor. In the early 19th century, the ownership
of Rancho Palos Verdes came into the hands of the Sepulveda family. The land was used primarily
of cattle grazing. The coves and inlets in the Study Area were used as anchorages for 19th century
whaling ships, while at least one area in the project vicinity was the site of a whale oil processing
station. Jotham Bixby became the owner of a large portion of Rancho Palos Verdes in 1882
(Colombo 1991:14). In the early 1900s, Japanese Americans began renting coastal land for the
cultivation of vegetables. The end of World War II saw extensive land sales for the purpose of
developing residential communities. Today there are four incorporated cities on the peninsula
(Columbo 1991:14).
4.7.4 Archeological Sites
An archival records search at the Regional Archeological Information Center at the University of
California, Los Angeles on December 18, 1996, and a review of archeological project files located
at the Los Angeles District indicate that 12 cultural resource surveys had been conducted in the
proposed project vicinity. The most recent formal survey was performed in 1995 (two surveys), and
the earliest in 1978. The total areal coverage of these surveys comprises less than 50 percent of the
proposed Study Area. More than 50 percent of the Study Area has never been surveyed for cultural
resources by qualified archeologists. Within the Study Area, none of the proposed Project's area of
potential effects (APE)has been surveyed for cultural resources. The records research established
the presence of 11 archeological sites within the Study Area:
CA-LAN-140-(Nelson,Undated)described as"shell and refuse."
• CA-LAN-141 -(Nelson,Undated)described as"refuse of abalone shells,whale and other bones."
CA-LAN-303 -(Hayden, 1995)described as"shell scatter and artifacts"
CA-LAN-821 -(Hector and Rosen, 1975)described as"wide,light shell scatter. . ."
CA-LAN-822-(Rosen, 1975)described as"shell scatter"
CA-LAN-884-(Stickel, 1978)"shell midden"
CA-LAN-1019-(Rosen,1979)described as". . .four areas of shell and flake scatters,each separated from each other by
sterile soil."
CA-LAN-1249-(McAuley 1985)"shell midden"
CA-LAN-1250-(McAuley 1985)"shell midden"
CA-LAN-1351 -possible extension of LAN-1250
CA-LAN-2253 -(Van Horn, 1992)described as"shell deposit with chipped stone tools"
The records indicate that sites CA-LAN-884 and CA-LAN-2253 have undergone limited test
excavations. CA-LAN-884 was tested by Stickel in 1978, and CA-LAN-2253 was tested by Van
Horn in 1993. The remainders of sites have not been investigated. Therefore, the potential
significance of the sites cannot be determined at this time. Only two of the archaeological sites
recorded within the Study Area have been evaluated (at least partially) in regards to eligibility for the
National Register of Historic Places.
4.7.5 Historic Sites
• Wayfarer's Chapel. This site is not listed on the National Register of Historic Places or as a
California Historic Landmark but considered to be of local historic importance. Located on Palos
Verdes Drive South.
Whaling Station Site. This site is California Inventory of Historic Resources Number 381. It is
described as a California Historic Landmark which was established in 1864 and used to process whale
oil. The actual site of the station has not been located.
Villa Francesas. This building is on the northwest corner of Peppertree and Palos Verdes Drive
South is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Shipwreck records. A study of shipwreck records was also performed. The records indicate the
potential presence of four submerged shipwrecks, and one World War II Japanese submarine within
the underwater portion of the Study Area. The resources are as follows:
Name of Ship J)ate T.ost
American Girl 1951
Avalon 1926
Bonnie K 1950
Melrose 1935
Sakura(Sub) 1941