EIR: Appendix C.1. Draft Habitat Valuation for Proposed Alternatives • APPENDIX Cl
Prepared by
Daniel J. Pondella, II and John S. Stephens, Jr.
Vantuna Research Group
Occidental College
Developed for
U.S.Army Corps of Engineers
January 1998
• Executive Summary
The following analysis was conducted in order to assess the environmental restoration which would accompany the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers proposed dykes in Portuguese Bend. The purpose of Alternative 1,a dyke 200'offshore,and
Alternative 2,a dyke 400'offshore,is to stop the sedimentation and turbidity associated with the erosion from the
Portuguese Bend landslide. Since 1956,this turbidity plume(Please see Figure 2 of DEIS from Pondella et al. 1996)
has negatively impacted the nearshore rocky reef environment from Pt.Fermin to Abalone Cove,an area that represents
nearly half of the Palos Verdes Peninsula,one of the most prominent rocky headlands in the Southern California Bight.
Currently,there is no other known source of turbidity in the area,other than natural erosion from the palisades. And,no
other negative environmental impacts on the nearshore fauna of the Palos Verdes Peninsula have been demonstrated.
Using the Marine Habitat Valuation Method(Bond et al. in review)developed by the Vantuna Research Group,we
found that this restoration effort would be the equivalent of restoring 386 acres of kelp bed habitat for Alternative 1 and
379 acres of kelp bed habitat for Alternative 2. These values represent the single largest restoration,mitigation or
enhancement effort for the nearshore rocky reef environment in the Southern California Bight to date.
Characterization of the Study Sites
Based upon previous surveys of the study area(Envirosphere 1989, Stephens 1990, Pondella et
al. 1996, Sadd and Davis 1997) five areas of impact have been identified: Portuguese Bend,
Abalone Cove, Bunker Point, Bunker Point-Whites Point, and Point Fermin. The area of primary
impact is Portuguese Bend. In Portuguese Bend the sedimentation has covered up the natural
reefs resulting in a transformation from a historic kelp bed (John Stephens personal observation)
to a soft bottom community. The current status of the environment of Portuguese Bend consists
of fine sediments which are uncharacteristic in the shallow reaches of the Palos Verdes Peninsula.
This homogenous soft bottom habitat is broken up by sporadic boulders which protrude through
the mud as a reminder of the rocky habitat buried below. Beyond the approximately the 10'
isobath the habitat is uniform without any observable changes at the greater depths of the bend.
At the base of the slide there are large boulders which have been deposited from the land
movement. There is also rocky reef habitat on the leeward side of Inspiration Point. The rocky
reef and soft bottom fauna of these areas has been characterized and turbidity is extremely high
(Pondella et al. 1996).
Immediately downcoast the soft bottom is replaced by rocky reefs, both low and high relief; which
support a kelp bed on Bunker Point to a depth of at least 60'. The turbidity plume is normally
present here, except when the longshore current runs upcoast. This area receives a heavy influx
of sediment as it is transported towards Point Fermin. The area is reminiscent of other points on
the peninsula with a noticeable reduction in benthic macroalgae and invertebrates. The
ichthyofauna was surveyed by SCUBA divers for conspicuous fishes in November 1997. This
methodology was consistent with previous fish surveys on the peninsula(Terry and Stephens
1976, Stephens et al. 1984 and Pondella et al. 1996).
In November, the area between Bunker Point and Whites Point was also surveyed by SCUBA for
conspicuous fishes and general observations. The level of impact in this area was striking. The
benthic community of invertebrates and algae was absent from the 30' isobath to the low intertidal
zone. In the quiet waters between the points on the peninsula, kelp may or may not be present,
but in its absence an urchin barren community, consisting primarily of purple urchins,
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, dominates the substrate. As such, this area is atypical for the •
Palos Verdes Peninsula. In deeper water(45 to 60'), there was a relatively healthy kelp bed.
The Point Fermin area has not been surveyed, but the turbidity is still present in this area(personal
observation and please see Figure 2 of DEIS from Pondella et al. 1996).
Abalone Cove has also been included in this analysis for two reasons. First, the longshore current
does run upcoast extending the turbidity plume into this area. Second, comparing the area as
surveyed in the 1988 study (Envirosphere 1989)with the 1995-96 surveys there appears to have
been an increase in deposited sediments on the low lying reef within the cove. There appears to
be approximately 6" of new sediment in Abalone Cove. In other words, the rocky reef habitat has
been degraded over the last decade. Abalone Cove and the accompanying area of Pirates Cove
have sheer reefs proximate to the palisades which support many rocky reef species on the points.
At the base of these reefs along the 30' isobath the rock is replaced by a sand bottom. The fine
sedimentation associated with the slide can be seen on these reefs, but as on Bunker Point, it gets
transported by the longshore currents and deposited elsewhere. Unfortunately, it appears to be
smothering the low lying reefs within Abalone Cove.
Palos Verdes Point was used as a control for this analysis. It represents a healthy rocky reef area
on the Palos Verdes Peninsula which normally supports a kelp head. The density of giant kelp
fluctuates normally on this point and was present during the surveys for this study. In our long
term surveys of this region kelp has been absent. This point was ideal as a control because it is •.
outside of the proposed areas impacted by the turbidity plume and relatively close to the study
area(also see Stephens et al 1996:1).
For this analysis the question of the ability of the proposed dykes to stop turbidity is not
addressed. The assumption is that the turbidity will he storprperd_ Excessive turbidy ithag been
� �
noted to cause significant problems on nearby rocky reefs(Pondella and Stephens 1994). Yet,
reefs affected by turbidity do recover when the sediment input has stopped.
The proposal to put a dyke on what will become a rocky reef is unique in Southern California for
a couple of reasons. It will insure that the breakwater does not sink because there is hard
substrate beneath it. And, as the sediment erodes away from its base, it will become contiguous
with the natural reef essentially becoming an extension of the natural reef
For this analysis the Marine Habitat Valuation method (Bond et al. in review) was utilized. This
is a data driven three parameter model based upon fish lengths, fidelity and abundance (for further
discussion see Stephens et al. 1996). The methodology was specifically designed to be objective;
it does not weight the importance of specific organisms or habitats and diversity is not included as
a component. With the realization that most organisms are not shared between habitats, it utilizes
fish guilds to categorize the sampled fishes. The results are Habitat Values which can be directly
• compared between habitats.
For this analysis, the three parameter valuation method was used in conjunction with acreage of
the areas discussed above. The existing (without project) habitat value of areas within the Study
Area was calculated (Table 1). This existing Habitat Value was multiplied by the acreage which
results in a term referred to as Habitat Value Units (HVU) (Table 2). A restored HVU was also
calculated using a Palos Verdes Point as a control (i.e., with the assumption that all areas would
be restored to the quality of habitat at Palos Verdes Point) . Palos Verdes Point represents a
historically healthy kelp bed/rocky reef community which is outside of the area of impact. The
difference between the restored HVU and the current HVU can be converted in a similar manner
to the acreage any habitat of interest. For this analysis, the restoration effort has been presented
as acres of kelp habitat.
In all areas, except Bunker Point Kelp, the acreage has been limited to within the 30' isobath.
This is a conservative estimate because the turbidity could be impacting deeper environments.
Fish data was used from Pondella et al. 1996 and surveys conducted in the fall of 1997. The
calculated parameters for Palos Verdes Point (control reef), Portuguese Bend, and the cryptic
fishes and beach seine data of Abalone Cove were from Stephens et al. 1996 (Table 1).
The Habitat Value for Palos Verdes Point (5719) was used from the 1995-96 surveys (reported in
Stephens et al. 1996) because it temporally comparable to the other surveys reported in Stephens
et al. 1996. It is important to note that this value is very close to the Habitat Value (5754)
calculated for Palos Verdes Point when the entire data base from 1974-1994 was included. Using
the lower Habitat Value is also a conservative approach in this analysis because it gives a slightly
lower value to a healthy kelp bed community.
The Abalone Cove diver transects were recalculated to include only the transects within the 30'
isobath (Appendix I). This increased the Habitat Value from 1073 to 1124 which also has the
conservative effect of reducing the restoration total (because it increases the without project
habitat value).
For Bunker Point Kelp and the area between Bunker Point and White's Point, the diver transects
were conducted in the Fall of 1997 (Appendix II and III, respectively). The value of the
Portuguese Bend beach seines was used to increase the relative worth of these two areas in the
comparison with the canopy of a kelp bed. The beach seine values from Abalone Cove as the
comparison to the canopy transects at Palos Verdes Point could have been used, but we felt that
the higher value of the Portuguese Bend beach seines to be representative of this fauna (personal
observations) and a more conservative number for the overall analysis. There is no cryptic fish
data available for Bunker Point Kelp, Bunker Point to White's Point or Point Fermin. Due to the
heavy impact on the macroalgae and invertebrates in these regions, the numbers of cryptic fishes
is likely to be extremely low. The value for Abalone Cove's cryptic fish fauna was used in spite of
the fact that this data was collected in 1988 in Abalone Cove, and that currently Abalone Cove,
Bunker Point Kelp and the Bunker Point to White's Point areas are probably significantly below
that figure. The values for Point Fermin reflect those of the Bunker Point to White's Point area
and are the highest impacted area Habitat Values reported.
The calculation of Habitat Value Units (HVU) is in Table 2. For reference all impacted areas are
incorporated into the analysis. The acreage behind the dykes has been calculated as the sum of
the quiet area behind the footprint of the breakwaters plus half of the acreage of the breakwaters
(Figures supplied by US Army Corps of Engineers). The rationale for this calculation is that the
ocean side of the breakwaters will become rocky reef/intertidal habitat and everything behind the
breakwater will be lost. An acreage figure for Portuguese Bend was estimated as all nearshore
habitat within the 30' isobath. This is the depth to which the Corps assumes normal wave action
will remove the deposited sediment to uncover the hard bottom. The other four acreage estimates
are taken from the hydro surveys of the area and with the exception of Bunker Point Kelp all
estimates are from the MLLW line to the 30' isobath(see Fig 5.1 and 5.2 of the DEIS). The
acreage value for Bunker Point Kelp extends to the 60' isobath.
The acreage for Alternatives 1 and 2 were calculated as the difference between Portuguese Bend
and the lost acreage behind the two dykes previously calculated. All values were converted into
hectares and the existing Habitat Values are reported from Table 1. Multiplying these two
parameters (existing Habitat Value x Hectares)results in the Existing HVU; while multiplying
hectares by the control (i.e., Palos Verdes Point)Habitat Value (5719) gives the Restored HVU.
The units for current HVU and restored HVU are directly comparable. The adjusted difference
between these two values has been divided by the value for the kelp habitat and converted to
acres for easy reference. Kelp habitat restored acreage for Alternatives 1 and 2 equal the sum of
the restored acreage for Bunker Point Kelp +Bunker Point to Whites Point+Abalone Cove+ •
Point Fermin+Alternative 1 or 2. The values for the dykes and Portuguese Bend are only used
to calculate the acreage for Alternatives 1 and 2. The Kelp Habitat Restored equals 386 acres for
Alternative 1 and 379 acres for Alternative 2.
In all areas of this analysis whenever a decision needed to be made about the relative value of
particular habitats, the more conservative value was chosen. This analysis, therefore, provides a
conservative estimate of the potential restoration habitat values. As more data is collected about
currently impacted areas, the estimate of the restoration effort will most likely increase to over
400 acres of kelp habitat. The acreage lost behind the perspective dykes would easily be offset by
the kelp acreage gained in Portuguese Bend alone(Table 2).
While the marine habitat valuation method was originally developed to cross compare habitats in
which there is little species overlap, in this analysis it becomes an even greater tool. With the
exception of Portuguese Bend all of the habitats compared are currently rocky reef/kelp bed
areas. Thus the species composition which was examined does not turn over between areas
resulting in the difference in the abundance of fishes between habitats driving the restoration
model. The strength of the analysis also is apparent when comparing the values for the various
areas. For instance, even though on Bunker Point there is a persistent kelp head, this was found
to be less valuable than any other rocky reef area in the analysis. While kelp can persist in
disturbed areas, primarily due the loss of benthic competitors, its associated community of
invertebrates, fishes and benthic algae are degraded due to the turbidity. As we move away from
the effects of the Portuguese Bend slide, the relative abundance of fishes increases in spite of a
decrease in kelp cover. This can be seen in the nearly identical values of the Abalone Cove and
Bunker Point to White's Point diver transect data (1124 and 1156 respectively). Thus,while kelp
is normally thought to be an indicator of a healthy marine environment, in this situation it is not
the case.
The scope and magnitude of such a restoration effort cannot be over emphasized. The amount of
acreage being discussed would easily surpass the value of all nearshore artificial reefs or other
mitigative programs in the Southern California Bight. Commercially important species such as
abalone, lobster, urchins, white seabass, black seabass and rockfish (to name only a few) all are
found on the peninsula. While rocky reefs encompass only 10% of the nearshore habitat in the
bight, a restoration effort of the Palos Verdes Peninsula represents not only a potential fisheries
increase, but also represents a greater potential to enhance stocks in other areas through natural
recruitment and emigration processes. For example, black, green and pink abalone can still be
found at Palos Verdes Point. Since we know that their larval/dispersal period is only a few days,
the degradation of the benthic environment which we see will inhibit the recruitment of abalone to
a large portion of the peninsula and slow the return of these stocks. Certainly we can also
associate an economic increase for the sport fishing and sport diving industries with this project.
Increasing the water clarity of this nearshore environment will immediately enhance the SCUBA
diving opportunities from Abalone Point to Point Fermin providing a close to home option for the
SCUBA diving interests based in Los Angeles Harbor. Thus, if we look at Palos Verdes in a
pluralistic manner the importance of this habitat will go beyond any specific anthropogenic need.
Literature Cited
Bond, A., J. S. Stephens, D. J. Pondella II, P. Morris and M. J. Allen. (In review) A method for
the estimation of neritic marine habitat values in the southern California bight based on fish
guilds. In press, Bulletin of Marine Science.
Envirosphere Company. 1989. Draft Environmental Impact Report for Abalone Cove Landslide
Stabilization Project. County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works.
Sadd, James L. and N. Davis. 1997. Final Report of the Sediment Surveys,Portuguese Bend
Area, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Pondella, D. J., II and J. S. Stephens Jr. 1994. Factors affecting the abundance of juvenile fish
species on a temperate artificial reef. Bulletin of Marine Science, 55 (2-3):1216-1223.
Pondella,D.J., II, Morris P., Stephens J.S., Jr. and Davis N. 1996. Marine biological surveys of
• the coastal zone off the city of Rancho Palos Verdes. U.S. Corps of Engineers.
Stephens, J.S., Jr., Morris, P.A., Zerba, K. and Love, M. 1984. Factors affecting fish diversity
on a temperate reef: the fish assemblage of Palos Verdes Point, 1974-1981. Env. Biol. O.,
Fish. :25 -
11 4
( ). 9 275.
Stephens, J.S., Jr. 1990. The effect of the Portuguese Bend Landslide upon the nearshore biota of
Palos Verdes. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Stephens, J.S., Jr., D. J. Pondella, II, and P. Morris. 1996. Habitat Value Determination of the
Coastal Zone off the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Based on Habitat-Specific Assemblage
Data. U.S. Corps of Engineers.
Terry, C.B. and Stephens, J.S., Jr. 1976. A study of the orientation of selected environmental
fishes to depth and shifting seasonal vertical temperature gradients. Bull. S. Calif. Acad.
Sci. 57(2):170-183
List of Figures
Table 1. The square-root standardized habitat values (hectares) were calculated the five impacted
areas and the control (Palos Verdes Point) by each sampling method based upon the methods of
Bond et al. in review and incorporated values from Stephens et al. 1996.
Table 2. The restoration effort for Alternatives 1 and 2 were calculated in acres of restored kelp
habitat. These values were based upon the current habitat values, acreage of impacted areas and
the value of the control, Palos Verdes Point, which is not impacted.
Appendix I. The habitat value for the diver transects at Abalone Cove was calculated from the
data collected in 1995 —96 surveys (Pondella et 1. 1996). Only transects within the 30' isobath
were used (n=18).
Appendix II. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes at Bunker
Point Kelp was calculated from the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=8).
Appendix III. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes was
calculated from the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=10).
• List of Figures
Table 1. The square-root standardized habitat values (hectares) were calculated the five impacted
areasand the control (Palos Verdes Point) by each sampling method based upon the methods of
Bond el al. in review and incorporated values from Stephens el al. 1996.
Table 2. The restoration effort for Alternatives 1 and 2 were calculated in acres of restored kelp
habitat. These values were based upon the current habitat values, acreage of impacted areas and
the value of the control, Palos Verdes Point, which is not impacted.
Appendix I. The habitat value for the diver transects at Abalone Cove was calculated from the
data collected in 1995 — 96 surveys (Pondella el al. 1996). Only transects within the 30' isobath
were used (n=18).
Appendix II. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes at Bunker
Point Kelp was calculated from the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=8).
Appendix Ill. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes was
calculated from the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=10).
Table 1. Calculation of Habitat Values by Location. The square-root standardized habitat values(hectares) were calculated the
five impacted areas and the control (Palos Verdes Point) by each sampling method based upon the methods of Bond ei al. in review and
incorporated values from Stephens et a1. 1996.
Palos Verdes Abalone Portuguese Bunker Point Bunker Point to
' Method Point Cove Bend Kelp White's Point Point Fermin
Diver Transects 2171 1124 37 963 1156 1156
Canopy/Beach Seines 2342 674 798 798 798 798
Cryptic Fish 1206 253 () 253 253 253
Totals: 5719 2051 834 2013 2206 2206
• • •
Table 2. Calculation of Restoration Effort. The restoration effort for Alternatives 1 and 2 were calculated in acres of restored kelp habitat. These
values were based upon the current habitat values, acreage of impacted areas and the value of the control, Palos Verdes Point, which is not impacted.
Existing Restored Restored - Kelp
Existing Habitat Value Habitat Value Existing Habitat
Units (Acres)
Impacted Areas Acres Hectares Habitat Value Units (HVL (H�7 ��
200' dyke 14 5 834 4558 31247 26689 12
400' dyke 22 9 334 7259 49763 42504 18
Portuguese Bend 80 32 834 27010 185165 158154 68
Bunker Point Kelp 125 51 2013 101837 289320 187483 81
Bunker Point to White's Point 150 61 2206 133920 347 184 213264 952
Alternative 1 67 27 834 22452 153918 131466
Altcriv,Itivc 2 59 24 834 19751 135402 115650 50
Abalone Cove 100 40 2051 82999 231456 148457 64
Point Fermin 150 61 2206 133920 347184 213264 92
Alternative: 1 2
Kelp Habitat Restored: 386 379
Appendix I. Abalone Cove. The habitat value for the diver transects at Abalone Cove was calculated from the data collected in
1995-96 surveys(Pondclla et al. 1996). Only transects within the 30' isobath were used(n=18).
Guild Square
Age Density Guild Mean Root
Species Class Length Guild Abundance Fidelity (Hectares) Density Length Product
Chromis pw;ctipinnis A 120 5 126 1.0 292 847 99 290
Chromis punchpnris J SO 5 100 1.0 23 I
Chromis putctipiruus S 120 5 132 1.0 306
0.i)julis calif-arnica 1 48 5 8 _ 1.0 19
JJrachyissiusfrenatus A 97 8 1 0.5 2 113 148 92
0Ayiulis californica A 149 8 48 1.0 111
Paralabraz clathrates A 277 9 42 1.0 97 123 286 187
Parolabrax clathratus S 277 9 2 1.0 5
Paralabrca nebulifer A 329 _ 9 9 1.0 21
Embiotoca jacksoni A 152 11 11 1.0 72 192 167 179
Embiotoca jacksoni S 152 11 10 1.0 23
Ilypsurus caryi A 159 11 2 1.0 5
Hypsypops rubicundus A 186 11 36 1.0 83
flypsypops rubicundus 3 40 11 I 1.0 2
JJj psypops rubicundus S 186 11 2 1.0 5 1
Phanerodon Arcot= A 160 1 1 I 0.5 2
l-alichoeressemicinclus A 237 12 20 1.0 46 109 213 152
Rhacochilus racca A 195 12 16 1.0 37
Rhacochilus vacca .1 90 12 1 1.0 2
Rhacochilus vacca S 195 12 6 1.0 14
Semicossyphus pulcher A 223 12 3 1.0 7
Semicossyphus pulcher S 223 12 1 1.0 2
Girella nigricans A 173 13 58 1.0 134 160 174 167
Girella nigricans S 173 13 8 1.0 19
Ilermosilla a:urca A 218 13 1 0.5 2
1,1edialuna californiensis A 196 13 _ 3 0.5 5
Rhacochilus lozotes A 246 14 _ 1 0.5 2 2 246 17
Paralichthys californicus 3 90 16 1 0.5 2 5 234 23
Paralichthys californicus S 378 16 1 0.5 2
• Plalyrhinoidis friseri ata S 250 2.2 1 0.5 2 2 250 17
Total: 1124
• I 41k.
S. 0 •
Appendix LI. Bunker Point Kelp. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes at Bunker Point Kelp was
calculated from the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=8). •
Guild Square
Age Density Guild Mean Root
Species Class Length Guild Abundance Fidelity (Hectares) Density Length Product
Chromic punctipinnis J 50 5 34 1 177 365 50 135
Chromic punctipinnis S 120 5 1 1 5
Oxyjulis californica J 48 5 35 1 182
Oxyjulis californica A 149 8 23 1 120 219 149 180
Oxyjulis californica S 149 8 19 1 99
Paralabrax clathratus A 277 9 9 1 47 120 295 188
Paralabrav clathratus S 277 9 6 1 31
Paralabrax nebulifer A 329 9 4 1 21
Paralabrav nebulifer S 329 9 4 1 21
,Embiotoca jacksoni A 152 11 10 1 52 120 151 134
,Embiotocajackconi S 152 11 1 1 5
Hypsvpops rubicundus A 186 11 9 1 47
Hvpsypops rubicundus L J 40 11 3 1 16 _
Halichoeres senticinctus A 237 12 5 1 26 57 227 114
Rhacochilus yucca S 195 12 1 1 5
Semicossvpbus pulcher A 223 12 3 1 16
Semico ssyphus pulcher S 223 12 2 1 10
Girella nigricans A 173 13 15 1 78 99 177 132
Girella nigricans S 173 13 2 1 10
Hermosilla azurea A 218 13 2 1 10
Rhacochilrts toxotes A 246 14 2 1 10 10 246 51
Cortiphoplerus nicholsii A 49 19 2 1 10 16 49 28
Cor}phopterus nicholsii S 49 19 1 1 5
Total: 963
r'Appendix.III. Bunker Point to White's Point. The habitat value for the diver transects counting conspicuous fishes was calculated from
the diver transects conducted in November 1997 (n=10).
Guild Square
Density Guild Mean Root
Species Age Class Length Guild_Abundance Fidelity (Hectares) Density Length Product
Cluomis pwtctipinnis 1 50 5 9 1 38 38 50 43
Oxyjulis californica A 149 8 22 1 92 117 149 132
Oxyjulis cali/ornica S 149 8 _ 6 _ 1 25
Paralabrax clathratus A 277 9 55 I 229 425 290 351
Paralabrax clathranus S 277 9 17 1 71
Purulabrax nebulifer A 329 9 14 1 58
Paralabrax ncbulifer J 90 9 1 1 4
Parulabrax nebullfer S 329 9 _ 15 1 63
Sebastes atrovirens A 200 10 2 I 8 8 200 41
Embiolocajacksoni A 152 11 12 1 50 163 150 156
Embiotoca jacksoni J 90 11 2 1 • 8
Embiotoca jacks oni S 152 11 2 I S
Girella nigricans J 63 11 5 I 21
Hypsurus caryi A 159 1 I 4 1 17
Hypsypops rub icundus A 186 1114 14 1 58
Halichoeres semicinctus A 237 12 16 1 67 188 167 177
Hulichoeres sem icinctus J 50 12 16 1 67
Halichocres semicinctus S 237 12 4 1 17
Rhacochilus vacca A 195 12 1 1 4
Semicossyphus puicher A 223 12 _ 8 1 33
Girella nigricans A 173 13 26 1 108 183 176 180
Girella nigricans S 173 13 12 1 50
Medialuna californie.uis A 196 13 4 I 17
Medialuna californiensis S 196 13 _ 2 1 8
Anisotretnus davidsonii 1 65 14 6 1 25 33 113 61
Anisotremus davidsonii S 257 14 2 1 8
Coryphopterus nicholsii A 49 19 I 1 4 4 49 14
To tal: 1156
• I
4,EN •F
.i' United States Department of the Interior
Midcontinent Ecological Silence Center
4512 McMurry Avenue
Fort Collins,CO 80525-3400
March 18, 1998
In Reply Refer To:
82020 OCD:703.05
Mr.John R. Hanlon
Chief, Branch of Federal Projects
U. S.Fish and Wildlife Service
Carlsbad Field Office-Ecological Services •
2730 Loker Avenue West
Carlsbad, California 92008
Dear Mr. Hanlon:
In response to your memorandum of 02/11/98,I asked Dr.Richard Stiehl to coordinate a review of the Habitat
Valuation Model by several Center staff members.
Overall, I believe the model is a reasonable approach to modeling the marine habitats in your area,but all of the
• reviewers had some questions about it. One thread that seems to cross our comments is the objectives for the
model. The model may be a useful tool if a measure of biodiversity(which the model derives from density,
diversity and mean size)is useful for decision making. Even if it is a meaningful measure for decision making,
•¢ there are different scales at which biodiversity can be measured.The model attempts to characterize biodiversity on
a small,patch basis,and does not deal with biodiversity on a larger,cross-habitat scale. Of course, measures of
diversity treat all species as being of equal importance for decision making,but this may not be the case in your
area. For example,if management priorities in your area focus on rare species, then a measure of biodiversity may
not be meaningful.
Another thread in our comments is the argument that the model is totally objective,and is based on no arbitrary
decisions. However,all models include such a bias,especially where there is an attempt to put a numerical score
on dissimilar habitats. Our reviewers identified several arbitrary and subjective decisions that the authors make in
developing the model. AlI models have some subjective choices involved with development,but one should strive
to keep these choices to a minimum and provide logical support for the choices that are made.
The following pages have specific comments from each reviewer. If Dr. Stiehl can provide any additional
assistance,please contact me.
Sincerely, • •
Rey C. Stendell 11
• _ . _
Comments of Richard Stiehl-HEP specialist and Avian Ecologist
Pg. 3) I
The authors must justify why the"fish assemblage is a good indicator of the health of the entire community".
What aspect of the fish assemblage do the authors consider"good"? Why do the authors consider this aspect
(or these aspects)"good". Could other aspects also be indicators of the health of the entire community? What
is"health" and how is it measured? The limits of"the entire community" needs to be established.
Pg. 12)
The desire to have the three parameters contribute equally to the final estimate of habitat value assumes that
the three parameters are biologically equal in value. The authors must defend their desire, otherwise one
might combine the three parameters with the first parameter having a weighting of ten times the second
parameter having ten times the third parameter because 'we wished the parameters to contribute this way'.
Why should these three parameters be considered any more than any other group of parameters? The authors
must defend their choices and respective contributions based on biology and a measure of how close the
choices and respective contributions reflect truth.
Pg. 19)
How is this new method of habitat valuation consistent with earlier approaches? I think the authors mean that
the values of their approach are similar to the BEST technique.
The authors claim that their measure"does track the changing trends in fish abundance",yet Figure 11
displays `Total Fish Density",not abundance. Further,figure 11 shows that their measure has correlated
tracking in five out of nine years. Where is it stated that fish abundance(or density), regardless of species, is
an accurate measure of'value'?
Pg. 22) •
The authors state that the use of different survey techniques make it difficult to obtain a precise estimate of the
magnitudeothe Aimerence,but earlier(Figure 11)suggest that their method iscorrelatedlatCu with trawl data and
diver transects.
I do not understand how an underestimation of 50%to 85%is"roughly the same order of magnitude as is 30%
to 511%tinrirrr stimatinn
Pg. 24)
The authors state that since the density of fish from open coast shallow sand(54 fish per 1000m2)is identical
to cobble lacking kelp (52 fish per 1000m2), the nature of the substrate has a minimal influence on habitat
quality. If the species comprising each community were identical,and all other environmental parameters
were identical,and the onlyecological difference between the two communities was the type of substrate,then
such a conclusion could be made. I think it more probable that several environmental factors are different,
and that the relatively similar densities of fish is a coincidence. To assert any type of relationship, Iet alone a
cause and effect relationship is not advisable when all other parameters are not held constant.
Comments of Brian Cade-Biostatistician
• Pg. 2)
It is untrue that HSI models"are not amenable to cross-habitat comparisons".
Pg. 13)
The authors state that the distribution product of the three parameters has the"undesirable consequence of
emphasizing abundance at the expense of ecological diversity". For whom is this `undesirable'?
Why was a density greater than five fish per hectare chosen as a cut off?
What measure is obtained when the number of guilds with a density of greater than five fish per hectare is
Why do the authors want a single measure based on density,fidelity,and size of fish guilds to correlate with
the number of fish guilds?
Pg. 15)
I do not see a confidence limit spanning 18%of the mean in Fig 11.
Table I states that 1000 replications are used for jackknife estimates of CI. This appears to be bootstrapping,
as jackknifing only uses n replicates.
Pg. 16)
The authors conclude that the"two comparisons provide a substantial assurance of the legitimacy for inference
based on the jackknife analysis". The comparisons do not provide any assurance. If some assurance that the
CI's are reasonable is desired,the authors need to do simulation studies where truth is controlled. Simulations
with multiple truths provide the best method of assessing whether CI will provide correct coverage given a real
data set with unknown truth.
Is the analysis a jackknife analysis or a bootstrap analysis?
Pg. 18)
The authors claim that"the results of the resampling suggest that the guild-based method of habitat valuation
is robust and efficient". The results do not suggest that.
The authors claim that the method is"relatively objective",but the authors have made very subjective
decisions about how the three measures are combined into one measure. To be objective,the authors must
either use commonly accepted combination methods or justify the combination approach they used.
Comments of Adrian Farmer-Avian Ecologist and Modeler
The habitat quality index(based on density,diversity and mean size)may be dependent on two spatial factors
that are not considered in the model. These are:juxtaposition to other habitat types;and scale. Of the two
spatial factors,patch size is problematic if the model is intended to provide the quality(HSI)index in HEP to
produce HUs. The computation of HUs as a product of quality and area is not meaningful if quality is
dependent on area.
This model would not be useful for performing impact assessments unless the list of habitat types addressed is
exhaustive and can be used to characterize all conditions one is likely to encounter in the future,with and
• without the project(i.e., every point in space belongs to one habitat type or another, and there is no variation
within a habitat type). The paper does not state this,but this is an assumption that'should be stated clearly,
and early in the paper.
Comments of Jim Terrell - Aquatic Ecologist and Modeler
The basic idea is sound: use data on fish species composition and relative abundance to develop a community 114
metric for individual habitat types. Whether or not this(or any other)population based metric represents"habitat
value" depends solely on the point of view of the person asking the question.
The authors claim they have a robust,objective technique. "Objective" is a misnomer. Numerous, very subjective,
decisions had to be made to select the various data manipulation and aggregation techniques used to develop the
index. The method is replicable;that does not make it"objective." There is nothing objective about saying(p 13)
that it is "undesirable" to emphasize abundance at the expense of diversity. The "desirability" of such
characteristics are human values that depend on the proposed use of the index. It has very little to do with biology
and could just as easily be replaced by a goal to emphasize abundance of a species championed by a very powerful
political lobby. Providing an index with (or without)such characteristics is thriven by the intended application.
The method is not"fairly free of subjective bias" (p. 27), rather it is a mathematical formulation of an index
designed to meet subjective goals.Equitably rating"diversity"and"abundance" is a subjective goal, accomplishing
it through a square root transformation, (or a cube root.transformation for that matter)does not yield an objective
index,there is no universal truth against which the results can be compared. The transformation simply provides
a replicable description of the bias. There is no need to waste time selling the method as"objective."
If potential users of the method are willing to trade off habitats at the ratios suggested by the habitat type scores,
then fine. However,based on my past experiences with environmental planners looking for HEP and HSI models
(which the authors erroneously claim arc incapable of making cross habitat comparisons) to get them off the hook
in the inherently subjective problem of cross habitat tradeoffs, objections will be raised by certain interest groups
that the values provided by this rating system are"biased"because they do not meet their needs. The best way to
insure that the system will be used in the decision making process is to be up front about what it does not address.
One rating system does not have to provide all of the answers.
John S. Stephens, Jr. Daniel J. Pondella, II
Executive Director Director
(805)546-0443 (213)259-2955 or 2891
Fax: (213)259-2887
August 20, 1998
Rey Farve
P.O. Box 2711
Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325
In reviewing the U.S. Geological Survey's memo to John Hanlon, I do not find any of the
objections particularly ground shaking nor problematic. In fact, most of them have
already been dealt with based upon the anonymous review which I have received post
distribution of this manuscript to you from the NMFS. Also, I think it is important to
note none of the reviewers claim that the technique/model is poor in fact it is considered a
`reasonable approach'. All of the reviews are generally constructive pointing out
• semantic problems, questions of objectivity, and references to cross-habitat comparisons
in HEP. Constructive reviews of manuscripts are always helpful and provide the valuable
feedback that is the cornerstone of the scientific review process. I will approach this
memo by discussing some of the major points and then go through the specific points one
at a time.
As we have seen with the multiple meetings and reviews by all of the agencies involved
with this project and the seemingly endless reviews of this model, there has yet to be an
objection to this approach in evaluating marine habitat quality. The most pertinent point
is that there are other factors, which are important in management decisions concerning
the marine environment. Certainly this is the case. However, it is not appropriate for us
to include multiple constituencies various concerns and ideas about what is valuable in
the marine environment for this model. The intention of the model is to provide a
valuable tool, which will enable scientists, resource managers and inevitably politicians, a
means for answering various habitat questions. Other concerns about habitat quality
including water or sediment quality, endangered, commercial or sport species and other
taxonomic groups to name a few are perfectly valid concerns for evaluating relative
marine habitat values. However, weighting habitat values according to a particular
constituencies interest, we feel is undesirable because these weighted values may change
over time and we cannot predict that change. For instance, an endangered species may
not always be endangered. If a species becomes delisted, does that change the inherent
value of the habitat? Or, a species which was not of commercial interest in the past,may
• become valuable in a future fishery. Do we change the habitat value? It is not feasible to
account for these qualitative changes based upon subjective interests. On a more
practical note adding more parameters to the model will increase the variability and
reduce its applicability. Its value is in the fact that we can go out and sample the marine
environment and then be able to set the data we collect in the appropriate context. The
next step would be to add various constituencies concerns when deciding upon habitat
quality. That step is the subjectivity, which we are avoiding.
A common thread throughout the reviews, is the question of objectivity in the approach.
While certain `subjective' decisions are made in the development of any model, it is not
possible to get around this fact. Without making decisions and trying new things science
does not go forward. Thus all new models are slightly subjective. Taken literally it
appears that we should become so objective that we should not try anything new or use
`commonly accepted combination methods' (please see Brian Cole's last comment). I do
not think that this is the intent of the reviewers. What needs to be done is a clarification
of what we mean by objective, and the decisions, which were made in setting up the
model. The model is still objective, in that, the decisions to run the model are set out
ahead of time and the results stand for themselves. The model and the assumptions that
were made in its implementation were not modified based upon the results. The question
about objectivity appears to be more of a semantic concern, which is easily resolved and
really does not change the results of the paper.
The other common thread is the reference to HEP as a tool for cross-habitat analyses.
Not being a HEP expert myself, this just an introductory comment and it also does not
weigh on the results of this paper or the efficacy of the model. I think that this reference
to HEP can easily be edited out of the manuscript without any deleterious effects. •
Since the submission of this,manuscript for publication Dr. Stephens has added additional
databases to the analysis including more wetland data and offshore oil platforms. This
information has broadened, strengthened and enhanced the applicability of this method
for what are undoubtedly very complex marine habitat questions.
Take care,
Dan Pondella
Vantuna Research Group
Occidental College
The memo from the USGS is dealt with in the order in which the comments are
First off, the cover letter apparently perceives our model as being some type of
biodiversity measure derived from 'density, diversity and mean size'. Diversity is not a
measure included in the analysis. We used density, fidelity and mean size. This
misrepresentation appears to stem from Adrian Farmer's first comment. We specifically
designed the model to not be a measure of biodiversity. We knew, a priori, that specific
marine habitats have varying degrees of diversity. With this in mind, we did not want to
weight diversity as the indicator of environmental quality. We go to great lengths to keep
diversity from influencing the results of the analysis. The positive regression between the
number of guilds (a proxy of diversity) and mean product (Figure 9) is a demonstration of
the model not being driven by a particular parameter. Not weighting habitats by
diversity, in my view, is one of the real strengths of our analysis.
Also mentioned in the cover letter is the question of objectivity, which I have already
Richard Stiehl's comments:
Pg. 3-An unhealthy environment, for instance a heavily polluted environment, will not
• have any fish in it or anything else for that matter. As environmental quality increases so
does the health of the community. This is basic ecology and going into a discussion of
why it is important to have fishes in marine environments is not appropriate for a
publishable manuscript of this scope. There are numerous reasons for using fish
assemblage data as an indicator for environmental quality. Fishes occupy numerous
trophic levels and ecological niches, they relatively easy to sample and taxonomically
straight forward and the data are relatively available. Also, measurement of biomass
(directly correlated with lengths) is easily determined. Further, there is an incredible
wealth of this type of fisheries data in the literature. In order to use organisms as a
measure of habitat quality in the marine environment there are basically five groups
which can be examined: fishes, macroinvertebrates, macroalgae, plankton and infaunal
organisms. Only fish data crosses all the habitats that we are studying and is reasonably
useful for this type of comparison. Certainly other aspects of the community could be
Pg. 12-We did not want to weight any parameter over another because we did not have
any reason to think that one parameter is more important than another is. Weighting
would be more subjective than the assumptions we already used. I do not know of any
criteria that differentiate between density, fidelity and mean standard length (biomass)for
marine habitats. All are important so we just weighted them equally.
Pg. 19-these are both semantic/typo questions which are addressed in the final
• manuscript. Density has been confused with abundance.
The point of Figure 11 is that the habitat value is tractable throughout this 10-year study 0.
period for the King Harbor data set. It is important to note that it does not mirror just the
fluctuations in density because of the other two parameters in the model. We know that
there are great fluctuations in density both seasonal and annual in the marine
environment. Demonstrating that the model is robust enough to overcome these
fluctuations in one parameter strengthens its applicability.
We never state that fish abundance or density is an accurate measure of`value'-that is
one of the important points of the paper.
Pg. 22-Figure 11 is only from diver transects and it does not suggest that the method is
correlated with diver transects or trawl data. Please see comments on Figure 11 above.
Our interpretation of`orders of magnitude' is based upon factors of ten. For example,
100% is an order of magnitude greater than 10% and 1000% is an order of magnitude
greater than 100%. 30-85% are all the same order of magnitude. I've never heard of the
term used any other way.
Pg. 24-Yes, this is correct. We may need to clarify this a bit.
Brian Cade's comments:
Pg. 2) please see above.
Pg. 13) We did not want one parameter to drive the model, perhaps we need to be more
clear on this point. We go to lengths in the analysis to see that this does not happen.
Both abundance and diversity are important parameters in marine systems and we did not
want one parameter to swamp out the other. Certain habitats can have higher diversity
and low abundance while others have low diversity and high abundance. To weight one
over the other is a subjective choice (which we did not want to make) concerning the
relative value of those parameters.
A density of five fish per hectare was used as a cut off because guilds with such low
densities were so rare that their inclusion would not affect the analysis.
The measure would be the same.
The habitat value should correlate with the number of fish guilds (as a proxy for
diversity) so that it accurately represents habitats of various guild numbers. In this
manner,the habitat value does not weight preferentially habitats that have more or less
diversity. We wanted to stay away from this (see above response pg. 13)
This refers to Figure 10, confidence limits are not given in Figure 11.
I queried Alan Bond directly about this point, he had written bootstrapping in the original
manuscript, but what he did is technically a resampling technique without replacement.
This is jackknifing and we hadn't caught all of the changes before the manuscript went
• out.
Pg. 16
This is an interesting idea, but not the approach we chose for this manuscript.
Please see Pg. 15 response.
Pg. 18-this sentence should probably be rewritten. The method has proved to be robust
and efficient for a variety of reasons. The resampling technique is merely a tool for
setting confidence limits and other more traditional statistical parameters on our habitat
values. This is important for numerous reasons including cross-habitat comparisons and
the evaluation of our comparison sites, which were sampled for only a year or two in
most cases. Without the confidence limits, it becomes very difficult to interpret the
How can we do something `novel' and 'use commonly accepted combination methods'?
Please see the previous comments on objectivity.
Adrian Farmer's comments:
The habitat quality index is not based on diversity. There always are other factors, which
may not be included in a model; otherwise it would not be a model. These two spatial
factors:juxtaposition and scale are more applicable to terrestrial habitats. However,the
question of juxtaposition of habitat types is solved by the guilds because the guilds cross
habitats. The scale of different habitats is in part resolved by the standardization of the
density measures. Further to weight habitats variably by their scale in the southern
California bight is adding a subjective parameter to the model, which we did not have any
reason to do.
We have used an exhaustive list of habitat types (past, present and foreseeable future) in
the southern California bight in this paper. We certainly can be clearer about this in the
paper(good point).
Jim Terrell's comments:
As I have stated more than once in the presentation of this model and have added to the
final manuscript, the model is simply another tool and not the final word on habitat
valuation. Different constituencies have various points of view on what is important in
the marine environment. Obviously all of these ideas are important but do not want to
weight the model towards a particular point of view. Especially when we know that ideas
of what people view as important in environmental valuation may change over time.
• Please refer to the comments on objectivity.
Absolutely correct (please see first Terrell response) however we do need a tool for S-.
valuating marine habitats and this is an effective method for that purpose. There are
other things that can be considered in environmental quality, but they all cannot be put in
one model or analysis.
_ G �.