06_20140422_PC_SR_Operational_Review_Green_Hills_Master_PlanCITY OF
DATE: APRIL 22, 2014
00086); Location: 27501 Western Avenue
Project Manager- Eduardo Schonborn, AICP, Senior PlanW;2
Continue the public hearing to the May 13, 2014 Planning Commission meeting.
On February 25, 2014, the Planning Commission reviewed Staff's suggested mitigation
measures and conditions to address concerns raised by condominium owners in the
adjacent City of Lomita, regarding Green Hills' Memorial Terrace mausoleum building.
The Commission also heard some options from the Green Hills representatives that they
believe could be implemented to address some of the concerns- and heard testimony
from some of the condominium owners regarding the impacts associated with the
mausoleum building and the activities that are performed on the rooftop including burials.
After hearing public testimony and discussing the cemetery operations, on a 7-0 vote, the
Planning Commission agreed to continue the public hearing to March 11, 2014 to allow
Staff to draft the appropriate resolution to impose up to a 90 -day moratorium on all rooftop
ground interments/burials on the Memorial Terrace Mausoleum, located in Area 11 of the
approved Green Hills Master Plan, while Staff finalizes mitigation measures to address
specific noise, visual and privacy impacts identified by the Planning Commission based
on public testimony. At the March 11th hearing, the attorneys representing Green Hills
and the neighboring condominium association requested that the hearing be further
continued to the April 22, 2014 Planning Commission meeting to allow time for the parties
to meet and come to an agreement on mitigation measures to address impacts
associated with the Memorial Terrace mausoleum. In accordance with both parties'
request, the Planning Commission continued the public hearing to April 22, 2014.
April 22, 2014
Page 1
MEMORANDUM: Operational Review of Green Hills Memorial Park Cemetery
Master Plan
April 22, 2014
Page 2
On April 14, 2014, Staff emailed the attorneys for each of the parties involved for a status
update on their discussions so that Staff can include said information in this report. In
response, on April 15th Mr. McLachlan (attorney representing the condominium
association) indicated that the parties did reach an agreement; however, some issues
remain to be resolved (see attached email and letter dated April 15, 2014). Staff also
received an email from Ms. Berkowitz (attorney representing Green Hills) asking for
additional time to sort out the remaining issues. As a result, acknowledging that
discussions between the two parties are occurring in the hopes of a resolution, Staff
recommends that additional time be given to resolve the remaining issues, and that the
hearing be continued to May 13, 2014. Staff will distribute any information submitted prior
to the April 22nd Planning Commission meeting as part of late correspondence.
• Email exchanges between City Staff, Attorney Mike McLachlan representing the
condominium association, and Attorney Ellen Berkowitz representing Green Hills
• Letter from Mike McLachlan, dated April 15, 2014
April 22, 2014
Page 2
Eduardo Schonborn
From: Ellen Berkowitz <Ellen.Berkowitz@Gresham5avage.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 9:20 AM
To: Mike McLachlan; Joel Rojas; Eduardo Schonborn
Cc: Carol Lynch <clynch@rwglaw.com>
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
Yes, that's fine.
Thank you.
From: Mike McLachlan [mailto:mike@mclachlanlaw.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:30 AM
To:.JoelR@rpv.com; EduardoS@rpv.com; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc: clynch@rwglaw.com
Subject: Re: Green Hills status
I am.
Mike McLachlan
------ Original message------
F'rom: Joel Rojas
Date: Tue, Apr 15, 2014 9:08 PM
To: Mike McLachlan;Eduardo Schonborn;Ellen Berkowitz;
Cc: Carol Lynch;
Subject:RE: Green Hills status
Mr. McLachlan
Anticipating that we would not be receiving anything from either side in time for staff to analyze in the staff report that needs to be
completed tomorrow, it was going to be staff's recommendation to continue the public hearing to May 13. Given Ms. Berkowitz'
earlier email this evening asking for more time to resolve the outstanding issues and your suggestions for further work, i take it that
both parties are ammenable to staffs continuance recommendation.
From: Mike McLachlan [mike rr mciachlanlaw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:47 PM
To: Joel Rojas; Eduardo Schonborn; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc: Carol Lynch <clyncha,rwalaw.com>
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
Attached is a status report, and the HOA's suggestions for further work.
Mike McLachlan
Law Offices of Michael D. McLachlan, APC
10490 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Office: 310-954-8270
Fax: 310-954-8271
April 22, 2014
Page 3
From: Joel Rojas [nnailto:JoclR{a'rpv.coml
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:07 PM
To: Mike McLachlan; Eduardo Schonborn, Ellen Berkowitz_
Cc: Carol Lynch <civrnchr(- rwglaw.com>
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
M ike
We were hoping to receive something from the parties since our staff report needs to go out tomorrow. Given the status, our staff
report will simply note the status. Do you expect to be able to act us something before the April 22nd meeting? If so, we will note that
as well as. This means that a final decision will not be trade on April 22 as we are not able to prepare a resolution for the PC's
From: Mike McLachlan mailto,mike ramclachlanlaw,com
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:08 PM
To: Eduardo Schonborn; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
Eduardo, The parties did meet, and did reach some agreement, but some issue remain left to be resolved.
Mike McLachlan
Law Offices of Michael D. McLachlan, APC
10490 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Office: 310-954-8270
Fax: 310-954-8271
From: Eduardo Schonborn [mailto:EduardoS@rpv.com]
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 1:59 PM
To: Ellen Berkowitz; Mike McLachlan
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: Green Hills status
Ms. Berkowitz and Mr_ McLachlan,
As you are aware, the Planning Commission hearing was continued to April 22nd at your request to give both parties an opportunity to
meet and discuss. Have there been any progress or agreements as a result?
1 need to get a staff report finalized by noon this Wednesday and was wondering what the status is. If there is any new information,
please submit or let me know by tomorrow so that we can address it in the staff report. in the meantime, we will be revisiting our
recommended conditions.
Thank you,
Eduardo Schonborn, aicp
Senior Planner
[cid.ima e00I . n ri01 CEB397. I E30A0A01City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Department
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
April 22, 2014
Page 4
www.t) alosverdes.c onVrpv/p Ian nin�ltagnI1r+�-zoning: index.ctin ,�littp:/.hvww.palosvei-des.com/rpv/nlartninali)I_inninL,-
(310) 544-5228 — (310) 544-5293 f
eduardosa rpv.coiii< iailto:eduardos(ci,rpv.coti
I'llen Berkowitz
Gresham Savage Dolan & Tilden, PC
333 South Hope Street
35th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Office direct: (213) 873-8395
Office main: (21.3) 213-7249
Fax: (213) 213-7391 [ Cell: (310) 592-3479
www_G resha m Sa vaae. tom
I. Privileged anti Confidential communication. The pnfcis ;
Eduardo Schonborn
From: Ellen Berkowitz <EIIen.Berkowitz@GreshamSavage.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:02 PM
To: Joei Rojas; Mike McLachlan; Eduardo Schonborn
Cc: Carol Lynch <clynch@rwglaw.com>
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
I think we need a little more time. Would folks be amenable to a further continuance? I believe we can have something
more concrete to present shortly.
From: Joel Rojas [mailto:JoelR@rpv.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:07 PM
To: Mike McLachlan; Eduardo Schonborn; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc; Carol Lynch <clynch@rwgiaw.com>
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
We were hoping to receive something from the parties since our staff report needs to go out tomorrow. Given the
status, our staff report will simply note the status. Do you expect to be able to get us something before the April 22""
meeting? If so, we will note that as well as. This means that a final decision will not be made on April 22 as we are not
able to prepare a resolution for the PC's adoption,
From: Mike McLachlan[malito:mike(2?mclachlanlaw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:08 PM
To: Eduardo Schonborn; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
Eduardo, The parties did meet, and did reach some agreement, but some issue remain left to be
Mike McLachlan
Law Offices of llichael D. McLachlan, APC
10490 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Office: 310-954-8270
Fax: 310-954-8271
From; Eduardo Schonborn [mailto:EduardoS@rpvcm]
Sent: Monday, April 14, 20t4 1:59 PM
To: Ellen Berkowitz; Mike McLachlan
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: Green Hills status
April 22, 2014
Page 6
Ms. Berkowitz and Mr. McLachlan,
As you are aware, the Planning Commission hearing was continued to April 22"d at your request to give both parties an
opportunity to meet and discuss_ Have there been any progress or agreements as a result?
I need to get a staff report finalized by noon this Wednesday and was wondering what the status is. If there is any new
information, please submit or let me know by tomorrow so that we can address it in the staff report. In the meantime,
we will be revisiting our recommended conditions.
Thank you,
Edrrrtrd'o Schonborn, aiep
Senior Planner
LCity of Rancho !tfos `tIerdes
Planning Department
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 544-5228 — (310) 544-5293 f
Filen. Berkowitz.
Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden, PC
333 South Hope Street
35th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Office direct: (213) 873-8395
Office main: (213) 213-7249
Fax: (213) 213-7391 l Cell: (310) 592-3479
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April 22, 2014
Page 7
Eduardo Schonborn
From: Mike McLachlan <mike@mclachianlaw.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:08 PM
To: Eduardo Schonborn; Ellen Berkowitz
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: RE: Green Hills status
Eduardo, The parties did meet, and did reach some agreement, but some issue remain left to be
Mire McLachlan
Lav Offices of Michael D. McLachlan, .UPC
10490 Santa I\Ionzca Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Off -ice: 310-954-8270
Fay:: 31 U-954-8271
From: Eduardo Schonborn [mailto:EduardoS@rpv.com]
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 1:59 PM
To: Ellen Berkowitz; Mike McLachlan
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: Green Hills status
Ms. Berkowitz and Mr. McLachlan,
As you are aware, the Planning Commission hearing was continued to April 22nd at your request to give both parties an
opportunity to meet and discuss. Have there been any progress or agreements as a result?
I need to get a staff report finalized by noon this Wednesday and was wondering what the status is. If there is any new
information, please submit or let me know by tomorrow so that we can address it in the staff report. In the meantime,
we will be revisiting our recommended conditions.
Thank you,
Eduardo Schonborn, aicp
Senior Planner
City of RancFo Palos Verdes
Planning Department
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 544-5228 — (310) 544-5293 f
April 22, 2014
Page 8
Eduardo Schonborn
Mike McLachlan <mike@mclachlanlaw.com>
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:09 PM
Eduardo Schonborn
RE: Green Hills status
I will try to sena you a sulnnaary of Vista Verde HOA's current position later today.
Mike McLachlan
Laic Offices of Michael D. McLachlan, APC
10490 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Office: 310-954-8270
Fax: 310-954-8271
From: Eduardo Schonborn (mai Ito: Eduardo5@rpv.comj
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 1.:59 PM
To: Ellen Berkowitz; Mike McLachlan
Cc: Joel Rojas
Subject: Green Hills status
Ms. Berkowitz and Mr. McLachlan,
As you are aware, the Planning Commission hearing was continued to April 22nd at your request to give both parties an
opportunity to meet and discuss. Have there been any progress or agreements as a result?
I need to get a staff report finalized by noon this Wednesday and was wondering what the status is. If there is any new
information, please submit or let me know by tomorrow so that we can address it in the staff report. In the meantime,
we will be revisiting our recommended conditions.
Thank you,
Eduardo Schonborn, aicp
Senior Planner
City of Rancho -Pa fos Verdes
Planning Department
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 544-5228 — (310) 544-5293 f
eduardos(Ta rpv_com
April 22, 2014
Page 9
Los ANGELES, CA ryooz5
PHONE Tao -954-8270 FAS jio-95.I-827a
E: MAII. mike nulacitlanl7 s.rom
April 15, 2014
Planning Coua7mission
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Re: Fehr=rear;1123, 2014 Plarrrtiitg Coi)tnrission Agerreler Itetri #3
Greejt Mills Anuual Revieiv (Case No, ZON2003-00086)
Dear Commissioners:
I write on behalf of the Vista Verde Homeowners Association (the "HOA") relative
to Green Hills Memorial Park, and the ongoing evaluation of the Memorial Terrance
Mausoleum a/k/a Pacific Terrance Mausoleum (the "Mausoleum") which was recently
constructed eight feet to the South of the HOA property in what is known as Area 11 to the
Green Hills Master Plan.
Since the February 25, 2014 hearing, the parties have met and discussed certain
mitigation treasures, which are still under development. The parties have defined a few
areas where it is clear that there will not be agreement. One of those is time restrictions for
roof top burials. Vista Verde feels strongly that due to the highly disruptive nature of those
services, they should be restricted to the hours of 10;00 a.in. and 3 p.m. Green Mills does
not agree. There is also some remaining investigation into ventilation noise on the rear of
the Mausoleum as well as drainage issues.
The larger issue that Vista Verde requests be addressed is the existing CUP
provisions allowing Green Hills to substantially expand the Mausoleum at the same relative
height, and with many hundred more rooftop burial sites. Such further construction will
clearly impact the views of additional Vista Verde units and further compound a very bad
situation engendered by the rooftop burials. The current concern with the CUP is that (lie
future prospect of further view -altering construction, and the potential for rooftop burials to
continue for decades to come, has a substantially adverse impact on the present value of
every one of the units at Vista Verde. Green Hills should engage in the silhouetting work
April 22, 2014
Page 10
Planning. Commission
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
April 15, 2011
Page 2
now, so that appropriate modifications to the CUP can be considered later this year. It is
very important to the Vista Verde owners that this issue be resolved in the near future.
Final]),, at the last hearing a number of the Commissioners requested that we forward
digital copies of photographs as well as the available videos, to your attention. I have sent
additional photographs, and ani making arrangements to transmit several video files. Given
that there are several ne,%v Commissions, l attach my letter of February 18, 2014.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Very truly yours,
/)00 -�
Michael D. McLachlan
April 22, 2014
Page 11