CC 20161101 D Hesse Park Turf Rehab ActivitiesRANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 11/01/2016 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to receive an update on turf rehabilitation activities scheduled for the Hesse Park athletic field. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file report on turf rehabilitation activities scheduled for Hesse Park Athletic Field. FISCAL IMPACT: Work to maintain athletic fields are included in the adopted municipal budget. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Sean Larvenz, Maintenance Superintendent Dan Trautner, Deputy Director of Recreatio Parks T'��-T- REVIEWED BY: Michael Throne, PE, Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager`;"/i/- ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Turf Rehabilitation Plan (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Due to the lateness of the hour, this item was continued from the October 18, 2016, Council meeting. Hesse Park athletic field consists of a baseball diamond and a multipurpose field that is used for a variety of programs, special events, youth and adult sports leagues, including the Palos Verdes Peninsula American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO Region 10). At the September 20, 2016, meeting, the Council directed Staff to see if the Hesse Park fields could be rehabilitated to enable AYSO Region 10 to play there and reduce the impact from the closure of the Ladera Linda fields. Currently, AYSO Region 10 (younger divisions) and BeachHead Lacrosse are using the fields at Hesse Park on Saturdays and Sundays until November 13, 2016. The condition of the field was impacted by the Tier II watering restrictions imposed by California Water Service (CalWater) last year as their response to the drought 1 emergency declared by the Governor. The frequency and run time of the irrigation schedule was restricted to Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Watering was further restricted with a water window from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM on those days and the water main can only supply a finite amount of water per minute. The system cycles through the stations in sequence to supply the required amount of water to each station. Only one station at a time can operate, which results in about half of the water required to keep up with evapotranspiration (the measurement of evaporation, soil infiltration and plant use). Prior to the water restrictions, the system could run whenever it was needed to keep up with the needs of the turf. The improvements approved by the City Council in 2010 (see https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.Iegistar.com/rpv/MeetingDate-2010-10- 05/RPVCCA SR 2010 10 05 08 Hesse and Ryan Parks Athletic Field Improvem ents.pdf) that included regrading, deep turf maintenance and new irrigation controllers were based on this approach. Regrettably the drought restrictions have had negative impacts on field conditions as the City cannot water at a level necessary to keep natural turf healthy under heavy use. These restrictions have limited the irrigation system to operate 18% of the time when compared to the unrestricted (except by budget constraints) water consumption. Additional effort is now required to restore the field conditions to pre -drought emergency conditions. On July 31, 2016, the Tier II restrictions were lifted by CalWater, but this only removed the cost surcharge imposed for water usage above our water budget. Unfortunately for the turf, the watering days and water window restrictions remained in place. The irrigation controllers were re -set to irrigate at the proper rate and Public Works extended the time per watering days to the maximum allowable amount. Rehabilitation Plan The rehabilitation plan (Attachment A) is being implemented to minimize the impact on the AYSO Region 10 and BeachHead Lacrosse while maximizing the chances of reviving the fields before their upcoming spring season. The start date for the major tasks shown will begin after the two fall user groups' season has concluded in November. The proposed plan schedules the field re -opening to the public and spring users on April 1, 2017. This may impact any user group requesting use the fields for the spring season. The spring youth recreation sports leagues requesting field space this upcoming season include Silver Spur Little League and BeachHead Lacrosse. Recreation and Parks personnel will work to accommodate these requests for field space at alternate locations (such as Ryan Park) during the turf remediation period. The City's landscape maintenance contractor will be performing the work shown on Attachment A at no additional cost to the City. An order -of -magnitude cost to replace the turf field and modify the existing irrigation system to deliver more water during the water window is estimated at $275,000 to $400,000, depending on the extent of turf soil and drainage conditions and irrigation/water main modifications. 2 ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for the City Council's consideration: 1) Direct the Public Works to develop a full turf replacement project including modifications to the existing irrigation system to deliver more water during the water window days and return with a proposed project to be funded and included in the Capital Improvement Program. 3 HESSE PARK TURF REHABILITATION PLAN The table below outlines key tasks taken over the next five months to rehabilitate the turf at Upper Hesse Park: ID Task Name Start Finish Duration 1 Increase Irrigation 11/1/16 3/31/17 151 Days 2 Close Field 11/14/16 3/31/17 138 Days 3 Fencing 11/14/16 11/14/16 1 Day 4 Grade Repairs 11/15/16 11/15/16 1 Day 5 Aeration 11/16/16 11/16/16 1 Day 6 Seed with Rye/Bermuda 11/17/16 11/17/16 1 Day 7 Monitor 11/18/16 12/7/16 20 Days 8 Re -seed as Needed 12/8/16 12/8/16 1 Day 9 Monitor 12/9/16 1/15/17 38 Days 10 Re -seed as Needed 1/16/17 1/16/17 1 Day 11 Fertilize as Needed 1/16/17 1/16/17 1 Day 12 Monitor 1/17/17 2/15/17 30 Days 13 Re -seed as Needed 2/16/17 2/16/17 1 Day 14 Fertilize as Needed 2/16/17 2/16/17 1 Day 15 Monitor 2/17/17 3/29/17 41 Days 16 Remove Fencing 3/30/17 3/31/17 2 Days 17 Open Fields 4/1/17 4/1/17 1 Day 18 Resume Normal Irrigation Schedule 4/1/17 4/1/17 1 Day A-1