CC SR 20160606 03 - Draft Preliminary BudgetRANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 06/06/2016 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Preliminary Budget and Capital Improvement Program including discussion and possible direction regarding all City revenues and expenditures. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive Staff presentation of FY 2016-17 Preliminary Budget and Capital Improvement Program; (2) Determine that the utility users' tax (UUT) rate of 3% continues to be necessary revenue source for the City's operating and capital improvements, and that the current rate of 3% should be maintained; (3) Schedule public hearing and budget adoption for June 21, 2016. FISCAL IMPACT: Proposed Budget total revenues of $39,895,500 and total expenditures of $44,362,000. Total General Fund revenues of $28,614,000 and expenditures of $28,433,900. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Trang Nguyen, Deputy Director of Finance REVIEWED BY: Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance --- APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager.,P ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. FY 2016-17 Preliminary Budget (page A-1) B. FY 2016-17 Preliminary CIP Budget (page B-1) C. FY 2016-17 CIP New Projects (page C-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: FY 2016-17 Budget The City started the budget process with the first Budget Workshop held on April 11, 2016. During this session, staff presented year-end estimates for FY 15-16 and 1 assumptions and estimates that would be used to develop the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget. Additional items for funding consideration were also presented and discussed. Based on Council's direction, a second budget workshop was scheduled on May 31, 2016. At this workshop staff presented changes to the FY 16-17 Preliminary Budget for consideration and updated FY 15-16 year-end estimates. Additionally, Public Works presented the Five- Year Capital Improvement Program. Staff presented an updated Operating Budget, focused on the General Fund and the Capital Program Fund. The total FY 2016-17 Citywide Preliminary Revenues are currently estimated to be $39,657,800 and Expenditures are estimated to be $44,384,300. The General Fund Preliminary Revenues are estimated to be $28,804,000 (Table 1) and estimated Expenditures of $28,333,900 (Table 2). FY 2016-17 General Fund Budget Assumptions General Fund Revenues Staff is projecting an increase of $732,000 or 2.6% in General Fund operating revenues, net of transfers in, for FY 2016-17 as compared to FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. Revenues are projected to end FY 2015-16 slightly higher than the Adopted Budget of $27.9M by $475,000 or 1.7% and staff is expecting this growth to continue into FY 2016-17. Listed below is a summary of the major revenue assumptions as compared to FY 2015- 16 adopted budget: General Taxes — expected net increase of approximately $504,000 or 2.5%: a. Property Tax projected to decrease ($47,000) based on FY15-16 actuals and estimates from the City's Property Tax consultant. b. Property Transfer Tax - projected to increase by $12,000 based on FY15-16 actuals. c. Sales Tax - expected to increase by $54,000 based on FY15-16 actuals and revenue estimate provided by MuniServices. d. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) — expected to increase $468,000 based on growth trend the past three years and industry information. e. Business License Tax — expected to increase by $17,000 based on historical trends. 2. Other Taxes — expected net increase of approximately $49,000 or 1.1 % based on historical and industry estimates: a. Franchise Taxes is projected to increase by $26,000. b. Utilities User Taxes is projected to increase by $120,000. c. Golf Taxes is projected to decrease by ($97,000) 3. Other Revenues — expected net increase of approximately $179,000 or 5.2% primarily in these categories: 2 a. Licenses and Permits are projected to increase by $56,000 based Community Development projection of activities for FY 2016-17. b. Use of Money and Property revenue is projected to increase by $48,000 based on FY15-16 actuals and an increase in facility rental. c. Miscellaneous Revenues — is expected to increase by $142,000 based on the estimates for Redevelopment Agency loan payment. Below is the summary of the FY 2016-17 General Fund Revenues as compared to the FY 15-16 Adopted Budget and FY 15-16 ear -end estimates. Table 1 FY 2016-17 PRELIMINARY REVENUES BUDGET Property Tax Property transfer tax Sales Tax TOT Franchise taxes UUT Business license tax Golf tax Licenses and Permits Fines and forfeitures Interest earnings Other use of money and property (rents & leases) Charges for services Intergovernmental (grants & vehicle license fees) Other revenue TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING REVENUES FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED YEAR-END PRELIMINARY BUDGET EST BUDGET 11,755,555 11,350,626 11,708,600 395,000 430,432 406,900 2,068,936 2,075,602 2,122,800 5,026,400 5,149,029 5,495,000 2,101,000 2,043,393 2,127,100 1,862,000 1,663,644 1,981,900 777,490 825,650 794,500 447,900 377,850 350,500 2,160,100 2,630,846 2,215,800 120,000 108,961 121,500 121,220 51,687 53,800 742,500 1,255,721 790,200 228,800 332,979 230,200 - 20,902 - 75,307 40,457 215,200 27,882,208 28,357,779 28,614,000 TRANSFER IN 208,000 157,698 190,000 TOTAL PRELIMINARY REVENUES 28,090,208 28,515,477 28,804,000 9 General Fund Expenditures Staff is projecting an increase of $2M or 9.4% in General Fund operating expenditures, net of transfers out, for FY 16-17. Listed below is a summary of the expenditure assumptions as compared to FY 15-16 Adopted Budget: 4. Salaries — increase of $600,000 or 9.3% due to: f. Equity adjustments based on the compensation study-- $44,000 g. COLA increase (January 2016) of $150,000 h. COLA increase (July 2016) of $78,000 i. Average merit increase (July 2016) of $73,000 j. Additional part-time for Recreation and Parks $235,000 k. Position reclassification Manager to Deputy -- $20,000 5. Benefits — increase of $159,000 or 7.5% due to: d. CalPERS pension rate increase totaling $89,000 e. Health benefits increase $47,000 f. Other benefits increase $23,000 6. Public Safety — increase of $883,000 or 16.7% due to: a. Annual Sheriff contract increase $141,000 b. Sheriff General Liability increase $177,000 c. Preserve Enforcement increase $436,000 d. New position added --Administrative Analyst II $92,000 e. Animal Control $29,000 f. Operating Supplies $8,000 7. City Attorney — decrease of $90,000 or -8.7% due to savings from professional technical. 8. Non -Department — increase of $179,000 or 27.3% due to: a. Vacation buyout for separation of employment or excess leave balance $25,000 b. Contract with HDL for Property Tax audit $13,000 c. Unemployment claims and additional retiree benefit payments $41,000 d. Phase 2 —security cameras on Western Ave. $100,000 9. Other non -personnel — increase of $241,000 or 4.4% a. Dual system maintenance for financial software $52,000 b. New security cameras and archives $46,000 c. Update General Plan $110,000 d. Miscellaneous professional technical services and utilities $33,000 11 Table 2 FY 2016-17 PRELIMINARY EXPENDITURES BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES MEETINGS & CONFERENCES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES FY 2016 469,680.00 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR- PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET 5,617,244.00 5,415,201.00 6,060,100.00 35,254.00 23,280.00 24,000.00 772,686.00 804,724.00 941,300.00 2,105,353.00 2,132,383.00 2,264,700.00 8,530,537.00 8,375,588.00 9,290,100.00 86,700.00 87,012.00 125,800.00 7,650.00 6,545.00 8,500.00 49,600.00 35,920.00 68,600.00 143,950.00 129,477.00 202,900.00 TOTAL OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP 469,680.00 567,784.00 576,500.00 TOTAL PROF/TECH SERVICES 2,269,900.00 2,311,138.00 2,432,500.00 ADVERTISING MAINTENANCE SERVICES MEMBERSHIP&DUES MISC EXPENSES POSTAGE PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS RENTALS UTILITY SERVICES INTERFUND CHARGES 58,600.00 80,703.00 94,500.00 1,403,491.00 1,403,940.00 1,593,500.00 76,090.00 73,967.00 82,100.00 235,100.00 244,809.00 220,000.00 8,050.00 7,815.00 8,500.00 72,600.00 65,162.00 88,600.00 13, 350.00 13,462.00 12, 300.00 26,600.00 24,183.00 27,300.00 406,600.00 290,404.00 309,600.00 332,700.00 332,700.00 109,400.00 OTHER EXPENSES 2,633,181.00 2,537,145.00 2,545,800.00 PUBLIC SAFETY/LAW ENFORCEMENT 5,279,500.00 4,946,530.00 6,163,000.00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,030,000.00 1,046,185.00 940,000.00 NON -DEPARTMENT 657,700.00 948,963.00 837,100.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET 21,014,448.00 20,862,810.00 22,987,900.00 TOT TRANSFER OUT 5,026,400.00 5,026,400.00 5,200,000.00 OTHER TRANSFER OUT 3,390,903.00 5,435,469.00 246,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 29,431,751.00 31,324,679.00 28,433,900.00 5 As presented at the second Budget Workshop on May 31 st and shown in the table below, the General Fund estimated ending fund balance for FY 15-16 is $12.2 million. After applying Council's reserve policy, the General Fund has an estimated unrestricted surplus of $1.7 million. (Table 3) Table 3 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance Add: Revenues (including transfers in) Less: Year-end Estimated Expenditures $15.1 Less: TOT Transfers Out 28.5 Subtotal 43.6 Cl P) -20.9 Less: TOT Transfers Out -5.0 Less: Prior Year Favorable Expenditure Variance (Transferred to Cl P) Less: Other Transfers Out -3.3 Estimated General Fund Balance 6/30/2016 12.2 Less: 50% Policy Reserve -10.5 4 General Fund estimated fund balance for FY 16-17 is $12.6 million with $1.1 million of estimated unrestricted surplus after applying Council's reserve policy. (Table 4) Table 4 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance $12.2 Add: Revenues (including transfers in) 28.8 Subtotal 41.0 Less: FY 2016-17 Projected Expenditures, net of transfers out (23.0) Less: TOT Transfers out (5.2) Less: Other transfers out (0.2) Estimated General Fund Balance 6/30/2017 12.6 Less: 50% Policy Reserve (11.5) Estimated Unrestricted D- n • Table 5 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY SALARIES 7,097,100.00 BENEFITS 2,285,300.00 NON -PERSONNEL 13,605,500.00 TRANSFERS OUT 5,446,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 28,433,900.00 Chart 1 FY 2016-17 General Fund Preliminary Expenditures by Category $28.4 million TRANSFERS OUT 19% or $5.41VI NON -PERSONNEL 48% or $13.6M SALARIES 25% or $7.1M BENEFITS 8/ or $2.3M 7 Table 6 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT CITY ATTORNEY 940,000.00 PUBLIC SAFETY 6,163,000.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION 3,669,000.00 FINANCE 1, 296, 900.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3,140,900.00 PUBLIC WORKS 4,677,100.00 RECREATION AND PARKS 2,263,900.00 NON -DEPARTMENT 837,100.00 TOT TRANSFERS OUT 5,200,000.00 OTHER TRANSFERS OUT 246,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 28,433,900.00 Chart 2 FY 2016-17 General Fund Preliminary Expenditures by Department $28.4 million OTHER TRANSFERS OUT CITY ATTORNEY 1% or $0.2M 3% or $0.9M NON - DEPARTMENT 3% or $0.8M RECREATION AN❑ it 8% or $2.3M FY 2016-17 Preliminary Budget for Other Funds (Table 7) Capital Improvement Prosect Fund During the May 31, 2016 City Council workshop on the proposed capital improvement budget for FY 16-17, a detailed review of the draft proposal prepared by Public Works was made. The following modification was made to that plan, which is reflected in the draft capital budget attached hereto: The proposed marquee signage at Upper Point Vicente Park will be pursued at a later date pending the outcome of the master planning process for the Civic Center. Signage options for Hesse Park (including low-key features consistent with the semi -rural character of the City) will be investigated by City personnel and will be followed up on at a later date. No new or additional funding is included in the draft FY 16/17 budget for marquee signage. The City Council also discussed developing further a comprehensive arterial roadway median beautification program. The attached draft capital budget table (Attachment B) shows all projects that have continuing appropriations, are re -budgeted and/or require new funding or are new projects. A brief description of the proposed new projects is shown in (Attachment C). Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Fund continues to operate with a balance budget. The estimated ending fund balance for FY 15-16 is $24.2 million. This is an increase in fund balance of almost $4 million due to the favorable variance transfer from the General Fund of $2.2 million and one-time transfer of $1.2 million from the excess reserve in the General Fund during the year. Public works is expecting to add another thirteen (13) capital projects in FY 16-17 for an estimated total of $6.9 million. The CIP Fund is estimating to receive a little a million, $1,054,400, in grants, in addition to a transfer in from General Fund of $5.2 million from Transient Occupancy Taxes. Equipment Replacement Fund Equipment Replacement Fund continues to operate with a balance budget. This fund is used to accumulate funding to replace equipment, furniture and vehicles at the end of the life cycle. With the plan to replace the current financial system and other annual equipment replacement, the estimated expenditures for FY 16-17 are $687,000. Based on the current Equipment Replacement Schedule, the estimated inter -fund charges are $132,000 for FY 16-17. The maintenance budget for vehicles and equipment were re - budgeted in the General Fund under Non -Department as it is used to support City-wide operation. 01 Water Quality/Flood Protection Fund The Water Quality/Flood Protection Fund will begin the fiscal year with an estimated $2.5M fund balance. There will be no additional revenue added to this fund balance due to the sun -setting of the Storm Drain User Fee. Public Works is purposing three (3) new projects in FY 16-17 for a total of $2.2 million. This fund is currently operating from fund balance and is expected to exhaust the remaining fund balance by FY 17-18. All Other Special Revenue Funds All other Special Revenue Funds continue to operate with a balance budget and are forecasted to continue into the next fiscal year with positive fund balances with one exception, the Street Maintenance Fund. The Street Maintenance Fund revenue is generated from the motor vehicle fuel tax. This source of revenue has been declining since FY 13-14, revenues collected that year totaled approximately $1.3 million. The City received $990,000 in FY 14-15, a decrease of slightly more than $300,000 or 26% from FY 13-14. The estimated revenue for FY 15-16 is $823,000, another decrease of $167,000 or 20%. Public Works is estimating the annual needs for street maintenance is approximately $1.6 million for FY 16-17 and estimated the annual revenue for motor vehicle fuel tax at $823,000. The fund has some fund balance to meet the need for FY 16-17. 10 Table 7 FY16-17 Estimated Appropriations Fund Balance FY16.17 Estimated Resources Revenues Transfers In Fund 6/30/2016 Restricted by Council Action 19,569,407 BEAUTIFICATION FUND 1,255 900 - CIP 20,397,307 1,054,400 5,200,000 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 2,865,804 132,030 - BUILDING REPLACEMENT - - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - - Subtotal 23,264,366 1,187,330 5,200,000 Restricted by Law or External Agencies 25,510 STREET MAINTENANCE 952,336 842,600 1972 ACT 27,898 260,200 EL PRADO LIGHTING 24,010 2,300 CDBG - 192,400 1911 ACT 1,784,350 555,600 WASTE REDUCTION 436,067 208,100 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT 103,382 50,300 PROPOSITION C 304,998 649,100 PROPOSITION A 381,666 781,300 PUBLIC SAFETY GRANTS 27,202 100,200 MEASURE R 1,631,622 489,600 HABITAT RESTORATION 1,444,712 4,900 SUBREGION 1 MAINTENANCE 798,296 2,700 MEASURE A - 90,000 - ABALONE COVE SEWER DISTRICT 98,024 55,400 208,000 GINSBURG CULTURAL ARTS BUILDING 102,329 300 - DONOR RESTRICTED CONTRIBUTIONS 873,200 2,800 QUIMBY 2,431,981 5,900 LOW -MOD INCOME HOUSING 55,519 44,300 AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN LIEU 589,132 1,900 ENVIRONMENTAL EXCISE TAX 139,348 23,200 BIKEWAYS 97 82,500 WATER QUALITY/FLOOD PROTECTION 2,526,248 8,000 IMPROV AUTH - PORTUGUESE BEND 279,509 1,100 - IMPROV AUTH -ABALONE COVE 1,034,006 3,400 38,000 Subtotal of Other Restricted Funds 16,045,932 4,458,100 246,000 GRAND TOTAL 39,310,298 5,645,430 5,446,000 FY16-17 Estimated Appropriations Fund Balance 6/30/2017 Expenditures TranstersOut 2,155 (6,877,500) 19,569,407 (687,000) 2,310,834 0 0 7,564,500 21,882,396 (1,635,500) 159,436 (241, 500) 46,598 (800) 25,510 (192,400) 0 (487,000) 1,852,950 (278,600) 365,567 (50,000) 103,682 (550,000) 404,098 (638,300) 524,666 (100,000) 27,402 2,121,222 (166,500) 1,283,112 (44,800) 756,196 (90,000) 0 (223,100) 138,324 102,629 (460, 000) 416,000 (575,000) 1,862,881 99,919 591,032 162,548 (82,500) 97 (2,343,800) 190,448 (114,900) 165,709 (74,600) 1,000,806 8,159,300 190,000 12,400,832 15,723,800 190,000 34,283,228 Compliance with Utility Users Tax Legislative Review Requirements Municipal Code Section 3.30.190 requires that the City Manager submit to the City Council an analysis of the revenues derived from the Utility User Tax (UUT) annually. Based on the needs of the City, the City Council shall determine if any modification to the tax rate is appropriate or if the UUT is unnecessary. The tax rate cannot be increased without a majority vote of the residents of the City during a Municipal Election. The current estimate of FY16-17 UUT revenue is approximately $2 million (or approximately 7% of total General Fund revenue). Based upon the operating and capital needs of the City, Staff recommends that the current UUT rate of 3% continues to be a necessary General Fund revenue source to provide current program service levels and CIP funding. 11 Summary Overall, the General Fund continues to operate with a balance budget. Per Council Policy No. 45, recurring revenues of $28.7 million continue to support recurring expenditures of $28.2 million. Combining the recurring revenues and expenditures with one-time revenues and expenditures, the General Fund has a surplus of $370,000 in FY 16-17 (Table 8). The General Fund is also expected to meet Council Policy No. 41, Fund Balance Reserve Policy in FY 16-17 (Table 4). The next step in FY 16-17 budget process is to open a Public Hearing and Council adoption of FY 16-17 Preliminary Budget at the next Council Meeting on June 21, 2016. Table 8 FY 2016-17 RECURRING VS. ONE-TIME REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Revenue Type Recurring One-time Total Property Tax 12,088,500 27,000 12,115,500 Sales Tax 2,122,800 2,122,800 TOT 5,495,000 5,495,000 Franchise taxes 2,127,100 2,127,100 UUT 1,981,900 1,981,900 Business License or Golf Tax 1,145,000 1,145,000 Charges for services 2,567,500 2,567,500 Other revenue 1,021,200 38,000 1,059,200 Transfers in 190,000 - 190,000 TOTAL REVENUES 28,739,000 65,000 28,804,000 Expenditure by Program Recurring One-time Total City Council 126,500 - 126,500 City Attorney 940,000 - 940,000 Public Safety/Law Enforcement 6,163,000 - 6,163,000 City Administration 3,444,200 98,300 3,542,500 Finance 1,296,900 1,296,900 Community Development 3,140,900 - 3,140,900 Public Works 4,677,100 - 4,677,100 Recreation & Parks 2,218,900 45,000 2,263,900 Non -department 737,100 100,000 837,100 TOT Transfer Out 5,200,000 - 5,200,000 Transfers out 246,000 - 246,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,190,600 243,300 28,433,900 SURPLUS/(DEFICITS) 548,400 (178,300) 370,100 12 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 PRELIMINARY REVENUES BUDGET TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING REVENUES 27,882,208 28,357,779 28,614,000 TRANSFER IN 208,000 157,698 190,000 TOTAL PRELIMINARY REVENUES 28,090,208 28,515,477 28,804,000 A-1 FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED YEAR-END PRELIMINARY BUDGET EST BUDGET Property Tax 11,755,555 11,350,626 11,708,600 Property transfer tax 395,000 430,432 406,900 Sales Tax 2,068,936 2,075,602 2,122,800 TOT 5,026,400 5,149,029 5,495,000 Franchise taxes 2,101,000 2,043,393 2,127,100 UUT 1,862,000 1,663,644 1,981,900 Business license tax 777,490 825,650 794,500 Golf tax 447,900 377,850 350,500 Licenses and Permits 2,160,100 2,630,846 2,215,800 Fines and forfeitures 120,000 108,961 121,500 Interest earnings 121,220 51,687 53,800 Other use of money and property (rents & leases) 742,500 1,255,721 790,200 Charges for services 228,800 332,979 230,200 Intergovernmental (grants & vehicle license fees) - 20,902 - Other revenue 75,307 40,457 215,200 TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING REVENUES 27,882,208 28,357,779 28,614,000 TRANSFER IN 208,000 157,698 190,000 TOTAL PRELIMINARY REVENUES 28,090,208 28,515,477 28,804,000 A-1 Taxes 101-2020-316-10-0 BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 737,481 764,494 808,668 825,650 794,500 101-6000-311-10-0 PROPERTYTAX 6,300,110 6,726,496 6,962,419 7,009,300 7,251,000 101-6000-312-20-0 PROP TAX IN LIEU OF SALES 453,908 536,579 540,611 88,910 0 101-6000-312-30-0 PROP TAX IN LIEU OF VLF 3,694,229 3,890,110 4,061,473 4,252,416 4,430,600 101-6000-312-40-0 REDEV PROP TAX TRUST 23,689 24,541 44,710 40,457 27,000 101-6000-313-10-0 SALES AND USE TAX 1,496,029 1,569,230 1,682,131 2,000,000 2,047,800 101-6000-313-30-0 SALES TAX - PW (PSAF) 69,385 73,151 75,758 75,602 75,000 101-6000-314-10-0 TRANSIENT OCC TAX 3,790,359 4,250,086 4,812,130 5,149,029 5,495,000 101 -6000 -315 -XX -0 UTILITY USERS TAX 2,480,966 2,509,524 1,972,671 1,663,644 1,981,900 101 -6000 -317 -XX -0 FRANCHISE TAXES 1,906,613 1,998,213 2,044,398 2,043,393 2,127,100 101-6000-318-10-0 PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX 371,373 385,600 344,357 430,432 406,900 101-6000-318-20-0 GOLF TAX 383,015 439,166 411,362 377,850 350,500 Taxes 21,707,158 23,167,189 23,760,687 23,956,683 24,987,300 License/Permits 101-1002-325-10-0 FILM PERMITS 41,313 58,865 76,658 74,274 60,000 101-1025-326-10-0 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 32,644 41,647 42,898 40,450 40,000 101-3001-324-10-0 RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS 78,192 75,787 97,747 112,244 100,000 101-3001-324-20-0 DUMPSTER PERMITS 980 1,470 1,078 2,058 1,600 101-3006-327-10-0 PARKING PERMITS 680 280 500 380 300 101-3006-327-20-0 PARKING DECALS 546 188 183 1,183 1,400 101-4001-322-10-0 PLAN & ZONE PERMIT 332,832 360,412 423,304 399,154 410,000 101-4001-322-20-0 PLAN - INVESTIGATION 1,340 6,219 18,563 21,656 10,000 101-4001-322-30-0 PLAN - MISC FEES 2,849 1,345 953 321 1,000 101-4001-322-40-0 PLAN - DATA PROCESS 7,311 7,741 8,783 9,284 7,800 101-4001-322-50-0 PLAN - HIST DATA FEE 7,614 7,470 6,372 6,966 7,800 101-4002-323-10-0 B&S PLAN CHECK 307,454 354,154 344,380 349,499 320,000 101-4002-323-20-0 B&S PERMITS 1,040,314 869,713 1,304,850 1,435,929 1,100,000 101-4002-323-30-0 B&S INVESTIGATIONS 0 0 132 0 0 101-4002-323-40-0 GEOLOGY FEES 5,254 0 -3,294 4 0 A-2 101-4002-323-50-0 B&S SMTP FEES 1,922 1,381 2,170 2,043 2,000 101-4002-323-60-0 B&S STATE BLDG STD 715 78 435 376 400 101-4003-321-10-0 MASSAGE PERMITS 144 0 115 0 0 101-4004-322-60-0 VIEW RESTORATION FEES 2,064 8,882 6,824 5,106 3,500 101-4006-323-40-0 B&S GEOLOGY FEES 162,833 155,105 181,921 169,919 150,000 License/Permits 2,026,999 1,950,736 2,514,572 2,630,846 2,215,800' Fine/Forfeitures 101-1021-351-10-0 MISC COURT FINES 105,186 118,185 121,626 94,134 107,000 101-1021-351-20-0 FALSE ALARM FINES 6,000 4,700 4,200 6,400 5,000 101-1021-351-30-0 TOW FEES 5,346 5,862 9,230 8,427 9,500 Fine/Forfeitures 116,532 128,747 135,056 ' 108,961 121,500; Rents 101-3001-364-10-1 RENT - CITY HALL 12,170 12,948 23,063 17,116 7,000 101 -5030 -364 -XX -X RENT - REC & PARKS 95,744 95,260 88,353 1,627 800 101-5031-364-10-2 RENT - HESSE PARK 0 0 0 35,817 53,000 101-5032-364-10-5 RENT - RYAN PARK 0 0 0 4,782 12,000 101-5033-364-10-4 RENT - LADERA LINDA 0 0 0 5,694 7,500 101-5060-364-10-3 RENT -PVIC 194,406 223,502 236,359 260,700 200,000 101 -6000 -363 -XX -X RENT -CITYWIDE 169,354 197,127 74,823 171,464 181,900 101-6000-364-30-0 RENTAL INCOME OTHER 830 932 160 0 0 Rents 472,504 529,768! 422,759 497,200 462,200' Interest 101-6000-361-10-0 INTEREST EARNINGS 41,945 38,168 43,053 51,687 53,800 Interest 41,945 38,168 43,053 51,687 53,800 Charges for Services 101-3001-344-10-0 ENGINEERING FEES 42,989 29,412 36,477 53,362 9,000 101-3006-344-20-0 SALE OF SIGNS/SERVICES 10,925 3,535 1,645 1,720 1,900 101-5030-347-60-0 HIKE FEES 0 0 25 0 0 101-5034-347-70-0 SHORELINE PKNG LOT FEES 67,259 117,734 121,713 257,479 200,000 101-5034-347-90-0 AB COVE PROGRAM FEES 0 0 11,799 10,538 0 M 101-5040-347-90-0 PROGRAM FEES 7,953 6,886 0 0 8,000 101-5070-347-80-0 REC FEES - REACH 10,301 10,764 10,839 9,880 3,500 Charges for Services 139,427 168,331 182,497 332,979 222,400' From Other Agency 101-1026-331-10-0 FEDERAL GRANT INCOME 0 0 17,025 2,378 0 101-3006-334-10-0 GRANT INCOME 21,485 1,987 1,350 1,350 0 101-4005-331-10-0 NCCP GRANT INCOME 640 11,630 0 0 0 101-6000-335-10-0 MOTOR VEHICLE IN -LIEU 22,312 18,466 17,837 17,174 0 From Other Agency 44,437 32,083` 36,212 20,902 0 Other Revenue 101-1005-369-10-0 MISC REVENUES 0 0 2,128 400 0 101-1026-369-10-0 MISC REVENUES 919 743 1,063 1,542 0 101-3001-381-10-0 SPECIAL FUND ADMIN 157,400 152,700 155,800 155,800 155,800 101-3008-369-40-0 CASP FEES 1,363 1,046 1,498 1,526 500 101 -5030 -365 -XX -0 DONATIONS 1558 0 0 0 0 101-5040-365-40-0 DONATIONS - JULY 4TH 3,050 5,275 2,450 4,100 3,000 101-5040-365-70-0 DONATIONS - SPEC EVENT 3,700 1,600 1,600 0 10,000 101-5040-369-10-0 MISC REVENUES 47,889 2,580 0 411 0 101-5060-365-20-0 DONATIONS - PVIC 11,916 12,096 15,972 14,793 12,000 101-5060-369-20-1 PVIC GIFT SHOP 100,806 111,986 119,314 122,021 120,000 101-5070-365-30-0 DONATIONS - REACH 3,737 12,295 2,767 3,470 2,500 101-6000-365-10-0 DONATIONS - GENERAL 108 116 5 1,018 0 101-6000-369-10-0 MISC REVENUES 586,508 1,448,382 406,933 376,656 10,000 101-6000-369-20-0 ST MANDATE COST REIMB 3,431 5,196 190,844 24,528 0 101-6000-369-50-0 RDA LOAN REPAYMENT 0 0 58,332 19,154 177,200 101-6000-381-40-0 SUCCESSOR AGY ADM] N 62,139 60,750 31,311 33,102 60,000 Other Revenue 983,124 1,814,766 990,017 758,521 551,000' General Fund Revenue Totals 25,532,124 27,829,7881 28,084,853 28,357;779 28,614,000 iEll Etc] 4z1=1 7_11111111zI7 FY 2016-17 RECURRING VS. ONE-TIME REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Revenue Type Recurring One-time Total Property Tax 12,088,500 27,000 12,115,500 RDA Property tax trust 940,000 27,000 940,000 Sales Tax 2,122,800 - 2,122,800 TOT 5,495,000 98,300 5,495,000 Franchise taxes 2,127,100 52,500 2,127,100 UUT 1,981,900 45,800 1,981,900 Business License or Golf Tax 1,145,000 1,145,000 Charges for services 2,567,500 - 2,567,500 Other revenue 1,021,200 38,000 1,059,200 Donations 2,218,900 27,500 2,263,900 CASP fees 500 Miscellaneous revenues 737,100 10,000 837,100 Transfers in 190,000 - 190,000 TOTAL REVENUES 28,739,000 65,000 28,804,000 Expenditure by Program Recurring One-time Total City Council 126,500 - 126,500 City Attorney 940,000 - 940,000 Public Safety/Law Enforcement 6,163,000 - 6,163,000 City Administration 3,444,200 98,300 3,542,500 Dual systems maintenance 52,500 Security cameras & achieve 45,800 Finance 1,296,900 1,296,900 Community Development 3,140,900 - 3,140,900 Public Works 4,677,100 - 4,677,100 Recreation & Parks 2,218,900 45,000 2,263,900 Accessible Restroom Trailer 45,000 Non -department 737,100 100,000 837,100 Phase 2 Security Cameras 100,000 TOT Transfer Out 5,200,000 - 5,200,000 Transfers out 246,000 - 246,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,190,600 243,300 28,433,900 SURPLUS/(DEFICITS) 548,400 (178,300) 370,100 A-5 INTER -FUND TRANSFER SUMMARY 101 -General Fund 217 - Public Safety Grant 224 - Measure A Maintenance 225 - Abalone Cove Sewer 330 - Capital Improvement Fund 795 - Improvement Authority - Abalone Transfers -In Transfers -Out 190,000 5,446,000 - 100,000 - 90,000 208,000 - 5,200,000 - 38,000 - 5,636,000 5,636,000 Wo TRANSFERS IN Fr Measure A Maintenance 82,000 67,441 261,049 57,698 90,000 Fr PS Grants 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Fr Waste Reduction - Park Maint 12,000 0 3,000 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 194;000 167,441 364,049 157,698 190,000 TRANSFERS OUT To Abalone Cove Sewer Maint 10,700 50,700 50,700 80,700 208,000 To CDBG 9,302 0 0 11,624 0 To Habitat Restoration 65,000 150,000 157,000 0 0 To Improv Authority Ab Cove 0 20,000 35,000 37,000 38,000 To Improv Authority Port Bend 106,000 70,000 40,000 0 0 To Infrastructure Improv Admin 4,975,256 6,522,697 6,016,514 8,430,545 5,200,000 To Street Improvements 1,575,000 1,873,414 2,229,400 1,862,000 0 To Subregion 1 90,000 61,000 46,000 0 0 TRANSFERS OUT 6,831,258 8,747,811 8,574,614 10,421,869 5,446,000 General Fund Net Transfer Totals 7,025,258 8,915,252 8,938,663 10,579,567 5,636,000 A-7 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 PRELIMINARY EXPENDITURES BUDGET TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET 21,014,448.00 20,862,810.00 22,987,900.00 TOT TRANSFER OUT 5,026,400.00 5,026,400.00 5,200,000.00 OTHER TRANSFER OUT 3,390,903.00 5,435,469.00 246,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 29,431,751.00 31,324,679.00 28,433,900.00 1 • • FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR- PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 5,617,244.00 5,415,201.00 6,060,100.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 35,254.00 23,280.00 24,000.00 SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 772,686.00 804,724.00 941,300.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 2,105,353.00 2,132,383.00 2,264,700.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 8,530,537.00 8,375,588.00 9,290,100.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 86,700.00 87,012.00 125,800.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 7,650.00 6,545.00 8,500.00 TRAINING 49,600.00 35,920.00 68,600.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 143,950.00 129,477.00 202,900.00 TOTAL OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP 469,680.00 567,784.00 576,500.00 TOTAL PROF/TECH SERVICES 2,269,900.00 2,311,138.00 2,432,500.00 ADVERTISING 58,600.00 80,703.00 94,500.00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1,403,491.00 1,403,940.00 1,593,500.00 MEMBERSHIP&DUES 76,090.00 73,967.00 82,100.00 MISC EXPENSES 235,100.00 244,809.00 220,000.00 POSTAGE 8,050.00 7,815.00 8,500.00 PRINTING & BINDING 72,600.00 65,162.00 88,600.00 PUBLICATIONS 13,350.00 13,462.00 12,300.00 RENTALS 26,600.00 24,183.00 27,300.00 UTILITY SERVICES 406,600.00 290,404.00 309,600.00 INTERFUND CHARGES 332,700.00 332,700.00 109,400.00 OTHER EXPENSES 2,633,181.00 2,537,145.00 2,545,800.00 PUBLIC SAFETY/LAW ENFORCEMENT 5,279,500.00 4,946,530.00 6,163,000.00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,030,000.00 1,046,185.00 940,000.00 NON -DEPARTMENT 657,700.00 948,963.00 837,100.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET 21,014,448.00 20,862,810.00 22,987,900.00 TOT TRANSFER OUT 5,026,400.00 5,026,400.00 5,200,000.00 OTHER TRANSFER OUT 3,390,903.00 5,435,469.00 246,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 29,431,751.00 31,324,679.00 28,433,900.00 1 • • 1001 City Council 137,801 137,169 120,557 121,174 126,500 Subtotal for City Council, 137,8011 137,1691 120,557 121,174 126,500' 1002 City Manager 1,001,207 950,613 719,390 829,245 795,700 1003 Legal Services 992,324 1,186,947 856,190 1,046,185 940,000 1004 City Clerk 403,467 643,145 486,496 644,710 575,900 1005 Community Outreach 93,586 80,017 121,021 78,787 81,500 1006 RPVty 119,478 153,443 175,200 211,276 228,400 1011 Personnel 216,757 312,849 398,492 401,546 417,400 2020 Finance 1,284,652 1,407,325 1,208,680 1,241,973 1,296,900 2030 Information Technology - Data 377,980 356,593 551,772 970,590 1,133,500 2035 Information Technology - Voice 80,834 72,238 87,672 100,000 105,000 Subtotal for Administration 4,570,286 5,163,169 4,604,913 5,524,312 5,574,300 1021 Sheriff 4,154,039 4,177,601 4,345,828 4,416,330 5,369,200 1024 Special Programs 54,610 61,839 98,528 420,200 676,800 1025 Animal Control 49,204 81,346 81,180 110,000 117,000 1026 Emergency Preparedness 89,920 171,526 235,705 216,096 205,100 Subtotal for Public Safety 4,347,773 4,492,312 '' 4,761,241 5,162,626 6,368;100' 3001 Public Works Administration 1,940,468 1,966,202 2,097,473 2,223,195 2,282,200 3006 Traffic Management 218,999 76,611 91,847 112,396 298,000 3007 Storm Water Quality 110,200 212,053 278,332 304,557 579,600 3008 Building Maintenance 439,752 402,120 576,139 579,368 578,700 3009 Parks, Trails & Open Space Maintenance 1,005,288 904,917 988,184 929,259 869,600 3026 Sewer Maintenance 13,246 51,126 31,780 40,125 69,000 Subtotal for Public Works 3,727,954' 3,613,028 4,063,754 4,188,900 4,677,100` 4001 Planning 1,337,345 1,311,995 1,375,122 1,350,711 1,545,600 4002 Building & Safety 540,934 626,386 744,830 766,335 886,800 4003 Code Enforcement 198,363 212,381 207,064 165,958 136,300 4004 View Restoration 366,350 335,870 394,210 305,503 347,200 4005 NCCP 9,280 15,260 0 75,000 75,000 4006 Geology 135,441 131,672 149,201 138,082 150,000 Subtotal for, Community Development 2,587,712 2,633,563 2,870,428 2,801,589 3,140,900 5010 Recreation Administration 529,154 653,202 780,059 938,325 838,000 5030 Other Recreational Facilities 469,493 463,195 437,375 165,748 214,000 5031 Fred Hesse Jr. Park 0 0 0 161,269 186,900 1 • 5032 Robert E. Ryan Park 0 0 0 84,698 110,600 5033 Ladera Linda Community Center 0 0 0 69,233 90,600 5034 Abalone Cove Shoreline Park 0 0 0 75,463 105,800 5040 Special Events and Programs 109,675 91,629 89,722 138,085 216,700 5060 Point Vicente Interpretive Center 385,059 330,967 434,064 381,863 375,700 5070 REACH 43,410 34,121 38,154 41,824 41,300 5080 Support Services 0 0 39,472 58,738 84,300 Subtotal for Recreation 1,536,790 1,573,113 1,818,846 2,115,246 2,263,900` 6000 General Non -Program Expenditures 769,931 609,636 659,539 948,963 837,100 Subtotal for Non -Department 769,931 609,636 659,539 948,963 837,10011 General fund Expenditure Totals 17,678,247 18,221,990 18,899,279 20,862,810 22,987,900 A-10 101 - GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 CITY COUNCIL PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADVERTISING PROF/TECH SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES 9.00 - - 150.00 - 150.00 - TOTAL CITY COUNCIL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 129,590.00 121,174.00 126,500.00 A-11 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME - - - SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME - - - SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 24,000.00 24,462.00 24,000.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 82,090.00 82,090.00 69,000.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 106,090.00 106,552.00 93,000.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 20,000.00 10,205.00 30,000.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 20,000.00 10,205.00 30,000.00 OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP 3,500.00 4,258.00 3,500.00 ADVERTISING PROF/TECH SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES 9.00 - - 150.00 - 150.00 - TOTAL CITY COUNCIL PRELIMINARY BUDGET 129,590.00 121,174.00 126,500.00 A-11 101-1001-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 24,001 24,001 23,078 24,462 24;000 101-1001-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 76,000 79,600 82,300 82,090 69,000 101-1001-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 0 0 9 0 101-1001-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 0 0 0 150 0 101-1001-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 0 0 540 0 0 101-1001-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 13,723 8,408 10,335 10,205 30,000 101-1001-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 21,422 22,189 200 0 0 101-1001-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,656 2,971 4,105 4,258 3,500 Expenditure Subtotals 137;801 137,169 120,557 ' 121;174 126,500' Total Program Expenditures 137,801 137,169 120,557 121,174 126,500: A-12 101-1001-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT The City Council Members are each paid a part-time salary of $400 per month. 101-1001-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The cost for the City Council's participation in the City's medical, dental, vision and life insurance programs. The City pays 100% of the health insurance premiums for City Council Members, and 50% of the premiums for their dependents. In addition, this appropriation provides for federal and state payroll taxes on the Council Members' part-time salaries as required by law. 101-1001-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES $6,000 is allocated for each member of City Council for travel, training, and conference expenses. 101-1001-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP Stationery items for City Council such as business cards, letterhead and binders. 24,000 69,000 30,000 3,500 A-13 101 - GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 CITY ATTORNEY PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY ATTORNEY PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1,030,000.00 1,046,185.00 940,000.00 A-14 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR- PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET LEGAL SERVICES -GENERAL 880,000.00 737,959.00 610,000.00 LEGAL SERVICES- CODE ENFORCEMENT 15,535.00 25,000.00 LEGAL SERVICES -PERSONNEL 19,065.00 60,000.00 LEGAL SERVICES -LITIGATION 88,793.00 245,000.00 PROF/TECH SERVICES 150,000.00 184,833.00 - CITY ATTORNEY PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1,030,000.00 1,046,185.00 940,000.00 A-14 101-1003-411-32-00 PROMECH SERVICE 124,478 302,231 326,390 184,833 0 101-1003-411-33-00 LEGAL SERVICES -GENE 867,846 884,716 529,800 737,959 610,000 101-1003-411-33-10 LEGAL SERVICES-LABO 0 0 0 19,065 60,000 101-1003-411-33-20 LEGAL SERVICES-LITIGA 0 0 0 88,793 245,000 101-1003-411-33-30 LEGAL SERVICES -CODE 0 0 0 15,535 25,000 Expenditure Subtotals 992,324 1,186,947 856,190 1,046,185 940,000' Total Program Expenditures 992,324 1,186,947 856,190 1,046,185 940,000 A-15 101-1003-411-33-00 LEGAL SERVICES -GENERAL General legal services provided by the City Attorney firm. 101-1003-411-33-10 LEGAL SERVICES -LABOR NEGOTIATION Labor negotiation services provided by the City Attorney firm. 101-1003-411-33-20 LEGAL SERVICES -LITIGATION Litigation services provided by the City Attorney firm. 101-1003-411-33-30 LEGAL SERVICES -CODE ENFORCEMENT Code enforcement services provided by the City Attorney firm. 610,000 60,000 245,000 25,000 A-16 101 - GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 PUBLIC SAFETY PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 71,700.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES PRINTING & BINDING PUBLIC SAFETY PRELIMINARY BUDGET 20,600.00 14,900.00 243,900.00 16,500.00 5,262,100.00 4,700,130.00 6,050,200.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 5,279,500.00 4,946,530.00 6,163,000.00 A-17 101-1021-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 4,154,039 4,177,601 4,345,828 4,416,330 5,369,200 Expenditure Subtotals 4,154,039 4,177,601 4,345,828 ! ' 4,416;330 5,369,2001 Total Program Expenditures 4,154,039 4,177,601 4,345,828 ' 4,416,330 6,369,200 101-1021-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 5,369,200 The FYI 6-17 allocation reflects a 3.7% increase from actual FY15-16 rates 1. General Law Enforcement: Provides for basic law enforcement services by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department as part of the Peninsula Regional Law Enforcement Agreement. Operating from the Lomita Station, the Sheriff's Department provides law enforcement for the Cities of Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills and Rolling Hills Estates. Services include regular patrol units, traffic enforcement, and the Surveillance and Apprehension Team (SAT) undercover unit. Beginning in FY15-16, the City added two RPV -dedicated patrol units (cost of $163,226 each) and jointly added a SAT Detective (cost of $177,846 for 68% share) to the Sheriffs contract at the "growth" rate, which will increase by about 50% to the standard rate in FY17-18. ($4,684,600) 2. Grant Deputy Program: Provides for the Community Resource (CORE) policing team that primarily focuses on juvenile crime and drug abuse prevention, neighborhood conflict resolution and other quality of life policing issues. The team also teaches Student & the Law classes at Peninsula High School and Rancho del Mar High School. First established in FY96- 97 with one deputy, the Team was increased in size until it had three deputies beginning in FY99-00. Beginning in FY09-10, the regional contract CORE team was reduced to two deputies. ($222,000) The total cost of the Sheriff's services includes a 9.5% contribution to the Liability Trust Fund that is administered by the County of Los Angeles. Oversight of this fund is conducted by the Liability Trust Fund Oversight Committee, which was established by the California Contract Cities Association. ($462,600) A-19 101-1024-421-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 0 0 0 71,700 101-1024-421-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 20,600 101-1024-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 54,351 60,833 95,136 173,800 564,000 101-1024-421-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 0 0 2,499 2,500 4,000 101-1024-421-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 259 1,007 892 243,900 16,500 Expenditure Subtotals 54,610 61,839 98,528 'i 420,200 676,800'' Total Program Expenditures 54,610 61,839 98,528 420,200 676,800' A-20 101-1024-421-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 71,700 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-1024-421-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 20,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-1024-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 564,000 This line item provides for the following professional and technical services: 1. Parking Citations: In cooperation with the other two regional cities, Rolling Hills and Rolling Hills Estates, the City contracts with an outside vendor for the processing and administration of parking citations. ($1,700) 2. Traffic Control at Rancho Vista Elementary School: This item pays for the City's share of the Sheriff's traffic control at Rancho Vista Elementary School. The three regional cities share the cost: RPV 68%, RHE 28% and RH 4%. ($16,000) 3. Explorer Scouts: This program allows Sheriff Explorer Scouts to provide traffic control at the City's annual Whale of a Day celebration and other special events. ($900) 4. Annual targeted enforcement and outreach programs recommended by the Sheriff. ($72,000 total) (a) Coastal Area Patrol $39,000 (b) Western Avenue Patrol $8,000 (c) Summer Evening Patrol $10,000 (d) Supplemental Patrol $15,000 5. Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) administration fee. ($5,200) 6. One-time audit of service level provided by the Sheriff. ($25,000) 7. Bi -annual Public Safety Meetings with the Sheriff's Department ($3,000) 8. Preserve Enforcement: The 80 weekly hours will be covered by a pool of approximately 5-6 deputies who will be well-trained in Preserve rules and enforcement priorities. Expected hours of enforcement operations includes both daylight and evening hours, as well as on weekends and holidays when Preserve use is at its highest. Deputies will patrol the Preserve on foot, horse, bicycle, or vehicle as appropriate. ($440,200) 101-1024-421-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 4,000 This item covers the cost of printing parking citation books for the Regional A-21 Law Enforcement Area. The increase is due to the number of citations increasing in the permitted parking areas of the City. The cost is shared on a 68% - 28% - 4% basis with the other contract cities. 101-1024-421-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 16,500 This item covers the costs associated with ongoing maintenance and miscellaneous supplies for: 1. Peninsula Region's radar units. This cost is shared: RPV 68%, RHE 28% and RH 4%. ($1,000) 2. The City's speed trailer. ($500) 3. Uniforms and equipment for the Lomita Sheriff's Station Volunteers on Patrol (VOP) participants who are Rancho Palos Verdes residents. ($5,000) 4. Annually cellular costs ($10,000). A-22 101-1025-421-32-00 PROFrrECH SERVICE 49,204 81,346 81,180 110,000 117,000 Expenditure Subtotals 49,204 81,346 81,180 110,000 117,000' Total Program Expenditures 49,204 81,346 81,180 110,000 i 117,000: A-23 101-1025-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 117,000 1. The City contracts with the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care & Control for animal control services. Services include animal shelter care, dog license administration and field services. This expenditure is partially offset with fees collected by the County and remitted to the City. ($80,000) 2. The City contracts with Wildlife Services for the implementation of the City's peafowl trapping program. Based on the Council -adopted Peafowl Management Plan, the City anticipates trapping of up to 150 birds and conducting a census survey for the 16/17 fiscal calendar. ($37,000) A-24 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 CITY ADMINISTRATIVE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ADVERTISING MAINTENANCE SERVICES MEMBERSHIP&DUES POSTAGE PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS UTILITY SERVICES INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATIVE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 198, 880.00 195, 594.00 747,450.00 775,589.00 9,000.00 FY 2016 333,591.00 FY 2017 62,890.00 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY 21,600.00 BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 1,265,853.00 1,270,101.00 1,408,000.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 1,802.00 6,282.00 3,700.00 SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 93,550.00 78,617.00 15,900.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 443,843.00 441,873.00 474,600.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 1,805,048.00 1,796,873.00 1,902,200.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 34,000.00 34,247.00 39,300.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 2,450.00 1,760.00 1,900.00 TRAINING 25,600.00 18,427.00 31,100.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 62,050.00 54,434.00 72,300.00 OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ADVERTISING MAINTENANCE SERVICES MEMBERSHIP&DUES POSTAGE PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS UTILITY SERVICES INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATIVE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 198, 880.00 195, 594.00 747,450.00 775,589.00 9,000.00 17,909.00 333,591.00 342,159.00 62,890.00 60,984.00 8,050.00 7,815.00 21,600.00 16,936.00 7,800.00 8,957.00 72,700.00 82,300.00 92,700.00 82,300.00 597,931.00 629,760.00 214,300.00 670,000.00 15,500.00 445,400.00 66,600.00 8,500.00 18,100.00 6,900.00 92,700.00 30.000.00 683,700.00 3,411,359.00 3,452,250.00 3,542,500.00 A-25 101-1002-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 664,738 651,604 450,837 555,850 555,500 101-1002-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 151 0 923 0 0 101-1002-411-13-00 SALARY&WAGES - OT 0 0 1,149 1,717 1,000 101-1002-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 197,600 194,300 133,920 162,970 150,600 101-1002-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 72,917 28,759 45,074 48,091 50,000 101-1002-411-53-00 POSTAGE 0 6 0 0 100 101-1002-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 77 0 0 255 0 101-1002-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 636 156 2,013 482 600 101-1002-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 145 462 471 490 500 101-1002-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 5,899 7,660 7,595 14,623 15,000 101-1002-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 24,921 23,975 3,735 2,900 3,600 101-1002-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 254 335 335 337 400 101-1002-411-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 969 1,756 4,438 17,330 10,000 101-1002-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 32,900 41,600 68,900 24,200 8,400 Expenditure Subtotals 1,001,207 950,613 719,390 829;245 795,700 Total Program Expenditures 1,001,207 950,613 719,390 829,245 795,700 A-26 101-1002-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 555,500 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-1002-411-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 1,000 Overtime paid to full-time employees allocated to this program. 101-1002-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 150,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-1002-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 50,000 Professional contract services for grant writing consultant services by Blais and Associates ($50,000). The other funds in this budget would be used for as -needed professional services. 101-1002-411-53-00 POSTAGE 100 Charges for express mail, messenger and delivery services. 101-1002-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 600 Charges for outside printing and/or binding for letterhead, business cards, forms, brochures and other published documents. 101-1002-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 500 Reimbursement for use of employees' private automobiles for City business. 101-1002-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 15,000 Expenses related to travel by employees in the City Manager's Office to meetings and conferences sponsored by the League of California Cities, South Bay Cities Council of Governments, International City Managers Association, and California Contract Cities Association. Other travel may be included in this account, such as special lobbying trips to Sacramento and attendance at miscellaneous local and regional meetings. 101-1002-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 3,600 Funds membership in the following organizations: 1. International City Managers Association (ICMA) ($3,000) 2. American Planning Association (APA) ($600) A-27 101-1002-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 400 Provides for subscriptions to periodicals, city directories and technical publications which assist City staff in the performance of their duties. 101-1002-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 10,000 This budget provides for miscellaneous office supplies. 101-1002-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 8,400 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. • 101-1004-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 267,339 293,450 295,699 315,027 329,300 101-1004-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 1,365 0 0 0 101-1004-411-13-00 SALARY&WAGES - OT 0 0 669 1,785 2,400 101-1004-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 94,800 116,200 123,200 134,134 149,400 101-1004-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 6,094 188,661 7,879 152,884 65,000 101-1004-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 1,072 1,487 5,769 8,558 5,500 101-1004-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 778 0 0 912 1,000 101-1004-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 175 1,185 416 514 600 101-1004-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 909 1,263 251 2,536 3,000 101-1004-411-59-10 TRAINING 4,050 10,291 4,041 3,427 7,000 101-1004-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 759 1,130 1,227 995 600 101-1004-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 64 0 935 6,620 5,000 101-1004-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 1,728 1,115 1,410 2,718 1,500 101-1004-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 25,700 27,000 45,000 14,600 5,600 Expenditure Subtotals 403`,467 643,145 486,496 644,710 575,900' Total Program Expenditures 403,467 643,145 486,496 ' 644,710 575,900 A-29 101-1004-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 329,300 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-1004-411-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 2,400 Overtime paid to full-time employees allocated to this program. 101-1004-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 149,400 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-1004-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 65,000 1. Election expenses include the cost of the Special Mail Ballot Election (Storm Drain User Fee) and consulting services (Harris & Assoc.) ($55,000); the early expenses for the 2017 General Municipal Election, which is consolidated with Los Angeles County; consulting services (Martin & Chapman), translation services (five foreign languages) and other election supplies (7,500). 2. Other Professional/Technical Services. ($2,500) 101-1004-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 5,500 1. Publication of legal notices and advertisements for advisory board recruitments ($2,500). 2. Publication of legal notices for elections in the local newspaper and five (5) foreign language newspapers ($3,000). 101-1004-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,000 City Clerk office stationery, business cards, and archival paper. 101-1004-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 600 Reimbursement to staff for use of personal vehicles for attending training, conferences and seminars. 101-1004-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 3,000 Attendance at various City Clerks Association and Records Management Association meetings and conferences. 101-1004-411-59-10 TRAINING 7,000 Training and continuing education focusing on City Clerk technical training A-30 (Masster Municipal Clerk level training), election laws, records management, Laserfiche training, management of claims (CJPIA training), and notary commission. 101-1004-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES Funds membership in the following organizations: 1. International Institute of Municipal Clerks 2. City Clerks Association of California 3. Association of Records Managers & Administrators (ARMA International) 4. National Notary Association 101-1004-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS Municipal Code, County Code, and Government Code updates and maintenance. 101-1004-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP This budget provides for miscellaneous office supplies. 101-1004-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 600 5,000 1,500 5,600 A-31 101-1005-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 808 1,053 779 984 1,000 101-1005-411-53-00 POSTAGE 6,668 7,457 8,220 7,815 8,400 101-1005-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 11,649 12,305 8,766 14,019 15,000 101-1005-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 16 48 0 0 100 101-1005-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 10,036 9,495 14,281 6,717 7,000 101-1005-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 1,390 1,415 40,713 43,609 45,800 101-1005-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,521 3,470 3,488 5,643 4,200 101-1005-411-93-00 CITY GRANTS 60,500 44,774 44,774 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 93,586 80,017 121,021 78,787 81,500 Total Program Expenditures 93,586 80,017 121,021 78,787 81,500 A-32 101-1005-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 11000 The cost of the weekly cable television channel guide. 101-1005-411-53-00 POSTAGE 8,400 Postage costs for mailing a quarterly City Newsletter and the cost of postage permits. The Waste Reduction fund pays one-third of this cost to promote recycling activities. 101-1005-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 15,000 Charges for outside printing and/or binding for letterhead, business cards, forms, brochures and other published documents ($1,000). This budget also reflects the cost of printing a quarterly City Newsletter. The Waste Reduction fund pays for one-third of this cost to promote recycling activities. ($14,000) 101-1005-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 100 The city reimburses staff for use of personal vehicles when conducting business on behalf of the city. 101-1005-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 7,000 Expenses are included for the following events: 1. Annual Holiday Reception. ($5,000) 2. Mayors Luncheons with mayors from the other three Peninsula cities and a member from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Board. ($500) 3. Mayor/Committee Chair breakfasts, City Council meetings and workshops, as well as agenda preparation meetings. ($1,500) 101-1005-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 45,800 This item provides for City memberships in the following organizations: 1. Peninsula Chamber of Commerce ($700) 2. San Pedro Chamber of Commerce ($1,000) 3. Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinating Council ($100) 4. California Coastal Coalition ($2,000) 5. California Contract Cities Association ($4,300) 6. South Bay Cities Council of Governments ($12,400) 7. West Basin Municipal Water District ($500) 8. Southern California Association of Governments ($4,200) A-33 9. League of California Cities ($19,600) 10. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) participation fee ($1,000) 101-1005-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP This item includes City tiles, lapel pins, engraving and proclamations. 4,200 A-34 101-1026-421-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 25,247 74,469 76,427 75,717 77,500 101-1026-421-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 1,070 302 0 101-1026-421-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 8,400 28,100 30,500 36,505 36,600 101-1026-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 10,419 4,317 25,132 39,171 37,000 101-1026-421-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,380 2,643 3,332 2,700 2,700 101-1026-421-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 0 1,097 0 500 500 101-1026-421-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 378 408 120 69 200 101-1026-421-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 815 1,966 3,775 4,702 4,800 101-1026-421-59-10 TRAINING 0 9 581 0 9,100 101-1026-421-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 809 5,333 10,321 11,400 11,400 101-1026-421-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 14,972 18,284 24,147 25,030 17,800 101-1026-421-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 26,500 34,900 60,300 20,000 7,500 Expenditure Subtotals 89,920 171,526 235,705 ! 216,096 205,100 Total Program Expenditures 89,920 171,526 235,705 216,096 205,100 A-35 101-1026-421-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 77,500 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-1026-421-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 36,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-1026-421-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 37,000 This budget provides for professional services to support emergency preparedness. 1. Media training consultant (Brad Ritter) for City Council Media Training. ($6,000) 2. Executive Training for City Council, recommended by Federal Government. ($1,500) 3. Emergency Communications Center (ECC), ECC antenna and San Pedro Hill repeater maintenance. ($1,000) 4. Annual Emergency Operations Center (EOC) City staff training ($1,000) 5. Emergency Cache Program - Temp Contractor to maintain cache operation, inventory and supplies - $25/hour - 100 hours. ($2,500) 6. RPty - Produce two (2) Public Service Announcements for the Emergency Preparedness Committee. ($4,000) 7. Emergency Preparedness Committee USGS presentation. ($2,000) 8. Emergency communications (Emergency Operations Center staff call in and reverse 911 for community). ($19,000) 101-1026-421-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,700 1. Emergency cellular (phones in emergency caches). ($1,500) 2. Satellite telephone service. ($1,200) 101-1026-421-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1. Emergency caches binder update printing. ($250) 2. Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) printing. ($250) A-36 500 101-1026-421-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 200 1. Reimbursement to Emergency Manager for use of personal vehicle for attending regional meetings related to emergency preparedness. ($200) 101-1026-421-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 4,800 1. Annual California Emergency Services Association (CESA). ($2,300) 2. Annual International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). ($2,500) 101-1026-421-59-10 TRAINING 9,100 1. Provides funding for a California Emergency Manager (CEM) certification course. ($600) 2. Emergency Management training (CA Specialized Training Institute at San Luis Obisbo Campus) for five (5) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Section Chiefs at $1,700/each. ($8,500) 101-1026-421-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 11,400 1. Membership dues for the Los Angeles County Area G Disaster Council. ($11,000) 2. California Emergency Services Association (CESA). ($200) 3. International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). ($200) 101-1026-421-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 17,800 This item provides for emergency preparedness supplies and equipment. 1. Emergency Operations Center and Emergency Cache supplies ($5,000) 2. 3 -Day personal preparedness kits for monthly City Council drawings, local presentations, and city vehicles. ($2,800) 3. Takeaways for Emergency Preparedness Committee special events (4th of July & Whale of a Day). ($5,000) 4. Palos Verdes Amateur Network (PVAN) equipment & supplies. ($1,500) 5. Personal Protection Equipment for City Staff. ($1,000) A-37 6. 2016 Peninsula Emergency Preparedness Expo. ($2,500) 101-1026-421-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 7,500 • 101-1006-411-12-00 SALARY&WAGES-PT 18,450 18,617 20,806 0 0 101-1006-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,000 500 2,000 0 0 101-1006-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 86,079 100,345 115,397 174,430 203,000 101-1006-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 80 80 80 80 700 101-1006-411-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 6,669 12,500 13,418 24,066 20,000 101-1006-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 6,200 21,400 23,500 12,700 4,700 Expenditure Subtotals 119,478 153,443 175,200 i 211;276 1 228,400' Total Program Expenditures 119,478 153,443 175,200 211;276 228,400 A-39 101-1006-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 203,000 Professional services for Station Manager and Producers/Talent, as well as editing content and production labor. Approximately $10,000 of the increase is to manage the second cable channel. This cost is offset by the fees collected from the other public agencies on the Peninsula. The remaining increase is to fund a person to take over the line-up, programming, and managing that was done by Cox previously and also assist with Audio/Visual problems that occur during live meeting tapings. 101-1006-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 700 Funds membership in governmental cable access professional organizations and annual entry fee for Telly awards. 101-1006-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 20,000 Miscellaneous operating supplies and minor equipment for production purposes, including camcorders, microphones, data cards, cables, monitors and tripods. 101-1006-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 4,700 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 101-1011-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 83,156 190,012 189,669 216,086 245,500 101-1011-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 55,370 0 16,450 10,650 0 101-1011-411-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 2,478 300 101-1011-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 50,200 38,800 47,300 69,072 72,000 101-1011-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 17,646 46,547 99,153 47,366 55,000 101-1011-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 439 2,288 5,563 9,096 10,000 101-1011-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 493 0 638 1,023 1,000 101-1011-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 0 0 85 184 200 101-1011-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 322 2,639 9,011 3,217 4,500 101-1011-411-59-10 TRAINING 0 699 7,277 5,000 5,000 101-1011-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 1,144 2,998 175 1,000 1,000 101-1011-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 729 854 851 1,000 1,000 101-1011-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 1,958 14,512 7,019 29,974 20,000 101-1011-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 5,300 13,500 15,300 5,400 1,900 Expenditure Subtotals 216;757 312,849 398,492 401,546 417,400' Total Program Expenditures 216,757 312,849 398,492 401,546 417,400 A-41 101-1011-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 245,500 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-1011-411-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 300 101-1011-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 72,000 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-1011-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 55,000 This item provides funds for professional services related to special personnel and employee issues and employment services. 1. ADP (Human Resources/Benefits Management System) ($17,000) 2. Fingerprint Administration Services ($19 eac) ($1,400) 3. DOJ Livescan background checks ($32 each) ($2,400) 4. Pre-employment physical exams ($30 each) ($2,300) 5. Professional Services for personnel objectives ($12,400) 6. Fraud, Waste & Abuse Program ($7,500) 7. Applicant Tracking System est. ($12,000) 101-1011-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 10,000 Advertisement for job vacancies in professional publications, websites & career sites. 101-1011-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,000 Printing employment applications, handbooks and other personnel related materials. 101-1011-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 200 The city reimburses staff for use of personal vehicles when conducting business on behalf of the city. 101-1011-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 4,500 Professional conferences and meetings to stay in compliance with changing laws and working environment. Attendance to conferences/meetings includes the Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Analyst. Some conferences /meetings include: A-42 1. NPELRA/PELRA 2. SCPLRC 3. LCW Legal Update 4. CalPERS Forum 5. IPMA HR 6. MMASC 101-1011-411-59-10 TRAINING 5,000 Training and continuing education focusing on personnel law, team building and benefits administration. 1. Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore Consortium ($4,000) 2. Various webinars and other training session ($1,000) 101-1011-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 1,000 Funds membership in human resources professional organizations and local government associations. Some memberships include: 1. NPELRA 2. SCPLRC 3. IPMA-HR Online 4. MMASC 5. SCPMA-HR 101-1011-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 1,000 Provides for subscriptions to periodicals, city directories and technical publications to assist City staff in the performance of their duties, as well as the Human Resources staff to maintain knowledgeable on changing rules/laws. Publications include those related to employment law, performance, leadership, as well as the Top Health newsletter. 101-1011-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 20,000 Items included under operational supplies are, but not limited to: 1. Council lapels, Citizen recognition, plaques, etc. 2. Cal Chamber Compliance Posters w/protection ($62 each/7 needed) 3. Employee Service Pins/Plaques 4. CPR 1 Devices 5. First Aid Kit Supplies ONLY for all City facilities 101-1011-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 1,900 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly A-43 increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 101-2030-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 16,810 105,252 107,421 200,200 101-2030-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 0 1,058 67,967 15,900 101-2030-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 17,700 25,900 33,500 39,192 66,000 101-2030-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 324,032 288,600 366,968 313,647 260,000 101-2030-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 55 0 2,957 336,175 434,400 101-2030-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 0 0 0 503 0 101-2030-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 0 0 88 0 300 101-2030-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 116 214 1,919 2,452 5,000 101-2030-411-59-10 TRAINING 10,176 84 8,711 10,000 10,000 101-2030-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 80 1,054 840 1,000 3,500 101-2030-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 0 30 212 1,000 500 101-2030-411-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 15,121 10,401 14,967 85,833 135,800 101-2030-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 10,700 13,500 15,300 5,400 1,900 Expenditure Subtotals 377;980 356,593 551,772 970,590 1,133,500" Total Program Expenditures 377,980 356,593 551,772 970,590 1,133,500; A-45 101-2030-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 200,200 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-2030-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 15,900 Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-2030-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 66,000 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-2030-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 260,000 Consulting services for administration of the City's data network, audio/visual, business systems and GIS systems and governance. 1. Information Technology Services Provider (Prosum) ($190,000) 2. Hardware - Network, Cabling and equipment support ($20,000) 3. Software - Server, network, GIS, management ($20,000) 4. Security/management audit and consulting ($30,000) 101-2030-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 434,400 Licensing and support costs associated with hardware and software maintenance for the City's Data network, Business Systems (permitting, finance, etc.), Graphic Information System (GIS), Document Management, Copiers and Microsoft and other software licensing and support. 1. ERP Licensing (based upon Tyler proposal) 2. Cityworks Licensing 3. Land Management System Licensing 4. MS Enterprise SW 5. Accela - Community Development 6. SunGard and ACOM - Finance 7. ACOM print SW for SunGard - Finance 8. ESRI server licenses & support 9. GIS Geocortex 10. Granicus Streaming 11. CivicPlus Website 12. Activenet - Rec & Parks 13. Cougar Mountain support - PVIC 14. Laserfiche licensing/support - City Clerk 15. Assureon - C Clerk 16. CoreLogic - parcel data 17. Firewall and Networking support 18. Lync voice support 19. Annual support/maintenance - 6 scanners 20. Incidental software and MS licenses 21. Device maintenance (e.g. printers, scanners, audio/visual) 22. AutoCAD - Public Works 23. OpenGov - Finance 24. Application management - Human Resources 25. CitySourced - Mobile app / Rec & Parks work orders 26. IT management/security system support 27. Telview - RPVty 28. Micropaver and RSMeans - Public Works 101-2030-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 300 Reimbursement of staff for use of personal vehicles to attend off-site meetings, conferences, training events, etc. 101-2030-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 5,000 Expenses related to attendance at meetings and conferences related to the City's Information Technology and GIS functions. 101-2030-411-59-10 TRAINING 10,000 This budget provides for employee training to support the Information Technology and GIS function, as well as user training for various software systems used by the City. 101-2030-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 3,500 This item is for membership dues in various Information Technology and GIS associations. 101-2030-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 500 Provides for subscriptions to periodicals and technical publications which assist City employees with Information Technology and GIS maintenance and management. 101-2030-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 135,800 This budget item provides for purchasing new computer equipment with a cost less than the $5,000 capitalization threshold. Examples include workstations, laptops, printers, scanners, monitors, UPS devices, and software licenses. 101-2030-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 1,900 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly A-47 increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 101-2035-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 10,200 870 1,400 0 0 101-2035-411-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 70,551 71,368 85,631 90,000 90,000 101-2035-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 50 0 0 5,000 10,000 101-2035-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 33 0 641 5,000 5,000 Expenditure Subtotals 80`,834 72,238 87,672 100;000 105,000' Total Program Expenditures 80,834 72,238 87,672 100,000 105,000 F I • 101-2035-411-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE Local and long distance telephone services, cell phones, television services and data circuits. 1. Verizon circuits, analog and DID voice, television, and long distance. 2. Windstream T-1 and backup voice circuits and long distance. 3. Cox circuits at sites supporting data, voice, television, RPVty and credit card machines. 4. ATT long distance. 5. MCI long distance. 101-2035-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES Costs associated with hardware and software maintenance and support of the City's phone and voice messaging system. 101-2035-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP Supplies, equipment, incidental software and minor repairs of the phone and voice messaging systems. (Mite) / other vendors for Aastra and Polycom replacements.) 90,000 10,000 5,000 A-50 101 - GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 FINANCE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ADVERTISING MEMBERSHIP&DUES MISC EXPENSES PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS RENTALS INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATIVE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 5,000.00 197,500.00 600.00 1,600.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 33,400.00 83,600.00 4,959.00 195,553.00 650.00 1,600.00 39,184.00 4,650.00 105.00 2,383.00 33,400.00 81,972.00 10,000.00 112,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 12,100.00 63,600.00 1, 271, 426.00 1, 241, 973.00 1, 296, 900.00 A-51 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 697,825.00 676,919.00 803,200.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 12,121.00 1,946.00 - SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 37,796.00 42,691.00 37,300.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 228,284.00 228,284.00 244,800.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 976,026.00 949,840.00 1,085,300.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5,000.00 5,220.00 20,000.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 300.00 741.00 1,000.00 TRAINING 4,000.00 3,688.00 5,000.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 9,300.00 9,649.00 26,000.00 OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ADVERTISING MEMBERSHIP&DUES MISC EXPENSES PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS RENTALS INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATIVE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 5,000.00 197,500.00 600.00 1,600.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 33,400.00 83,600.00 4,959.00 195,553.00 650.00 1,600.00 39,184.00 4,650.00 105.00 2,383.00 33,400.00 81,972.00 10,000.00 112,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 12,100.00 63,600.00 1, 271, 426.00 1, 241, 973.00 1, 296, 900.00 A-51 101-2020-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 729,499 759,227 611,167 676,919 803,200 101-2020-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 27,907 32,301 36,829 42,691 37,300 101-2020-411-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 656 1,946 0 101-2020-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 219,600 271,400 207,300 228,284 244,800 101-2020-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 183,600 199,410 184,231 195,553 112,000 101-2020-411-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENT 3,455 2,584 2,584 2,383 2,500 101-2020-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 725 646 182 650 1,000 101-2020-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 4,545 4,150 3,679 4,650 5,000 101-2020-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 430 244 2,037 741 1,000 101-2020-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 4,056 3,963 3,358 5,220 20,000 101-2020-411-59-10 TRAINING 995 1,237 1,734 3,688 5,000 101-2020-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 3,316 2,850 2,085 1,600 2,500 101-2020-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 442 578 714 105 500 101-2020-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,824 3,889 8,814 4,959 10,000 101-2020-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 30,557 33,947 44,712 39,184 40,000 101-2020-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 72,700 90,900 98,600 33,400 12,100 Expenditure Subtotals 1,284,652 1,407,325 1,208,680 ' 1,241,973 1,296,900 Total Program Expenditures 1,284,652 1,407,325 1,208,680 1,241,973 1,296,900 A-52 101-2020-411-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 803,200 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-2020-411-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 37,300 Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-2020-411-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 244,800 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-2020-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 112,000 This budget provides for professional and technical services required to support Finance operations, and includes the following: 1. Independent audit of the City's financial statements, and other audit procedures ($40,000). 3. Contracted services for payroll processing ($35,000). 4. City Financial Advisor ($15,000). 5. Actuarial reports required for new financial reporting standard for employee pension in the financial statements ($3,000). 6. Other professional services including sales tax review, third -party audits of various revenue sources, statistical information for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Dunn & Bradstreet reports, and state mandated cost reimbursement claims ($19,000). 101-2020-411-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENTAL 2,500 The department uses a mobile storage unit for non-active record retention. 101-2020-411-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 1,000 Per state law, the City must annually publish a summary of financial transactions in the local newspaper. The City also publishes notices for public hearings for the budget process. 101-2020-411-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 5,000 This budget item provides for financial document printing; including annual budget, budget -in -brief, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and letterhead. A-53 101-2020-411-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 1,000 The city reimburses staff for use of personal vehicles when conducting business on behalf of the city. 101-2020-411-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 20,000 This budget enables Finance Staff to attend local meetings and the annual conference of the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO), Tyler Connect and Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This item also provides for refreshments for Finance Advisory Committee meetings. 101-2020-411-59-10 TRAINING 5,000 Training is offered to Finance Staff to maintain a current working knowledge of applicable financial laws and practices, and improve use of finance -related software. Continuing education is also necessary to maintain Certified Public Accountant licenses. 101-2020-411-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 2,500 Certain department employees are members of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO), and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). 101-2020-411-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 500 The department purchases annual financial publications (e.g. guides for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and municipal finance guides) for use within the department. 101-2020-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 10,000 This item provides for office supplies, minor equipment and miscellaneous items. 101-2020-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 40,000 This budget item provides for bank fees and merchant credit card processing fees. 101-2020-411-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 12,100 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-54 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2,685,779.00 2,801,589.00 3,140,900.00 A-55 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 1,559,527.00 1,453,957.00 1,681,000.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 7,524.00 6,570.00 - SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 18,340.00 30,361.00 25,200.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 603,588.00 603,588.00 633,200.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 2,188,979.00 2,094,476.00 2,339,400.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 8,800.00 9,300.00 10,000.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 TRAINING 8,500.00 6,700.00 21,000.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 18,600.00 17,500.00 32,500.00 OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP 9,200.00 11,500.00 13,500.00 PROF/TECH SERVICES 336,000.00 543,398.00 659,000.00 ADVERTISING 25,000.00 21,639.00 25,000.00 MEMBERSHIP&DUES 5,900.00 5,900.00 5,900.00 PRINTING & BINDING 7,000.00 12,576.00 26,500.00 PUBLICATIONS 2,700.00 2,200.00 2,700.00 RENTALS 4,600.00 4,600.00 5,300.00 UTILITY SERVICES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 INTERFUND CHARGES 83,800.00 83,800.00 27,100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 133,000.00 134,715.00 96,500.00 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2,685,779.00 2,801,589.00 3,140,900.00 A-55 101-4001-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 829,010 833,739 769,389 763,786 929,500 101-4001-441-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 17,870 14,717 8,653 10,224 0 101-4001-441-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 5,774 3,688 0 101-4001-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 283,900 291,500 337,900 297,972 320,900 101-4001-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 85,949 37,367 69,670 166,226 185,000 101-4001-441-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,197 0 0 0 0 101-4001-441-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENT 3,375 2,317 2,503 2,800 3,500 101-4001-441-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 17,652 20,461 17,095 21,639 25,000 101-4001-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 6,155 2,628 5,415 11,076 25,000 101-4001-441-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 1,027 731 1,242 800 800 101-4001-441-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 9,609 10,883 11,450 8,800 9,000 101-4001-441-59-10 TRAINING 558 0 0 1,200 17,000 101-4001-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 4,285 4,513 4,511 4,800 4,800 101-4001-441-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 635 984 1,334 1,200 1,200 101-4001-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 3,971 5,855 10,886 8,000 8,000 101-4001-441-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU -250 0 0 0 0 101-4001-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 71,400 86,300 129,300 48,500 15,900 Expenditure Subtotals 1,337,345 1,311,995 1,375,122 1,350,711 1,545600' Total Program Expenditures 1,337,345 1,311,995 1,375,122 1,350,711 1,545,600' A-56 101-4001-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 929,500 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-4001-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 320,900 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-4001-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 185,000 1. Temporary personnel, on an as -needed contractual basis, for coverage of front-line staff due to illness, vacations, or as otherwise required. ($2,000) 2. Ongoing Graphic Information System (GIS) updates. ($10,000) 3. Preparation of the graphics for the City's updated Trails Network Plan ($3,000) 4. Consultant work for miscellaneous advanced planning projects, such as the Arterial Fences and Walls project and/or park and trail projects. ($10,000) 5. Update to the General Plan (consultant services (to be determined) to complete technical studies and legal review). ($150,000) 6. Workspace reconfiguration to accommodate additional department staff in FY16-17. ($10,000) 101-4001-441-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENTAL 3,500 Rental of a mobile storage container for historical records. Due to lack of storage space for historical records, this budget item includes renting another mobile storage container to increase storage space. ($3,480) 101-4001-441-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 25,000 This budget item covers the cost of publishing required legal notices for private development projects and City projects in the local newspaper and with County Departments. 101-4001-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 25,000 This budget item covers miscellaneous printing (informational brochures, reproduction of maps and various documents, business cards, public notice envelopes, etc.). 101-4001-441-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 800 A-57 Reimbursement to Staff for use of personal vehicles. 101-4001-441-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 9,000 Funds for expenses incurred by the department staff and Planning Commission to attend meetings and conferences. The meetings and conferences include: 1. Annual California American Planning Association Chapter Conference and National APA Conference. 2. League of California Cities Planners' Institute (typically attended by Staff and 4 members of the Planning Commission). 3. Annual State Association of Environmental Planners' Conference. 4. Monthly Southwest Area Planning Council meetings. 5. Miscellaneous regional and other professional meetings. 101-4001-441-59-10 TRAINING 17,000 Professional and continuing education seminars that focus on specific aspects of California planning laws and policies, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Subdivision Map Act, personnel management, customer service, and local planning issues. 101-4001-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 4,800 Funds membership in the Planner's Advisory Service (a subscription library data base), American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Planners, American Institute of Certified Planners, and other appropriate professional planning and public administration associations. 101-4001-441-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 1,200 Publications include California Planning and Redevelopment Report, Land Use Digest, Urban Land Institute, and California Coast and Ocean. Reference materials include California Land Use and Planning Law, the Subdivision Map Act manual, and CEQA compliance guidelines. Many of the reference materials require annual updating. 101-4001-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 8,000 This budget provides for miscellaneous office and operating supplies such as photo supplies, stationery, color printer cartridges, and office equipment ($7,000), as well as kitchen supplies ($1,000). 101-4001-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 15,900 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment A-58 Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-59 101-4002-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 318,950 330,173 397,519 405,014 455,400 101-4002-441-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 5,894 3,892 0 20,137 25,200 101-4002-441-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 165 1,000 0 101-4002-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 115,900 135,600 171,400 185,626 187,500 101-4002-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 48,369 81,122 96,050 114,558 195,000 101-4002-441-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,563 1,996 3,491 4,000 4,000 101-4002-441-44-10 RENTALS - BUILDINGS 1,050 2,122 2,596 1,800 1,800 101-4002-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,101 2,512 338 1,000 1,000 101-4002-441-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 775 594 479 700 700 101-4002-441-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 96 0 0 0 0 101-4002-441-59-10 TRAINING 2,015 2,112 6,858 5,500 4,000 101-4002-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 460 340 888 700 700 101-4002-441-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 629 3,698 848 1,000 1,500 101-4002-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,831 4,025 4,300 3,500 3,500 101-4002-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 41,300 58,200 59,900 21,800 6,500 Expenditure Subtotals 540,934 626,386 744,830 766;335 886,800` Total Program Expenditures 540,934 626,386 744,830 766;335 886,800 101-4002-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 455,400 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-4002-441-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 25,200 Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-4002-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 187,500 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-4002-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 195,000 This line item provides for the following professional and technical services: 1. Estimated consultant contract cost that provide Building and Safety engineering plan check and inspection services (structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing). The costs are offset by the plan check and inspection fees that are charged to the applicants ($55,000). 2. Estimated consultant contract cost that provide Building and Safety ADA access compliance, fire and life -safety plan review, green building, casp services, plan check, and inspection services on an as needed basis. The costs are offset by the plan check and inspection fees that are charged to the applicants ($55,000). 3. Geo -technical and other professional building and safety consultants to assist in the review of projects not otherwise funded by development project trust deposits and/or which may be initiated by the City. These may be projects in which the City desires an expert opinion, but may not be possible to recover these funds from a private party ($15,000). 4. As required by law, the Department must retain certain Building and Safety Division records, such as geology records, plans, and permit documents. This budget item is needed to assess the Division's costs to convert geology records, plans, and permit documents to electronic copies. This cost will likely increase in the coming years as the Division moves forward with digitizing many of its records to enhance public inquiries ($35,000). 5. Plans Examiner to provide plan check services at the public counter on a part-time basis. ($35,000) 101-4002-441-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,000 Funding for the costs of cellular phones with data plans for 4 staff members in order to facilitate and increase mobile communication while out in the field. A-61 101-4002-441-44-10 RENTALS - BUILDINGS 1,800 As required by law, the department must retain certain Building and Safety Division records, such as commercial, institutional and multi -family residential structures. This budget item is needed to cover the Division's costs related to storing those records at an on-site storage container. 101-4002-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,000 Outside printing of various forms and publications related to the Building & Safety function. 101-4002-441-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 700 Monthly reimbursement to the Building Division Staff for use of personal cars on site visits and off-site training classes. 101-4002-441-59-10 TRAINING 4,000 Professional and continuing education seminars that focus on specific aspects of California building and development, together with improving customer service and Division operations. 101-4002-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 700 Funds membership in the International Congress of Building Officials (ICBO). Through this membership, documents, bulletins and training sponsored by this organization can be purchased at a substantial discount, including revisions to the Uniform Building Code and its various components. 101-4002-441-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 1,500 Publications are purchased annually to assist the Building Inspectors in their duties; including California code books, monthly publications and other needed journals. 101-4002-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 3,500 Miscellaneous office supplies and operating equipment. 101-4002-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 6,500 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-62 101-4003-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 135,439 136,153 135,781 90,739 87,900 101-4003-441-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 1,000 0 101-4003-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 46,000 52,600 55,800 57,419 34,600 101-4003-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 4,887 9,552 33 10,000 10,000 101-4003-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 199 0 0 500 500 101-4003-441-56-00 TRAVEL 68 11 0 0 0 101-4003-441-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 920 414 0 500 1,000 101-4003-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 150 150 150 400 400 101-4003-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 10,700 13,500 15,300 5,400 1,900 Expenditure Subtotals 198,363 212,381 207,064 165,958 136,300 Total Program Expenditures 198,363 212,381 207,064 165,958 136,300' A-63 101-4003-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 87,900 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-4003-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 34,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-4003-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 10,000 1. Costs of miscellaneous use of technical consultants, including noise consultants, antenna reception technicians, and geological consultants for code enforcement purposes ($5,000). 2. Costs of code enforcement nuisance abatement activities, including those related to view restoration. These abatement costs will ultimately be recovered through placement of liens on real property subject to the abatement actions. ($5,000). 101-4003-441-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 500 Outside printing of various forms and publications related to Code Enforcement functions, such as handouts for the Peafowl Management Plan, Animal Control Services, and massage permits. 101-4003-441-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 1,000 Funds for expenses incurred by department staff attendance at meetings and conferences. 101-4003-441-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 400 Funds membership in the Southern California Association of Code Enforcement Officers (CACEO) and any other appropriate professional association. $200 per officer 101-4003-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 1,900 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. U Z 101-4004-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 193,022 183,045 222,509 194,418 208,200 101-4004-441-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 882 0 101-4004-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 60,900 64,000 68,300 62,571 90,200 101-4004-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 40,218 23,281 37,018 39,532 44,000 101-4004-441-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 61,312 45,308 43,384 0 0 101-4004-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 199 35 0 0 2,000 101-4004-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 10,700 20,200 23,000 8,100 2,800 Expenditure Subtotals 366,,350 335,870 394,210 + 305;503 347,200` Total Program Expenditures 366,350 335,870 394,210 305,503 347,200` A-65 101-4004-441-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 208,200 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-4004-441-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 90,200 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-4004-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 44,000 Contract professional consultant services to assist in the mediation of View Restoration/Preservation cases ($40,000), and for an Arborist ($4,000). The view restoration fees associated with this program are collected when a case is not resolved through mediation. 101-4004-441-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,000 101-4004-441-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 2,800 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 101-4005-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 75,000 For the completion of the NCCP document. This work is to cover consultant costs to complete the document including costs to conduct property line surveys for recordation. The document is expected to be completed in FY16-17. A-67 101-4006-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 135,441 131,672 149,201 138,082 150,000 Expenditure Subtotals 135,441 131,672 149,201 138,082 ' 150,000`' Total Program Expenditures 135,441 131,672 149,201 138,082 150,000' � •i 101-4006-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 150,000 Geotechnical consultant services to review and make recommendations regarding the need for, and/or adequacy of, privately initiated project geo- technical reports. The actual cost for geologic services will vary depending upon the level of activity that occurs during the year. The expenditure is offset directly by the geologic review fees collected. 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 PUBLIC WORKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET 4,554,063.00 4,188,900.00 4,677,100.00 A-70 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 1,463,903.00 1,373,545.00 1,463,800.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 12,779.00 7,558.00 18,900.00 SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 20,000.00 20,275.00 25,200.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 471,681.00 471,681.00 479,100.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 1,968,363.00 1,873,059.00 1,987,000.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 10,000.00 18,100.00 15,000.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 1,000.00 1,183.00 1,500.00 TRAINING 10,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 21,000.00 25,283.00 26,500.00 OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP 169,600.00 213,723.00 176,100.00 PROF/TECH SERVICES 721,000.00 536,197.00 905,000.00 ADVERTISING 17,000.00 33,354.00 36,000.00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1,069,900.00 1,061,781.00 1,148,100.00 MEMBERSHIP&DUES 4,000.00 4,083.00 5,000.00 MISC EXPENSES 131,100.00 135,816.00 116,000.00 PRINTING & BINDING 27,000.00 19,000.00 27,000.00 PUBLICATIONS 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 RENTALS 12,300.00 10,000.00 12,300.00 UTILITY SERVICE 329,900.00 193,704.00 212,900.00 INTERFUND CHARGES 81,100.00 81,100.00 23,400.00 OTHER EXPENSES 1,674,100.00 1,540,638.00 1,582,500.00 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET 4,554,063.00 4,188,900.00 4,677,100.00 A-70 101-3001-431-11-00 SALARY&WAGES-FT 1,158,969 1,179,746 1,327,400 1,373,545 1,463,800 101-3001-431-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 61,836 78,722 9,841 20,275 25,200 101-3001-431-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 14,962 7,558 18,900 101-3001-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 413,750 431,700 422,150 471,681 479,100 101-3001-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 84,908 97,976 88,626 177,000 155,000 101-3001-431-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 0 0 3,908 4,900 5,000 101-3001-431-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENT 5,778 5,225 5,020 5,000 7,300 101-3001-431-53-00 POSTAGE 0 36 0 0 0 101-3001-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 18,859 13,801 9,800 33,354 36,000 101-3001-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 14,794 11,817 10,285 17,000 25,000 101-3001-431-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 512 709 1,011 1,183 1,500 101-3001-431-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 400 2,630 15,446 18,100 15,000 101-3001-431-59-10 TRAINING 37 1,006 773 6,000 10,000 101-3001-431-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 2,468 3,911 5,287 4,083 5,000 101-3001-431-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 1,201 391 2,373 1,800 1,800 101-3001-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 10,614 15,070 21,891 13,000 13,000 101-3001-431-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 45,044 162 0 4,716 0 101-3001-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 121,300 123,300 158,700 64,000 20,600 Expenditure Subtotals 1,940;468 1,966,202 2,097,473 2,223,195 2,282,200' Total Program Expenditures 1,940,468 1,966,202 2,097,473 2,223,195 2,282,200 A-71 101-3001-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 1,463,800 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-3001-431-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 25,200 Part-time salaries provide for the Public Works Engineering Intern position that assists staff in routine permit issuance, construction project inspections, and special projects as assigned. 101-3001-431-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 18,900 Overtime paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-3001-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 479,100 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-3001-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 155,000 1. City Engineering Activity: Contracted engineering services to review land maps and development plans that are not reimbursable by developers. ($20,000) Vendor TBD 2. Engineering Studies: Contracted services for engineering investigations and surveys. ($15,000) Vendor TBD 3. Inspection Services: Inspections for encroachment permits, traffic projects, and Right -of -Way (ROW) maintenance projects. Permit fees collected as General Fund revenue partially offset the cost of this program. ($80,000) Vendors TBD 4. Temporary Clerical Assistance: Temporary office assistance for front office staff vacancies, vacations, illnesses, or other absences, and for courier services. ($5,000) Vendor TBD 5. Administration of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program: The City's CDBG funding does not cover the entire cost of the consultant who administers the City's CDBG program; and, therefore, a portion of that cost is charged to this budget program. ($10,000) Vendor TBD 6. Professional Engineering and Project Management Services: Consultant support to assist in addressing the engineering and project management workload during staffing shortages. ($25,000) Vendors TBD 101-3001-431-41-40 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5,000 Cell service for City -owned phones used by Public Works field personnel. A-72 101-3001-431-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENTAL 7,300 Storage Pod Rental - Annual rental fees for three (3) on-site storage pods to house inactive Public Works plans, documents, files, and surplus furniture. 101-3001-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 36,000 Legal notice advertising for Public Works projects that are going out to bid, as well as noticing for public hearings and other public meetings. 101-3001-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 25,000 Printing of permits, maintenance service request forms, materials for public meetings, bid documents, and blueprints for Public Works projects. 101-3001-431-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 1,500 Reimbursement of staff for use of personal vehicles to attend off-site meetings, conferences, training events, etc. 101-3001-431-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 15,000 Charges for expenses incurred for off-site City meetings, conferences, and training events. Expenses include registration fees, lodging, meals, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. 101-3001-431-59-10 TRAINING 10,000 This item provides for specialized and technical training and professional development for Public Works staff. 101-3001-431-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 5,000 Annual dues for professional organizations and the cost of professional licensing for department staff in order for them to maintain their professional status. 101-3001-431-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 1,800 Provides for subscriptions to periodicals, educational materials, and technical publications, which assist City staff in the performance of their duties by enhancing their technical knowledge and skills. 101-3001-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 13,000 Office supplies, minor equipment, and miscellaneous items. 101-3001-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 20,600 A-73 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-74 101-3006-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 91,731 73,010 86,571 83,472 190,000 101-3006-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 80,549 3,101 3,277 13,924 106,000 101-3006-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,100 500 1,999 2,000 2,000 101-3006-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 496 0 0 13,000 0 101-3006-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 45,124 0 0 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 218,999 76,611 91,847 112;396 298,000' Total Program Expenditures 218,999 76,611 91,847 112,396 298,0001 A-75 101-3006-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 190,000 1. Traffic Engineering Services: Consultant support to respond to residents' concerns and requests regarding traffic issues. Services may include improving traffic processes, designing traffic projects, and pursuing traffic -related grants. ($100,000) (a) Traffic control plan reviews for various City projects; and smaller scale traffic engineering studies for various locations throughout the City ($23,000) - Vendor TBD (b) Review of land maps and development plans for traffic -related issues ($20,000) Vendor TBD (c) Right -of -Way (ROW) project engineering services ($25,000) Vendor TBD (d) Citywide cell site documentation services ($32,000) Vendor TBD 2. Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program: Pursuant to the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, adopted by the City Council in August 2014, neighborhoods may request traffic calming improvements from the City. This budget allocation provides for the initial analysis to determine the recommended traffic calming measures for a neighborhood, as well as the installation of small measures, subject to review and approval by the City Council. ($90,000) (a) Traffic engineering studies for various locations throughout the City ($25,000) Vendors TBD (b) Traffic engineering studies for various locations throughout the City ($21,000) Vendors TBD (c) Crossing guard services at certain City intersections ($30,000) Vendor TBD (d) Traffic circulation analyses at various City locations ($10,000) Vendors TBD (e) Traffic circulation analyses at various City locations ($4,000) Vendors TBD 101-3006-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 106,000 1. Radar Speed Trailer Program: In order to maintain an effective traffic enforcement program for the City, radar speed trailers are set up at various locations throughout the City on a contracted basis. ($6,000) 2. Annual Pavement Striping Program: Contracted services for pavement striping, marking, and roadway signage. This program includes annual enhancements to school zones and refreshing of roadway markers and legends. ($100,000) A-76 101-3006-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 2,000 The cost of printing parking program permits. A-77 101-3007-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 65,645 155,026 236,199 207,700 462,000 101-3007-431-33-00 LEGAL SERVICES 5,672 0 0 0 0 101-3007-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 38,784 56,166 40,719 94,857 115,600 101-3007-431-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 100 0 0 0 0 101-3007-431-59-10 TRAINING 0 861 0 0 0 101-3007-431-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 0 0 1,414 2,000 2,000 Expenditure Subtotals 110,200 212,053 278,332 304,557 579,600>> Tota) Program Expenditures 110,200 212,053 278,332 304,557 579,600> • 101-3007-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 462,000 1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program Administration: Contracted services for technical support for the City's Storm Water Quality Program to comply with the requirements of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, as administered by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Board. The City has contracted for these services for over 20 years. FY16-17 is the first year of the current multi-year contract. ($70,000) Vendor TBD 2. State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Fees: Annual fees for waste discharge and the City's storm water permit. The State Water Code mandates these fees for the State's administration of the Clean Water Act/NPDES program. Fees are anticipated to increase nominally in FY16- 17. ($22,000) Vendor TBD 3. Urban Runoff and Storm Water Quality Monitoring: Contractual services and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) participation costs to implement scheduled (dry weather) and rain event water quality monitoring, analysis, and reporting. In April 2016, the City Council approved the City's participation in these MOU's, including funding of the total program costs. The Los Angeles Harbor MOU is for a total of $24,000 and the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) MOU is for a total of $365,000. The City will be receiving $170,000 in reimbursements from the participating agencies at the completion of the project. ($219,000) Vendor TBD 4. Watershed Management Program Implementation: The Regional Water Quality Control Board has approved the Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP), which was developed over the last several years. The total cost to implement the EWMP is $285,000, which the City will need to appropriate. The City's and the participating agencies' respective share of the costs to implement the program will be finalized in another MOU, which is currently being developed. The City will be receiving $134,000 in reimbursements of the cost from the participating agencies. ($151,000) Vendor TBD 101-3007-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 115,600 1. Catch Basin Cleaning and Storm Drain Maintenance: Contractual services to clean catch basins and storm drain facilities in the City, including debris removal and disposal and water quality message stenciling on catch basins ($55,000), and replacement of filtration media packs on certain retrofitted catch basins in the City. ($15,000) ($70,000 total) 2. Street/Parking Lot Sweeping and Bus Shelter Maintenance: Contracted services, of $30,000, provides for a sweeping of City -owned parking lots in order to reduce pollutants, and clean and remove litter at the City's bus shelters. This account also provides for an extra pre -rainy season sweep of the City's streets ($15,600), as required by the NPDES program permit. ($45,600) 101-3007-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 2,000 A-79 Citywide Overflow and Flood Clean -Up: Spill kits and other equipment are used by the City's Right -of -Way (ROW) maintenance crews to contain Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and flooding that could potentially impact water quality. • 101-3008-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 4,500 8,944 4,000 4,000 101-3008-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVIC 34,517 36,459 17,276 7,284 15,000 101-3008-431-41-20 GAS UTILITY SERVICE 1,355 1,727 1,730 2,000 1,900 101-3008-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 100,719 72,707 113,862 105,084 113,000 101-3008-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 237,791 223,627 325,970 360,000 358,500 101-3008-431-44-20 VEHICLE & EQUIP RENT 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 101-3008-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 50,670 37,500 75,856 82,000 78,500 101-3008-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 14,700 25,600 32,500 14,000 2,800 Expenditure Subtotals 439;752 402,120 576,139 579,368 578,700{ Total Program Expenditures 439,752 402,120 1 576,139 ' 579,368 578,700' • 101-3008-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 4,000 1. Costs associated with small scale office reconfiguration projects. Costs are incurred for office reconfigurations when new staff are hired. ($2,500) Vendor TBD 2. Certified Access Specialists (CASp) Services: Effective January 1, 2013, State law required the City to collect a $1 fee from business license applicants to fund CASp programs. Local agencies are allowed to retain 70% of the fees, which must be used for CASp services that will facilitate compliance with construction -related accessibility requirements. ($1,500) Vendors TBD 101-3008-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVICE 15,000 Water utility service for all City buildings. 101-3008-431-41-20 GAS UTILITY SERVICE 1,900 Gas utility service for all City buildings. 101-3008-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 113,000 Electricity utility service for all City buildings. 101-3008-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 358,500 These services provide for the ongoing maintenance of all City and park buildings. The budget allocation varies from year to year, depending on the number of maintenance projects planned each year. The following are ongoing maintenance efforts: 1. Custodial Services: Contracted custodial services for all City buildings. ($90,000) 2. Graffiti Abatement: Contracted services to remove graffiti from public areas. ($75,000) 3. General Building Maintenance: Contracted maintenance services to provide preventive and reactive building maintenance, including: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, masonry, painting, and mechanical repairs for all City facilities. ($70,000) 4. Building Security: Electronic building security monitoring, access control, and maintenance at all monitored park buildings and the Civic Center complex is provided by a contracted security company. ($25,000) 5. Pest Control: Monthly pest control in and around all City buildings. ($4,000) • 6. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Maintenance: Preventive and reactive maintenance of HVAC systems at Hesse Park, the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC), Ladera Linda Community Center, RPV TV Studio, the Emergency Operations/Communications Center, and the Civic Center complex. ($20,000) 7. Elevator Maintenance: The annual maintenance service provides for elevator inspection, maintenance, and license certification required by the State. ($4,000) 8. Fire Extinguisher Service: The Fire Code requires the City to annually inspect and certify all fire extinguishers located at City facilities. ($4,500) 9. Building Fire Systems: Annual inspection and maintenance of sprinkler systems at all City facilities. ($2,000) 10. Emergency Generator Maintenance: Annual maintenance of the emergency generators at the Civic Center complex, the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC), and Hesse Park. ($8,000) 11. Unanticipated one-time projects. ($7,500) 12. Annual Maintenance Projects: (a) Painting Program: Funds are set aside for painting of City facilities that are requested as a result of deteriorating or damaged paint surfaces. ($25,000) (b) Flooring Replacement Program: Funds are set aside for replacement of carpeting, tile, and linoleum floor surfaces at City facilities that are requested as a result of deteriorating or damaged flooring. Staff is currently developing a plan to address flooring replacement of all facilities on a scheduled basis.($10,000) (c) Water and Backflow Valve Replacement Program: Water and backflow valves are replaced on an as -needed basis due to failure or damage. ($13,500) 101-3008-431-44-20 VEHICLE & EQUIP RENTAL 5,000 Rental of specialty vehicles and equipment to support Building Maintenance activities. 101-3008-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 78,500 1. Building Supplies and Equipment: Includes building maintenance supplies, custodial supplies, minor equipment, and kitchen supplies for City Council meetings, City Commission/Committee meetings, and for all City facilities. ($63,500) 2. Fuel for emergency generators located at the Civic Center complex, the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC), and Hesse Park. ($15,000) • 101-3008-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 2,800 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 1615 101-3009-431-32-00 PROF/TECHSERVICE 21,335 15,040 41,024 35,000 35,000 101-3009-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVIC 158,541 196,345 171,156 72,936 75,000 101-3009-431-41-20 GAS UTILITY SERVICE 0 42 0 0 1,500 101-3009-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 1,158 1,116 1,014 1,500 1,500 101-3009-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 662,334 548,574 492,131 585,000 558,000 101-3009-431-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 83,636 84,929 88,829 0 0 101-3009-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 64,303 44,345 100,998 103,723 82,600 101-3009-431-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 13,980 14,526 17,457 131,100 116,000 101-3009-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 59,575 0 0 101-3009-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 0 0 16,000 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 1,005,288 904,917 988,184 929,259 869,600' Tota( Program Expenditures 1,005,288 904,917 988,184 929,269 869,600 • 101-3009-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 35,000 1. Ongoing Maintenance: Contracted administration and inspection services for parks, trails, and open space areas. ($10,000) Vendor TBD 2. Security services at City Parks and Open Space Locations: Services include security inspections of remote City areas, securing park entrance gates, and opening and closing restroom facilities. ($25,000) Vendors TBD 101-3009-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVICE 75,000 Water utility service for all park irrigation systems. 101-3009-431-41-20 GAS UTILITY SERVICE 1,500 Gas utility service at City parks. 101-3009-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 1,500 Electrical utility (light and power) charges for landscape irrigation control boxes at City parks. 101-3009-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 558,000 Landscape maintenance services for parks, trails, and open space facilities. The budget allocation varies from year to year depending on the number of maintenance projects planned for each year. 1. Landscape Maintenance at City parks, trails, and open spaces: Services include turf and ground cover care, pest control, electrical repairs, non-native vegetation maintenance, sports field maintenance, litter patrol, trash collection, maintenance of park amenities, irrigation system maintenance, trails maintenance, weed abatement, fire road maintenance, minor parking lot maintenance, fence repairs, sign repairs, and drainage maintenance. ($336,000) 2. Fuel Modification: (a) Open Space Areas: The Los Angeles County Weed Abatement Division of the County Agricultural Commissioner's Office and the County Fire Department require the City to perform annual fuel modification on 36 City -owned parcels, as well as any additional locations identified by the County. The costs for these services will be partially funded by $90,000 in Measure A grant funds. ($160,000) (b) Annual County Discing Areas: The County Agricultural Commissioner's Office performs annual discing of Grandview Park, Sunnyside Ridge, and West Indian Peak Road. ($10,000) (c) Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) Trail Maintenance: Service requests from PVPLC for trail maintenance that is � i� not covered by its service agreement with the City. ($15,000) 3. Annual Backflow Testing: The California Water Service Company requires annual testing of backflow valves. ($6,000) 4. Portable Toilets: Rental and servicing of portable toilets located at various park and open space locations and for special events. ($12,000) 5. Annual Maintenance Programs: (a) Ladera Linda Paddle Tennis Courts: Maintenance of two paddle tennis courts to ensure safe playing surfaces. ($4,000) (b) Annual Play Surface Maintenance Program: Play surfaces at the various park sites will be resurfaced, repaired, or replenished, as needed. ($15,000) 101-3009-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 82,600 1. Supplies and Equipment: Materials and equipment to maintain and repair City parks, trails, and open space areas. This includes repair and replacement of park, trail, and open space amenities, fences, signs, and playground equipment. ($61,000) 2. Trash/Recycling Receptacles: Replacement of trash receptacles as needed. ($2,000) 3. Park Rules Signs Replacement: Updating and replacement of worn and damaged park rules signs at various City facilities. ($10,000) 4. Security Cameras: Monitoring and maintenance of security cameras at City facilities to deter crime, vandalism, and illegal dumping. ($9,600) 101-3009-431-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 116,000 1. Klondike Canyon Landslide Abatement District assessments for City - owned parcels: ($53,400) 2. Abalone Cove Landslide Abatement District (ACLAD) assessments for City -owned parcels: ($62,600) • 101-3026-431-32-00 PROF/TECHSERVICE 13,246 49,177 21,504 29,025 59,000 101-3026-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 1,950 10,276 8,000 10,000 101-3026-431-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 3,100 Expenditure Subtotals 13,246 51,126 31,780 40;125 69,000 Total Program Expenditures 13;246 51,126 31,780 40,125 69,000 101-3026-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 59,000 1. Industrial Waste Monitoring: Throughout the year, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works charges the City fees for sewer testing for hazardous materials and emergency response. ($14,000) Vendor: Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2. Sewer Pipe Filming & Investigation: Annual Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections and monitoring of sewer pipes in the overflow area are part of a cleaning and pipe replacement program that supplements the efforts by Los Angeles County. ($30,000) Vendor TBD 3. Sewer System GIS Theme Layer: Adding sewer data to the GIS system. ($15,000) Vendor TBD 101-3026-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 10,000 This account provides for the repair of sewer pipelines as deficiencies are identified through Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) inspections. 101 - GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 RECREATION PARKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET MEETINGS & CONFERENCES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ACTIVENET TRANSACTION FEE ADVERTISING MEMBERSHIP&DUES PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS PURCHASES FOR RESALE RENTALS INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL RECREATION PARKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET 8,900.00 2,600.00 1.500.00 13,000.00 83,500.00 267,950.00 14,000 7,000 1,700 12,000 550 50,000 7,200 52.100 144,550.00 9,940.00 1,361.00 1,105.00 12,406.00 137,750.00 260,392.00 14,000 7,001 1,400 12,000 400 55,809 7,200 52,100 149, 910.00 11, 500.00 2,600.00 1,500.00 15,600.00 159,100.00 86,500.00 14,000 17,000 2,100 12,000 400 50,000 7,200 16,800 119, 500.00 1,995,031.00 2,115,246.00 2,263,900.00 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET SALARY & WAGES - FULLTIME 630,136.00 640,679.00 704,100.00 SALARY & WAGES - OVERTIME 1,028.00 924.00 1,400.00 SALARY & WAGES - PARTTIME 579,000.00 608,318.00 813,700.00 EMP BENEFITS ALLOCATION 275,867.00 304,867.00 364,000.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 1,486,031.00 1,554,788.00 1,883,200.00 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING TOTAL TRAVEL & CONFERENCES OP SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIP PROF/TECH SERVICES ACTIVENET TRANSACTION FEE ADVERTISING MEMBERSHIP&DUES PRINTING & BINDING PUBLICATIONS PURCHASES FOR RESALE RENTALS INTERFUND CHARGES OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL RECREATION PARKS PRELIMINARY BUDGET 8,900.00 2,600.00 1.500.00 13,000.00 83,500.00 267,950.00 14,000 7,000 1,700 12,000 550 50,000 7,200 52.100 144,550.00 9,940.00 1,361.00 1,105.00 12,406.00 137,750.00 260,392.00 14,000 7,001 1,400 12,000 400 55,809 7,200 52,100 149, 910.00 11, 500.00 2,600.00 1,500.00 15,600.00 159,100.00 86,500.00 14,000 17,000 2,100 12,000 400 50,000 7,200 16,800 119, 500.00 1,995,031.00 2,115,246.00 2,263,900.00 101-5010-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 146,637 245,411 354,725 444,783 489,900 101-5010-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 80,747 97,344 60,802 82,559 82,200 101-5010-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 300 1,300 101-5010-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 96,925 74,800 111,300 133,290 159,600 101-5010-451-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 157,513 159,814 161,274 210,292 35,000 101-5010-451-54-00 ADVERTISING 0 0 748 1,001 12,000 101-5010-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 0 156 0 3,500 4,500 101-5010-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 1,724 1,265 930 1,000 2,000 101-5010-451-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 1,830 3,900 4,512 9,300 11,000 101-5010-451-59-10 TRAINING 0 110 470 1,000 1,500 101-5010-451-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 845 675 625 1,100 2,100 101-5010-451-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 0 229 335 400 400 101-5010-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 4,734 18,292 12,961 14,000 16,000 101-5010-451-68-00 TRANSACTION FEES 0 1,505 14,077 14,000 14,000 101-5010-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 38,200 49,700 57,300 21,800 6,500 Expenditure Subtotals 529,154 653,202 780,059 938,325 838,000' Total, Program Expenditures 529,154 653,202 780,059 938,325 838,000' A-91 101-5010-451-11-00 SALARY & WAG ES - FT 489,900 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees are allocated to this program. 101-5010-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 82,200 Salaries and wages paid to part-time employees are allocated to this program. 101-5010-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 1,300 Overtime paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5010-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 159,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5010-451-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 35,000 1. Temporary assistance due to unforeseen employee absences, and the cost of maintaining a pool of Class B licensed drivers to operate the Department's passenger vehicles. ($3,000) 2. Hotline Services for Palos Verdes Nature Preserve. ($1,200) 3. Music licensing services through ASCAP and BMI. ($700) 4. Staff scheduling software. ($1,000) 5. Professional services required for department projects and programs as needed. ($3,000) 6. Payment of $10,000 to Los Serenos de Point Vicente Docents and $10,000 to Peninsula Seniors for services provided to the City's residents that are not otherwise provided by the City. ($20,000) 7. Professional services for outside consultant for PVIC cash register and curation program updates. ($5,100) 8. Ongoing training for recreation registration software, Activenet. ($1,000) 101-5010-451-54-00 ADVERTISING 12,000 Advertising in local publications to support Recreation programs and facilities. Increase is due to inclusion of a quarterly recreation program A-92 101-5010-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 4,500 This item reflects printing costs associated with Preserve and open space public education efforts including public information handouts and trail maps ($2,500). An allocation is included for general Recreation Department printing needs, such as letterhead ($1,000). 101-5010-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 2,000 Reimbursement for use of full-time and part-time employees' private automobiles for City business. Increase due to use of private vehicles utilized by roving staff inspecting unstaffed City parks as well as Preserve/Open Space staff. 101-5010-451-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 11,000 Conferences attended annually by Recreation and Parks staff include National Recreation and Parks Association conferences, California Parks & Recreation Society conferences, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority conferences and additional conferences pertaining to recreation, parks, open space, and staff development. Increase will allow for more part-time staff attendance at conferences. 101-5010-451-59-10 TRAINING 1,500 Provides for CPR/First Aid/AED classes, and supplies and equipment for the department training and provides for department volunteer programs. 101-5010-451-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 2,100 Memberships in professional organizations including the National Recreation & Parks Association and California Parks and Recreation Society. Increase due to additional memberships for Recreation Specialists. 101-5010-451-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 400 Provides for subscriptions such as the Daily Breeze and Peninsula News newspapers to assist City staff in the performance of their duties. 101-5010-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 16,000 This increase is due to the rising costs of office supplies, minor equipment, and miscellaneous items as well as additional office support of expanded hours at park sites and in the Palso Verdes Nature Preserve/Open Space. 101-5010-451-68-00 TRANSACTION FEES 14,000 Fees for the City's Recreation registration system for events and facility rentals. A-93 101-5010-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 6,500 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. F.AWOM 101-5040-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 25,032 25,207 36,443 52,300 101-5040-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 6,937 5,729 5,757 10,329 10,300 101-5040-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 171 100 101-5040-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,100 11,500 10,200 13,206 20,700 101-5040-451-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 35,730 29,273 35,140 45,000 51,500 101-5040-451-44-20 VEHICLE & EQUIP RENT 392 3,525 3,476 4,300 4,300 101-5040-451-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 101-5040-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 0 0 0 7,500 7,500 101-5040-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 65,516 16,570 9,943 16,136 65,000 Expenditure Subtotals 109,675 91,629 89,722 138,085 216,700;;' Total Program Expenditures 109,675 91,629 89,722 138,085 216,700'' A-95 101-5040-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 52,300 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5040-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 10,300 Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5040-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 100 Overtime paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5040-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 20,700 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5040-451-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 51,500 Professional/technical services for special events including: 1. City's annual Fourth of July Celebration contract ($25,000) 2. July 4th - music performances ($900) 3. Whale of a Day - parking services ($2,000) 4. Whale of a Day - overnight security services ($300) 5. Whale of a Day - Health Dept. Fees ($350) 6. Whale of a Day - music performances ($1,000) 7. Whale of a Day - sound services ($700) 8. Whale of a Day - ATM services ($100) 9. Shakespeare by the Sea event - Drama production ($1,200) 10. Shakespeare by the Sea event - sound/lighting services ($400) 11. Coed Adult Softball League - Umpire Fees ($700) 12. Breakfast with Santa - Entertainment ($350) 13. Breakfast with Santa - Health Dept. Fees ($350) 14. Breakfast with Santa - Catered Hot Food ($500) 15. Outdoor Movie and other events; increased by $1,500 from FY15-16 ($4,000) 16. Professional sound/lighting services for other various events ($600) 17. Junior Ranger Program ($4,050) 18. Misc. Professional Technical Services ($7,000) 19. First -Aid station at special events. ($2,000) Increases due to cover additional costs of professional/techniclal services for outdoor movies and other existing or currently unscheduled special events. 101-5040-451-44-20 VEHICLE & EQUIP RENTAL 4,300 Rental of equipment for various special events, including: 1. Chemical toilets and hand washing stations for special events. ($1,000) 2. Stages, canopies, tables, and chairs for special events. ($2,300) 3. Radios for special events. ($1,000) 101-5040-451-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 5,000 Advertising in local newspapers for recreation events and activities. 101-5040-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 7,500 This item reflects printing costs for event banners and brochures. 101-5040-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 65,000 This budget item allows for replacement of special event equipment and miscellaneous event expenses. A-97 101-5060-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 96,065 0 90,525 63,215 76,100 101-5060-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 124,713 134,125 138,029 164,864 158,300 101-5060-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 46,700 37,225 44,100 42,155 51,000 101-5060-451-32-00 PROFFFECH SERVICE 150 0 3,142 5,100 0 101-5060-451-44-20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 500 500 101-5060-451-54-00 ADVERTISING 0 1,220 0 1,000 0 101-5060-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 1,134 295 607 1,000 0 101-5060-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 224 32 71 61 300 101-5060-451-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 24 41 887 640 500 101-5060-451-59-10 TRAINING 50 0 0 105 0 101-5060-451-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 0 0 0 300 0 101-5060-451-59-30 PUBLICATIONS 34 0 0 0 0 101-5060-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 15,271 29,620 35,937 25,614 31,500 101-5060-451-62-00 PURCHASES FOR RESA 51,893 54,309 59,567 55,809 50,000 101-5060-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 48,800 74,100 61,200 21,500 7,500 Expenditure Subtotals 385,059 330,967 434,064 381,863 375,700 Total Program Expenditures 385,059 330,967 434,064 381,863 375,700 101-5060-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 76,100 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5060-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 158,300 This item reflects part-time staffing expenses allocated to this program. 101-5060-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 51,000 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5060-451-44-20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 500 Miscellaneous equipment rental for various functions at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC). 101-5060-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 300 Reimbursement for use of employees' private automobiles for City business. 101-5060-451-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 500 Professional growth of staff and to stay current with museum trends. 101-5060-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 31,500 1. Anticipated operating needs of the facility including tables and chairs used for rentals, recreation programs and docent activities, miscellaneous equipment, office supplies and exhibits. ($28,300) 2. The annual Docent Appreciation Luncheon. ($3,200) 101-5060-451-62-00 PURCHASES FOR RESALE 50,000 Purchases of items for resale at the Interpretive Center gift shop, which is expected to generate revenue of about $120,000. 101-5060-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 7,500 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. 101-5031-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 0 0 30,235 31,000 101-5031-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 0 0 92,774 116,700 101-5031-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 26,360 30,800 101-5031-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 101-5031-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 6,500 6,500 101-5031-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 0 0 0 5,400 1,900 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 161,269 186,900' Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 161,269 186,900 A-100 101-5031-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 31,000 Wages paid to full-time City employees who support the park facility. 101-5031-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 116,700 Wages paid to part-time City employees who staff the park facility. 101-5031-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 30,800 Overtime paid to full-time City employees who support the park facility. 101-5031-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 6,500 The costs of park facility supplies, such as sports equipment and games. 101-5031-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 1,900 Equipment Replacement charges pay for maintenance, depreciation and eventual replacement of existing equipment items. Equipment is defined as vehicles, computers, and other office equipment with a cost of $5,000 or more. Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-101 101-5032-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 0 0 17,683 17,700 101-5032-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 0 0 50,239 70,700 101-5032-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 15,526 19,600 101-5032-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 1,250 2,600 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 84,698 110,600 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 84,698 110,600' A-102 101-5032-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT Wages paid to full-time City employees who support the park facility. 101-5032-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT Wages paid to part-time City employees who staff the park facility. 101-5032-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5032-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP The costs of park facility supplies, such as sports equipment and games. Increase is due to expanded facility hours and increased on-site programming. 17,700 70,700 19,600 2,600 A-103 101-5033-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 0 0 0 21,492 22,200 101-5033-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 0 0 31,715 46,400 101-5033-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 214 0 101-5033-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 12,312 17,500 101-5033-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 3,500 4,500 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 69,233 90,600 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 69,233 90,600 A-104 101-5033-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT Wages paid to full-time City employees who support the park facility. 101-5033-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT Wages paid to part-time City employees who staff the park facility. 101-5033-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5033-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP The costs of park facility supplies, such as sports equipment and games. Increase is due to expanded facility hours and increased on-site programming. 22,200 46,400 17,500 4,500 A-105 101-5034-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 83,200 Wages paid to part-time City employees who staff the park facility. 101-5034-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 16,700 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5034-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 5,000 The costs of facility supplies, such as project equipment and supplies and educational materials. Increase due to expanded hours and staffing at site. Staff assuming larger role in terms of public education and involvement and performing minor site -improvement projects. 101-5034-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARGE 900 Purchases of replacement equipment occur on an as -needed basis, and do not directly increase the amount of a budgetary program's Equipment Replacement charges. The cost of purchasing new equipment directly increases the Equipment Replacement charge in the year the equipment is acquired. A-106 101-5030-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 164,891 125,888 124,004 12,270 0 101-5030-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 192,664 197,795 185,629 52,412 165,500 101-5030-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 145 197 0 101-5030-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 71,100 80,000 82,000 38,469 28,100 101-5030-451-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENT 2,241 2,241 2,273 2,400 2,400 101-5030-451-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 0 0 1,220 0 0 101-5030-451-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 4,508 3,516 4,418 0 0 101-5030-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 6,588 18,855 14,687 60,000 18,000 101-5030-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 27,500 34,900 23,000 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 469,493 463,195 437,375 165;748 214,000', Total Program Expenditures 469,493 463,195 437,375 165,748 214,000' A-107 101-5030-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 165,500 Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees who staff school and sports facilities for City programs. 101-5030-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 28,100 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5030-451-44-10 BUILDING & LAND RENTAL 2,400 This item is payment for land leased from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts for Eastview Park. 101-5030-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 18,000 Supplies and equipment needed for recreation programs including Preserve/Open Space staff, park roving crew, Eastview staff, and school site/sports City programs. 1. Eastview Park staff operating supplies. ($5,000) 2. Roving staff operating supplies for scheduled staff presence and inspections at unstaffed parks. ($3,000) 3. City -run sports/activities at school sites and other locations. ($10,000) 101-5070-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 7,294 0 462 63 0 101-5070-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 20,248 20,722 22,365 26,871 25,900 101-5070-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 0 3,890 0 101-5070-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5,200 3,300 3,400 0 5,100 101-5070-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 175 138 269 300 300 101-5070-451-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 0 0 0 0 0 101-5070-451-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 6,492 7,261 8,458 10,000 10,000 101-5070-451-94-10 EQUIP REPLACE CHARG 4,000 2,700 3,200 700 0 Expenditure Subtotals 43;410 34,121 38,154 I 41,824 41,300 Total Program Expenditures 43,410 34,121 38,154 A1,824 41,300` A-109 101-5070-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to this program. 101-5070-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 101-5070-451-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE Reimbursement for use of employees' private automobiles for City business. 101-5070-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP Office supplies, consumable supplies, lodging and transportation associated with the operation of the REACH program. 25,900 5,100 300 10,000 A-110 101-5080-451-11-00 SALARY&WAGES-FT 0 0 0 14,495 14,900 101-5080-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT 0 0 33,455 32,879 54,500 101-5080-451-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 17 42 0 101-5080-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 6,000 11,322 14,900 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 39,472 58,738 84,300 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 39,472 58,738 84,300 A-111 101-5080-451-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees who supervise Support Services, such as staffing the City Hall reception desk and film shoots on City property (cost is partially recovered through film permit fees). 101-5080-451-12-00 SALARY & WAGES - PT Salaries and wages paid to part-time City employees allocated to Support Services, such as staffing the City Hall reception desk and film shoots on City property (cost is partially recovered through film permit fees). 101-5080-451-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 14,900 54,500 14,900 A-112 101 -GENERAL FUND FY 2016-17 NON -DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET NON -DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 657,700.00 948,963.00 837,100.00 A-113 FY 2016 FY 2017 ADOPTED FY 2016 YEAR• PRELIMINARY BUDGET END EST BUDGET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 33,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 INSURANCE 475,000.00 510,830.00 394,100.00 LAND 75,000.00 73,000.00 25,000.00 LEAVE BUYOUT - 80,561.00 50,000.00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 17,500.00 25,000.00 125,000.00 POSTAGE 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 PROFESSIONAL/TECH SERVICES 13,117.00 13,000.00 VEHICLES MAINTENANCE 22,200.00 30,200.00 30,000.00 MISC EXPENSES - 166,255.00 145,000.00 NON -DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 657,700.00 948,963.00 837,100.00 A-113 101-6000-411-14-00 LEAVE BUYOUT 0 0 0 80,561 50,000 101-6000-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 0 0 13,117 13,000 101-6000-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 41,450 41,044 14,402 45,200 50,000 101-6000-411-52-00 INSURANCE 685,845 467,248 396,292 510,830 394,100 101-6000-411-53-00 POSTAGE 24,449 23,690 33,906 35,000 35,000 101-6000-411-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 11,435 17,900 10,762 25,000 125,000 101-6000-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 0 35,000 190,467 149,000 100,000 101-6000-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU -722 1,988 1,488 17,255 45,000 101-6000-411-71-00 LAND 7,474 22,766 12,223 73,000 25,000 Expenditure Subtotals 769,931 609,636 859,539 948,963 837,100 Total Program Expenditures 769,931 609,636 659,539 948,963 837,100 A-114 101-6000-411-14-00 LEAVE BUYOUT 50,000 Vacation buy back. 101-6000-411-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 13,000 HDL services for property tax audit. 101-6000-411-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 50,000 This item provides for maintenance of office equipment (i.e. copiers, postage machine, etc.). 101-6000-411-52-00 INSURANCE 394,100 Cost for the City's general liability and property insurance coverage through the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). 101-6000-411-53-00 POSTAGE Citywide postage needs. 35,000 101-6000-411-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 125,000 Supplies such as paper, toner, and ink cartridges are purchased with this account. ($25,000) Phase 2 security camera. ($100,000) 101-6000-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 100,000 Retirees PERS & health benefits. 101-6000-411-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 45,000 Unemployment claims for City employee separations. 101-6000-411-71-00 LAND 25,000 Funds for the City to purchase tax -defaulted real property that becomes available. A-115 FY 2016-17 OTHER FUNDS PRELIMINARY REVENUE BUDGET 202 - Gas Tax 203 - 1972 Act 209 - EI Prado 211 - 1911 Act 212 - Beautification 213 - Waste Reduction 214 - Air Quality 215 - Proprosition C 216 - Proprosition A 217 - Public Safety Grant 220 - Measure R 222 - Habitat Restoration 223 - Subregion 1 224 - Measure A 225 - Abalone Cove Sewer Maintenance 227 - Ginsburg Cultural Arts Building 228 - Donor Restricted Donations 285 - I.A. Portuguese Bend 310 - Community Development Block Grant 330-CIP 334 - Quimby 336 - City Low -Mod Income Housing 337 - Affordable Housing Projects 338 - Environmental Excise Tax (EET) 340 - Bicycle & Pedestrian Access 501 -Water Quality 681 - Equipment Replacement 685 - Employee Benefits 795 - I.A. Abalone Cove Sub -total Other Funds Operating Revenue FY 2015-16 ADOPTED FY 2015-16 YE FY 2016-17 BUDGET ESTIMATES DRAFT BUDGET 961,607 842,787 842,600 258,895 261,238 260,200 2,200 2,224 2,300 565,500 593,604 555,600 870 939 900 208,830 202,100 208,100 50,780 50,300 50,300 638,008 642,600 649,100 767,149 772,394 781,300 100,190 114,798 100,200 478,399 484,620 489,600 13,010 4,860 4,900 7,200 2,700 2,700 105,000 105,198 90,000 55,160 56,114 55,400 910 320 300 7,460 20,968 2,800 2,520 1,145 1,100 - 240,387 192,400 552,570 517,128 1,054,400 19,030 1,131,383 5,900 9,578 9,726 44,400 4,510 1,864 1,900 2,350 23,172 23,200 - - 82,500 1,391,896 1,982,779 8,000 349,400 357,800 132,000 2,141,244 2,169,344 - 9,400 3,400 3,400 8,703,666 10, 595, 892 5,645,500 Subtotal Other Funds Transfers In 10,158,094 11,204,427 5,446,000 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS PRELIMINARY REVENUE BUDGET 18,861,760 21,800,319 11,091,500 A-116 Charges for Se 202-3003-344-30-00 SIDEWALK REPAIR 2,000 3,000 250 3,000 3,000 From Oth Agen 202-3003-335-30-30 STATE GAS TAX 2103 341,944 600,900 402,920 202,000 202,000 From Oth Agen 202-3003-335-30-50 STATE GAS TAX 2105 188,321 293,345 235,758 207,000 207,000 From Oth Agen 202-3003-335-30-60 STATE GAS TAX 2106 135,560 138,880 143,807 128,000 128,000 From Oth Agen 202-3003-335-30-70 STATE GAS TAX 2107 308,590 313,802 301,727 280,000 280,000 From Oth Agen 202-3003-335-30-75 STATE GAS TAX 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Interest 202-3003-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 2,471 1,389 2,472 2,287 4,600 Other Revenue 202-3003-369-10-00 ST MAINT MISC REVENU 22,575 25,342 17,908 12,000 12,000 Revenue Subtotals 1,007,461 1,382,658 1,11;10,841 840,287 842,600'! Fr 1972 Act 202-3003-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 199,077 190,000 200,000 200,000 0 Fr Beautificatio 202-3003-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 193,000 211,404 224,000 97,791 0 Fr Waste Red 202-3003-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 10,000 41,292 37,000 95,000 0 Transfers In Subtotals 402;077 442,696 461,000 392;791 0' Total Program Revenues 1,409,538 1,825,354 1,571,841 1,233,078 842,600' A-117 202-3004-369-10-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVE 10,149 603 7,741 2,500 0 Revenue Subtotals 10,149 603 7,741 2,500 0 Fr 1911 Act 202-3004-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 69,705 99,000 99,000 117,000 Transfers In Subtotals 69,705 99,000 99,000 117,000 0' Total Program Revenues 79,864 99,603 106,741 119,500 0 A-118 Fr Prop C 202-3005-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 227,658 522,000 518,749 526,000 0 Transfers In Subtotals 227,658 522,000 518,749: 526,000 0 Total Program Revenues 227,658 522,000 518,749 526,000 0` A-119 Interest 203-3010-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 414 330 357 224 200 Taxes 203-3010-311-10-00 ASSESSMENTS 260,329 260,452 259,520 261,014 260,000 Revenue Subtotals 260;743 260,782 259,877 ' 261,238 260,200 Total Program Revenues) 260,743 260,782 259,877 261,238 260,200„ A-120 Interest 209-3019-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 49 43 49 76 100 Taxes 209-3019-311-10-00 ASSESSMENTS 2,206 2,168 2,269 2,148 2,200 Revenue Subtotals 2,255 2,211 2,318 2,224 2,300` Total Program Revenues 2,255 2,211 2,318 2,224 2,300r A-121 Interest 211-3011-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 4,774 3,795 4,248 5,644 5,600 Taxes 211-3011-311-10-00 ASSESSMENTS 524,670 550,800 580,630 587,960 550,000 Revenue Subtotals 529,444 554,595 584,878 593,604 555,600' Total Program Revenues 529,444 554,595 584,878 593,604 "555,600; A-122 Interest 212-3012-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 3,263 2,193 1,935 939 900 Other Revenue 212-3012-367-10-00 HAULER RECYCLE FEE 148,000 Revenue Subtotals 151;263 2,193 1,935 939 900 Total Program Revenues151,263 2,193 1,935 939 900 A-123 Charges for Se 213-3013-368-10-00 AB 939 FEES 216,581 230,313 236,486 180,500 180,500 From Oth Agen 213-3013-334-10-00 USED OIL PAYMENT PG 22,552 23,347 11,879 20,000 26,000 From Oth Agen 213-3013-334-10-00 STATE GRANTS 36,276 0 0 0 0 Interest 213-3013-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 902 869 1,077 1,600 1,600 Revenue Subtotals 276,311 254,530' 249,442 202;100 208,100' Total Program Revenues l 276,311 254,530 249,442 202,100 208,100 A-124 From Oth Agen 214-3014-338-30-00 AB 2766 REVENUES 50,807 38,612 66,122 50,000 50,000 Interest 214-3014-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 305 277 203 300 300 Revenue Subtotals" 51,112 38,889 66,325 50,300 50,300 Total Program Revenues; 51;112 38,889 66,325 50,300 50,300; A-125 215-3015-338-10-10 PROP C SALES TAX 551,623 593,536 618,572 640,500 646,900 Interest 215-3015-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 4,795 4,078 4,092 2,100 2,200 Revenue Subtotals556,418 597,614 622,664 642;600 649,1001 Total Program Revenues 556,418 597,614 622,664 642,600 649,100 A-126 From Oth Agen 216-3016-338-20-00 PROP A SALES TAX 662,802 714,750 744,798 771,054 779,900 Interest 216-3016-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 912 737 1,203 1,340 1,400 Other Revenue 216-3016-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 60,000 0 0 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 723;714 715,487 746,001 772,394 781,300 Total Program Revenues 723,714 715,487 746,001 772;394 781,300" A-127 From Oth Agen 217-1027-334-10-00 CA BRULTE (COPS) 100,000 100,000 106,230 114,618 100,000 Interest 217-1027-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 211 170 212 180 200 Revenue Subtotals 100,211 100,170 106,442 114,798 100,200` Total Program Revenues100,211 100,170 106,442 114,798 100,200 A-128 220-3020-338-40-00 MEASURE R 411,838 442,452 463,448 480,160 485,100 Interest 220-3020-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,885 2,156 3,518 4,460 4,500 Revenue Subtotals 413,723 444,608 466,966 484,620 489,600'? Total Program Revenues j 413,723 444,608 466,966 484,620 489,600' A-129 From Oth Agen 222-3022-334-10-00 STATE GRANT INCOME 184 10 0 0 0 Interest 222-3022-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 658 820 3,634 4,860 4,900 Other Revenue 222-3022-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 37,079 1,211,610 1,666 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 37;921 1,212,440 5,300 4,860 4,900` Fr Gen'I fund 222-3022-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 90,000 150,000 157,000 0 0 Transfers In Subtotals 90,000 150,000 157,000 0 0 Total Program Revenues 127,921 1,362,440 162,300 " 4,860 4,900; A-130 Interest 223-3023-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 2,260 1,695 1,946 2,700 2,700 Revenue Subtotals 2,260 1,695 1,946 2,700 2,700` Fr General Fun 223-3023-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 65,000 61,000 46,000 40,000 Transfers In Subtotals 65,000 61,000 46,000 40,000 0' Total Program Revenues 67,260 62,695 47,946 42,700 2,700' A-131 From Oth Agen 224-3024-337-10-00 MEASURE A 100,000 67,441 261,049 105,000 90,000 Interest 224-3024-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 47 5 331 198 Revenue Subtotals 100,047 67,446 261,380 I' 105;198 90,000 Total Program Revenues; . 100,047 ' 67,446 261,380 105,198 90,000 A-132 Charges for Se 225-3025-344-60-00 SEWER USER FEE 1,241 1,257 1,270 0 0 Interest 225-3025-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 121 92 119 284 300 Taxes 225-3025-311-10-00 ASSESSMENTS 48,415 54,450 56,373 55,830 55,100 Revenue Subtotals 49;777 55,800 57,762 56;114 55,400 Fr Gen'I Fund 225-3025-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 10,700 50,700 50,700 80,700 208,000 .Transfers In Subtotals 10,700 50,700 ;50,700 80,700 208,000' Total Program Revenues 60,477 106,500 108,462 '? 136;814 263,400' A-133 Interest 227-3027-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 410 271 258 320 300 Revenue Subtotals '410 271 258: 320 300'' Total Program Revenues410 271 258 320 A-134 Interest 228-5028-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,144 1,775 2,079 2,800 2,800 Other Revenue 228-5028-365-90-00 DONATIONS -RESTRICT 445,468 25,500 25,500 18,168 Revenue Subtotals446,612 27,275 27,579 `: 20,968 2,800' Total Program Revenues l 446,612 27,275 27,579 20,968 2,800' A-135 Interest 285-3088-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 0 0 84 1,145 1,100 Revenue Subtotals 0 0 84 1,145 1,100 Fr Gen'I Fund 285-3088-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 106,000 70,000 40,000 Transfers In Subtotals 106,000 70,000 40,000 0 0 Total Program Revenues106,000 70,000 40,084 1,145 1,100 A-136 ADA 1 310-3093-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 33,145 7,421 58,607 174,957 0 ADA 2 310-3097-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 0 2,240 24,248 65,430 0 ADA 3 310-3098-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 0 0 0 0 0 ADA 4 310-3099-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 0 0 0 0 192,400 HIP 310-3092-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 143,002 50,638 362 0 0 Other 310-3095-331-10-00 GRANT INCOME 66,006 0 0 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 242;153 60,299 83,217 240;387 192,400' Fr Gen'I Fund 310-3093-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN -9,302 0 0 0 0 Transfers In Subtotals -9,302 0 0 0 0 Total Program Revenues 232,851 60,299 83,217 240,387 192,400 A-137 336-4036-312-40-00 REDEV PROP TAX TRUS 0 0 0 9,578 44,300 336-4036-369-10-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVE 12,408 11,095 22,350 0 0 Interest 336-4036-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 3 14 71 148 100 Revenue Subtotals 12;411 11,109 22,421 9;726 44,400^ Total Program Revenues 12,411 11,109 22,421 9,726 44,400 A-138 Interest 337-4037-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,407 1,064 1,339 1,864 1,900 Other Revenue 337-4037-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 3,102 2,774 83,355 Revenue Subtotals 4,509 3,838 84,694 1,864 1,900 Total Program Revenues; 4,509 3,838 84,694 1,864 1,900' A-139 Interest 330-3030-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 43,646 25,415 36,014 66,858 66,900 Other Revenue 330-3030-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 7 0 0 0 0 Revenue Subtotals43;653 25,415 36,014 66,858 66,900 FrGen'I Fund 330-3030-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 4,975,256 6,522,697 9,190,755 7,365,924 5,200,000 Transfers In Subtotals 4,975;256 6,522,697 9,190,755 7,365;924 5,200,000 Total Program Revenues 5,018,909 6,548,112 9,226,769 7,432;782 5,266,900' A-140 From Oth Agen 330-3031-331-10-00 FEDERAL GRANTS 138,676 57,000 21,639 450,270 687,500 Other Revenue 330-3031-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 1,025 0 0 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 139,701 57,000 21,639 450,270 687,500 Fr Bikeways 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN -1,536 95,257 0 0 0 Fr General Fnd 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 1,575,000 1,873,414 2,229,400 1,940,012 0 Fr Measure R 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 564,000 0 0 Fr Prop A 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 310,886 0 0 Fr Prop C 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 78,208 350,184 1,228,719 0 0 Fr WQFP 330-3031-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 362,360 0 0 Transfers In Subtotals 1,651+,672 2,318,855 4,695,365 ' 1,940`,012 0' Tota[ Program Revenues 1,791,373 2,375,855 4,717,004 2,390,282 687,500' A-141 From Oth Agen 330-3033-331-10-00 FEDERAL GRANT INCOM 0 1,134,697 290,633 0 0 From Oth Agen 330-3033-334-10-00 STATE GRANT INCOME 0 500,000 0 0 0 From Oth Agen 330-3033-337-10-00 LOCAL GRANT INCOME 0 0 0 0 300,000 Revenue Subtotals 0 1,634,697 290,633 0 300,000 Fr Meas A Cap 330-3033-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 150,000 0 0 505,000 0 Fr Other 330-3033-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers In Subtotals 150,000 0 0 505,000 0' Total Program Revenues i 150,000 1,634,697 290,633 505,000 300,000' A-142 Fr EET 330-3036-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 97,199 200,000 0 Transfers In Subtotals 0 0 97,199 200,000 0' Total Program Revenues 0 0 97,199 200,600 0 A-143 Interest 334-3034-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 84 81 1,326 5,942 5,900 Other Revenue 334-3034-366-10-00 QUIMBY DEVELOPER FE 0 57,276 1,278,322 1,125,441 Revenue Subtotals84 57,357 1,279,648 f 1,131,383 5,900 Tota! Program Revenues' 84 57,357 1,279,648 " 1,131,383 6,900f A-144 Interest 338-3038-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,221 929 1,001 1,172 1,200 Other Revenue 338-3038-366-10-00 EET DEVELOPER FEES 33,105 14,404 20,012 22,000 22,000 Revenue Subtotals 34,326 15,333 21,013 23,172 23,200 Total Program Revenues34,326 16,333 21,013 23,172 23,200 A-145 From Oth Agen 339-3039-337-10-00 MEASURE A CAPITAL 0 150,000 0 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 0 150,000 0 0 0'; Total Program) Revenues0 150,000 0 0 0` A-146 340-3040-337-10-00 TDA ARTICLE 3 52,740 34,133 0 0 82,500 340-3040-369-10-00 MISC REVENUES 9,750 0 0 0 0 Interest 340-3040-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 39 141 25 0 0 Revenue Subtotals 62,529 34,274 25 0 82,500 Total Program Revenues; 62,629 34,274 25 0 82,500 A-147 Charges for Se 501-3052-344-50-00 STORM DRAIN USER FE 1,312,989 1,360,907 1,368,568 1,238,000 0 From Oth Agen 501-3052-334-10-00 STATE GRANT INCOME 2,136,775 6,114,956 1,212,995 728,779 0 Interest 501-3052-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 9,762 10,982 10,260 16,000 8,000 Revenue Subtotals i 31459,526 7,486,846 2,591,823 ' 1,982;779 8,000 501-3052-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 8,293,009 0 820,000 0 0 Transfers in Subtotals 8,293,009 0 820,006 0 0+ Total Program Revenues 11,752,536 7,486,846 3,411,823 1,982,779 8,000' A I Charges for Se 681-2082-381-20-00 INTERFUND CHG CMPTR 458,600 573,700 796,000 225,000 117,700 Interest 681-2082-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 7,773 5,712 7,037 10,100 14,320 Revenue Subtotals 466,373 579,412 803,037 "s 235,100 132,020 Total Program Revenues; 466,373 579,412 803,037' 236,100 132,020' A-149 681-3081-392-10-00 PROCEED OF ASSET DI 0 14,655 0 0 0 ChargesforSe 681-3081-381-20-00 INTERFUNDCHGVEHIC 22,000 31,100 41,300 22,200 0 Revenue Subtotals 22,000 45,755 41,300 22,200 0 From AQMD 681-3081-391-10-00 TRANSFERSIN 0 54,910 0 0 0 Transfers In Subtotals 0 54,910 0 0 0 Total Program Revenues22,000 100,665 41,300 22,200 0 A-150 Chg for Svcs 685-1015-381-30-00 EMPLOYEE BENE CHAR 1,867,575 1,993,425 2,030,970 2,166,924 0 Interest 685-1015-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 573 0 580 2,420 Revenue Subtotals1,868,148 1,993,425 2,031,550 2,169,344 0 Total Program Revenues' 1,868,148 1,993,425 2,031,550 2,169,344 0'' A-151 Interest 795-3089-361-10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS 6 4 263 3,400 3,400 Revenue Subtotals 6 4 263 3;400 3,400' 795-3089-391-10-00 TRANSFERS IN 0 20,000 35,000 37,000 38,000 Transfers In Subtotals 0 20,000 35,000 37,006 38,000 Total Program Revenues 6 20,004 35,263 40,400 41,400; A-152 City Roadways 202-3002-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 100,000 245,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 100,000 245,000 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 100,000 245,000 A-153 City Roadways 202-3002-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2451000 Contract services for roadway maintenance and repairs, including roadway patching, crack -filling, pothole repairs, sidewalk grinding and patching, and tree root removal. ($245,000) A-154 Medians 202-3003-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 12,210 0 0 10,000 10,000 Medians 202-3003-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVIC 85,727 112,234 160,798 78,000 80,000 Medians 202-3003-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 7,022 5,609 7,597 7,000 6,000 Medians 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 183,853 125,598 155,235 172,279 170,000 Right -of -Way 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 194,095 172,487 194,203 375,840 411,000 Roadways 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 421,445 446,167 416,924 0 0 Sidewalk/Ramp 202-3003-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 9,020 25,960 0 5,000 5,000 Sidewalk/Ramp 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 17,849 186,478 192,390 250,000 250,000 Street Signs 202-3003-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 46,496 47,073 48,942 100,000 160,000 Street Sweep 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 127,152 215,417 130,607 140,000 140,000 Tree Trim 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 223,264 127,262 214,371 286,881 100,000 Expenditure Subtotals 1,328;133 1,464,286 1,521,067 1,425,000 1;332,000` Tota( Program Expenditures 1,328,133 1,464,286 1,521,067 1,425,000 1,332,000'' A-155 Sidewalk/Ramp 202-3003-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 5,000 Annual Sidewalk Geographic Information System (GIS) Theme Layer: The GIS sidewalk data is updated each time a sidewalk project is completed. Vendor TBD Medians 202-3003-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 10,000 This line item provides for consultant support to assist Public Works in administering maintenance contracts by inspecting maintenance activity in the field on a regular basis. Vendor TBD 202-3003-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVICE 80,000 Water utility service to all irrigated medians. Water usage has been restricted due to drought -related water conservation efforts. 202-3003-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 6,000 Electrical utility service (light and power) for medians which have electronic irrigation controllers and/or landscape lighting. This account includes electrical power to Ocean Terrace, which is a special benefit median. Street Sweep 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 140,000 Street Sweeping: Contracted services for the mechanical sweeping of Citywide streets. Approximately $10,000 of this cost is reimbursed by Caltrans for sweeping Western Avenue on a weekly basis. The sweeping schedule is as follows: Western Avenue: Weekly Arterial Roads (Hawthorne Blvd., scenic turnouts, and parking lots): Twice Monthly All Remaining Streets: Monthly NPDES-required Citywide Sweep: In The Fall Various Areas: As -Needed Sidewalk/Ramp 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 250,000 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program: Appoximately 12,000 square feet of sidewalks are repaired and replaced on an annual basis. Repair methods include grinding, removing, and replacement. ($250,000) Right -of -Way 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 411,000 1. Right -of -Way (ROW) Landscape and Litter Maintenance: Contraced maintenance for ROW areas includes turf and ground cover maintenance, litter and debris pick-up, illegal dumping clean-up, vegetation removal, weed abatement, repairs to ROW amenities, irrigation system maintenance, and removal of view -impairing, non-native vegetation. ($196,000) A-156 2. Right -of -Way (ROW) Sign and Sidewalk Maintenance: Contracted maintenance for repairs to signs, sidewalk deviation grinding and ramping, general roadside repairs, and curb painting. ($185,000) 3. Roadway Repairs Due to Accidents: This includes repairs that are not included as part of regular roadway or roadside maintenance. The City attempts to recover repair costs associated with roadway accidents from the parties that caused the damage. ($30,000) Tree Trim 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 100,000 1. View Restoration/Preservation: Includes the cost of performing the trimming and/or removal of City trees by contracted work crews. The costs include the trimming and/or removal of City trees that result from City Tree Review Permit decisions, as well as the ongoing annual maintenance of all trimmed trees. ($60,000) 2. City Tree GIS Survey: Contracted service to survey all City trees and collect data on their geo-location, species, and size to create a baseline that will be incorporated into the City's GIS system. ($40,000) Medians 202-3003-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 170,000 1. Median Maintenance: Contracted maintenance of landscaped center medians and street Right -of -Ways (ROW's). This maintenance work includes turf, ground cover, irrigation systems, shrubs, hardscape, litter patrol, and weed abatement. ($164,000) 2. Backflow Inspections: To meet the requirements of the California Water Service Company and the Los Angeles County Health Department, all backflow prevention devices are certified annually by a private contractor. ($6,000) Street Signs 202-3003-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 160,000 1. Street Signs: This is an ongoing program to replace aging street signs that are degraded and difficult to read. In addition to replacing aging street signs, non-compliant signs are also replaced. ($35,000) 2. Roadway Supplies/Equipment: Traffic safety devices and materials required to perform roadway maintenance activities including: signs, sign posts, guardrails, guardrail posts, paint, sandbags, concrete, and asphalt. ($45,000) 3. Guardrail Replacement Program: This program provides for the replacement of guardrails and guardrail posts that are damaged primarily by motor vehicle collisions. ($80,000) A-157 202-3004-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 57,766 58,915 97,396 85,000 10,000 202-3004-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 90,000 Expenditure Subtotals 57,766 58,91`5 97,396 175,000 10,000' Total Program Expenditures 57;766 58,915 97,396 175,000 10,000 A-158 202-3004-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 10,000 Traffic Signal Accident Repairs: The cost to repair damage to traffic signals caused by traffic accidents, which is reimbursable to the City by the parties involved. ($10,000) A-159 202-3005-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 10,010 10,373 9,405 22,000 8,500 202-3005-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 448,373 514,605 509,344 550,000 40,000 Expenditure Subtotals 458,383 524,977 518,749 572,000 48,500'' Total Program Expenditures 458,383 524,977 518,749 572,000 48,500'; A-160 202-3005-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 8,500 Annual update of aerial surveys of roadways in the Landslide Area. Flight costs are $5,400 and ground filming is $3,100. ($8,500) Vendor TBD 202-3005-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 40,000 Drainage System Maintenance: The drainage system south of PVDS within the Landslide Area requires frequent realignment in order to remain functional. The system drains the roadway and requires realignment several times throughout the rainy season, which is specifically due to the frequent landslide movement in the area. ($40,000) A-161 203-3010-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 6,182 13,382 9,237 11,600 11,600 203-3010-431-41-00 LIGHTAND POWER 0 0 0 0 1,000 203-3010-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 0 162,300 203-3010-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 0 0 0 500 500 203-3010-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 63,500 64,800 66,100 66,100 66,100 Expenditure Subtotals 60,682 78,182 75,337 781;200 241,500 203-3010-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 199,077 190,000 200,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 199,077 190,000 200,000 0 0' Total Program Expenditures 268,759 268,182 275,337 ' 78,200 241,500 A-162 203-3010-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 11,600 Preparation of the annual Engineer's Report by a consulting engineer for the Citywide Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District (LLMD)/1972 Act assessments ($7,500). Vendor TBD Los Angeles County Auditor -Controller's Office - Administration fee for collecting the assessment fee on the property tax roll and remitting the assessments to the City ($4,100) 203-3010-431-41-00 LIGHT AND POWER 1,000 Electrical utility service (light and power) for medians which have electronic irrigation controllers and/or landscape lighting. This account includes electrical power to Ocean Terrace, which is a special benefit median. 203-3010-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 162,300 1. Special Benefit Median Maintenance that includes: (a) Rue Beaupre ($500) (b) Alta Vista ($900) (c) Ocean Terrace ($900) 2. Street Tree Trimming: Includes costs for removing tree limbs to provide a 16 -foot clearance over streets, clearance over sidewalks, removal of fallen and dead trees and tree limbs, and removal of trees that are causing significant infrastructure damage. This budget program also includes replacement of all removed trees. ($160,000) 203-3010-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 500 Notices for public hearings for the Citywide Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District (LLMD)/1972 Act collection of assessments. 203-3010-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 66,100 The 1972 Act allows for the reimbursement of Public Works administrative overhead costs associated with establishing and administering the Citywide Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District (LLMD). A-163 209-3019-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 30 30 30 31 0 209-3019-431-41-30 LIGHTAND POWER 0 0 659 300 300 209-3019-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 700 500 Expenditure Subtotals 30 30 689 1,031 800' Total Program Expenditures 30 30 689 1,031 800 A-164 209-3019-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 300 This account provides for electrical utility (light and power) expenses in the EI Prado Area. 209-3019-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 500 This account provides for miscellaneous repairs, as needed, in the EI Prado Area. A-165 211-3011-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 11,068 66,561 27,485 47,900 7,900 211-3011-431-41-30 LIGHTAND POWER 331,548 262,479 339,103 300,000 323,000 211-3011-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 57,766 58,915 97,396 85,000 75,000 211-3011-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 77,900 79,500 81,100 81,100 81,100 Expenditure Subtotals 478,282 467,456 545,084 514;000 487,000' To Traff Sig Mn 211-3011-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 69,705 99,000 99,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 69,705 99,000 99,000 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 547,987 566,466 644,084 " 514,000 487,000' A-166 211-3011-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 7,900 Administrative fee paid to the Los Angeles County Auditor -Controller's Office to collect the street lighting assessments on the property tax bill. Vendor: Los Angeles County Auditor -Controller's Office 211-3011-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 323,000 1. Electrical Service for Citywide Street Lighting: This account provides for the electricity costs for Citywide street lighting. ($300,000) 2. This is a reimbursement to Caltrans for supplying power to traffic signals along Western Avenue within the Caltrans Right -of -Way (ROW). Additionally, the City reimburses the City of Rolling Hills Estates for maintaining traffic signals at intersections where our jurisdictional boundaries meet. ($23,000) 211-3011-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 75,000 Traffic Signal Maintenance: Cost of regular maintenance of all traffic signals. Actual expenditures vary from year to year depending on the number of major repairs needed. ($75,000) 211-3011-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 81,100 The 1911 Act allows for the reimbursement of Public Works administrative overhead costs associated with establishing and administering the Street Lighting District. A-167 212-3012-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 11,414 0 0 0 0 212-3012-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,600 0 0 0 0 212-3012-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 473,600 0 212-3012-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 4,600 0 0 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 20,614 0 0 473,600 0 To Street Maint 212-3012-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 193,000 211,404 224,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 193,000 211,404 224,000 0 0+ Total Program Expenditures 213,614 211,404 224,000 473,600 0 A •i 213-3013-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 52,155 51,190 52,428 52,400 52,400 213-3013-431-13-00 SALARY & WAGES - OT 0 0 1,413 0 0 213-3013-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 19,700 20,500 21,800 21,800 24,600 213-3013-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 47,791 72,395 -5,898 35,000 48,000 213-3013-431-33-00 LEGAL SERVICES 1,403 594 2,973 0 0 213-3013-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 375 0 0 1,500 83,000 213-3013-431-53-00 POSTAGE 3,193 3,574 4,000 5,500 6,000 213-3013-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 1,034 0 0 1,500 5,500 213-3013-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 9,442 8,791 9,227 12,000 12,000 213-3013-431-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 317 184 370 400 500 213-3013-431-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENC 0 18 111 1,200 800 213-3013-431-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 100 100 0 400 700 213-3013-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 202 4,072 5,487 3,000 22,000 213-3013-431-93-00 CITY GRANTS 13,202 11,780 13,810 14,000 14,500 213-3013-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 8,200 8,400 8,600 8,600 8,600 Expenditure Subtotals 157,113 181,598 114,321 157,300 278,600 To Parks Maint 213-3013-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 12,000 0 3,000 0 0 To Street Maint 213-3013-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 10,000 41,292 37,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 22,000 41,292 40,000 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 179,113 222,890 154,321 157,300 278,600 A-169 213-3013-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 52,400 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 213-3013-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 24,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 213-3013-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 48,000 Consultant services to assist in implementing the following items: 1. Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) Program, including implementation of State -mandated programs, such as AB 341 (Mandatory Commercial Recycling), AB 1826 (Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling), and the Used Oil Opportunity Program. ($40,000) Vendor TBD 2. Los Angeles Regional Agency (LARA): City's annual contribution for representation on the State Board and CalRecycle, as well as annual reporting on recycling and combined outreach efforts. ($5,000) Vendor TBD 3. Public outreach activities for the City's Used Oil Opportunity Program (UOOP). in conjunction with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water pollution prevention activities. ($3,000) Vendor TBD The increase is due primarily to a projected rise in the cost of the State - mandated SRRE Program, 213-3013-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 83,000 1. Contracted maintenance services for site preparation for City -sponsored events and traffic control plan implementation, including the Household Hazardous Waste Roundup Event and document shredding events. ($3,000) 2. Used Oil Opportunity Program (UOOP)-funded catch basin insert cleaning and maintenance. ($2,000) 3. Mulching costs connected to the replacement or removal of City trees. ($70,000) 4. As part of the litter abatement program, beverage container recycling is partially funded by a State grant. ($8,000) 213-3013-431-53-00 POSTAGE 6,000 Postage contribution for the City Newsletter. ($6,000) A-170 213-3013-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS 5,500 1. Legal notice advertising for projects funded with Waste Reduction funds, such as rate adjustments, as well as various waste reduction and NPDES programs and events. ($1,500) 2. Cost for publishing advertisements in local newspapers promoting recycling and Used Oil Opportunity Program (UOOP) activities and public events. ($4,000) 213-3013-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 12,000 This account provides for the printing of materials related to the following activities: 1. Contribution for information published in the City Newsletter advertising City Recycling Programs. ($9,500) 2. Recycler-of-the-Month cards. ($2,500) 213-3013-431-56-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSE 500 Reimbursement of staff for use of personal vehicles when conducting Waste Reduction/Recycling business on behalf of the City. 213-3013-431-57-00 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 800 Expenses for required City meetings and conferences related to the Waste Reduction/Recycling Programs. These expenses include conference registration fees and travel -related expenses. The Los Angeles Regional Agency (LARA) no longer subsidizes the registration fees for these meetings and conferences. 213-3013-431-59-20 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES 700 Dues for the City's membership in various solid waste organizations. 213-3013-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 22,000 1. Funds are used for the purchase of promotional items for used oil and filter recycling, which are funded by the Used Oil Opportunity Program (UOOP), as well as miscellaneous recycling -related items, such as those using recyclable materials. ($2,000) 2. Replacement of trash/recycling receptacles in the City's Right -of -Way ($17,000) and other areas of the City as needed. ($3,000) ($20,000 total) 213-3013-431-93-00 CITY GRANTS 14,500 Waste Reduction revenues fund the following grants, rebates, and incentive programs for City residents: A-171 1. Composting Bins: Refunds are provided to eligible City residents for the purchase of composting bins. ($1,000) 2. School Recycling Drive: This program pays for promotional recycling events at schools through assemblies or special programs. ($500) 3. Recycler-of-the-Month: This program encourages residential recycling by providing a monetary reward to eligible City residents. ($13,000) 213-3013-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 8,600 The Waste Reduction Program is charged for a share of Public Works Department overhead costs. This overhead charge reflects the Program's use of City facilities and staff costs to manage the program. A-172 214-3014-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 To Prop A 214-3014-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 54,910 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 54,910 0 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 0 104,910 50,000 50,000 1 50,000 A-173 214-3014-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 50,000 The City's annual contribution to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit Authority (PVPTA)/Dial-A-Ride-Lift programs will be $654,663 for FY16-17. A combination of $50,000 of AQMD (AB 2766) funds and $604,663 of Proposition A funds will be used to fund this transit program. ($50,000) A-174 215-3015-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 0 0 0 18,000 215-3015-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 0 520,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 0 '538,000 Prop 215-3015-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 78,208 350,184 1,228,719 0 0 Prop C 215-3015-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 227,658 522,000 518,749 526,000 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 305,866 872,184 1,747,468 ` 526;000 0'' Total Program Expenditures 305,866 872,184 1,747,468 f 526,000 538,000 A-175 215-3015-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 18,000 Portuguese Bend Road Maintenance: Inspection services for the Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) road repairs. These services are funded by Proposition C funds. ($18,000) Vendor TBD 215-3015-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 520,000 Portuguese Bend Road Maintenance: Street maintenance costs for ongoing repairs to Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) through the Landslide Area. These maintenance costs are funded by Proposition C funds. ($520,000) A-176 216-3016-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 575,417 548,040 569,823 570,000 616,300 216-3016-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 2,027 1,829 1,744 1,900 2,000 216-3016-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 2,500 35,085 69,000 20,000 20,000 216-3016-431-94-20 OVERHEAD CHARGES 3,200 0 0 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 1 583,144 584,953 640,567 ii 591,900 638,300 216-3016-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 310,886 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 310,886 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 583,144 584,953 951,453 1 591,900 638,300 A-177 216-3016-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 616,300 1. The City's annual contribution to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit Authority (PVPTA)/Dial-A-Ride-Lift programs will be $661,300 for FY16-17. A combination of $611,300 of Proposition A funds and $50,000 of AQMD (AB 2766) funds will be used to fund this transit program. 2. Proposition A funds are also used to maintain the City's bus stop shelters. ($5,000) 216-3016-431-55-00 PRINTING & BINDING 2,000 Proposition A funds are used to subsidize a portion of the City Newsletter printing costs for advertising City transit programs. 216-3016-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 20,000 Bus stop shelter improvements are funded by Proposition A funds. ($20,000) Vendor TBD A-178 To Gen'I Fund 217-1027-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Transfers Out Subtotals 100,000 100,000 100,000 100;000 100,000 Total Program Expenditures 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,0001 A-179 To Gen 7 Fund 217-1027-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 100,000 Transfer to the General Fund to supplement the Community Resource (CORE) deputy cost within the Sheriff program of the Public Safety section of the budget. 220-3020-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 564,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 564,000 0 01 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 564,000 ! 0 A A-181 222-3022-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 117,321 116,280 118,580 145,000 148,000 222-3022-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 17,000 17,340 17,479 18,000 18,500 Expenditure Subtotals 134,321 133,620 136,059 163,000 166,500 Total Program Expenditures 134,321 133,620 136,059 163,000 166,500! A-182 222-3022-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 148,000 1. The City's NCCP includes a City funding commitment to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) for management of the NCCP Preserve in accordance with the City's approved NCCP Subarea Plan. In December 2005, the City entered into an agreement with the PVPLC to begin managing the Preserve for a cost of $100,000/year, adjusted annually for inflation based on the CPI for February (2.4%). ($122,000) 2. Miscellaneous habitat restoration activities such as for geological investigation for habitat irrigation/planting, habitat restoration due to fires, etc. ($26,000) 222-3022-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 18,500 In June 2007, an agreement was entered into between the City and the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy to perform Habitat Maintenance activities at Subregion 1 - Oceanfront Estates for $15,000/year adjusted annually for inflation based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for February. A-183 223-3023-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVIC 15,572 15,864 27,311 21,000 20,000 223-3023-431-41-30 LIGHTAND POWER 639 494 772 800 800 223-3023-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 32,908 16,069 23,236 34,000 24,000 Expenditure Subtotals 49,119 32;428 51,319 55,800 44,8001 'Total Program Expenditures 49,119 32,428 51,319 55,800 44,800' F O I 223-3023-431-41-10 WATER UTILITY SERVICE 20,000 Water utility service to the Subregion 1 Maintenance Program (Oceanfront Estates Neighborhood). 223-3023-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 800 Electrical utility service (light and power) to the Subregion 1 Maintenance Program (Oceanfront Estates Neighborhood). 223-3023-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 24,000 In accordance with the terms of the development agreement for the Subregion 1 Maintenance Program (Oceanfront Estates Neighborhood), the City maintains certain improvements that were constructed by the developer. The cost of this maintenance service is partially funded by interest earnings from a Special Fund established by the developer. A-185 To Gen'I Fund 224-3024-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 82,000 67,441 261,049 57,698 90,000 .Transfers Out Subtotals 82,000 67,441 261,049 57,698 90,000` Total Program Expenditures 82,000 67,441 261,049 57,698 90,000 A i• To Gen 7 Fund 224-3024-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 90,000 Transfer from the Measure A Maintenance Fund to Parks, Trails & Open Space Maintenance within the General Fund for fuel modification in the Open Space areas. A-187 225-3025-431-11-00 SALARY&WAGES-FT 10,570 9,983 9,179 9,100 9,100 225-3025-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,000 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,600 225-3025-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 6,162 7,122 7,250 8,000 9,100 225-3025-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 2,664 3,612 3,634 4,000 4,000 225-3025-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 41,447 60,354 88,983 154,000 223,100 225-3025-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 0 0 0 500 500 Expenditure Subtotals 63,842 84,171 112,145 178,700 249,400 Total Program Expenditures 63,842 84,171 112,145 178,700 249,400'r 225-3025-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 9,100 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 225-3025-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,600 The costs of all employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 225-3025-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 9,100 1. Consultant services to prepare the annual Engineer's Report for the Abalone Cove Sewer Maintenance District fee. ($5,500) Vendor TBD 2. 24-hour answering service for maintenance calls. ($1,200) Vendor TBD 3. Los Angeles County Auditor -Controller's Office administrative fee for collecting and remitting the property assessments. ($100) 4. Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) Administrative Costs: Provides for consultant assistance to develop and update the annual SSMP Plan. ($2,300) Vendor TBD 225-3025-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 4,000 Electrical utility costs (light and power) to operate the pump station and the communication system. 225-3025-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 223,100 Ongoing operating and maintenance of the sewer facilities, including maintenance, repair, and replacement costs for lift stations, gravity systems, and grinder pumps within the District. The various operating and maintenance costs are listed below: 1. Sewer mainline cleaning ($39,500) 2. Tree root removal ($2,000) 3. Manhole operations ($10,700) 4. Pump station cleaning ($4,600) 5. Pump station emergency repairs ($3,500) 6. Force main system annual maintenance ($34,800) 7. Lift station pump replacement ($39,000) 8. Grinder pump replacements ($35,000) 9. Grinder pump repairs ($38,000) 10. Grinder pump annual routine maintenance ($16,000) 225-3025-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND ADS Legal notice costs for publication of the annual public hearing on the 500 Abalone Cove Sewer Maintenance District fee. A-190 227-3027-431-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 20,000 20,000 18,000 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 20,000 20,000 18,000 0 0' Total Program Expenditures 20,000 20,000 18,000 0 0 A-191 228-5028-451-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 6,444 585 18,413 10,000 0 228-5028-451-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 0 0 0 20,000 0 228-5028-451-61-00 OF SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 3,529 4,457 4,106 5,000 5,000 228-5028-491-91-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 455,000 Expenditure Subtotals 9,973 5,042 22,519 35,000 460,000 To Pks Improv 228-5028-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 0 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 9,973 5,042 22,519 35,000 460,000' A-192 228-5028-451-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 5,000 Fabrication of donor plaques for installation at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC). 228-5028-491-91-00 IMPROVEMENTS 455,000 Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) Exhibits: This project, which is funded by private restricted donations, will provide enhancements to the existing PVIC museum exhibits for the public's enjoyment. ($455,000) A-193 285-3088-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 27,272 35,723 46,630 48,000 48,400 285-3088-431-41-30 LIGHTANDPOWER 5,594 4,236 5,422 6,500 7,000 285-3088-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 16,847 33,596 17,300 75,000 59,500 Expenditure Subtotals 49,712 73,556 69,352 129,500 114,900' Total Program Expenditures 49,712 73,556 69,352 129;500 114,900: A-194 285-3088-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 48,400 1. Annual independent auditing services. ($2,900) Vendor TBD 2. Contract services for GPS monitoring and surveying. ($45,500) Vendor TBD 285-3088-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER 7,000 Cost of electrical utility (light and power) for the dewatering wells in the Portuguese Bend Landslide Area. 285-3088-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 59,500 1. Contracted services to regularly monitor the dewatering wells in the Portuguese Bend Landslide Area. ($4,500) 2. Contracted services for storm and well water drainage facility maintenance, erosion control, debris/retention basin cleaning, and other maintenance activities. ($30,000) 3. Burma Road Annual Maintenance: Grading and repairs to damaged sections of the roadway are done to maintain safe access to this area for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and the utility companies. ($25,000) A-195 ADA 1 310-3093-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 54,243 22,730 203,658 0 ADA 2 310-3097-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 23,728 3,440 79,750 0 ADA 3 310-3098-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 164,408 0 ADA 4 310-3099-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 192,400 Drainage 310-3095-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 66,006 0 0 0 0 HIP 310-3092-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 143,002 51,000 0 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 209,008 128,971 26,170 447;816 192,400 Total Program Expenditures 209;008 128,971 26,170 447,816 192,4001 A-196 ADA 4 310-3099-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 192,400 FY 16-17 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvement Project: ADA access iimprovements at the bus stop location adjacent to the Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall/Civic Center complex, at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Vendors TBD 20% of the CDBG appropriation ($38,485) will be used for contract management services to administer this project and the overall CDBG Program. Any administrative costs that are not covered by CDBG funding will be charged to the Public Works Administration budget program in the General Fund (up to a maximum of $10,000). Vendor TBD A-197 330-3030-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 12,989 77,240 25,277 204,000 270,000 330-3030-461-53-00 POSTAGE 0 0 0 8,500 0 330-3030-461-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 0 38 0 0 0 330-3030-461-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 3,541 0 0 0 0 Art Overlay 330-3030-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 30 0 0 0 Other 330-3030-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 85,000 0 Expenditure Subtotals 16,530 77,307 25,277 297,500 270,0001 Total Program Expenditures 16;530 77,307 25,277 297,500 270,000 A • 330-3030-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 270,000 The following administrative expenditures are funded from the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Reserve and interest earnings. 1. Plan engineering reviews, labor compliance, and engineering services for small-scale improvement projects. ($175,000) Vendor TBD 2. Grant Administration for Improvement Projects: Consulting services to administer federally -funded capital projects. These services include all federal grant reporting (including quarterly reporting, audit compliance review, and preparation of reimbursement requests). ($70,000) Vendor TBD 3. Infrastructure Management Plan: Development of a web -based, long- range infrastructure planning tool for use by the City Council, the Infrastructure Management Advisory Committee (IMAC), and the public. ($25,000) Vendor TBD A-199 Arterial Rehabil 330-3031-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 1,635 6,320 0 0 0 Arterial Rehabil 330-3031-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 159,595 1,669,337 3,204,861 1,643,300 500,000 Other Projects 330-3031-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 18,940 0 8,063 0 0 Other Projects 330-3031-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 42,669 350,184 96,410 0 0 Pavement Mgt 330-3031-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 38,863 27,388 0 189,600 0 Residential Re 330-3031-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 1,571,692 74,011 3,110,540 0 4,417,500 Expenditure Subtotals 1,833,394 2,127,240 6,419,874 1,832,900 4,917,500: Total Program Expenditures 1,833,394 2,127,240 6,419,874 1,832,900 4,917,500'' A-200 Arterial Rehabilitation 330-3031-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 500,000 Arterial Walls and Fence Replacement Program: Replacement of deteriorated and aesthetically unappealing masonry walls and fences. This program will commence with the replacement of walls and fences along Hawthorne Boulevard. ($500,000) Residential Rehabilitation 330-3031-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 1. Residential Street Rehabilitation Program (Cycle 1, Final Year 7): Design engineering and construction of resurfacing of residential streets within Zones 6 and 7. ($4,017,500) 2. Residential Street Rehabilitation Program (Cycle 2, Final Year 1): Design engineering of resurfacing of residential streets within Zone 8. ($400,000) 4,417,500 A-201 To WQFP 330-3032-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 8,293,009 0 820,000 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 8,293,009 0 820,000 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 8,293,009 0 820,000 0 0 A-202 330-3033-461-32-00 PROFlTECH SERVICE 39,681 62,733 40,350 90,000 0 330-3033-461-71-00 LANDACQUISITION 0 1,115,880 0 0 0 330-3033-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 597,634 696,842 1,912,033 358,000 200,000 Expenditure Subtotals 637;315 1,875,455 1,952,382 448;000 200,000 Total Program Expenditures 637,315 1,875,455 1,952,382 448,000 200,000' A-203 330-3033-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 1. Coastal Bluff Fence Replacement: Replacement of all deteriorating cliff and bluff edge fencing. The program will commence with the replacement of fencing along the Oceanfront Estates development. ($200,000) 200,000 A-204 330-3035-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 7,332 25,738 0 0 330-3035-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 200,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 7,332 25,738 0 200,000; Total Program Expenditures 0 7,332 25,738 0 1 200,000 A-205 330-3035-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 200,000 ACLAD Sewer System Rehabilitation Program A-206 330-3036-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 24,432 25,692 273,338 207,000 305,000 Expenditure Subtotals 24,432 25,692 273,338 207,000 305,000 Total Program Expenditures 24,432 " 25,692 273,338 207,000 305,000 A-207 330-3036-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 1. Civic Center Master Plan: Master site planning and design for the Civic Center complex, including City Hall, the corporation/maintenance yard, and public safety facilities. ($250,000) 2. RPV TV Building Improvements: Replacement of heating & air conditioning system, relocation of the cable/server system, and conversion of the existing storage room into a waiting room for visitors. ($55,000) 305,000 � �i 330-3037-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 100,000 460,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 100;000 460,000 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 i 100,000 460,000 A-209 330-3037-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 460,000 Torrance Airport Stormwater Quality Project: This request represents the City's cost participation in a multi -agency project, with the City of Torrance as lead agency, to improve stormwater quality in Machado Lake. ($460,000) A-210 330-3043-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 0 0 0 75,000 75,000 330-3043-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 880,000 450,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 955,000 525,000 Total Program Expenditures 0 01 0 955,000 525,000 A-211 330-3043-461-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 75,000 Strategic Plan for the Portuguese Bend Landslide. While there have been many geological studies performed in the Landslide Area, there has not been a comprehensive master plan that articulates the City's short and long-term goals related to groundwater pumping, public safety, emergency response, and roadway maintenance/replacement. A strategic planning process will enable the City to establish an appropriate budget to address the management of the landslide over the short and long terms. The Plan will be funded from the CIP Reserve. 330-3043-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 450,000 1. Landslide Dewatering Well Installation: As part of the Landslide Mitigation Measures that were adopted by the City Council in December 2012, five (5) new dewatering wells will be constructed to remove groundwater in the Landslide Area. This project will be funded from the CIP Reserve. ($450,000) A-212 334-3034-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 29,000 0 0 575,000 Expenditure Subtotals 0 29,000 0 0 575,000 Quimby 334-3034-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 50,000 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 0 50,000 0` Total Program Expenditures 0 29,000 0 50,000 575,000 A-213 334-3034-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 575,000 1. Lower Hesse Park Improvements: Improvements to undeveloped park land at Lower Hesse Park. ($200,000) 2. Abalone Cove Beach Access Road Improvements and Parking Lot Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation and resurfacing of Abalone Cove beach access road and parking lot. ($50,000) 3. Ladera Linda Community Center Parking Lot Paving: Design engineering for paving of the existing parking lot at the Ladera Linda Community Center, including drainage plan to address stormwater issues. ($25,000) 4. Eastview Park Site Improvements, including Recreation Enhancements: Design engineering for trail widening and improvements to park amenities, such as installation of exercise stations. ($250,000) 5. Conestoga Trail Connection: Design engineering for construction of a connection between the Conestoga Trail to the Sunnyside Ridge Trail and to Rolling Hills Estates. ($50,000) A-214 337-4037-441-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 71 2,159 0 0 0 337-4037-441-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 3,439 3,939 Expenditure Subtotals 3,510 6,098 0 0 0' Total Program Expenditures 3,510 6,098 0 0 0 A-215 338-3038-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 51,000 0 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 0 51,000 0 0 0' EET 338-3038-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 97,199 200,000 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 97,199 200,000 01 Total Program Expenditures 0 61,000 97,199 200,000 0 A-216 To CIP 339-3039-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 150,000 0 0 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 150;000 0 0 0 0' Total Program Expenditures 150,000 tt 0 0 0' A-217 340-3040-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 82,500 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 0 82,500 Bikeways 340-3040-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 1,536 95,257 Transfers Out Subtotals 1,536 95,257 0 ' 0 0 Total Program Expenditures 1,536 95,257 0 0 82,500 A-218 340-3040-461-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 82,500 1. Residential Street Rehabilitation Program (Cycle 1, Final Year 7): Total cost of Design engineering and construction of resurfacing of residential streets within Zones 6 and 7 is $4,100,000 with a portion paid from TDA3 funds. ($82,500) A-219 501-3052-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 114,731 104,067 98,335 98,300 114,500 501-3052-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 32,500 32,800 33,500 33,500 35,300 501-3052-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 48,479 244,686 288,547 395,600 0 501-3052-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 48,290 0 18,157 54,700 0 501-3052-431-54-00 LEGAL NOTICES AND AD 110 1,143 552 0 0 501-3052-431-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 1,076 12 0 0 0 501-3052-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 101,912 23,603 342,926 1,501,300 2,194,000 Expenditure Subtotals 347,097 406,31`0 782,017 2,083,400 2,343,800 To CIP 501-3052-491-91-00 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 362,360 0 0 Transfers Out Subtotals 0 0 362,360 0 0i Total Program Expenditures 347,097 406,310 1,144,377 2,083,400 2,343,800; A-220 501-3052-431-11-00 SALARY & WAGES - FT 114,500 Salaries and wages paid to full-time City employees allocated to this program. 501-3052-431-29-00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 35,300 The costs of employee insurance and other benefits are allocated to this program via the employee benefits charge. 501-3052-431-73-00 IMPROVEMENTS 2,194,000 1. Storm Drain Lining Project: This multi-year storm drain lining project will rehabilitate several deteriorated Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) storm drain lines. ($350,000) 2. Point Repair Projects: These projects were identified during the 2012 Storm Drain Lining Project and potentially represent severe deficiencies in the condition of the storm drain system, which will require corrective action. ($1,769,000) 3. Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) at Altamira Canyon Drainage Culvert Modifications: Design engineering work, including geotechnical studies, surveying, and permitting for the construction of the culvert modifications to be completed in FY 17-18. ($75,000) A-221 681-2082-499-43-00 MAINTENANCE 176,190 168,524 317,544 0 72,000 681-2082-499-61-00 OPSUPP/MINOR EQUIP 38,439 41,054 111,453 0 210,000 681-2082-499-75-20 COMP/VOICEEQUIP - CA 141,690 81,831 50,944 1,359,834 405,000 Expenditure Subtotals 356;319 291,409 479,941 1,359;834 687,000' Total Program Expenditures 356;319 291,409 479,941 1,359,834 687,000 A-222 681-2082-499-43-00 MAINTENANCE 72,000 Costs associated with hardware and software maintenance and support for the City's data network, City enterprise and business systems, website, Graphic Information System (GIS), document imaging, copier maintenance and supplies, Microsoft Enterprise licensing. 681-2082-499-61-00 OP SUPP/MINOR EQUIP 210,000 1. Website Upgrade ($2,000) 2. Equipment Replacement ($15,000) 3. Telephone Equipment Replacement ($80,000) 4. Annual Computer Replacement ($113,000) 681-2082-499-75-20 COMPNOICE EQUIP - CAP 405,000 FY16-17 purchases and upgrades: Major new requests: 1. Finance System and Permitting, Planning, Code Enforcement and Business License System ($200,000) 3. System Implementation Support ($100,000) 4. Electronic Document Conversion for Business Systems ($105,000) A-223 681-3081-499-76-00 VEHICLES 0 0 0 15,000 0 Expenditure Subtotals 0 0 0 15;000. 0 Total Program Expenditures 0 0 0 + 15,000 0 A-224 685-1015-499-21-00 INSURANCE -EMPLOYEE 770,497 818,654 1,012,052 1,051,137 0 685-1015-499-22-00 FICA/MEDICARE 71,785 81,475 85,664 113,632 0 685-1015-499-23-00 RETIREMENT (PERS) 712,488 847,847 725,028 892,652 0 685-1015-499-24-00 TUITION REIMBURSE 500 1,000 0 3,500 0 685-1015-499-25-00 DEFERRED COMP MATC 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 685-1015-499-27-00 BONUS POOL 87,550 0 0 0 0 685-1015-499-28-00 RETIREMENT HEALTHC 73,083 68,767 74,348 89,692 0 685-1015-499-52-00 INSURANCE 116,617 122,703 152,374 170,781 0 Expenditure Subtotals 1,847,521 1,955,447 2,049,468 2,321 394 0 Total Program Expenditures 1,847,521 1,955,447 2,049,468 2,321,394 0 A-225 795-3089-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 12,452 30,675 22,444 22,400 23,900 795-3089-431-41-30 LIGHTAND POWER 15,855 11,337 15,420 17,000 17,000 795-3089-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE 63,081 2,000 16,441 32,500 33,700 795-3089-431-69-00 OTHER MISCELLANEOU 2,890 2,987 3,002 0 0 Expenditure Subtotals 94,277 46,999 57,306 ' 71,900 74,6001 Total Program Expenditures 94,277 46,999 57,306 71,900 74,600 A-226 795-3089-431-32-00 PROF/TECH SERVICE 1. Annual independent auditing services. ($2,900) Vendor TBD 2. Contracted services for GPS monitoring and surveying. ($21,000) Vendor TBD 795-3089-431-41-30 LIGHT AND POWER Cost of electrical utility (light and power) for dewatering wells. 795-3089-431-43-00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES As the dewatering wells age, repairs to the equipment will likely increase. This budget allocation provides for the following services: 1. Contracted services to regularly monitor the dewatering wells in the Abalone Cove Landslide Area. ($3,700) 2. Repair of existing dewatering well drainage lines. ($30,000) 23,900 17,000 33,700 A-227 Proposed FY 2016-17 Capital Budget A 3 H I I I J K I L I N R 5 T V W 1 Project ID# Project 2 3 Infrastructure Improvements Admin 4 -- Engineering Review/Labor Compliance 5 Grant Administration 6 IA2014-01 Infrastructure Management Pian 7 'Total Infrastructure Improvements Administration 8 Abalone Cove Landslide Abatement District (ACLAD) Sewer System 10 AC2016-01 (ACLAD Sewer System Rehabilitation Program 11 Total ACLAD 12 Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) Landslide 13 LS2014-02 PVDS Realignment - East End 14 LS2015-01 Landslide Dewatering Well Program FY 16-17 Capital Budget FY 16-17 Capital Budget Revenue Sources Continuing Appro. Rebudgeted CIP HUTA (Gas Proposition (Funds to be New FY 16- from FY 15- Reserves Tax) (202- Carried -over 16 17 Funding (330-3030) 3003) C (215-3015) into FY 16- 17) I , - 171100 175,000 Community Transp Dev Dev Block Restricted Quimby Act (TDA) Grant Donations Fees (334- (CDBG) (310- (330-3033) 3034) Article 3 (340• 3099) 3040) Storm Drain User Fee (SD ( 3 305052)) 70,000 70,000 - 25,000 25,000 - - 270,000 270,000 - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 418,672 - 450,000 450,000 15 LS2015-02 Portuguese Bend Landslide Area Strategic Plan 75,000 75,000 16 LS20XX-XX Portuguese Bend Landslide Area Resurfacing Program 550,000 550,000 17 18 1g PS2014-01 Total PVDS Landslide Park Sites Lower Hesse Park Improvements 418,672 75,000 1,000,000 525,000 550,000 - 368,475 200,000 200,000 22 PS2016-01 Abalone Cove Beach Access Rd and Parking Rehabilitation - 50,000 50,000 23 PS2016-02 Coastal Bluff Fence Replacement Program (NEW) 200,000 200,000 24 PS2016-03 Ladera Linda Community Center Parking Lot (NEW) 50,000 50,000 25 PS2016-05 Eastview Park Site and Recreation Improvements (NEW) 250,000 250,000 26 27 3o P62014-01 Total Park Sites Public Buildings RPV TV Building Improvements 368,475 750,000 200,000 - 550,000 - 94,795 55,000 55,000 32 PB2014-03 PVIC Exhibit Replacement/Renovation 455,000 455,000 34 PB20XX-XX Citywide ADA Transition Plan Implementation Program 770,137 35 PB2016-01 Civic Center Master Plan (NEW) - 250,000 250,000 36 37 43 RW2010-03 'Total Public Buildings Right of Way and Traffic Control Devices Miraleste Arterial Street Rehabilitation 770,137 549,795 305,000 305,000 455,000 2,434,500 47 RW2014-04 Hawthorne Blvd Pedestrian Linkage Improvements 1,090,351 48 RW2014-05 PVDS Bike Lane Improvements 754,975 49 RW2014-06 PVDE at Bronco Intersection Improvements 502,095 51 RW2016-01 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Cycle 1 Yr 7 (Final Yr) - 4,100,000 4,017,500 82,500 52 RW2016-02 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Cycle 2 - 400,000 400,000 56 RW20XX-XX Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program - 250,000 250,000 58 RW2016-03 ADA Improvements at City Hall Bus Stop (NEW) - 192,400 192,400 59 RW20XX-XX Arterial Walls and Fences Replacement Program (NEW) - 500,000 500,000 60 Total RIW and TCD 61 Sanitary Sewer System 62 None 63 Storm Water System - Stormwater Quality 6q SW2016-01 (Torrance Airport SWQ Project (NEW) 65 Trails 67 T2016-01 Accessibility Improvements at Del Cerro Park and. Burma Rd 4,781,921 - 5,442,400 4,917,500 1 250,000 1 192,400 - - 82,500 - - - 460,000 460,000 150,600 68 T2106-02 Conestoga Trail Connection (NEW) - 50,000 50,000 69 Total Trails TOTAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS Storm Water System - Repairs & Rehabilition of Existing System IStorm Drain Lining Program Storm Drain Point Repair Program 150,600 614".800 624,7$5, 50,000 . 6,47'7,400 W104 ;250,000 550,000 50,000 1182,400 ;455,000 600,000 8250r : - 70 71 73 SW2014-01 350,000 350,000 74 SW2014-02 - 75 SW2015-01 Altamira Canyon Drainage Project Study Report - 76 SW2015-02 Drainage and Roadway Improvements at Sacred Cove 400,000 77 SW2015-03 Marguerite/Lower Barkentine/Seacove Drainage Improvements 700,340 78 SW2016-01 Altamira Canyon Cyn Culvert Modifications at PVDS 75,000 75,000 79 SW20XX-XX Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement Program (NEW) - 1,769,000 1,769,000 so TOTAL STORMWATER ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1,100,340 2,194,000 c 2,194,000 81 7,590,145 624,795 10,671,400 1 6,877,500 250,000 550,000 192,400 455,000 600,000 82,500 2,194,000 W:\MichaelT\CIP\Draft2Ol6\Proposed FY16-17 Budget 5 -yr CIP Ver 3.xlsx B-4/1/2016 PM Coastal Bluff Fence Replacement Program • Replace All Deteriorating Cliff - and Bluff -Edge • Program Commences Along Oceanfront Estates • $200,000 Requested • Source: CIP Reserves Ladera Linda Community Center Parking Lot • Paved Parking Lot • Address Stormwater Issues • $50,000 Requested for Design • Source: Quimby C-1 Eastview Park Site and Recreation Improvements • Trail Widening, Facilities Improvements and Exercise Stations • $250,000 Requested for Design and Construction • Source: Quimby Civic Center Master Plan • Master Site Planning for Civic Center Including City Hall, Public Safety Facilities and Corporation Ya rd • Requested $250,000 for Design • Source: CIP Reserves is C-2 C-2 ADA Improvements at City Hall Bus Stop • Accessible Connection to Metro Bus Stop from City Hall Parking Lot • $192,400 Requested for Design and Construction • Source: CDBG 6 Arterial Walls and Fences Replacement Program • Address Deteriorated and Unattractive Masonry Walls and Fences • Program Commences with Hawthorne Blvd. • $500,000 Requested • Source: CIP Reserves C-3 Altamira Cyn Culvert Modifications at PVDS • Raise Culvert Outlet to Prevent Trespassing • $75,000 Requested for Design • Source: CIP Reserves Torrance Airport Storm Water Quality Project • Improve SW Quality to Machado La ke • Multi -agency Project Led by City of Torrance • Grant Funding Pending • $460,000 Requested (Matching Funds) • Source: CIP Reserves C-4 Conestoga Trail • Connect to Sunnyside Ridge Trail to Rolling Hills Estates • $50,000 Requested for Design • Source: CIP Reserves Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement Program • Replace Old Neighborhood -area Pipes, Inlets Identified in Master Plan of Drainage • 10 -year Program • $1,769,000 Requested for Year 1 • Source: SD User Fee C-5