CC SS 20160517 SS1 - Tentative Agendas & City Council Goals and PrioritiesTENTATIVE AGENDAS* *This list is a tool used by the City to plan and coordinate Council agendas. As a working document, items on this list are subject to frequent changes. Note: Time Estimates include 30 minutes for the first section of the agenda (Mayor's Announcements, etc. through the Consent Calendar) and 15 minutes for the last section (Future Agenda Items through Adjournment). May 31, 2016 — Adm. Req. Meeting (6:30 P.M.) - Budget & CIP Workshop — Hesse Park — 3 hrs. Regular Business Consider Proposed FY 16-17 Budget Consider Proposed FY 16-17 Capital Improvement Budget and 5 -year CIP June 6, 2016, Monday - Adm. Req. Meeting — (Time Est. — 4 hrs) Closed Session: City Attorney Performance Review Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Consider Border Issues Status Report Consider Award of Contract for Public Works Inspection Services Consider Award of Contract for Traffic Signal Maintenance Consider Award of On -Call Contracts Consider Award of Prof. Serv. Contract for Implementation of AB 939 Program Consider Award of Contract for NPDES Consulting Services Consider License Agreement Amendment — Clint Place Consider Award of Construction Contract for PVDE Guard Rail Project Consider Award of Design Contract for Lower Hesse Park Consider ESA Consultant Contract for General Plan Update Consider Second Arndt to Agmt.-Hardy & Harper Maintenance of Streets and ROW Public Hearings Consider Appeal of PC Decision - 5448 Bayridge Road (ZON2011-00281) (30 mins) Consider Residential Rate Adjustment Request for EDCO Disposal Corporation (10 mins) Consider Annual Fee for Existing Citywide Landscape and Lighting Maint. District (10 mins) Consider Annual Fee for Existing Abalone Cove Sewer Maintenance District (20 mins) Regular Business Consider Draft FY16-17 Budget (30 mins) Consider Preserve Sign Program - Grant Funded (10 mins) Consider Award of ALPR Contract (20 mins) Consider Approval of ALPR Memorandum of Understanding (20 mins) Consider Contract with Tyler to Purchase & Install Financial System Software (10 mins) Consider Award of Consultant Contract - Ladera Linda Master Plan (15 mins) Consider Updated Labor Negotiation Policies (20 mins) 1 June 21, 2016 — (Time Est. — 4 hrs) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: 4th of July Celebration City Manager Report: Consent Consider Award of Contract for Annual Landslide Road Maintenance Repairs Consider Award of Contract — Street Sweeping Consider Contract Amendment — Crossing Guard Services Consider Award of Contract for CDBG Administrative Services Consider Award Contract -Labor & Equip. of Landscaping, Gen. Main., Litter & Trash Servs. Consider Award of Contract for Cleaning Services Consider Award of Graffiti Abatement Services Consider Award of Construction Contract for Hawthorne Blvd. Pedestrian Linkage Project Public Hearings Consider Adoption of FY16-17 Budget (20 mins) Consider Appeal Fee Waiver for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (20 mins) Consider Ordinance -Tree Trimming of City Owned Trees & Trees in Right -of -Way (30 mins) Regular Business Consider Records Retention and Destruction Schedules (20 mins) Consider Helicopter Noise Issues (20 mins) Consider Modification to Address Repeat Offenders/Violators (20 mins) Consider Update of Personnel Policies (20 mins) Consider Portuguese Bend Landslide Mgmt. Strategic Planning Concept (30 mins) Study Session: (15 mins) July 5, 2016 — (Time Est. — 2 hrs 25 mins) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: Parks and Recreation Month City Manager Report: 4th of July Report Consent Consider Award of Contract for Fuel Modification Services by Grazing Consider Award of Contract to LA Conservation Corps for At -Risk Youth Consider Award of Contract for Tree Trimming Services Consider Award of Contract for Roadway Maintenance Consider Adoption of Ord. -Tree Trimming of City Owned Trees & Trees in Right -of -Way Public Hearings Regular Business Consider Representation on the PVPLC Board (20 mins) Consider Arterial Walls and Fences Update (45 mins) Consider Coyote Status Update and Mitigation Program (15 mins) 2 Consider Status Report on PVDE "Switchbacks" Zero Tolerance Plan (20 mins) July 19, 2016 — (Time Est. — 1 hr 30 mins) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Public Hearings Regular Business Consider Adoption of RPV Overhead Utilities Conversion Plan (Rule 20A or 2013) (30 mins) Study Session: (15 mins) August 2, 2016 — (Time Est. — 45 mins) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Public Hearings Regular Business August 16, 2016 — (Time Est. — 1 hr) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Public Hearings Regular Business Study Session: (15 mins) September 6, 2016 — (Time Est. 1 hr 15 mins) 9 Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Public Hearings Regular Business Consider Update on Del Cerro Parking Plan (30 mins) September 20, 2016 — (Time Est. — 1 hr) Closed Session: Mayor's Announcements: City Manager Report: Consent Public Hearings Regular Business Study Session: (15 mins) Future Agenda Items (Identified at Council Mtqs & pending receipt of memo from Councilmember) April 21, 2015 — City Partnership with traditional non-profit organizations in a non -monetary way (Campbell) June 2, 2015 — Public/private partnership regarding neighborhood beautification projects (Campbell) October 20, 2015 -- Review Percentage of Allowable Hardscape at Residential Properties (Duhovic) November 17, 2015 — Social Media Policy (Brooks) January 5, 2016 & February 2, 2016 — Review of Travel Policies & Expense Reimbursement; Travel to Conferences on City Business with the City Manager to Report to Council after the Event (Campbell) February 2, 2016 — Council Involvement in an Advise and Consent Role regarding the Hiring of Senior Management Staff (Campbell); Council's Use of the City Email Server (Brooks); Council's Use of Cell Phones Dedicated for City Business (Campbell) 11 February 16, 2016 - Future Agenda Items and Study Session Process (Dyda); Modification to the Study Session Procedure regarding Staff Driven Issues (Duhovic) March 15, 2016 — Renaming Shoreline Park (Duhovic) Future Agenda Items Agendized or Otherwise Being Addressed March 3, 2015 — Annexation of the Navy Fuel Depot property into the City to utilize the space as open space area into perpetuity (Misetich) [City Attorney to research] June 30, 2015 — Skate Park (Campbell) [Staff is working with Skatepark PV proponents on a long- term plan] July 21, 2015 — Expansion of resident parking at Abalone Cove after evaluation of Del Cerro Parking Plan (Campbell) [Agendized on September 6, 2016] October 20, 2015 - Options to Regulate Short -Term Rentals in the City (Duhovic) [Agendized on May 17, 2016] January 5, 2016 — Joint Meeting of City Council/Planning Commission (Brooks) [Staff to Address after PC appointments made] February 16, 2016 - Helicopter Noise Issues (Brooks) [Agendized on June 21, 2016]; Consider Modification to Address Repeat Offenders/Violators (Duhovic) [Agendized on June 21, 20161; Standing Report regarding Green Hills Memorial Park Issues (Duhovic) [Agendized as Needed] March 1, 2016 - Peafowl Census (Brooks) [Agendized on May 17, 2016] March 15, 2016 - Marilyn Ryan Park Parking Lot (Duhovic) [Agendized on May 17, 2016]; Update Report regarding Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline (Misetich) [Agendized on May 17, 2016] April 19, 2016 — Consider the Addition of a City Staff Member to Manage the Neighborhood Watch Program (Brooks) [Staff to Address as part of the Budget Process]; Temporary Lease Space at Pt. Vicente Civic Center for Storage Trailer for Historical Artifacts for the Historical Society (Dyda) [Agendized on May 17, 2016 to consider feasibility of this proposal] May 3, 2016 - Coyote Status Update and Mitigation Program (Brooks) [Agendized on July 5, 20161 5 C1TY0FkkS&RANCHO PALOS VERDES 2014 City Council Goals (last updated May 17, 2016) Public Safety and Traffic Control Priorities include: Continue with focus on crime prevention Response by: Report to City Council on options to enhance crime prevention programs by April 15, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: Included funds in the FY15-16 Budget to provide two additional Sheriff's patrol units in the City. A contract amendment is scheduled for approval at the August 18th City Council meeting, with the expectation that the additional patrols will commence in September 2015. Included $72,000 in the FY15-16 Public Safety Special Programs budget for annual targeted enforcement and outreach programs. To date, the Lomita Sheriff's Station has used these funds for the summer Coastal Patrols and bicycle patrols along Western Avenue. Included funds in the FY15-16 Budget to equip two Sheriff's patrol units with Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems. One system will be shared by the three regional cities, while the second system will be used exclusively in Rancho Palos Verdes. The two units have been ordered and are currently being built for delivery and installation in September or October 2015. The staff is working with the Sheriff's Department on a pilot program to install fixed ALPR cameras on Palos Verdes Drive South at the City's eastern boundary. The cameras have been obtained and a new 20' to 25' tall wooden pole is scheduled to be installed on the landward side of the street, near the existing welcome entry sign to the City, by the end of August 2015. on • The City has continued to support the Lomita Sheriffs Station's efforts to expand the Volunteers on Patrol (VOP) program by featuring it in the Spotlight section of the City's homepage and including an article in the Summer 2015 City Newsletter. In addition, on July 7th the City Council introduced an Ordinance that will allow the Volunteers on Patrol to issue parking citations in the City, augmenting their responsibilities and presence in the community, as well as assisting the City in addressing parking congestion issues in several key locations. 2. Continue forging close City relationships with Sheriff's Department Response by: On-going throughout 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: • Management staff from the three regional cities continue to meet on a monthly basis with the Captain of the Lomita Sheriff's Station to discuss current law enforcement -related issues and concerns. • The Lomita Sheriff's Station continues to participate and have a presence at City events. The most recent community event was National Night Out held on August 4, 2015. In addition, the Station continues to send a representative to City Council and Traffic Safety Committee meetings. The Station Captain and other senior staff continue to make themselves available to attend HOA and community meetings with City Council members to answer questions and speak about crime prevention. 3. Create joint powers agency for emergency management for the Peninsula Response by: Report to City Council on process to form a JPA or alternative by May 31, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: The City has been unsuccessful so far in moving forward the idea of an emergency management joint powers agency for the Peninsula. However, the City continues to actively improve its own emergency preparedness, work cooperatively with the other Peninsula cities and to promote personal emergency preparedness in the community through public outreach. The following specific actions have been completed during 2015: • In June 2015, staff completed the California Specialized Training Institute (CTSI) Instructor Course, thereby allowing staff to now teach and certify staff members in new basic SEMS and NIMS training courses. • Public outreach emergency preparedness presentations were made by Southern California Gas Company (February 19, 2015), Verizon (May 21, 2015) and Cox Communications (June 18, 2015). These presentations were videotaped, shown on RPVty and are posted on the City's website. • The Peninsula Cities are currently planning a joint Emergency Preparedness Expo for the public on November 1, 2015 at the Norris Pavilion. 7 • A consultant has been retained to prepare a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) for the City, with a kick off meeting scheduled with the staff subcommittee on July 29, 2015. • The emergency communications tower at the Civic Center was recently inspected and maintenance was performed. • City staff continues to attend monthly Area G Disaster Coordinator Meetings to stay abreast of current State and Federal laws and mandates the City must follow in order to stay compliant. • City staff continues to attend quarterly meetings with the Peninsula area emergency preparedness coordinators to share information and resources. • To date, the City's Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) completed two "Beauty and the Beast" emergency preparedness presentations and is reaching out to other educational and faith -based community groups to expand the program to these entities. • The City continues to support the Peninsula -wide Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program by advertising classes using several types of media (i.e. the City's Emergency Preparedness Webpage, Breaking News ListServes and distributing flyers to Rancho Palos Verdes public facilities). 4. Ambulance service on the south side of the City Response by: Report to City Council on options to establish an ambulance "station" on the south side of the Peninsula by August 31, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: • The first meeting of the Southside Public Safety Task Force was held on May 13, 2015. Based on the input received, staff has compiled information on five potential sites which has been provided to the Council Subcommittee member for review. The next Task Force meeting will be scheduled in late August 2015. Infrastructure Priorities include: 1. Infrastructure Management Plan funding and alternatives Response by: First infrastructure category by December 16, 2014 Assigned to: Public Works and Finance Departments Actions taken to achieve goal: • (Please see the December 2014 update for activities last year occurring in this goal) • The Committee at its January meeting elected two vice -chairs and created three subcommittees (Prioritization, Master Plans and IT) to gather background information on systems and processes being currently utilized by the City. • The Committee meets at 6 pm the second Thursday of each month at Hesse Park. • The Committee is working to establish capital improvement plan implementations policy recommendations for City Council consideration. • The Committee has reviewed 5 capital improvement projects and the conceptual strategic plan for the PB Landslide. 2. Continue with programmed maintenance and dewatering wells for Portuguese Bend and Abalone Cove Landslide Areas Response by: Quarterly updates and Public Works Staff to recommend landslide mitigation measures, including but not limited to dewatering wells, in accordance with approved and budgeted capital improvement plan Assigned to: Public Works Department Actions taken to achieve goal: • Dewatering Well Maintenance: Each well is inspected monthly to determine operational adequacy and maintenance is performed as needed. • New Dewatering Wells: One new boring was conducted in February, analysis of the well drilled reveled that soil conditions at depth were not conducive to adequate flow within the well. Another dewatering well has been re -drilled and is in operation. Negotiations for a new well easement are in process to accommodate placement of the new well. • Two locations for new wells adjacent to Burma Road have been identified. It is anticipated that these wells will need to be drilled deeper than normal to recover perched water which is common in areas with impervious clay layers. Staff is working with the well contractor who has installed wells in Abalone Cove for ACLAD, to develop a contract to perform well drilling services for the City. • A construction contract for $700,000 of Portuguese Bend landslide area dewatering wells is sGhedu!eG fer was awarded by the City Council appreval on january 5 February 2, 2016. Citizen Involvement and Public Outreach Priorities include: 1. Continue citizen involvement in infrastructure goal -setting process Response by: Present Infrastructure Management Plan to City Council by December 16, 2014 Assigned to: Public Works Department and City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: • On June 17t", the City Council provided direction to Public Works to form an infrastructure management advisory committee (IMAC) and commence the community membership solicitation process 01 • Following a recruitment and application period, the City Council concluded the interviews with the IMAC candidates on October 7th and appointed seven members to the Committee and selected a Chair on October 21 st • The City received a $10,000 grant from the Davenport Institute to conduct the civic engagement-portion for the development of the IMP, with work on this task commencing in January. • The first IMAC meeting was on December 3rd • The next IMAC meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2015. • Upgrade to Geographic information Systems (GIS) underway which will provide better information for use in better decision making and public outreach campaigns. • The Committee is establishing a schedule of study session/workshops with the community to develop evaluation and ranking criteria. • The Committee hosted in has tentatively established fnr January and February a series of study sessions with the community to engage the community in the storm drain user fee renewal process. 2. Continue community workshops for issues such as safe school routes, cross -walks, Coast Vision Plan, park/preserve improvements, etc. Response by: On-going throughout 2014 Assigned to: All Departments (City Manager's Office to lead) Actions taken to achieve goal: • On July 7, 2015, the City Council, after considering public testimony including Staff's presentation, amended the Coast Vision Plan for Lower Point Vicente. The conceptual park plan adopted by the City Council includes site drainage improvements, trail improvements, new landscaping, overlooks, and park furnishings to name a few. The amended Vision Plan has been updated on the City's website and this will allow the City to seek grant funding opportunities to see this park plan implemented. • On February 3, 2016, Staff conducted the fifth public workshop on the update to the Trails Network Plan. This workshop covered the trail routes in Section 4 of the Conceptual Trails Plan. The next public workshop on Section 5 is tentatively scheduled for May 4, 2016. • On March 3, 2016 City Staff and PVPLC Staff conducted a quarterly public forum meeting on Preserve Public Use Master Plan Implementation/Preserve Management. Quarterly public meetings will continue throughout 2016. • On October 5, 2015, Planning and PVPLC Staff attended the Portuguese Bend Community Association's monthly meeting to discuss the access (including unauthorized access) into the Preserve. • On July 15, 2014, the City Council affirmed the Sunnyside Ridge Trail Improvement Project with direction that Staff from the Community Development and Public Works Departments continue to meet with area residents and interested parties during the design process, and that the trail make a connection to the Conestoga Trail. The first Sunnyside Ridge Trail community workshop between the neighbors and equestrian community is scheduled for December 11th at Miraleste Intermediate School. 10 • The first Sunnyside Ridge Trail community meeting was held on December 11, 2014 at Miraleste Intermediate School and productive input was received from the attendees. The design consultant is currently working on a preliminary draft plan. • The second Sunnyside Ridge Trail community meeting was held on February 18, 2015 at Miraleste Intermediate School. A conceptual design was presented based on best practices and public comments received at the December 11, 2014 meeting. • The third Sunnyside Ridge Trail community meeting was held on May 6, 2015 at Miraleste Intermediate School. The modified Conceptual Design was presented (modifications were based on comments received at the February 18 meeting) and resident comments received. • Public Works and the City Attorney's Office hosted a public workshop on December 7 and an additional meeting in February related to wireless antenna issues and the formulation of an ordinance to regulate installations in the public right-of-way. 3. Expand public outreach program to familiarize residents and businesses about City services, etc. (citizen survey, town hall meetings, leadership academy, etc.) Response by: On-going throughout 2014 Assigned to: All Departments (City Manager's Office to lead) Actions taken to achieve goal: • Public Works hosted many small -group meetings with residents impacted by the rehabilitation of PV Drive East of this $3 million project. • The City began work with CivicPlus on a new website, which will focus on simplifying resident and business dealings with the City and on increasing transparency underway. The new website is expected to be launched in spring 2015. Government Efficiency, Accountability, Fiscal Control, Transparency and Oversight Priorities include: 1. Determine timing, format, job description, etc. for new City Manager search Response by: Work with Subcommittee to present contract for executive search firm for City Council approval by April 1, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office/Human Resources Actions taken to achieve goal: • On April 15, 2014, Council selected Bob Murray & Associates as best proposal from Request for Proposals submitted. The recruiter was directed to include a comprehensive Public Outreach program as part of the 11 selection process, including two Town Hall meetings and an on-line public survey. • On August 6, 2014, Bob Murray & Associates formally launched City Manager Recruitment via the internet, various professional associations, a recruitment brochure, and on the City's web site, closing the recruitment on September 12, 2014 with the submittal of 49 applications. • The City Council interviewed applicants for the City Manager position on October 26th and November 4th, and is currently scheduled to conduct additional interviews on January 18, 2015. 2. Council to improve conduct and efficiencies (JPIA Guidelines, Matrix recommendations, etc.) Response by: Present Matrix Report update to City Council on March 18, 2014, and conduct follow-up session with JPIA on April 29, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office/Human Resources Actions taken to achieve goal: • City Council reviewed status updates for the Matrix Report during the 1St quarter of 2014, approving them on April 29, 2014 • City Council chose to not have the follow-up training session provided by CJPIA due to a very busy schedule. No future date was selected. 3. Request recommendations from Human Resources Director on avoiding another period of high turnover in City staff Response by: Report to City Council by May 31, 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office/Human Resources Actions taken to achieve goal: • Staff is compiling the results of the exit interviews and will present the results to the City Council at a future date. 4. Reinforce actions taken regarding full transparency of financial information (employee compensation/benefits, CAFR, etc.) Response by: On-going throughout 2014 Assigned to: Finance Department • The new RPV website includes a portal titled "Transparency" specifically for posting of financial and other related content in one location for easy access. • The 2014 Employee Compensation & Benefits Analysis has been completed, posted to the City's website, and the City's independent auditors have completed Agreed -Upon -Procedures indicating that no exceptions were noted. 5. Improve Organizational Efficiency (from Matrix Report, previous City Council goals, etc.) -Rebidding of contracts (large — City Attorney, IT, etc.) 12 Response by: August through December 2014 Assigned to: City Manager's Office and Finance Department Actions taken to achieve goal: • The Public Works Department was reorganized in March 2014 to reduce the supervisory span of control, establish career ladders, and create a succession plan. • Only July 15, 2014 the City Council approved a renegotiated contract with the City's current IT Services provider which included stronger Service Level Agreements. • On January 14, 2015, the IT Services Request for Proposals was issued to prospective bidders in order to insure the City is procuring the best range of IT Services available at the lowest cost. • On January 20, 2015, the City Council approved Staff's recommendation to finalize contract negotiations with Tyler Technologies for a replacement financials and permitting system. However, Tyler has not been responsive; and on April 7, 2014, the City Council approved Staff's recommendations to cease contract negotiations with Tyler. Requests for Proposals will be issued by the end of 2015 for replacement financial and permitting/land management systems. Parks and Recreation Programs Priorities include: 1. City trail system enhancement Response by: Complete Trails Network Plan Update by February 2015 Assigned to: Community Development and Recreation & Parks Departments Actions taken to achieve goal: • Staff has arranged a social media platform with Mindmixer to help garner public participation and input on the Trails Network Plan Update • Staff from the Community Development and Public Works Departments met on June 18, 2014 with area residents on the proposed Sunnyside Ridge Trail Improvement Project. • On February 3, 2016, Staff conducted the fifth public workshop on the update to the Trails Network Plan. This workshop covered the trail routes in Section 4 of the Conceptual Trails Plan. The next public workshop on Section 5 is tentatively scheduled for May 4, 2016. Additional efforts to enhance the trail system: o The Preserve Management Team, consisting of PVPLC; Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority; and the Administrative, Recreation and Parks, Community Development, and Public Works Departments, meets monthly to coordinate Preserve management efforts. These meetings focus on Preserve maintenance and operations. 13 o On February 24, 2016, Recreation and Parks staff held its monthly meeting with the PVPLC's Volunteer Trail Watch leadership to enhance communication and coordination. o The City continues to participate and provide support for the PVPLC's Volunteer Trail Watch Program, including attending quarterly volunteer meetings, and assistance training new classes of volunteers. o On October 5, 2015, Planning and PVPLC Staff attended the Portuguese Bend Community Association's monthly meeting to discuss the access (including unauthorized access) into the Preserve. o In 2015, City staff created public informational handouts on trail safety and trail etiquette between trail user groups, and on legal coastal and fishing access points in the City. o Recreation and Parks staff has brought on board, with Council direction and approval, Open Space part-time staff. These staff members will patrol the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve and provide much needed boots on the ground presence and resource protection. 3,744 hours were designated, and the Department is staffed at 75% this month. o Recreation and Parks staff has begun meeting with the L.A. County Sheriff's Department to coordinate the Preserve enforcement transition from Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) Rangers to L.A. County Sheriff's Office deputies effective July 1, 2016. MRCA is assisting with the transition and knowledge transfer. Enforcement levels will be doubled, as the City is switching from 40 hours/week of Ranger patrol to 80 hours/week of deputy patrol. o The Sunnyside Ridge Trail project is scheduled to be awarded at the November 4, 2015 city council meeting with construction tentatively planned to commence in early December (weather permitting). 2. Implementation of on-line access to recreation programs and space rentals Response by: Complete "go -live" for Active.Net by May 2014 Actions taken to achieve goal: • Staff using ActiveNet for all REACH and City -run recreation registration. • NEW 100% of FT and PT Staff trained. New PT staff will be trained as they are hired. • Hosted ActiveNet Community Support meeting to participating cities currently using ActiveNet • Created a User Guide to assist implementation of new system. • The ActiveNet public access portal has been created, with customized pictures added to the site. • Transferred existing reservations and programs to new system. • Created marketing plan for ActiveNet roll-out. • Tested public site for errors and complications. • Ordered additional credit card devices. • Completed 3 day training with ActiveNet support staff to correct public site errors and complications. 14 • Additional Credit Card readers (IPAD) have been ordered. • Installed credit card devices at PVIC, Hesse, Ladera Linda & City Hall • Went live with public Active.net site April 30, 2014. • Will continue to monitor and improve system as needed (on-going). • Evaluate effectiveness of programs offered online thru Active.net. Additional efforts being taken to improve implementation of Active.Net: • Design a tutorial video for new RPV website to assist the public/customers with setting up a new user account. RPVty has been contacted to schedule filming of ActiveNet "how to video" for the public to be available on the City's website. 3. Continue with shared use of PVPUSD & City Facilities Response by: City recreation programs to be available at Peninsula High pool and Miraleste Intermediate gym by May 2014 Assigned to: Recreation & Parks Department Actions taken to achieve goal: • Facilitated meetings with PVPUSD Deputy Superintendent and Athletic Director to tour the sites and discuss logistics and school district requirements for implementation of the MOU. • Met with the CEO of Toque Futsal to discuss potential partnership opportunity to bring futsal to the Miraleste Gym. • Researched resources for lifeguards for open swim at Peninsula High as well as program option opportunities with ZAP. • Outreach efforts made with the San Pedro YMCA for potential partnership opportunities for lifeguard resources and swim classes/program opportunities. • Met with San Pedro YMCA to finalize contracted lifeguard services. • PVPUSD approved program proposal for indoor futsal program in Miraleste Gym. • Drafted third party operator agreement for indoor futsal program in Miraleste Gym. • Developed a summer open swim schedule for Peninsula High Pool. • Hired part-time staff for additional pool and gym staffing needs. • Began offering Open Gym Basketball at Miraleste Gym on Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. • Entered into a rental agreement with third party operator to offer indoor futsal at Miraleste Gym. • Researched the cost to have San Pedro and Peninsula YMCA offer Lifeguard services during Open Swim at Peninsula High Pool. 15 • Began trial youth indoor soccer sessions at Miraleste gym to drum up interest in future league. • First session of Open Gym Basketball and Indoor Soccer program concluded. • Met with San Pedro and Peninsula YMCA and conducted site visits to examine future joint use and partnering on programing at RPV Parks and Peninsula Pool. • April 2015: Met with City of to discuss Summer Penn HS Pool use. • June 2015: Entered into an MOU with City of Rolling Hills Estates and San Pedro and Peninsula YMCA to offer summer swim classes and open swim for the public on behalf of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Additional efforts being taken to enhance shared use of PVUSD/City Facilities: • On an ongoing basis, staff will evaluate and implement programing at Miraleste Gym for spring/summer sessions. • Look into additional opportunities for use of School District fields, pools and gymnasiums. 4. Continue with evaluation of city recreation programs, sustainability of/demand for programs Response by: Complete evaluation by August/September 2014 Assigned to: Recreation & Parks Department Actions taken to achieve goal: • Implemented "day of event" surveys to track participant's residency and effectiveness of event aspects. • Inventoried and identified past surveys, studies and reports to aid in analysis. • Identify, implement and evaluate a survey method to obtain current recreational trends and program needs of the community. • Performed benefit analysis of current City programs to identify level of service provided based on community and individual service criteria. • Conducted extensive survey of current private and public recreation facilities, programs, sports leagues etc... in Rancho Palos Verdes, PVPUSD and neighboring communities to assist with evaluation/analysis of recreation programming. • Implemented an on-line survey to obtain public attitudes and opinions on a wide range of recreation issues and programming options. • Conducted series of site-specific and general parks public workshops and stakeholder meetings in conjunction with Park Master Plan Update to obtain information about community attitudes towards current and potential recreation programming. • Utilized surveys at City programs and events to ascertain public response and demand. 16 • Staff will continue to research surrounding jurisdictions to stay current on comparative services and fees. • Presented Draft Parks Master Plan Update to City Council on June 30, 2015. Received direction from Council to focus on "less is more" approach to park planning, emphasis on maintaining current assets with emphasis on trash and graffiti and to review staffing levels. • Council approved increased trash and graffiti services (PW) on July 21. • Council approved 6.75 new PT staffing equivalencies to enhance service levels at existing staffed parks, unstaffed parks (roaming staff) and establishing Eastview as a staffed park. • Parks Master Plan Update approved by City Council on October 6, 2015 Additional efforts being taken to deepen the analysis of programs and their sustainability and demand: • Staff will continue to analyze the comparison of privatized rentals, independent contractors and in-house services. • Staff will continue to research surrounding jurisdictions to stay current on comparative services and fees. • 10 local cities being surveyed to ascertain their rental rates and categories Intergovernmental Issues Priorities include: 1. State, County and Response by: Assigned to: Regional On-going throughout 2014 City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: • City Council continued to receive bi-monthly Border Issues Status Reports throughout 2014. • Councilmembers participated in public meetings (i.e., State Lands Commission, etc.) regarding the Rancho LPG facility in San Pedro during 2014. • City Council took a position supporting AB 1839 (Gatto) regarding State film tax credit program. • City Council took a position opposing SB 556 (Padilla) regarding contracted public safety services. • City Council reviewed and took positions on 2014 League of California Cities Annual Conference Resolutions and directed voting delegate to vote accordingly. 2. Revisit Council policy on upcoming legislation Response by: Present Policy No. 29 to City Council for review by April 2014 17 Assigned to: City Manager's Office Actions taken to achieve goal: • City Council reviewed and approved revisions to City Council Policy No. 29 on March 4, 2014. 3. Aircraft Noise Impacts: Monitor FAA airspace proposal for Long Beach airport, monitor helicopter flight path revisions to/from Torrance airport & attend and participate in these workshops and the overall SoCal OAPM process to emphasize the importance of avoiding any increase in Peninsula overflights or reduction in altitudes that would adversely impact City residents. Response by: On-going throughout 2016 Assigned to: Community Development Department Actions taken to achieve goal: • Submitted comment letter on the City's position on Los Angeles Area Helicopter Noise Coalition's proposed petitions to reduce helicopter noise. • Attended LAX/Community Noise Roundtable meetings on a bi-monthly basis. • Monitored and updated City's webpages related to reporting aircraft and helicopter noise. Future Actions to achieve goal: • Continue to attend LAX/Community Noise Roundtable meetings. • Continue to monitor and provide updates related to FAA airspace issues that potentially affect the City and helicopter altitude and flight path revisions to/from Torrance airport. • Continue to submit comment letters on the City's position on FAA proposals as necessary. (Adopted by Rancho Palos Verdes City Council on February 18, 2014) We