CC SR 20160301 04 - FY15-16 Midyear Financial ReportRANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 03/01/2016 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration of and possible action regarding the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Mid -year Financial Report and year-end estimates. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Receive and File the FY2015-2016 Mid -year Financial Report; and 2) Approve related budget adjustments as reported. FISCAL IMPACT: $789,313 (This amount includes a projected increase in revenues of $477,659 and a decrease in expenditures of $311,654). Current Budget: Revenues: $27,882,208 Expenditures: $21,918,625 Additional Appropriation: $477,659 (increase in budgeted revenues) No net increase to budgeted expenditures. Revised Budget: Revenues: $28,359,867 Expenditures: $21,606,971 Account Number(s): Various ORIGINATED BY: Allan Kaufman, Senior Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance tt APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager YAA %*,L BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code (RPVMC) requires that a mid -year review of the annual budget be presented to the City Council. Staff has reviewed all revenues and expenditures for mid -year Fiscal Year 2015-16, with an emphasis on the General Fund and major capital programs, to determine if all sources and uses are on target with the originally adopted budget, and to highlight any areas that may end the fiscal year significantly above or below budget. Preliminary year-end estimates are included in this review and the adopted budget will be updated to reflect these changes. At the end of the third quarter, Staff will perform another review the revenues and expenditures and update the yearend estimates, if necessary. Currently, the excess General Fund Reserves at June 30, 2016 are estimated to be $656,254. A summary of the FY15-16 Fund Balance calculation is illustrated below: 1 PY Expenditure Variance (Transferred to CIP) Original Current Proposed FY15-16 Budget Budget Revised Beginning Fund Balance 15,133,238 15,133,238 15,133,238 Revenues 27, 882, 208 27, 882, 208 28, 359, 867 Expenditures (20,936,748) (21,918,625) (21,606,971) Net Transfers (8,209,303) (8,209,303) (8,209,303) PY Expenditure Variance (Transferred to CIP) (2,214,942) Ending Fund Balance 13,869,395 12,887,518 11,461,889 Reserve Policy (50% of budgeted expenditures) 10,468,374 10,959,313 10,805,636 Excess Reserve 3,401,021 1,928,206 656,254 General Fund Revenue The Summary Schedule of General Fund Revenue is presented below. It is important to understand that these revenue estimates are based upon Staff's analysis using trend comparisons with previous years, and reports provided by state, county and local agencies. It should be noted that future economic activity, legislation and policy decisions, as well as any other unforeseen circumstances could affect the City's revenue stream for the remainder of FY15-16. The mid -year financial report also includes discussion and analysis of anticipated expenditure variances and other relevant developments related to the FY15-16 budget. Some revenue sources are difficult to estimate, such as franchise taxes and permit fees. These types of revenues are predicated on conditions outside the City's control. As an example, planning and building permit revenues will fluctuate with the economy and housing activity, as well as other conditions such as the weather. Additionally, several significant franchise tax revenues are received annually after preparation of the mid -year report. For these revenues, Staff has either reported FY15-16 estimated revenues as the budgeted amount or a conservative figure based on the amount of information currently available. The following is a list of major General Fund revenues, along with year-end estimates: 2 Revenue Type FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Budget FY15-16 Estimated Estimate vs. Budget Variance Property tax $ 7,007,128 $ 7,281,261 $ 7,536,105 $ 254,844 Property tax in lieu of vehicle license fees 4,061,473 4,195,096 4,252,416 57,320 Property tax in lieu of sales tax 540,611 279,198 177,820 101,378 Property transfer tax 344,357 395,000 406,934 11,934 Sales tax 1,757,889 2,068,936 2,068,936 - Transient occupancy tax 4,812,130 5,026,400 5,150,982 124,582 Franchise taxes Utility user taxes 2,044,398 1,972,671 2,101,000 1,862,000 2,154,231 1,916,509 53,231 54,509 Business license tax 808,668 777,490 777,490 - Golf tax 411,362 447,900 340,278 107, 622 Planning, building & safety, and other permits 2,514,572 2,160,100 2,409,058 248,958 Fines and forfeitures 135,056 120,000 122,000 2,000 Interest earnings 43,053 121,220 51,214 70,006 Other use of money and property (rents & leases 542,073 742,500 680,313 62,187 Charges for services 369,608 228,800 260,100 31,300 Intergovernmental rants & vehicle license fees 36,212 - 17,174 17,174 Other revenue 683,592 75,307 38,307 37,000 Total General Fund revenues $28,084,853 $27,882,208 $28,359,867 $ 477,659 The General Fund revenue is expected to exceed the current FY15-16 budget by approximately $500,000. Discussion and analysis regarding General Fund revenues is presented below. Staff does not recommend budget adjustments for immaterial anticipated variances. If a particular revenue source is not discussed, there is nothing significant to report, and anticipated revenues are not expected to materially deviate from the FY15-16 budget. Property Tax Total secured property tax valuations are 4.77% higher than in FY14-15. The year - over -year Consumer Price Index (CPI) for January 2016 was 3.1 % higher than the prior year. Based on this data, Staff is projecting a 3.5% increase in property tax collection for FY15-16. Staff believes it prudent to make a more conservative projection at this time. If actual property tax exceeds projections during the third quarter, Staff will recommend budget adjustments accordingly. Property Tax in lieu of Sales Tax As part of the state's solutions to its budget problems in 2004, it developed a mechanism referred to as the "triple -flip" whereby the City began receiving an additional share of property tax in lieu of 25% of the City's sales tax apportionment. The additional property tax collected in lieu of Sales Tax year to date, is tracking below the budgeted amount. The "triple -flip" officially ended on January 1, 2016 but the City will receive the final "True -Up" (reimbursement adjusted) payment for July -December 2015 from the 9 California Department of Finance during the third quarter. This payment should bring actual revenues collected closer to budget at year-end. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) In the FY15-16 budget, Staff proposed a 5% increase in TOT revenue from the prior year. Currently, TOT is performing better than expected and is currently estimated to end the year 2.5% or $124,582 higher than budget. We have received positive guidance from the Terranea Resort, where the majority of TOT revenue is generated, that room rentals will remain strong through year-end and FY16-17. Permit Revenue Permit revenue is on track to exceed budget by 12% or $248,958. Although activity levels are consistent with last year, there are some larger -than -normal projects generating higher permit fees. Interest Revenue Staff is projecting interest revenues to more closely align with FY14-15 actuals than the FY15-16 budgeted amount. This will result in a projected negative variance of 58% to adopted budget. Staff based its budgeted investment earnings on the 3 -month U.S. Treasury Bill rate as projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO); however, a majority of the City's cash is invested in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), which has been tracking below the 3 -month Treasury Bill rate. Golf Tax Golf tax is tracking below estimated budget by 24% or $107,662, primarily due to a slowdown in the industry. Revenue Adjustment Summary Staff recommends positive revenue adjustments totaling $477,659 as illustrated in the table above, which would increase the General Fund revenue budget to $28.4 million (a 1.7% increase to the current budget, and 1.0% from FY14-15 actuals). General Fund Expenditures Per the RPVMC Section 3.32.080, budgetary compliance is determined by program. There are 37 expenditure programs in the General Fund budget. As there are a number of programs with expenditures that fluctuate with unforeseen circumstances (e.g., weather, claims and litigation), there has been a long-standing practice to prepare conservative expenditure budgets, which generally results in overall favorable budget variances each year. During the midyear and third quarter reviews, Staff will be providing year-end estimates to aid in planning and preparing the next year's budget, as well as track realistic expectations to year-end. 11 Mid -year Expenditures The General Fund mid -year expenditures (through December 31, 2015) are illustrated in the following table: Summary Schedule of Mid -year General Fund Expenditures Department FY14-15 Mid -year Actual FY15-16 Mid -year Actual FY 2015 vs. FY 2016 Mid -year Variance $ %change City Council $13,185 $9,650 -$3,535 -26.8% City Administration 1,966,735 2,165,480 198,745 10.1% Public Safety 1,598,899 1,690,503 91,604 5.7% Public Works 1,474,145 1,260,092 -214,053 -14.5% Community Development 803,034 871,914 68,880 8.6% Recreation & Parks 542,130 663,078 120,948 22.3% Non -Department 35,000 144,185 109,185 312.0% Total General Fund Expenditures $6,433,128 $6,804,902 $371,774 5.78% Some of the Mid -year variances are due to the following: • The variance in Administration is primarily due to filled vacancies. During FY 14-15 several key positions were vacant and duties were assumed by existing Staff. • There were two (2) additional Sheriff's Patrol Deputies funded in FY 15-16. • Public Works experienced an expenditure savings due to water conservation efforts. • Building and Safety reported higher than expected plan checks and geological investigations. • Recreation and Parks increased part-time Staff personnel and hours to provide additional coverage at the City's parks. This personnel request was approved by the City Council on December 15, 2015. • The Non -Department variance is due to the payment of Utility User Tax refunds. Year -year Projected Expenditures The projected General Fund expenditures at year-end are currently estimated to come under budget by $300,000. Staff will continue monitoring expenditures, and will report any changes to the year-end estimates during the third quarter review. If the activity of a department below is not discussed, there is nothing significant to report and expenditures are not expected to materially deviate from the amounts budgeted. Staff has analyzed FY15-16 General Fund expenditures to date, and has determined that a number expenditure budgets warrant adjustment. A discussion of proposed adjustments follows. 5 General Fund: FY15-16 Budget vs. Projected Year-end Expenditures Department Mid -year Actual 1213112015 FY15-16 Budget %of Budget Spent Year -End Estimate $ $ Variance to Budget City Council City Administration $13,185 1,966,735 $129,590 6,331,128 10.2% 31.1% $129,600 $10 6,235,072 -$96,056 Public Safety 1,598,899 5,529,649 28.9% 5,765,564 $235,915 Public Works Community Development Recreation & Parks 1,474,145 803,034 542,130 4,774,795 2,898,432 2,255,031 30.9% 27.7% 24.0% 4,272,927 -$501,868 2,873,145 -$25,287 2,181,663 -$73,368 Non -Department 144,185 0 0.0% 149,000 $149,000 Total General Fund Expenditures $6,542,313 $21,918,625 29.8% $21,606,971 -$311,654 Public Safety Per City Council action on January 19, 2016, $173,000 in additional Sheriff Services was approved and allocated for the Surveillance and Apprehension Team (SAT) Detective and the Community -Oriented Response and Enforcement (CORE) Team. Public Works The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Maintenance program is projecting expenditure savings at year-end due to active water conservation efforts. In addition, the department has received lower-than-expected Traffic Calming Study requests from City neighborhoods; and experienced a delay in executing the MS4 permit due to coordination challenges with participating cities. Expenditure Adiustment Summa Staff recommends expenditure adjustments totaling $311,654, as illustrated in the table above, which would decrease the General Fund expenditure budget to $21.6 million (a 1.4% decrease to the FY15-16 budget). Al • Major Capital Programs Capital projects are a major component of the City's annual budget. Below is a list of the City's major capital programs and their respective financial status. Capital Programs Mid -year Actual 12/31/2015 FY15-16 Budget %of Budget Spent Year -End Estimate $ %of Year -End Estimate Infrastructure Administration $27,032 $297,500 9.1% $297,500 100.0% Street Improvements 435,121 10,259,119 4.2% 1,832,900 17.9% Parks/Trails/Open Space Improvements Building Improvements 63,635 0 2,077,733 1,359,174 3.1% 0.0% 448,000 21.6% 207,000 15.2% Storm Water Quality Improvements 0 150,000 0.0% 100,000 66.7% Landslide Improvements 0 955,000 0.0% 955,000 100.0% Water Quality Flood Protection WQFP 121,978 4,457,021 2.7% 2,020,663 45.3% Total Capital Expenditures $647,766 $19,555,547 3.3% $5,861,063 30.0% Mid -Year and Year -End Variance Street Improvements Although only $1.8 million is anticipated to be expended during FY15-16, Public Works has brought on outside consultants to ensure continuity of engineering workload/project management, as well as to ensure that contracts will be awarded and the majority of the unspent budgeted amount encumbered by the end of the year. Parks, Trails, and Open Space Improvements While only $450,000 is expected to be expended during FY15-16, Public Works is confident the vast majority of the unspent budgeted balance will be encumbered by the end of the fiscal year as contracts are awarded. Building Improvements While only $200,000 is expected to be expended during FY15-16, Public Works is confident the vast majority of the unspent budgeted balance will be encumbered by the end of the fiscal year as contracts are awarded. Stormwater Quality Improvements Funding has been identified for the City's share of the cost of Torrance's Airport Infiltration Project if the Council approves participating in that project, which will be discussed at this meeting. If approved, it is possible that $100,000 will be expended by the end of FY15-16; however, this depends largely on how quickly Torrance moves forward on the project and how quickly they bill the City for its share of the costs. Water Quality Flood Protection (WQFP) While only $2.0 million is expected to be expended during FY15-16, Public Works is confident the vast majority of the unspent budgeted balance will be encumbered by the end of the fiscal year as contracts are awarded. 7 Change in funding method of Capital Projects The City has a long history of appropriating the full funding amount to capital projects and carrying over the unspent appropriation from year to year. As a result of this funding method, large variances are created, as illustrated in the table above. To address this issue, Finance is recommending changing the way that funds are annually committed for capital projects, starting with the FY16-17 budget process. A staff report on Continuing Appropriations was presented to the City Council on September 15, 2015, introducing this change in funding method. By taking this step during the annual budget process, the City Council would have the opportunity to review the committed projects and determine if funding priorities has changed. This step should be able to reduce the number of continuing appropriations each year; and the annually adopted budget will more closely approximate the true annual expenditures for the City. CONCLUSION Staff has reviewed all revenues and expenditures for mid -year Fiscal Year 2015-16, with an emphasis on the General Fund and major capital programs, to determine if all sources and uses are on target with the originally adopted budget and to highlight any areas that may end the fiscal year significantly above or below budget. In summary, projected year-end General Fund revenues are tracking $477,000 higher than last year. Mid -year expenditures are tracking approximately 6% higher than same period last year; however, year-end figures are estimated to be $300,000 below their budgeted amount. Capital program expenditures are tracking below estimates; however, as contracts are awarded, the majority of the unspent budgeted amount is expected to be encumbered by the end of the year. At mid -year, all other funds are tracking to budget, but will be reviewed again at the end of the third quarter. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council's consideration: Discuss and take other action related to this item.