VRC MINS 20010503 •
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MAY 3, 2001
Chairman Alberio called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M. at Fred Hesse
Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. The Pledge of Allegiance
followed, led by Commissioner Monks.
Present: Commissioners De Moraes, Drages, Franklin, Monks, Weber, and
Chairman Alberio.
Absent: Commissioners Dyda, Ginise, and Vice-Chairman Slayden were
excused. Commissioner Iseda was absent.
Also present were Project Coordinator Jones, and Recording Secretary Yeaman.
Commissioner Franklin moved to approve the Agenda as presented,
seconded by Commissioner Monks. They're being no objection; the
Agenda was approved (6-0).
Staff: NONE
Commission: NONE
1. MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 2001
Commissioner Monks moved to approve the minutes as presented,
seconded by Commissioner Franklin. The minutes were approved (6-0).
2. VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT NO. 76: Mr. and Mrs. Peter LaBarbera,
6050 Ocean Terrace Drive. (TN)
Chairman Alberio moved to approve Staff recommendation to continue
VRP No. 76 to the May 24, 2001 VRC meeting, seconded by Commissioner
Monks (6-0).
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Commissioner Franklin recommended that Staff only use the 1st monthly meeting
as the primary meeting and schedule the 2nd monthly meeting only on a
necessary basis.
Project Coordinator Jones stated that in this case it was necessary, because of
the many times that it has been continued. He also stated that Staff would
attempt not to schedule unnecessary meetings on the 2nd monthly meeting.
Dave Hayes, Willdan Arborist, distributed a booklet describing pruning standards.
He discussed in length the different procedures and techniques for tree
maintenance. He also answered various questions from the Commission.
Chairman Alberio asked Staff about the status of the tour of the Botanic Garden.
Recording Secretary Yeaman responded that if the Commission wants to have
the tour on a weekday with the tram it would have to be scheduled 3-4 months in
advance. She also recommended that the Commission take a tour on a
Saturday when the trams run in the day during normal business hours.
Commissioner Weber made a motion to set the Commission tour of the
Botanic Gardens on a 1st or 3rd Saturday morning of the month and that
Dave Hayes, lead the tour, seconded by Commissioner Monks.
COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (regarding non-agenda items):
Joe Finazzo discussed and distributed photos and documents regarding VRP
No. 59 which his father Stefano Finazzo is the applicant. He stated that the
resolution adopted by the View Restoration Commission addresses three trees
and he doesn't feel that the trees are in compliance with the resolution. He
stated that the Macadamia Nut tree and the Mock Pear tree have not been
trimmed. He stated that the Ash tree was supposed to have the crown raised to
25 feet and this also has not been done.
Commissioner Franklin stated that we are not supposed to have a hearing on this
item because it is not on the agenda. He suggested that the Commission take
this as a separate item to be worked out between a member of the Commission
and Staff outside of the meeting. He stated that Chairman Alberio should appoint
a Commissioner and Staff member to go to the property and decide if the
trimming was done according to the resolution.
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Chairman Alberio stated that Commissioner Franklin's suggestion be put in the
form of a motion.
Commissioner Monks stated the he is sympathetic to Mr. Finazzo's complaint but
he does not believe that it is within the Commission's authority to get involved in
enforcement. He believed that Mr. Finazzo's recourse is with the Staff and if Mr.
Finazzo cannot get satisfaction from the Staff then he should take his complaint
to the City Council.
Chairman Alberio stated that he has reviewed the Brown Act and he stated that
the Commission does have the power to investigate whether a resolution has
been carried out correctly.
Commissioner Franklin made a motion to appoint a member of the
Commission and Staff to investigate and decide if the trimming had been
done according to the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Weber.
Motion failed, (2-2-2) with Chairman Alberio and Commissioner De Moraes
Joe Finazzo stated that he believes that the View Restoration Ordinance is a
waste of time. He felt that no one should abide by the decisions of the Staff and
the Commission because the worst outcome for not complying is that the City will
trim the trees at the foliage owner's expense. He described in length his
unhappiness with Staff, the Commission, and the Ordinance.
Commissioner Monks stated to Chairman Alberio that he didn't appreciate that
someone could come in and lecture the Commission on their morality and duty.
He stated that there is a time limit of three minutes for the speakers and he
hopes that this is not allowed to happen again.
Chairman Alberio stated that he spent eight years on the Planning Commission
and was Chairman for one year. He stated that the situation that Commissioner
Monks is referring to occurs all the time at Planning Commission meetings. He
stated that he should limit the speaker to three minutes but the speaker has a
right to speak and unless the speaker is threatening the Commission he can not
stop them.
Commissioner Franklin moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner
Monks. The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:22 P.M. to Thursday May 24,
2001 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fireside room at Hesse Park.
MAY 3,2001
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