VRC MINS 19910117 • ck.v.rcz5,..3_,z_ik,
JANUARY 17, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairman Clark at
Hesse Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
PRESENT Committee Members Boudreau, Burrage, Cartwright,
Eastwood, Lorenzen, Murphy, Sweetnam, Weisz, Chairman
ABSENT Committee Member Quatrochi
Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert
Benard, Senior Planner Carolynn Petru, Associate Planner Joel
Rojas, Assistant City Attorney Michael Colantuono and Recording
Secretary Lucile Rogers.
Senior Planner Petru distributed five communications, which were
discussed as the related items came up on the agenda.
Chairman Clark asked Assistant City Attorney Colantuono to
provide guidance on discussion of cases which may result in
litigation. Attorney Colantuono stated that every city agency
which has quasi-judicatory powers gets sued sooner or later.
Committee Members may continue to participate in public debate
and express their opinions about matters before the Committee.
They should not, however, speak about the details of a case that
has already been decided. This will allow the City Attorney's
office to defend cases on the documentary record. Attorney
Colantuono explained that there is no authority for the View
Restoration Committee to hold closed sessions. Only the City
Council can go into closed session, and then only when the City
Attorney is present. When it is necessary for the City Attorney
to communicate to the Committee on items deemed not appropriate
for public discussion, it will be done in writing and annotated
as "Attorney/Client Privileged. " Individual members (or a group
of no more than three members) may consult with the City Attorney
on an individual basis.
Item B was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion of a
letter related to View Restoration Permit No. 5.
Committee Member Murphy moved adoption of Items A, C, D and E of
the Consent Calendar. Committee Member Sweetnam seconded and the
motion passed without exception.
January 17, 1991
Director of Environmental Services Benard said the City Attorney
has advised that when items on the Consent Calendar are in the
form of a Resolution, because the item is closed for public
discussion the only testimony that can be given is on the form
and content of the Resolution itself.
Committee Member Weisz moved to address Item IV.b, VRC Resolution
No. 91- , approving View Restoration Permit No. 5. The motion
was seconded by Member Cartwright and passed without exception.
Mr. John Sharkey of 30320 Avenida de Calma, the foliage owner in
View Restoration Permit No. 5, submitted a letter dated January
14, 1991 which was summarized by Attorney Colantuono. The letter
requested that Application No. 5 be denied because the request
for extension of time was signed by Yun Lee, who is not the
applicant of record. Attorney Colantuono explained that the
Permit Streamlining Act requires the City to approve or
disapprove of matters within six months of the application. If
the City fails to do so, the application is deemed approved. In
this case, the result would be that all action requested on the
application would be approved rather than the limited action
adopted by the Committee, which is probably not the result Mr.
Sharkey intended. Additionally, it was pointed out that Yun Lee
is a member of the applicants' family and was accepted as
speaking for the applicants.
Committee Member Weisz moved adoption of VRC Resolution No. 91- ,
approving View Restoration Permit No. 5 to trim vegetation at
30320 Avenida de Calma. The motion was seconded by Committee
Member Burrage and passed on a 6-0 roll call vote.
VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT NO. 17: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dyda
5715 Capeswood Drive
Committee Members Cartwright, Lorenzen, Murphy, Sweetnam, Weisz
and Clark were eligible to vote on this application. Member
Eastwood replaced absent Member Quatrochi.
Associate Planner Rojas presented the staff report. It was
determined that several trees on the two foliage owners'
properties impaired the applicant's view. Because staff was
denied access to both foliage owners' properties, staff was able
only to approximate the height of the trees and the total height
to which said vegetation should be trimmed.
Applicant Mrs. Lorraine Dyda read her testimony, requesting that
all existing and future vegetation be maintained at a level no
higher than the height of their deck, and that foliage in the
view corridor between the two foliage owners' properties be
trimmed to the height of her neighbor's fence.
January 17, 1991
Applicant Mr. Ken Dyda commented that since access to the foliage
owners' property was denied it was impossible to count the number
of trees involved; therefore, he requested that the decision
specify that all the trees blocking the view in the view corridor
be included. He circulated "before and after" photographs
showing the panoramic view from his property.
The foliage owners, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hammond and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Pyle, were represented by Mr. I. Michael Bak-Boychuk,
Attorney at Law. Mr. Bak-Boychuk stated that due to the limited
time available for testimony he wished to incorporate into the
record the unfinished comments he made on September 20, 1990 on
behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yen (View Restoration Permit No.
2) with regard to the Committee's final and binding jurisdiction.
He said the privacy rights of the foliage owners should be fully
addressed, as well as the costs involved in a perpetual
obligation to maintain foliage at a certain level. He said that
any proceeding that is confined to a five-minute presentation of
evidence is without any consideration of due process. Chairman
Clark granted Attorney Bak-Boychuk ten minutes since he is
representing two foliage owners.
Assistant City Attorney Colantuono reminded Mr. Bak-Boychuk that
the Committee has no authority to discuss the validity of the
ordinance and asked that the time be utilized to address issues
relating to Permit Application No. 17. Mr. Bak-Boychuk stated he
wished to have experts testify as to the monetary consequences of
perpetual burdening of land, and as to the consequences to other
plant life of the major trimming or removing of existing foliage.
He had not, however, taken advantage of the opportunity to submit
written testimony to the Committee because he felt it was
important to present testimony in person.
Attorney Colantuono advised Chairman Clark of his belief that the
applicant has had a fair opportunity, has a clear understanding
of the rules, and could state his case insofar as it is relevant;
however, he suggested the Committee might want to consider
holding the hearing open until a subsequent meeting to allow
submittal and consideration of written material.
Mr. Bak-Boychuk contended that expert testimony requires
interchange, questions and answers that cannot be handled in
writing and would take far longer than the five minutes allowed
for each foliage owner. He asserted the perpetual burden to be
placed on the foliage owners could amount to "billion dollar
dimensions. "
In his rebuttal, Ken Dyda objected to the inclusion of material
by reference which he has not been able to see, and requested it
be stricken or he be provided with the information. He pointed
out that trees which are removed can be replaced with smaller
trees which will not impair his view. He disagreed with any
privacy considerations.
410 411
January 17, 1991
Mr. Bak-Boychuk pointed out that replacing or trimming of trees
is to be done for the benefit of and at the discretion of the
property owner, not for the pleasure of the applicant. He
contended that "lopping off" of foliage affects the private
enjoyment of property protected by California law. When asked if
the foliage owners were in agreement with any of the staff
recommendations, Mr. Bak-Boychuk said his clients object to deed
restrictions and perpetual burdens.
Committee Member Weisz moved to close the public hearing. The
motion was seconded by Member Sweetnam and passed without
In reply to a query from Chairman Clark regarding due process,
Assistant City Attorney Colantuono advised that due process
requires the provision of a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
There may be some cases which are so complex or involve so many
parties or so much foliage that the Committee might wish to grant
extra time for testimony, but in this matter the foliage owners'
counsel chose to use his time to question the validity of the
process rather than to address the specifics of the case.
Chairman Clark noted he saw no reason to recommend continuing the
Committee discussion reflected agreement that there is a definite
impairment of the applicant's view, and basically supported the
staff recommendations. They reported frustration with staff's
inability to visit the foliage owners' properties or to ask their
opinions on the staff recommendations. It was pointed out that
every foliage owner in the City is obligated to maintain his
foliage to avoid view obstruction. It was felt that the foliage
would survive heavy trimming, and in the absence of an expression
of preference by the foliage owner as to trimming versus removal
of trees, the policy of the Committee is to recommend trimming.
Committee Member Burrage moved acceptance of the staff
recommendations with the following modifications:
a) Per staff recommendation.
b) Per staff recommendation.
c) Trim ash and eucalyptus tree to the level of the
applicant's rear yard deck.
d) Per staff recommendation.
e) Per staff recommendation.
(All foliage on Wildbriar to be trimmed to the deck level; all
foliage on Grayslake to be trimmed to the ridgeline. ) The motion
was seconded by Committee Member Weisz and passed unanimously on
a roll call vote.
January 17, 1991
Assistant City Attorney Colantuono cautioned against ordering
trimming of any trees which were not identified in the
application, on the basis that the property owners may not have
had sufficient notice of their inclusion. He suggested that in
the future staff might include a statement in the application or
staff report stating that the Committee will consider all foliage
on the property which is above 16 feet or the ridgeline and is
found to be impairing the view.
Director Benard stated that if the applicants wished to amend
their application to include additional foliage not covered by
the original application, they could request a waiver of fees
based on their inability to identify all foliage due to the
foliage owners' refusal to cooperate.
At 9: 13 p.m. the Chairman called for a recess. The meeting was
reconvened at 9:27 p.m.
VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT NO. 9: William and Annie McNeely, 5747
Wildbriar Drive; and Michele
Masdeo, 5739 Wildbriar Drive.
Committee Members Cartwright, Eastwood, Lorenzen, Murphy,
Sweetnam and Weisz were eligible to vote on this application.
Vice Chairman Sweetnam chaired this portion of the meeting.
Two letters from the foliage owner, James Quong, were distributed
to Committee Members. Senior Planner Petru presented the staff
report. The staff recommendation is to remove one pine tree and
trim two yuccas to 16 feet to restore the view. Ms. Petru
suggested the Committee might like to consider providing a
replacement tree for the pine.
Mr. Quong's contention that there was no early neighbor
consultation and no proof of cooperation was discussed. Attorney
Colantuono advised that although the McNeelys' letter to Mr.
Quong was sent after the date of the application, the City has
deemed the application complete and if the Committee finds there
was a reasonable effort to cooperate, the permit can be issued.
Committee Member Weisz moved the public hearing be opened, Member
Cartwright seconded and the motion passed without objection.
Applicant Mr. William McNeely of 5747 Wildbriar Drive testified
that he first spoke to the foliage owner about the view problems
in 1981 and has repeated his request for trimming nearly annually
since then. He said he completely agrees with the staff
Co-applicant Mr. Michele Masdeo of 5739 Wildbriar Drive also
agreed with the staff findings and recommendations. He
February 21, 1991
A. Minutes of January 17, 1991
Mr. James Quong requested several changes to Page 6 of the
minutes. The Committee explained that they are summary minutes,
not verbatim. Agreement was reached to amend the second
paragraph on Page 6 as follows:
Foliage owner Mr. James Quong challenged the cooperation
claims of the applicants, asserting that an offer to pay the
costs of removal of foliage does not constitute cooperation.
He said he had not spoken to the McNeelys with respect to
the foliage since 1982, until the application was filed. He
contended that the applicants seem to feel he owes them
their view, but they don't seem to think his trees have any
value to him. He said the pine tree offers him privacy, air
conditioning, fresh air, and in addition the pine needles
are an ionizer and some people believe they help the immune
system and retard aging. On questioning, Mr. Quong stated
that if something has to be done to the pine tree he would
prefer removal to trimming since he has been informed by
Travers Tree Service that the pine tree might not survive
Committee Member Weisz moved and Member Murphy seconded that the
minutes be approved as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
January 17, 1991
introduced additional photographs and mentioned several instances
of communication with Mr. Quong in unsuccessful attempts to
resolve the view impairment problem. He pointed out that the
McNeelys' registered letter of September 9, 1990 to Mr. Quong was
sent at the suggestion of Associate Planner John Leung, as a
follow-up since the Masdeo letter of July 24, 1990 had not been
sent by registered mail.
Foliage owner Mr. James Quong challenged the cooperation claims
of the applicants, asserting that an offer to pay the costs of
removal of foliage does not constitute cooperation. He said he
had not spoken to the McNeelys with respect to the foliage since
1982, until the application was filed. He contended that the
applicants seem to feel he owes them their view, but they don't
seem to think his trees have any value to him. He said the pine
tree offers him privacy, air conditioning, fresh air, and in
addition the pine needles are an ionizer and some people believe
they help the immune system and retard aging. On questioning,
Mr. Quong stated that if something has to be done to the pine
tree he would prefer removal to trimming since he has been
informed by Travers Tree Service that the pine tree might not
survive trimming.
Mr. John Sharkey of 30320 Avenida de Calma spoke as an interested
party. He expressed his opinion that Mr. Quong did not understand
the Committee's policy that it will not order removal of a tree
if the foliage owner does not want it removed and will not accept
responsibility if the tree is trimmed and subsequently dies.
In rebuttal, Mrs. Ann McNeely said she worked on the View
Restoration ordinance because of Mr. Quong's tree, which has been
obstructing her view since 1981. She said Mr. Quong offered to
remove his tree if she would pay for re-landscaping his front
yard and putting in a new driveway, but she wasn't willing to and
was turning to the Committee to take care of the problem.
Mr. Michele Masdeo stated his belief that the foliage owner
understands the Committee's policies and rules very well. He
said he tried to resolve the problem through cooperative efforts
but was not successful. He also pointed out that the pine tree
is leaning toward a neighboring property at about a 15 degree
angle and may constitute a safety hazard. He said he would agree
to trimming of the pine if removal is not required by the
Mr. Quong asserted he had not spoken to Mrs. McNeely in the last
five or six years except for two phone calls which he initiated.
He told her in the second phone call that he withdrew his request
for a driveway. He restated that he would prefer to keep the
pine tree, but if something has to be done he would prefer to
have it removed. He said that if there had been a genuine spirit
of give and take anything could have been worked out.
Committee Member Weisz moved the public hearing be closed, Member
Boudreau seconded and the motion passed without objection.
(Revised 2/21/91) 6
January 17, 1991
In discussion, Committee Members felt that there had been
adequate notice to Mr. Quong and sufficient evidence of early
consultation and attempts at cooperation. The question of a
replacement tree was discussed and it was pointed out that the
current tree replacement policy directs that the first five trees
replaced are the responsibility of the foliage owner.
Committee Member Gail Lorenzen moved that the staff
recommendation be accepted. The motion was seconded by Member
Weisz and passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
There was no new business on the agenda.
Ms. Lois Larue of 3136 Barkentine Road complimented the Committee
on its work and recounted a "success story" of a neighbor's
cooperation in trimming his foliage to restore her view. She
asked the Committee's help in persuading the City to remove a
fence it has recently erected which impacts her view of Abalone
Cove. Chairman Clark explained that view impairment associated
with structures is not within the authority of the Committee, and
advised her to request from staff an approach to dealing with
this problem.
Mr. John Sharkey stated that Paragraph 9 of the VRC Resolution
dealing with Permit Application No. 5 is a clerical error and
should be removed. He also wished to correct a statement by a
Committee Member that it is the obligation of every citizen to
maintain their trees to avoid view impairment. Mr. Sharkey
asserted that people with large trees are not doing anything
illegal and no action can be taken unless an application is
filed. Next, he questioned the "interim policy" of the Committee
not to order the removal of trees. Chairman Clark explained that
the tree removal and replacement policy is in the process of
being codified by the City Council; that meeting will be publicly
noticed and Mr. Sharkey may attend and make his views known to
the Council at that time.
Mr. Sharkey asked why the agenda for the View Restoration
Committee is not published on Channel 3 . Director Benard said he
will check into this. Members discussed the need for more
publicity on the view restoration process and Chairman Clark
stated that an interview involving members of the Committee,
staff and City Council will be taped next month. An early
Committee meeting was taped but not shown, and there has been
some discussion of taping another meeting. Director Benard
pointed out that press releases and publicity are at the
discretion of the City Manager, and suggested that the Chairman
make the Mayor aware of the need so he can provide direction to
January 17, 1991
the City Manager. Chairman Clark said this topic would also be
discussed at the executive workshop of Committee leadership.
Subsequent to that meeting, a joint meeting with the City Council
has been suggested. Another opportunity to make residents and
officials aware of the Committee's work will be the community
leaders breakfast meeting on March 2 at Hesse Park.
Mr. Sharkey indicated his concern about waiving of fees for View
Restoration Application revisions in view of the financial
condition of the City. He felt the $400 fee was insufficient to
cover the costs of the process.
Finally, Mr. Sharkey asked if the City had been sued in relation
to the View Restoration process. Assistant City Attorney
Colantuono replied he is not aware that the City has been served
with a suit challenging a decision of the Committee, but there
may be suits on file that have not yet been served.
Mr. James Quong inquired if tree removal includes removal of the
stump and wood. Ms. Petru explained that when a tree is located
on a level area, staff generally recommends that the stump be
ground down to 18" below the level of the grade. When it is on a
slope and it is difficult to get equipment in, it is generally
cut flush with the ground. Typically the bids include cleanup of
all debris, but if there was a request from the foliage owner to
retain the wood, that could be factored into the bid.
At Mr. Quong's request, Chairman Clark again explained the
Committee's interim policy regarding removal of trees. Mr. Quong
then questioned his inability to comment on the Committee's
discussion after the close of the public hearing, and Chairman
Clark advised him of the rules covering testimony from the
parties to a permit application.
Senior Planner Petru reported the status of View Restoration
Permit applications, per her memorandum of January 17, 1991. She
noted that Application No. 18 should read "VRC 2/21/91. " She
read her tally of tree removal and trimming requested and
permitted, and advised that she will be providing this tally at
the first meeting of each month. She also reported that staff is
working on amending the permit application forms to make them
more understandable to the public and easier for staff to
process. She added that information regarding documentation of
existing foliage will be included in an upcoming newsletter.
Director Benard reported that as a result of his memorandum
of January 15, 1991 to the Mayor and City Council regarding
Development Code Amendment Procedures, and an oral presentation
by the City Attorney at that Council meeting, the Council has
initiated a procedure which allows them to appoint the View
January 17, 1991
Restoration Committee as a planning commission for the purpose of
holding public hearings related to amendments to the View
Restoration Provisions of the Development Code. The Council
directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to accomplish
this (which may need to go to the Planning Commission for
approval) .
Director Benard distributed a memorandum dated January 22,
1991 to the Planning Commissioners recommending approval of the
Committee's suggested amendment to the Development Code relating
to tree removal and replacement. Council felt it would be more
expedient to have the Planning Commission address this policy at
their January 22 meeting than to wait until initiation of the new
procedure of having the VRC hold the public hearings. VRC Members
were urged to attend the January 22 Planning Commission meeting
to support the staff recommendations.
Chairman Clark announced the impending departure from the
Committee of Member Burrage, who will be moving out of the City,
and asked what the replacement procedure is. Director Benard
said that a letter should be sent to the Mayor with a copy to the
City Clerk. The Clerk will place an announcement of the vacancy
in the newspapers and give a period of time for applications to
be received. Interviews will then be scheduled with the Council.
If there is an outstanding list of people interested, a
replacement may be selected from that list.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. to February 7, 1991 at
7:00 p.m.
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