VRC MINS 19901004 410 111 0,,,„,,,,
OCTOBER 4, 1990
The meeting
was called to order at 7 : 10 p .m. by Chairman Clark
at Hesse Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard .
PRESENT Committeemembers Boudreau, Burrage, Cartwright ,
Lorenzen, Quatrochi , Sweetnam, Weisz, Chairman Clark
ABSENT Committeemembers Eastwood , Murphy
present were Director of Environmental Services Robert
Benard , Senior Planner Carolynn Petru, Assistant Planner Bonnie
Olson, Assistant Planner Mike Patterson, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Colantuono and Recording Secretary Lucile Rogers .
Senior Planner Petru distributed to all Committeemembers a
current roster of all City commissions, committees and City
Council members.
Committeemember Sweetnam moved the minutes of the View
Restoration Committee meetings of September 6 and September
20, 1990 be accepted as submitted. The motion was seconded
Committeemember Quatrochi and carried unanimously.
Chairman Clark briefly outlined for the audience the View
Restoration Committee procedures .
Planner Petru reported that the foliage owner involved
Senior p
in Permit Application No. 7 has notified the City that he will
be out of town through the month of October. He has requested
an extension and staff recommends the application be continued
the November 1 , 1990 View Restoration Committee meeting .
Committeemember Cartwright moved that staff's recommendation
be accepted and Permit Application No. 7 be moved to the November
1, 1990 agenda. The motion was seconded by Committeemember
Quatrochi and passed unanimously.
28517 Seamount Drive
Alternate Committeemembers Boudreau and Burrage replaced
Committeemember Murphy, who was absent , and Committeemember
Quatrochi , who abstained because he had been unable to visit
the site.
Assistant Planner Mike Patterson presented the staff findings
and recommendations on Permit Application No. 8 , as summarized
in the staff report dated August 28 , 1990 and amended by
memorandum dated October 4 , 1990. He reported that since both
the property owner and the foliage owner agreed that the two
northernmost cypress trees did not present a significant view
impairment, the original recommendation to remove them was
changed to recommend trimming to ridge height. Additionally ,
because the two eucalyptus trees are planted upslope from the
house, the revised recommendation is to trim them to 16 feet .
Requested Action: Trim or remove trees in the side yard
to restore applicant ' s view.
Recommendation: Trim eucalyptus trees to 16 feet , trim •
oleanders to ridge height , remove 5 southernmost cyprus
trees and trim 2 northernmost cyprus trees to ridge height.
The applicant , Mr. Ramal' Neimat, stated he agreed with the staff
recommendations for the two eucalyptus and the five cyprus trees ,
but he hoped the two remaining cyprus trees and the oleander
would be trimmed to 16 feet rather than the ridgeline.
Mr. R. Steven Shean, the foliage owner at 28533 Seamount Drive,
stated he accepts the staff recommendations.
There were no other interested parties who wished to testify ,
and no rebuttal comments from the property owner or the foliage
Committeemember Weisz moved the public hearing be closed. The
motion was seconded by Committeemember Sweetnam and passed
Regarding the applicant ' s request to trim foliage to 16 feet
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rather than the ridgeline, Senior Planner Petru explained that
staff only recommends trimming to 16 feet or to the ridgeline
to the extent that it restores the view. The recommendation
was to trim the trees as much as is necessary to restore the
view, and no more.
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The applicant , Mr . Neimat , indicated he wished to clarify a
point. Committeemember Sweetnam moved to reopen the public
hearing to allow the applicant to address the Committee. The
motion was seconded by Committeemember Weisz and carried
Mr. Neimat said the two cyprus and one oleander in question
are not between the two properties , so trimming them doesn' t
affect the foliage owner ' s privacy in any way. He recommended
they be trimmed to 16 feet or the ridgeline , whichever is lower.
Mr . Shean indicated that the trees are between his property
and another property to the north, and he wished to protect
his privacy on that side.
The public hearing was again closed on a motion from
Committeemember Sweetnam, second by Committeemember Weisz, and
unanimous consent.
Discussion by the Committee disclosed that several members felt
the three trees in question should be trimmed to the ridge height
of the house next door to the foliage owner . It was moved by
Committeemember Weisz and seconded by Committeemember Lorenzen
that the staff recommendations be adopted with the modification
of trimming the two northernmost cypress and the oleander to
the ridgeline of the house next door.
Assistant City Attorney Colantuono advised that the Committee ' s
jurisdiction is limited to directing removal of foliage as needed
to the lower of 16 feet from the point at grade where the tree
is rooted and the ridgeline of the subject property. If another
reference point is used it must be no lower than the subject
ridgeline. Mr. Shean stated the house next door is 7 feet below
the level of his house.
The motion was withdrawn by Committeemembers Weisz and Lorenzen.
It was moved by Committeemember Burrage that the staff
recommendations contained in memorandum dated October 4, 1990
be accepted. The motion was seconded by Committeemember Weisz
and passed unanimously.
Regarding V.R.C. Resolution No. 90- , approving View Restoration
Permit No. 2 , Senior Planner Petru reported that staff had been
unable until that morning to gain access to the foliage owner 's
property to determine the height of the trees identified as
"miscellaneous trees in the northeast corner of the rear yard . "
Measurements have now been made and a revised resolution will
be sent to the City Attorney . Staff recommends that this item
be continued to the October 18 , 1990 meeting .
It vas moved by Coamitteemember Cartwright that V.R.C. Resolution
No. 90- , approving View Restoration Permit No. 2 to trim or
remove trees at 3931 Palos Verdes Drive South, be continued
to the October 18, 1990 meeting. The motion vas seconded by
Committeemember Quatrochi and carried unanimously.
VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT NO. 3: Chris and Edith Brines
4113 Lorraine Road
Senior Planner Petru reported that the two outstanding issues
on this application which were continued from the September
6 , 1990 meeting have now been resolved. The jacaranda tree
in question has been determined to be on the property of Mr .
Joe Gregorio at 4100 Lorraine Road; therefore, it is not subject
to this permit application. The olive tree was found to be
not a City street tree; it is located on the foliage owner ' s
property at 4116 Lorraine Road. Staff recommends excluding
the jacaranda tree from this application and requiring removal
of the olive tree.
It was noted that Mr. Gregorio has stated he intends to remove
the jacaranda tree , but Committeemembers were concerned that
if this action is not taken, the applicant might have to file
a new application and pay another filing fee. Director of
Environmental Services Benard assured the members that the
applicant would be given an opportunity to file an amendment
rather than a new application if this need arises . Assistant
City Attorney Colantuono added that the Committee has the power
to reopen the public hearing if they choose, but if they do
so he would recommend they reconsider the entire application.
Another matter raised by Attorney Colantuono was a contention
in Mr. William Sulentor ' s letter of August 31 , 1990 that the
olive tree on his lot (which staff has recommended be removed)
"was in place before the Brines' lot was ever graded or the
house built. " Mr . Colantuono said the standard that controls
under the ordinance is when the lots were created , and he has
been informed by staff that both the Brines lot and the Sulentor
lot were created simultaneously. There is , therefore, no
predecessor foliage that would take it out of the Committee ' s
The health of the olive tree was reviewed . Staff felt the tree
was unhealthy and should be replaced with a smaller , lower
growing species . The foliage owner said he thought it might
have been poisoned but it seems to be doing better now. He
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said he would agree to appropriate trimming and lacing but not
to its removal. Staff felt there was a question as to the
viability of the tree after severe pruning (bringing it down
from 25 feet to 16 feet) . Committeemember Quatrochi suggested
that if the tree should die after being trimmed rather than
removed (to satisfy the foliage owner) , it should be the
responsibility of the foliage owner to remove and replace it .
There was general agreement among the members on this idea.
It was moved by Committeemember Quatrochi that the olive tree
be trimmed to the ridgeline and if it does not survive it is
the foliage owner's responsibility to remove and replace it.
The motion was seconded by Committeemember Weisz and passed
A discussion ensued about the jacaranda tree at 4100 Lorraine
Road. It was decided that no action needs to be taken at this
time. If at a later date the applicant wishes to add this tree
and the new foliage owner to his application, it will be handled
as an amendment to Permit Application No. 3 and only an
amendment fee will be required.
At 8: 25 p.m. , Chairman Clark called for a 15 minute break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p .m.
Senior Planner Petru announced two additions to the agenda:
Item VI.D, Tree Replacement Policy ; and Item IX.A. 3, Mileage
VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT NO. 5: Mr. and Mrs. Byong Dae Lee
30341 Camino Porvenir
Senior Planner Petru stated she had given all Committeemembers
a copy of correspondence received from the foliage owner .
Assistant Planner Bonnie Olson presented the staff findings
and recommendations on Permit Application No. 5 , as summarized
in the staff report dated August 17, 1990.
Requested Action: Remove approximately 10 trees along
the rear property line to restore the applicant 's view.
Recommendation: Remove 12 cypress along rear property
line and remove 4 pines located along the south side yard
yard at 30320 Avenida de Calma. Allow the Monterey pines
in the front and north side yard to remain.
Ms. Olson added that a letter has been received from the
applicants stating they are unsure of the exact number and
species of trees along the south side property line and they
would like their application to cover those trees as well as
those along the rear property line.
Alternate Committeemembers Boudreau and Burrage replaced
Committeemember Cartwright , who abstained from this hearing
due to residing within 300 feet of the property , and absent
Committeemember Murphy.
Chairman Clark asked who had visited the foliage owner 's
property. Staff had viewed it from above and from the front
only. Committeemembers Sweetnam and Lorenzen and Chairman Clark
had been on the property . Committeemember Weisz explained he
had tried to contact Mr. Sharkey but was unable to find his
telephone number. Assistant City Attorney Colantuono advised
that the ordinance requires Committeemembers to visit the
applicant ' s property but not the foliage owner ' s property , and
that any conversations with the foliage owner or particular
knowledge about the case gained from such visits need to be
entered into the record .
It was agreed that some of the "unusual and indigenous Monterey
pines" do constitute a view impairment and Mr . Benard stated
the staff report should have recommended some effort to reduce
the view impairment through trimming , reducing the crown or
thinning ; or, if there was a feeling that the tree was of unique
value and needed to be removed, there should have been a
recommendation for replacement. Attorney Colantuono added
that if foliage being considered is of particular importance
it may not be appropriate to forego environmental review under
the California Environmental 'Quality Act , in which case an
Initial Study and Environmental Assessment would be required
andossibl an Environmental Impact Report . Typically, the
P y
cost of the studies would be imposed upon the applicant. He
cautioned the Committee to be sensitive to those issues even
though the View Restoration ordinance speaks primarily to
balancing views with privacy. The California Environmental
Quality Act will not stop the Committee from removing trees
but it does require them to pause and consider additional
information before acting .
Director of Environmental Services Benard suggested that the
staff recommendation excluded the large trees in order to avoid
the need for a study and a possible Negative Declaration.
He requested that if the Committee feels there is a view
impairment and the trees need to be removed , a continuance be
granted to give staff time to investigate whether a CEQA
categorial exemption is appropriate. That information would
be brought back to the Committee and mitigation (i .e. ,
replacement trees) could be pursued . If there is a significant
adverse impact that could not be mitigated , an EIR and possibly
a statement of overriding considerations may be needed. This
is an issue that has never come before the Committee before .
Mr. Benard pointed out that CEQA transcends the legislation
that created the View Restoration Committee, and that any
Committee action is subject to CEQA.
Committeemember Quatrochi questioned whether the Monterey pines
would actually be subject to CEQA, since they are indigenous
to Monterey and not the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Assistant City
Attorney Colantuono advised that when in doubt , it is best to
complyCEQA, and encouraged the Committee to grant staff ' s
request for a two-week continuance to research the matter, to
prepare a negative declaration, and make sure the requirements
of the statute are being complied with. The Committee will
be required to approve any negative declaration that may come
before it .
Chairman Clark asked if the entire application should be deferred
and Attorney Colantuono replied it would be advisable to move
forward with the public hearing since both parties were present
and the testimony would be helpful to staff in their study.
was a discussion of what the term "unusual and indigenous"
actually means. Assistant City Attorney Colantuono explained
that an environmental lawyer might say that something is unique
if it is relatively rare in the region, which would mean Southern
California, not just the Peninsula. Indigenous describes a
class ofP lants which grow naturally in a region. He felt that
an Environmental Impact Report would probably not be required
but there is enough cause for legal concern that the Committee
would be well advised to either leave those trees out of its
consideration or ask that CEQA compliance be initiated.
Mr. Benard mentioned there are 28 categories which are exempted
from CEQA, and all foliage considered by the Committee thus
far has been considered categorically exempt under Class IV,
but because of the nature of the trees in this case it might
not apply .
Assistant CityAttorney Colantuono advised that the public
hearing should not be closed because after the negative
declaration (if needed) is available, all parties must be given
an opportunity to speak to that declaration on the record.
The hearing should be continued to a date and time certain.
It was moved by Committeemember Sweetnam that the public hearing
be opened. The motion was seconded by Committeemember Weisz
and carried unanimously.
Lee, daughter of applicant Mr. Byong Dae Lee of 30341
Ms. Yun g
Camino Porvenir , explained the background of the conflict between
the two families. She said when her family moved in there were
two or three pine trees between the properties which did not
affect their view of the ocean and Catalina Island. After a
few years the trees grew large enough to impair the view and
they asked the Sharkeys to have them trimmed at the Lees '
expense. Mr. Sharkey agreed , but when the Lees sent their
gardener to trim the trees Mr. Sharkey made him stop . After
this the Sharkeys planted cypress trees all along the rear
property line which grew until they blocked the entire view
from both levels of the house. One of the trees blew down in
a storm and with space from another tree that had blown down
earlier, they now have about a 20 foot window through which
they have a partial view of the ocean.
Ms. Lee felt that any infringement on the Sharkey ' s privacy
caused by implementation of the staff recommendations would
be minimal and reasonable. She also said their dog has never
caused any problems that they know of, and after the Sharkeys '
trees are removed they plan to erect a fence to keep the dog
in their yard. They feel their request is fair and reasonable
and staff 's recommendations should be implemented.
The foliage owner , Mr. John Sharkey, said first that his property
is at least 1000 feet from Committeemember Cartwright ' s home;
therefore, Mr . Cartwright should not be excluded from this
hearing. Mr . Colantuono advised that any Committeemember living
within 300 feet of property being considered must excuse himself ;
otherwise it is up to the judgment of the Committeemember whether
or not he can be fair and impartial. Committeemember Cartwright
said he had accepted staff ' s designation of his home being within
300 feet of the subject property , and thus had not visited the
applicant' s home and could not serve on the Committee for this
Mr. Sharkey read his two-page letter submitted to the Committee
on October 4, 1990. He requested a continuance of the hearing
for two weeks so that staff and Committeemembers can visit his
home and look out his windows to see the importance of the
privacy issue. He also said that none of his trees are 40 feet
or 60 feet tall as stated in the staff report ; they are all
under 30 feet.
Counsel was asked for a definition of "privacy. " Attorney
Colantuono read Section 17.02 .040, Subparagraph (9) of the View
Restoration ordinance which defines privacy as "reasonable
protection from intrusive visual observation. " In the V.R.C.
Guidelines and Procedures, Section II.B. 5. (a) states , "Indoor
privacy can be achieved in many unobtrusive ways such that
obstructive foliage should generally not be preserved to protect
indoor privacy. "
Mr. Sharkey pointed out that privacy is guaranteed by the United
Constitution. He feels he has already lost a good deal
it and the only reason he has not replaced the tree that
down is that it happened since passage of Proposition M
and he is forbidden to do so by the ordinance.
and Committeemembers indicated their willingness to visit
Mr. Shays
Sharkey' s property during the next two weeks. Mr . Sharkey
has now given his phone number to the Senior Planner and the
RecordingSecretary so that he can be contacted for appointments.
were no other interested parties who wished to testify .
In her rebuttal Ms. Lee pointed out that they have the same
Py problems roblems the Sharkeys have, but complete privacy is
impossible in tract homes and the more important consideration
to them is the view they have lost since the trees have grown
so large.
She disagreed with several of the points Mr. Sharkey
had raised.
Sharkeyreiterated that privacy is to be protected over
He repeated contentions spelled out in his two letters
and said he expects fairness from the Committee.
Chairman Clark recommended to the Committee that the case be
ed that Committeemembers and staff visit the foliage
owner ' s property, and that staff investigate the implications
of CEQA.
CityAttorney Colantuono asked that the record note.
Assistant .
that both parties concede that the trees were planted no earlier
than 1978. Assistant Planner Olson added that the lots were
created in 1969.
Committeemember Lorenzen requested that staff determine if the
cypress trees
can be considered a hedge. Staff was also asked
to measure the height of the trees .
Committeemember Quatrochi moved the public hearing and the
application be continued to October 18, 1990 to allow staff
foliage owner's property to determine the number
to visit the 8
and. height of the trees and to consult with counsel regarding
ns of CBA on Permit Application No. 5. The motion
the implications CEQA
was seconded by Commiteemelaber Weisz and passed unanimously.
City Assistant
Attorney Colantuono advised the Committee that
due to theprovisions rovisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act , the agenda
of these meetings s must be posted two days in advance; therefore
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no decisions should be reached on items added to the agenda
after that time. Items may be discussed and consensus may be
reached but Committee positions may not be formally adopted
until such time as it is properly noticed. After discussion
at this meeting, staff can draft a proposed resolution which
will be on the next agenda and can be adopted at that time.
Director of Environmental Services Benard summarized the staff
memorandum dated October 4, 1990 regarding Tree Replacement
Policy . The staff memorandum of September 24 and comments
received from Committeemember Weisz and Chairman Clark were
included with the memorandum, as well as Resolution No. 89-119,
the "Street Tree Policy. " He explained how staff arrived at
the recommendation of replacing no more than 10 trees and
reviewed Committeemember Weisz ' suggestion of requiring the
foliage owner to pay for the replacement of the first five trees,
the applicant to pay for the next five trees , and any additional
trees to be the responsibility of the foliage owners. He added
that the ultimate decision on the policy will be made by the
City Council based on input from the Committee and staff.
On questioning as to the need for a policy, Mr. Benard said
that of the 18 applications received to date approximately 225
trees are considered view impairments and are potentially to
be removed . Of the three applications dealt with to date, the
recommendations were to remove 15, with only 3 replacements
called for. No clear authority exists in the ordinance for
providing replacement trees , and Counsel suggests the City would
be on better legal ground having a reference to replacement
in the ordinance rather than in the Policies.
Chairman Clark said he was glad to see that staff is now
suggesting guidelines rather than absolute standards so that
reasonable and prudent judgment and discretion can still be
applied by the Committee to each case. Attorney Colantuono
pointed out that only the City Council can legislate, and
Committeemembers are to implement legislation. The policy needs
to be given consistency and discipline through the existence
of standards that can be applied equally to all applications.
Committeemember Lorenzen noted that part of the problem is that
in some cases too many trees have been planted in small areas
and should not all be replaced , but each case needs to be
considered on its own merits. She said that in many cases a
one gallon tree rather than a 15 gallon tree should be used
as a replacement tree. Committeemember Quatrochi suggested
that one tree for every 800 square feet would be more appropriate
than every 400 feet .
Committeemember Weisz agreed with the suggested maximum of 10
replacement trees . He explained that his idea of making the
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foliage owner responsible for the cost of replacing the first
five trees and the applicant responsible for the second five
trees could lead to negotiation between the parties by evening
out the costs of the View Restoration Permit process. Neither
party could make the other party solely financially responsible.
A discussion ensued of the possibility of not recommending
removing any trees, just trimming them. Committeemember
Sweetnam noted the ordinance calls for notice to be sent to
the property owner to "trim, cull , lace or otherwise cause the
foliage to be reduced to 16 feet or the ridgeline . . . " The
only place removal comes in is when the foliage owner does not
comply and the 90 days expires, at which point the City will
come in and cause "trimming , culling , lacing or removal of the
foliage. " Attorney Colantuono said that if the Committee wanted
to adopt that policy it could, but in the Findings section,
Finding 5 says "removal or trimming of the foliage will not
cause unreasonable infringement . . . " so the word "removal" does
show up in the Findings. Chairman Clark added that he was one
of the framers of Proposition M, and removal of foliage was
definitely contemplated.
Committeemember Lorenzen asked how applicants would be notified
of the replacement policy and Mr. Benard replied that this would
be added to the information sheet that goes to all prospective
applicants. In addition, it would be codified in the ordinance.
Committeemember Cartwright and Chairman Clark requested that
staff prepare a report on the pros and cons of the options that
have been presented and staff ' s recommendations. Mr. Benard
replied that this would be done and he represented that he
supports the concept of guidelines and flexibility, and also
Committeemember Weisz' concept of cost sharing between applicants
and foliage owners.
Mr. John Sharkey commented that there is a real question of
justice in replacing a $5,000 tree with an $85 tree. He said
he voted for Proposition M but he never imagined it would involve
taking out a single tree. He also said that when trees are
removed the roots should also be removed. Additionally, the
Constitution comes before the V.R.C. and the right to privacy
is there.
There was no new business.
There were no questions from the audience regarding non-agenda
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Senior Planner Petru reported there are 18 applications for
View Restoration Permits. On the agenda for the October 18
meeting will be the continuation of View Restoration Permit
Application No. 5, adoption of V.R.C. Resolution No. 90-2 , and
the Tree Replacement Policy. Several more applications are
scheduled for the November 1 meeting.
It was decided that discussion of visitation of the foliage
owners ' property by Committeemembers would be held over to the
October 18 meeting .
On the question of mileage reimbursement, Mr. Benard reported
that the City Manager would address this issue after the City
Council reimbursement policy is decided. He said he would not
expect any action on this matter before November.
There were no Committee reports.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. to October 18, 1990
at 7 :00 p .m.
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