PC MINS 19880714l+ CIS AUG 291988 MINUTES l� ENVIRONMENTAL S"V'CEc PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP JULY 14, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Chairman Connolly at 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard. PRESENT: Connolly, McNulty, Von Hagen (Commissioner Wike arrived at 7:45 p.m.) ABSENT: Ortolan. Commissioner Ortolano has previously excused herself from the Workshop because of her affiliation with Pacific Bell and Pacific Bell's ownership of acreage in the subject Coastal Region. Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard, and Associate Planner Greg Fuz. COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR None. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. NEW BUSINESS None. Specific Plan V Workshop; City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Coastal Subregions 7-8 and the Palos Verdes Drive East Switchbacks Associate Planner Greg Fuz explained that this is the third of a series of workshops on the development project being proposed by the Palos Verdes Land Holding Company (PVLH) for coastal subregions 7-8. Mr. Fuz emphasized that the purpose of these workshops is basically to identify issues of concern to the Community, as well as the Planning Commission, so they can serve as a guide when the draft for the specific plan for the area is prepared. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 2 Mr. Fuz restated that this project is in the information gathering stage and that once that is done a draft environmental impact report will be prepared evaluating a preferred plan as well as several alternatives. Mr. Fuz also discussed a tentative review schedule for the project, along with the format of the workshop, and briefly reviewed issues related to this project that were addressed at the two previous workshops. Mr. Fuz identified the three specific topics for discussion at this workshop to be: circulation, grading concepts, and residential development standards. Circulation The circulation concept was the first issue discussed. Mr. Fuz made reference to the various renderings available which represented the three different alternatives presently being offered by PVLHC; and the recommendations of the Traffic Committee have been submitted. At this point, Mr. Peter Herman, representative Palos Verdes Land Holdings Company (PVLHC) was introduced. Mr. Herman, with the assistance of Mr. Larry Wilson, a transportation planner from Robert Bain, William Foot Associates (RBF), identified the three alternatives currently being considered to access the hotel and the condominium project. The width of Palos Verdes Drive South was discussed. The PVLHC team proposed changing the width of Palos Verdes Drive South to a four -lane road from the City boundary to Palos Verdes Drive East, thereafter reducing the width to a two-lane road. A new intersection being proposed would create a 4 -way intersection at Palos Verdes Drive South at Seacliff Drive. In reference to public parking, Mr. Fuz stated that this plan responds to a mandate in the Coastal Specific Plan (CSP) which requires new developers to provide at least 10% of their required parking for public access to the coastal areas. The last circulation issue detailed by Mr. Fuz was how the proposed road system relates to the proposed residential area. The single loaded vs. double loaded concept was briefly explained by Mr. Fuz. Mr. Fuz then outlined the recommendations of the Traffic Committee as follows: The concept of the 4 -lane width for Palos Verdes Drive South from the City boundary phasing out at P.V. Drive South. The 2 -lane width for Palos Verdes Drive South throughout the rest of the traffic area was supported. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 3 Signalization was supported, if warranted by the trafic study at the La Rotonda intersection. The site plan and the concept for residential street layout was reviewed and approved. The conceptual bike path layout along P.V. Drive South; and the proposal for a landscaped median were supported. Additional signalized intersections, and the extension of a 4 -way road beyond P.V. Drive East were opposed. Grading Concepts Alternative grading concepts were the second issue discussed. Mr. Fuz briefly explained the two alternatives under consideration. 1. The first concept creates a large pad area for the house and yard with a 2:1 slope from the rear yard to the single loaded street below. 2. The second grading concept creates a 4-5:1 slope from the rear yard to an 8 foot retaining wall adjacent to the single loaded street below. At this point the representative of PVLHC conducted a brief presentation on this issue. Following the presentation, Mr. Fuz explained that the main issues in reference to grading are inherent trade-offs or conflicts between preserving and/or creating views versus maintaining the natural topography of the site. Residential Development Standards The last issue presented was the residential development standards. An illustrated site plan was presented by PVLHC and its representatives. A recess was taken from 8:40 p.m. to allow the Commission and the audience to closely examine the renderings presented by PVLHC. The Commission reconvened and Director of Environmental Services Benard emphasized that all of the plan details are continually evolving and are available only as illustrated representations of what can result from the conceptual configurations. Commissioner Connolly invited interested parties to speak to the item, and noted that verbatim minutes were not being taken during the workshop. The following statements/questions were presented by members of the audience. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 4 Robert Agli 3200 La Rotonda Drive #115 C Represened the Ocean Terace Homeowners' Association and read to the Commission a prepared statement, as attached. In summary, the statement read that although 94% of the homeowners surveyed were in favor of PVLHC's conceptual proposal, they still had concerns/questions in referehnce to access roads, public overlooks, the service pavillion location, trails location, public parking, nature center, and golf course, as well as bluff top trails. Commissioner Von Hagen asked Mr. Agli where he had learned that the public parking area would be gated. Mr. Agh responded that this had been discussed at a previous meeting by Staff, and asked if this was not the case. Mr. Fuz stated that at a previous meeting, Mary Thomas, the Recreation and Parks Director, made a comment that it is the Recreation of Parks Department's policy to gate parking areas at night. Director of Environmental Services Benard stated that this issue would be discussed at a later date. Susan Seamans 1 Peacock Lane The President of the League of Women Voters, P.V. Penninsula, read a prepared statement on behalf of this group. The statement supported the recommendations of the Trails Committee; the advocacy for the preservation and safeguarding of the coastline; and their reservations about turning over land presently designated as park land to private ownership. Commissioner McNulty asked Ms. Seamans if the statements were her own, or the consensus of the majority of the group she represented. Ms. Seamans responded that the statements were gathered after an ad-hoc committee meeting representative of the League of Women Voters; and further stated that any advocacy position undertaken by the roup is taken only after a careful and extensive study of the issue is done. Ll Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 5 Director of Environmental Services Benard clarified two items. First, the statement that "land that is presently publicly owned is being turned over to private ownership" is incorrect. He strongly emphasized that this land is privately owned by the County of Los Angeles, and it is designated to be developed as a park, however, the County has clearly stated that it has no intention of turning this area into a park. In reference to the Switchbacks, he stated that this land has been included in the study area so that it can be determined that there will be no development on it. Ms. Seamans responded that her statements on land use and the presevation of the coastline sand. Keith Knight 2810 San Ramon Drive Questioned what potential difference in road maintenance costs Rancho Palos Verdes might face with more single load streets. Mr. Fuz responded that there may not be any additional cost to the City, since, while these streets are open to the public, they could be privately maintained. Herbert Hyatt 32424 Agua Vista Drive Stated that he would like t9 see landscaping on both sides of Palos Verdes Drive South. (Some type of tree, such as the Icelander Christmass Tree.) His statement further read that the developer for Seacliff Hills went bankrupt and the landscaping was never completed. Barbara Dye 7035 Hartcrest Drive A member of the Trails Committee, emphasized the importance of adding the bluff trails, which she said should be refered to as the Loop Trail, into the design standards of the proposal. She also stated that consideration should be given to all the new cul de sacs that will be developed, for those residences to have access to the trail system. Director of Environmental Services Benard stated that all of these issues are being considered, and that once the workshop portion of the planning process has been completed, the plan will be submited to the Trails Committee for additional comment. Doris Lasky 31012 Hawkmoor Asked if stop signs are also considered unnecessary on P.V. Drive South. Mr. Fuz stated that the Traffic study for the E.I.R. has not been completed as of yet, and that this analysis will determine whether the criteria for establishing additional signalization can be satisfied. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 6 Richard Bara #1 Peppertree Drive Asked if the single load/double load concepts changed density. Mr. Bara also requested, that due to this proposal continually evolving, the graphics/displays be dated and numbered. He further stated that he supports =the Loop Trail concept._ - He _ does not- want to sacrifice the current quality of life in the Penninsula for poential tax revenues. He also asked whether part of the new proposal could be devoted to horses. Mary Knight 2810 San Ramon Stated her concern of the grading issue, in view of the current land movement that is being reported throughout the area. Director of Environmental Services Benard asked Ms. Knight what movement she was referring to, movement affecting what area and if she had some documentation to support her statement. Ms. Knight responded that although there is nothing documented, this has been discussed by the city geologist, and further, everyone can see land movement in the area. Director of Environmental Services Benard strongly emphasized that the City has dust spent an extensive amount of money and time reviewing a geological study of the area, and the outcome of the study confirmed the gross stability of the Seacliff Hills areas immediately adjacent to Mrs. Knight's residential area. Joyce Dent 32352 Seaview Stated that if the parking space area off P.V. Drive South is constructed closer to the bluff, handicapped persons would reach the bluff more easily. Also, it would be more adequately concealed. Chris Traughsen, M.D. 1402 Noth Cabrillo Avenue San Pedro Stated that he is opposed to any signals, any increase in street lighting, and to extending P.V. Drive East westward. As the owner of #24 Seacliff Hills, this would put P.V. Drive East across from his future residence. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 7 Mr. Fuz commented that this is a prime example as to why this proposal is still in the concept stage and not in the detail stage, and recomended that Mr. Traughsen contact Mr. Wilson ad Mr. Herman to resolve this issue, since there are alternative that they would be glad to discuss with him. Priscilla Cooke 3740 Falconhead Drive Representing the Mediteranea Homeowners' Association stated that the main concern of the association is the increase of traffic on P.V. Drive East. Further, that they do not want public access to the Switchbacks. They would like traffic diverted mainly to Western Avenue or Hawthorne Boulevard. Finally, they strongly support a bluff trail system. Nadine Pollard 31297 Ganado Drive Does not think the City needs another hotel. Felt that the amount of traffic is already out of control, and for the record stated that there is cracking in the houses. J.J.D. McClaren 3923 P.V. Drive South Vehemently expressed his disapproval of the proposed hotel because of the AIDS crisis. Comissioners McNulty and Connolly advised Mr. McClaren that some of his comments were not relevant to the proposal and inappropriate for this forum. Commissioner Connolly opened the item for Planning Commission discussion. Commissioner Von Hagan stated that the trade-off of whether to consider greater grading for greater view protection will be one of the main issues. He stated that in his opinion, it is a good trade off, and believes it is appropriate to consider the extra grading to substantially minimize the view impact, and that, of course, no grading will be performed without extensive geological examinations of the area. Commissioner Von Hagen was also of the opinion that it may, and should be appropriate, to give the developer some credit for the open space created by the golf course when it comes to the design of the residential areas. It simply says that part or some total of that acreage for the golf course is going to given them credit for the open space. Comissioner Von Hagen stated that whatever the decision in reference to the trail issue, it would be a difficult decision, and realized that not everyone would be in accordance with the final outcome. Minutes July 14, 1988 Page 8 He also saw difficulty in the implementation of the security for the public area outlook being proposed, for both the residents of the La Rotonda complex, as well as for the residents of the new hoes. As far as the grading concept proposed, Commissioner Connolly concurred with the latest concept since it tries to presume the appearance of the original contour ofthe land. In reference to the traffic situation, Commissioner Von Hagen said that if the residents of the Ocean Terrace Condominiums do not disagree with the current proposal, then he does not see any difficulty in supporting this. In conclusion, Commissioner Von Hagen stated that he would like to have more public input on these plans. Commissioner Wike stated that she agreed with most of Commissioner Von Hagen's statements, but felt more work needs to be done on the trails issue. She also stated that she likes the developer's new approach to the stepped pads. Commissioner McNuly stated that he believes that the "sharing" access between the La Rotonda project and the proposed project can be worked out. In reference to the Trails issue, he stated that he recognized that this is a very sensitive issue, but reminded the public that the entire plan is in a concept stage and that nothing has been formalized. Commissioner Connolly thanked the public for attending the meeting and commented on the large audience turn -out. He also stated that the favorable endorsement of the residents of the La Rotonda project should be noted. Commissioner Connolly commended the developer for trying to work within the original City development guidelines for the area. Finally, Comissioner Connolly stated that he would like to see a view analysis from P.V. Drive South included in the draft environmental impact report. COMMISSION REPORT The seting of a date to visit the Ritz Carlton Hotel as a group was discussed and it was determined that this date would be decided upon at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned at 10:15 p.m.