PC MINS 19880531. � v
MAY 31, 1988 /'
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Connolly
at Hesse Park Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
PRESENT: Connolly, McNulty, Ortolano, Von Hagen, Wike
Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard,
Associate Planner Greg Fuz, Assistant Planner Laurie Brigham,
Assistant Planner Nancy Hutar.
Chairman Connolly indicated that
no communications had been received.
CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Wike recommended
the following modifications to
the minutes of April 12, 1988:
Page Five, New Business should read: For the record, Commissioner
Wike noted that the parties involved are family acquaintances.
Page Ten, Paragraph Four should read: Commissioner Von Hagen
mentioned that a tennis court could be shared by two properties.
He .indicated that he could not support a tennis court in the
front yard.
Motion on Page 12 was not recorded. Director of Environmental
Services Benard noted that this item will be researched and amended
minutes will be brought to the Commission.
Lotion was made by Commissioner Wike, seconded by Commissioner
McNulty and unanimously passed to approve the minutes of April
12, 1988 as amended.
Specific Plan V Workshop Associate Planner Greg Fuz responded
Coastal Subregions 7-8 and to Commissioner Ortolano's inquiry
the Palos Verdes Drive East regarding land owned by Pacific
Switchbacks Bell.
For the record, Commissioner Ortolano noted that she is employed
by Pacific Bell.
Director of Environmental Services Benard explained the format
and purpose of the workshop.
May 31, 1988
`Page Two
Commissioner Ortolano requested information, for purposes"of compari-
son, from the staff on previous specific -plans involving the Harbor
Heights Shopping Center and Long Point property with regard to
guidelines and control.
Director of Environmental Services Benard addressed Commissioner
Ortolano's question by presenting background on the two projects
in relation to the purpose of the plan and development standards
being proposed.
Mr. Fuz presented the members of Palos Verdes Land Holdings Company
discussed the background of the workshops and public hearings,
and reviewed the Tentative Review Schedule. He detailed how
the Planning Commission and the public would fit into the planning
process for the multi -use development concept proposed by the
Palos Verdes Land Holding Company (PVLH). Mr. Fuz emphasized
that the PVLH plans are preliminary only.
Commissioner Ortolano inquired if the Commission will receive input
from all property owners in the proposed specific plan areas. Staff
responded affirmatively.
Commissioner McNulty asked about the Trails Committee's role
in the development of the subdivision.
Mr. Fuz summarized the Trails Committee review process to date,
referred to the documents that would be discussed and detailed the
guidelines for a specific plan for Coastal Subregions 7-8 and the
Palos Verdes Drive East Switchbacks.
Assistant Planner Hutar and Assistant Planner Brigham presented
graphics and descriptions of design guidelines and aspects of
views and visual elements for the subregions.
Mr. Barry Hon, PVLH principal, presented an overview of the proposal.
Mr. Han stressed that view preservation is an .important aspect
in the project.
Chairman Connolly requested the opportunity to closely examine
the artist renderings.
Peter Herman of the development team explained the significance
of each rendering which depicted:
1. Existing Ownership of the PVLH Team
2. Conceptual Land Use Plan
3. Open Space Trail Plan
4. Public Trails Concept
5. Public Parking Facilities
6. Public Golf Course Concept
7. Public Recreation Facilities
A recess was taken from 8:45 p.m. until 8:55 p.m. to allow the audience
and the Commission the opportunity to closely examine the renderings
presented by PVLH.
'May 31, 1988
Page Three
Chairman Connolly reconvened the workshop and announced that he had
received several inquiries regarding aerial photographs. He
stated that Mr. Jim O'Malley, of the development team could be
contacted for copies of aerial photographs at (714)472-3505. The cost
of a nine by nine inch photograph is approximately $30.00.
Director of Environmental Services Benard responded to commissioner
McNulty's question about the VMS Corporation. Mr. Benard clarified
the fact that VMS Corporation is not an owner of property in the area.
Mr. Fuz pointed out the dividing line between Subregions 7 and 8 and
the ownership of this area in response to Commissioner 0rtolano's
Director of Environmental Services Benard clarified the specific
plan process being performed. The basic design work and analysis is
being done by PVLH, with authorization and consent given by the City
Chairman Connolly invited the following members of the public to air
their comments/questions:
Tim Burrel Supported the beach trail and questioned
4038 Exultant Drive who would maintain it and questioned
R.P.V. whether Italian Renaissance architecture
would be mandated on property Mr. Hon
did not own.
Brad Veek Questioned what environmental studies
30523 Santa luna Drive would be done, by whom, and at whose
R.P.V. expense; who authorizes rezoning and
what is the time sequence; inquired about
agrarian reserves; requested reduced
scale drawings of the various elements
displayed be made available (at cost)
to the public at large.
In addition, Mr. Veek requested reduced copies of the various proposals
for the homeowners association he represents.
Mr. Hon and Mr. Herman indicated that the land use plan was only
Commissioner Wike inquired whether equestrian trails have been
recommended. Staff indicated pedestrian, bicycle and multipurpose
trails were recommeded by the Trails Committee.
May 31, 1988
Page Four
Director of Environmental Services Benard responded to Commissioner
McNulty's question that the loop trail is not a specific type of
trail, and explained that the Trails Committee's recommendation will
be submitted along with staff's recommendation.
Commissioner Ortolano commented that the Four -Cities Committee has
been working on an equestrian loop trail concept. Commissioner
Ortolano stated she would not be comfortable to go to public
hearings with this issue until the recommendations of the Trails
Committee and any other appropriate committees were received.
Director of Environmental Services Benard suggested that staff and
the Trails Committee come before the Planning Commission at the same
time. He indicated that the plans used by the Trails Committee are
subject to change.
Chairman Connolly asked that the Trails Committee's recommendations
be made available to the Commission and the public prior to the next
Mr. Fux noted that the traffic and trails recommendations will be
brought to the next workshop.
John Plunkett Requested to be put on the mailing
Amerimar Realty list for meetings or distribution
450 Newport Dr. of information on Subregion 7 and
Newport Beach, CA 92660 8 and also Subregion 1.
Laura McSherry Questioned if the switchbacks were
2714 San Ramon Dr. formerly owned by Palos Verdes Proper-
R.P.V. ties and if the ownership changed
with the development of Seacliff
Director of Environmental Services Benard acknowledged that this land
was deeded to the city as open space with the development of Seaclzff
Hills, and there is no proposal for residential development.
Barbara Covey Questioned how to get a copy of the
2742 San Ramon Dr. aerial photo in the hall of Sub-
R.P.V. regions 7 and 8.
Mary Knight Questioned water use - sources, drain -
2810 San Ramon age, effect on unstable land.
Jennifer Lambelet As a property owner in RPV (28652
416 W. 40th Street Vista Madera) and a property owner
San Pedro, CA 90731 in Southern San Pedro, she stated
absolute opposition to this project
for the following reasons: Negative
May 31, 1988
Page Five
impact on environment; high traffic
flow on Western, 25th St. and Gaffey
St.; leads Sierra Club hikes in the
area every week and the rocky beach
is usually inaccessible due to water
levels and difficult to traverse
due to the rocks. A bluff top trail
should instead be provided; loss
of area open to the public to an
expensive, limited use golf course
and expensive resort. She questioned
how employees (500-1,000) can get
to and from the area. There is no
provision for libraries and other
services. The concept of a golf
course as open space is ludicrous.
The description of the trails, parks
and other public facilities change
with every meeting. If the property
owned by RPV in the switchbacks is
an unstable alluvial fan - then how
can the continuation of the fan below
P.V. Dr. South be considered stable?
What kind of land/geologic studies
have been completed.
Director of Environmental Services Benard noted that issues of gross
geology and site geology will be investigated in detail.
Mr. Hon addressed the reasons for the golf course being designated
in that particular area, and explained that no structures are proposed
for that landslide area.
Jean Longacre Indicated that the Trails Committee
6 Martingale Drive voted unanimously that their property
R.P.V. is a bluff top trail. Also, the
trail from Friendship Park should
connect to Shoreline Park and the
coastal access.
In answer to Commissioner Ortolano's inquiry, Ms. Longacre described
her understanding of the loop trail as it relates to an equestrian
Mr. Hon then commented on the liability issues that would come into
effect if hiking trails were proposed immediately adjacent to the
golf course on the bluff top, which accounts for the proposed beach
Mr. Hon was also questioned by Commissioner Ortolano about the with-
drawal of roadway traffic adjacent to the golf course and about city
planning processes for designating commercial/recreational uses within
certain portions of Subregions 7 and 8.
May 31, 1988
Page Six
Commissioner Ortolano expressed concern about the preservation of
open space and ownership of the land. Commissioner Ortolano hoped
that a land use pattern could be created that would be most beneficial
to the city.
Director of Environmental -Services Benard detailed the basic land
use precepts his department is working on and recalled the processes
and procedures for zoning changes which will be incorporated in the
planning review process.
Commissioner Wake voiced her concern about the large sizes of the
proposed homes in proportion to the small lots.
Mr. Hon stated that the Commission will ultimately have to make a
decision in this matter, and proposed conducting a study of individual
lots to determine what size residence can be accommodated on each
lot including the 25% required lot coverage standard. The results
of the study are to be disclosed at the next public workshop.
Commissioner Wike also asked about the housing element requirements
referred to in the Coastal Specific Plan and about how low-cost housing
could be provided for hotel employees.
Director of Environmental Services Benard related that the staff is
currently working with SCAG and HUD on low and moderate income housing.
A housing element update is scheduled to be completed by July 1989.
Robert & Sheryl Ballew
4338 Exultant Drive
Dennis Jaconi
133 Sea Urchin
John A. Feyk
2727 San Ramon Drive
Robert Agli
3200 La Rotunda Drive
Representing five homeowners in
addition to themselves, they were
in full support of the hotel, golf
course and residential use as
proposed by the P.V. Land Holdings
Company. A signed letter will follow.
Supported the development as proposed.
Questioned the geology of the area
and the .impact of water from an irri-
gated golf course. Whether there
will be an indemnification bond to
recompense San Ramon Drive home-
owners if the irrigation triggers
a resumption of the slide. He also
referred to a trail running from
end to end of -Subregions 7 and 8
and questioned what is to become
of this trail concept.
Will prepare a written position paper.
. lay 31, 1988
Page Seven
In response to Chairman Connolly's question about realignment of
Palos Verdes Drive South and about the proposed sanitary system.
Mr. Hon explained that the plan calls more for straightening and
flattening than realignment, and the sanitary system will be
addressed in the Environmental Impact Report.
Chairman Connolly also inquired about the structural integrity of
the hotel encroachments into the coastal structure setback.
Mr. Hon replied that the hotel will probably be redesigned.
Chairman Connolly then thanked the members of the public and of
the development team and concluded the New Business portion of the
agenda. He announced that all who submitted requests will be sent
notices of the next workshop.
Director of Environmental Services Benard announced that minutes
of the Public Workshop would be available to the public at a nominal
cost, once adopted.
Director of Environmental Services
Benard reviewed the Agenda Forecast.
Chairman Connolly asked about the availability of Commission members
for a workshop on Wednesday, June 22, 1988. The location of the
workshop will be Hesse Park, with Ladera Linda as an alternate choice.
COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Von Hagen reported on
the California Contract Cities Convention
he attended in Palm Springs.
Commissioner McNulty reported on the
Four Cities meeting in which code
enforcement was addressed.
Director of Environmental Services Benard reminded the Commission
of the SWAPC Luncheon on Friday, June 3rd.
Mr. Fuz made a clarification that this was an adjourned regular
meeting, not a special meeting.
At 10:45 p.m., the meeting was duly