PC MINS 19910212 PC MINS 19910212
Planning Commission Minutes
February 12, 1991
Chairman Von Hagen made the following addition to his
statements regarding the Kajima Project on Page 5, Paragraph
#2 lin bold face type):
* That the lots backing up directly to Crest Road would be a
problem with their backyard fences, even with the grade
differential, creating a privacy issue similar to that in
Island View, whereby residents with rear yards abutting the
major thoroughfare tended to put up solid fences inside the
90% light -and -air tract fences.
February 12, 1991
The public hearing was then continued indefinitely with no
(Note: Public Hearing Item "B", the Kajima project, had been
noticed to start at 7:30pm, so the following item was heard
out of order)
A. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT The staff report was waived.
NO. 20 Commissioner McNulty moved,
Crest Rd. at San Pedro seconded by Commissioner
Hill Kathermman and passed without
objection, to adopt the staff
recommendation to permit 5 ft. high wrought iron fences in
the public right-of-way on the west side of Crest Road,
subject to conditions of approval. Director Benard also
noted that no protest against the project had been received.
RECESS AND RECONVENE A 25 -minute break was called at
B. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. Associate Planner Terry
46651, ENVIRONMENTAL Silverman presented the staff
IMPACT REPORT report regarding the
Kajima, Crest/Highridge applicant's request to certify
the EIR for a 76 -unit
Residential Planned Development on 32 acres of a 59 -acre
parcel, with the remaining undeveloped portion designated for
three common open space areas and public trails. Staff's
recommendation is to open the public hearing and receive
comments on the Draft EIR.
Commissioner Katherman asked why the EIR consultant had been
retained by the applicant rather than the City, and Director
Benard replied that the staff had reviewed the document and
felt it was adequate for public review, but that the City
would select a consultant to take the EIR to the final stage.
Mary Nastronero, 3420 Ocean Park, Santa Monica, representing
the applicant, explained the project would preserve the area
landform, and also that the developer would control, but not
alter the course of, the natural drainage flow, by reducing
peak flow levels. In response to a query from Commissioner
Hotchkiss, Ms. Nastronero stated there had been 3-5
geological borings performed on the site, and that more would
be done to further investigate the area.
Eugenie Bond, 6023 Ocean Terrace, spoke in opposition to the
proposed project because of potential traffic problems, and
asked why a signal at the Crest/Highridge intersection had
not been investigated in the EIR. Chairman Von Hagen noted
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February 12, 1991
that the intersection had been studied extensively, and that
as yet had not been found to warrant a signal, but that
perhaps this project if approved would change that situation.
Barbara Marbell, 5863 Ocean Terrace, also objected to the
project because of potential traffic problems, especially
with regard to the proposed project entrance on Highridge,
which Ms. Marbell stated would be dangerous to neighborhood
Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine, also spoke against the project,
stating she felt the geology and hydrology in the EIR was
inadequately addressed.
Don Alexander, 49 Country Meadow Road, president of The Ranch
Homeowners Association, objected to the project, citing loss
of views and the safety of the Country Meadow/Crest
intersection, and stated he felt the density of the project
was too high.
Diane Alexander, 49 Country Meadow Road, expressed her
opposition to the project, stating that the EIR density
figures needed to be re-examined for accuracy, and that the
view analysis was incorrect due to poor quality photos that
did not accurately represent the potential view impairment.
Ms. Alexander also pointed out that there were many more
two-story houses in the proposed project than in The Ranch.
Leon Ackoplantz, 5880 Crest Road, also objected to the
project because of increased traffic onto Hi.ghridge.
Tom Alley, 6304 Sattes Drive, also opposed the project
because of high density of homes.
Dr. Robert Faries, 58 Misty Acres Road, echoed the density
concerns of Mr. Alley, stating that the height of the homes
would adversely impact his view, and that he would seek his
own legal relief if Kajima was allowed to build the project
as proposed.
-.Barbara Dye, 7035 Hartcrest, representing the Trails
Committee, outlined the results of their meeting regarding
the project, stating that they felt the recreational uses of
the area would be affected, and that mitigation measures to
bring the trails up to standard were not sufficient. Ms. Dye
also expressed their concerns with the Crest Road crossing,
proposing a possible tunnel easement or connector with RHE
trails. She also made specific expansion suggestions on
certain trails and asked that the Kajima Trail be made
equestrian, with better residential access to all trails from
the project. Ms. Dye also asked that the trail along Crest
Road be bench -cut.
Sunshine, 6 Limetree, suggested that the catch basin access
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February 12, 1991
road be coordinated with the nearby trail to avoid
duplication and impact on area vegetation, and that the trail
crossing the culvert was negatively affected which needed to
be addressed.
Steve Gerhardt, BIR consultant, noted that the density
figures had been compiled through a review of the Tentative
Tract Maps and City information.
Mary Nastronero then responded to the Commissioners inquiries
regarding the double -frontage lots, stating that they had
originally backed up against Crest, but had been altered to
answer view corridor concerns. She also stated she had been
at the Traffic Committee meeting, where those Commissioners
had recommended that the crossing and light be at Highridge,
and that there not be two entrances on Crest, since they
would be too close together, but one entrance on Crest and
one on Highridge was preferred. Ms. Nastronero also
expressed her objection to benching the Crest Road trail,
stating that it would be inappropriate to bring the trail
down into the subdivision. Commissioner Katherman asked why
the parkway was over the utilities, and Ms. Nastronero
replied that the Department of Public Works had requested
this configuration.
The public hearing was closed, and Director Benard noted that
the next fully -noticed meeting for the Conditional Use Permit
would address all aspects of the development.
Commissioner McNulty expressed the following concerns:
* That the Crest Road entrance was a traffic hazard and
should be addressed by the Traffic Committee;
* Why the west end of Sattes had to be a cul-de-sac;
* That a more detailed explanation of the water detention
basin, including the effect of a 100 -year storm be addressed,
but that the 80% drainage reduction was laudable;
* That the view corridors should be more detinea and that
the developer should make more effort to limit any view
impairment along Crest.
Commissioner Hotchkiss stated his concerns as follows:
* That the homeowners of the few one-story homes
protecting the view corridors would want to have two-story
homes also, and what measures could be taken to make sure
this wouldn't happen;
* Why the Sattes cul-de-sac has no turnaround capability
and should just be a through street;
* If there was a potential of percolation from the
retention basin, and that perhaps there should be groundwater
monitoring wells.
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February 12, 1991
Commissioner Katherman expressed the following concerns:
* That canyon borings need to be done soon before
preparation of the Final EIR so that information would be
available prior to taking action on the project.
* That the impacts on air quality should not be an issue
with only 76 homes in question;
* That drought -tolerant plantings should be mandatory;
* That the developer look into the possibility of
recycling the detention basin water;
* If there is any way to put specific restrictions on each
* That a light at Highridge is necessary for safety;
* That the feasibility of a tunnel crossing be looked
* That there be a time limit on the EIR.
Chairman Von Hagen stated he agreed with the comments of the
other Commissioners, and added the following points:
* That getting signalization at Highridge would be easier
as area density builds, especially if the Northrop area is
also developed, and that the Traffic Committee should take
another look at this issue with these points in mind,
especially with regards to the entrances from both
developments onto Crest Road;
* That the lots backing up directly to Crest Road would be
a problem with their backyard fences, even with the grade
differential, creating a privacy issue;
* That the sizes of the smaller lots in relation to the
building pads and density should be reexamined;
* That the need for increased public services should be
examined, especially if the Northrop site is developed,
because the closest fire station would be the small one in
Rolling Hills;
* That better photos are needed to prove the view
impairment mitigation;
* That the real problem in the area trails would be the
linkage between RPV and RHE, and that perhaps signalization
would be the best solution.
There were no questions from
the audience.
Director Benard noted that he had distributed project
schedules to the Commission, and also discussed division of
expenses for Commissioners that wanted to attend the League
of California Cities convention.
ADJOURNNENT The meeting was adjourned at
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