PC RES 1999-032P.0 RESOLUTION NO 99-32
WHEREAS, on March 1, 1999, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes submitted an
application for Coastal Permit No 156 and Variance No 448, to allow the construction of
various improvements to the Abalone Cove Beach Park, including a new parking lot, shade
structures, restroom/storage structure, gate/guard structure, grading of approximately 14,182
cubic yards and other amenities to the existing Abalone Cove Beach Park located south of
Palos Verdes Drive South, and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act,
Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et. seq ("CEQA"), the State CEQA Guidelines,
California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et. seq , the City's Local CEQA
Guidelines, and Government Code Section 65952.5(e) (Hazardous Waste and Substances
Statement), the City of Rancho Palos Verdes prepared an Initial Study and determined that,
there is no substantial evidence that the approval of Coastal Permit No 156 and Variance No
448 would result in a significant adverse effect on the environment that can not be mitigated
Accordingly, a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared and notice of that fact
was given in the manner required by law; and,
WHEREAS, the Initial Study was prepared in May 1999 and distributed for circulation
and review from May 15, 1999 through June 14, 1999, and,
WHEREAS, after issuing notice pursuant to the requirements of the City's Development
Code and the State CEQA Guidelines, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes held a public hearing on August 24, 1999 and September 28, 1999, at which time all
interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and present evidence
Section 1 • This application would permit the construction of the following items
widen/improve the existing access road to allow general public and fire department access to
a new parking lot and buildings, construct a new beach area parking lot consisting of 45 parking
spaces, construct a gate house/parking fee entry structure at the entrance to the new parking
lot; rehabilitate the existing cabana structure, construct two shade structures of approximately
613 sq ft. (24'-9" x 24'-9") each, beach amenities, including improving existing concrete
walkways surrounding the buildings, improve the existing beach staircase, construct a second
beach staircase, install three picnic shelters, drinking fountains, outdoor showers, and sand
volleyball court, install warning signs and educational kiosks related to the tide pools and
sensitive habitat, relocate playground equipment, and construct four Palapa structures of
approximately 81 sq ft (9'x 9') each, enhance the existing foot trails from upper Abalone Cove
Shoreline Park to the beach; beach improvements, including approximately 20-30 cubic yards
of sand replenishment, removal of protruding steel in concrete nprap and general clean up; and
grading to widen and improve the existing access road, to create the proposed parking lot,
guard station and vehicle turnaround areas, to improve vehicular access to the recreation
building, and to be used as a land stabilization effort (amount of grading includes approximately
7,091 cubic yards of cut and approximately 7,091 cubic yards of fill, for a total on-site balanced
earth movement of approximately 14,182 cubic yards), to the existing Abalone Cove Beach
Park located south of Palos Verdes Drive South. The Planning Commission, based upon its
independent review of the evidence, finds that the proposed project would not result in any
significant adverse environmental impacts in addition to or beyond those already associated
with the existing Open Space Recreational use of the site In making this finding, the Planning
Commission considered the project's mitigation measures that address the issue of Aesthetics,
Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water
Quality, Land Use and Planning, and Noise.
Section 2: The subject property is currently zoned for Open Space Recreational
purposes, and is also designated on the City's General Plan maps for Recreational purposes.
Since the site will continue to be used for these purposes the proposed additions and site
amenities will not significantly impact the existing Land Use and will be consistent with the
General Plan.
Section 3: Although the proposed protect will include additional interior and exterior
lighting at the two main structures (restroom/storage building and multi-purpose building), the
exterior lighting will be low intensity to provide sufficient illumination levels for security and
safety purposes and as mitigated will be shielded to prevent illumination on or towards other
properties with no spill-over onto residential properties. The proposed project will not have any
substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista, substantially damage scenic resources, or
substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings, as
the proposed improvements are relatively minor and are located at or near the ocean surface
level — at a much lower elevation than Palos Verdes Drive South or neighboring residential
Section 4: After the comment period was closed on the Draft Mitigated Negative
Declaration, the City met with representatives of the U S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the
California Department of Fish and Game to discuss the proposed project's impacts upon
Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), the California Gnatcatcher, and the Cactus Wren. In response to
these resource agencies' comments, the project has been revised Specifically, the Eastern
Borrow Site has been removed from the proposed project This will reduce the amount of CSS
to be removed by .4 to .8 acres. Subsequently, the total CSS to be removed will be reduced
from .64-1.19 acres to .24-.39 acres. Additionally, Mitigation Measure No. 4 has been revised
as follows (bold text for new language and strikeout text for language to be removed)-
4- Subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, and prior
to issuance of any permits, conduct a pre -construction presence/absence survey for the gnatcatcher
and cactus wren, to determine presence and distribution at the time of project construction If either
of these species is determined to be present, then no construction shall occur during their
breeding season (February 15 to August 30). and Gensti:uGtlon MGM dUFIRg their breeding s
P C Resolution No 99-32
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The revised Mitigation Measure will ensure that there will be no take of the California
Gnatcatcher or Cactus Wren, or other endangered or threatened species Additionally, there
will be no significant adverse impacts to biological resources, as mitigation measure No 3 will
ensure that the amount of CSS to be removed will be revegetated at a ratio of 3.1, with
appropriate monitoring to ensure its success
Additionally, the CSS areas that would be impacted would not appreciably reduce the likelihood
of the survival and recovery of the gnatcatcher or the cactus wren, because these CSS patches
do not connect to large blocks of "core" habitat that have high conservation value Furthermore,
restoration of CSS in the grading impact areas or off-site as determined most feasible, and
could also be extended to adjoining or off-site ruderal areas. Project impacts on the integrity
and viability of the NCCP reserve concepts under consideration therefore, can be reduced to
below a level of significance, with the mitigation measures noted within the Mitigation Monitoring
Section 5: The shoreline and adjacent water and land area have been designated
by the State Fish and Game Commission as an ecological reserve. There will be no significant
impacts to the marine resources within the Abalone Cove Reserve as a result of the proposed
project as there will be no construction equipment, materials or storage placed within the surf
area or anywhere below the sandy beach Additionally, all work to build the new concrete
stairway will be performed by hand tools Beach sand replenishment would be accomplished
in one day with all work occurring above the existing rocky riprap, well above the waters edge
There will be no dredging or filling of marine waters The biological resources found within the
tidepools of Abalone Cove will be enhanced by the new guard that will be posted at the parking
lot who will be trained to monitor activities occurring at the tidepools and report any disturbance
to the tidepools to the Sheriffs Department
Section 6: Although all of the coastal zone that contains the project site and the
Abalone Cove area is considered highly sensitive with respect to archaeological resources, to
reduce potential impacts to archaeological resources and human remains to below a level of
significance, the Mitigation Monitoring Program includes a mitigation measure that requires
grading activities to be monitored by a qualified professional archeologist to identify potentially
significant resources that may be uncovered and to halt work to recover such resources
Section 7: Although the proposed project is located within the most recently active,
southern portion of the Abalone Cove Landslide, the proposed grading concept will improve
landslide stability The grading concept was developed in consultation with the City's
Consulting Geologist to provide a means of increasing landslide stability by changing the
distribution of soil mass resulting from the proposed grading operations. With the adoption of
the Mitigation Monitoring Program and related implementation of mitigation measures
associated with the preparation of an erosion and sediment control plan, there will be no
significant geologic impacts to the site or adjacent areas.
Section 8: Although the total number of vehicle trips to the site may increase with the
increase in building area and additional more convenient parking area, the number of additional
PC Resolution No. 99-32
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vehicle trips will not substantially exceed that which currently exists, and therefore is not
significant to create adverse impacts to circulation patterns, parking capacity, or traffic
congestion. Because the increase number of vehicle trips per day will not be significant, as
related to existing vehicle trip levels, the project will not result in an impact to local air quality
standards, or expose sensitive receptors to pollutants
Section 9: Grading of the site may cause some impacts to air quality as a result of
air -borne dust particles. However, to ensure that there will be no significant environmental
impacts, mitigation measures have been added that will require the developer to take certain
actions to control air -borne dust particles.
Section JO: The proposed project will result in the additional discharge of run-off water
into surface waters as a result of the increased paving related to the road widening and new
parking lot However, the new storm drain system will have an oil/water separator to filter the
discharge prior to its being discharged into surface waters, which will reduce environmental
impacts to an insignificant level.
Section 11: The proposed project is an improvement to an existing recreational facility.
It will be an enhancement to the site by improving existing structures and providing access to
all those who wish to visit Abalone Cove, including the physically challenged who at this time
do not have access to the valuable public resource. The proposed project will not alter the
location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population in the area above what
is forecasted in adopted City plans and policies, nor will the project affect existing housing, or
create a demand for additional housing. The project will not create a significant additional
demand for fire or police protection, maintenance of public facilities (including roads), or other
governmental services. The project will not result in a significant need for new systems, or
substantial alterations to utilities, including power or natural gas, communication systems,
water, sewer or septic tanks, storm water drainage, or solid waste disposal. Further, the project
will not result in the demand for new recreational facilities because the project site already is
an improvement to the use of the existing recreational facility of the Abalone Cove Beach Park.
Section 12: For reasons discussed in the Initial Study, which is incorporated herein
by reference, the project would not have any potential to achieve short-term, to the
disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals, nor would the project have impacts which are
individually limited, but cumulatively considerable
Section 13: The Lead Agency has consulted the lists compiled pursuant to Section
65962.5 of the Government Code, and has certified that the development project and any
alternatives proposed in this application are not included in these lists of known Hazardous
Waste and Substances Sites as compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency.
Section 14: In addition, the mitigation measures set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring
Program, Exhibit "A", attached hereto, are incorporated into the project These measures will
reduce those potential significant impacts identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration to an
insignificant level.
Section 15: Any interested person aggrieved of this decision or by any portion of this
decision may appeal to the City Council. Pursuant to Section 17 60 060 of the Rancho Palos
Verdes Municipal Code, any such appeal must be filed with the City, in writing and with the
P C. Resolution No 99-32
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appropriate appeal fee, no later than fifteen (15) days following August 24, 1999, the date of the
Planning Commission's final action.
Section 16: Prior to taking action on the proposed project, in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Commission independently reviewed
and considered the information and findings contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
For the foregoing reasons and based on its independent review and evaluation of the
information and findings contained in the Initial Study, Staff Reports, minutes, and records of
the proceedings, the Planning Commission has determined that the project as conditioned and
mitigated will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment and also finds that
the preparation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration complies with CEQA. Therefore, the
Planning Commission hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration making certain
environmental findings to allow improvements to the Abalone Cove Beach Park, located south
of Palos Verdes Drive South
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 28th day of September 1999 by the
following roll call vote -
AYES. Commissioners Albetio, Clark, Paris, Sladyen, Vannorsdall,
Vice Chairman Lyon and Chairman Cartwright.
NOES. None.
S Cartwright
r -
Joel Rtias' A 'ICP
Direct of PlanningBuil ing,
and (�6de EnforcemO; and,
&ejofletary to the Planning Commission
Page 5 of 5
Exhibit A
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Project: Coastal Permit No 156/Variance No 448
Location- Abalone Cove Beach Park, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Applicant/: City of Rancho Palos Verdes
I Introduction
II Management of the Mitigation Monitoring Program
Roles and Responsibilities
Mitigation and Monitoring Program Procedures
Mitigation Monitoring Operations
III Mitigation Monitoring Program Checklist
IV Mitigation Monitoring Summary Table
Exhibit A - Page 1
Mitigation Monitoring Program
P C Resolution No 99-32
This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP), for the construction of various improvements to the Abalone Cove
Beach Park, located south of Palos Verdes Drive South, in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, responds to
Section 210816 of the Public Resources Code. Section 21081 6 requires a lead or responsible agency that
approves or carries out a protect where a Mitigated Negative Declaration has identified significant
environmental effects, to adopt a "reporting or monitoring program for adopted or required changes to mitigate
or avoid significant environmental effects." The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is acting as lead agency for the
An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared to address the potential environmental impacts
of the project. Where appropriate, this environmental document recommended mitigation measures to mitigate
or avoid impacts identified. Consistent with Section 21080 (2)(c) of the Public Resources Code, a mitigation
reporting or monitoring program is required to ensure that the adopted mitigation measures under the
jurisdiction of the City are implemented The City will adopt this MMP when adopting the Mitigated Negative
This MMP has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA),
as amended (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the State Guidelines for Implementation of
CEQA (CEQA Guidelines), as amended (California Administrative Code Section 15000 et seq.). This MMP
complies with the rules, regulations, and procedures adopted by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for
implementation of CEQA
Section 210816 of the Public Resources Code states "When making the findings required by subdivision (a)
of Section 21081 or when adopting a negative declaration pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of
Section 21081, the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the project
which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects
on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during
project implementation. For those changes which have been required or incorporated into the project at the
request of an agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project, that agency
shall, if so requested by the lead or responsible agency, prepare and submit a proposed reporting or
monitoring program."
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Exhibit A - Page 2 P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
The MMP for the project will be in place through all phases of the project including final design, pre -grading,
construction, and operation. The City will have the primary enforcement role for the mitigation measures.
The mitigation monitoring procedures for this MMP consists of, filing requirements, and compliance verification.
The Mitigation Monitoring Checklist and procedures for its use are outlined below
Mitigation Monitorinq Program Checklist
The MMP Checklist provides a comprehensive list of the required mitigation measures. In addition, the
Mitigation Monitoring Checklist includes. the implementing action when the mitigation measure will occur, the
method of verification of compliance, the timing of verification, the department or agency responsible for
implementing the mitigation measures; and compliance verification. Section III provides the MMP Checklist
Mitigation Monitoring Program Files
Files shall be established to document and retain the records of this MMP. The files shall be established,
organized, and retained by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes department of Planning, Budding, and Code
Compliance Verification
The MMP Checklist shall be signed when compliance of the mitigation measure is met according to the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement The compliance verification
section of the MMP Checklist shall be signed, for mitigation measures requiring ongoing monitoring, and when
the monitoring of a mitigation measure is completed.
The following steps shall be followed for implementation, monitoring, and verification of each mitigation
1. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement shall
designate a party responsible for monitoring of the mitigation measures
2 The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement shall provide
to the party responsible for the monitoring of a given mitigation measure, a copy of the MMP Checklist
indicating the mitigation measures for which the person is responsible and other pertinent information
3. The party responsible for monitoring shall then verify compliance and sign the Compliance Verification
column of the MMP Checklist for the appropriate mitigation measures.
Mitigation measures shall be implemented as specified by the MMP Checklist. During any prosect phase,
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Exhibit A - Page 3 P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The City
of Rancho Palos Verdes, Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement with advice from Staff or
another City department, is responsible for recommending changes to the mitigation measures, if needed.
If mitigation measures are refined, the Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement would document
the change and shall notify the appropriate design, construction, or operations personnel about refined
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Exhibit A - Page 4 P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
This section provides the MMP Checklist for the project as approved by the Planning Commission of the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes on September 28, 1999 Mitigation measures are listed in the order in which they
appear in the Initial Study
Monitoring Responsibility and Timing indicates what City Department is responsible for
monitoring the implementation of the Measure and when the measure is to be implemented
Mitigation Responsibility and Timing indicates who is responsible for implementation and
Verification provides space for future reference and notation that compliance has been
monitored, verified, and is consistent with these mitigation measures.
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Exhibit A - Page 5 P C Resolution No 99-32
Abalone Cove Beach Improvement Project
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Abbreviations appearing in the table below include:
CE = City Engineer
CBI = City Building Inspector
CDPBCE = City Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
1. Parking and security lighting shall be kept to minimum CDPBCE to check final plans. Contractor to install
safety standards and shall conform to all applicable City CBI to test lighting controls lighting controls prior to
requirements. Fixtures shall be shielded to prevent prior to issuance of Certificate issuance of Certificate of
lighting from illumination on or towards other properties; of Occupancy. Occupancy.
there shall be no spillover onto residential properties.
2. Contractor specifications shall include provisions for the CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include
development and implementation of a dust control plan. CBI to monitor grading. dust control plan in bid
The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Director documents. Implement
of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement and Director during grading.
of Public Works, prior to commencement of any grading,
and/or prior to the issuance of a building permit. The
specific measures which will constitute the plan shall
include, but are not limited to the following methods
recommended by the SCAQMD:
• Apply approved non-toxic chemical soil stabilizers
according to manufacturers' specifications to all inactive
construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for
four days or more).
Exhibit A—Page 6 Mitigation Monitoring Program
P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
• Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as
• Enclose, cover, or apply approved soil binders to
exposed piles (i.e. gravel, sand, dirt) according to
• Water active grading sites at least twice daily. The
application of water shall occur under the direction of the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes and/or their consulting
• Suspend all excavating operations when wind speeds (as
instantaneous gusts)exceed 25 mph.
• All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials
are to be covered or shall maintain at least two feet of
freeboard (i.e. minimum vertical distance between top of
the load and the top of the trailer), in accordance with
Section 23114 of the California Vehicle Code.
• Sweep streets at the end of the day if visible soil material
is carried over to.adjacent roads.
• Erect fabric-covered wind screens during excavation at
the borrow area and around the sandy beach, if the sand
replenishment work occurs on a windy day.
• Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit
unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash off trucks and
any equipment leaving the site each trip. Wheel washing
shall occur under the direction of the City of Rancho
Palos Verdes and/or their consulting geologist.
• .Apply water three times daily or chemical soil stabilizers
according to manufacturers' specifications to all unpaved
parking or staging areas or unpaved road surfaces. The
application of water shall occur under the direction of the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes and/or their consulting
• Enforce traffic speed limits of 15 mph or less on all
unpaved roads.
• Prohibit clearing and grading activities until a firm
construction schedule has been set.
Exhibit A—Page 7 Mitigation Monitoring Program
P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
• Use secure tarpaulin covers to protect soil, vegetation
and debris stockpiles from wind and rain.
3. Obtain an interim habitat loss permit from the Rancho CDPBCE to retain qualified City of Rancho Palos
Palos Verdes City Council, pursuant to the Federal biologist to develop mitigation Verdes to implement
Endangered Species Act Special 4(d) Rule. The permit plan and prepare findings for mitigation plan prior to
shall be based on a mitigation plan consistent with the Special 4(d) Rule Permit. issuance of a Certificate
Natural Communities Conservation Program Permit to be obtained prior to of Occupancy. City to
Conservation and Process Guidelines. The objective of commencement of any maintain revegetation
the plan will be to restore habitat removed at borrow sites grading. areas to ensure
and any other graded areas containing coastal sage successful re-
scrub (CSS) vegetation with a combination of CSS CDPBCE to retain qualified establishment of CSS.
hydroseeding, container planting, and suitable topsoil, as biologist to monitor
determined by a qualified biologist. CSS revegetation revegetation areas for five
shall occur within affected portions of the project site and years.
at additional contiguous areas, such as the grassland in
the upper level of Abalone Cove Shoreline Park. Total
revegetation shall achieve a 3:1 ratio of revegetation area
to CSS impact area. Monitor revegetation areas for a
period of five years to ensure success.
4. Subject to review and approval by the Director of CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include this
Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, and prior to CDPBCE to receive and measure in bid
issuance of any permits, conduct a pre-construction approve biological monitor documents. Contractor
presence/absence survey for the gnatcatcher and cactus reports, provide compliance to retain qualified
wren, to determine presence and distribution at the time status to CE. biologist to perform bird
of project construction. If either of these species is surveys, provide
determined to be present, then no construction shall guidance on avoiding
occur during their breeding season (February 15 — impacts during
August 30). construction.
5. Grading activities will be preceded by a field walkover by CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include this
a properly qualified professional archaeologist, to be CDPBCE to receive and measure in bid
selected by and who will provide a written report of approve archaeological documents. CDPBCE to
findings to the Director of Planning, Building and Code monitor reports, submit retain qualified
Enforcement. The purpose of the field walkover is to compliance status to CE. archaeologist to conduct
examine the proposed project site for surficial evidence of grading monitoring.
Exhibit A—Page 8 Mitigation Monitoring Program
P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
archaeological remains prior to any earth movement, and
to properly evaluate and record any artifacts that may be
found. The archeologist shall then monitor all site
grading to identify potentially significant resources that
may be uncovered. If potentially significant remains are
observed by the archaeologist, work shall be immediately
halted and the find shall be examined to determine its
nature, origin and significance for scientific purposes.
Work may be resumed after a determination has been
made that the find is insignificant, or that further
excavation would not endanger important archaeological
resources as defined by Section 15064.5 of the CEQA
6. An erosion and sediment control plan will be prepared CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include
and approved by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes CBI to monitor construction erosion and
Building Official, prior to commencement of any grading activities. sedimentation control
activities. Contractor specifications will include plan in bid documents,
implementation of the approved plan. The plan shall and implement
provide a variety of soil stabilization and erosion control throughout construction.
measures such as but not limited to:
• Suspend excavation activities during periods of high
winds and/or heavy rains.
• Minimize exposed surfaces in area and time.
• Re-seed and/or compact erodible areas as soon as
• Retain existing vegetation where possible.
• Prohibit clearing and grading activities until a firm
construction schedule has been set.
• Utilize sandbags to prevent excessive run-off.
• Use tarpaulin covers to protect soil stockpiles from wind
and rain.
• Sweep hardscape surfaces to remove loose soils and
place them into stockpiles.
Exhibit A—Page 9 Mitigation Monitoring Program
P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
• Use of erosion blankets or filter fabrics, stabilizing stakes
or other suitable soil stabilization techniques
• Place sandbags to prevent run-off.
• Apply good housekeeping practices to reduce and
contain construction wastes and fuel spillage
7. A paleontological resources mitigation program will be CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include
developed and implemented by a qualified vertebrate CDPBCE to review and paleontological
paleontologist. The program shall be submitted for approve mitigation program monitoring requirement
review and approval by the Director of Planning, Building prior to issuance of a grading in bid documents.
and Code Enforcement, prior to the issuance of grading permit. DPBCE to receive and
permits. This program will include the following approve archaeological CDPBCE to retain
elements: monitor reports, submit qualified paleontologist
compliance status to CE. to prepare mitigation
• Full-time monitoring of excavation in area identified as program and to monitor
likely to contain paleontologic resources by a qualified grading.
paleontologic monitor. The monitor should be equipped
to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid
construction delays and to remove samples of sediments
that are likely to contain the remains of small fossil
invertebrates and vertebrates. The monitor will be
empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to
allow removal of abundant or large specimens.
• Preparation of recovered specimens to a point of
identification and permanent preservation, including
washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and
• Identification and curation of specimens into a museum
repository with permanent retrievable storage.
• Preparation of a report of findings with an appended
itemized inventory of specimens. The report and
inventory, when submitted to the Director of Planning,
Building and Code Enforcement, would signify completion
of the paleontologic resource mitigation program.
Exhibit A—Page 10 Mitigation Monitoring Program
P.C. Resolution No. 99-32
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Responsibility Mitigation Verification
and Timing Responsibility and (Name and Date)
8. Contractor specifications shall include noise reduction CE to check bid documents. Contractor to include
measures including, but not limited to, the following: CBI to monitor construction these noise controls in
activities. bid documents, and
"'r► • Construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers implement throughout
and/or other effective noise reduction devices. All construction.
equipment and noise muffling devices shall be properly
maintained throughout construction.
• Construction activities shall be limited to weekdays,
between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Vehicles
and equipment shall not be started before 7:00 AM.
Exhibit A—Page 11 Mitigation Monitoring Program
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