PC RES 1995-042 P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 95 - 42
WHEREAS, on March 8, 1995, Christ Lutheran Church requested
approval of Environmental Assessment No. 671 and Conditional Use
Permit No. 116 - Revision "A", Variance No. 389, and Grading Permit
No. 1781 to allow construction of an 18,722 square foot
Classroom/Administrative Office Complex with a basement at the
property located at 28850 South Western Avenue; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 2100 et.
seq. ("CEQA") , the State's CEQA guidelines, California Code of
Regulation, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq. , the City's Local CEQA
Guidelines, and Government Code Section 65952 .5 (e) (Hazardous Waste
and Substances Statement) , the City has prepared an Initial Study
and determined that with the appropriate Mitigation Measures the
approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 116 - Revision "A" would not
result in potentially significant adverse effects on the
environment. Accordingly, a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
was prepared and notice of that fact was given by the manner
required by law; and,
WHEREAS, after notice issued pursuant to the requirements of
the Rancho Palos Verdes Development Code, a public hearing was held
on October 10, 1995, and October 24, 1995, before the Planning
Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, at which time all
interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and
present evidence.
Section 1: That pursuant to the findings and mitigation
measures contained in the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration prepared in conjunction with Environmental Assessment
No. 671 for this project, there will be no significant adverse
effect on the adjacent property or the permitted use of thereof
resulting from this project since mitigation measures a described
in the Mitigation Monitoring Program and additional Conditional of
Approval, as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission have
been incorporated as part of this approval to reduce any impacts
associated with this project to less than significant levels.
Section 2 : The applicant has consulted the lists prepared
pursuant to Section 65962 .5 of the Government Code and had
submitted a signed statement indicating whether the project and any
alternatives are located on site which is included on any such
list, and has specified any such list. The Lead Agency has
consulted the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962 . 5 of the
Government Code, and has certified that the development project and
any alternatives proposed in this application and are not included
in these lists of known Hazardous Waste and Substance Sites as
compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency.
Section 3 : That the 161,536 square foot site is adequate in
size and configuration to accommodate the proposed classroom/
administrative office building complex, and that the project
complies with or exceeds the standards contained in Development
Code Section 17 . 28 . 030. Since the proposed project will be located
within the already developed area of the facility, there will be no
additional impact to aesthetics, open space, and the views of the
surrounding properties. Furthermore, the existing proposed
structure would be consistent with the existing Institutional use
on the site.
Section 4: The subject property is located on Western Avenue,
which is identified in the General Plan as a major arterial
roadway. Traffic studies prepared for the Initial Study indicate
that the proposed school expansion will generate approximately 170
additional vehicle trips spread throughout the weekday. The volume
of outbound traffic during the peak lunch hour on Sundays (11: 30 to
12 : 30) would not adverse impact traffic circulation for the
traffic from both the Christ Lutheran Church and the Taco Bell
site. The City's Traffic Consultant confirmed that these
additional number of trips would not result in significant impacts
to intersection level of service on Western Avenue. As a result,
the Planning Commission finds that the streets and highways are
properly designed to carry the type and quantity of traffic
generated by the proposed use can be made.
Section 5: The Initial Study identified potential adverse
effects on the surrounding uses with respect to air quality, noise,
light and glare, transportation and circulation, aesthetics and
cultural resources. However, in approving the project, the
Planning Commission has incorporated Mitigation Measures to reduce
the impacts to less than significant levels. As a result, although
the site is surrounded by multi-family to the east and north
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west and commercial to the south, west, and north, when the
required Mitigation Measures are fully implemented there will be no
significant adverse effects on adjacent properties or the permitted
Section 6: That the proposed use is not contrary to the
General Plan since the subject site is designated in the General
Plan as an Institutional site for educational and institutional
uses and no change in the land use is proposed. Furthermore,
efforts to mitigation measures have been incorporated into the
project approval in order to maintain a harmonious correlation with
the adjacent land uses and access conditions. Since the project
can be adequately mitigated to address any potential impacts to
surrounding properties, the proposed school expansion would not be
contrary to the objectives of the General Plan.
Section 7: That in requiring certain safeguards, which are
incorporated into the Conditions of Approval and Mitigation
Measures for the project, the Planning Commission deems that the
following requirements have been addressed to protect the public
health safety and welfare:
a. Standard setbacks and buffers
b. Fences and/or walls
c. Lighting
d. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress
e. Regulation of noise and odors
f. Requiring landscaping and maintenance thereof
g. Requiring maintenance of the structure, grounds and/or
Section 8 : The time within which judicial review of the
decision reflected in this Resolution, if available, must be sought
is governed by Section 1094 . 6 of the California Code of Civil
Section 9: For the foregoing reasons and based on the
information and findings included in the Staff Report, Minutes and
other records of proceedings, the Planning Commission of the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No.
116 - Revision "A" for the 18,722 square foot classroom/
administrative office complex with a basement at the property
located at 28850 South Western Avenue, subject to the conditions of
approval in the attached Exhibit "A" , which are necessary to
protect the public health, safety and welfare in the area.
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PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 24th day of October 1995,
by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Alberio, Ferraro, Vannorsdall , Whiteneck, and ActingChair Hayes
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Wang
So j ed rsen Hayes
(Ac ) Chairperson
L .41!!!!
Bret rnar• , AICP
Dire for of Planning, Building,
and Code Enfo cement; and,
Secretary to the Planning Commission
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1. Within thirty (30) days following adoption of this Resolution,
the applicant and the property owner shall submit to the City
a statement, in writing, that they have read, understand, and
agree to all Conditions of Approval contained in this
Resolution. Failure to provide said written statement shall
render this approval null and void.
2 . This approval is only for the development of an 18, 722 the
Classroom/ Administrative Office Complex. Any major revisions
to the Classroom/Administrative Office Complex or any future
development of new structures or facilities shall require
approval of a revision to Conditional Use Permit No. 116 by
the Planning Commission and shall require a new and separate
environmental review.
3 . All project development on the site shall conform to the
specific standards contained in these conditions of approval
or if not addressed herein, the Institutional development
standards of the City's Municipal Code. Failure to comply
with, and adhere to, all of these Conditions of Approval will
be cause to revoke the approval of the project.
4 . If construction of the classroom/administrative office complex
has not been initiated (Building Permits obtained) within two
years or if construction has not been completed to the point
of foundation inspection for the Classroom/Administrative
Complex within two years of Building Permit issuance, approval
of project applications shall expire and be of no further
effect, unless, prior to expiration, a written request for
extension is filed with the Department of Planning, Building,
and Code Enforcement and approved by the Planning Commission.
Otherwise a new Conditional Use Permit revision must be
approved prior to further development.
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5. In the event that any of these conditions conflict with the
recommendations and or requirements of another permitting
agency or City department, the stricter standard shall apply.
6. Any new utility lines installed to serve the new building
shall be placed underground from an existing power pole or
other point of connection off-site.
7. The hours of construction shall be limited to 7 : 00 a.m. to
7: 00 p.m. , Monday through Saturday. No construction shall be
permitted on Sunday or on legal holidays.
8. All mechanical construction equipment shall be kept well tuned
and, where possible, shall be equipped with muffler devices.
9 . All mechanical equipment shall be screened and/or covered so
that it is not visible or audible from adjacent residential
properties. All mechanical equipment shall be located as far
as possible from adjacent residential properties. Any roof
mounted equipment shall be limited to the lowest height
possible, and shall be subject to the review and approval of
the Director of Planning Building and Code Enforcement.
10. The maximum height of the classroom/administrative office
complex shall not exceed 41'-3" in height as measured from the
grade adjacent to the lowest foundation (249 . 39) which is
located on the northeast elevation of the property and shall
not exceed 27'- 3" as measured from the highest point of
existing grade (262 . 14) to the ridge (290. 64) . The Critical
Ridgeline is 290.64 and Ridgeheight Certification is required.
11. The classroom/administrative office complex shall not exceed
a maximum building area of 18,722 square feet. The building
area shall be as follows:
Basement: 3 , 854 square feet
Ground Floor: 6,497 square feet
Second Floor: 8, 371 square feet
12 . Unless otherwise designated in these conditions, all
construction shall be completed in substantial conformance to
the plans as submitted to the City on January 25, 1995.
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13 . The classroom/administrative office complex shall maintain a
120'-0" minimum setback from Western Avenue and a 31'- 0"
minimum setback from the north side property line and 115'-0"
from the south side property line.
14 . During construction, the site shall be maintained free and
clear of all trash and debris. All construction materials
shall be neatly stored in an area substantially screened from
surrounding residential properties.
15. In the event that these conditions conflict with the
recommendations and/or requirements of another permitting
agency or City department, the stricter shall apply.
16. The grading operation shall be limited to that necessary to
develop the classroom/administrative office complex. The
maximum allowable grading shall not exceed 2 , 895 cubic yards
with a maximum cut depth of 11'- 0" for the basement located
underneath the building complex. Any additional grading shall
be reviewed and approved (if appropriate) by the Director of
Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement prior to commencement
of any such (additional) activity.
17. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall
demonstrate to the Director of Planning, Building, and Code
Enforcement, that the dust generated by grading activities
shall comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management
District Rule 403 and the City Municipal Code requirements
which require watering for the control of dust.
18 . Construction equipment shall be fitted with emission control
devices and be kept in proper tune.
19 . The project applicant shall comply with all applicable rules
and regulations of the SCAQMD including regulation XV and
applicable AQMP control measures as they are implemented.
20. All exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed downwards
to prevent direct illumination of, or towards, neighboring
residential and commercial properties.
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21. Within forty-five (45) days following its installation, all
exterior lighting shall be subject to review and approval by
the Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement, and
may be subject to a reduction in the lumens, or the
installation of additional screening should the Director find
the lighting to be excessive or intrusive on neighboring
22 . Prior to submittal of plans to the Division of Building and
Safety for plan check, the owner/applicant shall submit to the
City a landscape planting and irrigation plan. Said plans
shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of
Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement prior to issuance of
Building Permits. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy or issuance of Final Building Permits, whichever
occurs first, all landscaping and irrigation shall be
installed in substantial conformance to the approved plans.
The approved landscape planting and irrigation plans shall
include the following:
a. To the extent possible, native vegetation and drought
tolerant plant materials shall be used.
b. The irrigation plan shall utilize drip irrigation and/or
bubblers wherever possible.
c. The landscape planting plan shall include species
sufficient to provide a buffer and screen the subject
property, including the buildings and parking lot areas,
from neighboring residential properties.
23 . All on-site Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance
with the plans submitted to the City on January 20, 1995, and
the front parking lot shall have 100 striped spaces and the
rear parking lot shall have 43 unstriped spaces including a
total of 4 handicap, 72 standard, and 59 compact spaces.
24 . On site directory signage shall be provided to facilitate
pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Colors and materials of
such signs shall be harmonious with building materials. This
signage shall be a part of a comprehensive sign program for
the site.
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25. In order to ensure that adequate storage length (queueing) is
provided for vehicles making left turns and U-turns from the
southbound median turn pocket on Western Avenue at Caddington
Drive, the applicant (Christ Lutheran Church) shall post a
bond for 100 percent of the cost of extending the pocket (not
to exceed $34, 000; including permit costs, monitoring and
review costs, material costs, etc. ) in a form subject to the
review and approval of the Director of Public Works.
26. I f both the Taco Bell project and the Christ Lutheran project
are constructed, and it is determined that the turn pocket
must be lengthened (Condition 27) , 45% of the total cost for
lengthening of the pocket shall be paid by the Christ Lutheran
Church. The remaining 55% of the total cost shall be paid by
the Taco Bell (28798 Western Avenue) . Any of the excessive
fees associated with Condition No. 25 shall be refunded to the
appropriate party. Should only one of the projects (Taco Bell
or Christ Lutheran Church) come to fruition, that project
shall be responsible for paying the entire cost of lengthening
the turn pocket, if it is deemed necessary.
27. Monitoring shall occur during the next five years to evaluate
the vehicle storage capacity (Condition 25) and the pocket
shall be extended if monitoring shows a need to extend the
pocket. The applicant/landowner shall perform the necessary
monitoring on a yearly schedule, commencing one year from the
date of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the
project, and shall provide the City with the findings,and
appropriate information thereof, for review by the City's
Traffic Consultant.
28. Approval from the California Department of Transportation
(CALTRANS) to make modifications to the southbound left turn
lane (and median) on Western Avenue at Caddington Drive shall
be obtained by the applicant/landowner.
29 . The City's traffic consultant will review the line of sight
issues and the applicant shall follow any recommendations
including, but not limited to, modification to the landscaping
adjacent to the street along the property's frontage and
installation of signage at a proper height that will provide
appropriate visibility as a condition of development.
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30. No modification to the location of the site's existing
ingress/egress driveways shall be made.
31. Drainage patterns on the site shall be subject to the review
and approval of the City Engineer to ensure that adequate
drainage is provided across the site.
32 . A certified and professional archeologist shall be present
during the grading for the project.
33 . The grading for the project shall cease pending any findings
made by the professional archeologist. Any findings made
shall be immediately referred and/or submitted to the Director
of Planning Building and Code Enforcement for further review.
34. The height of the extension wall along the south side of the
Taco Bell property line shall be agreed upon (in writing) with
officials from the Christ Lutheran Church. If parties cannot
reach an agreement, the Director of Planning, Building, and
Code Enforcement shall determine the height.
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