PC RES 1992-072 P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 92-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES MAKING CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 37 WHEREAS, applications were filed by the Salvation Army for improvements to real property known as 30840 Hawthorne Boulevard, located on a 42 acre parcel situated between Hawthorne Boulevard and Palos Verdes Drive South. The City authorized a Program EIR to be prepared to fully disclose all impacts associated with said improvements within the context of a 15 year Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Draft "Program" Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was prepared and circulated for a public review period of 60 days from March 16, 1992 to May 18, 1992 , in order to receive written comments on the contents and adequacy of the document from responsible agencies and the public; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Development Code, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes held a public hearing on March 24, 1992 in order to receive public testimony on the Draft Program EIR, at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and present evidence; and WHEREAS, comments were submitted by certain individuals and responsible agencies and written responses were prepared to all substantive comments received, and that the response to comments section together with supplemental information to the Draft EIR comprise the Final Program Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) was presented to the Planning Commission for certification on July 14, 1992 , August 20, 1992 , October 20, 1992 , and November 10, 1992 . NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Final Program EIR identified as a potential significant impact the Master Plan future construction of a gymnasium which will displace twelve tennis courts currently available for public use. Proposed mitigation measures which will reduce the impact of the loss of recreation opportunities (resulting from displacement of tennis courts) to an insignificant level, consists of an agreement by the applicant to allow public use of the proposed gymnasium or the provision of in lieu fees towards future replacement of tennis courts elsewhere in the City. Section 2 : The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential significant impact the effect of cumulative traffic for the Salvation Army Master Plan expansion and the Long Point/Monoghan Company projects which are projected to have a significant adverse impact upon their mutual access intersection at Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) . Mitigation which will reduce the impact to traffic to an insignificant level consists of the applicant providing a fair share cost toward installing a traffic signal at the intersection of PVDS at the Salvation Army and Long Point entrance at such time that it is warranted based on actual traffic counts. Section 3 : The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential significant impact the effect of noise generation as a result of site grading equipment such as trucks, graders, bulldozers, which represent short-term impacts to the ambient noise levels at the project site. Although construction activities will create significant short term noise increases near the project site, this will not result in adverse impacts off-site. Mitigation to reduce the project-related short-term noise impacts to a level of insignificance, consists of limits on the hours of operation for construction and grading, muffler requirements on grading equipment, and control over the location of equipment storage and vehicle staging. Long term noise impacts are not anticipated as the Education Conference Center would not generate significant noise levels. Section 4: The Final EIR identifies a potential significant environmental impact to air quality resulting from pollutants emitted by grading equipment and dust generated during grading and site preparation. The net emissions associated with the Master Plan and the Education Conference Center are seen to be well below the AQMD's former threshold of significance for new projects for all four primary exhaust pollutants. However, as long as the South Coast Air Basin remains a non-attainment area with respect to Sate and or Federal air quality standards, the City considers any net increase in air emissions relative to these standards to be a cumulatively significant impact. Mitigation to minimize the impacts consists of the applicant complying with the South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule No. 403, ceasing all grading during periods of high winds, fitting construction equipment with emission control devices, and complying with all SCAQMD and AQMP control measures. Since the impacts will remain significant, both on a project and cumulative level (within the South Coast Air Basin) , a statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 14. P.C. Resolution No. 92- 72. Page 2 of 6 Section 5: The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Geotechnical hazards on the site, including slope instability, rippability, compressible/ collapsible soil and expansive soil. Mitigation to reduce the impacts to a level of insignificance have been incorporated into the project. To reduce impacts on a project specific basis and a cumulative basis, all grading will be performed in accordance with the mitigation measures specified by the City's geologist. Section 6: The Final Program EIR identifies a potential environmental impact on biological resources due to the development of the Education Conference Center on the site. Noise and human activity associated with grading of the proposed Education Conference Center could affect any nearby off-site California gnatcatchers and/or cactus wren populations. Mitigation measures incorporated in the project to reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance include; (1) limiting all construction vehicles, staging activities and storage at the Salvation Army property through signage, fencing and or staking (2) avoiding construction during gnatcatcher nesting and dispersal periods (mid-March through July and (3) a l l construction equipment shall be properly muffled, consistent with the EPA Noise Control Program. Section 7: The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the landscaping for the Education/Conference Center which may introduce exotic plant species which could escape into adjacent native habitats and reduce the quality of these areas. Such species as pampass grass, golden wattle, perwinkle and hottentot fig have already been used in landscaping of the existing facility. The continued use of these species could have an adverse and significant impact on the adjacent succulent and sage scrub habitats. Mitigation measures which would reduce the impact to a level of insignificance include review of all proposed landscaping plans to examine the appropriateness of all proposed plantings for the site and preclusion of invasive plant species. Section 8: The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the removal of a potentially significant shell scatter site. To reduce the impacts on the project site to a level of insignificance, mitigation shall require subsurface testing of the shell site to be performed by a qualified archeologist to determine if significant artifacts exist. If significant artifacts are found they shall be collected by a qualified archeologist. P.C. Resolution No. 92- 72. Page 3 of 6 Section 9: The Final EIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the loss of open space and the loss of views to the east from lower elevations of the City owned property and the directly adjacent to the Salvation Army site as a result of the Education/Conference Center. Proposed mitigation to reduce the visual impact of the Education/Conference Center includes approval of a plan showing structure height limits, plant and tree materials, walls/fences, and lighting fixtures. A landscaped berm will be placed along PVDS within the project site which will function as visual buffer. The impact will remain significant after mitigation. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 14. Section 10: The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential environmental impact, the development of the Education/Conference Center which will involve the construction of a multi-story complex with a parking lot on a currently undeveloped 7 acre site, thereby displacing open space with intrinsic aesthetic value. Loss of open space is considered a cumulatively significant within the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. There are no mitigation measures available to reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 14. Section 11: The Final Program EIR identifies as a potential environmental impact the effect the proposed Master Plan buildout will have on fire service. The Master Plan buildout will result in additional buildings and structures and an increase in human population on the site which will incrementally increase the potential for fire and thereby increase the potential loss of life and property damage. Proposed mitigation which will reduce the impact to a level of insignificance consists of satisfying the L.A. County Fire Department that the project complies with all applicable codes and ordinances for construction, access, water mains, fire flows and fire hydrants. Due to the uncertainty of Future fire Department revenues, the potential cumulative effects of the master plan project are considered significant. Mitigation requires that the applicant contribute fees to a special fire protection services district (if established) on a fair share basis. The impacts will remain significant after mitigation. A statement of overriding concerns has been adopted as discussed in Section 14 . Section 12: The Final EIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect the project will have on public services and utilities. Proposed mitigation measures which will reduce the project specific water demand consists of the applicant installing low flow plumbing fixtures and controlled landscaping P.C. Resolution No. 92- 72. Page 4 of 6 irrigation. However, based on current and potential future drought conditions, even after mitigation, the project-specific water demand will be significant on a cumulative basis. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 14 . Section 13 : The Final EIR identifies as a potential environmental impact the effect of the proposed master plan on local and regional solid waste collection, transfer and disposal. Given the shortage of available landfill sites, the high environmental costs associated with the expanding existing landfills or constructing new ones, the estimated cumulative solid waste generation is considered significant. Proposed mitigation measures include trash separation to facilitate recycling of reusable materials. Even after mitigation, the project specific solid waste generation will remain significant. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section. Section 14: That although the Final Program EIR analyzes the environmental impacts of a 15 year master plan build out, as later phases of the Salvation Army development program are initiated, separate initial studies for each phase shall be prepared to determine if additional environmental documentation is further required. Section 15: Prior to taking final action, the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the Final Program Environmental Impact Report. The Final Program Environmental Impact Report, is hereby attached hereto by reference as Exhibit "A" and includes the documents entitled Draft Program Environmental Impact Report and all technical appendices thereto and all comments and written responses, the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Final Program Environmental Impact Report and all technical appendices thereto, and a Statement of Overriding Considerations. Section 16: The benefits provided by the project outweigh any unavoidable significant impacts that may occur to air quality, view impairment, loss of open space, fire services, solid waste services, and water services. The project implements the Institutional designation (I) of the General Plan and the zoning map while preserving portions of the site as natural open space and providing a multi-purpose public trail, additional employment opportunities, and contributions to nearby traffic signals. Exhibit "B" attached hereto contains a statement of overriding considerations, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, which is hereby adopted by the Planning Commission and incorporated herein by this reference into the Final Program EIR. P.C. Resolution No. 92- 72 Page 5 of 6 Section 17: For the foregoing reasons and based on the information and findings included in the Draft and Final Program Environmental Impact Report, Staff reports, minutes, records proceedings, and evidence presented at the public hearings, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby certifies Final Program Environmental Impact Report No. 37 based on the determination that the document was completed and circulated in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State and local guidelines with respect thereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of November, 1992 . > i Robert Katherman Chairman • Du ley On rdonk,Director of Environme tal Services and Secretary to the Commission P.C. Resolution No. 92- 7a. Page 6 of 6 • EXHIBIT "B" STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS The Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, in certifying Environmental Impact Report No. 37, finds that the mitigation measures discussed in the Environmental Impact Report will, when implemented, mitigate or substantially reduce all but six of the significant effects identified in the Final Program Environmental Impact Reports. Specifically, significant environmental effects will remain in the following areas: 1) aesthetics (loss of open space) , 2) view impact, 3) cumulative impacts to water service (in consideration of current drought conditions) , 4) cumulative impacts to air quality, 5) fire service and, 6) solid waste service. The Planning Commission has balanced the benefits of the project against these effects in approving the project and certifying the Final Program Environmental Impact Report. In this regard, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby finds that all feasible mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR and the Final Environmental Impact Report have been and will be implemented as a condition of approval of the project. The Commission also finds that the six remaining significant unavoidable effects are acceptable due to the following specific benefits which outweigh the significant environmental effects and justify approval of the project as conditioned: 1. Although the project will result in a loss of undeveloped open space, only 7 acres of the 42 acre site will be developed for construction of the Education Conference Center. Additionally, the existing Coastal Sage Scrub habitat on the site will remain undisturbed. 2 . While the site is partially developed, there are no easements across the site for public enjoyment of trails and vistas. The proposed project will provide recreational opportunities by providing a multi-purpose public easement and trail which will provide a connection between the City Hall trail segment (A5) and the Seahill trail segments (A7) . 3 . The new facility will provide additional employment opportunities in the construction sectors of the economy and increased permanent employment opportunities as provided by the Salvation Army. 4. The new facility will provide regional headquarters and training facilities to provide overnight housing for the conference attendees in a self-contained location. The new facilities will include on-site training, work, recreation, and religious opportunities thus reducing cumulative impacts to traffic because guests will remain primarily on-site during training courses. 5. Although the proposed project will result in view impairment from City Hall property, said view obstruction will occur from primarily unused portions of the City Hall site. Further, other portions of the City Hall property are specifically developed for sight-seeing and additional viewing opportunities are provided throughout the City and on other portions of the City Hall property. 6. The proposed project will provide important contributions to traffic signals at the intersection of Palos Verdes Drive South and Crestmont, directly across from the entrance to the Long Point property. 7. The new facilities will provide additional meeting rooms and facilities for other local community religious and non-profit organizations. P.C. Resolution No. 92- 72. Exhibit "B" Page 2 of 2