PC RES 1991-029P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 91-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES RECOMMENDING MAKING CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN CONNECTION WITH TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 46651, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 151, AND GRADING PERMIT NO. 1389 FOR A 71 UNIT SUBDIVISION WITH 3 COMMON OPEN SPACE LOTS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CREST ROAD AND HIGHRIDGE ROAD. WHEREAS, an application was filed by the Kajima Development Corporation with respect to real property located on a vacant 59 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Crest Road and Highridge Road requesting the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 46651, Conditional Use Permit No. 151, and Grading Permit No. 1389 for a 76 unit Residential Planned Development (RPD) with 3 common open space lots; and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was prepared and circulated for 45 days from January,3, 1991 to February 19, 1991, in order to receive written comments on the adequacy of the document from responsible agencies and the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on February 12, 1991 in order to receive public testimony on the Draft Environmental Impact Report, at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and present evidence; and WHEREAS, written responses were prepared to all comments that were received on the Draft Environmental Impact Report during the circulation period and a mitigation monitoring program was prepared, and both documents were presented to the Planning Commission on June 25, 1991 as part of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR); and WIiEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the Final Environmental Impact Report for recommendation of certification of the document to the City Council on July 9, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DOES IIEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The FEIR identified as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Grading and earthwork during the construction and development of the project. Provisions for reducing the impacts to a level of insignificance have been incorporated into the project. To minimize impacts, all grading and earthwork will be performed in accordance with specifications of the applicant's geotechnical consultant as approved by the City, the area will be i immediately revegetated, the earthwork will be initiated on the east side of the project site and continue towards the west, and areas not to be disturbed during the earthwork operations will be fenced for protection. Section 2: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Geologic Hazard on the site due to expansive soils, loose surface materials, and the proximity of seismic faults to the project site. Provisions for reducing the impacts to a level of insignificance have been incorporated into the project. To minimize impacts, all grading and earthwork will be performed in accordance with the recommendations and specifications of the applicant's geotechnical consultant and as approved by the City. Before grading commences, two additional borings will be completed to verify the non-existence of a potential failure plane. In the event that a slide plane is discovered, all grading shall immediately cease and the developer shall provide a means to stabilize the slope, subject to the approval of the City. Frequent in -grading inspections will be conducted during the construction and any other adverse conditions encountered shall be evaluated by the applicant's consultant and recommendations shall be made subject to the approval of the City. Section 3: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Short -Term emissions on Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which may affect nearby residents, but this impact is not considered significant. Fugitive dust emissions will be controlled with regular watering or other airborne dust reduction measures in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, all construction equipment will be maintained and tuned to reduce emissions from heavy equipment, grading activity will cease during periods of winds greater than 40 miles per hour, and all disturbed areas will be revegetated as soon as possible after disturbance to the satisfaction of the City. Section 4: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Long -Term emissions on Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin. Provisions for reducing the impacts to a level of insignificance have been incorporated into the project. The cumulative impacts of this project on air quality cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 19. In order to reduce the effects of this project, convenient access for pedestrians and improvements to transit stops will be provided and the project shall encourage the use of public transit and carpooling. Section 5: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of modification of on-site storm water runoff volumes and velocities on Hydrology. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. The site will be revegetated to minimize erosion, and drainage facilities will be constructed to control on-site drainage and minimize potential downstream flooding, subject to review and approval by the City. P.C. Resolution No. 91-29' page 2 Section 6: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the project on the Plant Life of the Tract. Provisions for reducing the impacts to a level of insignificance have been incorporated into the project. Native vegetation will be planted, reintroduced, and enhanced on the site, and areas not to be disturbed during the earthwork operations will be fenced for protection. Section 7: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the project on Animal Life on the site. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance for most species. Although not found on the site, cumulative impacts to the California gnatcatcher, a candidate species for listing as endangered or threatened with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), will remain due to the loss of habitat. Focused surveys for the gnatcatcher will be conducted to determine the status. A statement of overriding considerations has been adopted as discussed in Section 19. Habitat areas for animal life on the site will be enhanced, and areas unaffected by development will be maintained and protected in a natural state and will revegetated to reduce impacts to the California gnatcatcher. Section 8: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of Noise due to additional traffic and construction activities. Short-term construction activity will generate noise that may affect nearby residents, but this impact is not considered significant. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the long-term impacts to a level of insignificance. Construction hours will be limited, construction equipment will use sound restriction devices, and insulation and other sound attenuation devices will be used. Section 9; The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of nighttime artificial Lighting on adjacent residents and wildlife. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. Lighting will be shielded and landscaped buffers will be provided to minimize intrusion onto neighboring property or into habitat areas. Section 10: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the development on the City's Land Use, in relation to zoning and the general plan. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. Development and landscaping of the project site will be in conformance with the City's residential Development Code standards. P.C. Resolution No. 91-29 page 3 Section 11: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the increased Population and Housing generated by the proposed project. No changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project as these effects on the City's population and housing are anticipated based on projected increases. Since the proposed project will accommodate the projected increases, the environmental impacts on Population and Housing caused by the proposed project will not be significant. Section 12: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of 76 peak hour trips and 770 average daily trips this project will have on Transportation and Circulation. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. A demand responsive traffic signal, if required, will be installed to improve access to the site and provide a safe equestrian crossing at Crest Road and Highridge Road. Section 13: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the project on Public Services including police and fire protection, schools, and.parks. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. Adequate facilities and access to the site will be provided to reduce impacts on fire services and recommendations for improved security have been included to reduce impacts on police services. The project does not impact schools, and the Quimby Act will balance impacts on existing parks caused by new development and trails on the site will be dedicated and improved by the developer. Section 14: The FEIR identifies as a'potential significant environmental impact the effect of the project on Utilities including electrical, natural gas, communications (telephone), water, sewers, storm water drains, and solid waste. Changes or alterations have been recommended into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. Water conservation measures will be incorporated in the residential and landscape designs to reduce impacts on water, and sewers. Drainage improvements will reduce impacts on storm water drains. To reduce impacts of the project on solid waste, the project will participate in the City's recycling program. Section 15: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of the project on Aesthetics and the Viewshed from Crest Road and surrounding development. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. Ridgeline heights of all structures will be limited to establish view corridors and development of the structures will conform applicable Codes and requirements. P.C. Resolution No. 91-29 page 4 Section 16: The FEIR identifies as a potential significant environmental impact the effect of known archaeological or historical resources on Cultural Resources on the project site. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen this impact to a level of insignificance. A professional archaeologist will be obtained to monitor all rough grading operations. If any resources are found, all grading and related activities will stop until remains are recovered. Section 17: A mitigation monitoring program has been prepared for the proposed project to ensure that the mitigation measures incorporated into the project will be properly implemented. Volume II of the FEIR contains the mitigation monitoring program recommended to the City Council, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and which is incorporated herein by reference. Section 18: In addition to the mitigation measures required in the FEIR, other mitigation measures have been required which are incorporated into Volume I of the FEIR. These mitigation measures will further reduce other environmental impacts identified in the FEIR, but were not found to be significant. Section 19: The Environmental Impact Report examined five alternative site configurations, one alternative use, and four alternative sites. The EIR concluded that the environmentally superior alternative would be the "No Project Alternative" since it generates the least impacts. As required by CEQA, if the "no project alternative" is environmentally superior than an additional alternative must be selected. After the "no project alternative," the environmentally superior project was determined to be the "Clustered Development" with fewer units than the proposed project. However, since a cluster development comprised of attached units would be incompatible with the patterns of similarly zoned surrounding development which consists of detached single family homes, the alternative preferred by the Planning Commission is a development consisting of detached single family homes. Because the total number of proposed lots has been reduced from 76 to 71 detached single family dwelling units, and has provided for a decrease in the proposed density and an increase in the proposed lot sizes, the Planning Commission hereby finds that the proposed project is the preferred alternative. Section 20: The recreational and hydrological benefits, and housing opportunities provided by the project outweigh any unavoidable significant adverse environmental impacts that may occur to Air Quality, Visual and Aesthetics and Biological Resources. The project implements the Residential Single Family designation (RS -1 and RS -2) of the general plan and zoning map while preserving 46 percent of the site as natural open space with public trails, drainage improvements, and habitat area. Exhibit "A" hereto contains a statement of overriding considerations, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, which is recommended for adoption to the City Council and incorporated herein by this reference. P.C. Resolution No. 91-29 page 5 Section 21: For the foregoing reasons and based on the information and findings included in the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report, Staff Reports, minutes, and records of proceedings, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes has reviewed and considered the information contained in the report and hereby finds that the FEIR was completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and recommends certification of the document to the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 1991. WAbbr—Keln/ard, Director of Env ronmental Services and Secretary to the Commission .ice` ,+►1 1 Peter Vbn Hagen Chairman P.C. Resolution No. 91-29 . page 6 I -0 0 EXHIBIT "A" STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS The Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes finds that the mitigation measures discussed in the Environmental Impact Report will, when implemented, mitigate or substantially reduce all but three of the significant effects identified in the Final Environmental Impact Report. Only the air quality, biological resources, and visual/aesthetics effects of the project are found to be unavoidable even after incorporation of all feasible mitigation measures. The Planning Commission has balanced the benefits of the project against these effects in recommending approval of the proposed project. In this regard, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby finds that all feasible mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Report, which are summarized in the Impact Summary Table of the document, have been and will be implemented with the project through the mitigation monitoring program and that the three remaining significant unavoidable effects are acceptable due to the following specific benefits which outweigh the significant environmental effects and justify approval of the project as conditioned: 1. Although the site is presently undeveloped, there are no public easements across the site for enjoyment of trails and vistas. The proposed project will provide recreational opportunities by preserving 46 percent of the site as common open space with the dedication of public trail easements and the provision for vistas within the development. 2. Within the common open space area, a minimum of 12 acres of the site will be retained in its natural, undisturbed condition for maintenance of vegetative communities and wildlife habitat. 3. Although the project will cause a significant cumulative impact on Biological Resources due to the reduction of habitat area throughout the peninsula, portions of the common open space area on the subject property will be revegetated with native plant species to enhance, improve, and re-establish wildlife habitat areas. 4. The proposed project will control existing hydrology by providing drainage facilities to improve off-site downstream drainage deficiencies. 5. In conformance with projected housing needs for the City, and the Single Family designation of the City's Zoning Map and General Plan, the project will provide an additional 71 dwelling units in the City.