FEBRUARY 22, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p m by Chairman Cartwright at the Hesse
Park Community Room 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
Recording Secretary Peterson led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present Commissioners Alberio, Clark, Paris, Slayden, and Chairman Cartwright
Although he was excused from the meeting, Vice Chairman Lyon arrived
at 10*40 p m
Absent Commissioner Vannorsdall was excused
Also present were Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Rojas,
Assistant Planner Schonborn, Associate Planner Louie, and Recording Secretary
Commissioner Slayden moved to approve the agenda as presented seconded by
Commissioner Clark. There being no objection, it was so ordered by the
Director/Secretary Rojas reported that at the last City Council meeting the City Council:
1) Initiated a code amendment regarding code enforcement and the View Restoration
process, 2) Initiated a code amendment regarding the color of realtor signs in the public
right-of-way; and 3) Granted a fee waiver to waive the penalty fees for Conditional Use
Permit No. 27, regarding a commercial antenna on Oceanaire Drive.
Director/Secretary Rojas distributed five items of late correspondence regarding Agenda
Item No 4 He also updated the Commission on the status of several major projects
proposed in the City.
1. Minutes of February 8, 2000
Chairman Cartwright pointed out typos on pages 2, 4, and 9 of the minutes.
Commissioner Clark moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by
Commissioner Slayden. The minutes were approved, (5-0).
2. Conditional Use Permit No. 192 — Revision `B' and Site Plan Review No.
8596, Paul Wolcott (applicant) 5837 Crest Road
Commissioner Paris stated that since he has professional dealings with the Seaview
Villas Homeowners Association he felt he should recuse himself from hearing this
Assistant Planner Schonborn began the staff report by briefly explaining what had
occurred at the past Planning Commission meetings regarding the project. He explained
that the current proposal called for the new monopole to be located 11 feet from the
location of the existing monopole structure. He reviewed the size and location of the
proposed panel antennas. He stated that staff was able to make all of the necessary
findings, and recommended approval of the project subject to the conditions contained
in Exhibit A.
Commissioner Slayden asked if staff was aware of any other cellular operation that
would be requesting space on this monopole as it expands.
Assistant Planner Schonborn stated that the three major cellular operators were all
currently located at the California Water Service site and that staff was not aware of any
other companies requesting use of the site.
Paul Wolcott 257 Van Ness Way, Torrance (applicant) stated that the concerns of the
residents were taken into account and a discussion followed with California Water
Service on how to address those concerns A new site for the monopole was identified
which is approximately 11 feet to the east of the existing monopole, away from the
residences. He felt that this solution was one that works for everyone involved
Commissioner Alberio asked if there was a possibility that more antennas would be
added to the monopole some time in the future.
Mr. Wolcott responded that no further antennas would be required at this facility
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Chairman Cartwright asked why the existing location could not be used for the new
Mr. Wolcott answered that according to his engineer the existing pole has a 15 -foot
foundation Directly to the south of the pole is an existing electrical and sewer lines and
the existing equipment for PacBell and Sprint are approximately 5 feet to the east and
west of the existing pole In order to remove the existing pole it would have to be cut
into sections, and since a backhoe could not be used in the area, a jackhammer would
have to be used to remove the foundation. There were also safety concerns because of
the condition of the soil and the close proximity of the utilities
Cam Garcia 10 Seaview Drive North Rolling Hills Estates, stated that he has a great
appreciation for the procedure used to resolve the controversial issues of this project
and commended the Commission on the handling of these issues. He felt that the
relocation of the monopole 11 feet to the east of the existing structure satisfies his
primary concerns and therefore no longer has any objections to the project. He
recommended that every effort be made to camouflage the monopole to hide it from
view on the north side.
Linda Navarro 12 Seaview Drive South Rolling Hills Estates, stated that she was the
president of the Seaview Villas HOA and that Airtouch had addressed their concerns,
and that they appreciated the Planning Commission's handling of their concerns. She
expressed a concern that there would be many more antennas in the future.
Joe Riggio 22 Seaview Drive South Rolling Hills Estates, stated he was pleased that the
monopole was now moved further from the Seaview Villas and with this modification he
no longer has objections to the project. He too would like to see some type of
landscaping to help camouflage the monopole
Tom Alley 6304 Sattes Drive stated that he owns the property at 17 Seaview Drive
South He explained that he was at his property looking at the area of the proposed
antenna and that the antenna would still be visible from his property, but not as visible
as it was in the original location. Therefore, he did not have an objection to this new
proposal. He understood that if any changes were to be made to this proposal the
homeowners' association would be notified
Commissioner Albeno asked Mr. Wolcott about the camouflaging of the monopole
Mr. Wolcott responded that the staff report did address the issue with provisions as to
the colors used to paint the structure and provisions for landscaping He stated that
Airtouch would work with staff in any way they could
Commissioner Slayden moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Commissioner Alberio. There being no objection, the public hearing was closed.
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Commissioner Slayden moved to accept staff recommendations as presented
thereby adopting P.C. Resolution No. 2000-06 approving Conditional Use Permit
No. 192 'B' and Site Plan Review No. 8596, seconded by Commissioner Clark.
Approved, (4-0).
3. Variance No. 467, Richard and Jackie Hess (applicant) 4100 Palos Verdes
Drive East
Commissioner Albeno asked if there was anyone in the audience opposed to this
project. There was nobody in the audience opposing the project.
Commissioner Alberio moved to waive the reading of the staff report, seconded
by Commissioner Clark. There being no objection, the staff report was waived.
Commissioner Paris noted that the staff report stated there were two six foot by six-foot
poles, he corrected it to read two six-inch by six-inch poles.
Commissioner Cartwright opened the public hearing
Commissioner Cartwright asked the applicant if they had read the staff report and the
conditions and recommendations attached to it, and if he was in agreement with the
Richard Hess 4100 Palos Verdes Drive East (applicant) stated that he had read the staff
report and the conditions of approval and was primarily in agreement with these
Commissioner Alberio moved to approve the staff recommendations with the one
modification noted by Commissioner Paris, thereby adopting P.C. Resolution No.
2000-07 approving Variance No. 467 subject to the Conditions in Exhibit 'A',
seconded by Commissioner Slayden. The project was approved, (5-0).
4. Appeal of Height Variation No. 888 and Site Plan Review No. 8637, Sanjay
Celly (applicant), Andrew and Yukie Landisman (appellant), 27046
Springcreek Road, Brad Duschak and Heidi Knight (appellant), 27040
Whitestone Road, Fatima Lakhani (appellant), 27040 Springcreek Road.
Associate Planner Louie presented the staff report, beginning with a brief history of the
project. She explained that since the original project, the applicant has: 1) reduced the
overall square footage; 2) revised the second story addition so that it is setback from the
first story fagade resulting in a greater setback from the rear property line; 3) eliminated
the balcony, 4) changed the architectural style from Mediterranean to Ranch Style; and
5) lowered the ridge height from 24'3" to 23'9" With these modifications staff was able
to make all required findings for the height variation. Therefore the Director of Planning,
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Building, and Code Enforcement approved the project. The decision was subsequently
appealed Ms Louie explained that the appellants listed four issues and five concerns
with the project She discussed in detail two of the four issues: neighborhood
compatibility and infringement of privacy. She discussed the issue of neighborhood
compatibility and how the height variation guidelines required staff to analyze the ten
closest homes to determine neighborhood compatibility. She explained that staff also
reviewed the entire tract within and beyond the 100 -foot radius in order to address the
concerns received from the residents. Staff determined that the overall tract included
two story -split level homes, and one and two story residences. Due to the variation
within the tract staff determined that the proposed addition would be compatible with the
type of residences found within the tract. She pointed out that according to the
Development Code, split level homes are considered two-story residences The
Director determined that the structure height was acceptable and did not need to be
lowered since the proposed project did not significantly impair the view from another
parcel and none of the adjacent residences have a view in the direction of the proposed
addition. As for the second issue, Ms Louie explained that the original proposal and
balcony did create an infringement of privacy, since the windows had direct views
overlooking most of the appellants (Landisman and Lakhani) rear yards. As a result,
the applicant modified the original proposal to address these concerns. The appellants
submitted diagrams indicating that most of the backyard area will still be visible,
however a privacy analysis was conducted from the applicant's roof before and after the
project revisions. At that time it was determined that due to the new setback distance of
the second story level and the elimination of the rear balcony, neither the second story
addition nor the bay window would allow direct views onto most of the rear yard area of
Dr. Landisman Therefore, staff recommended that the Planning Commission deny the
appeal and uphold the Director's decision.
Chairman Cartwright asked if any of the second story additions in the tract were
constructed through the height variation process.
Associate Planner Louie answered that she knew of at least one that went through the
height variation process.
Commission Clark asked if the Director would have approved the project had the
applicant not revised their original application to take into account both staff and
neighbor concerns.
Director/Secretary Rous explained that he had met with the applicants to inform them
that he could not recommend approval of the project as presented originally.
Chairman Cartwright stated that the picture board that was circulated earlier showed
pictures taken out over the trellis He asked staff how those pictures were taken.
Associate Planner Louie answered that the pictures were taken from the roof at the spot
of the proposed windows in the master bedroom and the bay window
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Commissioner Paris asked staff to comment on the accuracy of the simulated views
presented on pages 9-5 and 9-6 of the appeal letter.
Associate Planner Louie stated that although she had reviewed these simulations, staff
had not verified the accuracy. However she noted that it does follow the silhouette and
the windows appear to be in the correct location.
Commissioner Alberio moved to open the public hearing, seconded by
Commissioner Slayden. There being no objection the public hearing was opened.
Chairman Cartwright allowed speakers to relinquish their speaking time to another
speaker. The appellants requested that they speak after the others opposing the
Hu Sing Lam 27027 Whitestone Drive, stated the he was opposed to the project.
Gibson Reaves 27125 Whitestone Drive, stated he too was opposed to the project He
stated the objections were presented in detail in their letter of November 18, 1999 He
did not feel these objections were adequately addressed in the Notice of Decision dated
December 16, 1999 or in any subsequent communications. He stated his objections
were that the proposed addition would decrease the value of the surrounding homes
and would increase the population density of the neighborhood, resulting in an increase
in congestion and pollution. He felt that in the Notice of Decision should be written in a
more precise way. He pointed out that on page 2, item 7 states that the one four by six
window that is located on the northern side of the structure is not permitted with this
approval. He understood a four -foot by six-foot window was not approved, but did that
mean that a five-foot by seven -foot window was okay. He felt that since the project had
been redesigned it should be necessary for the applicants to survey the nearby property
owners for their approval or disapproval Lastly, he stated that the purpose of the code
was to protect the property values of the properties in Rancho Palos Verdes He felt
that a major professional responsibility of the Planning Commission was to exercise
their wisdom and experience in making sure that not only the detailed regulations of the
code are followed, but the purposes of the code is to protect the property values.
Commissioner Clark asked Mr Reaves why he thought this project would impact
property values in the neighborhood.
Mr. Reaves answered that he had talked to several people and asked them if they
would buy a home next to one that is so much larger than the others in the
neighborhood He stated that they had all said "no".
Commissioner Clark asked Mr. Reaves if he felt there were any other homes in the tract
that were similar to the proposed residence
Mr. Reaves felt there were many homes similar to the proposed project, however he felt
that just because a mistake was made in approving those two story homes, the mistake
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should not continue to occur. He stated he did not believe in setting a precedent with
the mistakes of the two story homes that were already built.
Chairman Cartwright asked Mr Reaves to explain his concern in the increase in
population and pollution if this project were approved.
Mr Reaves responded that a house this large could, in the future, house a dozen
people. The larger the house, the more people that could possibly live in it. He added
that the issue was not so much a loss of privacy in the neighborhood, but rather a
matter of added light to the neighborhood He discussed his preference for a dark sky
to be able to see the Milky Way and the loss of aesthetic quality
Charlotte Dean 5916 Clint Place, stated that several years ago she was before the
Planning Commission to oppose a two-story addition on Clint Place, which the Planning
Commission approved. She explained that if you go to Clint Place and view the
massive house built there, you would understand the opposition to this proposal. She
stated that rights of the neighbors were violated and their lives affected by the lack of
interest of the Planning Commission to maintain the compatibility of the neighborhood
She understood that a "far view" is not considered under the Development Code, but
she felt that it should be taken under consideration. She stated that the Rancho Palos
Verdes residents needed protection against future expansion in their neighborhoods.
She urged the Commission to consider the neighbor's views and make a wise decision
on the fate of the community. She asked the Commission to avoid any further
approvals of such mansions as the one on Clint Place and keep the beauty and charm
of the area.
Commissioner Clark explained that members of the Planning Commission serve on a
voluntary basis and have a strong interest in the City. He felt that Ms. Dean's
characterization of the Planning Commission having a lack of interest was not accurate.
The decision of the Planning Commission did not go the way Ms Dean wanted it to on
Clint Place, but he assured her that each and every Planning Commissioner that
participated in the discussion gave due consideration to the neighbors views, as they
will tonight.
Chairman Cartwright asked Ms. Dean if she had looked at the plans for the proposed
Ms. Dean stated that she had not looked at the plans.
Chairman Cartwright asked if she was opposed to the project because of the size and
Ms. Dean answered that she was opposed to the size and bulk
Kiyotaka Mori 27035 Whitestone Drive, stated he lived next door to the proposed project
and was concerned about the views into his pool area and the additional weight and
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pressure that will be added to the land on Whitestone Drive. He was also concerned
that the structure will not be compatible with the neighborhood.
Commissioner Alberio understood Mr. Mori's concern over the geology of the area and
assured him that the City was also concerned with that aspect and this issue would be
reviewed by the City's geologist.
Chairman Cartwright asked if Mr Mori had discussed his privacy concerns with the
Mr. Mori answered that he had not discussed his concerns with the applicants. He
stated that by looking at the silhouette concerns were raised that the applicants would
be able to look into his pool area and backyard.
Chi Chen 27034 Spring Creek Road gave her speaking time to the appellants
Jacob Hsu 27034 Spring Creek Road gave his speaking time to the appellants.
Ark Hsu 27103 Whitestone Road, stated that he was opposed to the project and felt that
the project was not compatible to the neighborhood. He discussed a loss of privacy in
that he felt the applicants would be able to look into his home from their second story
windows He thought the applicants could achieve their needs with a different design.
Thea Priest 27054 Spring Creek Road gave her time to the appellants.
John Priest 27054 Spring Creek Road, was opposed to having a large two-story house
built at the top of a slope looking down at his home below. He did not agree that a split-
level home was the same as a two-story home.
Mary Reaves 27125 Whitestone Drive, felt that "inadequate parcel of land" described
this project. She gave her remaining time to the appellants.
Colette Hester 26945 Spring Creek Road gave her time to the appellants.
Fatima Lakhani (appellant) 27040 Spring Creek Road, stated her main objection to the
project was that from the second story it would be possible to look into her living area
and bedroom area. She was concerned that by signing the early neighborhood
consultation paper it might be mistaken that she supported the project She stressed
that her privacy would be infringed upon and requested the applicants put themselves in
her shoes and look at the project from her perspective.
Chairman Cartwright asked if Ms. Lakhani if she had seen the photo board that had
circulated earlier in the meeting. He displayed the photo board and stated that it was
his understanding that staff stood on the roof of the applicant's house when taking these
pictures The pictures were taken from the spot where the windows would be located
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He asked Ms. Lakhani if, after viewing this photo board, she stili had the same privacy
Ms. Lakhani could not be sure.
Commissioner Clark explained that the early neighborhood consultation process was
not to get approval or disapproval from the neighbors, signing merely confirmed that
they were aware that their neighbor was proposing an addition to their residence
Commissioner Alberio asked if some type of fence or hedge were built halfway up the
slope to help eliminate the privacy issue, would she be satisfied with that.
Ms Lakhani responded that she could not afford to put in a fence or hedge.
Heidi Knight (appellant) 27040 Whitestone Road gave her speaking time to Mr.
Yukie Landisman (appellant) 27046 Spring Creek Road, explained to the Commission
that the night before tonight's meeting her husband had gone to a nearby neighbor who
was very ill, and came upon the applicants at the front door. She did not feel the
applicants were respectful or compassionate for the ill neighbor and cared only for their
addition She understood that the applicants had modified their proposal, but the
addition was still an invasion on their privacy She stated that this addition may be the
applicant's dream, but she and her husband also live in their dream house.
Commissioner Clark stated that it was clear from the testimony that even after the
revisions there were still privacy issues. He asked Mrs. Landisman if that was her main
objection or if she objected to any additions to the home.
Mrs. Landisman stated her main objection was privacy.
Brad Duschak (appellant) 27040 Whitestone Drive, pointed out on a map where his
home was in relationship to the applicant's property, which is across the street. He
stated that the Cellys were good neighbors, and the objection concerned the
neighborhood compatibility and privacy. He again referred to the map and stated that
all of the neighbors abutting the project were in opposition to it. Mr. Duschak stated that
the Code says there are nine findings that must be made to approve a Height Variation.
He and Mr Landisman were going to discuss four of these findings 1) The early
neighborhood consultation process; 2) Neighborhood compatibility, 3) The structure
located on a promontory, and 4) Privacy of abutting residences
Andrew Landisman (appellant) 27046 Spring Creek Road, discussed the issue of
privacy and stated that the original staff report omitted the southwest bedroom window
from the privacy analysis, even though it is closest to the Lakhani property and his
property In contrast to what the report states, Mr. Landisman stated that the master
bedroom window would overlook the Spring Creek backyards He did not feel that
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existing vegetation provides any privacy for their interiors. In terms of neighborhood
compatibility, Mr. Landisman demonstrated on the map which homes were used for the
neighborhood compatibilty analysis He pointed out one home that was beyond 100'
from the subject site was included in Staffs analysis, however several homes within
100' on Spring Creek Road were not included. He noted that the file received by the
Commission omits the original letter written before the notice was sent out by the City,
dated July 17, 1999 which discussed how important the rear windows were since they
created infringement of privacy. He discussed privacy and felt that their outdoor privacy
will be completely invaded and their indoor privacy will also be lost.
Mr. Duschak distributed photographs that were taken at night which showed what he felt
the end view would be from the southwest bedroom. The photographs showed that if
the blinds were not closed the applicants could look directly into their homes.
Commissioner Paris asked how this analysis could be accurate if they did not get on the
roof of the applicant's house.
Mr. Duschak replied that this was an approximation taken from Mrs. Lakhani's property.
On the back of the photograph is a scale drawing showing how the picture was
calculated to the best of their ability. He stated that in the staff report the implication
was that indoor privacy has no weight. He very strongly disagreed with that.
Mr Landisman stated that at the time they purchased their home there were no lights
from neighboring homes that could be seen from his backyard. He stated this was a
key criteria in purchasing the house He felt the second story windows will be light
sources that will impact his hobby of astronomy by shining into the backyard.
Commissioner Clark state he was having difficulty understanding the orientation of the
views presented in the pictures distributed by Mr Duschak in relation to staffs view
board with the views from the original project and the revised project.
Mr. Landisman reviewed the staff photo board He acknowledged that he had not been
on the Celly's roof. However, when he stands in his backyard he can clearly see in the
silhouette where the southwest bedroom window will be sticking out. He felt that staffs
photos were taken from what will be the master bedroom.
Chairman Cartwright noted that Mr. Landisman did not think that existing vegetation
provided privacy. He asked Mr. Landisman if he thought a hedge or fence across the
slope would help with privacy.
Mr. Landisman answered by explaining that the staff report of December 13, 1999
stated that existing vegetation would provide a privacy protection. He disputed that
Chairman Cartwright discussed the issue of neighborhood compatibility He explained
that the Development Code directs staff to analyze a specific radius and does not take
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into consideration homes on different streets. Staff is bound by the Development Code
and does not have the latitude to change it on a case by case basis. He also asked Mr.
Landisman about his hobby of astronomy and wondered if at the time Mr. Landisman
purchased his home if he was under the impression that none of the homes above him
would be allowed to add a second story.
Mr. Landisman stated that he never believed the neighborhood would not change. The
point he was trying to make was that this addition would loom over his yard and the
entire west (rear) wall of the second story will be visible from anywhere in his backyard
and therefore his entire yard will be visible to the Cellys. He stated that the window in
the southwest bedroom was the most visible, by far, and if that bedroom could not be
seen that would alleviate the problem as far as astronomy. As the revised proposal
exists, it will impact astronomy.
Mr. Duschak then discussed the issue of neighborhood compatibility. He felt the
proposal was completely incompatible with the immediate neighborhood in every
aspect. He stated that the significant incompatibility was the square footage of the
project, the apparent mass, and the ridge height. He displayed a graph showing the
average square footage, apparent mass, and ridge height of the properties in a 500 -foot
radius. He explained that according to this graph the applicants proposed structure was
well beyond anything that currently exists as the square footage was 75 percent more
than the average, the apparent mass was almost double than average, and the ridge
height was 10 feet 3 inches above everyone else. He did not think there were any two-
story houses on Whitestone Road He displayed a map of the neighborhood showing
split-level homes on Whitestone Road and Spring Creek Drive He explained that all of
the split-level homes developed by the original contractor were dug out on the north
slope on the east side of the street He stated that the proposed project is not on the
east side of the street and not dug out of a hill, but rather on the west side of the street
one lot away from the highest point on Whitestone Road. He pointed out that the
Planning Commission had in their possession 53 letters written from neighbors who
opposed the project In the 100 -foot radius there were 12 out of 14 people, over 85
percent, who have indicated that they do not want a two-story residence on their street.
He stressed that this was not a vendetta against the Cellys, rather it was an issue of
neighborhood compatibility He stated there were two real two-story houses in the tract,
both on Spring Creek Road. He explained they were both on the east side of the street,
down from the ridge, with low elevation impact. He next discussed what a two-story
house was. He explained the split-level homes in the area had a bottom level of an
approximate 420 square foot garage, which is not living space. He stated there was no
comparison between this and the applicant's two-story structure and was very disturbed
by the analogy made by the City between split-level homes and the applicant's two-
story home. The main argument was that the proposed structure was a good 10 feet
higher than any house around it. Mr. Duschak stated that foliage removal cannot
prevent, but only accent the incompatibility.
Chairman Cartwright stated that when in the neighborhood he had observed two homes
on Spring Creek Road that were two-story and they were on the west side of the street.
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Mr. Duschak pointed out the two homes Chairman Cartwright was speaking of on the
map and agreed they were on the west side of the street.
Chairman Cartwright reminded Mr. Duschak that City staff is bound by the Development
Code which does not differentiate between split-level and two-story houses.
Mr. Duschak stated that viewed from Spring Creek Road the west side of Whitestone
Road forms a ridge. He felt the City's definition of ridge yields the same conclusion, an
elongated crest. He pointed out on a display an area that he felt was an elongated crest
that was considered Whitestone Ridge.
Mr. Duschak also said he had difficulty with the neighborhood consultation process. He
felt it was the neighbors only direct input into the process. He did not understand how
the Director could approve something that 11 out of 14 neighbors opposed. He felt the
neighborhood consultation process was flawed. Even though the city states that the
process is for consultation and not for approval, once the neighbors sign the form he felt
it was too late as the signature has contributed to the applicant one of the nine required
Chairman Cartwright stated that the early neighborhood consultation process was only
to ensure the applicant made a legitimate effort to notify the neighbors that they were
about to do something that might or might not change the neighborhood. If the
neighbors had not signed the form, the applicant need only prove by proof of certified
mail or other means that an attempt was made to notify the neighbors, and this would
be sufficient in terms of noticing under early neighborhood consultation.
Mr. Landisman summarized by stating the proposal was not compatible with the
neighborhood in terms of square footage, apparent mass and ridgeline height He
reminded the Commission that all of the two-story/split level residences on Whitestone
Road are on the east side of the road and this is on the west side of the road. They
believed this residence was on a ridge and therefore made it visible to many other
residences. Most importantly, he felt that the privacy issue must be taken into account.
He respectfully requested the Planning Commission uphold the appeal and deny the
Commissioner Clark asked Mr. Landisman what he would like to see done at this
property that would be satisfactory to him.
Mr. Landisman answered that in terms of privacy he would like to see the second -story
pushed back so that he does not see it at all. If this were to happen he would not have
to worry about the Cellys being able to see them on their property and the structure
would not impact his hobby of astronomy. He was very fearful that this residence would
set precedence in the neighborhood with its height and square footage.
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Commissioner Clark asked if somehow the second floor could be pushed back would
that alleviate the privacy issue
Mr. Landisman stated that the Cellys were proposing to add quite a bit of new square
footage. He felt it would be possible to add a larger amount of square footage if the
project were revised to a single story addition.
At 9:40 p.m. the Commission took a short recess to 9 50 p.m. at which time they
Olympia Greer (architect) 276 Palos Verdes Drive West Palos Verdes Estates, began
by explaining that the Cellys were looking for an addition of a modest size and on a
limited budget The approach was to add approximately 1,000 square feet to satisfy the
growing family and grandparents that live with them. A soils report will be prepared for
the project. As a result of concerns from neighbors and staff, the height of the structure
was reduced from 24'3" to 23'9" and the footprint was modified. In terms of the concern
of privacy, the overall rear setback was reduced by 10' Out of that the south bedroom
was setback 6' and the master bedroom setback 10' from the rear structure's facade
At the same time, the balcony was eliminated completely. By reducing the height of the
project the mass of the project was reduced Also, the roofing material changed from
clay tile to composition shake. She felt the height of the addition was much less visible
from the rear due to the fact that the wall of the second story has been pushed back 10'.
The apparent height of the structure is lower due to the fact that the structure is broken
up into smaller segments and has the appearance of a low -profile ranch style house.
She felt the new design breaks the massing of the front into segments by retaining the
overhang across the entry and preventing the appearance of the tower effect A roof
overhang over the entry and the library bay window breaks the visual line between the
floors. Ms. Greer explained the roof is primarily a hip roof with a few gable elements
which further help to maintain the neighborhood ranch settings. The side elevations
have been altered since the original proposal to include segments, which break the
mass and the roofline, resulting in a lighter visual affect. She summarized that the
second -story had been pushed in from all sides except the north side. The north side
had been reduced considerably in terms of the overall length She explained that the
rear elevation had also been broken into segments. Further, there is no balcony and
the outdoor space under the roof overhang is part of the structure without imposing on
adjacent privacy. She stated that careful attention was given to the issue of privacy.
She explained that the Landisman residence was currently not visible from the Celly
residence if one stands at the rear yard. If one stands at the very edge of the existing
rail one portion of the yard and glass patio doors is visible. Stepping back six feet from
the edge the patio and doors are no longer visible. No indoor views are visible from the
Celly residence It was established, therefore, that six feet was a minimum distance
one must be back from the edge of the existing structure at the second level in order not
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to see the Landisman's yard. The second story was set back 10' which resulted in a
reduction of the master bedroom and a reconfiguration of the floor plan. The southern
bedroom was set back by 6', the balcony was eliminated, and the window size was
reduced The south side windows were eliminated from bedrooms 3 and 4 She
explained that the main goal was to be able to enjoy the distant views inherent in the
value and location of this property. She felt this was being accomplished with care and
respect of privacy infringement She also felt the night sky affect has been maintained
because the glass area on the second story has been reduced from 16 feet to 9 feet.
This also acknowledges and preserves the neighbors privacy She added that ambient
light level from the atmospheric scatter of the city lights is greater than any localized
affects from nearby lights except on cloudy days She concluded by saying that this
solution has satisfied all zoning requirements, staff parameters, and neighbors
concerns. She commented that a ground floor addition of a similar size and magnitude
would not be possible as it would cover the entire lot from side yard to side yard.
Commissioner Albeno asked if bedroom no 4 could be setback further to be in line with
the master bedroom
Ms. Greer stated that it could not be done without going over the garage by four feet,
which is something they were trying to avoid
Commissioner Paris asked if there were a way to reduce the entryway, thereby further
reducing the setback at the rear of the house
Ms. Greer answered that the current 10 -foot setback ensures total privacy and to go
further than 10 feet may not be essential, but possible.
Kirti Celly (applicant) 27041 Whitestone Road, began by stating the plan to develop the
property stemmed from their basic family needs for additional space. She explained
that they have two young children plus her mother and grandmother living with them.
She also explained that she and her husband do quite a bit of work from their home.
She stated an investment of this magnitude required them to think very carefully about
the risk involved because if anyone was risking property values it was the first person
on the street to add substantially to their home. Mrs. Celly felt that their proposal was
consistent with the City's Development Code and compatible with second story
developments that the City has already permitted in the neighborhood. She cited five
two-story homes in the immediate tract, two on Spring Creek Road, one on Clint Place,
and two on Finecrest Drive All of these, excluding the garage and trellises, are
between 2,200 and 3,600 square feet and all of the lot sizes are between 7,000 and
9,000 square feet. She explained that there were several reasons they chose to add a
second -story addition rather than a single story addition. The first reason was that they
currently have a rather small yard and desired to retain as much of the yard as possible.
Secondly, given the risky nature of the investment, she felt strongly that putting on a
second story would reduce some of the risk since they could capitalize on their views
The third reason was that they have her mother and grandmother living with them and it
would be nice for them to have a small amount of privacy. Mrs Celly appreciated the
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February 22, 2000
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amount of effort the appellants had put into their presentation and addressed the Issue
of privacy She demonstrated that someone standing at the top of a hill would not see
someone at the bottom of a hill, as they were not in their line of vision. She felt that was
the situation at her home with the neighbors below on Spring Creek Drive
Sanjay Celly (applicant) 27041 Whitestone Road, expressed confusion over his
neighbor, Mr. Mori, who has seen the silhouette for eleven months and discussed the
plan with him and had no objection that he knew of until tonight. He discussed other
neighbors who had previously had no objection to the project until this meeting He felt
that the city staff had reviewed his project and found it to meet all of the Development
Code requirements and therefore approved the project. He did not feel his neighbors
wanted to see any type of second story addition on his house. Regarding privacy, he
stated he could already see Mr. Landlsman's and Mrs. Lakharn's houses from his
property line He stated it was the nature of the area that those building on a hill can
look down and see the property at the bottom of the hill. There Is nothing that will
change that He did not feel that being an amateur astronomer should deny his right to
build on and enjoy his land, especially since he was not violating the City's codes He
also felt that some neighbors were playing the role of an art jury In determining how,
and what style their house should be. Mr. Celly stated that he has compromised In
many ways with their neighbors. He briefly discussed the soils report and stated that if
the City requires a soils report they will gladly furnish one He felt that the proposed
square footage was creating an average size house and not one that was well beyond
what was in the neighborhood Regarding the early neighborhood consultation process,
Mr. Celly commented that during this process they met some wonderful neighbors that
they had not previously known Further, he followed the intent of the early
neighborhood consultation process very carefully. He concluded by asking the Planning
Commission to be fair in their decision.
At this point Vice Chairman Lyon stated that he had just arrived at the meeting. He
explained that if the Commission takes action on this project tonight he would not
participate in the deliberation or vote However, If the Item were to be continued he
would review the minutes, listen to the tapes, and participate at the subsequent hearing.
Charles Moore 27007 Whitestone Road, commended the Planning Commission on their
patience and thoroughness He stated that if he were at all worried about the
depreciation of his property value because of this addition he would be making a lot of
noise and writing a lot of letters very early In this process. He stated he was in favor of
this project because he felt It would Improve the neighborhood values. He felt the
Celly's were providing a space for their family under the City codes.
John McDermott 27031 Spring Creek Road, had not met the Cellys until the early
neighborhood consultation process. He expressed concern over what was happening
in the neighborhood and the division the project was causing He stated that he asked
the Cellys to see plans of their addition, which they readily provided He was very
concerned over the privacy issues, which were alleviated after reviewing the plans He
was concerned also that neighbors had not done what he had done, which was to
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February 22, 2000
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contact the Cellys and review the plans He acknowledged that neighborhoods are
changing and will continue to do so. Mr McDermott concluded by asking the Planning
Commission to give this project serious consideration and realize that the city codes
have been met and the project should be approved.
Eric Johnson 26958 Spring Creek Road, stated that he had studied the silhouette
erected at the property and in his opinion it did not look like it would impact anyone's
view. He felt the Cellys proceeded in a responsible manner and had offered on more
than three occasions to show him the plans He felt the Cellys had attempted to
address a number of the concerns raised by the neighbors. Mr. Johnson stated that it
might be simplistic to assume that planting trees on a slope would allow the neighbors
more privacy, but it had worked for him. He explained that he had planted trees behind
his house with the same type of slope looking up at Whitestone Road. He stated that
his neighbors could not look into his yard and he could not see into theirs. His appeal
was for the neighbors to voice their concerns as they have done, but to look for ways to
come to some type of agreement He felt the Cellys were very approachable and a little
cooperation, a little communication, and a little consideration would go a long way.
Kamla Dutt 27041 Whitestone Road, stated that she was the grandmother of Mrs Celly
and stated that the family needed more space. She would appreciate it if the
Commission would approve the project so they have a larger home to live in.
Mrs. Celly requested that if the Commission were to continue this item that they
consider their original proposal for approval. She stated that this revised proposal was
costing them substantially more to build than the original plan She further stated that
the applicants would be willing to share the one time installation cost of a hedge or
fence to provide privacy to Dr. Landisman's and Mrs. Lakhani's properties
Mr. Celly clarified that the request was not to abandon the revised proposal altogether
but, if the item is continued, to also consider the original proposal.
Mr Landisman stated that in spite of the careful analysis presented by the architect, he
felt very strongly that the bedroom window closest to his property will infringe upon his
privacy He added that the nighttime view of the sky from his backyard to the south and
the west rivals that from the desert and this addition will impact that view. He regretted
not speaking to the applicants sooner and stated he would like to see something worked
out, but was afraid of the change that would begin to occur in the neighborhood.
Mr. Duschak reiterated that the location of the proposed project was in such a place as
to be visible from many properties. He stated he would work hard to support the Cellys
if they were willing to redesign the project to a single story residence that was
compatible with the neighborhood.
Commissioner Aiberio moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Commissioner Slayden. There being no objection, the public hearing was closed.
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Commissioner Alberio felt the solution to the privacy issue was to consider the Celly's
proposal to help with the cost to install a hedge or fence halfway down the slope He
thought that setting the addition further back onto the property was too expensive. With
some type of vegetation planted on the slope to ease the privacy issue Commissioner
Albeno felt the project should be approved.
Commissioner Slayden stated he was very Impressed with the amount of time and effort
the appellants had put into their presentation It was obvious to him that this issue was
very important to them. He also understood the homeowners desire to improve their
home. He felt that the land in Rancho Palos Verdes has gone up in value tremendously
and this is not the same community that most people originally bought into. There is a
certain growth element that has to be looked at and part of that growth is additions and
remodels to homes. Two story homes are now being built in areas where there
previously were none. He stated that the houses on Whitestone have a beautiful view
and the houses on Spring Creek have limited views with a large slope behind them with
houses at the top of the slope. He stated that this should be a major consideration for
people buying homes on Spring Creek Drive. Because of this the appellants concern
about privacy bothered him tremendously He felt that people on Whitestone Drive
would not be standing at the edge of their property looking down at the homes on
Spring Creek, they would be looking out at their views He agreed with Commissioner
Alberio that some type of foliage might help on the slope.
Commissioner Paris began by stating he had a problem with the fact that the house
stands up so high from the lower street He thought that incompatibility was an issue as
large homes are not necessarily the way of the future. People moved here because of
the lifestyle and want to keep that lifestyle. He complimented the applicants on their
revised plan, but felt further improvements could be made by adjusting the hallways,
entryway, bathrooms, reducing some of the non-essential space, and pulling the entire
wall slightly back. He felt that if the home were not located near the peak of this street it
might not be such an issue.
Commissioner Clark agreed with one of the speakers who said there could be a little
more cooperation, communication, and consideration dealing with this project. He
stated that some of the best solutions to problems have come when neighbors look at
how they can move collectively together as a neighborhood versus maintaining their
opposing positions He stated that it was clear to him that the applicant had made
significant revisions to the proposed project On the other hand it was clear that many
neighbors still had concerns. He felt the public testimony showed that there was room
for reflection on both sides. Further, there were two commissioners absent from this
meeting and he had been out of town and had only a chance to drive by the property
and review the silhouette He had not had a chance to visit some of the neighbors'
properties He noted that the applicants have shown a willingness to continue to work
with the neighbors in their privacy concerns. He felt that tonight's meeting had gone a
long way in terms of getting information out and positions articulated. However, he felt
there was additional time needed and would recommend a continuance
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Chairman Cartwright disagreed with the suggestion of a continuance. He felt there was
ample information presented and it was down to a matter of the Commission making a
decision Continuing the item was no assurance that more than five Commissioners
would be present at that future meeting and could very well be a new Commission since
the City Council was in the process of Commission interviews He recognized the
privacy issue but felt the issue could be solved with the use of foliage. In reviewing
neighborhood compatibility Mr. Cartwright commended the applicants for their efforts to
respond to the concerns of the staff and the neighbors He drove around the
neighborhood many times and felt it was a very mixed neighborhood with second story
residences and split-level residences. He thought there would be even more in the
future. He felt the addition was reasonable, the privacy issues could be solved, and the
geology would be addressed in the plan check process. Regarding property values, it
was his belief that this type of addition in the neighborhood would enhance property
values rather than decrease them
Commissioner Alberio moved to deny the appeal thereby upholding the Director's
decision with one revision to require the applicant to place a hedge on the slope
for privacy, seconded by Commissioner Slayden.
Director/Secretary Rojas asked for clarification on one condition regarding the windows
on the north side of the residence A comment had been made regarding the way the
condition was written which said that the 4' by 6' window on the north side was not
permitted with this approval He asked if the Commission would like to clarify the
condition to say that no windows are allowed on the north side of the residence
The Commission agreed that the clarification should be made
Chairman Cartwright re -opened the public hearing
Mr. Landisman asked for clarification regarding the hedge. He stated that Mrs Lakhani
had left the meeting but he wanted the Commission to understand that she could not
afford to maintain a hedge He suggested a fence be put in rather than a hedge.
Commissioner Alberto suggested the condition state that the applicant will pay for a
portion of the initial installation of a fence or hedge only if the appellants wants it. It
would then be up to the people on downslope properties to maintain the hedge.
Director/Secretary Rojas suggested that if maintenance were a problem then the hedge
could be planted at the top of the slope on the applicant's property.
Olympia Greer suggested that if there were maintenance issues for specific
homeowners it would be more cost effective to install a more permanent structure such
as a wood fence
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Mr. Celly stated that foliage on the slope was beneficial not only for privacy but to add
stability to the slope. He offered, in the case of Mrs Lakhani, to trim the hedge once
every year or two depending on the need.
Chairman Cartwright closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Slayden suggested the type of hedge be subject to the Director's
approval to ensure that a low maintenance hedge that was acceptable to all parties was
Chairman Cartwright summarized that a hedge was to be planted, subject to the
Director's approval, for privacy purposes on the Landisman and Lakhani properties.
The appellants and the applicant would share the cost of installation of the hedge. The
hedge would only be planted if it either the Landismans or the Lakhanis wanted one.
Director Rojas cautioned the Commission that foliage planted for privacy was a complex
issue in terms of maintenance. He did not want to create an issue that was common
with view restoration He recommended the hedges be placed at the top of the slope on
the applicant's property
Commissioner Alberio restated his motion that the Planning Commission adopt
P.C. Resolution No. 2000-08 thereby denying the applicant's appeal and
upholding the Director's decision for approval of Height Variation No. 888 and
Site Plan Review No. 8637 subject to the condition that a hedge be planted on the
slope of 27046 Spring Creek Road and 27040 Spring Creek Road, to satisfy the
privacy issues.
Chairman Cartwright re -opened the public hearing
Mr. Celly was concerned with the cost issues of this proposal and offered to give $1,000
to Mrs. Lakhani and $500 to Mr Landisman which would go towards building a fence or
the installation of a hedge, whichever they chose as long as it met with the Director's
Chairman Cartwright closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Alberio amended his motion to include that the applicant will
contribute to Mrs. Lakhani $1,000 and Mr. Landisman $500 for the purpose of
planting foliage to provide additional privacy protection if they chose to plant this
foliage, seconded by Commissioner Slayden.
Commissioner Clark suggested that the wording be such that Mr. Landisman and/or
Mrs. Lakhani submit bills for the planting of the foliage for privacy purposes to the
applicant which he will then reimburse up to $500 to Mr. Landisman and up to $1,000 to
Mrs. Lakhani. This must happen within one year of the final certificate of occupancy of
the addition
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February 22, 2000
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Commissioner Alberio agreed with Commissioner Clark's suggestion and
amended his motion to include that wording, seconded by Commissioner
Slayden. The motion was approved, (4-1) with Commissioner Paris dissenting.
5. Conditional Use Permit No. 204 -Revision 'A; Rich Development Company
(applicant) 29701 Western Avenue
Chairman Cartwright moved to receive and file the report for Conditional Use
Permit No. 204 — Revision 'A', seconded by Commissioner Alberio. There being
no objection it was so ordered.
6. Variance No. 469, Gradinq Permit NO. 2127, and Site Plan Review No. 8795:
Allan Kwong (applicant), 64 Laurel Drive
Chairman Cartwright moved to receive and file the report, seconded by
Commissioner Alberio. There being no objection it was so ordered.
Lois Larue 3136 Barkentine Road discussed the Abalone Cove Landslide and what was
happening to it during the rain and the activity at the Filliorum property.
Commissioner alberio moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Slayden.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 a.m. to March 14, 2000
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