AUGUST 13, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7.03 P M by Chairman Clark at the Hesse Park
Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Assistant Planner de Freitas.
Present Commissioners Alberio, Cartwright, Ng, Whiteneck, Vice
Chairman Vannorsdall, and Chairman Clark
Absent. Commissioner Franklin (excused)
Also present were Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement/Planning
Commission Secretary Petru, Senior Planner Rous, Assistant Planner de Freitas,
Assistant Planner Klopfenstein, and Recording Secretary Atuatasi
Commissioner Cartwright moved for the approval of the agenda as written. The
motion was seconded by Chairman Vannorsdall and, there being no objection, it
was so ordered by Chairman Clark (6-0).
Director/Secretary Petru distributed the site plan related to Item #3, two late letters
regarding Item #3 and one letter regarding Item #4 In addition, a draft P.C. Resolution
regarding Item #5 (Ocean Trails) was distributed
Minutes of June 11, 1996
The following modification was made to the Minutes of June 11, 1996
Page 5, Paragraph 10, "Commissioner Ng observed that low wattage
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall moved for the approval of the Minutes of June 11,
1996, as amended, seconded by Commissioner Alberio. Approved (5-0-1), with
Chairman Clark abstaining, as he was not present at the meeting.
2. Grading Permit No. 1878 - Walter and Ruth Lang, 26730 Shorewood
Chairman Clark presented a brief summary of this item.
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall inquired if there were any speakers for this item
Director/Secretary Petru replied that there were no requests to speak on this item.
Commissioner Cartwright moved to approve Grading Permit No. 1878, as
recommended by Staff. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman
Vannorsdall. Approved (6-0).
3 Variance No. 411 and Conditional Use Permit No. 101 -Revision "I" -
The Terraces Shopping (Do -it -Center), 28901 S. Western Avenue
Chairman Clark and Commissioner Ng both left the dais, recusing themselves from
participating on this item, since they both were not present at the last meeting
Chairman Clark requested that Vice Chairman Vannorsdall conduct the hearing for this
item in his place.
Assistant Planner de Freitas presented that Staff Report for this item He stated that
this item was last discussed at the meeting of July 23, 1996 and that the Commission
identified several items of concern that would impact the adjacent residential
properties Assistant Planner de Freitas stated that the applicant would address these
issues during their oral presentation to the Commission He also stated that the
applicant had submitted a letter stating how they intended to resolve the concerns
August 13, 1996
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identified by the residents and the Commission All of these items were included in the
Staff Report and the draft Conditions of Approval for the Conditional Use Permit
Revision He stated that, with the placement of these Conditions, Staff felt that all of
the findings necessary to grant both the Conditional Use Permit Revision and Variance
applications could be made. Therefore, Staff recommended that the Commission
approve the project, with the appropriate Conditions
Commissioner Albeno inquired if Staff had addressed all of the concerns raised by the
residents at the last meeting, and if any additional communications had been received
from them.
Assistant Planner de Freitas replied he felt that all of the residents concerns had been
addressed by the applicant and incorporated into the revised Conditions, and that no
further communications from the residents had been received
Chairman Vannorsdall called for the first speaker
Mr. Mike Mauck, 6633 Odessa Avenue, Van Nuys, CA, 91406, represented the
California Do -it Center. He stated that he received a letter from Assistant Planner de
Freitas regarding the issues raised by local residents, as well as the Commission, after
the last meeting Mr. Mauck stated that all of the items had been taken into
consideration and that their proposed solutions had been made to the best of their
ability. He stated that he had submitted an exhibit indicating the new garden area and
the adjoining existing area, and the proposed area to be covered with a shade cloth
indicated in green He noted that the shaded area would comprise 75% of the entire
nursery area. The only part that would be uncovered would be the area where the
green plants are displayed, since they need sunlight to survive He added that the two
proposed parking lot lights will be 400 watts apiece and will shine downward toward the
parking lot area
Commissioner Alberio inquired about the signs for trucks unloading at the rear of the
shopping center
Mr. Mauck explained that one of the issues raised by the local residents was the noise
during delivering and unloading He stated that the employees and vendors had
already been informed that signs will be posted in the back area for all trucks to cut-off
their engines when delivering, that all stereos be turned down and conversations be
kept to a minimum. He also stated that the previous approval for delivery hours of the
center were 7 00 am. to 6 00 p.m., but that the applicant had changed them to 8 00
a m to 5,00 p m and have instructed employees that truck deliveries will not be
accepted before or after those times. Mr. Mauck stated that these deliver hours comply
with the existing requirements of the City's Development Code
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Ms. Nina Yoshida, 28808 Gunter Road, discussed her concerns regarding the project
She faxed correspondence to the Planning Department and requested that 1) the hours
of construction be limited to Monday through Friday, 7.00 a.m to 4.30 p m, with
absolutely no construction allowed on Saturday and Sunday, 2) the trash enclosures be
secured from use by transients and to eliminate illegal dumping; 3) the correction of the
drainage problems in the rear parking lot be coordinated with the expansion of the
garden center, for the local residents did not desire to live through extended days of
construction, 4) the residents be notified upon completion of the project, and, 5) the
City inspect the work required to correct the drainage system to make sure that it was
properly done.
Commissioner Alberio clarified for Ms Yoshida that the permitted hours of construction
in the City were Monday through Saturday, 7.00 a m. to 7:00 p m.
Director/Secretary Petru added that, if desired, the Commission could modify the hours
of construction for this particular protect, as part of the Conditions of Approval
Commissioner Alberio asked Staff how long the applicant had to complete the project
Assistant Planner de Freitas replied that, if the project is approved and no appeal is
filed, the applicant will have 6 months after the P C Resolution was adopted to submit
the protect to the Building and Safety Division for plan check review
Commissioner Whiteneck noted that Condition No 11 stated that a drainage plan shall
be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the commencement
of work
Mr. Mauck stated that 1) a drainage plan had been approved by the City Engineer and
that the landowner will make work necessary corrections to the parking area to correct
the drainage problems, 2) the applicant did not wish to conduct any construction on
Saturdays, since this was a busy sales day, 3) that the protect would be completed no
later than November 1996, and lastly, 4) the trash enclosures were being closely
monitored and that the landowner was looking into the possibility of covering and
securing them to discourage scavenging and illegal dumping
Commissioner Whiteneck inquired if the Commission agreed to exclude Saturday from
the hours of construction
Mr Mauck replied that the applicant was not opposed to this restriction
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Commissioner Cartwright made a motion to close the public hearing. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Alberio. Approved, (4-2-0), with Commissioner
Ng and Chairman Clark abstaining.
Commissioner Alberio moved to approval of the Staff recommendation with the
Conditions of Approval as outlined. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman
Director/Secretary Petru inquired if the Commission desired to amend Condition No 14
to include no construction on Saturdays
Commissioner Alberio expressed concern that this limitation may result in the
construction failing behind schedule and further inconveniencing the adjacent
neighbors. However, if the applicant agreed with the modification, he had no further
With a approval of the maker and seconder of the motion, the motion was
amended to modify Condition No. 14 to require no construction on Saturday.
The motion was passed by unanimous roll call vote (4-0-2), with Commissioner
Ng and Chairman Clark abstaining.
Vice Chairman noted the 15 -day appeal period from this date
Commissioner Ng and Chairman Clark returned to the dais. Chairman Clark resumed
presiding over the remainder of the meeting
4 Conditional Use Permit No 191 and Environmental Assessment No.
682, Pacific Bell Mobile Services, 6507 Ocean Crest Drive.
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall left the dais, recusing himself from participating on this
item, since his home is near the subject property.
Assistant Planner Klopfenstein provided a brief Staff Report, stating that Pacific Bell
proposed to install an unmanned Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility on
the roof of the sixth story portion of the Oceanview Apartment Complex. Four panel
antennas with equipment boxes would be mounted on the elevator shaft with two
antenna panels facing west and two others facing east In addition, two base
transceiver stations will be located on the roof of the complex between the elevator
shaft and the stairwell case. Staff felt that the antenna panel and the equipment on the
roof would not create any view impairment The proposed antenna panels and
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9 0
associated equipment would comply with the minimum setback and open space
requirements for the zoning district and would not exceed the height on the roof of the
apartment complex Furthermore, the antenna panels and equipment will be buffered
by the large setback distances Staff had reviewed the proposed project and
determined that all findings necessary to grant the request could be made Therefore,
Staff recommended approval for the project, subject to conditions
Commissioner Whiteneck made a motion to open the public hearing. Seconded
by Commissioner Ng. Approved, (5-0-1) with Vice Chairman Vannorsdall
Mr Jerome Buckmelter, 23534 Aetna Street, Woodland Hills, CA, 91367, representing
Pacific Bell stated that Personal Communication Services (PCS) represented the next
technological advancement of cellular telephones He stated that the main reason for
Pacific Bell submitting the application for this site was that the elevation of the building
provided the necessary transmission voice quality. Mr. Buckmelter stated that they
proposed to mount the antennae on the sides of the penthouse wall and that the
equipment cabinet would be painted the exact color as the exterior wall of the complex
He felt that the antennae would not be visible to the local residents. Mr Buckmelter
also stated that a slight modification was made after the application was submitted. He
stated that the original request was to install 63 inch tall antennae, but a height
reduction of 10 inches had been requested and that the antennae would now stand at a
height of 53 inches He stated that PCS was providing an important service for the
community and that they would do their best to conceal the equipment by abiding with
the City's ordinances
Commissioner Cartwright inquired if the applicant anticipated submitting required for
other site locations in the near future and how many.
Mr Buckmelter presented a map of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and indicated that the
proposed cell sites, including the subject property He stated that Pacific Bell
anticipated needing two more cell sites. He stated further that one application had
already been submitted to the City and that the other proposed site would be located
near City Hall
Commissioners Cartwright, Ng and Alberio each expressed concern regarding the
radiation effects caused by the PCS facility which might affect adjacent residents.
Mr Buckmelter explained how the PCS facility operated and that the radiation
generated by the equipment would be less significant than that generated by a
microwave oven or the transmission of radio or television waves. He indicated that
there were no long term effects, as far as human health was concerned
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Chairman Clark inquired as to the reason Pacific Bell selected this apartment complex
and did not seek a commercial property for the proposed facility.
Mr. Buckmelter replied that PCS had considered commercial properties, but that the
property owners were not interested in accommodating them He also indicated that
the height of the apartment complex was one of the primary reasons for selecting the
proposed location.
Chairman Clark inquired if a contract had been executed between the landowner and
the applicant.
Mr. Buckmelter replied yes
Commissioner Alberio inquired if Pacific Bell had installed this equipment in the City of
Los Angeles
Mr. Buckmelter replied yes
Commissioner Alberio inquired if Pacific Bell had sought a franchise
Mr Buckmelter replied no
Commissioner also inquired if a business license was applicable
Mr Buckmelter replied if it is required, then Pacific Bell will comply with the City
Commissioner Ng stated that a letter received from a nearby resident raised concerns
regarding the effects the PCS facility might have on older cordless phones or a
Mr. Buckmelter replied that there in no information to indicate that PSC facilities affect
cordless phones or pacemakers
Ms. June Wisner, 29600 Island View Drive #306, stated opposition to the proposed site
location due to potential radiation exposure and that this project may encourage the
area to become more commercialized in the future. She also questioned if other
competitors would also have interest in this area to install their equipment which may
have more powerful transmissions Ms Wisner inquired if this was the only area
available for the proposed project.
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Commissioner Cartwright inquired if she had obtained a copy of the material provided
by Pacific Bell which addressed most of the concerns she had raised regarding human
Ms Wisner replied that she had received the materials
Mr Buckmelter asked Ms Wisner to give him an opportunity to explain the situation
and technology to her personally at her convenience.
Commissioner Ng moved the motion to close the public hearing, seconded by
Commissioner Alberio. Approved (5-0-1), with Vice Chairman Vannorsdali
Chairman Clark requested Staff to comment on the proposed project with regards to the
General Plan and Development Code
Director/Secretary Petru stated that the Development Code allows commercial
antennae to be installed in residential areas with a Conditional Use Permit. The issues
concerned would be minimizing impacts, which consisted view impairment and noise
She indicated that Staff had done some research regarding the safety concerns and
found that it several reliable sources have determined that this type of technology does
not pose any significant public health risk She stated further that the General Plan
encourages the City to provide adequate utility services to the community, while
balancing this against any negative impacts that providing such services may create
Commissioner Whiteneck inquired if PCS falls under a State franchise.
Director/Secretary Petru replied no.
Assistant Planner Klopfenstein added that the Assistant City Manager had indicated
that a local business license would not be required.
Commissioner Ng inquired about what would happen if other companies proposed
similar projects at the same location in the future
Director/Secretary Petru stated that any future requests would be controlled by the
Conditional Use Permit process Applicants desiring PCS facilities in the same location
must be reviewed by the Planning Commission. At the time each one is proposed, the
Commission could make a judgement as to whether there would be a cumulative
impact that was significant.
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Page 8
Commissioner Cartwright made a motion to approve the Staff recommendation
subject to conditions, seconded by Commissioner Whiteneck. The motion was
passed (4-1-1), with Commissioner Alberio dissenting and Vice Chairman
Vannorsdall abstaining.
Chairman Clark noted the 15 -day appeal period from the date of the meeting.
At 8.30 p m there was a recess until 8 40 P M when the meeting reconvened with all
Commissioners present.
5. OCEAN TRAILS - REVISION "C" - Zuckerman Building Company and
Palos Verdes Land Holding Company, subregions 7 & 8.
Chairman Clark introduced the public hearing He walked through the various aspects
of the request and the chronology of events leading up to the current revision proposal
He then requested that Staff and the landowner comment on the proposed changes of
the project.
Director/Secretary Petru stated that Staff had distributed the P C Resolution for EIR
Addendum No. 5 to the Commission. She mentioned that the proposed changes to the
project would not change or increase in any of the impacts that were analyzed in the
previous Final EIR or Supplemental EIR prepared for the project However, several
changes were now proposed to the adopted Mitigation Monitoring program. The
changes were primarily intended to clarify and streamline the implementation of the
mitigation measures for the developer Therefore, Staff recommended for readoption of
the revised Mitigation Monitoring Program
Mr. Ken ZuckermanL 2 EI Portal, Palos Verdes Estates, CA, 90274, project manager
representing the Ocean Trails project discussed and summarized the proposed
changes for the project Mr Zuckerman explained that the revisions included 1) the
relocation of two residential lots in Vesting Tentative Tract No 50667, that two
residential lots (Nos. 34 and 35) from Street "A" would be relocated to Street "C" (Lot
Nos. 8 and 9) and that the proposed change would accommodate the design of the golf
course, 2) the layout of the golf course had been revised which affected Golf Holes
Nos. 3, 4 and 5, and the slope supporting the tee for Golf Hole 18 would be located in
the Bluff Top Activity Corridor; 3) modifications to the boundaries of the Open Space
Lots B, C, and H would result due to the proposed relocation of the two residential lots
and proposed redesign of the golf course, 4) modifications to the public trails system to
allow golf carts to use certain trails„ 5) re-routing of pedestrian/bicycle tail between La
Rotonda Drive and the bluff top such that the new route would be much safer for the
public since it will no longer cross any fairways; 6) re -location of a pedestrian trail
which would provide access to Los Angeles County Shoreline Park and require
August 13,1896
Page 9
seasonal closure of another pedestrian trail to protect habitat in the area and during
gnatcatcher nesting and also that signs be posted to direct the public to alternative
routes; 7) combining parallel pedestrian and bicycle trails for recording purposes, 8)
modifications to the approved lot configuration and maximum building heights in VTTM
No. 50667 which would allow the lots in this tract to drain into the streets rather than
the adjacent open space area and height modifications to allow two story homes within
the tract, 9) modifications to the approved residential lot sizes in VTTM Nos. 50666 and
50667 which included the gross lot area and pad sizes in both tracts, 10) construction
of a paved fire access road to the existing fire hydrants in the area to enhance the
public safety for the residents in the Ocean Terraces condominium complex; and 11)
changing the timing for compliance with regards to several of the mitigation measures
and conditions of approval, as indicated in Exhibit "A" of draft P C Resolutions
Mr Zuckerman mentioned that he had some specific comments regarding some of the
proposed changes to the Conditions of Approval that he would address later in the
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall made a motion to open the public hearing. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Ng. Approved (6-0).
Chairman Clark asked about any impacts associated with the relocation of the two
residential lots He also asked in the issues regarding the use of the School District
property had been resolved.
Mr Zuckerman replied that the two residential lots were only relocated to accommodate
a change in the design of the golf course and that the School District property had been
included into the golf course as part of the previous revision to the project.
Chairman Clark asked for more clarification on the proposed changes to the layout of
Golf Hole No. 18.
Mr. Zuckerman replied that the City and Coastal Commission limited grading that could
occur within the Bluff Top Activity Corridor The tee for Hole No 18 was not within this
area, but some grading to support the tee was required to encroach into the Bluff Top
Activity Corridor However, the graded slope would not affect any habitat area of
interfere with any of the public trails in this area He added that as part of the
Settlement Agreement, the developer had agreed to maintain minimum setbacks for the
golf course from the top of the bluff, which varied from 100 to 150 feet.
Commissioner Whiteneck asked how much the setback had been reduced by the
proposed encroachment of Hale No 18
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9' 0
Mr. Zuckerman replied that the setback would be reduced by approximately 40 feet
Chairman Clark noted that the Settlement Agreement also created additional "non -golf'
setbacks. He asked if this meant that the golf course had less space, since it was
moved father back from the bluff in some areas.
Mr. Zuckerman replied yes He also stated that the area west of Halfway Point Park the
bluff top setback had been Increased from 25 feet to 50 feet.
Commissioner Ng asked about the combined golf cart path and public trails.
Director/Secretary Petru explained that the developer was proposing to combine the
golf cart path with a public trail in three different areas of the project In two cases, the
golf cart path would be combined with a pedestrian trail and in one case it would be
combined with a bicycle path She noted that the project had previously been approved
to have a pedestrian/golf cart path along the Slide Scarp, north of Golf Hole No. 18,
Chairman Clark asked how safety could be protected where a golf cart path is
combined with a pedestrian trail
Commissioner Ng expressed her concern regarding the safety factors as well
Vice Chair Vannorsdall asked how wide was the combined path would be
Mr. Zuckerman replied that it would be 8 feet wide. He explained that safety
precautions would consist of signage which would explain to the public of safety
Commissioner Whiteneck asked about the combination of the pedestrian trail and
bicycle path easement and if this would affect the physical design of the trails
Mr. Zuckerman replied that only the easement would be combined, but that each trail
would have a separate tread width within the easement
Commissioner Alberio inquired about the view impacts if the heights of the homes in
VTTM No. 50667 were increased from single story to two story homes.
Mr Zuckerman explained that a view impact analysis has been prepared and submitted
to the Staff which indicated that the increases in building heights would not impair
views from Palos Verdes Drive South,
August 13,1996
Page 11
Director/Secretary Petru confirmed Mr Zuckerman's statement concerning the potential
for view impairment, but indicated that Staff had concerns about three of the lots being
two story from an aesthetics standpoint, due to the way that those particular lots
physically related to the lots around them.
Chairman Clark noted that the issue would be whether or not to allow the split-level
residences to be a combination of one and two story homes instead. Mr Clark asked
Mr Zuckerman to explain the reduction in the lot sizes for both lots 50666 and 50667
Mr Zuckerman explained that in order to accommodate changes in the size of the golf
course and habitat areas, the sizes of the residential lots had to be adjusted.
Chairman Clark declared the public hearing to be open and called for the first speaker
Mr. Don Barclay, 4115 Maritime Road, stated that he was generally supportive of the
project. However, he mentioned that Mr Zuckerman made a presentation before the
Portuguese Bend Club homeowners sometime ago and that most were supportive as
he, but that there had been some changes have been made to the project since that
time which would negatively impact the neighbors Along the west property line some
of the houses would have a pedestrian and bicycle trail that would be very close to the
property line In some cases, the trail would be only 4 or 5 feet away from a home Mr
Barclay recalled that the developer promised that there would be a minimum 50 feet
wide buffer zone between property line and the proposed trail
Director/Secretary Petru explained that in 1992 when the project was first approved, the
trails were not actually drawn on the site plan the way they were currently They were
indicated by a "point to point" line However, she believed that since Revision "A" was
approved in August 1994, that the trails had been shown in their current alignment on
the submitted site plans
Mr. Ron Maricich, 4125 Maritime Road, stated that he was also in favor of the project,
but that his only concern was the placement of the trails which run between the homes
in the Portuguese Bend Club and the closest access roadway into the project. He felt
that there would be a buffer between the trails and the homes He indicated that he
had made several inquires at the City Hall about the alignment of the trails, but was
never informed of their exact location. Therefore, he could never before determine if
the trails would have a negative impact on his property The proposed trail would be
approximately 10 feet away from his property line In addition, the benches and shade
structure proposed at the bluff top had never been shown on the plans and he had only
learned of it very recently
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Mr Bob Olsen, 4101 Seahorse Lane, stated he had similar concerns as the other
speakers, but that also he was concerned about security, since the trails might be used
at night by people who had no business on the property at that time Mr. Olsen stated
that his property was two houses away from the proposed trail
Ms. Dorothy Karfs* 3200 La Rotonda Drive, #404, stated that she was concerned about
the proposed paved fire access road in front of the Ocean Terraces condominiums her
unit would be only 35 feet away from the proposed access road. She felt that it would
be unsightly and would be used in an inappropriate manner by the general public
Mr. Chip Zelt4 4100 Seahorse Lane, stated that he had concerns about the negative
impacts to security, noise and aesthetics that would be created by having a public trail
so close to his property line
Arnold Medearis 4048 Palos Verdes Drive South, stated that he also objected to
having a public trail adjacent to his property line due primarily to concerns regarding
Ms. Sandy Medearis. 4048 Palos Verdes Drive South, stated that she was generally
supportive of the project, but was concerned about the negative impacts created by the
proposed public trail and overlook area adjacent to the Portuguese Bend Club
residents. She also submitted a letter from an adjacent resident to the Commission
addressing their concern of the distance between the proposed trail and their home.
Ms. Pat Maricich, 4125 Maritime Road, stated that she was completely in favor of the
project, but was very opposed to the proposed trails plan since it would be too close to
her property. She indicated that she was concerned that the trail would be available to
the public on a 24 hour basis and opposed this idea due to the fact that teenagers were
already congregating in the cliff area She also mentioned that the proposed trail would
not be safe for handicapped persons since it was so isolated
William Simmons 4181 Maritime Road, expressed his concerns regarding the privacy
and security of all the residents in the immediate area of the proposed trail and asked
that the Commission review the matter and to require the developer to come up with a
solution to establish an appropriate buffer zone between the resident's homes and the
proposed trail.
In responding to concerns raised by some of the speakers, Mr Zuckerman explained
that the path that would be located at natural grade and that there would be minimal
grading needed to install the trail. However, the location of the access roadway from
Palos Verdes Drive South provides very little flexibility in moving the trail farther away
from the adjacent residents However, he noted that there may be a possibility to
August 13,1996
Page 13
change the alignment of the path as it proceeds to the south to move it further away
from the homes, but adding to the conditions which have approved by the Coastal
Commission would cause further delay in the project Mr. Zuckerman said that he
would be willing to work together with the Staff and residents within the perimeters that
currently exist He also mentioned that he would be willing to work with the Coastal
Commission to obtain permission to gate the entrance to the trail at night to increase
Commissioner Ng asked if the clubhouse would have after-hours functions.
Mr. Zuckerman replied that the clubhouse would have a banquet facility that would
probably be used at night
Commissioner Ng asked about closure time of the proposed trails.
Mr Zuckerman replied that the Coastal Commission conditions did not address this
particular issue, but they do have approval to close a parking lot on the east side of the
project at night Therefore, there may be some possibility of limiting the hours that the
public may use the trails at night.
Chairman Clark inquired about moving the trails to the access roadway.
Mr. Zuckerman explained that the road is coming down at maximum grade of 11 5%,
which is too steep for a bicycle path.
Director/Secretary Petru stated that, as currently approved, there would not be
sufficient easement width available on Street "C" to accommodate both pedestrian and
bicycle trail on the west side of the road.
Chairman Clark asked Staff if they had any thoughts on the issue that the speakers
expressed regarding the conflict between proximity of the trails and the adjoining
Director/Secretary Petru stated that Staff would be very willing work together with the
developer, the residents and the Coastal Commission Staff to arrive at a solution
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall made a motion to close the public hearing. Seconded
by Commissioner Ng. Approved (6-0).
Chairman Clark asked the Commission if they had any desires to discuss the proposed
revisions, Item Nos 1 through 11
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By acclamation, it was determined that Items 1 through 3 of the proposed revisions
(relocation of the residential lots, golf course and open space lots) were generally
acceptable to the Commission
Chairman Clark stated to the Commission that Item No. 4 (combined golf cart paths and
public trails) should be reviewed once again due to safety hazards before a final
decision is made.
Commissioner Ng stated that she felt that there would still be safety issues, even if
signage was posted, by combining the golf cart path with the public trails.
Commissioner Alberio stated that accidents would occur whether or not signage was
Chairman Clark stated that there must be some way to enhance the protection of
pedestrian utilizing the golf cart/bicycle trails
Commissioner Ng stated that the golf cart/bicycle trails should not be combined due to
safety reasons.
Mr. Zuckerman stated that striping the path could reduce the likelihood of accidents
Commissioner Cartwright responded that striping may actually cause more problems
Chairman Clark suggested that signage should be required at a minimum, but that the
developer should be required to explore additional safety measures. If they prove to be
unsuccessful, the City can require the developer to separate the public trails from the
golf cart path.
The Commission concurred with Chairman Clark's suggestion.
The Commission then expressed it general approval of Item Nos. 5 (re-routing
pedestrian/bicycle trail between La Rotonda Drive and the Bluff Top Activity Corridor),
6 (relocation of the pedestrian trail which would provide access to Los Angeles County
Shoreline Park); and, 7 (combining parallel pedestrian and bicycle easements for
recording purposes) of the proposed revisions
The proposed revision for Item No 8 (modifications to the approved lot configurations
and maximum building heights in VTTM No 50667) was approved after it was passed
by a roll call vote (4-2), with Commissioner Ng and Vice Chairman Vannorsdall
August 13,1996
Page 15
The Commission then expressed it general approval of Item Nos 9 (modifications to
the approved lot sizes in VTTM Nos. 50666 and 50667) and 10 (construction of a
paved fire access road adjacent to the Ocean Terraces Condominium complex) of the
proposed revisions.
The proposed revision for Item No 11 (changes to the timing for compliance with
several mitigation measures and conditions of approval for the project) was approved
after it was passed by a unanimous roll call vote (6-0).
Vice Chairman Vannorsdall made a motion to approve Revision "C". Seconded
Commissioner Alberio, subject to modification to the Conditions of Approval
requested by the Commission. Approved (6-0).
Chairman Clark suggested that Staff, the developer, and the Portuguese Bend
Homeowners attempt to resolve the issues regarding the proposed trail prior to the City
Council's consideration of the proposed revision to the project In addition, Staff was
directed to coordinate with the Coastal Commission on this issue
Chairman Clark stated that this item would be discussed at an adjourned meeting on
Monday, August 19, 1996 at 7.00 p.m. at Hesse Park
0 all1*111aNM-4'Ir
Commissioner Ng made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Commissioner Whiteneck. Approved (6-0).
At 12 21 P.M. the meeting was formally adjourned to an Adjourned Meeting on Monday,
August 19, 1996, 7 00 P M
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