PC MINS 19960625Approved
r 8/27/95
JUNE 25,1996
The meeting was called to order at 7.05 P M by Chairman Clark at the Hesse Park
Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commissioner Franklin.
Present Commissioners Alberio, Cartwright,. Franklin, Ng, Vannorsdall,
Whiteneck and Chairman Clark.
Absent_ None
Also Present were Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement/Planning
Commission Secretary Petru, Assistant Planner deFreitas, Assistant Planner Klopfenstem,
Code Enforcement Officer Pollard and Recording Secretary Selogie
Commissioner Franklin suggested that Agenda Item No. 4 (Appeal - Minor Exception
Permit No 501) be considered first, however, the appellant had not yet arrived and the
following motion was offered.
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved for the approval of the agenda as written
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Franklin and, it was so ordered without
objection by Chairman Clark.
June 25, 1996
Director/Secretary Petru noted that revised page nos. 1 and 6 of the Planning
Commission Rules and Procedures, which were based on the adopted minutes of the last
Planrung Commission meeting, were distributed to the Commission.
With regard to Agenda Item No 1 (Coastal Permit No 131 and Grading Permit No
1877), Director/Secretary Petru advised that a June 25, 1996 letter from the City's
geotechnical consultant was distributed to the Commission and that this letter replaced a
similar letter dated June 11, 1996 in the agenda packets.
Director/Secretary Petru mentioned that two items of correspondence pertaining to
Agenda Item No 2 (Variance No 409) were hand delivered to the Commissioners.
Commissioner Cartwright briefed the Commission on discussions at the recent Mayors'
Breakfast which he attended. He called attention to the upcoming Fourth of July
celebration at the Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall, the View Restoration Commission's
continued discussions about the definition of a "view" and the View Restoration
Commission's idea of holding a joint session with the Planning Commission, qnd
possibly the City Council.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that, at the July 2, 1996 City Council meeting, the final
version of the Development Code will be discussed and that a position paper will be
presented to the City Council that night requesting anoint session as discussed by
Commissioner Cartwright.
Chairman Clark thanked Commissioner Cartwright for attending the Mayors' Breakfast
on his behalf since he was out of town on business.
June 25, 1996
At this time, Chairman Clark related the Planning Commission's request for the
cooperation of interested parties in that the agenda this evening includes four Public
Hearing items and one New Business item Chairman Clark mentioned that the
Commissioners are neighborhood residents who volunteer their services to the
community and that they are appointed by the City Council.
- Mr. Don Glass - 7 Marguerite Drive '
Assistant Planner deFrertas presented the Staff Report He clarified that the 42 inch high
fencing discussed in the last paragraph on page 4 of the Staff Report would be wrought
iron fencing and not a solid wall and that the applicant intended to submit a Minor
Exception Permit in the future to allow wrought iron fencing up to 6 feet in height.
Director/Secretary Petru clarified that the plans call for a 3'6" high solid stucco wall,
which complies with the Code, but, the applicant has the option to apply for a Minor
Exception Permit for wrought iron on top of that, up to a maximum of six feet in height.
Commissioner Alberio asked for input on the life of the access easement between the
subject property and one of the undeveloped bluff -top lots
Director/Secretary Petru advised that there was originally an easement established when
the Lunada Pointe Tract was subdivided; that there was a lot line adjustment two years
ago where the property lines were adjusted and the easement location was adjusted
accordingly,, and that it is an easement in perpetuity for access to this lot and also to Lot 1
in Lunada Pointe.
Commissioner Ng observed that the plans reflect the address of the subject property as 11
Marguerite Drive and the Staff Report shows 7 Marguerite Drive
Assistant Planner deFrertas clarified that the address of the subject property is 7
Marguerite Drive
MOTION: Commissioner Alberio moved to open the public hearing. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Vannorsdall and, it was so ordered without objection by
Chairman Clark
,lune 25, 1996
Assistant Planner deFreitas noted that a June 25, 1996 letter from the City's geotechnical
consultant distributed to the Commissioners that evening replaced a June 11, 1996 letter
included in the agenda packets. He highlighted that the geology on the site has been
On behalf of the applicant, Mr. Doug Leach,119 West Torrance Boulevard, #24,
Redondo Beach, expressed his appreciation of Staff s availability on this project He
mentioned that two meetings were held with Mrs Marge Hastings, who resides adjacent
to the subject property, to discuss the project with her. He related the applicant's intent
to preserve views from adjacent residences and to push the house as far back as possible
from the bluff top. Mr Leach indicated that Mrs Hastings did not object to the stake
showing exactly where her view would stop and start and, subsequent to that time, the
City made the determination the house must be pushed five feet further to the south to
adhere to the rear setback requirements Mr Leach further indicated that the pool,
the tennis court and the top of the pool accessory building would be lower than
Mrs Hastings' floor level to preserve her ocean view, that the grading of over 5,000
cubic yards would be balanced on the site, that the driveway slope would be much less
than the 20% allowed under the Code, that the tennis court would adhere to the setback
requirements, that the tennis court perimeter fence would not be greater than six feet in
height and it will be modified on the plans; and that the applicant intends to come back
with a Minor Exception Permit to raise the fence heights and to request an additional
3'6" height adjacent to Palos Verdes Drive to deflect some of the noise from Palos
Verdes Drive In summary, Mr. Leach called attention to the applicant's efforts to
preserve views, not only from Mrs Hastings' property and other neighboring residences,
but from Palos Verdes Drive.
Commissioner Vannorsdall related his understanding that the drainage ditch would, be
located under the new house Mr Leach advised that the applicant met with the Public
Works Department regarding this issue, that a plan was previously submitted to divert the
drainage to the side property line, and that the applicant would also divert the drainage to
the side property line
Assistant Planner deFrertas clarified that the issue of drainage was raised many years ago
with the illegal grading which took place on this site and that the applicant is aware that
adequate drainage must be provided
Mr. Leach affirmed that the drainage would go around, and not under, the house
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the drainage would be put into an underground
Commissioner Vannorsdall questioned what percentage of the lot would be open space
June 25, 1996
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that the open space would exceed the Cade
requirement of 75% Chairman Clark related his understanding that, according to the
Staff Report, the open space would be 79 1 % Director/Secretary Petru advised that the
79 1% open space would largely be due to the fact that, per the Code, the tennis court and
the pool do not count as lot coverage
In answer to a question from Commissioner Cartwright, Mr Leach related his acceptance
of the recommended Conditions of Approval
Commissioner Albeno asked for input about tennis court lights
Mr. Leach questioned if tennis court lights would be allowed
Director/Secretary Petru advised that tennis court lighting usually exceeds the maximum
light wattage requirements for residential lots in Rancho Palos Verdes and that a
Conditional Use Permit would probably be required for tennis court lights.
Commissioner Alberio questioned why the applicant was not requesting tennis court
lights at this time. Mr Leach indicated that there was no particular reason why tennis
court lights were not requested at this time and that the applicant plans to come back in
the future for a Minor Exception Permit for fencing.
Commissioner Alberio asked for clarification about the amount of grading proposed
Mr Leach explained that much of the cut would occur because the house would be cut
into the hillside and pushed back toward Palos Verdes Drive West as much as possible
and that the cut vanes all over the site.
Commissioner Alberio observed that, according to the letter from Mrs. Hastings, she still
had some concerns about the project. Mr. Leach clarified his indication earlier in this
discussion that Mrs Hastings does not object to the project, as stated in her letter
Commissioner Vannorsdall requested input from Staff about whether the project would
be acceptable in terms of geology Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that the City's
geotechnical consultant reviews and approves the geology for all projects in the City.
During discussion of the June 25, 1996 letter from the City's geotechnical consultant,
which was distributed to the Commissioners that evening, Mr. Leach pointed out that the
letter stated that the proposed landslide setback was to the west of the property line
approximately an additional 50 to 70 feet, which is a total of 220 to 300 feet from the
front of the proposed house. He related his understanding this could be interpreted that
the City's geotechmcal consultant knew where the landslide scarp was located
Commissioner Franklin voiced his understanding that, according to the
June 25, 1996 letter from the City's geotechnical consultant, the inclinometer would
no longer be required
June 25, 1996
Commissioner Cartwright stated that the June 25, 1996 letter from the City's
geotechnical consultant basically says the consultant agreed that the applicant could
move ahead with the house on the property, but, the consultant does not agree that any
permanent structures should be put on the seaward side of the landslide setback line
because there could be future landslide issues in that area
Mr Leach related his understanding that, according to the June 25, 1996 letter from the
City's geotechnical consultant, the consultant stated that the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes/Norris and Consultants would not assume any responsibility for structures west of
the house and that those structures were considered to be expendable
Commissioner Cartwright asked if there were any unusual circumstances pertaining to
the lot to the north, probably located in the City of Palos Verdes Estates, and he asked if
the only lot about which the City's geotechnical consultant was concerned was the one
located in front of the subject property
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the City's geotechnical consultant's concern
centered around Lot No. 1 in Lunada Pointe and that the only lot which has slip erosion is
Lunada Point Lot No 1, which is where the references to the landslide were coming
In answer to a question from the Commission, Director/Secretary Petru affirmed that the
Coastal Permit was noticed to property owners within 100 feet of this site. Assistant
Planner deFreitas verified that the applicant far exceeded the minimum requirements for
noticing on this project
Commissioner Franklin stated his impression that the applicant intended to construct
retaining walls and he asked if they would satisfy the requirements recommended by the
City's geotechnical consultant He asked if the Building Code would allow the house to
be in the proposed location with the retaining walls in place.
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that the City's geotechnical consultant based their
review on the plans before the Commission that evening.
Director/Secretary Petru further advised that it would be necessary for Staff to consult
with the City's geotechnical consultant about the ascending slope between the house and
Palos Verdes Drive West and she observed one of the recommended Conditions of
Approval describes the descending slope, which would be a seaward slope
Director/Secretary Petru clarified for Commissioner Ng that, even though they are
structures, accessory buildings are not considered to be habitable structures, like the
June 25, 1996
Commissioner Franklin stated his objection to solid walls, particularly on lots having
ocean views and he asked if the applicant would be willing to place foliage in front of the
solid wall Mr Leach replied that it would appear there is definitely room between the
wall and the road to provide landscaping. Director/Secretary Petru advised that the City
would need to review the landscaping because some of it might be in the public right-of-
way and, should the Commission agree with such a requirement, it would be necessary to
add a Condition of Approval to that effect
Following a question from Commissioner Ng, Assistant Planner deFreitas affirmed that
the previous illegal grading on the subject property had been legalized. He advised that,
for several years, the property was used as a dumping ground; that the City got involved
in it through Code Enforcement, that the illegal activity which occurred on the site went
to the City Council for consideration, that the site did not exist in its current
configuration for many years, and that the previous owner of the property was required to
compact the usable material dumped on the site and haul off any unusable material
dumped on the site
Mr. Brad Ellis, (no address provided), Manhattan Beach, partner in the project and
general contractor, clarified that, as a part of this project, the drainage plan developed
years ago would have to be completed and that there is an easement in place which
would accommodate the drainage pipe
Commissioner Alberto asked if Mr Ellis has a license to do business in the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes Mr Ellis replied that he presently has no business in the City, but,
he would obtain one should this project be approved
Chairman Clark asked why the house would be 12,588 square feet in size. Mr Ellis
explained that this size house would be suitable for the site, that there is an unusual
situation here because of the natural privacy created by the configuration of the lot and
the suitable pad site
Chairman Clark asked if Mr. Ellis would reside in the house Mr Ellis said that he
would not and he confirmed for Commissioner Vannorsdall that the house would be built
on speculation
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved to close the public hearing The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Ng and, there being no objection, it was so ordered by
Chairman Clark
Discussion continued with Commissioner Cartwright stating his support of the St4ff
recommendation for an approval, subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval, in
that the project would be compatible with others in the area, the grading would not be
excessive when the size of the property is taken into consideration and the project would
be consistent with the Coastal Plan and the City Code Commissioner Cartwright said he
could see no reason not to support the Staff recommendation
June 25, 1996
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Commissioner Ng echoed the statements made by Commissioner Cartwright. She related
her appreciation of the architect's efforts to set the house back to preserve Mrs Hastings'
Commissioner Franklin related his opinion that Staff and the architect cooperated very
well in developing this project. Although the house would be big, he said it would not
significantly impact ocean views from neighboring residences. Commissioner Franklin
related his concern that a Minor Exception Permit might be requested to increase the
height of the fences, particularly along Palos Verdes Drive West He voiced his
understanding that there was some discussion by the City Council that any Minor
Exception Permits for projects approved by the Planning Commission would have to be
brought back to the Planning Commission, asked if such a determination by the City
Council would apply to this project; and stated that he would like to be involved in the
decision on whether the height of the fence would be increased
Director/Secretary Petru related her uncertainty as to whether such a determination
would extend to such things as fencing; but, it certainly could if the Council were to so
choose as part of the revisions to the Development Code
Commissioner Franklin related his understanding that any Minor Exception Permit on
projects considered by the Planning Commission would come to the Planning
Commission for consideration.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the determination would apply to the building
envelope of a house, but, she was not sure it would apply to accessory structures like a
Commissioner Franklin recommended that the wall along the street not be increased
above 3'6" in height without coming back to the Planning Commission for consideration
Chairman Clark indicated that requirements imposed on the project would have to, be
consistent with the requirements pertaining to Minor Exception Permits and, unless the
Commission were to get into interpretation, he said he was not sure that could be done
Commissioner Alberto expressed his agreement with Commissioner Franklin. However,
he said he had a problem with the requirement Commissioner Franklin recommended for
fencing Commissioner Alberto related his understanding that the building envelope
does not include fences
Chairman Clark explained his viewpoint that it might not be appropriate to include the
requirement suggested by Commissioner Franklin
Commissioner Alberto entertained the idea of asking the City Council to look at this
matter in the near future
June 25, 1996
Chairman Clark related his belief that it would not be appropriate to place that type of
Condition of Approval on the project, particularly one which might be outside the normal
purview of the Planning Commission
Commissioner Franklin expressed his desire that an approval of the project be consistent
with the Conditions of Approval for the setbacks and the ascent of the slope as
recommended by the City's geotechnical consultant Should the wording be found to be
in conflict, he asked that it be returned to the Commission
Director/Secretary Petru clarified that, according to recommended Condition of Approval
No 7, moving the house forward on the lot would require a revision to an approval,
which would in turn require the return of this project to the Planning Commission She
advised that a Condition of Approval requiring the applicant to comply with all
requirements of the City's geotechmcal consultant could be added to an approval of the
Commissioner Alberio suggested adding a Condition of Approval that the retaining walls
shall be appropriately landscaped to screen them from the public view.
Director/Secretary Petru verified for Commissioner Ng that the Building Department
would make sure the plans comply with the recommendations of the City's geotechnical
Voicing his general support of the project, Commissioner Whiteneck observed that it
would be compatible with the area
Chairman Clark questioned how the project would compare in terms of size to other
private residences in Rancho Palos Verdes Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that one
of the houses in the Seacliff Hills development was on the same scale as this project, that
the house across the street from this site is similar in size to this project; and that the
houses in the existing Lunada Pointe tract average between 8,000 and 10,000 square feet
in size
Chairman Clark asked how long it would take to construct the project Mr Ellis replied
it would take approximately 9 to 12 months to complete the project
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that, although this might be one of the largest houses
in the City, it was probably one of the largest lots being developed
Chairman Clark recalled that the Winkler house off of Via Subida was on approximately
5 acres of land and the house was in the range of this project
June 25, 1996
Director/Secretary Petru read aloud the Staff recommendation for a Condition of
Approval pertaining to landscaping as follows "That the property owner shall submit a
Landscape Plan prior to the issuance of Building Permits to screen the 3'6" high solid
stucco wall along Palos Verdes Drive West, subject to approval of the Director of
Planning, Building and Code Enforcement
MOTION; Commissioner Vannorsdall moved for the approval of Coastal Permit
No 131 and Grading Permit No 1877, subject to Conditions of Approval as
recommended by Staff, adding Conditions of Approval as follows
o That the property owner shall submit a Landscape Plan prior to the
issuance of Building Permits to screen the 3'6" high solid stucco
wall along Palos Verdes Drive West, subject to the approval of the
Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, and
o That the property owner shall comply with all requirements
of the City's geotechnical consultant
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ng and passed by unanimous roll call vote
Chairman Clark noted the 15 -day appeal period from the date of the meeting.
2 VARIANCE NO. 409 - Mr. Albert McClain - 2071 General Street
Assistant Planner deFreitas presented the Staff Report
Commissioner Alberio commented on continuing problems with the Eastview area
caused by the small lot sizes in this area of the City and on the idea of creating an
Overlay District for this area.
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that, as far as the City's records show, a Site Plan
Review was issued in 1987 for a new patio cover at the back of the property, as well as
some improvements to the interior of the house He emphasized that the approval in
1987 was for a the new patio cover (and not a room) that was to respect the minimum 15
foot rear yard setback; and that, as far as Staff could tell, that room did not exist prior to
the City's annexation of the Eastview area in 1983
Assistant Planner deFreitas further advised that the trellis is an unpermitted structure
within the front yard setback and that the trellis along the side of the house encroaches
into the side yard setback
June 25, 1996
Recalling a case previously considered by the Planning Commission, Commissioner
Cartwright related his understanding that the properties in the Eastview area, which
became part of Rancho Palos Verdes in 1983 and were built to the County Code, were
"grandfathered." Should that be the case, he asked why the City would require the
applicant to remove the patio coyer
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that the applicant's previous patio cover encroached
into the rear yard setback, that, because the property owner was making improvements to
the property, including a new patio cover, the City required that aspect of the property to
be brought into compliance with the current Code; and that there are numerous
unpermitted structures in the Eastview area
Commissioner Cartwright related his opinion that, should the Variance be approved, the
applicant would not be given an undue privilege which others in the neighborhood do not
have He pointed out that the subject property is very small with very little space in the
rear yard, expressed his feeling that the same arguments the Planning Commission
previously used to approve a project on Jaybrook could apply to this request, and voiced
his understanding that the existing footprint for the structure existed when the applicant
purchased the property
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved to open the public hearing The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Cartwright and it was so ordered without objection by
Chairman Clark.
Mr, Al McClain, 2071 General Street, explained that the patio was constructed prior to
1983 and that he enclosed it for privacy; that, other than Mr Whitsitt (residing at 2050
Elberon Street), the covered patio does not impose on the privacy of neighboring
residents, as is evidenced by the signatures he obtained, that, according to City files he
reviewed, other projects similar to his in the Eastview area have been approved; that he
covered the spa and patio areas because Mr Whitsitt's second story addition impacts his
privacy, that he lowered the spa below the solid fence to reduce impact on Mr. Whitsitt,
that he would be willing to lower the spa even more and would be open to suggestions to
please Mr. Whitsitt, and that he did not do anything to alter the rear yard slope.
In answer to questions from the Commission, Mr. McClain stated that he has resided at
the property for approximately 10 years; that he applied for Permits to add his living
room in 1987, that he enclosed the patio in 1989, that he was not aware he needed a
Permit to enclose the patio, that the spa was enclosed approximately 3 months ago -- that
the spa was not there when he purchased the property but was installed within the last 6
months, and that he was not aware he needed a Permit to enclose the spa - he thought
Permits were only necessary for major structures
June 25, 1996
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Commissioner Alberio explained that, when the applicant enclosed the patio, a Permit
was required since it then became part of the residence, that, in his opinion, the size of
the lot is not small for the area; that, in this area, the rear yard is typically used for
additions such as the applicant's; and that the enclosed patio was not properly built due
to the fact that it impairs views and it is too close to the side and rear yard property lines
Mr McClain stated that, except for the encroachment, the patio room was built to the
City's specifications
Commissioner Ng discussed that, according to the Staff Report, in 1987 the patio was
required to respect the setback, however, at this time, it does not
Assistant Planner deFreitas advised that, as far as the records can be traced, there was an
existing patio cover on the site which encroached into the rear yard setback; that, as part
of the Site Plan Review issued by the City in 1987 in conjunction with the living room
addition, a new patio cover which respected the minimum rear yard setback requirement
of 15 feet was to be erected, that the Building Permit for the living room addition
contains a notation "remove the patio cover for Planning Department Conditions of
Approval before final;" and that, according to Mr. McClain, the patio cover was
constructed after the issuance of the Building Permit for the living room.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that there was no County Permit on file for the original
patio cover and that, when the City was asked to issue a Permit for a property which has
a Code violation or an illegal structure, it was typical to condition it to be brought into
Commissioner Cartwright asked if the existing roof over this enclosure is the same roof
which was there in 1987 and if the applicant cut back the roof at the time the living room
was extended to comply with the Code. Mr McClain said that he did not cut the roof
back in 1987
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the Condition of Approval- to remove the patio
cover was written on the Building Permit; that the Condition is very clear on the plans,
and that the Building Permit was finaled She confirmed the possibility that the City did
not enforce the Conditions of Approval during the Final Inspection for the living room
Mr McClain said that, when he received the Final Building Permit from the City, he was
under the impression that the patio cover was okay; that he never received a letter telling
him it would be necessary to remove the existing patio cover and replace it with one
which respected the rear yard setback requirement of 15 feet, that a notation to that effect
was written on the blue print for the living room addition; that, when he purchased the
subject property, he was not informed of the necessity to remove the existing patio cover,
that he purchased the property because of the patio; that Mr. Whitsitt's balcony looks
down on his spa; and that the spa has been enclosed for the past 8 years.
June 25, 1996
Commissioner Franklin requested clarification from Mr McClain as to the illegal
construction on the subject property earlier this year as cited in the Staff Report.
Mr McClain said that he was enclosing the spa.
In answer to a question from Commissioner Vannorsdall, Assistant Planner deFreitas
advised that a formal Stop Work Order was not issued for construction of the applicant's
spa earlier this year; that the construction workers on the site were asked to cease all
work until appropriate Planning Department approval was obtained, and that, when the
City initially went to investigate the project, the spa enclosure was not completed so
there has been further construction since the City asked that all work stop
Mr McClain said that the spa was completed at the time the City came to his property
and that the work to which Assistant Planner deFrertas referred was a very small deck on
the side
Mr. Michael Henderson, 3560 Ocean View Drive, Los Angeles, related his support of
the project. He stated that, when the applicant purchased the subject property, certain
improvements already existed, that, when the Building Permit was pulled in 1987, there
was an attachment which said there was an encroachment, so the patio cover was
considered to be an encroachment at that time; that the applicant applied for and received
a Building Permit and the Final Inspection which showed the patio cover was still in its
present condition, that there are approved Variances for other projects in the
neighborhood similar to the applicant's, that he is a friend of the applicant's, that he is
not a licensed contractor; and that he assisted the with the construction of the applicant's
living room.
Commissioner Cartwright related his understanding that Mr Henderson indicated
the encroachment was noted at the time the applicant purchased the subject property
Mr Henderson said that, at the time the Building Permit was obtained in 1987, the plans
indicated that the patio cover 5 feet from rear property line and 5 feet from the side
property line, so it was clearly noted.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the Clearance Form for the- Site Plan Review issued
m 1987 says 15 from the rear property line.
Mr Henderson maintained that to ask the applicant to cut back the patio cover when
there are other properties in the neighborhood which are clearly enjoying such an
encroachment would be unreasonable He noted the City Building Inspector signed off
on the project so the property owner was under the impression it was in compliance.
June 25, 1996
Mr -Luther Whitsitt, 2050 Elberon Street, stated that he is the only neighbor whose
view was impacted by the spa and patio enclosures, that he called the City several times
to. inform them about the applicant's spa, that a previous patio cover was constructed by
a previous resident to keep the sun off the back portion of the patio, and that the
applicant clearly did not comply with City requirements. He clarified for Commissioner
Albeno that the second story addition on his home was constructed approximately 26
years earlier
Commissioner Cartwright observed that there are many structures in the Eastview area
which would not be approved today He explained the process whereby structures were
grandfathered in when the Eastview area was annexed into the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes in 1983
Commissioner Ng. asked if Mr Whitsitt could see the spa enclosure from his property
before he trimmed the tree. Mr Whitsitt said the entire structure was easy to see from
his property; that an approval of the Variance would be a blatant violation of the rules;
and that the tree does not impact his view
Commissioner Cartwright stated his impression that the height of the applicant's
structure is below the height, of Mr Whrtsitt's fence.
Mr Whitsitt said that it was not.
Commissioner Wluteneck observed that, from a slightly raised deck in Mr Wlutsitt's rear
yard, the top of the spa was visible
Chairman Clark pointed out that, should the applicant be required to remove the
structures, they could be rebuilt in accordance with the Code. Mr Whitsitt explained that
he was primarily concerned with the spa.
Commissioner Cartwright asked if lowering the roof of the spa enclosure by
approximately one foot would please Mr Whitsitt. Mr Whitsitt replied that he would
like to see the specifications prior to agreeing to same, that it is imperative the Planning
Commission see flus issue for what it was, and that the applicant was aware of what he
was doing and should be held accountable for his actions.
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved to close the public hearing. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Ng and, there being no objection, it was so ordered by
Chairman Clark.
Commissioner Vannorsdall requested clarification as to what modifications would be
necessary should the Variance be approved.
June 25, 1996
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Assistant Planner deFrertas advised that one wall of the patio cover is glass; that the
Building Code contains requirements about the maximum amount of glazing on a
residence; and that there are probable electrical violations with both the patio enclosure
and the spa enclosure.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that an engineering report regarding structural integrity,
as well as an examination of the geology, may be necessary should the Variance be
Should the Variance be granted, Commissioner Vannorsdall questioned if it would be
economically feasible to keep the room because of the reconstruction which might be
necessary to obtain a Building Permit. He requested clarification regarding the slope by
the retaining wall.
Assistant Planner deFrertas advised that, according to the plans, the slope is in excess of
35% and that it is difficult to determine whether the slope was created as a result of back
Commissioner Vannorsdall related his feeling that many questions must be answered
prior to the Commission making a determination on this request He questioned whether
it was fair for the City to review only violations which are brought to the City's attention
and entertained the idea of continuing this item until such time as better solutions, such
as an Overlay District or direction from the City Council, are obtained.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that, based on Staff resources and direction from the
City Council, neighborhoods are not canvassed for violations, however, Code violations
that are brought to the City's attention must be pursued
Chairman Clark asked for clarification about previous Variance approvals for setback
encroachments in the Eastview area.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that only one of the 11 cases looked into by the
applicant was in the Eastview area, however, she noted that more Variances are probably
granted in the Eastview and Portuguese Bend areas because of small lot sizes
Commissioner Alberio related his concern that there is no Overlay District in the
Eastview area However, he noted the Commission must deal with the issues at hand,
voiced concern about the potential for the City to be liable should the Commission
approve something it should not, and suggested this problem be dealt with by requiring
the applicant to bring the structures into conformance with the Code.
Responding to a question from Commissioner Franklin, Assistant Planner deFrertas
advised that a Building Permit was not obtained for the spa
June 25, 1996
Commissioner Franklin related his understanding that, according to the Code, Building
Permits are not required for buildings less than 120 square feet in size.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that, according to the Uniform Building Code, Building
Permits are not required for structures less than 120 square feet in size which are not
habitable. But, there are Planning requirements pertaining to height, setbacks, lot
coverage, etc for accessory structures such as the spa enclosure
Commissioner Franklin clarified that the spa enclosure is under 120 square feet sq it
would not require a Building Permit, however, it must conform to Planning setback,
height and open space requirements
Director/Secretary Petru called attention to the fact that the spa structure was elevated
above the rear yard area She advised that it must be constructed to meet safety
requirements for the stairway because the stairway landing was over 30 inches above the
adjacent grade She venfied that, if the spa was sitting flat on the ground, it would not
need a Building Permit, that Staff would have to check into whether the fact it was
elevated would trigger any requirements, and that Building Permits would be necessary
for the patio enclosure because it was over 120 square feet in size
Commissioner Cartwright requested clarification regarding how the Building Permit
process works when it was impossible for the City to look at the integrity of a structure
He related his understanding that such a structure could be approved with a notation that
the City was unable to inspect it and certify various safety conditions
Director/Secretary Petru affirmed that, under certain circumstances, the City has the
ability to issue "As -Built" Building Permits
Commissioner Cartwright asked for input about liability when an "As -Built" Permit was
issued Director/Secretary Petru said that Staff would have to look into it, however,
applicants are often required to obtain an engineer's certification that a structure was
acceptable when the City cannot verify the foundation, etc.
Commissioner Whiteneck perceived the problem as the structure does not conform to the
Uniform Building Code and might not conform to the City's Code He related his feeling
that electrical problems were very serious.
Commissioner Ng expressed her viewpoint that the spa enclosure should be made to
conform to the Uniform Building Code, that, since the patio enclosure existed at the time
the applicant purchased the property, he should not be required to tear it down - but, it
should comply also with the Uniform Building Code, that the roof of the spa could not be
lowered too much because head room was needed inside the structure; that the spa could
be enclosed with a trellis and landscaping to provide privacy; that the stairs and the
railing should be made to comply with the Uniform Building Code requirements for
June 25, 1996
safety She said she had no problem with the rear yard setback encroachment pertaining
to the patio.
Director/Secretary Petru noted that it was very possible that the requirement to cut the
patio cover back to meet the setback was missed when the Building Permit was issued for
the living room addition in 1987
Chairman Clark mentioned that testimony that evening would suggest there was an
encroachment of the patio cover into the rear yard setback and that it was not required to
be fixed in 1987 upon Final Inspection during the Building Permit process.
Director/Secretary Petru noted that there have been a few Variance approvals similar to
this request, but those projects generally did not impact surrounding neighbors
Commissioner Franklin commented on the difficulty of this decision. While he felt that
the applicant should be required to bring both buildings into compliance with the
Uniform Building Code, Commissioner Franklin explained that he could support the
patio cover encroachment because there have been no complaints about it over the last
eight years He felt that the spa enclosure appeared to be well built, but whether or not it
meets the Building Codes must be determined by a Building Inspector and that it would
be more aesthetically pleasing if it were moved to a lower level.
Commissioner Alberio favored working with the applicant to minimize possible liability
to the City He basically supported the Staff recommendation to deny the request
MOTION: Commissioner Alberio moved for the approval of the Staff recommendation
to deny Variance No 409 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Whiteneck and
ultimately defeated by a 2-5 majority vote (see page no 18)
Discussion after the motion continued with Chairman Clark noting the lack of clarity
with regard to when some of the Code violations occurred He commented that the City
had the opportunity in 1987 to require that the patio cover respect the rear yard setback,
but did not, and that the issue regarding the patio enclosure appears to be centered around
whether or not something could be done about the current encroachment to make it
"whole" and whether it is in conformance with the Building Code
At the request of Chairman Clark, Director/Secretary Petru advised that it would be
necessary to remove approximately one-third of the patio cover to eliminate the
Chairman Clark said that the more pressing issue to him was the building itself and, if it
could be brought up to Code and the structural integrity could be verified, he could be
persuaded to support the patio cover encroachment
June 25, 1996
f 0
With regard to the spa enclosure, Chairman Clark noted that it was a more recent Code
violation, that there was clear evidence it was constructed within the last year without
Building Permits; that it abuts the rear property line; that there were questions about its
structural integrity, and that it was elevated above the level of the rear yard area. He
offered that he was not inclined to agree with leaving it in its current configuration; that
there was room on the property for it to be moved; and that the applicant should be
required to bring it into compliance with the Uniform Building Code
Commissioner Franklin stated his agreement with Chairman Clark
Commissioner Cartwright noted that the enforcement of the Code requirements was very
important, but it was also important to be fair to residents He supported an approval of
the Variance subject to Conditions of Approval, including a requirement that the
structures shall meet the Uniform Building Code and safety requirements
Commissioner Cartwright voiced his opinion that it would be possible for the City to
make a determination with regard to safety and that he would hate to see the applicant be
required to remove the structures when, from the applicant's property, one can see other
structures which were built right along property lines but have not been brought to the
City's attention
The motion for denial was defeated by the following 2-5 majority roll call vote;
Ayes- Aibeno, Whiteneck
Noes Cartwright, Franklin, Ng, Vannorsdall and Chairman Clark
Abstain. None.
Absent- None
MOTION: Commissioner Cartwright moved to approve Variance No. 409, subject to
Conditions of Approval as recommended by Staff, including that the structures shall
conform with the requirements of the Uniform Building and Safety Codes. The motion
died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Whiteneck emphasized that the structures must conform with the Uniform
Building Code and that Variances can only be granted for items having to do with the
City's Development Code, such as the setback encroachment
MOTION: Commissioner Ng moved for the following.
o That the patio cover shall be approved in its current configuration;
o That the applicant shall be directed to relocate the spa to comply
with the rear yard setback requirements, and
June 25, 1996
o That both structures shall be made to comply with the Uniform
Building Code
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Vannorsdall and passed by the following 5-2
majority roll call vote.
Ayes- Commissioners Franklin, Ng, Vannorsdall, Whiteneck and
Chairman Clark
Commissioners Alberio and Cartwright.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the Resolution for the Planning Commission's
action on Variance No 409 will be presented for the Commission's approval at the next
Chairman Clark advised that the 15 -day appeal period of the Planning Commission's
decision will begin after the Resolution was approved
At 9 45 P M there was a recess until 9.55 P M. when the meeting reconvened with all
Commissioners present
At this time, Agenda Item No. 4 was considered prior to Agenda Item No. 3 for the
purpose of determining if it would be continued, withdrawn or considered later in the
4_ MINOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 501 - APPEAL - Robert and Shirley
Lie, 54 Oceanaire Drive (Applicant) and Ten -Le Ann and Tai Shon Lee,
55 Oceanaire Drive (Appellant)
Commissioner Franklin commented that the appellant was previously given inaccurate
information by the City with regard to the size of the driveway, that, according to the
most recent calculations, the driveway would only be 55 square feet over the maximum
allowed, and that, had the appellants been given accurate information, they might not
have filed an appeal. He suggested a continuance for the appellants to reconsider this
June 25, 1996
0 0
Ms. Wei-Drin Lee, 911 Prospect, Princeton, New Jersey, came forward to state the
appellant's desire to go forward with the appeal that evening
Discussion returned to Agenda Item No. 3
ASSESSMENT NO. 681- Pacific Bell Mobile Services - 27501 Western
Avenue Green Hills Memorial Parkl
Assistant Planner Klopfenstein presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Alberio asked if this item would fall under the City's Franchise Ordinance.
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the City had lease agreements with the various
carriers o the monopole at City Hall, that the City was not a partner in this particular
project and that the agreement would be between Green Hills and Pacific Bell; and that,
should the request be approved, it may be necessary for the applicant to obtain a Business
License from the City.
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved to open the public hearing. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Albeno and it was so ordered without objection by
Chairman Clark
Mr. Jerome Buckmelter, 5959 Century Boulevard, Suite 200, Los Angeles, 90045,
explained that Pacific Bell is the license provider for Personal Communication Systems
(PCS) throughout California and Nevada. He offered input on the positive aspects of PCS;
noted that the antennae would be mounted on the mausoleum, that the equipment cabinets
would be mounted on the north side of the mausoleum and they would be screened with
vegetation, and that Pacific Bell would be willing to obtain a Business License should it be
necessary to do so.
Commissioner Alberio stated his concern about possible radiation because of the
microwaves. Mr. Buckmelter advised that the antennae would be directed to the west 275
degrees; that the beam power would be infinitesimal; that the standard for this product are
set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and that the frequency would be
1.8 gHz.
Commissioner Cartwright asked if the radiation from this kind of antenna could be a health
hazard MR. Buckmelter said that he was unaware of anything to that effect, however as
long as the FCC requirements are complied with, it would be fair to presume the operation
was safe.
June 25, 1996
Mr. Arnold Oksenkrug,1979 Avenida Feliciano, noted that his residence backs up to
Green Hills He asked if the antennae frequencies could impact television reception in
any way and voiced his concern over possible health hazards to those visiting Green
Hills Mr. Buckmelter said that the antenna would not interfere with television reception.
Commissioner Ng questioned if the station would be in the way of the emergency
stairway which exits the lower portion of the mausoleum
Mr. John Resich, Member of Green Hills Board of Directors, assured Commissioner
Ng that the station would be located so that it would not be in the way of pedestrian
traffic and that it would be shielded from view by vegetation
MOTION: Commissioner Vannorsdall moved to approve the Staff recommendation to
approve Conditional Use Permit No 190 and Environmental Assessment No 681 as
conditioned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Franklin and passed by
unanimous roll call vote.
Chairman Clark noted the 15 -day appeal period from the date of the meeting.
At this time, discussion of Agenda Item No. 4 continued
Code Enforcement Officer Pollard presented the Staff Report He explained the
differences in the Staff's previous calculations of the amount the driveway was in excess
of the maximum allowable hardscape
Director/Secretary Petru advised that using a plan prepared by the applicant, an Associate
Planner had previously calculated an area as paved when it was not, which contributed to
the error in measurement. She verified that the grass in the middle of the driveway is
counted as open space.
Code Enforcement Officer Pollard clarified for Commissioner Cartwright that the
applicant's original Site Plan Review application was conditioned not to exceed 50%
Director/Secretary Petru advised that the original request was approved by Staff, that it
was difficult to estimate the hardscape coverage because of the semi -circular driveway,
and that the original calculation was based on the plans submitted by the applicant and
that the final calculation was done after the driveway was constructed by measuring the
actual dimensions of the hardscape in the field_
June 25, 1996
Following a question from Commissioner Franklin, Director/Secretary Petru provided
input regarding turf block. She advised that the applicant installed grass where turf block
was originally proposed and that based on Council direction during the review of the
Development Code revisions, turf block was no longer counted as a 50% landscaping
Director/Secretary Petru related to the Chairman a request from the appellant to combine
the speaking times of many in support of the appeal and allow one representative to
speak for an extended period of time The Chairman agreed to allow the appellant 15
minutes to speak.
MOTION: Commissioner Whiteneck moved to open the public hearing. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Cartwright and it was so ordered without objection by
Chairman Clark.
On behalf of the appellants, Ms. Wei -Drip Lee, 911 Prospect, Princeton, New Jersey,
contended that the entire driveway area, including the grass between the tire strips,
should be counted as hardscape, that this request should be for a Variance and not a
Minor Exception Permit; that the tree the applicant removed was in the public right-of-
way; that using after -the -fact approvals to make obvious wrongs legitimate violates the
intent of the Code, and that the City has made errors, neglected complaints and failed in
prompt Code enforcement at the expense of its citizens.
Ms. Lee presented extensive information to substantiate her contentions as called out
above. She explained that the tree in question instigated this entire issue because the
original plans incorrectly marked the location of the tree and the removal of the tree
made room for the illegal, after -the -fact driveway Ms. Lee cited letters from the City to
the applicants which she felt clearly demonstrated that the City failed to properly
determine the location of the tree She emphasized that the calculations for the semi-
circular driveway encroachment are not precise
At this time, Chairman Clark instructed Ms. Lee that she would be given an additional
ten minutes to speak. He voiced concern that the appellant's representative was given an
extended period of time to speak on behalf of parties in support of the appeal who were
not present at this meeting.
Ms. Lee addressed the City's reasoning behind the approval of the 5 7% reduction in
landscaped area, as discussed on page 4 of the Staff Report. She discussed that the
reduced width of the lot does not qualify a necessary hardship; that legal or illegal non-
conforming cases should not be used as a basis for approval, and that the applicants'
driveway should not be compared to others in the area, particularly because it has a small
radius since most of the other driveways in the area cannot be seen from the street.
Ms. Lee stressed that the City ignored complaints made by the appellants and that the
integrity of the Code must be protected.
June 25, 1996
Commissioner_ Cartwright voiced his understanding that the City tree which was removed
is not part of the Minor Exception Permit (MEP) before the Commission this evening
Ms Lee stated that the semi -circular driveway should be safe and similar to others in the
area and that it should not be allowed due to the presence of the grassy area She
requested that the semi -circular driveway be removed
In answer to a question from Commissioner Ng, Ms. Lee explained that the driveway is
15% (including the grassy area) over the 20% reduction in open space allowed by the
MEP, therefore, she felt that a Variance should have been required
Commissioner Alberio related his understanding that the driveway is legal Ms Lee
stressed that it is illegal and that it does not comply with the Code.
Commissioner Alberio observed that the appellant has a new garage and he asked if the
proper Permits were obtained. Ms Lee said that they were. Commissioner Alberio
asked for clarification from Staff on this matter
Director/Secretary Petru advised that it would be necessary for Staff to examine the
address file for the property to determine if Building Permits for the appellants' garage
were obtained
Mr. Tai -Shoo Lee, 55 Oceanaire Drive, appellant, pointed out that, if the grass strip in
the applicant's driveway was not counted as landscaped area, the total driveway area
would greatly exceed the allowable hardscape within the front yard setback area.
Subsequent to a request from Commissioner Franklin, Ms Lee gave an emotional
explanation as to how this matter had personally affected her family
Mr. Fred Lie, 54 Oceanaire Drive, applicant, informed the Commission of his
understanding that the appellant objects to his driveway because of a superstition. He
said that he replaced the tree which erroneously removed from the public right-of-way,
that many other properties in the neighborhood have semi -circular driveways and excess
lot coverage; that his driveway does not affect the RS -2 zoning requirements for open
space, that the appellant asked for and received the logs from the tree which was
removed; that the tree might not have been located where Ms. Lee thought it was; that the
removal of the tree did not adversely impact the value of properties in the neighborhood,
that he has spent much time and money landscaping his property, that his driveway
conforms to the allowable 20% grade, and that the appellant asked him to move the
driveway so that it would not face her front door ,which would make the radius even
smaller, and she is now complaining about the size of the radius
Mr. Timothy Cotter, 57 Oceanaire Drive, residing next to the appellant and across the
street from the applicants, voiced his opinion that the new driveway enhances the entire
ININKNI1 0 1 1 !
June 25, 1996
Ms. Virginia Cicoria, 62 Oceanaire Drive, related her feeling that the applicants'
remodel is a beautiful asset and enhancement to the neighborhood She said that the
appellants' landscaping leaves something to be desired
Ms. Lee came forward again to rebut comments made by the applicant and other parties
in favor of the request. She said that her mother (appellant) appeals to people in any way
she can; that, superstition or not, the Code should not be violated, and that the tree logs
were requested as they were about to be hauled away as trash
MOTION: Commissioner Ng moved to close the public hearing The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Whiteneck and it was so ordered without objection by
Chairman Clark
Code Enforcement Officer Pollard advised that the Street Tree Permit was just recently
obtained by the applicant He explained that Street Tree Permits are issued to allow an
adjacent property owner to cut a tree in the public right-of-way and that Staff had not
verified the existence of the replacement tree mentioned by the applicant
Commissioner Alberio asked if the City would have granted a request to remove the tree
in question if it would have been requested prior to the removal. Code Enforcement
Officer Pollard replied that, according to the City's Maintenance Supervisor, such a
request would have been granted.
Director/Secretary Petru noted the Public Works Department's primary concern was that
tree removal may cause damage to public property.
Code Enforcement Officer Pollard responded to a question from Chairman Clark that the
5 7% hardscape overage equates to 55 48 square feet
Director/Secretary Petru clarified that there are a number of legal non -conforming
driveways in the subject neighborhood
Commissioner Franklin related that he resides at 15 Oceanaire Drive, that he is
personally acquainted with the appellant and that it was his understanding after speaking
to the City Attorney there would be no conflict of interest with his participating in the
consideration of this matter
Commissioner Franklin contended that the configuration of the applicants' property was
not unique and did not justify the driveway; that the amount of excess hardscape for other
properties in the area is merely speculation on Staff's behalf, that none of the properties
in the area behind Coveview Drive have circular driveways; that over 20 people protested
the driveway, which could mean that they felt it created an adverse impact, that the St4ff
findings cannot be supported by facts; and that the appellant made no effort to address
neighboring residents' concerns He said he could not support the Staff recommendation.
June 25, 1996
Commissioner Ng related her understanding that the purpose of the applicant's new
driveway appears to be for parking, so the grass strip down the middle should not be
counted as landscaped area She felt that the driveway design impacted the
Commissioner Whiteneck observed that very few, if any, homes in close proximity to the
subject property have circular driveways However, he stated that this fact should not
have much impact on this decision
Commissioner Cartwright commented on the difficulty of cases involving neighbors who
are against one another He pointed out that there is nothing the City can do about the
tree which was removed. Relating his support of the Staff recommendation for approval,
Commissioner Cartwright expressed his feeling that property owners have the right to
improve their properties in almost any manner consistent with the City Code and so as
not to create a hazard He stated his understanding that the driveway appears to be
consistent with others in the neighborhood and offered his opinion that it makes the
appearance of the property more visually interesting.
Commissioner Albeno agreed with Commissioner Cartwright's comments. He felt the
number of circular driveways in the neighborhood should not impact this decision and he
expressed his support of the request.
Commissioner Vannorsdall said he had no problem driving through the driveway his own
very large vehicle. He noted that the removal of 5 7% overage would have minimal
impact and stated his support of the Staff recommendation
Chairman Clark echoed the comments of Commissioner Vannorsdall with regard to the
minimal impact of removing the 5.7% overage He supported the Staff recommendation
MOTION. Commissioner Alberio moved to deny the appeal and uphold the Director's
decision to allow a 5 7% decrease in the minimum 50% landscape requirement within
the front yard setback area to allow the installation of a semi -circular driveway and other
hardscape at 54 Oceanaire Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Vannorsdall and passed by a 5-2 majority roll call vote.
Ayes Commissioners Albeno, Cartwright, Vannorsdall, Whiteneck and
Chairman Clark.
Noes Commissioners Franklin and Ng
Absent None.
Abstain None
Explaining his dissenting vote, Commissioner Franklin said he understood that the
removal of the driveway overage would be negligible; however, he disagreed with the
findings in the Staff Report, particularly Nos 1, 2 and 4.
June 25, 1996
Chairman Clark noted the 15 -day appeal period from the date of the meeting.
6100 Via Subida
Assistant Planner Klopfenstein presented the Staff Report.
Mr. Scott Vanufsky,1147 Manhattan Avenue, Suite 311, Manhattan Beach, 90266,
related his agreement with the Staff recommendation for an approval as conditioned.
MOTION: Commissioner Franklin moved to approve the Staff recommendation to
approve Conditional Use Permit No 177 - Revision - as conditioned. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Ng and it was so ordered without objection.
At 11.55 P.M. the meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, July 9, 1996, 7.00 P,M.
June 25, 1996