OCTOBER 12, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairman Robert
Katherman at Hesse Park Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
PRESENT: Alberio, Byrd, Clark, Katherman, Lorenzen
ABSENT: Mowlds, Hayes (Excused absence)
Also present were Director of Planning, Building and Code
Enforcement Bret B. Bernard, Planning Administrator Carolynn Petru,
Associate Planner Donna Jerex and Recording Secretary Michelle
Kennerson. The flag salute was led by Ken Huthmaker.
A. The minutes of September 14, 1993 were approved with
corrections. Commissioner Clark abstained.
B. P.C. Resolution No. 93-34; Upholding Height Variation No.
777 - Appeal, thereby approving a new two story residence
with a maximum height of 261-011, at 7 Amber Sky Drive,
subject to conditions of approval (Mrs. Proctor and Mr.
Hyde). (KK)
Commissioner Byrd moved, seconded by Commissioner Alberio to
approve P.C. Resolution No. 93-34. (5-0)
The public hearing was opened.
A. VARIANCE NO. 363, SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 7329; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Stein, 6309 Via Colinita (FF)
The Staff Report was waived regarding the applicant's request to
allow a fifteen foot (151-011) encroachment into the required twenty
foot (201-011) front yard setback to accommodate a 76 sq. ft. single
family addition to the existing residence.
William Lusby, 150 W. 6th St., Ste. 203, San Pedro, CA, architect,
stated that he was in agreement with the proposed conditions of
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Clark moved, seconded by Commissioner Alberio to adopt
the Staff recommendation. The motion passed without objection.
(5-0). P. C. Resolution No. 93-35.
Vice Chairman Byrd commented to the audience that, in the previous
variance and the following variance, the applicants are asking to
intrude into the front yard setback. However, in each case, the
house already intrudes that distance. The applicants are asking to
add a small amount to one side and match the existing front yard
setback. Mr. Byrd assured the audience that it appeared that the
Commission is reviewing the cases very quickly, but in fact they
have studied them quite extensively.
Commissioner Clark added that the Commission has indeed studied the
cases and have visited the sites. He stated that the Commission
finds that there is no adverse impact to the adjacent neighbors.
Chairman Katherman stated that both these cases point out the need
for some community standards, to allow houses that were built prior
to the City's incorporation with reduced yard setbacks to expand to
match keep their current front yard setback.
B. VARIANCE NO. 366, GRADING PERMIT NO. 1703• Mr. and Mrs. Len
Wood, 4228 Palos Verdes Drive East (FF)
The Staff Report was waived regarding the applicant's request to
allow a maximum thirteen foot (131-011) encroachment into the
required twenty foot (201-011) front yard setback to accommodate a
new 602 square foot addition to the existing residence.
The public hearing was opened.
Olympia Greer, Greer and Associates, 522 S. Catalina Ave., #A,
Redondo Beach, CA, architect, stated that she was in agreement with
the proposed conditions of approval.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Byrd moved, seconded by Commissioner Lorenzen, to
adopt the staff recommendation. The motion passed without
objection. (5-0). P.C. Resolution No. 93-36.
Station Ordinance for Eight Automotive Service Stations
located throughout the City.
Associate Planner Jerex presented the Staff Report stating that the
item regarding the Automotive service Station Overlay Control
District was last heard by the Planning Commission on August 21,
1993. In order to gain clear direction from the City Council, the
item was heard by the Council on September 21, 1993.
OCTOBER 12, 1993
The City Council's opinion and direction to Staff was that all uses
previously recommended by the Planning Commission, which include
full and self service gas stations, sales of food and sundry items,
and services and products which are secondary uses to automotive
service stations, should all be reviewed through a Conditional Use
In accordance with this direction, Staff has crafted an ordinance
setting forth development standards, as well as suggestions for
changes to the General Plan, for the Planning Commission's
Ms. Jerex continued to say that these are minimum standards, and
each new use would be subject to the public hearing process, and
review by the Planning Commission, who may, at their discretion,
impose further conditions on individual projects.
She also pointed out that there are several typographical errors on
the draft ordinance on page 5 under "hours of operation". For the
automotive repair and ancillary uses, these should read 118 a.m. and
5 p.m. to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m." These corrections have been made to
the resolutions which are being given to the Commission this
evening. Given the time constraints in returning this item to the
City Council, any changes the Commission may have to the
resolutions should be read into the record.
Commissioner Alberio commented that he noticed there were no
provision for the stations to be available for auto repair on
Sundays. Ms. Jerex responded that would be up to the Commission's
discretion and the hours of operation included in the draft
ordinance were from a survey of the existing service stations in
the City. Also, these are minimum standards, so as each use is
submitted, they would be reviewed separately. Mr. Alberio also
stated that in all cases there is now a requirement for a
Conditional Use Permit. Director Bernard clarified that what the
Commission approved is a number uses which would not require the
CUP and some that would. The City Council felt that in order to be
sensitive to the neighborhoods, a CUP should be required, even with
these development standards.
Commissioner Byrd stated that when he attended the City Council
meeting the discussion concerned only one gas station site at
Crestridge and Highridge. As a result, the City Council asked for
a CUP to be required for each of the eight gas stations, not just
one. Mr. Byrd continued to say that he feels that the Commission
should grant the same conditions to the gas stations that the
Commission considered at the first hearing. And then if the City
Council would like to require a CUP on any one or more of the
stations, it would be at their discretion. This way all eight
OCTOBER 12, 1993
service stations would not be penalized because of one service
Discussion then ensued among the Commission and Ms. Jerex regarding
spot -zoning.
Commissioner Clark asked that if what the Commission is reviewing
is the Overlay Control District, then why do these owners of the
service stations have to come back for a CUP? Director Bernard
responded these owners only have to come back if they expand their
current use or change their mode of operations for the current use.
They can continue as they now operate without obtaining a CUP. Ms.
Jerex clarified to Commissioner Clark that Staff is not requiring
a CUP for all eight service station sites. She continued to say
the CUP would be required for each individual project applicant
coming in the future. Commissioner Clark then stated that the
Commission would recommending a Development Code amendment for the
Overlay Control District which would include the kind of uses plus
the expanded uses, that were mentioned before.
Discussion ensued among the Commission and Staff regarding the
expanded uses and benefits for the service station owners if the
Commission were to recommend adoption of the Ordinance.
Ms. Jerex stated that the Commission is providing a "right",
especially for the four service station sites that are zoned
"residential and institutional", they don't have that "right" as it
exists now. By creating an Overlay Control District, it is much
more clear as to what is allowed for automotive use and restricts
the sites to not allowing certain types of auto body repair work.
Chairman Katherman stated that what the Ordinance provides for the
four sites that are zoned "residential/ institutional" is to keep
them from having to go through the General Plan Amendment and Zone
Change process, and then potential Conditional Use Permit, process
all at the same time.
Commissioner Byrd stated that he would like to recommend to City
Council that a CUP not be required. Chairman Katherman stated that
was the original Planning Commission recommendation.
Discussion again ensued among the Commission and Staff regarding
the CUP's and the potential ancillary uses for the service
The public hearing was opened.
Jack Harper, 22 Aspen Way, Rolling Hills Estates, CA referring to
the Unocal station at 28732 Highridge Road, cited noise pollution,
visual pollution, a question of safety, environmental protection,
OCTOBER 12, 1993
and deteriorating property values as the reasons why he requests
the Commission to recommend denial of the proposed ordinance for an
automotive repair business at the location in question.
Commissioner Alberio asked Mr. Harper if the gas station already
there when he moved to his present address the gas station already
there. Mr. Harper responded that it was there.
Jo Landau, 2 Hillcrest Meadows, Rolling Hills Estates, CA stated
that she is a Planning Commissioner for the City of Rolling Hills
Estates, but she is not representing that City tonight. She is
representing the Hillcrest Meadows Homeowner's Association. She
stated her home is 100 feet from the service station located at
28732 Highridge Road. Ms. Landau stated for the record that the
Hillcrest Meadows Homeowners Association and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Landau are in support of the CUP for the Overlay Control District.
She stated that they are, however, against Section 17.36.073,
17.36.074 of the proposed Development Code Revision. She
continued to that say that even though she opposes any auto repair
facility, she believes a CUP is necessary for the development of
the site.
Commissioner Alberio asked Ms. Landau if the service station was
there when she was a resident of Rancho Palos Verdes Ms. Landau
responded that it was closed at that time.
Discussion ensued among the Commission and Ms. Landau regarding the
non -conforming rights of that particular site.
William R. Myers, 28103 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, C
asked the Commission about the hours of operation indicated in the
Staff Report. Director Bernard clarified to Mr. Myers that these
are the minimum standards that are suggested. When you apply for
a CUP, the standards can be made more or less strict. Mr. Myers
then proceeded to explain to the Commission his current hours of
operation, and also what he would like them to be in the future.
There was discussion among the Commission and Mr. Myers regarding
the possible upgrades to his station, the possibility of installing
a small market on the site and how the Overlay Control District
assist him in making some expansion on the site.
Steve Saporito, 28004 Ridgebluff Court, Rancho Palos Verdes, C
stated that Ms. Landau property is more than 100 feet from service
station. He stated that in order to receive financing, he needs an
approved set of plans. Unfortunately, that cannot happen until the
City adopts the Ordinance and he knows what type of restrictions
would apply to his property. He stated he wants to work with the
City and community to upgrade his station so that it would benefit
OCTOBER 12, 1993
everyone. He urged the Commission to speed this process along, so
that he can rebuild his business.
Chairman Katherman asked Staff when Mr. Saporito could legally
submit plans and a CUP if the City Council were to act on the
October 21, 1993. Staff responded that an application could be
filed after December 3.
Discussion ensued among the Commission and Mr. Saporito regarding
the remodeling and expansions to his service station.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Clark stated that he was concerned about getting "too
boxed in" with the proposed standards. Director Bernard responded
that Staff conducted a survey of the eight sites and developed
these standards based on the results. It is up to the Commission's
discretion to make them more stringent or less stringent than are
set forth in the Code, on a case by case basis.
Commissioner Clark stated that in fact, these standards are
guidelines that can be deviated from in the approval of the
individual CUP's for the various sites.
Ms. Jerex stated that the specific purpose of the overlay Control
District is to establish a zone where special attention can be
applied to unique sites. Since some of these sites are located in
different types of zones, there maybe different landscaping or
walls that would be considered, depending on the adjacent uses.
Commissioner Byrd suggested that they recommend to the City Council
the Commission's original position.
Commissioner Alberio stated that he thinks the these standards can
be easily taken care of with the CUP.
Discussion ensued amongest the Commission and Staff regarding the
height of the pump station canopies being either 161 or 301.
Planning Administrator Petru stated that she had drafted some
specific language on the change the Commission wanted to make to
Section 17.073: "the following development guidelines shall be used
to review automobile services within the C-4 zone. However, these
guidelines may be deviated from, as deemed appropriate, per
individual case".
Commissioner Clark stated that he feels all eight service stations
should be included in the Overlay Control District.
OCTOBER 12, 1993
Commissioner Byrd moved, seconded by Commissioner Alberio to
recommend adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 21, to allow for
the addition of an Automotive Service Overlay Control District to
the City's General Plan (5-0) P.C. Resolution No. 93-37
Commissioner Byrd, seconded by Commissioner Lorenzen to recommend
adoption of Zone Change #22 and Code Amendment No. 37, thereby
amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to create an Automotive
Service Overlay Control District. (5-0) P.C. Resolution No. 93-
Chairman Katherman was excused from the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Vice Chairman Byrd conducted the remainder of the meeting.
NO. 1698, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, 3442 Palo Vista (TS)
Planning Administrator Petru presented the Staff Report
stating that in 1989 the Planning Commission adopted guidelines for
development of homes on the Seacliff Hills tract. Staff has
reviewed the proposed project for consistency with those guidelines
and has found that this project does not comply with the standards
in regards to open space and lot coverage and also for grading.
Lot coverage is typically calculated using the building footprint,
driveways, parking areas, patios, and covered walkways. However,
in the Seacliff Hills tract, open space is defined as "unimproved
areas". Therefore, pools, spas, open patios, decks, stairways and
garden walls and the like, all count as lot coverage in the
Seacliff Hills tract. It is also important to note that when
Seacliff Hills was originally developed the underlaying zoning
district is RS -1, so the 75% open space requirement applies.
However, when the Planning Commission adopted the guidelines, they
recognized the fact that downsloping lots, such as the subject
property, tend to be much smaller than the upsloping lots on the
opposite side of the street. So in that case, they allowed a 700
open space requirement for downsloping lots, giving them a 5% break
on the open space requirement. In addition, in reviewing
individual projects, the Planning Commission in the past has been
more lenient than the guidelines actually require for open space.
For example, the Planning Commission has allowed a three foot wide
walkway circumventing a house to not count as lot coverage. In
addition, any graded areas that is returned to a reasonably natural
looking topography has also been counted as open space and not used
to penalize the applicants. However, in the case of the subject
property, the footprint driveway inside the patio area amount to
approximately 5,914 1/2 sq. ft. of lot coverage. This is
approximately 52% of the property remaining as open space, which
excludes the graded areas. This is results in an 18% reduction in
OCTOBER 12, 1993
the required 70% open space requirement. This is a reduction that
is not consistent when compared to other projects in the same
development. The Planning Commission has previously denied
requests for additional lot coverage in the form of pools, spas and
additional yard area covered by pavement.
Ms. Petru continued to say that when the guidelines were developed,
a requirement for upper level open space was placed in the
guidelines in an effort to create articulation, particularly for
the rear facade of these homes that face Palos Verdes Drive South.
The upper level must be 20% smaller than the lower level, excluding
the garage.
Ms. Petru said as far as grading is concerned, the proposed
structure would require approximately 1,891 cubic yards of grading
which breaks down to 1,273 cubic yards of cut and 618 cubic yards
of fill. Approximately 655 cubic yards would be exported from the
site. For comparison, Staff reviewed the other properties on Palo
Vista Drive and found that only three other properties on the
street have required grading in excess of 1,000 cubic yards.
Therefore, Staff feels that the amount of grading that is proposed
for this project is excessive in comparison to what has been
granted previously on this street. Staff recommends that the
project be remanded back to the applicant for redesign.
Discussion ensued among the Commission and Staff on the stringent
open space requirements referred to in the Staff Report.
The public hearing was opened.
Duksu Lee, 690 Wilshire Blvd., Rm. 216, Los Angeles, architect,
presented a re -calculation of the grading required for the project.
Commissioner Byrd asked Staff if they had seen these figures that
Mr. Kim was presenting. Staff responded that they had not, only
the ones that were submitted with the grading application.
Director Bernard commented that Staff's calculations on the cut and
fill were based on what the applicant's provided in their
Discussion ensued amongest the Commission and the applicant's
representative about the grading figures.
Commissioner Alberio stated that he cannot see how the Commission
can discuss this property without Staff reviewing it first. This
is the first time Staff had been given this information, which is
entirely different from what they have in the Staff Report.
OCTOBER 12, 1993
Kevin Sears, 3324 Palo Vista Drive, RPV, CA. President of the
Seacliff Hills HOA, stated that he was under the assumption that
the residence was covering up to 46% of the property. He had not
seen any of the renderings until he came tonight. He hoped that
the design was not going to appear out of place with the rest of
the tract.
Commissioner Alberio and Commissioner Byrd had a discussion with
Mr. Sears regarding whether Seacliff Hills HOA's CC&Rls require the
review of design plans and the subject of lot coverage.
Ms. Petru stated that Staff would certainly be willing to review
revised plans. The numbers that Staff came up with on lot coverage
were scaled from the applicant's drawings, so if these drawings are
incorrect or have been revised, Staff needs new plans. Staff would
also like the issue of articulation and second story open space
addressed as well.
Commissioner Byrd asked Staff if the applicant redesigns the
structure to conform to set of figures that Mr. Kim presented
tonight, would they have to come back to the Planning Commission.
Ms. Petru responded that it would require Staff level approval
Commissioner Byrd recommended that the applicant redesign the
structure to conform to the new figures. Commissioner Alberio
agreed and said he thinks the Staff needs to review the new
Commissioner Alberio moved, seconded by Commissioner Lorenzen to
direct the applicant, via minute order, to redesign the structure
to conform to Seacliff Hills Development Guidelines with respect to
Open Space/Lot Coverage and Grading. (4-0)
Lois Larue asked the Commission if public funds were used to
construct a road, could the road then be vacated to private
interests. Ms. Larue also commented on the gender depicted in the
graphics used on the speaker request forms, stating there was only
one female pictured. She then commented on the urgency of the
repairing of the road located in the Portuguese Bend Club.
The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
OCTOBER 12, 1993
OCTOBER 12, 1993