PC MINS 19920304MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING MARCH 41 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Katherman at the City Hall Community Center, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes. PRESENT: Commissioners Byrd, Mowlds, Lorenzen, Clark, Hayes, and Chairman Katherman. ABSENT: Commissioner Alberio Also present were Acting Director of Environmental Services Carolynn Petru, Assistant Planner Fabio de Freitas, and recording secretary Priscilla Sperry. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Clark suggested that the Planning Commission discuss the length of the meetings and stated that the process needs to be examined. He suggested that a subcommittee be set up prior to the next meeting to develop rules of procedure. The members of the subcommittee will be Chairman Katherman, Commissioners Mowlds and Clark. This item should be considered at the adjourned meeting of March 19th. Commissioner Clark moved to establish a subcommittee to review the process of the Public Hearings. Commissioner Hayes seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. VTTM NO. 49067, CUP Assistant Planner Fabio de 154, GRADING NO. Freitas presented the staff 1420, EA NO. 600, report addressing the COASTAL PERMIT NO. 95 building size, layout of TRANSAMERICA-YACHT HARBOR the homes, articulation and setbacks for the project. The request is to approve the subdivision of 18.33 acres of vacant land within the Portuguese Bend Club into fourteen total lots (ten residential lots and 4 common open space lots). He stated that the applicant had provided the Commission with hypothetical plot plans for the ten homes to demonstrate how the proposed setback and articulation criteria would affect the site planning of the structures and to show the relationships of the homes to each other. Mr. de Freitas is requesting that the Commission provide Staff with direction on house sites, the variance request from the Coastal Setback Line, a designation for Lot 14 (common area open space or restrictive) and the conditions of approval. Chairman Katherman submitted for the record copies of notes of the meeting he had with the developer along with Commissioners Byrd, Pederson -Hayes and Councilwoman Brooks on February 19, 1992 at the Sheraton Hotel in San Pedro. Also present were Attorney Howard Coleman, Architect Bruce Arita, Landscape architect Lee Ann Kirby and representing Transamerica was Lyman Lokken. The items discussed at that meeting were layout of homes and proposed driveway locations. Bruce Arita presented various sideyard alternatives and how the homes would relate to each other. Also discussed was the upper floor articulation, open courtyards and overall house size. Lyman K. Lokken, 1150 S. olive St., Ste. 2200, L.A., CA 90015, representing Transamerica Development stated he would be available to answer any questions after the presentation by Lee Ann Kirby. Lee Ann Kirby, 580 Broadway, Ste. 200, Laguna Beach, Landscape architect for Transamerica Development. Ms Kirby presented a hypothetical plot plan with two design elements (site plan and articulation). The purpose of this hypothetical plot plan was to demonstrate how the proposed setback and articulation criteria would affect the site planning of the structures to show the relationships of the homes to each other. The front yard setback would have a variation of distance between Yacht Harbor Dr. To establish s more open layout and cut down on the mass of the home, courtyards have been recommended with the courtyard being an integral part of the design of the home. Lots 1 and 10 would require an additional courtyard to be located in the center of the house. No two car garages would be facing PVDS and would be side loaded driving into the courtyard. The footprint would be no greater than the minimum open space requirement of 49.5% More landscaping area has been proposed. Sharon Solari, 4145 PVDS, thanked the Planning Commission for listening and responding to the concerns of the residents within the Sea View Homeowner's Association. She stated that she would like to see the developer cooperate with Seaview's HOA's to upgrade the entrance of their tract and landscape the center median on Palos Verdes Drive South. She stated she was in favor of the courtyard concept. Chairman Katherman asked Ms Solari if she has any other areas of concern with the development. Ms. Solari responded she had a concern with (fireplaces in the side yard and the closeness of the homes to each other. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine, testified that she supported the General Plan and Coastal Specific Plan. She expressed disapproval of the architectural design due to lack of Page 2 neighborhood capability. She also testified that she objected to the driveway being considered part of the courtyard and stated that the project was not consistent with the General Plan and Coastal Specific Plan. Chairman Katherman asked Ms Larue what size home did she feel would be compatible. Ms Larue replied that should be the decision of the Planning Commission. Gar Goodson, 1909 Via Subida, PVE, urged the Planning Commission to refer to pages 39 through 45 of the General Plan where Environmental Impact policies relating to coastal bluff developments are clearly specified and are subject to an Environmental Impact Report. He testified that by not having an EIR would be in violation of Land Use Planning Law as laid down by the California Supreme Court, a violation of CEQA and a violation of the General Plan and Coastal Specific Plan. He stated that the Planning Commission should insist on an EIR. Mr. Goodson also expressed concerns of neighborhood compatibility of the proposed homes. Chairman Katherman responded that these issues had been examined at great length in previous meetings and that the Commission was informed by the City's and applicant's geologist that the entire portion of the subject proposed property was geologically sound. He also stated that the City Attorney had found no environmental impacts which could not be mitigated. Johm McCarthy, 105 Spindrift Dr., President of Portuguese Bend Club Homeowners, stated he had concerns in regard to the new fencing property tying in with existing fencing so there are no gaps. He also stated concerns as to the hours of operation (Monday thru Friday) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., especially on Saturday being 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. and would prefer the hours to be set earlier so as not to interfere with beach club membership activities. He testified that the main drain on the beach is already burdened with the existing population and this pipe should be moved out further towards the ocean with the new development. Mr. McCarthy stated that care should be taken to have proper property drainage on top of the bluff located close to Lot #1. He also asked that Condition #13 on the Draft Conditions of Approval be amended striking "or any public street" and adding haul route plan condition with notice to adjacent homeowners association. Chairman Katherman asked Mr. McCarthy's opinion of size of lots and what time restriction should be set on construction hours. Mr. McCarthy responded that this should be a decision of the Planning Commission. Page 3 • Commissioner Byrd stated that they had listened to testimony at the last meeting for over an hour on geology and felt confident and satisfied with the Mitigated Negative Declaration proposed by Staff. Commissioner Byrd approved of the articulation but was concerned with the size of the homes and what assurance would there be that the developer would build this type of home. He stated concerns with the mass of the homes and closeness to each other, as the lots were so narrow. Commissioner Hayes stated that the homes were too large and would like to see a reduction. She stated approval of the architectural design. Commissioner Lorenzen approved of the style but was concerned with the size of the homes and spaces between each. Commissioner Mowlds was concerned with 6' masonry walls between homes which would reduce space between homes further, and that this would make the side yards look narrower. He also voiced concerns with the future sewer easement connection for homes in the lower club area, and stated that the roofs should be uniform in color. Commissioner Clark requested that the homes be reduced to 5,000 S.F. Commissioner Mowlds stated that the square footage of the home should include the garage. Acting Director Carolynn Petru responded that for residential uses, that the garage and courtyard would be considered non - habitable and only the habitable space would be considered as square footage. Ms. Petru also stated that a 50% credit has been given for turf block in courtyards and driveways in the past. Commissioner Clark asked if an increase in the percentage of coverage in the future could be done with a minor CUP revision and that he felt that the maximum size of the home should be 5,000 S.F. Ms. Petru stated that a major revision to the Conditional Use Permit would be required if a larger home is to be built in the future. Commissioner Mowlds responded that since there is no City Architectural Review Committee, that some kind of provision should be made necessary in order to control possibility of a larger home being built. Chairman Katherman stated he felt a major revision to a CUP would be reasonable means of control. He also responded that Page 4 • he thought the size of the homes were too large, but he was in favor of the proposed articulation. Commissioner Byrd moved to restrict livable space square footage on lots 1 and 10 to 6,000 S.F. and for the remaining lots 2 through 9 to be 5,000 S.F. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hayes, and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Clark moved to limit the second story square footage on lots 2 thru 9 to 2,000 S.F. Commissioners Hayes seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Katherman asked what procedure should be established to amend this ruling in the future. Ms. Petru responded that a major revision to the Conditional Use Permit, with noticing to adjacent Homeowner Association. Commissioner Mowlds moved to designate Lot 14 common area open space /non -habitable. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Byrd, and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Clark stated that he was in favor of open space with a recreational use. Commissioner Mowlds responded that the Commission could wait 2 years before asking a decision on common lot use. Chairman Katherman agreed. Ms. Petru responded that the 2 year period would normally begin with the final map date recorded. Commissioner Clark moved that thee start of the 2 years should begin after the exhaustion of all appeals (including the Coastal Commission). Commissioner Hayes seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. Recess was called at 9:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:12 p.m. Chairman Katherman suggested that a clause be added on pg.1 of 7 in Draft Tract Map Conditions of Approval to include Portuguese Bend Club in connection of the sewer. He also was concerned with legality of #4 and #5 under Drainage (pg.4 of 7) and recommended they be removed. Commissioner Mowlds requested that 3 items be added on pg. 4 of 7 under Draft Tract Map Conditions of Approval as follows: 6. The developer is to provide a connection from the existing 24" RCP that is under PVDS at Lot #14 and continue the new 241' RCP to the point that presently is shown in Lot #1. Page 5 7. The developer is to provide a gutter (with surface grating) across Yacht Harbor Drive at Lot #1. 8. The outfall of the existing 24" RCP shall be extended to the high water line. Commissioner Mowlds moved to incorporate as separate entity in the Draft CUP Conditions of Approval as Item W. pct. 18 of 18. Special Rules requirement - any amendments require the approval of the City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Byrd, and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Katherman requested addition of a provision in Draft Tract Map requiring that the developer coordinate with Sea View Homeowners Association when landscaping the median to stub out water service. Commissioner Clark moved to approve project subject to conditions and bring back 3 resolutions onto the Consent Calendar at the adjourned meeting of March 19, 1992. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lorenzen, and the motion passed unanimously. There were no questions from the audience. The meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m.