PC MINS 19910108r
JANUARY 8, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 6:42pm by Chairman Von
Hagen at Hesse Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
PRESENT Von Hagen, McNulty (arrived 6:44pm), Brooks,
Hotchkiss, Katherman (arrived 6:50pm)
Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert
Benard, Senior Planner Carolynn Petru, Associate Planners
Joel Rojas, Terry Silverman and John Leung, and Assistant
Planner Mike Patterson.
Director Benard and Commissioner McNulty congratulated Mr.
Von Hagen on his new chairmanship, and Chairman Von Hagen
thanked Commissioner McNulty for his year of fine leadership
as the chairman. Commissioner McNulty moved, seconded by
Commissioner Brooks and carried, to place the election of the
vice chairman on the agenda, to be voted on when all five
members were present.
There were no communications acknowledged.
A. Minutes of 11/13/90
B. P. C. Resolution No. 91-01, Grading No. 1483
Commissioner McNulty moved, seconded by Commissioner
Hotchkiss and carried without objection, to approve the
Consent Calendar.
A. HEIGHT VARIATION NO. Associate Planner Leung
692 -- APPEAL presented the staff report
28737 King Arthur Ct. regarding the appellant's
request to overturn staff
approval of a second story addition, thereby denying the
proposed project. Staff's recommendation is to deny the
appeal, thereby upholding staff approval.
January 8, 1991
Russell Clark, 28743 King Arthur Ct., appellant, showed a
drawing and detailed model of his house and the house in
question, to demonstrate his point that the addition would
create a massive wall that would interfere with his enjoyment
of his backyard. He also claimed that the average square
footage of the surrounding homes was incorrect in the staff
Jeff Jackson, 28737 King Arthur Ct., applicant, stated that
the square footage of the surrounding homes was taken
directly from the tax rolls. Mr. Jackson also stated he had
been trying to work with the appellant during the design
process to mitigate any negative impact his second story
would have on Mr. Clark, and that as a result, he had lowered
the wall 61.
Chairman Von Hagen noted that he lived in the vicinity, but
outside of the 300 foot radius and he had been advised by the
Director that he had no conflict of interest based upon
proximity to the subject property.
Bill Cameron, 24254 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, project
architect, also explained mitigating measures that had been
taken to reduce the massiveness of the wall.
The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Katherman stated
that he agreed with the appellant that the wall was massive,
and suggested using landscaping to mitigate the problem.
Director Benard explained that the heights and other
technical aspects of the project were within code
requirements, and that, in Staff's opinion, the project was
not in conflict with the neighborhood compatibility
provisions of the Code. Commissioner Brooks agreed with Mr.
Katherman and pointed out that the existing tree if it were
allowed to remain, could help hide the wall.
Commissioner McNulty moved to adopt the staff recommendation
to deny the appeal, amending the recommendation to include a
stipulation that it be based on the revised plans.
Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion, which passed
B. VARIANCE NO. 280, Assistant Planner Mike Patterson
MEP NO. 380 --APPEAL presented the staff report
91 Marguerite Drive regarding the applicant's
request to allow construction of
a swimming pool and 6' high fence/wall combination in the
front yard setback. Staff's recommendation is to deny the
The public hearing was opened, and then closed as there were
no requests to speak.
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January 8, 1991
Commissioner McNulty moved staff recommendation to deny the
variance, and Commissioner Hotchkiss seconded, but the motion
was not voted upon. Commissioner Brooks noted that the
applicant might have thought the meeting started at 7:30pm,
and suggested holding the item. Commissioner Katherman moved
to table the item to be heard after Item "C", Commissioner
Brooks seconded, and the motion passed 3-2, with
Commissioners Hotchkiss and McNulty dissenting.
C. VARIANCE NO. 279 Associate Planner Joel Rojas
Miraleste Fire Stn. presented the staff report
regarding the applicant's
request to allow placement of a satellite dish antenna in the
intersection visibility triangle, to allow an existing 6'10"
wall to remain, and to allow placement of a 30' hose tower.
Staff's recommendation is to approve the request with
conditions. The public hearing was opened.
James Corbett, 83 Miraleste Plaza, Assistant Fire Chief,
noted that the 30' tower had been at the original station
before its demolition, and that the tower had to be 30 feet
high to dry 50-100' hoses and tarps. Chief Corbett also
stated that if the tower was located in the rear, it would be
more visible, whereas in the current proposed location, it is
near a concealing tree, and that the tower was absolutely
necessary to the operation of the station. He also stated
that the dish antenna would be used for communications and
Chairman Von Hagen expressed concern that the dish might come
under a commercial use application, but Commissioner McNulty
stated the fire station was not a profit-making commercial
organization, and Director Benard agreed that the standard
dish requirements were in effect. The public hearing was
closed, and Commissioner McNulty moved staff recommendation,
seconded by Commissioner Hotchkiss.
Commissioners Katherman and Brooks agreed that the dish
needed some concealing landscaping, and Mr. McNulty amended
his motion to include a condition in Exhibit "A" to stipulate
that Staff look at appropriate methods to screen the dish and
hose tower with planting, within the guidelines of the Public
Works Department. The motion passed unanimously.
(The following Item was tabled until this point to allow the
applicant a chance to speak)
B. VARIANCE NO. 280 The public hearing was re -
MEP NO. 380 --APPEAL opened.
Marshall Lewis, 721 Latimer Road, Santa Monica, project
architect, stated his client wanted a slightly wider pool,
and that the 6' fence was required around the pool.
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January 8, 1991
The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Katherman stated
he felt there was no basis to make the findings on the pool,
but that other properties did have block walls at the 12'
setback lines, and he suggested an alternate motion to deny
the variance for the pool width, but to approve a 5' wail --
3.5' block and 1.5' wrought iron. Planner Patterson noted
that there was a current approval for a pool and 5' fence
outside the setback.
Commissioner McNulty declared that the applicant was creating
a self-imposed hardship, and saw no good reason to make the
findings. The motion on the floor was restated-- to deny the
variance, made by Commissioner McNulty and seconded by
Commissioner Hotchkiss, and the motion passed 3-2 with
Commissioners Katherman and Brooks dissenting.
At this point, Commissioner McNulty made a motion to appoint
Commissioner Hotchkiss vice chairman. Commissioner Brooks
seconded, and the motion passed without objection.
RECESS AND RECONVENE A ten-minute break was called at
D. FORRESTAL DRAFT Associate Planner Joel Rojas
SUPPLEMENTAL EIR, presented the staff report
GRADING NO. 1390, regarding the applicant's
EA NO. 596 request to certify the DSEIR
for remedial grading activity
involving 1.05 million cubic yards. Staff's recommendation
is to open the public hearing and receive public comment on
the Draft Supplemental EIR associated with the grading. The
public hearing was opened.
Bob Trapp, 3501 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, representing
applicant J.M. Peters Company, stated that they would comply
with the City's request to dedicate the quarry bowl area to
the City, and would do all clearing and recompaction on site,
with no soil export from the site. Mr. Trapp estimated it
would take 6-7 months to complete the work.
Scott Kerwin, Senior Geologist, Warren Taber Company, stated
that he had worked on the project since 1983, stating in
response to a query by Commissioner Katherman that there was
only one landslide impacted by the grading.
Director Benard pointed out that the landslide in question
was not one of the major identified ones, but probably an
ancient one reactivated by the quarrying, and that the
remedial grading should enhance the area's stability.
Mark Sikand, 15230 Burbank Blvd, Van Nuys, project engineer,
stated in response to a question from Commissioner Hotchkiss
that there would be three groundwater monitoring wells, and
that the locations had been determined by Director of Public
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January 8, 1991
Works Wentz. Commissioner Hotchkiss asked that his request
for additional monitoring wells near the bowl site be noted.
Al Esser, 71 Crest Rd. E., Rolling Hills, presented a
detailed written statement involving the storm drain systems
in the area, and asked that the system be examined to ensure
proper capacity.
Jess Morton, 787 W. 4th St., San Pedro, representing the PVP
Audubon Society, expressed several concerns about the effect
of the grading on endangered plant and animal species in the
area, especially the coastal sage scrub, noting that some of
these species were isolated populations only found in this
area. Mr. Morton also described the California gnat catcher,
and stated he would find out if reduced grading would
mitigate negative effects on this bird.
Ellen Hocking, 4014 Admirable Drive, representing the Seaview
HOA, objected to the grading, citing potential nose and dust
Angelika Brinkmann-Busi, 1354 Stonewood Ct., San Pedro,
representing the Southern California Native Plant Society,
stated that the EIR did not sufficiently address the threat
to or amount of species of plants endangered by the project.
She also claimed that it would not be sufficient to just re-
seed, but that a more detailed survey and restoration plan
needed to be established to preserve the integrity of the
species in question.
Edward Stevens, 32418 Conqueror Drive, objected to the
grading, citing potential noise and dust pollution, and asked
about code enforcement for construction hours.
Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine, stated that some of the
geological statements in the draft EIR were incorrect.
Commissioner Katherman suggested extending the 45 -day EIR
circulation period to allow for more written comments.
Commissioner McNulty moved to close the public hearing and to
extend the period for written comments an additional 15 days
(for a total of 60 days) to February 1, 1991. Commissioner
Brooks seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
RECESS AND RECONVENE A 15 -minute break was called
at 9:30pm. Commissioner McNulty
left at this time.
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January 8, 1991
A. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP Senior Planner Carolynn Petru
NO. 19847 REV. "A", presented the staff report
GRADING NO. 1180, REV. detailing the applicant's
"A", EA NO. 560, request for a revision of the
REV. "A" Tentative Map and Grading Permit
4105 PVDE to modify the building pad
configuration and install a
buttress fill to stabilize the property. Staff's
recommendation is for the Commission to direct the staff to
prepare a focused EIR for the proposed buttress fill.
Director Benard noted that the applicant had requested the
Commission to consider an EIR or Negative Declaration, since
they prefer a buttress fill, but that it could all be avoided
if they used caissons.
Gary Wynn, 1852 Lomita Blvd., Lomita, project manager,
claimed the ancient landslide that created the need for the
buttress fill had been discovered before approval of the
original map. Mr. Wynn stated he did not feel an EIR was
necessary, just a Negative Declaration.
Commissioner Katherman stated that he would not be in favor
of such a massive buttress fill, with or without EIR, and
suggested the applicant come up with another design that did
not require moving so much dirt.
Director Benard advised Mr. Wynn that had the landslide
information been available to the staff two years ago, Staff
would not have made the positive recommendation they
previously made on the tentative map.
Mr. Wynn stated that the caissons were not at all feasible
economically, and would kill the project. Chairman Von Hagen
said that he felt some kind of limited EIR was necessary,
considering the project was abutting a major street, and
would be generating a considerable amount of grading and
impact on the area. Planner Petru also noted that the EIR
would look at alternatives that might not yet have been
Dave Brieholz, 1852 Lomita Blvd., Lomita, project engineer,
stated he would accept the focused EIR, but didn't feel the
amount of grading was excessive.
Commissioner Brooks moved to adopt staff recommendation,
limiting the EIR to a focus on plants, hydrology and geology.
Commissioner Katherman seconded the motion, asking that the
EIR also emphasize alternative design solutions to the
problem. The motion passed 4-0.
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January 8, 1991 _
A. MINOR EXCEPTION PERMIT Associate Planner Terry
NO. 399 --APPEAL Silverman presented the staff
37 Marguerite report regarding the appellant's
request to overturn staff's
denial of the MEP and to allow a loo reduction of the side
yard setback for construction of a 1.85' encroachment into
the required setback. Staff's recommendation is to deny the
Lee Clow, 37 Marguerite, appellant, presented a drawing and
scale model of the small balcony piece to be added, stating
it was a question of aesthetics. Mr. Clow also stated he had
talked to his neighbors, who had no objections to the
Director Benard explained the staff's concern that these were
among the largest houses in the City, and that there would be
plenty of room for the balcony if the building did not fill
so much of the lot.
Commissioner Brooks stated that although she did not like to
approve additions to already large houses, she would move to
adopt staff alternative #1, to uphold the appeal, thereby
approving the project. Commissioner Katherman seconded the
motion, commenting that he felt the odd shape of the lot gave
the findings for the minor exception permit, and that the
articulation of the house was well-designed, so that it did
not present a solid wall against the setback.
Chairman Von Hagen expressed his support for the motion
because he felt it was an appropriate minor exception case,
and would substantially improve the product. Mr. Von Hagen
also added that this was not a message that this kind of
request would always be honored. The motion passed 4-0.
There were no questions from the audience.
Director Benard noted that the 1/28/91 meeting is cancelled,
and the next meeting will be the regular time of 7:30pm on
1/22/91. Mr. Benard also stated that there would be a
meeting on Long Point on 2/4/91 at Ladera Linda at 7:30pm,
then a regular meeting at 6:30pm on 2/12/91 to include Kajima
and Forrestal.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:46pm.
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