PC MINS 19881101r
U l L
NOVEMBER 1, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 6.38 p m by chairman Connolly
at He --se Par: Fireside Room, 29301 Hawthorne Boule%.ard
PRESENT von Hagen, Connolly, McNulty, Wike
ABSENT Ortolano
Also present were Senior Planner Greg Fuz and Assistant Planner
Laurie Brigham
Specific Plan `1I Workshop No. 2
(coastal Subregion One)
chairman Connolly reported
that no communications had
been received
There were no items for public
There were no continued
business items
Senior Planner Greg Fuz
presented the Staff Report and
announced that this is the
second in a series of public
hearings and the first
workshop to review City policy
and proposed development
concepts for the are:. in
coastal Subregi,.-n One from --he
Point Vicente Interpretive
Center to Tract No 9054
The first publ_c hearing on this item was held on September 13,
-when the VHS development team was introduced and gave a brief
over:iew of the way they intend to proceed through the specific
o1a.1 review process.
Mr Fuz also Said that at the current meeting, the VMS team would
build on the information presented in September by updating the
commiSSion on its findings on geology, traffic and noise impacts,
bio?o;y, utilities and infrastructure, drainage and hydrology,
and will discuss four alternative development concepts
November 1, 2988
Page Two
Karl Vonder Linden, Certified Engineering Geologist for the
project, described the field investigation that has been
conducted on the property, and reported that the site is
geologically stable in terms of landslide possibilities. Mr.
Vonder Linden also described the property's strata, the majority
of which, he said, is underlain by massive basalt. He reported
that the fill was compacted to normal engineering standards, and
pointed out areas on the property that are currently affected by
drainage to the extent that erosion is taking place He
concluded that this uncontrolled surface drainage is the
principal problem affecting the property, but it can be
Larry Schmidt, 3330 Palos Verdes Drive South, reported that the
drainage system is an upgrade of an existing system and the water
is eroding through existing areas and through pre-existing
George Wentz, Director of Public works, also reported that the
drains traversing the property were designed by the County to
handle larger volumes of inlet and outflow.
Richard Gonzalez, Assistant Director of Planning for C.W. Cook,
engineers, described the company's main involvement in the
project, which was to conduct a topographic survey. The next
major items to be researched were infrastructure and utilities in
order to determine how the existing sewer, water, electric and
gas lines would provide the necessary utilities to accommodate
the proposed development. Mr Gonzalez said that calculations on
the amount of water flowing from the property were also done, and
it appears that there will be no necessary improvements to
accommodate the flow; it is hoped that the flow will be limited
to two outlets. He added that, from an engineering context, two
lift stations are anticipated to handle the sewer capacity.
Eric Sakowitz, representing Impact Sciences, environmental
consultants, reported that all research information will be
presented to the Commission in a written report, and discussed
the parameters within which the traffic study was conducted. Mr.
Sakowitz also reported that no specific plans have been
developed, but the potential traffic impacts were identified
taking into account weekday and weekend cumulative conditions.
it was found that the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and
Palos Verdes Drive West can accommodate weekday cumulative peak
hour traffic, however, the intersection would require re -striping
and signal phasing modifications to mitigate weekend peak hour
signal 1 V1U ! weekend
conditions and meet City identified standards for traffic
acceptability He added that there would be more than one
vehicular access from Palos Verdes Drive West, but the principal
entrance to the project would be Hawthorne Boulevard.
November 1, 1988
Page Three
Mr. Sakowitz also reported that a schematic will be submitted to
the Commission prior to the next Workshop, in order to determine
what the traffic analysis shows will be required for mitigation.
Mr. Sakowitz then discussed noise conditions and sensitivities
and indicated the stations from which noise recordings were
taken. All measurements were taken during peak traffic hour
periods. The primary source of noise was found to be the roadway
noise that occurs near Palos Verde Drive West, therefore this
area will be determined to be the most constrained in the future.
He also said that the current noise level at the project ranges
from 36 to 57 decibels, which is well within the standard for
noise sensitive land use of 65 decibels established by the State
of California. Mr. Von Hagen pointed out that the decibel
readings are relative only, and are not absolute. Primary areas
of noise generations on the site also include aircraft
overflights, and ocean noise
In discussing the biological conditions and sensitivities, Mr.
Sakowitz noted that the four following basic vegetation types
have been categorized: Bluff scrub, Baccharis Scrub, Annual
Grassland and Wetland, and the most sensitive plant communities
have also been defined.
Sensitive animal species and habitats include rocky interti.dial
areas, marine animals, several sea/shore birds, and the Yellow
Breasted Chat. Mr. Sakowitz added that no indications of any
naturally occurring springs have been identified on the site, nor
have any endangered or rare plants or animals have been
Jean Gath of the SWA Group, land planners, described the
important characteristics of the site and noted that preservation
of the view corridors has been an important consideration in
planning the development of the site. Ms. Gath also described
the three ma;or landforms which have helped the SWA Group in
coming up with the overall concept: for the site, and noted that
public access was also an important consideration In the
development concepts, as well as open space and trail linkages to
the Interpretative Center, vehicular access at Hawthorne
Boulevard, and retention of the existing wetland areas.
Ms. Gath then reported that four alternative concepts have been
prepared, each allowing for the development of approximately 97
residential units, approximately 304 of common open space, public
access, bluff top trail, and the incorporation of major view
corridors. Each alternative proposes a series of residential
clusters, surrounded by an open space framework.
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November 1, 198°
Page Four
Ms. Gath described each alternative concept, accompanied by
illustrative diagrams she first reviewed the Bluff Top Road
Alternative and its potential impact on the coastline and the
pro3ect. This concept provides direct vehicular access and
parking along the bluff edge.
The Bluff Top Enhancement Alternative establishes a public
parking area near the northeastern corner of the site with a
connecting trail to the bluff top edge, and provides direct
public pedestrian linkages to and expansion of the existing
parking area at the Interpretive Center.
In the Bluff Access Alternative, public parking is provided in
two identified parking areas along the entry road, adjacent to
the open space, from which public trails connect the parking
areas to the bluff top trail.
The Open Space Recreation Alternative would allow for a wide
range of open space activities including active and passive
recreation. Open space would comprise approximately 300 of the
buildable area, and approximately 29.5 acres for open space
recreation. The bluff top trail would terminate at a proposed
pedestrian overlook.
Ms. Gath concluded her presentation by stating that as a result
of the current work session, the planning team will focus on a
preferred alternative or combination of alternatives for further
refinement, and will re.fiew preliminary lot layouts and grading
concepts, typical street sections, overall landscape and
character concepts, and site specific development standards.
Commissioner Von Hagen requested that the team also consider a
series of security and amenity issues.
Larry Schmidt, 3320 ?alos Verdes Drive West, representing the
Lunada Pointe Homeowners Association and Watt Palos Verdes, Inc.,
addressed his concerns with regard to views, bluff access, dust
control, utilities, current erosion adjacent to Lunada Pointe,
and said the new drain has increased the erosion rate.
Isabel Brown, 30703 Rue Valois, inquired about the zoning density
of the Porto Verde Condominiums, and about the Commission's plans
V 4 4t .�♦1 ♦
to preserve some natural areas in the city. She also referred to
the restrictions placed on a private property versus the City's
regulations placed on a ma3or developer.
Senior Planner Fuz explained the City's regulations for dealing
with applications for residential proposals such as the VMS
proposal, and described the process which the Commission uses to
addresses the special concerns of residents.
November 1, 1988
Page Five
David Sandie, 30435 Via Cambron, expressed concern about noise
and traffic patterns and view impairment.
Ron Blackwelder, 30521 Rue Langlois, was concerned about the
secondary entrance to the project, about access to the bluffs,
and that large homes would be placed on small lot: He suggested
the erection of noise barriers adjacent to the site.
Mario Fuentes, 7100 Via Del Mar, urged the commission and the
developer to proceed with caution on the project.
Roger Van Wert of VMS reviewed the ordinances and regulations
under which the project's proponents must operate, and announced
that the commission will be asked to make a recommendation on the
proposal once it becomes more defined.
chairman Connolly commended ,IMS for being sensitive to issues of
open space, bluff access and view corridors.
Mr. Van Wert then responded to Commissioner wzke's .inquiry about
ownership of the property and stated that the site is owned by
Anden, a residential real estate developer, and VMS is a
financial partner.
Commissioner Wike also requested consideration for a pull-out
where the public could view the coastline.
Commissioner McNulty commented that the indications so far show a
sensitivity to the bluff, and he also commended VMS on this.
Commissioner Von Hagen announced that Jane Treffs, who was in the
audience, was one of the original Planning Commission members,
and he commended the developers for the comprehensiveness of the
reports that were presented.
in response to Chairman Connolly's question, qtr. Sakowitz said
that vegetation is not an effective sound barrier, but other
types of material will be considered as part of the EIR process.
QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE There were no questions from
the audience regarding non -
agenda items
Senior Planner Greg Fuz proposed a field trip for the Commission
to re-:_ew past project sites to make a comparison between what
was approved and what was actually done
November 1. 1988
Page Six
The list of tentative areas to visit Included SitaS illustrat-iny
bu-lding Into the canyons, recent grading/tract developments
filling of canyons, properties developed on 3:1 Slopes, and 15' -
30' ascending/descending structures.
Mr. Fuz also requested the Commission to adjourn to 6:30 p.m. on
November 9, since the next regularly scheduled Planning
Commission meeting was planned for November 9, which IS election
Mr. Fuz announced that Jack Roberts, Assistant Planner, was
leaving the City's employment on November 4, 1988.
Chairman Connolly reported that requestL have been received that
corrections to the Consent Calendar be made by the staff prior to
the Cemmission,meeting.
Commissioner Von Hagen announced that the dinner for Mrs.
Negendan w-11 be held at Commissioner McNulty-- home on November
4, 1988.
The meetl_ng was duly ad;ourned
at s.5y p M. to 5 30 r M.
November ° 1944, at Hesse
Park Community Room. 103(l1
Hawthorne Boulevard