PC MINS 198702240
February 24, 1987
0 111'1181
Tne meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Cnair Ortolano
at 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert
Benard, Associate Planner Steve Rubin, Assistant Planner Laurie
Brigham, and Assistant Planner Carolynn Wilker-Roesch.
Chairperson Ortolano indicated that communications would be related
as items are discussed.
Resolution Approving Commissioner finlike moved approval
Heignt Variation No. 465 of the Consent Calendar; seconded
2123 Summerland by Commissioner Von Hagen and
passed unanimously.
Resolution Denying
Height Variation No. 470
3936 Admirable
Easement Vacation No. 2 Chairperson orto)ano related th- following
Jeffers - 27719 Haw-horne communications to the item.,
a letter dated February 17, 1987
from Mr. Donald Estrua urginq approval of the request to vacate
the easement; a letter from Ms. Carla Wiggins supporting the
vacation of the easement; and a packlet of photos frnr-, Mr.
Gary Jeffers.
Assistant Planner Carolynn Wilker-Roesch presented the staff
report. Staff introduced and recommended the idea that t'!iz--
Commission refer the item to the newly formed Trails Committee.
Mr. Benard mentioned that tne item is actually a. miscellaneous
nearing item and not a noticed public hearing but he said that
various interested parties were notified of the hearing.
Chairperson Ortolano related that the Commission is not under oblioation
to take nublic testimony when an item is not a puolic hearing
February 24, 1987
Page 2
Commissioner Wike voiced her opinion that the Comr-ission should
hear the public testimony.
Cria-irperson Ortolano said if the item is referred to the Trails Comirittee
it should hear the public testimony.
Mr. Benard stated it would be staff's position when City
Council hears the item to refer it as a consent calendar item
to tine Trails Committee. He related the Mayor's opinion that
the Trails Committee should review such items and said Council
could remove the item from the Trails Committee aqenda and
hear the item if they wished.
Commissioner Van Haqen stated he could support staff's recommenda-
tion to refer the item to the Trails Committee.
Cnairperson Ortolano questioned wnen the Trails Committea could hear
the item.
Mr. Benard indicated that the Trails Committee will soon begin
meeting, at which time the item will be heard.
Commissioner Von Hagen moved the Commission recommend to City
Council that Easement Vacation No. 2 be referred to the Trails
Committee; seconded by Chair Ortolano and passed by a majority
vote with Commissioner Wike dissenting.
Chairnerson Ortolano clarified that the Commission's roco.mwenc!tics
did not include a recommendation on the merits of the matter
but was simply a recommendation to send the item to the Trails
Committee. She urged all interested parties to attend tne
Trails Committee meeting and advised interested parties that
Council could elect to hear the matter and make a decision
at its March 4 meeting. She mentioned that anyone interested
in the item could provide the City with a stamped, self addressed
envelope in order to be noticed of the Trails Committee hearing
February 24, 1987
Page 3
CUP No. 33,
Rev "I"
Planner Jack Roberts
VAR No. 145,
GR No. 952
presented the staff report.
Ifurung - ##3
Park Place
Ortolano opened the
public hearing.
Mr. Larry
Ifurung, 2725
Range Road,
Los Angeles, 90065, said
he reviewed
and has no
problems with
the staff report. He
mentioned the
roof pitch is
4:12 so as to have the
proper slope
for drainage.
Mr. Raymond Fox, 11 Oceanaire, voiced concern over view obstruction.
He said the footprint should remain as originally proposed
and stressed that the further away the proposed structure is
from his home, the more view obstruction it will create.
Commissioner Von Hagen said Council's approval of the tract
map included view corridors which were established to protect
the views. He stated his opinion that staff's suggested mitigating
measure to either lower the roof line with increased grading
or redesign the roof would adequately protect Mr. Fox's view.
Chairperson Ortolano clarified that the proposed plan would move
the footprint further away from the bluff which would create
less potential view blockage than the original footprint.
She noted the proposed plan includes more square footage than
the original plan.
Mr. Benard said the proposed plan includes a 54 foot rear setback
and would move the structure out of potential view blockage
by 12 feet.
Staff pointed out that the additional 500 cubic yards of grading
which staff recommends would lower the residence, thereby mitigating
any related view blockage problems and would keep the'structure
at or under the originally approved ridge height.
Mr. Benard discussed that the elevation of the proposed structure
would be no higher than 1,196 feet above sea level. He said
the proposed 34 foot height is higher than the 30 foot Code
maximum but would be acceptable because it is under the 1,196
ridge line elevation established under Conditional Use Permit
No. 33.
February 24, 1987
Page 4
Staff no' ---ed the originally established ridge line cannot be
appealed as it was established by City Council's approval of the tract map.
.-nairperso--ri Orl_-clano said t -lie aoiDlicznt could be directed to furtnor
grade the lot to reduce the height to the original approval.
Commissioner Von Hagen related the applicant's right to build
to 1,196 feet above sea level.
Staff stressed that another applicant could build at 1,196
feet and affect Mr. Fox's view more than the proposed structure.
Chairperson Orzolano noted the p-roplo-sed roof pitch wn-Lil& affect M-?-.
Fox's view less than another type of roof pitcn.
Commissioner Von Hagen moved to close the public hearing; seconded
by Commissioner Wike and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Von Hagen moved to adopt staff's recommendation
approving Variance No. 145 and Grading No. 952; and, in dealing
with Conditional Use Permit No. 33, Revision "I", adopt staff's
recommendation allowing additional grading of approximately
500 cubic yards including Conditions A through G so that the
ridge line will not exceed 1,196 feet above sea level; seconded
by Chair Ortolano.
Commissioner Wike voiced concern over the apDroval of additional
grading in order to allow ::, 34 fool'--- high residence. She said
the -applicant could be direct -O to redesign within the 30 foot
Code maximum.
Chairperson Ortolano stressed a redesign could obstruct a greater
portion of the view with the Commission having no power to
prevent it.
The motion was passed unanimously.
February 24, 1987
Page 5
Commissioner Wike requested that, when footprint changes are
proposed, staff supply the Commission with copies of the original
and revised footprints.
Chairperson Ortolano pointed out that wordinq to the effect that
the ridge line will remain at 1,196 feet above sea level was
not included in the resolution.
Staff said the 1,196 ridge line is part of the original resolution
approving Conditional Use Permit No. 33 and the related conditions
apply to all subsequent approvals.
Appeal riqhts were noted.
CUP No. 117 Assistant Planner Carolynn Wilke.r_-
WaP,•farers Chapel Roesch presented the staff report.
5755 PV Dr. South
Chairperson Ortolano noted the eery
bright Marymount College lighting.
Mr. Benard said that the type of 'good used at Marymount is
not as restrictive as the proposed hood.
Commissioner Wike voiced concern that glare would be highly
visible over the tree tops.
Staff related that heavy foliage would shelter the light
standards and that the proposed 10 foot standards would be
low to the ground and not allow glare.
Commissioner Wike voiced concern over the affect of the proposed
lighting on homes which may eventually be developed on the
land to the west of the Chapel's parking area.
Staff indicated that a landscape buffer could be required to
reduce any potential lighting problems and that any problems
could also be addressed when the tract is developed.
Commissioner Wike questioned the appropriateness of granting
the request witn the recommendation that the conditional use
permit be reexamined at the time the property is developed
in order to analyze the lignting's affect.
Mr. Benard said staff would be uncomfortable with such a condition.
He indicated that the developer of the land west of tine Chapel's
parking area would inherit what surrounds the property.
Chairperson Ortolano noted that the applicant could be required to
install a landscape screen.
February 24, 1987
Page 6
Commissioner Von Haqen emphasized that the lighting fixture
hood is designed to protect against spill and glare so the
proposed lighting should not affect the surrounding property.
Chairperson Ortolano clarified that the Chapel's regular hours of
operation are approximately 8:00 AM until i1:00 PM and that
the anticipated use would be the same with the addition of
the Chapel shop. Sne said specific information regarding the
hours of operation should be included in the Conditions of
Chair Ortolano opened the public hearing.
Mr. William Muller, 24 Narcissa Drive, voiced no objections
to the proposed lighting but stressed that noise not related
to the Chapel activities is not acceptable during the night
and on holidays. He mentioned that the barrier across the
driveway is not effective in keeping out kids who gather there
after hours.
COm,missioner Von Hagen said Mayor Hug -les is most concerned
about issues such as the noise problems at the Chapel and sucyges-ted
a letter be sent to the captain of tae Sheriff's Department
requesting additional enforcement tiiere.
Mr. Benard noted the site may ire a less attractive gathering_
place with the additional lighting.
Chairperson Ortolano sympathized with those concerned about the noise
problem at the Chapel but noted that the lighting application
includes nothing which would make that problem worse.
Mr. Paul Garcia, 2117 Meyler, San Pedro, 90731, representing
Wayfarers Chapel, discussed that the Chapel's regularly scheduled
events usually end at approximately 9:00 PM and only *.'few special
events last after that time.
Commissioner Wike moved to close the public hearing; seconded
by Commissioner Von Hagen and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wike said a condition limiting t' -ie hours of operation
in order to reduce the noise level at the Chapel could be included
in the approval of the item.
Commissioner Von Hagen stressed that the noise problem i.s not a
result of Chapel activities but from kids who gather there
after. hours. He voiced his support of staff's opinion that
the proposed lighting would riot significantly impact adjacent
properties any more to=n that which currently exists and said
he could support staff's recommendation to approve the application
subject to the Conditions of Approval included in Exnibit "A".
February 24, 1987
Page 7
Chairperson Ortolano agreed that the noise problem is a result of
third parties gathering at the Chapel site after hours. She
said tnere is no connection between the noise level problem
and the application and that the effect of the proposed lighting
on the property west of the cnapel should be dealt witn at
the present time.
Mr. Benard pointed out that Condition No. 2 to Exnibit "A"
addresses the idea that the licTifttina should not illuminate
properties beyond Wayfarers' Chapel. He stressed that the
hood design adequately deals with the spillover onto future
Commissioner Wike discussed staff's reference to the idea
that the proposed lighting may create a pocket of light
and the potential concentration of light may be intrusive when
viewed from other areas on the Peninsula after dark.
Mr. Benard emphasized that the Conditions of Approval eliminate
anv problems related to intrusive concentrations of liql-It.
Chairperson Ortolano questioned whether the applicant reviewed
the staff report.
Staff related that the applicant's main concern was the hours
of operation and indicated they will provide the City witn
the hours of regular and special event operating procedures.
Staff noted a conditional use permit would be necessary to
increase the hours of operation.
Commissioner Wike suggested the item be continued until the
applicant supplies the City with an adequate list showing the
Chapel's regular and special event hours of operation. She
emphasized that the hours of operation are a critical element
related to the ligating issue. I
Cor-imissioner Von Hagen emphasized Mr. Muller's concern as the
noise level and not the proposed ligIniting.
Chairperson Ortolano stressed that the Conditions of Approval should
include specific reference to the hours of operation before
a- determination is made. She clarified that there would be
no intensification of use with tne addition of the Chapel shop
and stated she could not support .restricting tne hours of operation
for events such as Christmas and Easter.
Staff discussed that Condition Nos. 4 and 5 address inten-
sification of use.
February 24, 1987
Page 8
Co,--LTnissioner Wike said the hours of operation could be from
8:00 AM until 9:00 PM with the exception of special events
such as Christmas and Easter. She stated that restricting
the hours of operation would give the Chapel power in enforcing
tnat the premises be vacated by a specific time.
Staff recommended that the item be continued until March 10,
1981' so the Chapel can supply the City with a document outlining
the hours of operation to be included in the Conditions of
Commissioner Wike moved to continue the item until March 10,
1987 so the Chapel can supply the City with a document outlining
the hours of operation to be included in the Conditions of
Approval; seconded by Chair Ortolano and passed by a majority
vote with Commissioner Von Hagen dissenting.
GR No. 854 - Appeal Associate Planner Steve Rubin
And,�rson - 1941 Upland presented thQ staff report.
Chairperson Ortolano related correspondence from the appellant to
include: the history of his communication with the City, a
request to return -,,--he appeal fee, and a request that the appeal
be continued indefinitely due to litigation between himself
and his neighbor (Torrance Case No. SWC 84518).
Chairperson Ortolano discussed that the appeal fee covers the administra-
tJN7e costs in reviewing the appeal. She said the appeal was
reviewed and that the related administrative costs are far
beyond triose paid. She advised the appellant that the item
could be withdrawn or a determination could be made by tne
Commission. i
Staff clarified that the appeal rights ran 15 days from the
denial of the application so the appellant would forfeit appeal
rignts by withdrawing the appeal. But, staff indicp.ted a new
anplication (wi.-lich would require a new application fee) could
be submitted.
Commissioner Wike voiced concern that an approval of the appeal
would allow the appellant to pave the side yard and the appellant's
lot coverage is 430. She questioned whetner tnere would be
enouql-i room to park the trailer on tn- side yard.
Staff related that the appellant could not pave the entire
side yard but a portion could be paved and a portion could
rye grass and that the 6" setback would allow adequate room
for the climbing vines.
February 24, 1987
Page 9
Chairperson Ortolano voiced concern over the maintenance of the climbing
vines since access onto the neighbor's property would be necessary
to do so.
Staff said access onto the neighbor's property to -,iaintain
the climbing vines would be beneficial to the property ox-,,ner
since the vines would mitigate the wall's appearance from 1937
Mr. Lawrence Ander-son, 1941 Upland, appellant, requested a
continuation of the item. He said he would !hesitate to request
passage or denial of the appeal since an injunction handed
aown June 3, 1986 prohibited any action related to the area
of land in dispute. He mentioned that his counsel for the
lawsuit was not made aware of his presence at the meeting and
that the injunction was not signed because the parties involved
cannot agree on the wording.
Mr. Benard said any continuation snould be made to a time certain.
He pointed out that a new hearing may be necessary because
new parties involved cannot fully understand the issue tnrougn
reading past staff reports and minutes. He related staff's preference
that a determination be made or that tne appellant withdraw the appeal.
Chairperson Ortolano suggested the item be continued until such time
as the City Attorney reviews an actual copy of the injunction.
Mr. Benard stressed that the City is not named in the litigation.
he noted the appellant's obligation to supply the City with
a copy of the inDunction and said that, upon receipt of it,
staff will seek legal advice from the City Attorney. He voiced
concern over such a simple item talking over one year and stressed
that the appellant has burdened staff well beyond the fees
Commissioner Wike moved to continue the item; seconded by Chairperson
Ortolano and passed unanimously.
February 24, 1987
Page 10
Cup No. 23 - Rev "N" Assistant Planner Laurie Brignam
GR No. 981 - 3432 Palo presented the staff report.
Vista Drive - Milostand
& Associates, Inc. Commissioner Wike stressed that
accessory structures such as
spas and pools should be included as lot coverage and not as
open space. She indicated her opinion that grass, flowers and
other landscaping could be considered open space but raised
planters, terraces, spas, etc. should not.
Staff said the spa is modest in size, at grade and not visible
from adjacent properties, and would have minimal impact.
Chairperson Ortolano related that a pool or spa should not -be included
as open space simply because it is at grade.
Mr. Benard indicated that the Seacliff Hills' Guidelines address
the Code interpretation with flexibility. He noted that the
Guidelines are still in the refinement process and the
Commission should consider that, with the 194 sq,-Iarle foot spa
coverage, tne open space would only be 1.9% over the recommended
Cor-missioner Wike clarified that the proposed Paver-, would
be 2 X 2 concrete stepping stones broken up with turf or ground
Mr. Lawrence Bettencourt, 659 Eiqnth Street, San Pedro, 90731,
landowner, discussed that the proposed Planters and terraces
would break up the facade of the structure and tnat the pavers
are simply stepping stones wnich would in no way affect the
grade of tne lot. He noted that the proposed spa would -function
c a s
a fountain and indicated that the proposed rear fencing
along PV Drive South would be a 5 foot high solid wall with
planting behind it.
Commissioner Wike clarified that the terraces would not be
included as open space.
Chairperson Ortolano voiced concern over increased development along
PV Drive South and said the Commission should exercise more
control over the fencing and walls going up along there.
Mr. Berard discussed that fencing was not addressed in the
original conditional use permit so the applicant has the rig'I't
to install a wall along his rear property line.
February 24, 1987
Page 11
Chairperson Ortolano discussed her concern over weed patches in visually
sensitive public right-of-way areas in the City. She noted
that developers are constantly required to address the public
right-of-way and that individual property owners should be
required to do the same.
Mr. Benard pointed out that the public right-of-way along PV
Drive South is not developed to its fullest width. He said
the Commission cannot require the applicant to address the
public right-of-way area but that the wall and the landscaping
of the wall should be addressed as a condition of approval.
He voiced his intent to look into the inclusion of landscaping
requirements in the original conditional use permit. He mentioned
that plans are being formulated to rebuild PV Drive South and
said he will discuss the public right-of-way matter with Public
Works to determine whether the reconstruction will address
this section along PV Drive South.
Chairperson Ortolano suggested the Commission move forward on the
merits of the application.
Staff indicated that a landscaping plan could be a condition
of approval.
Commissioner Von Hagen moved to adopt staff's recommendation
and approve Alternative No. 1 approving the application, including
a Condition of Approval to the effect that the Director of
Environmental Services will approve a landscaping plan.
Commissioner Wike emphasized that 70% open space should be
Commissioner Von Hagen restated his support of staff's recommendation.
Mr. Benard noted that the applicant's design is very close
to the intent of the Guidelines and stressed that the Guidelines
are standards which should be flexible.
The motion passed by a majority vote with Commissioner Wike
Appeal rights were noted.
February 24, 1987
Page 12
GR Nos. 975 and 983
Don Rounds - Mar-kel
Construction - Lots 32
and 33 - Tract 32673
(Alta Vista Drive)
of the project, discussed
architectural integrity of the
in maximizing the view an
grading would include the
and amenities.
Assistant Planner Carolynn W.ilker-
Roesch presented the staff report.
Mr. Don Rounds, 15526 Leahy,
Bellflower, 90706, Mar-kel Construc-
tion, applicant and designer
the landowner's concern over the
pr03ect, the landowner's interest
d the open space, and the proposed
amount necessary for landscaping
Commissioner Wrke remarked that the applicant's lots appear
to be relatively flat and that the only apparent slope occurs
in the rear of the property along Hawthorne.
Chairperson Ortolano said she is persuaded that staff's recommendation
to reduce the grading is appropriate.
Commissioner Wike moved to adopt staff's recommendation of
Alternative No. 3 directing the applicant to redesign to reduce
the amount of grading; seconded by Chair Ortolano.
Commissioner Wlke clarified that there is no established footprint
for the area and that the height limitation on the applicant's
lots is 16 feet.
Commissioner Von Hagen said he could support staff's recommendation.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Chairperson Ortolano advised the
to redesign a project that
emphasized the City's desire to
as possible.
Appeal rights were noted.
applicant to work
is in keeping with
preserve as much
closely with staff
the Code. She
natural grade
February 24, 1987
Page 13
QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mr. Ken Heikes, 32210 Heim Place,
(Regarding Non -Agenda Items) discussed that he never received
a notice regarding the proposed
switcning station wnich would be next door to his nome. He
questioned where the building would be placed on the property,
voiced concern over tine noise related to the proDect, s; ---id
the switching station would devalue his property, and voiced
concern that the area will evolve into a parking lot for the
utility company trucks. He discussed that tnere seems to be
a growing trend for utility companies to occupy City land/facilit-ies
and questioned wnether tne site is part of a building moratorium.
Mr. Benard related triat the switching station x.,,as designed
as a building which would resemble a., residential hous-., that
the approval of the application was conditioned to include
that the noise levels would ne periodically tested, and clarified
'-hat the area is not part of a building moratorium.
Mr. Von Hagen clarified that Mr. Heikes was not included on
the City's mailing list for the item.
Mr. Benard discussed tnat a survey company -hick compiled the
list did not include Mr. Heikes and that tne City Attorney's
opinion regarding wnether the item must be renoticed will be
Chairperson Ortolano apologized to Mr. Heikes for the error
in not including him on the appropriate mailing list. Sne
suggested he go to the City offices to review the project witti
a staff member. She sympathized with Mr. Heikes reservations bit
said the switching station may be the quietest neighbor one could
Staff Mr. Benard noted the Specific
IV Workshop scheduled for March
2, 7:30 PM, at the Red Cross building on Western Avenue. He
related that Mary Tnomas is the staff coordinator for the new -Ly
apDointed Trails Committee.
Commission None.
ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Commissioner Wike
and seconded by Commissioner
Von Hagen the meeting was ad3ourned
at 11:00 P14.