PC MINS 198608264_044�
4715 a/j,6
August 26, 1986
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Von Hagen at
29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
Also present were Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard,
Associate Planner Greg Fuz, Associate Planner Steve Rubin and
Assistant Planner Carolynn Wilker-Roesch.
The following communications were distributed: Tract Map 32991; memo
from Robert Benard outlining Mrs. Wike's comments regarding Seacliff
Hills and her request for continuation of CUP No. 23 until her return
on September 9; corrected July 29, 1986 minutes; and Marjorie Mar-
coni's letter regarding her opposition to a convenience liquor store
at 29505 Western Avenue.
Minutes of July 29, 1986
Resolution P.C. No. 86-17
Specific Plan III
Commission hear public testimony,
and discuss the plan.
Mr. McNulty moved approval of
the Consent Calendar. The mo-
tion was seconded by Mrs. Orto-
lano and passed unanimously.
Associate Planner Greg Fuz pre-
sented the staff report with
the recommendation that the
continue/close the public hearing,
Chairman Von Hagen opened the public hearing.
Interested parties were:
Mr. Otho Catlett 29602 Bernice
Ms. Barbara Kennard 3402 Deluna
Mr. Don Pierson 2822 Colt Road
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August 26, 1986
Interested parties discussed: the majority of existing uses would be
required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit under the proposed Commer-
cial General Zone, concern over a reduction in parking areas resulting
from the proposed 51 landscape buffer/31 wall, concern over the possi-
ble box -like appearance of additions, specific concern of staff in-
volvement in design of Marie Callendar's addition, concern over skate-
boarding on Western, appreciation of information sent to those who
previously testified, need for zero setbacks between commercial pro-
perties, irrelevancy of commercial development guidelines of other
cities, plan expansion to include the residential portion of the area
the residential area should be down -zoned to coincide with the commer-
cial area, landscaping/bushes should be used instead of trees, prob-
lems with large front setbacks where there are rear -yard hills, and 45
degree angle slope building.
Chairman Von Hagen closed the public hearing.
Staff discussed: none of the existing uses would be required to ob-
tain a Conditional Use Permit until such time as expansion or a use
change occurs, setbacks between commercial properties reduce the visu-
al impact, the City had no architectural review over Marie Callendar's
addition, only height, setbacks and lot coverage, other cities, guide-
lines should be used only as examples of what could be considered.
Staff elaborated on the building height envelope, stating that it is
proposed as a privacy and view buffer from the pad level of the up-
slope residences and is an effort to encourage buildings to rise in
the direction of the rear slope. Staff noted the Catlett property is
closer to the slope than most and stated the need to examine the ef-
f-fect of the Western commercial development on that property more
closely. I
The Commission discussed: the majority of the existing setbacks bet-
ween the commercial buildings is zero and the proposed 0-101 setbacks
would apply to future developments. The Commission stated the resi-
dential area is not under consideration and stressed the cumulative
effect related to down -zoning residential land. The Commission ex-
pressed its understanding of Mr. Pierson's concern over reduced park-
ing as a result of buffers and emphasized a Variance request as the
proper method of dealing with the issue. The Commission said the pub-
lic has had much opportunity to testify and it would be appropriate to
defer Commission discussion until all Commission members are present.
Chairman Von Hagen stated his opinion that the public hearing should
be continued until all Commission members are present and the August
12, 1986 minutes are available.
Staff noted that many related applications are pending Commission re-
view. The Commission stressed the importance of taking time to con-
sider the plan.
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August 26, 1986
Mrs. Ortolano moved to close the public hearing and defer Commission
discussion until the next regularly scheduled meeting. The motion was
seconded by Mr. McNulty and passed by majority with Mr. Von Hagen dis-
The Commission commended staff on letters sent to those who previously
testified and suggested the City consider using the same type of gra-
phic technique as the City of Riverside.
CUP No. 105
Var. No. 134
GR No. 875
Sign Permit No. 305
Silver Spur and Crenshaw
Commission conduct and clo;
staff direction regarding
direct staff to bring back
possible date.
Associate Planner Steve Rubin
presented the staff report on
applicant's request for approv-
al of a proposed 82,000 square
foot office/retail project with
the recommendation that the
3e the public hearing, give applicant and
appropriate revisions and conditions, and
a resolution of approval at the earliest
The Commission discussed: the CN zone is generally more restrictive
than the CP zone, the proposed project is substantially larger than
applicant's previous proposal, the City's satisfaction with the pro-
posed caisson method of stabilization, zero setbacks between commer-
cial properties seems appropriate, and the excellent staff report.
The Commission noted the frequent deviation from the City's parking
standards and that the Code could be amended to include less restric-
tive parking. The Commission questioned a condition of approval for a
parking Variance which would require a recorded deed of restriction
prohibiting medical, dental and financial uses and suggested only
those heavy financial uses (such as depository banks) should be prohi-
Staff discussed: the 101 side setbacks would lessen the visual impact
of the project. Staff emphasized a 1/200 parking ratio would be ap-
propriate if medical/dental/financial uses were permitted as such uses
create greater than normal parking demands. Staff recommended a con-
dition of approval prohibiting such uses be considered.
Mr. Tom Black, from Black, O'Dowd and Associates, Inc., 279 West Sev-
enth Street, San Pedro, California 90732, applicant's architect, dis-
cussed: access to the Rolling Hills Estates building dictated access
at the intersection of Deep Valley, the middle building would provide
access to the Rolling Hills Estates building, fault concerns would be
eliminated by caissons drilled before any down-slope work is done, the
second level of the middle building would be catilievered for fault
protection, acceptance of the City's vehicular access graphics, the
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August 26, 1986
buildings have been stepped back against the hill to reduce visual im-
pact, none of the buildings would project above the existing grade of
the property lines above, agreement with following the City's natural
vegetation landscape, and the 701 west building would have six levels.
Staff noted the only view impact of the 70' west building would be the
view of McDonald's and the post office. Staff emphasized the primary
staff concern with the west building is the massiveness of the struc-
Mr. Albert Levitt, 24520 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 120, Torrance,
California 90505, applicant, discussed: each floor of the west build-
ing would be stepped back 8'-10' to reduce visual impact, the west
building parking would be only 21-51 above the retail level for conve-
nience sake, the west building would have two floors of parking for
two floors of leasable office space, willingness to comply with
staff's request for a 10' side setback on the west building, the pro-
posed parking ratio of 1/275 should not exclude financial, medical of
dental institutions, the convenience of the proposed parking would
eliminate any concerns over parking in residential areas, and if the
top floor of the west building must be eliminated he would propose the
addition of one floor to the middle building. He noted that the idea
of a restaurant on the top floor of the west building was eliminated
in the current proposal and that he would like to establish a sidewalk
cafe on the bottom floor of the building.
Staff noted that a separate review would be required for sidewalk
Interested parties were:
Barbara Daigle
Bill De Muici
Golden Arrow
Claire Donias
Ed Hallett
John Van Wagoner
Interested parties discussed: concern over the City's increasing num-
ber of projects, concern over the visual impact of the project, objec-
tion to restaurants of any kind and the sale of liquor, concern over
slope stabilization, applicant should be required to indemnify home-
owners against slope slippage, the west building front setback should
comply with Code, the proposed landscaping should be consistent with
the surrounding environment, concern over the proposed orchard, cur-
rent Beechgate speeding problems would be compounded by the related
traffic, Golden Arrow pastoral views would be impacted, and concern
over Commission decisions when 40% of the Commission is absent.
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August 26, 1986
Chairman Von Hagen closed the public hearing.
The Commission discussed: a sandwich shop operating from 10:00 A.M.
until 4:00 P.M. would be acceptable, the proposed project would not
adversely impact the residences above, indemnification would not be
probable but a bond protecting homeowners against slope slippage would
be possible and should be discussed with the City Attorney, and Com-
missioner absences are irrelevant to decision making since a majority
vote is required for approval of the project.
Mrs. Ortolano moved that the Commission approve the project, but that
applicant reduce the westerly building by one floor and the building
be required to meet the side setback requirement as recommended by
staff, that as a condition of building rather than as a deed of re-
striction the usage of the property restricted from any medical facil-
ities, that there be no orchards as proposed by applicant, and that
staff discuss the bond appropriateness with the City Attorney and
bring it back to the Commission as a condition of the resolution if
staff thinks it appropriate. Mr. McNulty seconded the motion.
Staff reviewed that a condition of approval could be that applicant be
required to process the necessary CP zone changes within one year of
approval. The Commission discussed that a zone change requirement as
a condition of approval would be inappropriate.
The Commission discussed continuing the public hearing in order to
give applicant an opportunity to redesign the project. Applicant
voiced a desire for the Commission to act on the project as proposed.
The Commission emphasized its concern over the massive project. The
Commission noted each of the requested Variances would be encompassed
by the motion. The Commission also determined that a 1/250 parking
ratio would be appropriate only if the top floor of the west building
were eliminated.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Applicant was advised that appeal rights would commence upon adoption
of a resolution.
Variance No. 139 Assistant Planner Carolynn Wil -
Admiral Risty ker-Roesch presented the staff
31250 Palos Verdes Drive West report on applicant's request
for a patio enclosure which
would encroach into the required street setback with the recommenda-
tion that the application be approved with the condition that appli-
cant provide trash enclosures within one year of approval or prior to
occupancy (whichever is sooner).
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August 26, 1986
As there were no requests from the public to speak to the application,
Chairman Von Hagen waived the public hearing.
The Commission discussed that with the Golden Cove Shopping Center re-
development there would be ample room for trash enclosures as proposed
by staff.
Mr. McNulty moved to approve staff's Alternative No. 3 and adopted
Resolution P.C. No. 86-18. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Ortolano
and passed unanimously.
Applicant was advised of appeal rights.
Extreme Slope Permit No. 1
Beaupre - 41 Santa Catalina
Chairman Von Hagen waived reading of the staff report.
Staff distributed copies of the application and plans.
Mr. McNulty moved to adopt staff's Alternative No. 3, adopting Resolu-
tion PC No. 86-19. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Ortolano and pass-
ed unanimously.
Applicant was advised of appeal rights.
CUP NO. 23 Director of Environmental Ser-
Seacliff Hills vices Robert Benard discussed
Policy on Revisions that the purpose of the report
was an effort to obtain Commis-
sion guidance on the remaining Seacliff Hills CUP revisions. Mr. Be-
nard recommended that the Commission direct staff to prepare an alter-
nate set of development standards or guidelines for the area.
The Commission acknowledged Mrs. Wike's request for continuance of the
item until her return on September 9. The Commission discussed that
staff could develop the criteria to be brought back for review when
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August 26, 1986
all Commissioners are present. The Commission voiced concern over re-
vising established City policies and advised staff against City in-
volvement related to design criteria. The Commission also stressed
the guidelines should be flexible.
Staf f
ante has gone to City
Portuguese Bend EIR on
on November 2-5.
Staff discussed: the Eaton ap-
peal of the Pitz Height Vari-
Council; the Redevelopment Agency will hear the
September 2; and the APA Conference at Yosemite
Upon motion of Mr. McNulty and
seconded by Mrs. Ortolano, the
meeting was adjourned at
11:30 P.M.