PC MINS 19840522MINUTES Planning Commission Regular Meeting 5/22/84 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Hesse Park Community Building at 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard by Chairman Harvey Brown. COMMUNICATIONS Dr. Brown advised that the Trails Plan is continued until May 29th by request of those involved. CONSENT CALENDAR Dr. Brown requested, and the consensus of the Commission, was to hold the minutes to the end of the meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS It -was the consensus of the Commission to move Item B first. Variance 104 Assistant Planner Dino Putrino Tondre/Schumacher presented the staff report. The 1805 Peninsula Verdes Drive applicant is requesting to retain an existing 6 foot wooden fence �aall adjacent to and above a block wall along Western Avenue. The height of this wall is 5' on the low side and approximately 2' on the,hi_gh side_ (subject property) and retains 3 feet of dirt. The overall height of the two walls is approximately 9 feet measured on the low side (Western) and under 6 feet on the high side. He explained that the applicant's claim they have suffered from many dangerous incidents and their safety and well being is threatened due to the location of their property;they believe the wall is the best solution to the problem. It is staff's opinion that the applicant is exposed to unusual conditions due to property location and concurs with the applicant's solution to the problem. Due to the other findings by staff, staff recommends that Planning Commission adopt Resolution P.C. 84-17 approving Variance No. 104. _JZ-� 4-/a- Mrs. Wike asked if the t0_1+�t had a clear understanding that there was a retaining wall, and this would be an additional wall. Mr. Putrino said they had a clear understanding, and it was brought to staff by code enforcement. The applicant was not aware that a permit was required for a wall of such height and staff has made the applicant come to the understanding that this is a wall adjacent to another wall and does exceed the height. Dr. Brown opened the public hearing. There was no one to speak to the item. Mr. McNulty moved to close the public hearing and seconded by Mr. Von Hagen. Mr. McNulty moved to adopt Resolution P.C. No. 84-17 approving Variance No. 104 seconded by Mr. Von Hagen. V Minutes 5/22/84 Page Two Dr. Brown felt the staff findings were not strong enough and recommended amending the language. Finding #1 to read:...exposed to exceptional and extraordinary elements producing significant and negative land use impacts resulting from this site's location on a major street arterial. Mrs. Wike said she visited neighbors in the area, and they were not as concerned as the applicant. She believed the wall would not prevent stealing; it would only prevent stealing the cars because of the iron gates. Mrs. Ortolano said she is against a proliferation of 9' fences all along Western but she thou ht there was some merit to the applicant's request. The placement of the ihouse in-re-l-ationship..to Western Avenue and; on -that, corne-r.makes Jt appropriate to grant this most unusual request. Mr. Von Hagen agreed with the findings of the staff. Mr. McNulty had no problem with the findings. Dr. Brown also moved amendment to Finding #2 ... adding extraordinary and exceptional negative impacts. The motion as amended passed unanimously. Dr. Brown stated this issue is appealable to the City Council within 15 days. EASTVIEW GENERAL PLAN Dr. Brown advised this item is a continued public hearing. The staff report was presented by Associate Planner Alice Angus. She said the considerations yet to be resolved are: appropriateness of a Fitness Studio and similar uses in CG zone with a CUP, appropriate land uses and zoning on the sanitation district site and setback standards for the CG zone. She discussed a staff comparison sheet including the merchants' proposal. Mrs. Angus commented on the merchants' proposal. She said it was difficult to make a direct comparison because staff deals in terms of abutting types of use instead of front, rear and side setbacks. Commenting on the merchants' proposal, Mrs. Angus said the proposal is for a front setback 20' from the edge of the curb. She said generally setbacks are from the property line, so she has a problem with talking about curb line. Regarding side and rear, the merchant's request is for no setbacks where commercial is adjacent to other commercial or non-residential. Staff feels that some setback is neeessary to provide a buffer for building and safety and fire safety considerations. Side and rear setbacks adjacent to residential, the merchant's proposal divides between single and multi story. Staff has a problem understanding why there should be that differential. The Code does not have any differential based on the height of the structures. In that same category, the merchants talk about no setback 0 Minutes 5/22/84 Page Three if there are permanent walls. Staff does agree that 20' setback adjacent to Western does make sense due to uniqueness of Western Avenue being a major state arterial. Staff also modify the 40' abutting residential, staff recommends a landscape area 10 feet and an additional setback area for loading or trash containers. The fourth issue is sign standards for the commercial zone. Mrs. Angus stated the City Attorney's input on SB142 has been received and it is okay legall_y as long _ as the amortization policy does not become more restrictive_. Regarding illumination, staff feels that issue is not unique to Eastview area, and it would be appropriate that it be brought up with another code amendment. Mrs. Angus stated that the merchant's feel the proposed sign copy is ly iscretio ay -Y The City Attorney does not think there is a problem, but he will check further. Regarding size, staff has a problem with the 2 sq. ft. without a maximum; it is too large and the small businesses would be at a disadvantage. Staff also has a problem with the 30 foot maximum height signs; structures may only be above 16' when approved by the Planning Commission. The merchants' proposal is for no sign amortization and abatement. Staff feels City's amortization is both legal and fair and should continue. Mrs. Angus made the following recommendations: Re -open the public hearing and take testimony. Decide whether or not to close the public hearing. 1)Approve the addition of Fitness Studio, Dance School, Computer School,and similar activity and education uses as a permitted use in the CG zone with a Conditional Use Permit. 2)Decide on the appropriate land use and zoning for the Sanitation District Site. 3)Discuss Commercial (CG) development standards, and approve a separate designation of setback abutting major state highway arterials with said setback to be 20' and minimum landscaping of 5. 4)Discuss Commercial (CG) sign standards to which staff recommends no changes Mr. Von Hagen referred to signs on the comparison sheet. Has there been any thought to addressing the linear frontage of the lot rather than the building? Mrs. Angus said the problem with that is dealing with a shopping center. Mrs. Ortolano referred to May 17 letter from merchants. She asked if staff met with the merchants. Mrs.: Angus said since the last meeting, there has been one meeting with the merchants. There was discussion on sidewalk sales, Christmas displays, comparison of present sign ordinance and proposed ordinance and setback requiremens, development stanards and the Sanitation District Site. 0 Minutes 5/22/84 Page Four 0 Discussion ensued relative to giving direction on each item to staff and whether to handle each item individually or as a whole. Dr. Brown reiterated there are four major items that need to be addressed. He saidtheCity relies on the City Attorney for legal advice and that he was aware that outside officials have been approached in hopes of putting pressure on the City. He felt that was fully inappropriate. It is strictly a City matter and must be dealt with by the City within the limits of the law. It was the consensus of the Commission to hear testimony relative to appropriateness of the Fitness Studio. No audience comments. Commission was in agreement with staff's recommendation. Appropriate Land Use - Sanitation District Site Robert West, 2037 Avenida Apprenda, RPV, represented the San Pedro Peninsula Homeowner's Coalition and Rolling Hills Homeowner's Association. The general consensus of the Eastview area residents are for the Sanitation District Site to be zoned open space recreational. He related to statements made about crime in the area and felt Eastview is not a high crime area and recited statistics from the Palos Verdes Peninsula News Crime Report - April 21 -May 19. David Roche, 1884 Peninsula Verde Drive, representing San Pedro Peninsula Homeowners Association and Peninsula Verde Homeowners Association, supported a greenbelt park but opposed any organized sports activity or commercial use for the Sanitation District Site. Mrs. Angus clarified staff's recommendation of the Sanitation District Site as Specific Plan District (SPD) Residential/Recreation. The Parks and Recreation Commfttee recommendation is also SPD but only includes recreation. Steven Shore, 1486 Stonewood Court, San Pedro 90732 represented the Westmont Homeowners Association #2, adjacent to Sanitation District. The Board is in favor of a greenbelt area with no residential or commercial. Walt Yeager, 27803 Montreina, RPV, member of the Rolling Hills Riveria Homeowners Association, Vice Chairman of the Goals Committee, would like to see maximum utilization of the property but would prefer a greenbelt park. Lee Trudell, 26 Oceanaire, RPV, opposed a greenbelt park. He felt parks attract elements outside of the Eastview area and that the City cannot afford to maintain the parks it already has. He extended an invitation to Homeowners groups to meet with him relative to his proposal for a driving range on that Sanitation site. He discussed lighting for the proposal and distributed photos. Jay Hodge, 28602 Friarstone Court, Rancho Palos Verdes, spoke in favor of a greenbelt park. He said the site is the only site for a park. He opposed commercial use. Dr. Brown stated he was swayed by the arguments for open space and recreational and was not concerned about the crime question. He felt a SPD with open space was an appropriate designation and did not feel it committed the City to putting a park there but it allows an option to go in that direction. It also allows a mix of uses if that is necessary. Minutes 5/22/84 Page Five Director Hightower clarified the Parks and Recreation Committee was concerned about cost of development and operation/maintenance of all 10 acres for a park. They understood from staff there needed to be more time for discussion with both the Sanitation District and other people on uses and that is the reason for the Specific Plan District. They were somewhat interested in the idea of an agricultural use, e.g., a tree farm, as well as some recreation with the open space being more encompassing than just park. Mrs. Ortolano opposed any mixed residential use for that property but agreed with merits of adopting SPD for recreation. Mrs. Wike felt the residential use should be deleted from the use of the property. Mr. McNulty agreed with the Commission due to the overwhelming support of the community. He indicated nothing is for free, if a park is wanted, money will have to be found. Mr. Von Hagen agreed with the consensus of the Commission. Dr. Brown moved the site be designated SPD -Open Space Recreation, seconded by Mrs. Ortolano and passed unanimously. Development Standards Dr. Brown asked if there is a request to continue the matter relative to the Development Standards. Pat Gough, 28900 S. Western, RPV, needed clarification of setbacks. He said the ordinance was not clear. He asked for an ordinance that was readable and understable. He asked for a continuance and suggested having a committee to review the zoning ordinance and make a recommendation to staff. Dr. Brown recommended that Mr. Gough get together with staff to clarify his specific requests. Barbara Kennard, 3402 Deluna, RPV, addressed setbacks speaking as an individual. She recited a prepared speech which was then submitted to the Commission relative to the setback issues. Discussion ensued relative to single family RS4 and multi -family zoning. Nels Ostrem, 445 W. 7th Street, Suite F, San Pedro, landowner and developer said that he has been in legal compliance for 27 years and with this proposal will be put in a nonconforming status. He believed this was inverse condemnation. Dr. Brown reiterated that the proposal of development standards would take effect if there was destruction of greater than 50%. Mrs. Ortolano asked if he proposed a future committee for study. Mr. Ostrem said they only had 45 days to study the matter and recommended giving more time rather than it becoming a legal matter. He suggested work and cooperation. �5 Minutes 5/22/84 Page Six Dr. Brown said our City A't'torney will make the decision as to what we can or cannot do legally Ralph Horowitz, 1115 23rd Street, Santa Monica, co -ower with Barbara Kennard of the shopping center at 28717 Western Avenue discussed involuntary fires and involuntary consequences. He felt the risks faced should be examined more closely. He referred to his shopping center on Caddington being an irregular lot; to rebuild according to the 40' sideyard standards, he would lose almost all the shopping center. Mrs. Victoria Marino, 29221 So. Western Avenue, RPV, member of a sub -committee of the Eastview Goals Committee, submitted -a letter from Judy Marshall and David Rucks who do not feel they were asked to represent merchants on the Eastview Goals Committee. She requested the letters be entered in the file. Dr Brown asked for a decision or direction on the issue of the Development Standards in the Commercial General zone, the Commission has received a fair amount of information this evening and it is the Commission's task to make a decision tonight or to continue the matter. Mrs. Ortolano found persuasive the statement that if you impose a more stringent redevelopment requirement on a 25% addition, that the status quo is encouraged but she was not comfortable with proposals requesting no setbacks at all There Z/,P(1/8'y is no unity in the groups V-O'z oc 4� g-� Dr. Brown aired his concern relative to continuing the public hearing. Because the material has not been analyzed, he was not adverse to continuing the meeting to June 12. If any further information is to come to staff, it should be received within a week to 10 days to allow staff sufficient time to respond to it. At that time, a decision should be made. Peter Von Hagen was under the impression that Mr. Kanaster represented the merchants and was disturbed that no proposals have been submitted by him. He was not opposed to the continuance. He felt the principles were clear cut. He did not feel it should be a monumental task to deal with this Commercial General District on Western Avenue. Mrs. Wike was in favor of closing the public hearing and making a decision at the next meeting. Mr. McNulty favored a continuance. He believed valid concerns had been raised, therefore, he was in favor of leaving the public hearing open but proposed action to be taken on the 12th. The Commission concurred to continue the hearing to June 12 on the Development Standards. Mrs. Ortolano requested staff to gather and put the material into manageable form. b Minutes 5/22/84 Page Seven Sign Standards Mrs. Mavis Northern, 270 S. Bristol, Suite 201, Costa Mesa, represented Diversified Properties as property manager for Westmont Plaza. She explained that Mr. Kanaster was no longer representing the merchants, and they sought help from the Sign Users Council of California. She spoke primarily about demographics relative to sign use. She did not think commercial use in RPV could compare to that on Western Avenue in the Eastview area. She addressed the issue of tax revenue to the City and the importance of the visibility of signs. Leron Gubler, 1303 Dodson, San Pedro, represented the San Pedro Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. He was concerned about the community and spoke about economics. He said 2/3 of the City's business income comes from Eastview; he felt the City should be more lenient for the following reasons: 1) Eastview is isolated from the City and not competing with Golden Cove, 2) Western is a major state highway, 3) competition across Western Avenue, 4) small businesses depend on walk-in traffic. He thought the proposed sign ordinance would create serious difficulties for the area. Margot Chapman, 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, representative of Security Pacific Bank, believed signs are an important factor to businesses. Pat Gough, 28900 So. Western Avenue, RPV, believed the proposed sign ordinance was discriminatory against smaller merchants and asked for a continuance. Jack Foretich, 28352 S. Western Avenue, RPV, representative of an insurance agency in Westmont Plaza, inquired about sidewalk sale permits. Mr. Robert Keenan, 13031 San Antonio Drive, Norwalk, represented Western Avenue concerned merchants and the Sign Users Council of California. He referred to the economic value of signs and proposed an ad hoc committee with someone from the Planning Commission, staff, an owner and a merchant, to consider the economics. He also spoke about the value of location and visibility. Mr. Sam Mednik, owner of Harbor Heights Shopping Center, said without the signs he would not have a business. He built his center 25 years ago when it was the only business on Western Avenue, and had complied with all the rules. He felt he was now being penalized. Burley Ray Johnson, 28115 Montereina Drive, RPV, requested a continuance so that the merchants could prepare a proposal. He said there was not a clear understanding of the sign ordinance and the general issue is of upgrading and no-tinflicting hardship. 04, acs t_� It was the consensus of the Commission to continue the Sign Standards until the June 12th meeting. REPORTS Staff 01M q Minutes 5/22/84 Page Eight Commission Dr. Brown stated that the minutes are not full enough in getting across the reasoning behind the actions taken. He requested that'i"nformat.ion on why_the oil ission voted the way they do be written t into the minutes. He was concerned with the appeals to Council. Minutes of April 24, 1984 Dr. Brown requested an addition to the minutes relative to Variance 100, Gardner, to read: Commission agreed with staff findings relative to public safety and attractive nuisance as valid issues. Mrs. Ortolano corrected page 3, Variance No. 99, to read... concrete driveway. Mr. Von Hagen noted correction on page 2 of Mr. Dan Melilo's address to read; 43 1/2 Avenida Corona. Relative to the May 8, 1984 minutes, Mrs. Ortolano requested page six be corrected to read: Neither the Steinbachs nor the City were aware of this at the time. Mr. Von Hagen moved to approve minutes of April 24 and May 8, 1984 as amended. Seconded by Mr. McNulty and passed. Mrs. Wike abstained from approval of the April 24, 1984 minutes. ADJOURNMENT 1:00 a.m. D