City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
April 27, 1982
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,
30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Acting Chairman McTaggart.
PRESENT: Baer, Brown, Hinchliffe, McTaggart
ABSENT: Hughes
Also present were Associate Planners Ann M. W. Negendank, Sandra Massa
Lavitt, and Assistant Planner Joseph Gamble.
CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded
by Dr. Baer, the Consent Calendar was
unanimously passed, with the exception
of the minutes of the meeting of April 13, 1982, which were pulled to be
discussed at the end of the meeting. By this action, the Commission denied
a request to delete condition no. 12 from Resolution No. 81-61 for Tentative
Parcel Map No. 14538, as recommended in the staff report.
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 14570 Ms. Negendank reviewed the history of
5 Rockinghorse Road the project and said the request was
Landowner: Julius &_Martha Korta for the division of a 43,552 square
Applicant: South Bay Engineering foot parcel into two lots in an RS -2
zoning district. She said lot measure-
ments include a portion of the asphalt
roadway. She described lot #1 as a rectangular pad lot with direct access
off Rockinghorse Road, containing an existing residence and related struc-
tures. She said this lot did not conform to the required setback standards,
that the garage would be relocated toward the street, still on lot #1, the
retaining wall should be moved at least three feet toward the street, and :.
the metal sheds would have to be relocated to conform to the setbacks. She
described lot #2 as a flag lot with an existing corral in the southeast
corner and a concrete pad. She said this lot did not coform to the minimum
depth measurement required by Code, that a minor exception permit would ful-
fill the Code requirement but that the decision on Minor Exception Permit
No. 119 would not be made until after the Commission conceptually approves
the map. She said the City Engineer had requested an engineering geologic
and soils report be submitted for review, but that the applicant has re-
quested that the problem of lot dimensions and any other concerns be dis-
cussed by the Commission first. She reviewed the tentative schedule for
processing this map. Staff recommendation was that the public hearing be
opened, the Commission conceptually approve the map pending geology review,
and the hearing be continued until May 25, 1982.
Mr. McTaggart explained public hearing procedures and opened the public hear-
Ron McAlpin, South Bay Engineering, representing the applicant, reviewed the
map on display. He said they had submitted a minor exception permit applica-
tion for the depth of the lot. He said in order to meet required setbacks
they would remove the existing garage. He reviewed the slope and position
of the lots. He said the existing corral in the southeast corner would_ be
removed. He said they were looking for conceptual_approval.an`d would then
proceed with the geology.
Julius Korta, 5 Rockinghorse Road, answered questions of the Commission.
On motion of Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, and unanimously carried,
the public hearing was continued.
Dr. Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to grant conceptual
approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 14570 and direct staff to bring back
conditions and that the geology review be completed prior to consideration
of the final approval.
Mr. Hinchliffe suggested the applicant and the adjacent property owner also
explore the possibility of working jointly on one flag.
Dr. Brown agreed and said that would solve the City's concern about excess
Mr. McTaggart said the minor exception process was developed to allow for
small variations of the Code such as a reduction in a setback area, not for
this kind of request. He felt a 20 -foot reduction was too much to come under
a minor exception permit and that this request could not be approved as a
variance because it is a self-imposed hardship and, therefore, the findings
could not be met. He felt this was a misapplication of the Code and said he
could not vote in favor of this project because it was beyond the scope of
what was intended. He said he could not support the creation of a land
division that would require an alteration in order to be legal, and did not
feel the Commission should create substandard lots. He recalled another
requested lot split that was denied because it would have required a variance
upon completion. He said the General Plan said lots should not be split that
create substandard parcels. He felt if the existing house made the land
division impractical, then the lot split was impractical.
Dr. Brown discussed the possibility of moving the line and encroaching into
the setback area of the existing residence on lot #1, and handling that with
a minor exception permit instead of the lot depth.
Ms. Negendank said the required rear setback was 20 feet and that the dis-
tance right now between the proposed property line and the existing residence
is 30 feet. She said, however, since there was no residence on parcel #2,
a structure could be built to conform to the setback requirements and that
staff preferred the minor exception permit for the lot depth rather than
setback encroachment.
Dr. Baer noted that the lot was 100 x 168 feet and that the applicant was
requesting that the width and depth measurements be reversed to meet the
Mr. McTaggart said the Code specifically defined the front property line.
The above motion failed with the following toll call vote:
AYES: Brown, Hinchliffe
NOES: Baer, McTaggart
ABSENT: Hughes
Mr. McTaggart did not believe this division of land as proposed was possible
under the Code and suggested that an opinion be obtained from the City Attor-
ney on the matter before proceeding, that the matter be tabled until an
answer is received.
Dr. Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to grant conceptual
approval based on the City Attorney's concurrence that said action is appro-
Mr. McTaggart said the reference to lot dimension in the minor exception
permit section of the Code referred to lot line adjustments and was never
intended to eliminate the width or depth requirements iri a lot split.
Mr. Hinchliffe suggested bringing the lot line to within 16 feet of the
house on lot #1 (which could be handled with a minor exception permit) and
said that would change the proposed depth of lot #2 to 114 feet rather than
100 feet, only six feet less than the Code required 120 feet.
Mr. McTaggart said he would like clarification from the City Attorney first
on whether or not the Code refers to an absolute dimension in new lot splits.
He suggested that the applicant look at drawing the line on a diagonal and
see if that would eliminate the problem.
Dr. Brown and Mr. Hinchliffe withdrew the above motion.
Mr. Hinchliffe proposed a motion, seconded by Dr. Brown, to table the matter
until the City Attorney responds to the concerns expressed by Mr. McTaggart.
Roll call vote was-as7fbllows:
AYES: Baer, Brown, Hinchliffe, McTaggart
NOES: None
ABSENT: Hughes
Mr. Hinchliffe suggested that the applicant seek a solution with some ad3ust-
ment to the lot line to minimize the lot depth. He said it was clear that
they could not make it meet the Code requirement without carving into the
existing house. He said Mr. McTaggart's point was well taken in that there
may be a violation of the Code involved and that clarification is necessary.
Mr. McTaggart said the City Attorney should be asked whether or not a minor
exception permit could be granted simultaneously.
Dr. Brown agreed with staff about preferring a minor exception permit for
the setback rather than lot dimension. He said if the City Attorney agrees
that a minor exception permit may be granted for either one, then the ques-
tion is which would the Commission prefer.
Mr. McTaggart said he would prefer not to create a substandard lot. He
asked the possibility of extending the time limit for this project.
Ms. Negendank said a 90 -day time extension may be granted. She said this
matter should return to the Commission at its next meeting.
Mr. Hinchliffe said the questions for the City Attorney are 1) is the staff
and applicant interpretation of the Code correct and 2) if not, what kind
of minor exception permit could the Commission grant relative to the exist-
ing structure.
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32322 Ms. Lavitt said this request was for a
6480 Palos Verdes Drive East five -lot subdivision. She said the
Landowner: LaRue C. Thomas existing driveway on Palos Verdes Drive
Applicant: South Bay Engineering East would be relocated approximately
50 feet to the north and serve both
lots 4 and 5, and that access to lots
1, 2, and 3 would be from Diamonte Lane. She said access is readily avail-
able to lot #1, which is physically separated from the larger acreage.
Since the existing driveway would be removed and a new driveway graded to
serve lots 4 and 5, it was staff's contention that the new driveway was
contrary to the General Plan policy related to direct access from arterials.
She said it was not anticipated that any view obstruction would be encoun--!
tered by existing residents due to construction within this subdivision.
She said lot #1 is separated from the larger site by Diamonte Lane which
bisects the property at this point, and that the square footage of the lot
exceeds the minimum requirement of the Code but lacks the minimum depth.
She said the applicant has submitted a minor exception permit application
for a reduction of that measurement and because of the site's physical dis-
location from the larger parcel, it was staff's opinion that a minor excep-
tion could be approved for this lot. She said lot #3 currently has a barn
on it which could be integrated into a design, up to current Building Code
standards with the proper permits, or demolished prior to new construction.
Staff recommended that the Commission open the public hearing and discuss
the concerns. She said should the City Geologist conclude the review pro-
cedure and recommend approval, conditions would be prepared for the next
meeting should the Commission find it appropriate.
Dr. Brown did not see the difference between providing a new accessway for
lots 4 and 5 and eliminating the old driveway or widening the old driveway
so that it could serve both lots. He said either proposal would allow
access for two lots instead of one as is currently served, that the impact
would be the same.
Dr. Baer asked if Diamonte Lane could be moved or if the lot lines could be
changed to extend across the road, since it is a private street, to meet
the lot dimension for lot #1.
Ms. Lavitt said the road could not be moved because of the steep slope.
Public hearing was opened.
Doug McHattie, South Bay Engineering, said the intent was to create the
best possible use of the property. He said he was previously involved in a
subdivision up the street where the City Council determined that Palos
Verdes Drive East was not an arterial, and access was permitted. He said
they were proposing to improve an existing situation. He said each lot far
exceeded the required lot size and access was available. He felt the Code
should be applied with common sense, since lot #1 is already physically
separated from the rest of the site. In response to a Commission question,
he said recording proper easements should be no problem if they were to
shift the lot line over so that it encompasses all of Diamonte Lane.
Mr. McTaggart said there were presently being developed additional residences
down at Palos Verdes Drive South which would add an additional burden to
Palos Verdes Drive East. He suggested that the question of access be sub-
mitted to the Traffic Committee for study.
Ms. Lavitt noted that the Director of Public Works has reviewed this plan
and agreed with what is proposed.
Dr. Baer said Diamonte Lane is a dangerous street from which to exit. He
asked if there would be any view impact from the house above lot #1.
Mr. McHattie said lot #1 was quite a bit lower and should not represent a
Mr. McTaggart noted that the lot was considered a view lot because a sixteen
foot structure on lot #1 would not interfere with the view.
Kevin Ketchum, 1076 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, representing the applicant,
said the applicant acquired the property prior to development of the area
and then granted easements over Diamonte Lane for access to those other lots.
He said they proposed moving the drive because of visual impact although it
would be much cheaper to leave it where it is. He said the unusual circum-
stance in this case is that lot #1 is physically separated from the rest of
the site, with a street in between. He said they originally proposed six
parcels but due to staff's concerns, they eliminated one parcel and feel that
the present plan is compatible with the area and would benefit the community.
He did not know exactly when the existing barn was constructed but said it
was most definitely more than seven years ago.
Mr. McHattie said the soils report had been submitted to the Soils Section
of the County Geology Division with answers to the questions raised by the
Mr. McTaggart said he was not in favor of putting more traffic on Palos
Verdes Drive East and that the reason he wanted this matter to go before
the Traffic Committee is to determine the lesser of the two evils, i.e. if
the Palos Verdes Drive East access was eliminated what effect could that
have on Diamonte Lane.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Dr. Brown, and unanimously carried,
the public hearing was continued.
Mr. McTaggart felt it was possible to draw lot lines that would meet the
Code and not require a minor exception permit.
Mr. Hinchliffe pointed out that moving the lot line to the other side of
the street would not change the actual lot dimensions of lot #1 and was
just playing with the numbers. He agreed that the Traffic Committee should
review the access.
Dr. Brown agreed that the City Attorney should look into the matter and ad-
vise the Commission; however, he did not agree with the necessity of having
the Traffic Committee review the access and felt that moving the access was
not in violation of the policy of the City.
Mr. McTaggart said they were proposing to intensify the use of the driveway
to accommodate two residences instead of one, and also it was necessary to
improve the visibility.
Mr. Hinchliffe suggested that the item be tabled until the Commission re-
ceives information back from the City Attorney and Traffic Committee.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Dr. Brown, and unanimously carried,
the matter was continued pending information from the City Attorney concern-
ing the appropriateness of issuing a minor exception permit for the creation
of a lot of substandard size and information from the Traffic Committee con-
cerning necessary improvements to Palos Verdes Drive East at this location,
whether or not the sight distance would be improved by relocating the drive-
way, would relocation of the driveway be contrary to the General Plan policy,
and improvement to the sight distance at the intersection of Diamonte Lane
and Palos Verdes Drive East.
CODE AMENDMENT NO. 14 Mr. Gamble said on March 2 that the City
Minor nonconforming structures Council initiated a Code Amendment to
Clarification of front property Section 17.68.060 to allow for the res -
line for flag lots toration and replacement of minor non-
conforming structures without a variance
or minor exception permit. Staff felt,
therefore, that the Code should differentiate between major and minor non-
conforming structures. Staff suggested appropriate wording in the staff
report for the Commission's review. Staff further suggested amending Code
Section 17.40.030.A.1. in order to alleviate problems related to interpre-
tation of front property lines for flag lots and proposed wording was included
in the staff report. Staff recommended that the Commission consider the in-
formation presented: clarification of front property line designation,
definition of minor nonconforming structures, and Code Amendment No. 14 for
the restoration of minor nonconforming structures.
Mr. McTaggart asked if there would be an appeal procedure for determining
whether or not there is a hazard.
Ms. Negendank said they wanted to avoid an extremely cumbersome process but
do want to be sure any hazardous situations are dealt with. She said right
now it is proposed that the Director of Planning's determination be final.
Mr. McTaggart felt not having an appeal process set up was inconsistent
with the policies of the City.
Ms. Negendank said an example is if there was an existing fence causing
visibility problems and it becomes damaged, it would not be allowed to be
replaced because it is considered a hazard.
In response to a Commission question, Ms. Lavitt agreed that currently the
only way to monitor this was through the site plan review process.
Ken Dyda, 5715 Capeswood Drive, said the issue came up because of the
problems people were facing trying to repair existing minor structures such
as fences without having to bring the entire fence up to existing Code.
He said conforming to the Code makes sense only if more than 50 percent of
the structure is being replaced. He said if anyone does not agree with the
decision of the Director df Planning they could always write a letter and
be heard by the City Council; he did not feel there should be a formal appeal
setup. He said the ob3ect is to avoid creating an inconsistency with the
neighborhood and that if there was an extreme hazard perhaps the nuisance
should have been removed earlier through abatement.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Dr. Brown, and unanimously carried,
the Commission concurred with the staff recommendations as presented in
tonight's staff report.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Dr. Brown, seconded by
Mr. Hinchliffe, and unanimously carried,
the minutes of the meeting of April 13,
1982, were approved with the following amendment: page 2, under roll call
vote, should reflect that Mr. Hinchliffe abstained and did not vote yes.
STAFF REPORT Ms. Negendank said the May Southwest
Area Planning Council meeting would be
hosted by the Peninsula Cities at the
upper Courtneys. She said the scheduled meeting date is the Friday before
Memorial Day (May 28) unless that can be changed. She said solid waste
management would be the topic of discussion.
COMMISSION REPORTS Dr. Brown expressed concern about Dr.
Kay's residence where the wall height
was limited and other conditions were
applied to provide visibility and that now the landscaping was exceeding the
height of the wall.
Ms. Lavitt said staff was looking into that situation.
Dr. Brown also noted a room addition taking place right now at 6613 Via
Siena which appears to be too close to the property line.
Ms. Negendank said staff would check into it.
At 9:49 p.m. it was moved, seconded,
and carried, to adjourn to Tuesday,
May 11, 1982, at 7:30 p.m.