PC MINS 19810204MINUTES JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING RANCHO PALOS VERDES/ROLLING HILLS ESTATES PLANNING COMMISSIONS FEBRUARY 4, 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman Brown. II. ROLL CALL Rancho Palos Verdes planning Commission: PRESENT: BAER, HINCHLIFFE, HUGHES, MCTAGGART, CHAIRMAN BROWN ABSENT: NONE Rolling Hills Estates Planning Commission: PRESENT: SERVIS, LANDAVER, RUTKOSKY, MILLER, CHAIRMAN KELFORD ABSENT: MOE, MITCHEAL Also present were Planning Director Sharon Hightower, Planning Associate Richard Thompson, Planning Director of Rolling Hills Estates Bruce Lenorovitz and Planning Assistant Allan Worken. III. INTRODUCTION Ms. Hightower welcomed Rolling Hills She explained applicant must Palos Verdes. Use Permit and Estates Planning Commission and staff. the purpose of the joint meeting and the procedure the - follow in order to have his project approved in Rancho She indicated that the public hearing for the Conditional Variance is tentatively scheduled to begin on March 24, 1981. Mr. Lenorovitz reviewed the procedures the applicant must follow in Rolling Hills Estates. He stated that a Precise Plan of Design (PPD) application is required to be processed and that it does not require notification. He indicated that a parking variance may be required but more accurate plans are necessary to determine if the plan deviated from Rolling Hills Estates Municipal Code. IV. PROJECT REPRESENTATION BY APPLICANT and V. COMMISSION QUESTIONS Mr. Levitt reviewed the geology - of the site and the proposed project. He introduced his geologist Douglas Moran. Mr. Moran further explained the geology of the site and the proposal of stabilizing it during construction and after the development is complete. Both Commissions expressed concern with the proposed design of the "shear pins" to be installed prior to construction and requested examples of projects where this design has been implemented. Herbert Nadel, principle of the architectural firm for the project reviewed the design of the buildings and colors being proposed. John Elizalde, project architect, answered Commission questions regarding the design of the project. VI. STAFF REPORTS Mr. Thompson briefly reviewed the staff report identifying the main issues that needed to be resolved. Mr. Thompson reviewed the exhibits indicating setback encroachments, view obstruction, size relationships and the pictorial survey showing the green belt that stretches from Sit -ver Arrow to Crenshaw Boulevard. Mr. Thompson responded to questions asked by the Commission: Mr. Lenorovitz presented the staff report prepared by Rolling Hills Estates and responded to the Commission questions. VII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION The following are the main issues that were discussed by the Commissions and the consensus of opinion that was expressed. Project Mass Reduce project size and mass especially as viewed from Crenshaw Boulevard and from the homes above the project. Increase setbacks from Crenshaw Boulevard and from the homes above the project. Applicant to provide plans showing the relationship of the project to the property across Crenshaw Boulevard. Geology Geologist to provide three projects that have implemented similar design to the one proposed successfully to stabilize a hillside. Send geology report to County Engineer for review. Traffic and Circulation Request further traffic analysis by other source; such as County Engineer. General Applicant to submit fully dimensioned plans after project has been redesigned indicating heights, length, setbacks of buildings and parking areas. Two members representing the project must be present at each meeting when the project is considered in order to avoid misunderstandings. If necessary the two Commissions should meet jointly again to review the revised project. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Page Two Joint Meeting Minutes