PC MINS 19800909pq Y0
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
September 9, 1980
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,
30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Chairman Brown.
PRESENT: Baer, Hinchliffe, Hughes, McTaggart, Brown
Also present was Gary Weber, Acting Director of Planning.
CONSENT CALENDAR On request of Mr. Hinchliffe, item B.,
approval of the minutes of August 26,
1980, was removed by Dr. Brown from
the Consent Calendar for discussion and action later. A minor change was
made to the minutes of August 12, 1980 as follows: page 7, first paragraph
under Commission Reports, line 4, should read " ... Dyda, Parks & Recreation
Committee Chairman Robert Gibson, -and himself."
On motion of Dr. Baer, seconded by Mr. Hughes, the Consent Calendar was
unanimously accepted, thereby approving the following items: minutes of
August 12, 1980 as amended above, time extension for Tentative Parcel Map
No. 7559, time extension -for Tentative Parcel Map No. 8744, and Grading
Application No. 472.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Mr. Hughes, and unanimously car-
ried, the
ried,the minutes of the meeting of August 26, 1980 were approved with the
following amendments: page 1, paragraph 6, line 3, should read "...and
within the required..."; page 3, paragraph 2, add at the end of the sen-
tence "...and those persons that presented photographs at the meeting.";
page 3, paragraph 6, add as last sentence "Dr. Brown felt that the opera-
tive word was significant re cumulative impact and that in this case the
effect was not s
cant."; and
access to the 22...to
page 5, paragraph 3, line 9, should read
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 58 Mr. Weber said at the previous meeting
(TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 39673) the Commission reviewed this project
Southwest of Beachview & Coastsite and requested further information and
Landowner/Applicant: Tumanjan and revisions. He said regarding treating
Tumanjan Investments this project and the project proposed
on the adjacent parcel (Tentative
Tract Map No. 39672) as one, it was
the City Attorney's opinion that the Map Act allows for it but only with
the cooperation of the developer. On the matter of density transfer, it
was the City Attorney's opinion that while the City has done a density
transfer in the past within one parcel, there was no mechanism to transfer
density from separate projects and the transfer would depend on the coopera-
tion of the developer. He said the City Attorney said in order to relocate
the road the two projects would have to be treated as one, which would re-
quire the cooperation of the developer and, further, it would be necessary
for the City to vacate the roadway. He said included in the agenda packets
was a revised site plan. He said additional revisions include pushing the
tennis court back well into the interior of the project in response to
Commission concerns previously expressed and also a shortening of "A" Street.
He said'asshown on the revised plans the lot lines were realigned to con-
form more to the footprint of the project. He said another major change
was the elimination of one unit. He said he felt there was a slight in-
consistency in having two single family dwelling units within the concept
but that it was not a significant problem. He said the one change which
was not made was the change to the roads from private to public. He said
based on the Coastal Plan and past policy, staff was recommending public
streets. He pointed out that if the streets are public, the Public Works
Department will have problems with the textured surface proposed. Staff
recommended that the Commission review the revisions and determine whether
the concept is acceptable before proceeding with the view analysis, which
is a lengthy process.
In response to a question by Mr. Hinchliffe, Mr. Weber said the project was
designed to look like a single family development and based on that and
relatively low density he felt the project was not incompatible with the
Coastal Plan.
Mr. Hughes was concerned about the project being handled separately and
asked if staff felt there was some merit in developing the projects for
the two areas simultaneously.
Mr. Weber felt there was merit such as for maximizing public access to the
bluffs. He said the proposed projects provide access but do not maximize
it. He pointed out that both projects being reviewed the same night
offered the Commission the opportunity to consider the impacts of one on
the other.
In response to further questions by Mr. Hughes, Mr. Weber said in doing
the view analysis over the lower site he will first try to establish where
the viewing stations would be on the upper site. He said the bluff site
dropped down and if structures were kept at the 16 -foot maximum height
there was a potential for preserving a good portion of the view. He said
he could not be sure without doing a view analysis.
Re a question by Dr. Baer re access through the tract, Mr. Weber said
theoretically if the streets were private, people would not have the
right to use them unless there was a trail system for pedestrian access.
He pointed out that even with public streets there would be no reason for
anyone to enter the tract because it was not a through street:
Dr. Brown noted that this was a continued public hearing.
Ross Bolton, South Bay Engineering, said the revisions had already been
discussed by Mr. Weber, i.e. shortening "A" Street, relocating the tennis
court, etc. He said they changed the lot lines to allow for entrance ways.
He said they were proposing textured concrete on the cul-de-sacs. He said
this type of concrete was recently approved in Rolling Hills Estates as
part of the Deep Valley Drive project and that it cleared the Road Depart-
ment. He said they were still considering -different alternatives, but -at
this time they were looking at a cobblestone appearance. He said turf -
block was being proposed as part of the driveways.
Mr. Hinchliffe expressed concern about geologic aspects and referred to
test pit #12, which was discussed in the appendix to the Environmental
Impact Report concerning bentonite.
Mr. Bolton said he was not a geologist and, therefore, could not respond to
geologic questions.
Keith Palmer, Neil Stanton Palmer Architects, Silver Spur Road, Rolling Hills
Estates, said the proposed private streets comply with the intent of the
Coastal Plan, as it requires public roads unless it can be demonstrated
that the private road would not impact public access to the shoreline. He
said this project would not impact access. He said they have a proposed
plan for pedestrian footpaths. He said they are not proposing to wall the
entire development, and he discussed maintenance. He said the proposed
bikeway was to comply with the Coastal Plan and would not, be marked but
would have directional signs. He said in designing the project they made
studies of existing and future views and have done several things to
eliminate impacts on those views. He presented photographs taken from the
Coastsite Drive side. He said the buildings were set back 80 feet from
Coastsite Drive, which conforms to the CC&Rs to preserve views from the
Bay Club. He said the property sloped down and the bluff site dropped an
additional 25 feet from Seacove to the bluff edge for a total 85 -foot
vertical drop. He said the units step with the terrain and that the lower
units would be substantially below the upper units. He said the units have
also been designed on the site to provide a distance between and through
the units and then over the units below. He said the hip roofs would help
accentuate views. He showed conceptual drawings of the wall along Coast -
site which would be wrought iron and concrete block pilasters, six-foot
maximum, dropping with the site, and parallel with the ocean view. He
said the developers intended to meet one -acre lot standards on the bluff
parcel with deed restrictions addressing height limits, setbacks, view
corridors, and conditions on fencing and landscaping. He said the owner
was also willing to adjust the bluff site project by relocating the vista
park to assist with view corridors. He said the reason for the gated
private roads is that the developer would like to limit vehicular traffic
but not pedestrian access.
Mr. McTaggart felt that limiting pedestrian or vehicular access in the
coastal area did not really meet the Coastal Plan. He was opposed to
private roads.
Dr. Baer was concerned with a cluttered appearance with buildings at dif-
ferent angles and open space cut up between them.
Mr. Palmer felt there was quite a bit of open space between the units and
did not feel there was any problem with the way the units were arranged on
the site. He felt there was adequate consistency to hold the pro]ect to-
gether. He felt the design of the pro]ect, combining single family looking
units with a condominium type open space environment, would be a benefit.
In response to a question by Mr. Hinchliffe, Mr. Palmer said the desire for
private roads was for the marketability of the units due to the security
being offered to the buyers. He said the gate would discourage thieves,
Peter Delgado, Tumanjan and Tumanjan Investments, Inc., director of the
project, said even though the project will not really be completely en-
closed by the wall, it would have the appearance of security. He said
they intended to proceed with the bluff parcel first. He said one-story
single-family homes were proposed, ranging in size from 2400 - 3200 square
feet, with three -car garages, which studies indicated were very popular in
the area.
In response to a question by Dr. Brown, Mr. Delgado said his reason for not
wanting to combine the projects was financial. He said this was the last
subdivision that would allow for bluff lots and he felt a density transfer
would be trading grapes for apples.
Jack Anstine, 32700 Coastsite, resident of the Bay Club, said they had five
buildings along Coastsite Drive and asked what considerations would be made
to preserve their views. He asked if lights were proposed for the tennis
Mr. Delgado responded that they were not proposing tennis court lighting.
On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously carried,
the public hearing was continued.
Mr. Hughes suggested moving on to the next item and hearing the testimony
and then considering both projects at the same time.
Mr. Weber said as long as the public hearings were held separately, there
was no problem with the Commission discussing both projects at the same
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 39672 Mr. Weber said the request was to
South of Seacove Drive subdivide a 14.6 acre site into
Landowner/Applicant: Tumanjan and eleven single family lots and two non-
Tumanjan Investments residential lots. He discussed the
zoning and overlay control districts
and said the site was currently being
farmed. He discussed the proposed density and said an evaluation of the
map showed overall compliance with the designated land use, and associated
policies and goals of the Coastal Plan and General Plan. He referred to
the chart in the staff report and said the primary conflict was the lot
size, as the map showed several lots under the required one acre. He said
the map has since been modified to reduce the residential lots by one and
to relocate the vista park. He said the revision allows for each residen-
tial lot to be a minimum of one acre which resolves the major conflict.
He reviewed the proposed vehicular access. He said the vista park was re-
located from the central portion of the site to the eastern edge to allow
for a view corridor from the Bay Club and public right-of-way. He said
staff has no strong objections to the park in any location. He said there
was a conflict with the Coastal Plan re the location of the trail. He
said the developer was proposing a different alignment, but he felt the
Coastal Commission would probably be receptive to it because of the small
but centrally located public park. It was staff's opinion that realignment
of the bikeway was not inconsistent with the park and access being provided
to the bluff. He said not mentioned in the staff report was the fact that
the geologic setback line referred to on the map did not conform to the
setback line identified in the Coastal Plan and referred to in the Develop-
ment Code. He said this would present a major problem with development of
lot #1, as a variance would be required in order to build a structure. He
said aside from that problem, he did not have any significant problems with
the design of the project as submitted with the ten residential lots.
In response to Commission questions, Mr. Weber said he did not know how the
City Council would react to a dedication of the bluff. He said there were
advantages and disadvantages either way.
Mr. Hughes said if lot B was made slightly larger, it would be able to
accommodate a trail system.
Mr. Weber said if they enlarged lot B all of the other lots would be de-
creased to under one acre. Staff recommended that the Commission open the
public hearing, review the project and give direction to staff and the
In response to Commission questions concerning the City having control over
the bluff, Mr. Weber said the benefit would be in terms of controlling what
is done on it. He said an easement was a possibility but created practical
problems, such as liability. He said the applicant was proposing the park
in lieu of paying the required parkland dedication fee. He felt there were
a number of benefits to having the park. He said the bikeway was proposed
to be located within the right-of-way. He said there were practical prob-
lems with having the bikeway along the bluff in this tract, as the resi-
dential lots would be very close to the bluff. With regard to lot sizes,
he said if an easement is granted, the land still counted as part of the
lot; but if there is a dedication of land involved, it reduces the size of
the lots.
RECESS At 9:19 p.m. a brief recess was called.
The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m.
with the same members present.
Public hearing was opened.
Ross Bolton, South Bay Engineering, said the setback line shown on the map
was prepared by a consultant and was based on field studies and geologic
borings. He said the creation of lot B was because it seemed a reasonable
place to stop the lot lines. He said the utility easements mentioned were
proposed, not existing. Re the bikeway he said there would be signs but no
lines delineating the path. He said if the vista park was located anywhere
else it would not be as large, that as proposed it was 1.4 acres.
Peter Delgado, Tumanjan and Tumanjan Investments, Inc., reviewed the history
of this project proposal. He said the -vista park creates an open area and
would be passive in use. He said the relocation of the park creates a view
corridor for everyone. He said they had two soils reports done on the par-
cel. He said he would prefer the eleven lots with the vista park in the
center, but did not want to go through the -conditional use permit and vari-
ance procedure because time was important. He did not feel that the bluff
was a good location for -the bike path for a number of reasons, one of them
being that there would be no access for emergency vehicles. He said they
would do whatever the City was comfortable with as far as the bike trail
was concerned, but felt that the vista park was a viable alternative. He
said if the City desired the bike path along the bluff, they would probably
prefer to have the eleventh residential lot instead of the park.
Jack Anstine, Bay Club, said he was in favor of the proposed relocation of
the park and felt it would enhance the views from the Bay Club. He said
the park in that location would also provide ocean access, as there was a
trail going down to the ocean from that point which was not possible from
anywhere else because it was so steep. He said people have always used it
to go fishing, etc. Re having the bike path along the bluff, he said that
area has been used extensively by people who walk along there, and he felt
even if it is not a bike path, it should be kept open for pedestrians.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Mr. Hughes, and unanimously carried,
the public hearing was continued.
In response to Commission questions, Mr. Weber said the Planning Department
felt that having the bike trail on the right-of-way was a viable alterna-
tive. He said the primary bike path would be along Palos Verdes Drive and
the intent was to have directional signs to the vista park. He said the
Parks & Recreation Department was very receptive to the park with passive
use and landscaping. Re ocean access he said this was not a recognized
trail, that it would be easy to restrict access to the water since it was
considered a preservation area.
Mr. Hughes was concerned that because of the threat of potential liability
the City would forego development of a park site on one of the very few
remaining pieces of land overlooking San Pedro harbor and the kelp beds.
He felt the City should be looking at every alternative. He did not feel
they had even begun to explore all of the options. He said it looked like
the park was in one of the better locations as it provides a park site to
the bluff line. He said he would like to see an easement taken along the
bluff for pedestrian access. He was disturbed by the fact that there were
more options available than were presented to the Commission. He felt it
was an ideal place for a bluff trail system. He said there was no other
coastal property like this site until you get down to Subregion 7.
Mr. McTaggart agreed that perhaps a bluff easement for pedestrians made
sense, but he did not feel it was a good place for bikes.
Mr. Hinchliffe felt the combination of a bike path along Seaview and vista
park met the criteria of the Coastal Plan. He said he understood Mr.
Hughes' concerns but said it sounded like an either-or situation, either
have the bike path and trail system and no vista park, or the other way
around. He said the City cannot require the applicant to put in a park.
He was concerned with the misinterpretation of where the Coastal Plan
hazard line is. He felt the Commission needed input from Parks & Recrea-
tion as to how important they viewed the park. He agreed with the proposed
relocation of the park.
Dr. Baer was concerned with the issues mentioned by Mr. Hughes and said they
were making conjectures about how the City Council would feel about the
bluff dedication. He said they have received testimony that people have
been using the bluff area for years.
Mr. McTaggart agreed there may be a prescriptive easement on the trail if
people have been using it for a long time.
In response to Commission questions, Mr. Delgado said short of combining
the sites, they were willing to work with the City. He said the vista park
was a negotiable item and was probably worth about $300,000. He said having
a bluff easement along the back of the homes would decrease the value of
those homes.
Mr. McTaggart said he did not feel the Commission had the right to give up
public access which has been used for years.
Mr. Hinchliffe felt it was important to determine the policy of the City
with regard to lot B because it could make a difference with the lot lines.
He felt the issue of the bluff trail or bikeway must be resolved ---if it
must be on land owned by the City, who would build it, if there is liability
with an easement, etc. He felt if there is a trail it should be on City -
owned property rather than an easement. He said that would reduce the size
of the lots and require a different procedure for dealing with the same
number of lots.
Mr. Hughes said he would be interested in seeing some kind of view analysis
relating to this subdivision and the project next door.
Joe Barnett, 2592 Ridgepoint, Palos Verdes Estates, said the City of Palos
Verdes Estates owns all of the bluff faces including much bluff top. He
said it is easier to deal with cliff rescues if there is public access.
He felt the vista park was a much better solution than an easement behind
private property. He urged the Commission to think carefully before
eliminating the vista park.
It was the consensus of the Commission that they needed more information.
Mr. McTaggart requested feedback from the City Council about lot B and the
concept of the City taking over the bluff area.
Mr. Weber said he would address the Council on that issue. He felt, however,
that the Council would not want the bluff in the proposed configuration.
He said he would recommend extending the lot lines and perhaps taking an
easement. He said based on previous discussions with the City Attorney,
there would be difficulties in trying to gain a prescriptive easement.
Dr. Brown said the location of the geologic hazard line was also a problem.
Mr. Weber said where that line is is very clear and that a change in the
plan would have to be made, as lot #1 is unbuildable without a variance.
Mr. Hinchliffe said it was difficult right now to sort out what was in the
best interest of the City without more information.
Mr. Weber felt the vista park offered a higher public benefit than the
trail ever would. He requested to know whether the concept of the upper
site was viable or whether the Commission preferred something entirely
Dr. Brown said the issues were the recreation facilities, lot lines, public
versus private roads, and the single units with all the rest duplexes. He
said a concern in the past had been that the lot lines were very irregular
and difficult to deal with.
Mr. Weber said when he wrote the staff report he was not aware that the
little jogs in the lot lines were for entry courts. He said he had no
real problem with the lot lines as revised.
It was the consensus of the Commission that they were not concerned with
the proposed lot lines.
Re the recreational facilities, Mr. Hughes was concerned about the closeness
of the pool to some of the units. He also wondered about solar heating as
it did not appear there would be room for any equipment. He felt it would
be a better configuration to have the pool near the tennis court and recrea-
tion building.
Mr. Delgado said they would install solar panels if the Commission desired.
He said they could be on roof tops or on monuments on the ground.
In response to questions by Mr. Hinchliffe, Mr. Weber said if the streets
were public they would require additional right-of-way. He did not feel
this would involve relocating structures and said the 32 -foot width pro-
posed would be adequate. He said the only problem would be with the tex-
tured cul-de-sacs and intersections. He said he checked with Public Works
on an informal basis and they were not in favor of textured concrete.
The Commission was concerned that there would be view impairment.
Mr. Weber said right now staff was looking -for some indi6ation that if there
were no problems with the view analysis, etc., this design concept would be
acceptable. He said the view analysis was a lengthy process and he did not
wish to go through it if the Commission does not like the design concept to
begin with.
Dr. Brown said he was comfortable enough with the concept to let staff go
ahead and do the fine tuning and address all the other issues.
The rest of the Commission concurred that staff should proceed with the
view analysis.
The matter was continued to the next meeting.
STAFF REPORTS Mr. Weber said staff had been communi-
cating with the Atkinson's (Conditional
Use Permit No. 61) regarding the possi-
bility of a test of tennis court lighting and that the latest indication
was that they were unwilling to try an experiment without some guarantees
because of the costs involved. They, therefore, requested some sort of
approval. Pursuant to staff's recommendation, the Commission requested
that the Atkinson's be advised that no such decision would be granted and
that they should commit to the recommended test or come back for a decision
without a test.
Mr. Weber said that the Sedway-Cooke Study had been submitted and that
copies would be delivered in the near future.
COMMISSION REPORTS Chairman Brown informed the Commission
of the status of the Civic Center
architectural selection process and
confirmed that the Commission would be meeting with the Council on the
fifth Tuesday of this month (September 30, 1980) and that they should be
thinking of issues to discuss.
At 12:19 a.m. it was moved, seconded,
and carried, to adjourn to Tuesday,
September 23, 1980, at 7:30 p.m.