PC MINS 19790710X19
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
July 10, 1979
The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,
30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Chairman Hinchliffe.
PRESENT: Bacharach, Brown, Hughes (late arrival),
McTaggart, Hinchliffe
Also present were Director of Planning Sharon Hightower and Assistant Plan-
ner Karen Heit.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Hughes arrived at 7:43 during the
discussion of minutes.
On motion of Mrs. Bacharach, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously
carried, the minutes of the meeting of June 12, 1979, were approved with
the following amendments: page 2, 8th complete paragraph, #2, should read
"...that the goat permit is still..."; and page 4, 9th complete paragraph,
last line, should read "...Mediterranean rural village..."
On motion of Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously carried,
the minutes of June 26, 1979, were approved as submitted.
COMMUNICATIONS Copies of the City's Coastal Plan
were distributed to the Commission.
In response to Commission questions, Director Hightower said the Coastal
Commission meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 27 and would go back
to the Commission on September 17 because the Coastal staff has indicated
that they would not be making a recommendation for that first meeting.
6510 Palos Verdes Drive South
at Seahill
Applicant: William Rook
Landowners: Rook, Freeman, Ratzlaff
Director Hightower said this item has
been withdrawn by the applicant be-
cause the property has been sold.
She said it was not necessary, there-
fore, for formal Commission action.
GRADING APPLICATION NO. 366 Ms. Heit explained that the applicant
15 Rockinghorse Road was appealing the denial of this grad-
Applicant/Landowner: Frank Parkes ing application for retaining walls
and a barn in the rear yard of the
subject property. She described the
original project and the reasons for denial. She said the revised plans
eliminate the fill on the northern portion of the property, reduce the
height of the downslope retaining walls, and also alter the barn. She
said the problems that still exist are (1) the downslope retaining walls
are in excess of 3 feet 6 inches and (2) the grading is excessive beyond
the primary use of the lot. Staff recommended denial of the application or
that the applicant be requested to further revise the plans to meet Code,
as staff felt the revised plan still varied significantly from the Code.
Frank Parkes, 15 Rockinghorse Road, said the County reduced the required
height of rails except on stairways from 42 inches to 36 inches. He dis-
tributed copies of the soils engineering report to the Commission. He
said the Code allows a retaining wall to be 8 feet if it is an integral
wall. He said there is no mention that it must be for a primary structure.
Harry Campbell, civil engineer, 1052 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, felt
the current plan would suit the applicant's needs and that the grading was
minimal. He discussed the drainage ditch on the south side of the property.
In response to a Commission question, Ms. Heit said the lot was in a "Q"
District and was adequate in size for the keeping of large animals.
Mr. Parkes said he would probably have one horse at a later date, that he
would be using the barn to store the homing pigeons that he has now.
Mr. McTaggart felt with that steep a hill it would be difficult to remove
manure, etc.
Re the retaining wall, Director Hightower pointed out that even if a por-
tion of the wall was acceptable as an integral wall for a secondary struc-
ture, the wall extended beyond the barn.
Mr. Hughes said secondary structures were not supposed to be constructed
on slopes of 35 percent or greater. He said construction was permitted,
if necessary, for a home to be built as the primary use. He said the
intent of the Grading Ordinance was to maintain natural slopes.
The other commissioners concurred.
Mrs. Bacharach felt an integral wall would apply to accessory structures
as well, and said if the wall did not continue beyond the barn she would
have no problem with that part. I
Mr. Hinchliffe summarized the Commission's concerns: (1) that the secon-
dary use was on a slope greater than 35 percent and (2) that the retaining
wall was in excess because a portion of it was not an integral wall.
On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously
carried, Grading Application No. 366 was denied based on the following:
grading was excessive beyond that intended for the primary use of the lot,
grading was on a slope of all greater than 35 percent slope, and downslope
retaining walls were in excess of 3 feet 6 inches.
Mr. Hinchliffe advised the applicant of the right to appeal this decision
to the City Council within fifteen calendar days. He suggested that the
applicant look again at another alternative that would meet the Develop-
ment Code.
Mr. Hughes suggested that the applicant also read the section of the Devel-
opment Code relating to Equestrian Districts and the keeping of large ani-
STAFF REPORTS Director Hightower discussed with the
Commission a letter from the Office
of Planning and Research proposing a
seminar for commissioners and staff. She said the Southwest Area Planning
Council felt it was a good idea and had responded. The seminar was tenta-
tively scheduled for September 7 and 8. She said there was a Program
Planning Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow and wondered if the
Commission had anything to add to the proposed topics.
The Commission had several suggestions including creative finding -making,
evaluating appropriate use of the land, single loaded streets, clustering,
and innovative planning.
COMMISSION REPORTS Mrs. Bacharach distributed copies of
a Building Code information pamphlet
from Lakewood. She suggested looking
through it and discussing it at a later time.
Mr. Hughes asked if a permit was required for the launching of small rockets.
Director Hightower said she would look into that and report back to him.
Mrs. Bacharach asked if the new owner of Tract 35040 had to refile.
Director Hightower said they must submit a letter.
Mrs. Bacharach asked if that owner was the party who purchased the property
which was on tonight's agenda as Parcel Map 11790.
Director Hightower said that was correct, that the new owner is Hang -King °
Dr. Brown asked if the appeal period had expired on the Holtzman case.
Director Hightower said she was waiting to hear back from the City Attorney
re that expiration.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by
Mr. Hinchliffe, and unanimously car-
ried, Mrs. Bacharach was elected as
Vice -Chairman of the Planning Commission.
At 9:13 p.m. it was moved, seconded,
and carried, to adjourn to Tuesday,
July 24, 1979, at 7:30 p.m.