PC MINS 19771025 MINUTES410 411 ) City of Rancho Palos Verdes rPlanning Commission Regular Adjourned Meeting October 25, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7 :40 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Chairman McTaggart. PRESENT: Hinchliffe, Hughes, Rosenberg, McTaggart ABSENT: Bacharach Also present were Associate Planner Gary Weber and Assistant Planner Keith Turner. MINUTES APPROVAL On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr, Hinchliffe, and unanimously car- ried, the minutes of the meeting of October 11, 1977, were approved with the following amendment: page 1, paragraph 7, should read " . . .the roof line elevations should be. . . " COMMUNICATIONS William Hauf, owner of 7449 Via Lorado, requested from the Commission an extension on Variance No. 5. He said the request was necessary as his contractor has not yet bequn work on the project, although he was expected to begin any day. He submitted a letter of request. On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, and carried (with Mr. Hinchliffe abstaining) , Variance No. 5 was extended for ninety days from its current date of expiration. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 33093 Mr. Weber said at the last meeting the CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 29 applicant was directed to explore al- West of the intersection of ternative design concepts, and that Island View & Ocean Crest in the development of alternative Applicant: South Bay Eng. plans, the method of access becomes Landowner: Omer K. Tingle critical. He said the applicant has submitted three alternative plans and staff recommends that the Commission review the plans and reach a concensus so that further work can be initiated. The public hearing was re-opened. Russ McGuire, South Bay Engineering, said the point of access was a significant factor and asked for clarification and direction from the Commission. He discussed the alternate plans and answered questions of the Commission. Omer Tingle, 26846 Basswood Avenue, said the plan for an alternate access route was developed as a result of the objections raised by the residents at the last meeting. Mary Jo McLaughlin, Seagate, secretary of the homeowners association, was concerned about the parking and traffic problems. She said the residents would agree to a separate gate and did not feel there would be much objection with an alternate access. On motion of Mr. Hinchliffe, seconded by Mr. Hughes, and unanimously carried, the public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 411 410 Mr. Hughes was concerned with the excessive slopes in Alternate #2 and felt the existing road should be developed to sufficient width to accommodate the potential traffic and parking and mitigate the problems now existing. He felt a commercial-type roadway which would provide parking for recreational vehicles and still allow traffic flow. Mr. Hinchliffe concurred, as he felt a parallel roadway would be unnecessary, and he also felt the entry gate should be redone in conjunction. Mr. Hughes agreed that a one-lane entrance gate was a problem. Mr. Rosenberg said he preferred the principle of alternate #2 (separate access) and did not feel that 20o slopes were necessary. He did not feel that widening the existing roadway would solve the existing and potential problems. He asked if one-way streets throughout the develop- ment had been considered. Mr. McGuire said they had looked at that possibility in the first proposal, but felt it would create further traffic problems. Mr. McTaggart concurred with Mr. Rosenberg and also expressed objection to the 20o slopes proposed in alternative #2 . Mr. Hughes felt it was not a good concept to develop a 220-foot driveway parallel to an existing roadway which is now too narrow, and which could be widened instead to 40 feet and thereby accommodate all traffic and solve existing problems. Mr. McTaggart said he could not vote for that concept unless he felt the residents of Seagate would be agreeable. After further discussion, Mr. McTaggart felt due to the absence of Mrs. Bacharach, it appeared the decision could not be made tonight, as two members of the Commission were in favor of widening the existing road and the other two were in favor of separate access. On motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, and unanimously carried, Tentative Tract Map No. 33093 and Conditional Use Permit No. 29 were tabled until the next meeting. The applicant was directed to proceed with plans which incorporate the double entry, with the widened road concept, and alternative #2. The design of Alternative #2 should reduce the 20o slope. GRADING APPLICATION #231 Mr. Turner asked for an interpretation Chartres Drive (Lot 141, of the meaning and intent of Section Tract 25160) 9667 D. 3.d. in the new ordinance which Applicant: Charles Steel states that no slopes steeper than those existing may be created. He asked if this meant existing slopes on the entire lot or just a specific area. Mr. McTaggart said this applied only to the specific area in which the grading would occur, to be measured from the toe of the slope to the top of the cut. He said the purposeis to not allow the creation of a flat pad on a lot with a very steep slope. Mr. Turner reviewed the application and project description, the Code criteria and considerations. Staff recommendation was for approval subject to the submission of a landscape and irrigation plan with emphasis on softening the effect of the driveway retaining wall, as well as revision P.C. MINUTES -2- 10/25/77 411 4ii to those slopes not directly adjacent to the driveway area. Staff recom- mended changing the rear slope from 1 1/2 :1 to 3:1 and increasing the re- taining wall height from 5 to 8 feet. Because at this point staff did not know what the bedrock condition was, Mr. Turner further recommended that perhaps staff review the geologist report before releasing the approved plans. Rick Adams, one of the landowners, asked for clarification on some points and answered questions of the Commission. Public participation was closed. After a brief discussion, on motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Hughes, and unanimously carried, Grading Application No. 321 was approved as recommended above by staff. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7559 Mr. Weber said this request was for We s t end of Tarragon Road the subdivision of a 1. 3 acre site Applicant: Herbert Angel into two parcels. He reviewed the area and project description, project considerations, and said areas of concern were re access, water course and alternatives, and archaeology. Staff recommendation was that the map be reviewed, major issues discussed and, if possible, that a concensus be reached. Herb Angel, applicant, answered questions of the Commission. He said the request was for a lot split only, and that he would prefer leaving the water course open and natural rather than closing it up. Hans Engle, 3213 Barkentine, felt the utilities should be undergrounded and wondered if this was the beginning of a larger project. He also had some concerns about whether or not the project would become part of the homeowners association. Mr. Angel said undergrounding utilities was a requirement, that this was the only piece of property he owned in the area, and that he has already spoken with Don Lewis, the homeowners association president, about joining the association. Public participation was closed. Mr. McTaggart felt that unless it was in the public interest to have the storm drains, he would prefer to not have such structures. Mr. Hughes concurred and suggested that staff look further into keeping the channel open. Mr. Rosenberg pointed out that undergrounding was a standard condition. Mr. Hinchliffe suggested a condition requiring that all unnecessary poles be removed. Mr. Weber said staff would prepare a resolution and appropriate conditions for the next meeting. RECESS At 9 :45 p.m. a brief recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9 :53 p.m. with the same members present. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 30 Mr. Weber reviewed the application, VARIANCE NO. 15 the area and project description, and Crestridge Road zoning, explaining that the variance Applicant: Merrill Bickmore request was to exceed maximum allowed Landowner: The Church of Jesus building height, reduce required number Christ of the Latter Day Saints of parking spaces, and reduce the required P.C. MINUTES -3- 10/25/77 411 110 ten-foot landscape buffer zone. He discussed the Code considerations as per the chart in the staff report. Re the building height, he said although a view analysis does not indicate there would be any view obstruction, staff had concerns about meeting all of the required findings. He said further evaluation was in progress. Re the steeple height, the primary concern is with the lower structural component, and while it appears no view obstruction would occur, it would result in an interruption of views. Re parking screening, staff feels the required findings could be made. Re parking spaces, based on past experience and project charac-. teristics, staff feels that the necessary findings could be made. He pointed out that about 22% of the parking would be for compact cars. Re grading, staff requested submittal of a plan including typical sections. He said a letter from the Terraces Homeowners Association had been received and was before the Commission tonight. The public hearing was opened. Reed Lawrence, 2049 Century Plaza, Los Angeles, architect, said the requested height was to accommodate the proposed basketball court and the air conditioning ducts. He said the room would be used as a multi-purpose room, not just for basketball. Merrill Bickmore, applicant, explained that the church provides rec- reational facilities and that they are currently using the high schools for this service. Dave Alger, resident, 30201 Oceanaire Dr. , R.P.V. , felt the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code was met with this proposal. He said there was a reciprocal parking agreement with neighboring churches. Mr. McTaggart said he had been a member of the Mormon Church for fifteen years and the fact that he was no longer a member would in no way affect his review of this project. John Stansel, Bishop of one of the Wards, said the recreational facilities were planned for the youth in order to serve their needs. He said they would prefer to have the court regulation size, following the church' s standard plan. Richard Shepherd, 31 Aspen Way, R.H.E. , felt that the applicant should stay within the restrictions. He expressed concern about the noise and the visibility of cars in the parking lot. He felt a buffer zone should be required. He also said he would like to see some view sections re the building height, and wondered what constitutes regulation height for a basketball court. Mrs. David Moss felt there should be a buffer zone and suggested dense planting. Glen Turner spoke in favor of the project and pointed out that the building would not be used every night. Lee Grover also spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Rosenberg moved to adjourn the public hearing to a future date. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Hughes proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to close the public hearing subject to re-opening if required. Roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Hinchliffe, Hughes, Rosenberg, McTaggart NOES: None ABSENT: Bachrach The Commission felt they would prefer the additional landscaping and buffering, as the foliage would reduce noise as well as cover the view P.C. MINUTES -4- 10/25/77 411 410 of cars They felt the parking would be adequate, even with the loss of about 28 more spaces. There was a consensus for 5% parking area landscaping. Re the building height, they requested a cross section and a copy of the standards for recreational facilities.: They requested that the applicant be sure they are proposing a minimum roof pitch. They asked that staff check the steeple height on the Baptist Church, and that the steeple be shown in the cross sections. They requested a lighting plan and a grading plan with cross sections. Re moving the building, the applicant was requested to advise the Commission which way they would like to go. OTHER MATTERS The Commission scheduled a work session on the proposed Tree Trim Ordinance for Wednesday, NOVEMBER 2, 1977, at 7 :30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT At 11:43 p.m. it was moved, seconded, and carried to adjourn to Wednesday, November 2, 1977, at 7 : 30 p.m.