PC MINS 19770428(34)
Planning Commission
Work Session
April 28, 1977
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers
of Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall, 30942 Hawthorne Blvd.' -Roll-
-Call was taken with the following in attendance:
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Blue, Hughes, Bacharach,
Rosenberg, and Chairman
Also present were Director of Planning Hightower, and Planners
Davis and Weber.
Various correspondence was distributed.
ing is a summary of -revisions:
The Commission decided to discuss
the policies of the Draft Plan until
Mr. Ishibashi arrived. The follow-
Policies - Natural Environment:
Clarify 1 and 3
(N - 33 CRM 1 should be defined as 35% slope)
2 - "by licensed engineer"
7 - "within" or all areas
8 - "Require" instead of "encourw
9 - "Require" instead of "encourage"
14 - Reword
The policy discussion was continued in order to discuss agriculture
with Mr. Mas Ishibashi:
Sub -Region #7 - is good land except the northern section
which has light soil. If irrigated, it would
grow anything. Minimum acreage to farm:
irrigated - 3 acres, total irrigated - 20 to
30 acres; 5-10 acres dry, if total 200 acres.
Sub -Region #3 - good land, similar to SR -7 -
Sub -Region #1 - Soil not good because too torn up, except for
the Berry property.
He could farm 500 acres of dry land and 20-30 acres of irrigated
land. He makes out by selling at the roadside stand; would have
to farm more land if he could not do that. Other flower growers
would be interested he felt.
Tax problems cause high lease rates. He pays 25% to the owner
on dry farming (gross). Would have to be less on irrigated
land. No particular problems with vandalism but does have
problems with motorcycles and 4 -wheel drive Vehicles.
He gets one crop a year.
Staff will try to find out how open space in RPD is taxed.
RECESS The meeting was recessed at 9:00 p.m.
Reconvened at 9:07 p.m. with the
same members present. The discussion
on policies was continued
Minutes PC Work S&sion
page 2 4-28-7 1V
j W
Natural Environmental Policies:
- Clarify
- "man -caused"
- rewrite? - needs more back-up?
- eliminate
- implementation?
Socio Policies:
- language
- not necessary
- "common" facilities
- language
2 - "or mitigate"
1 and 2 - eliminate
1 - "Redevelopment"
2 - Positive (or negative) actions?
4 and 5 - hold for discussion
Coastal - dependent:
All right
1 - Should be city-wide
2 - elimiante
1 - "generated"?
3 - "specifically controlled" - "Encourage to provide"
6 - "for"?
7 - language - provide the resources to.
Add? 9 - Investigate other methods of enforcement?
Add 10 - Take whatever action necessary to ensure enforcement.
1 and 2 Hold for discussion
Energy: not really policies
Should strengthen General Plan later -with specific Conservation
requirements city-wide.
minutes PC Work Session
page 3 4-28-77
JOINT WORK SESSION WITH COUNCIL A meeting with Council was tenta-
tively scheduled for June''"E. (An
alternate date could be May 16)
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55
p.m. to May 5, 1977.