City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
March -1.22; :1977
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Chairperson Shaw.
PRESENT: Blue, Hughes, McTaggart, Shaw
ABSENT: Rosenberg
Also present were Director of Planning Sharon Hightower and Associate
Planners Larry Davis and Gary Weber.
MINUTES APPROVAL On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by
Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously car-
ried, the minutes of the meeting of
March 3, 1977, were approved as submitted.
On motion of Mr. McTaggart, seconded by Mr. Blue, and unanimously car-
ried, the minutes of the meeting of March 7, 1977, were approved with
the following amendment: on page 5, paragraph 1, should read "....
draft copies of the report.....''
GRADING APPLICATION NO. 145 Mr. Weber said that at the last meet -
6857 Crest Road ing the Commission had suggested
Applicant: Robert Arkenberg that the tennis court be lowered and
for Rocky McAmis moved to the east, and the appearance _
of the grading be softened. He re-
viewed the revised plans and dist -
cussed further alternatives --to the proposal. Staff recommendation is
for approval subject to conditions as listed in the staff report, to
be approved by the Director of Planning.
In response to a concern of Mr. McTaggart, Mr. Weber explained that
moving the court two feet to the east would bring it to about eight feet
from the property line, in conformance with the deed restrictions as
well as City Code.
Rocky McAmis, 1427 West 180th Street, Gardena, agreed to the recommended
staff conditions.
Thomas Ready, 29909 Avenida Refinida, said he would prefer the staff
recommendation be approved and the plans revised accordingly.
Public discussion was closed.
Mrs. Shaw was concerned about possibly creating a greater impact on
other neighbors by moving the retaining wall further down the slope.
Mr. McTaggart felt the landscaping would soften the appearance con-
siderably, that the revised plans meet the objectives of the -Commission,
and that the staff recommended conditions would lessen the visual im-
pact of the neighbors.
Mr. McTaggart proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. Blue, to approve
Grading Application No. 145 subject to the following conditions:
1. That the court be shifted to the east by two feet.
2. That the downslope retaining wall be moved further down
slope and be four feet in height.
3. That a landscape and planting plan, which softens the
impact of the grading and the downslope retaining walls,
be approved by the Director of Planning.
P.C. MINUTES -1- 3/22/77
i +►
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Blue, Hughes, McTaggart, Shaw
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rosenberg
Mr. Weber reminded the applicant that the proposed tennis court fence
would require a minor exception permit.
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 3171 Mr. Davis said this item was first
Crenshaw Blvd., behind St. John heard at the February 22 meeting, at
Fisher Church which the Commission suggested modi-
Applicant: Urban West fications. He said the applicant
Communities submitted a revised map showing an
increase (rather than a decrease as
the Commission had suggested) in the
number of lots for a total of 32 instead of 31 lots. He said the City
Attorney determined that any property owner has the right to expect the
density allowed, and that there must be very strong grounds for denial.
He reviewed the other revisions made: reduction in size of the lots
bordering the southern property line; reduction of the graded area to
68...6% by using a six-foot retaining wall and moving the road. He said
that as submitted, the revised map will have to conform with the
Residential Planned Development development standards, but that before
requiring the applicant to conform to those requirements, he felt it
would be more expedient to have the Commission review the map and re-
quest any further modifications, and conceptually approve the project
if they agree with the concept.
In answer to Commission questions, Mr. Davis said the additional lot 32
is 60,000 square feet; and that if the road is to be private, it would
be considered as common property, but would not be counted as part of
the 30% open space requirement.
Clark Leonard, Lanco Engineering, said lot 32 is a common area and will
not be developed, and that they have reduced the grading, reduced the
graded area, and held as much as possible to the natural contours of
the ground. He indicated on the plans the area of loose uncompacted
dirt; and said the development would conform to the minimum residen-
tial setbacks.
Mrs. Alger, Del Cerro Homeowners Association, said the proposed lot
sizes do not conform with the lot sizes in the surrounding area.
Mrs. Shaw explained that the previous plan necessitated a great deal
more grading, and that the lots as proposed now are still of adequate
size. She said the Commission felt this was an effective compromise.
Mr. McTaggart noted that the average lot size was 20,000 square feet.
Public discussion was closed.
Mr. Blue felt the proposed density was too high and that there should
be a reduction in the number of lots. However, the majority of the
Commission felt the revised map was a viable concept; that the proposal
was well within the allowable density and, in fact, was 10% less than
allowed; that it appeared most of the grading proposed was because of
the existing soil condition and that the fact that this was once a
dump site could be a finding in that the grading would be required
regardless of what was being built there.
Mrs. Shaw was still concerned about the drainage and pointed out that
the Commission has still not received the report from the County.
Mr. Davis said the City Engineer expects to receive the report by
Friday and that the City should have it by next week. He said the
volume of water will increase, but that the rate can be controlled.
Mr. Leonard said there are a lot of ways to control the rate of flow,
and assured the Commission that he would be able to satisfy the City,
the County and the Flood Control District.
P.C. MINUTES -2- 3/22/77
Mr. McTaggart proposed a motion, seconded by
tually approve Tentative Tract Map No. 31714,
until the applicant has submitted appropriate
notice is given.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Hughes, McTaggart, Shaw
NOES: Blue
ABSENT: Rosenberg
Mr: Hughes, to concep-
and continue the item
materials and public
Mr. Davis explained that conceptual approval means the Commission ap-
proves of -the direction the project is taking, and that this item will
come back before the Commission again in a more final form.
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 5649 Mr. Weber reviewed this application
Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Tract 9302 for the adjustment of a common prop -
(Via Colinita) erty line between Lots 1 and 2, cur -
Applicant: Robert & Shirley rently zoned RS -3. After the adjust -
Farley and ment, Lot 1 (6500 Via Colinita) would
Vernita Robinson be almost 16,000 square feet and Lot
2 (which is vacant except for the
landscaping) would be approximately
20,000 square feet. Staff recommendation is for approval subject to
the conditions as listed in the staff report.
Robert Farley, 6500 Via Colinita, said he purchased the home six years
ago and since has discovered that the fence was 30 feet onto the adja-
cent property. He said the owner of that property agreed to sell that
portion of the lot.
Public hearing closed.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Hughes proposed a motion, seconded by
Mr. Blue, to adopt Resolution No. 77-5 (P.C.), approving the lot line
adjustment, subject to the conditions listed in the March 22, 1977,
staff report, to be Exhibit "A":
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Blue, Hughes, McTaggart, Shaw
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rosenberg
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7153 Mr. Weber reviewed this request for
27838 Palos Verdes Drive East the subdivision of an existing 1.34
Applicant: Robert Schlegal acre parcel into two parcels, one
of 38,360 square feet and the other
of 20,220 square feet, located in an
RS -2 zone. He said the division meets all the applicable Code require-
ments; however, during the environmental assessment process, the staff
tentatively, -,.identified the lot as a potential archaeological site.
The subdivision will create a flag lot for access to parcel 1, and
staff recommends access to both lots be taken from one point. Staff
recommendation is for approval of the map subj.ect to the conditions
found in Exhibit "A".
In answer to a Commission question, Mr. Weber explained that during
development of the General Plan, consultants studied and determined that
it could be an archaeological site, and that this was confirmed by the
State Clearinghouse. He said they do not know positively whether or not
it is a site, however.
Mrs. Schlegel asked about the existing driveway, and Mr. Weber said
Staff was proposing, as one of the conditions, that this driveway not
be used.
George Banada, realtor and advisor to the Schlegels, asked for clarifi-
cation of this condition, and Mr. Weber explained that the Staff pro-
posal is that access to both lots be through the pole portion of the
flag lot.
P.C. MINUTES -3- 3/22/77
Mrs. Schlegel agreed to the conditions.
The:publicdiscussion was closed.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Blue
McTaggart, to adopt ResolutionNo.
Parcel Map No. 7153, subject to the
Roll call vote was as follows:
proposed a motion, seconded by Mr.
77-6 (P.C.), approving Tentative
conditions contained in Exhibit "A".
AYES: Blue, Hughes, McTaggart, Shaw
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rosenberg
RECESS At 8:38 p.m. a brief recess was -11 -_
called. The meeting reconvened at
8:47 p.m. with the same members
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 29795 Mr. Weber explained the request to
Via Campesina subdivide a 5.4 acre site into seven
Applicant: N.E. Nordahl, et al lots, six of which would allow for
future residential use and one com-
monly -owned lot, construction of a
private street, tennis court, undergrounding of utilities, installation
of sewers and drainage facilities. He said the project was granted a ,
Negative Declaration, and that due to the differences between the tract
map and the environmental assessment, the applicant should be required
to submit additional data re the proposed tennis court. He described
the project location, zoning, minimum lot size requirement, overlay
control districts, and said the site is within an Equestrian District.
He discussed the slopes, vegetation, water courses, and density.
In response to Commission questions, Mr. Weber explained that horses
are not proposed now, but that there is an area shown on the tract map
which could be used for horses; and there are probably,other--alterna-
tives to provide a safer ingress and egress, but that the road place-
ment works well.
Norm Nordahl, 835 Hopkins Way, Redondo Beach, said they have tried to
create the largest possible lots and improve the area with a large com-
mon lot.
Clark Leonard, Lanco Engineering, explained that Palos Verdes Estates
desires no more than one access point, and that they have complete con-
trol of the roadway, which is in their city.
William Fain, 3000 Via Campesina, said his property is adjoining this
site and suggested changing the location of the residential lots and
having five building sites_'_instead�6f-_six.
Rolf Husted, 3280 Via Campesina, felt Lot 1 would have a problem with
water washing down, as it is a very steep lot. He did not understand
where the access would be for the horses and suggested that there be
an adequate equestrian trail. He expressed concern about drainage.
Ralph Allman, 3282 Via Campesina, said he was in favor of horses, tennis
courts, and large lots, but that his concerns were: location of the
tennis court, drainage, view obstruction, common ownership of the tennis
court and horse area and their maintenance, the adequacy of the access
lot, and dangerous access for horses to the trails in the area.
Ruth Criswell, 26103 Barkstone Drive, objected to the tennis court
because of the view impact of those living above the site.
Mr. Criswell was concerned about�_lights and windscreens for the tennis
The public discussion was closed.
Mrs. Shaw said she -had reservations about the tennis court in an open
space hazard area, as it was in opposition to the concepts of the
Development Code and the General Plan.
P.C. MINUTES -4- 3/22/77
Mr. Hughes agreed and also expressed concern about the drainage impacts.
Mr. Blue agreed and further expressed concern about the access and felt
there should be some alternatives considered.
Mr. McTaggart was concerned about the 20% slope driveway and the 500
foot long road at a 20% slope. He was further concerned about the horse
area -and tennis court being commonly -owned because of the potential
maintenance problems.
Mr. Hughes pointed out that moving the road would require extensive
grading and cutting the homes into the hillside. He felt the Commission
should evaluate alternative proposals to make the proper determination.
He suggested Staff investigate what might be done in the way of trails.
Mr. Blue suggested reducing theAlots and changing the lot lines, saying
that shorter lots would reduce the grading.
Mr. Blue proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, and unanimously
carried, to table this item until such time as the applicant can meet
with Staff and submit revised -plans.
STAFF REPORTS Director Hightower said that included
in the Commission's agenda were
notices of the 4th Annual Short Course
and that there was money in the budget if any of the Commissioners were
interested in attending.
She said that also included in the agendas was an updated status report
on the multitude of applications received during the fiscal year 1976-77.
COMMISSION REPORTS Mrs. Shaw said that the scheduled City
Council/Planning Commission meeting
of March 23 was cancelled and has not
been rescheduled. Besides the„Commission letter responding to Marcia -
Lynn Graham's letter, the Antenna Ordinance was to be discussed at the
meeting. Director Hightower said perhaps she would send the material
on the Antenna Ordinance to the Council as an agenda item.
Mrs. Shaw called attention to the directive from the City Attorney re
the Height Ordinance, received by the Commission tonight.
Mrs. Shaw said she would be sworn in as a councilperson at the Council
meeting of April 5, but would not resign as Commissioner until that
evening and, therefore, would be at the Commission meeting of March 29.
Mr. McTaggart asked about the status of the Lobrook homes, brought to
their attention at the meeting of March 7.
Director Hightower responded that the home under construction was over
the height limit by six inches and has been corrected, and that the
other home had been measured differently and is not over the height
The Commission discussed whether or not the County was adequately en-
forcing the City's Development Codes and wondered about other alterna-
tives. Director Hightower said a feasibility study might be done next
year on other alternatives.
Mr. McTagga t s corcerned that perhaps the inspectors were enforcing
only the Building Codes and felt the City should have a zoning
inspector check the project to be sure it complies with the approved
plans prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Director Hightower felt more information was needed before a judgement
could be made on what the problems are. She said a meeting was sche4
duled for tomorrow re the height problem, but that there appeared to be
other problems as well.
ADJOURNMENT At 9:57 p.m. it was moved, seconded,
and carried to adjourn to Tuesday,
March 29, 1977, at 7:30 p.m.
P.C. MINUTES -5- 3/22/77