PC MINS 19760819M I N U T E S
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Planning Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
August 19, 1976
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Chairman Shaw.
PRESENT: Hughes, McTaggart (arrived at 7:50 p.m.),
Rosenberg, Shaw
Also present were Associate Planner Larry Davis and Assistant Planner
Gary Weber.
MINUTES APPROVAL On motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded
by Mr. Hughes, and unanimously car-
ried (Mr. McTaggart and Mr. Blue were
absent), approval of the minutes of August 10, 1976, was continued to
the next regular meeting to allow the commissioners time to read the
revisions to these minutes which were submitted to them tonight.
COMMUNICATION Mr. Burton R. Reagan, 28210 Lomo Drive,
FROM AUDIENCE stated he wished to appeal the deci-
sion denying his request for Minor
Exception Permit No. 6 to allow a six-
foot fence along the rear property line, and also requested that the
$50 appeal fee be waived.
The Commission explained that it was the City Council and not the Plan-
ning Commission who had the power to waive any required fees, and fur-
ther explained that the Commission could not hear the appeal until after
the fee is either paid by the applicant or waived by the City Council.
Mr. McTaggart arrived at 7:50 p.m.
Associate Planner Davis explained that the applicant must submit a let-
ter stating the desire to appeal and on what grounds the appeal was
being made, and Mrs. Reagan submitted at this time a letter including
the above which had been previously prepared.
On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Shaw, and unanimously approved,
the appeal period for Minor Exception Permit No. 6 was extended to ten
(10) calendar days after the next City Council meeting, which will be
September 7, to enable Mr. Reagan the opportunity to request a waiver
from the City Council on the appeal fee without forfeiting his appeal
rights due to the expiration of time requirements.
Associate Planner Davis
explained that
30106 South
this was a request for
Butler Housing
of an item which had been
tabled at
the meeting of June 22
due to grading
on slopes in excess of
On motion of Mr. McTaggart,
seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, and
approved, the request for
reconsideration of Grading #56
was approved
and set for
the agenda of
September 28, 1976.
Mr. Davis requested a change in the agenda to have Special Animal Permit
#7 directly follow Special Animal Permit #5 because of their close
proximity. Planning Commission agreed with the change.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #18 Mrs. Shaw explained that public hear -
28503 Highridge Road ing had been held on August 10 for
Applicant: Don C. Wallace this item, and that following
testimony, the public hearing had been declared closed, but that action
by the Commission had been continued.
Assistant Planner Weber explained that Staff had been supplied with a
letter from Mr. Wallace and a memorandum from Mr. Hughes who had re-
searched some of the technical aspects. He said Staff had also talked
with Motorola and that the input from these three sources assisted in
the formation of the recommended conditions as listed in the staff
report. The Commission reviewed photographs of the project site.
The Commission questioned the applicant and discussed among themselves
several issues which concerned them including whether or not the appli-
cant had enough control over Motorola to ensure that they would comply
with any restrictions placed on the antenna pole by the City. They
requested that Mr. Wallace submit a copy of the lease to Staff for re-
view by the City Attorney, and Mr. Wallace agreed to this.
They also discussed the possibility of allowing two additional poles to
be used for amateur purposes, and the consensus was that the Commission
would approve these poles under certain conditions, the main one being
that the poles be used for non-commercial purposes only. They also
felt that a height limit should be placed on these additional proposed
poles and should be so stated in the resolution. Also stated in the
resolution should be the approved configuration of the antennas on the
commercial pole.
It was the consensus among the commissioners that the City Attorney
should be consul --ted to review the lease between Mr. Wallace and Motorola,
as the Commission was hesitant to approve this conditional use permit
without the opinion of the City Attorney. Due to the changes made at
tonight's meeting, they also felt that the resolution should be re --
written by Staffprior to final approval.
Bob Mohr, 28700 Circlet Drive, submitted a ten -page brief written by
Mr. Shacter, the attorney representing the opponents.
On motion of Mr. McTaggart, seconded by Mr. Hughes, the Commission direc-
ted Staff to prepare a resolution of approval for Conditional Use Permit
#18 and—to—obtzci-n—th-e—opin-i-on--o-f—t-he—C-ity-A-t-torney—concern-i-ng—the—ap-
pro�v-a-l—of—t-l-vr-ee--transmitting—poles-, and continued this item to the
meeting of September 14 or until the City Attorney's opinion is received.
The Commission also directed Staff to include in the resolution the fol-
lowing conditions which the Commission deems necessary to protect pub-
lic health, safety and general welfare in the area:
1. one (1) antenna pole may be used for commercial purposes,
subject to the following limitations:
A. The subject antenna pole shall not exceed ninety-five (95)
feet in height.
B. The subject antenna pole shall be limited to four (4)
cross arm pairs.
C. Each cross arm pair shall consist of no more than two
(2) members, each having a maximum length of ten (10)
feet and lying in a plane.
D. Each cross arm pair shall be restricted to four (4)
antennae of similar configuration to those which cur-
rently exist.
2. Two additional antenna poles may be erected; however, said
poles shall be used for non-commercial purposes only and shall
be limited to a height which does not exceed any existing an-
tenna pole currently located on the subject property.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Hughes, McTaggart, Rosenberg, Shaw
NOES: None
5221 Silver Arrow Drive
Applicant: Ralph B. Rogers
5229 Silver Arrow Drive
Applicant: James Mitchell
but that they could be combined
At 9:00 p.m. a brief recess was called.
The meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m.
with the same members present.
Due to Mr. Rogers being ill, Mr.
Mitchell was going to represent both
requests, and -asked that the two re-
quests be discussed together rather
than separately to avoid repetition.
The Commission consented to -this,
pointing out that the Commission would
have to vote on..each item separately,
for discussion.
Associate Planner Davis gave the commissioners a copy of a letter re-
ceived by Staff on this day in favor of Special Animal Permit #7. Mr.
Davis then gave the Staff report, explaining the background of the re-
quests and the zoning; pointing out that the properties do not meet
the minimum lot size requirement; noting the letters received in oppo-
sition (which were included in the Commission's agenda packet) objec--
ting mainly to the problem of flies and related odors but also expres-
sing concern that the area does not allow for safe access to riding
trails; and recommending denial due to the lot size and the fact that
Staff felt there was incompatibility with existing and future commer-
cial, institutional, and residential development to the vicinity.
James Mitchell, 5229 Silver Arrow Drive, explained that he and Mr. Rogers
were only trying to get legally recognized what has existed for ten
years, pointing out that the properties were considered horse property
under the previous Los Angeles County zoning. Mr. Mitchell further ex-
p1dined that he has two ponies which are ridden and maintained by the
neighborhood children, who were in the audience. Mr. Mitchell said in
his opinion the horses added to the rural atmosphere of the area, and
that to his knowledge complaints had not been made in the past.
Mr. Rogers said at present he has no horses, as the last one was stolen
a few months ago, but that he has had them in the past and would like
to obtain another horse now that his daughter is out of college and also
for when his grandson visits him.
Mrs. Naomi Lockwood, 27654 Warrior Drive, spoke in favor and felt that
riding the ponies has been a great experience for her daughter as well
as for the other children.
Edith Bostrom, 15 Sweetbay Road, expressed concern about the horses
being ridden down Hawthorne Boulevard, and suggested perhaps a chain
link fence be erected between the riding trail (shoulder) and the traffic.
Mrs. Fuhsi Ling, 5203 Silver Arrow, complained about the children riding
the ponies across her lawn, objected to the odor and flies, and felt
the properties were too close to the shopping center, and that the lots
were much too small for horses.
Matt Hansen, 5211 Silver Arrow Drive, said that they did not complain
previously because they didn't know to whom they could complain.
Mrs. Hansen expressed concern over trespassers in the area, and Mrs.
Ling felt that because the fence along Hawthorne Boulevard was cut for
the horses, the children feel they can walk through properties behind
that fence. Clarification was made that the children being referred to
as trespassers were not necessarily the children known to ride the sub-
ject ponies, but were of all sizes and ages.
Mrs. Buck, 5147 Silver Arrow Drive, spoke in favor of the request saying
that the right-of-way on Hawthorne Boulevard was very wide and, there-
fore, no more dangerous than any other street.
The Commission expressed concern and questioned Mr. Mitchell about the
distance that these children must travel down Hawthorne Boulevard before
they reach a riding trail, pointing out that improvements for Hawthorne
Boulevard may widen this street to the retaining wall, thus using the
entire width of the shoulder. They expressed concern about the children
infringing on the property rights of neighbors when riding these ponies.
Jenny Mitchell, 5229 Silver Arrow Drive, explained that there are other
routes leading to riding trails besides Hawthorne Boulevard, and pro-
ceeded to identify these for the Commission.
The Commission expressed differing opinions as to the action which should
be taken on these requests which included allowing the horses to remain
because it is an existing use and the facilities are there, limiting the
use to the current ownership, phasing out the use over a specific period
of time or upon sale of the horses. The feeling was expressed that this
is an urban and not a rural community and that although there was a
feeling of sympathy, the use was inappropriate.
At 10:15 p.m. a brief recess was --
called. The meeting reconvened at
10:25 p.m. with the same members pre --
At this point the two applications were split for separate discussion
and action. The Commission discussed points previously covered, and
the feeling was expressed that since there are no horses on the property
at the present time, there was no need to phase out the use at 5221
Silver Arrow Drive, and that it would be a disservice to the community
to continue a use which is inappropriate.
Mr. McTaggart proposed a motion that Special Animal Permit #5 be permit-
ted to temporarily exist for a period not to exceed ten years or until
the sale of the property, whichever comes first, that the number of
animals to be maintained on said property be limited to one, that equip-
ment currently in disrepair used for keeping horses be brought up to
standards, and any non-compliance with the sanitation provision or the
equestrian ordinance will constitute revocation of the permit. This
motion died for lack of a second.
On motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mrs. Shaw, Special Animal Permit
#5 was denied for the following reasons;
A. Does not meet minimum lot size requirement for keeping of
horses on a developed lot.
B. Incompatibility with existing and future commercial, insti-
tutional, and residential development in the vicinity.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Hughes, Rosenberg, Shaw
NOES: McTaggart
Mr. Rogers was advised that he had the right to appeal this decision to
the City Council within ten (10) days of this hearing.
Mr. McTaggart proposed a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Hughes, to
approve Special Animal Permit #7 subject to the following conditions:
that no more than,two animals be allowed; that the property be main-
tained in a manner which is in conformance with the equestrian ordinance;
that violation of the sanitation provisions of the ordinance would con-
stitute revocation of the permit; and that the permit be for a period
of ten years or until sale of the property, whichever comes first.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: McTaggart
NOES: Hughes, Rosenberg, Shaw
As the above motion failed, the Commission continued discussion, and it
was suggested having review periods to see if the conditions are being
met. It was also suggested having the permit run only for the time the
existing horses are there, as they are regarded by the proponents as
pets, but that there would be no reasons to replace these horses as the
objective is to at some point eliminate the use from this property.
On motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. McTaggart, Staff was direc-
ted to prepare a motion to approve Special Animal Permit #7 subject to
the following conditions:
1. Due to the substandard lot size, a maximum of two ponies shall be
kept on subject property.
2. This permit shall be permitted for a duration of three years or
until a transfer of the property, whichever comes first.
3. Continued violation of any sanitation provisions of the Develop-
ment Code shall result in immediate revocation of Special Animal
Permit V.
4. That this temporary aniaml permit be recorded in its entirety and
with all provisions with the County Recorder.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Hughes, McTaggart, Rosenberg
NOES: Shaw
Mrs. Shaw explained that although it was not her desire to outright deny
this permit, she did not feel the area lends itself to horses, and felt
the permit should have been limited for the period of time the existing
horses are there.
SPECIAL ANIMAL PERMIT #6 Associate Planner Davis reviewed the
16 Peppertree Drive request for fifteen horses and two
Applicant: Everett Sutton goats and maintaining a fence which
does not meet Code requirements,
pointing out the location, conditions
of the lot, the size, the proposed construction, and stated that eight
letters opposing this request have been received by the Staff with the
opponents expressing concerns about potential animal odors, that per-
haps this was to be a commercial venture, that this would cause a sub-
stantial increase in traffic on the private roads, and that the accu-
mulation of manure and the flies may have a serious impact on the health
of the surrounding area. Mr. Davis said the Staff recommendation is
for approval of eight horses and two goats, and that the existing fence
should be brought into conformance with the Code, with other conditions
imposed. Mr. Davis also pointed out that legally and without permit,
the applicant could have up to six horses.
Mr. Everett Sutton, 16 Peppertree Drive, applicant, said that he wanted
to eliminate the two goats from his request, and is now only asking
for the fifteen horses. He explained that he owned three separate lots:
16 Peppertree and #1 Pomegranate, each of these lots being 3/4 acre,
and the vacant lot proposed to accommodate the horses which is 3 1/2
acres in size. He further explained that this vacant lot would house
the horses to be used by both residences indicated above, stressing
that the horses were not just for one residence, but would instead be
used by two families. He added that he has never received complaints
in the past regarding the maintenance of any horses he had previously
maintained on this lot, and he submitted several letters from neighbors
who were in favor of the request.
In response to a question of the Commission, Mr. -Sutton said his brother
and family were going to be moving into one of the residences and that
they would consist of five members, while there were two members in his
own family. Mr. Sutton further added that he wishes to breed selected
animals occasionally and raise horses for his own personal enjoyment
in addition to maintaining sufficient horses for family riding and
friends' use.
Edith Bostrom, 15 Sweetbay Road, was concerned about the additional
traffic on her street, which is a private street and, therefore, not
maintained by the City.
Mr. Baker, 16 Limetree Lane, felt that the deed restrictions should be
enforced and that this -request should -be placed before -the Property
Owners' Association for consideration also.
9 0
The Commission explained to Mr. Baker that the action of this Commission
does not supersede any private contract between property owners, but
that enforcing them was a civil matter.
Mr. Forrest Burke, 4 Kumquat Lane, Robert Maxwell, 7 Pomegranate Road,
and Mr. Blunten, 20 Cinnamon Lane, were opposed because of their concerns
over animal odors and flies and because they have experienced horses run-
ning loose from time to time, adding that they -already have a problem
existing with the Pony Club.
The consensus among the commissioners following their discussion was
that there was no information presented at the hearing which would sub-
stantiate the finding that this permit would not be detrimental to the
public health, etc. Commissioner Shaw felt that fifteen horses was ex-
cessive, but that due to the large proposed site for the horses, she
felt the Commission should approve the permit with the Staff recommenda-
tion of only eight animals.
On motion of Mr. McTaggart, seconded by Mr. Hughes, Special Animal Permit
#6 was denied based on the finding that the requested animals, at the
location proposed, would jeopardize, endanger, or otherwise be detrimen-
tal to the public health, safety, or general welfare.
Roll call vote was as follows:
AYES: Hughes, McTaggart, Rosenberg
NOES: Shaw
Mr. Sutton was advised that this action may be appealed in writing to
the City Council within ten (10) days of this decision.
COMMISSION REPORTS Mrs. Shaw said that she would be on
vacation at the time of the next
Council meeting, and Mr. McTaggart
agreed to attend the meeting of September /7 if there are any planning -
related items on the agenda.
ADJOURNMENT At 12:16 a.m., it was moved, seconded
and carried to adjourn the meeting to
September 14, 1976.