PC MINS 19760622M I N U T E S
City of Rancho Palos Verdes APPROVED AS
Planning Commission CORRECTED
June 22, 1976 July 13, 1976
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. in the Palos Verdes Penin-
sula Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard, by
Chairman Shaw.
PRESENT: Blue, McTaggart, Rosenberg, Trefts, Shaw
Also present was Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Planning, and Associate
Planner Larry D. Davis.
MINUTES APPROVAL On motion of Mr. Blue, seconded by
Mr. McTaggart and unanimously carried,
the minutes of June 10, 1976 were ap-
proved as presented.
GRADING APPLICATION #33 Director Hightower summarized the ap-
& APPEAL OF HEIGHT VAR.- #13 peal of staff's denial of a height var-
7201 Avenida Altisima iation for a two-story home and re -
Applicant: Edward Donovan viewed the accompanying gradiAg appli-
cation, with the recommendation that
the matter be tabled for a period not
to exceed sixty days, to allow the
applicant to submit revised plans that lower the ridgeline, reduce the
volume of earth being moved outside the building area, and eliminate the
building and grading proposed on slopes steeper than 35%.
Roy Bayer (2075 Palos Verdes Drive North, Lomita), representing the -ap-
plicant, indicated the hazard designation at the rear of the lot had
been placed by the original geologist, not by the County; the proposed
house is in conformance with the neighborhood; the house could be lowered
with additional grading. Mr. Bayer presented elevations of the homes in
the surrounding area.
Tim Hurley, 7206 Avenida Altisima, spoke in opposition to the height var-
iation, indicating the 6' variation requested would almost totally ob-
scure his ocean view.
Commission discussion included the following: (1) The lot is currently
the only means of access for children in the area attending Point Vicente,
Margate, and Palos Verdes High School. Perhaps some consideration should
be given to preserving this access. (2) Additional grading in the foot-
print of the house, in conjunction with lowering the pitch of the roof,
might be acceptable as means of reducing the height of the structure,
but consideration should be given to reducing the size of the house.
On motion of Mrs. Trefts, seconded by Mr. McTaggart and unanimously car-
ried, the matter was tabled for no more than 60 days to allow the appli-
cant to submit revised plans to reduce the ridgeline of the house.
GRADING APPLICATION #56 Director Hightower summarized the re -
30106 Cartier quest for approval of grading for a
Applicant: Butler Housing single family residence, with the rec-
ommendation that the matter be tabled
for sixty days to allow the applicant
to revise his plans, reducing the de-
velopment and grading encroachment in the 35% slope area, final plans
(including a landscaping and irrigation plan) to be approved by the
H.D. Hoon of Butler Housing; A.E. Beran of Engineering Service Corpora-
tion; and Roger Kerr (2210 Avenida del Playa, La Jolla), architect,
spoke in favor of the application, indicating the problems encountered
with the slope of the lot, particularly with regard to garage access, and
various alternatives to the application.
Mr. Hoon indicated he would be amenable to having the application tabled,
if necessary.
On motion of Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Blue and unanimously carried,
Grading Application #56 was tabled until such time as any revisions to
the grading ordinance have been introduced.
3027 Crest Road East
Applicant: James Davis
Director Hightower summarized the re-
quest for approval of grading for a
tennis court, swimming pool, and gazebo,
with the recommendation that the pro-
3ect be denied, based on excessive
grading and the steepness of the slopes
proposed to be graded.
Noel Conway (666 East Ocean, Long Beach), attorney for the owner, spoke
in favor of the application, indicating an error had been made on the
application in calculations; Mr. Johnson of City staff had rechecked the
figures, with the result that only approximately 1700 cu.yds. of grading
is proposed. Furthermore, the lower level of the gazebo would be elim-
Carl Olson, owner of the property, indicated the tennis court would be
visible only from a few houses; in addition, the tennis court area
and retaining walls would be extensively landscaped. Mr. Olson further
indicated that the gazebo and swimming pool could be completely eliminated
from the plans. If the Commission is still not in favor of the plan,
further direction as to what might be acceptable would be appreciated.
On motion of Mr. McTaggart, seconded by Mr. Blue and unanimously car-
ried, Grading Application #70 was tabled to the next regular meeting, to
allow the amount of grading to be clarified and to allow the applicant
to present plans that reflect precisely what is proposed.
RECESS At 10:02 p.m. a recess was called.
The Commission reconvened at 10:09 p.m.
with the same members present.
PARCEL MAP #3795 Director Hightower summarized the
67 Headland Drive Tentative Parcel Map #3795, for the
Applicant: Roy Yoshimura splitting of a 48,000 sq.ft. parcel
into two separate lots. Director
Hightower indicated this was the first
parcel map to be reviewed under the
City's new procedures, i.e., with the City as coordinating agency,
rather than L.A. County Regional Planning. In accordance with a letter
received from the L.A. County Department of Health Services, it was
the Director's recommendation that the matter be tabled until the ap-
plicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that
the slopes, soils, and geological conditions of the proposed Lot 2
can accommodate the sustained use of a private sewerage disposal sys-
tem. Director Hightower indicated the applicant had just submitted a
soils and geology report, which would be forwarded to the City Engineer
for review. If, after review, additional information is required by
the Engineer, the applicant would be so notified.
Concern was expressed with the delay such a review would cause the ap-
plicant, especially since this map had been reviewed and recommended
for approval by the Planning Advisory Committee several years ago,
prior to the voiding of all divisions of land.
P.C. 6/22/76
Concern was expressed that no resolution had been prepared. Director
Hightower indicated each resolution is prepared individually; in this
case, no conditions could be recommended by staff until the questions
regarding sewage disposal are adequately resolved.
It was moved by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. McTaggart that the Com-
mission adopt a Resolution 76-7 (P.C.), approving Parcel Map #3795,
subject to conditions to be presented at the next regularly scheduled
Commission meeting.
Motion was defeated, on the following roll call vote:
AYES: McTaggart, Rosenberg
NOES: Blue, Trefts, Shaw
It was moved by Mr. McTaggart, seconded by Mrs. Shaw, that the soils
and geology report for the project be immediately forwarded to the City
Engineer for determination as to whether the soil characteristics on
the lot will permit the sustained use of a private sewage disposal sys-
tem, and that the item be continued until the next regularly scheduled
Commission meeting.
Motion carried on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Blue, McTaggart, Trefts, Shaw
NOES: Rosenberg
TENTATIVE TRACT #32673 Associate Planner Davis summarized
Alta Vista, Hawthorne Blvd. the application to subdivide a 28
Applicant: So. Bay Engineering acre parcel into 52 lots for future
construction of single family resi-
dences; the procedures for Commission
review of the project and the required
findings to be made; and the major issues associated with the project.
Staff recommendations, audience discussion, and Commission deliberations
were as follows:
It was staff's recommendation that the entire 450 ft. of drainage course
be channelized in connection with the subdivision, including 80 feet of
drainage course off the property.
Ron McAlpin of South Bay Engineering inquired whether the cost of this
improvement could be credited to parkland fees required for the sub-
division. Director Hightower indicated this would probably not be pos-
It was the consensus of the Commission to accept staff's recommendation.
View Impact
It was staff's recommendation that housing construction on Lots 1-4,
22-35 and 36-52 be limited to 16 feet in height via deed restrictions.
It was the consensus of the Commission to accept staff's recommendation.
View Corridors
It was staff's recommendation that a 3'6",wall be located on the project
property line adjacent to Hawthorne Boulevard and that the wall be har-
monious; that the presently unlandscaped 5' area between the wall and
existing sidewalk be landscaped (based on a plan to be approved by the
Director of Planning), with a proposal for the maintenance of this area
via a homeowners association or assessment district; that walls and/or
fences on Lots 1 and 30-35 not be allowed to exceed the elevation of
the wall.
P.C. -3- 6/22/76
Barbara Hein, 30116 Via Rivera, inquired whether staff had considered
using a chain link fence, rather than a solid wall.
Roger Boast indicated perhaps the rooflines of the houses would be of
more concern than the height of the wall along Hawthorne.
Klaus Schuegraf, 30331 Cartier, indicated a taller wall would provide
more privacy and would probably prevent individual homeowners from erect-
ing their own fences inside the one along Hawthorne.
Fred Eaton, 30615 Cartier, suggested a view corridor in that area could
be dangerous from a traffic standpoint and suggested the City investi-
gate traffic counts and accident records for the area.
Ron McAlpin of South Bay Engineering indicated his firm would have no
objections to a wall; however, he presented photos of an alternative
fence design, specifically stone pillars with wrought iron fencing in-
between, which would provide security for the homeowners (although no
privacy) and still secure the view from Hawthorne Boulevard.
It was the Commission's consensus to accept staff's recommendations,
with the addition that plantings on Lots 1 and 30-35 and in the 5 ft.
area between the wall and existing sidewalk not exceed the height of
the wall.
Palos Verdes Blue Butterfl
It was staff's recommendation that the butterfly's habitat be relocated
to alternative sites (recommended by Dr. Edwin M. Perkins), based on a
plan of operation which meets conditions specified in the letter from
Dr. Perkins, and that this plan of operation be approved by the Director
of Planning and an entomologist with knowledge of the situation.
Ron McAlpin presented a letter from Palos Verdes Properties, indicating
willingness to cooperate in any relocation effort, including attempting
to find a habitat which meets the criteria specified by Dr. Perkins.
A copy of the letter is attached hereto and incorporated herein as a
part of these minutes.
It was the consensus of the Commission to accept staff's recommendation.
Intersection Location
Staff identified three access intersection solutions to the tentative
tract: a separate northern entrance as proposed by the applicant; a
southern entrance, utilizing the existing signalized intersection at
Dupre; and a northern entrance, in con3unction with a provision for the
park access road to be aligned with Dupre. It was staff's recommenda-
tion that the latter alternative be selected.
It was the consensus of the Commission that the Traffic Committee be
requested to review the matter of access to the tract and provide the
Commission with its recommendation.
It was staff's recommendation that future grading for individual lots
be dependent on allotment utilized by previous grading in connection
with a subdivision and that this allotment be in the form of a percentage
factor exclusive of streets and corrective grading. Associate Planner
Davis also supplied charts indicating the permissible graded area for
20,000 sq.ft. lots, based on a 25.34 allotment per lot. It was staff's
further recommendation that the finish grading attempt to blend with the
natural slope.
It was the consensus of the Commission to accept staff's recommendation,
with the exception that streets and corrective grading shall not be ex-
P.C. -4- 6/22/76
On recommendation from the staff, it was the consensus of the Commission
that this matter be tabled until July 13, at which time the staff will
present specific recommended conditions. 9
PLANNING COMMISSION Director Hightower briefed the Com -
CONFERENCE BUDGET mission on the amounts submitted in the
Department budget for fiscal year
1976-77 for Commission conferences and
It was the consensus of the Commission that the Chairman should request
Council to increase the amount budgeted for the Annual LCC conference
and for miscellaneous meetings.
ADJOURNMENT At 1:20 a.m. it was moved, seconded
and carried to adjourn the meeting
to Thursday, June 24, 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified
School District Building, 30942
Hawthorne Boulevard, to discuss grading ordinance revisions.
P. C. -5- 6/22/76
P 0 Box 2340 - 811 SILVER SPUR ROAD
June 22, 1976
Mrs. Ann Shaw, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, Ca, 90274
Dear Mrs. Shaw:
We have received a copy of the letter dated June 9, 1976, addressed
to Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Department, from Edwin M. Perkins,
Ph.D., concerning the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly found on the 28
acre parcel of land adjacent to Hawthorne Boulevard and the Los
Verdes Golf Course.
In paragraph 3 of Dr. Perkins' letter, he suggests a solution in-
volving a cooperative effort whereby the insects would be trans-
ported to an alternatively acceptable habitat. Palos Verdes
Properties, as the owner of undeveloped land in the vicinity of
the subject parcel, is willing to cooperate in any relocation
effort, including working with whoever is responsible for the re-
location, in finding a habitat which meets, as closely as possible,
the criteria set forth in paragraph 4 of Dr. Perkins' letter.
. A. Kochan
Assistant General Manager
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