PC MINS 20121127 Approved
December 11, 2012
NOVEMBER 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tetreault at 7:08 p.m. at the Fred Hesse
Community Room, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
Commissioner Lewis led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Commissioners Gerstner, Leon, Lewis, Nelson, Tomblin, Vice Chairman
Emenhiser, and Chairman Tetreault.
Absent: None
Also present were Community Development Director Rojas and Associate Planner Kim,
The agenda was unanimously approved as presented.
Director Rojas reported that at their November 201" meeting, the City Council adopted
the Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission establishing a permit
process for allowing hedges over 42 inches in height within the front yard setback. He
also reported that the City Council initiated a code amendment to amend the existing
Fence, Wall and Hedge Ordinance to provide additional view protection to certain
adjoining homeowners.
Director Rojas distributed eight items of correspondence related to agenda item No. 1.
He also noted that a FTP site has been set up to allow Commissioners to download
future Planning Commission staff reports in lieu of receiving them on a CD.
-gends items):
As Commissioner Gerstner was the applicant for this application, he was recused from
the item and was seated in the audience.
1. Grading Permit / Site Plan Review (Case No. ZON2011-00349): 5317 Rolling
Ridge Road
Before hearing the staff report, Chairman Tetreault explained that, while the applicant
for this project is a Planning Commissioner, it is the duty of the Planning Commission to
review all such applications, The Planning Commissioners must review the application
without bias, and rule upon it. If a Commissioner feels he cannot review the application
without bias, he must recuse himself from the item. He stated that he felt he was duty-
bound and it would be unfair for him to be otherwise, to review this case as he would
any other case presented before the Planning Commission. He asked the
Commissioners if anyone felt they should recuse because of their association with
Commissioner Gerstner, All Commissioners felt they could fairly review this application,
Associate Planner Kim presented the staff report, explaining that given the topography
of the sloping lot, the applicant is proposing a net total grading of 1,100 cubic yards to
accommodate three separate detached structures consisting of a second unit at the rear
of the lot, a cabana, and a detached five-car garage at the front of the property. She
discussed the proposed garage and the grading needed to construct the garage. She
also showed several photos of the silhouette for the garage from several locations. She
also showed photos of the silhouettes for the proposed cabana and the proposed
second unit. She explained that staff feels the proposed grading for the project does
not exceed what is necessary for the use and was able to make all of the grading
criteria to recommend approval. Additionally, given the unique character of this
neighborhood where there is not a predominant architectural style, staff feels the
proposed project does not appear bulk or massive from the street, noting the cabana
and the second unit cannot be seen from any properties or from private or public
streets. With that, staff is recommending approval of the project, as conditioned in the
staff report. She noted that there were some minor changes to the Resolution and
these changes are specified in an email communication between the applicant and staff.
She briefly discussed these changes.
Chairman Tetreault opened the public hearing.
Bill Gerstner (applicant) discussed the five primary design considerations for the project,
which were to maintain the structures within the allowable height limits, minimize the
neighborhood impacts, design with a compatible appearance, incorporate historical
design elements from the peninsula, and create outdoor spaces between the structures.
He felt he was able to solve these design considerations, and briefly discussed how this
was done. He noted that rather than designing one large structure, he has designed
multiple small structures, each of which can be easily screened from the neighboring
properties, With regards to re-grading the easement, he explained this will allow the
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garage to be at a lower level and less visible. It will also allow the upper driveway to
match the easement. He felt the proposed grading will be minimal and will not restrict
the road in any way in terms of loss of width or use. He hoped to get the permission of
all easement holders to do the grading, however if he doesn't get their permission he
has an alternative plan.
Commissioner Lewis asked who will pay for the grading of the easement.
Mr. Gerstner answered that he will pay for the work in the easement,
Chairman Tetreault asked Mr. Gerstner what will happen if he cannot get all of the
easement holder's permission to reconstruct the road.
Mr. Gerstner explained that the project will not change, the only difference being the
upper driveway will be a parking spot rather than a driveway, as the driveway would be
steeper than what is allowed by the City.
Chairman Tetreault asked Mr. Gerstner how he will be using the second unit proposed
on the property,
Mr. Gerstner anticipated his mother living in the second unit on a part-time basis some
time in the future. He also explained he has three children and he would like his home
to be a place where, when his children get older, they can spend time with their friends
under a reasonable level of supervision,
Chairman Tetreault asked what assurances are in place that this unit would not be used
as a rental unit if Mr. Gerstner were to sell his home.
Mr. Gerstner referred to condition of approval No. 23 which restricts the use of the
second unit as a rental,
Commissioner Leon asked Mr. Gerstner if he was now in agreement with the conditions
of approval, as re-written.
Mr. Gerstner answered that he has not actually seen the conditions as re-written, but if
they have been changed as indicated in an earlier email, he was in agreement with the
conditions of approval.
Pritam Matharu stated his property on Bayridge Road is adjacent to the subject
property. He stated he has no objection to the proposed project or to the grading of the
property or easement. He stated he was in support of the proposed project.
Ronald Florance (5251 Rollingridge Road) stated that Mr. Gerstner is proposing to
install a 1,964 square foot, five-car garage at the front of his property. He stated this
proposed garage is fifty five feet wide, thirty seven feet deep, and sixteen feet in height.
He discussed the amount of glass that will be on the two sets of garage doors. He
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stated that six of the seven easement holders on Rollingridge Road are against the
proposed lowering of the easement and are against the project as well. He felt Mr.
Gerstner may be attempting to turn the proposed garage into a residence,
Ralph Allman (5335 Rollingridge Road) stated his main concern was that as a property
owner, he just spent $6,000 resurfacing the road and therefore would not like to see Mr.
Gerstner inconvenience the other residents for his own convenience. He noted he has
a very steep driveway down to his property and it has not been an issue. He also did
not feel the proposed modern design of the home was compatible with the other homes
on Rollingridge Road. He questioned why the five-car garage couldn't be moved farther
north on the property so it is not visible from the road. He questioned why Mr. Gerstner
has not asked for the complete plan for the entire property in this application and why
the Planning Commission is being asked to approve this project in pieces. He stated he
has asked Mr. Gerstner for a rendering of what the project will look like, however Mr.
Gerstner has responded that he doesn't want to spend that kind of money to do so.
Commissioner Leon asked Mr. Allman if the residents on Rollingridge Road have any
type of HOA or architectural committee to look at proposed architectural renderings and
Mr. Allman answered the neighborhood does not have any type of HOA or architectural
committee. He noted that the homes built in the neighborhood are California ranch style
and there are no modern structures in the area,
Dick Johnson (5383 Rollingridge Road) explained that one of the things he enjoys about
his neighborhood is driving up Rollingridge Road and seeing it as a lovely country road,
and even though Mr. Allman has built a huge new home, it cannot be seen from the
road. He stated that he can understand the desire and need to have a large garage, but
felt the structure is too close to the road. He didn't understand why the garage couldn't
be located farther north and not visible from the road. He also objected to the re-
grading of the road, as he goes up and down it many times a day and it would be a
severe inconvenience.
Bill Gerstner (in rebuttal) understood the neighbors' concerns about the size of the
garage, however noted that Mr. Florance has a 1,300 square foot garage and Mr.
Allman has a five-car garage. He also noted his garage will be set back thirty feet from
the road, while Mr. Allman's entire house is twenty feet away from the road. He stated
his house will be one of only two on the street that will actually have a pad level below
the elevation of the road. He also explained that only the most recent homes built on
the street are Mediterranean in style. He understood that the neighbors may not like the
design of the house, but he does not like the Tuscan revival type style. He noted that
he did not object to the style of Mr. Allman's house when it was being designed because
it is his house and his property and it is his right to build this style in this eclectic
community. He felt he has the same right. He stated he is satisfied with the conditions
of approval, and asked the Commission to approve staff's recommendations. He asked
the Commission to consider adjusting the condition, on page 19, item 14 A(v) in regards
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to the proposed retaining wall. He explained that if he is not allowed to regrade the road
the retaining wall at the garage must get taller, and he wanted to ensure that any
adjustments that will have to happen are things that staff can approve. He noted the
code allows for five feet prescriptively, and he was asking the Commission to allow the
adjustment, if necessary, for up to 6 1/2 feet.
Commissioner Lewis asked Mr. Gerstner if he would be opposed to a condition
preventing him from renting out areas of his five-car garage.
Mr. Gerstner had no problem with such a condition.
Commissioner Lewis noted a hedge is proposed to be planted between the road and
the garage, and asked Mr. Gerstner how long he felt it would take for the hedge to grow
sufficiently to mask the garage.
Mr. Gerstner estimated it may take a year for the hedge fill in to mask the garage.
Vice Chairman Emenhiser asked Mr. Gerstner if the garage could be located elsewhere
on the property, as suggested by the neighbors.
Mr. Gerstner answered that physically the garage can be located elsewhere, however
he explained that his property is twice the size of Mr. Allman's property, and didn't think
that just because his property is large he should have to drag everything on the property
away from the road. He also did not think that would be consistent with what is done in
the community, as most of the properties in the community have the garage at the road
and most of the codes talk about having a twenty foot setback which will allow a car to
be parked outside of the garage.
Vice Chairman Emenhiser also noted that Mr. Florance had mentioned that six of the
seven neighbors are not in favor of the project, and asked Mr. Gerstner to comment.
Mr. Gerstner stated the Commissioners have letters in their packets that would dispute
that statement,
Chairman Tetreault asked Mr. Gerstner if he had any plans to remodel the main house
in the future.
Mr. Gerstner did not see plans to redo the main house in the near future. He
acknowledged the house is old and someday he would like to do something, but he did
not see how that could happen in the near future.
Chairman Tetreault closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tomblin asked staff if the Commission had the discretion to dictate a
particular design for the house in terms of neighborhood compatibility,
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Associate Planner Kim explained that neighborhood compatibility can include
architectural style, materials, and color.
Chairman Tetreault asked staff if there are any regulations in regards to applicants who
may propose the addition of certain ancillary structures and then after a certain amount
of time that applicant then submits additional plans for another project on the property.
He asked how the Commission would review that in a series rather than as a singly
submitted project.
Associate Planner Kim explained that the Code has no restrictions on homeowners in
terms of doing a project as one rather than in separate phases. In addition, depending
on what is proposed, each separate project may have to go through its own
neighborhood compatibility assessment.
Commissioner Lewis asked if there is a condition of approval requiring landscaping to
screen the garage from the road.
Associate Planner Kim stated that there is not such a condition of approval at this time
because the landscaping is shown on the plans. She noted a condition in the
Resolution that the project has to conform with the approved plans, but that a condition
of approval can be added if the Commission wished to do so.
Chairman Tetreault referred to Mr. Gerstner's request that the retaining wall next to the
garage be allowed to a maximum height of 6 1/2 feet in the event he could not get
permission from the residents to lower the height of the road easement.
Associate Planner Kim explained that generally that would not be allowed, explaining
that if Mr. Gerstner wants to modify the approved plans typically a modified plan would
be submitted to the City for review and approval. She stated that staff does not, as a
matter of general practice, put something in the conditions of approval that is not part of
the approved plan.
Director Rojas added that there are conditions to allow minor modifications to the plans
in the future, however he understood the applicant's concern about what would be
considered a minor modification for this project. He explained that to allow a wall over
five feet in height special findings must be made by the Planning Commission to allow
the possibility of a wall up to 6 1/2 feet in height in the future. He referred the
Commission to the discussion in the staff report, noting the Commission can decide at
this meeting that a future revision to the retaining wall can be reviewed by the Director
or should be brought back to the Commission for review.
Commissioner Lewis moved to approve the project as presented by staff, with the
following modifications: 1) the changes set forth in staff's email of November 26,
2012 be incorporated into the conditions of approval; 2) condition Nos. 22 and 23
be modified to reflect the garage structure cannot be rented out; 3) require a
hedge be planted to minimize the visibility of the garage from the road; and 4)
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condition No. 14 (A)(v) be modified to authorize the Director to make adjustments
to the retaining wall up to 6 1/2 feet in height supported by the necessary findings
in the Resolution, seconded by Vice Chairman Emenhiser.
Commissioner Lewis commented that if he were designing the house he would push the
garage back from the street and not have a pool that is not visible from the house.
However, it is not the Commission's job to design a house-, rather it is the Commission's
job to try to make the necessary findings to approve the project. He stated he was able
to make all of the necessary findings, and therefore supported the project.
Commissioner Tomblin agreed with Commissioner Lewis, adding that the Commission
has not taken the role of trying to redesign a house to make it more compatible with the
neighborhood, but rather look more closely at the issues of bulk and mass rather than
design. He too was able to make the necessary findings to recommend approval of the
Commissioner Nelson was pleased that the project has been nested into the vegetation
and is well screened from the road and neighboring properties. He also very much
supported the idea of re-grading the road. He stated that he is in support of the motion.
The motion to approve PC Resolution 2012-19 was approved as modified, (6-0)
with Commissioner Gerstner recused.
Commissioner Tetreault felt that, since this is a significant project and the applicant is a
Planning Commissioner, that the appeal fee to appeal this project should be waived. He
understood that it is ultimately the decision of the City Council as to whether or not
appeal fees should be waived,
2. Conditional Use Permit Revision (Case No. ZON2012-00305): 29000
Western Ave
Commissioner Gerstner returned to the dais.
Vice Chairman Emenhiser recused himself from hearing this application as well as item
No. 3, and left the dais,
Associate Planner Kim presented the staff report, explaining the scope of the project.
She stated that staff was able to make all of the required findings and was
recommending approval of the project, as conditioned in the staff report.
Commissioner Tomblin noted that most of the antenna replacements have been hidden
behind a screen or enclosure and asked why this antenna was not conditioned to be
placed behind the screen.
Director Rojas explained that staff had initially indicated to the applicant the preference
the antennas be placed behind the screen, however the applicant challenged staff to
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make the findings to support this requirement because this is a revision to an
application previously approved by the Planning Commission with finding that the
antennas on the outside of the screen would have no impact. Therefore, the decision to
require the applicant to now place antennas inside the structure would be considered
arbitrary and not supported by findings.
Commissioner Tomblin asked if it was in the purview of the Commission to require the
antenna be screened.
Director Rojas explained the Commission would have to make the finding that there is
an aesthetic impact, noting a finding was previously made with the original application
that there is not an aesthetic impact, and something would have to be different to
warrant a change in the finding. However, the Commission does have the discretion to
make such a finding and the applicant can appeal that decision to the City Council,
Chairman Tetreault opened the public hearing.
Yumi Kim (representing Sprint PCS) stated Sprint is requesting the approval of the
revision of the Conditional Use Permit to replace two existing panel antennas as well as
the equipment associated with these antennas. She stated she was available for any
Commissioner Tomblin asked Ms. Kim why that antenna was not being moved inside
the screen,
Ms. Kim answered the material the antenna is mounted behind is actually a metal
screen and to locate behind that material would cause interference and prevent rf
signals from propagating properly. Therefore, Sprint would like to maintain the existing
Chairman Tetreault closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nelson moved to approve the project as recommended by staff,
seconded by Commissioner Leon.
Commissioner Tomblin proposed an amendment to the motion to require the antenna
be moved behind the screen or be screened in some fashion.
Commissioner Nelson did not accept the proposed amendment. He stated that if that is
a metal screen, and the antenna is going to be functional, then the antenna must be
placed on the outside of the screen,
The motion to approve PC Resolution 2012-20 was approved as recommended by
staff, (5-1) with Commissioner Tomblin dissenting and Vice Chairman Emenhiser
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3. Conditional Use Permit Revision (Case No. ZON2011-00106): 28041
Hawthorne Blvd.
Associate Planner Kim presented the staff report, explaining the request was to remove
six existing antennas and replace with twelve new antennas in the same general
location. She explained the scope of the project and stated staff was able to make all of
the required findings. She noted that several years ago when the existing concrete
structure was approved staff had done a view analysis from one specific property on
Villa Rosa. She explained that staff made a determination that the overall height and
size of the new structure would not cause a significant view impairment from that
Chairman Tetreault asked staff what discretion the Commission has with respect to
approving or denying an application such as this with respect to views,
Associate Planner Kim noted a finding in the Conditional Use Permit that discusses
significant adverse affects to adjacent properties. She stated that staff has always
incorporated view impacts as part of adverse affects, and if this finding could not be
made staff would recommend denial. The applicant would then have to modify or
relocate the enclosure to an area where staff could then make the findings.
Director Rojas added that the Federal law states that a decision to deny an antenna
request shall be in writing and supported by substantial evidence. Therefore, if the
Planning Commission has evidence of significant view impairment and it is supported,
the denial of the application is consistent with Federal law.
Commissioner Leon asked if the homeowner at 6332 Villa Rosa notified of this project,
Associate Planner Kim answered that the owner was notified, and staff submitted a
written request to the homeowner to perform a site visit. However, the owner did not
feel a site visit was necessary and that the upgraded structure is an improvement, the
impacts are negligible, and he did not oppose the project.
Chairman Tetreault opened the public hearing.
Scott Longhurst (representing AT&T) stated the reason for the request to upgrade the
facility was to allow for installation of new 4-G technology, which will provide enhanced
wireless services to the community. He discussed condition of approval No. 15 which
requires AT&T to submit periodic updates on the status of the technology of the facility.
He explained AT&T was concerned about having to do this with every one of its sites,
as there are approximately eight facilities in this City. However, after speaking to Ms.
Kim he has a better understanding of the condition of approval,
Chairman Tetreault explained that the City's concern is that outdated equipment does
not remain in place at the various sites throughout the City.
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Mr. Longhurst understood, adding that is one of the conditions in the lease that AT&T
Chairman Tetreault closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tomblin moved to approve the item as recommended by staff,
thereby approving PC Resolution 2012-00021, seconded by Commissioner
Nelson. Approved, (6-0) with Vice Chairman Emenhiser recused.
Vice Chairman Emenhiser returned to the dais.
4. Pre-Agenda for the meeting on December 11, 2012
The pre-agenda was approved as presented.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
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