RDA RES 1986-021 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING A GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 1 THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES, RESOLVES AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 : The Agency hereby certifies that the En- vironmental Impact Report (EIR) , attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the proposed grading and drainage improvement project for Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 was completed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and the guidelines thereto and that the Agency held a public hearing on the EIR on September 2, 1986, and has reviewed and considered the contents of the EIR prior to deciding whether to approve the project. With respect to the potential significant environmental effects identified in the EIR, the Agency finds as follows : A. The EIR identifies increased erosion potential during earth redistribution and drainage channelization that could result in habitat pollution and loss of topsoil as poten- tial significant environmental impacts. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or lessen this effect. Careful review of design features will be required before any construction or activity affecting water runoff is undertaken, drainage and erosion control and silt containment measures will be imposed, all grading shall be con- sistent with the general criteria of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Development Code and Chapter 70 of the Building Code, and all grading shall be designed and accomplished in accordance with accepted civil engineering, geotechnical engineering standards, guidelines and practice. B. The EIR identifies the disturbance of vegetation and topography as a potential significant environmental impact. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which substantially lessen this impact by requiring planting and replacement of vegetation after grading is completed to minimize visual impacts and impacts on wildlife habitats . Compliance with the City' s grading ordinance and restrictions on recontouring and earth moving activities will be required before any construction or earth moving activities are permitted. Erosion control and silt containment measures will be imposed to avoid damage to wildlife habitat areas and earth moving activities will be restricted in certain areas to avoid impacts on wildlife habitats. Responsible agencies, such as the 1 State Department of Fish and Game, will be consulted prior to commencement of this project . The Director of the Agency shall request the City Council to consider placing a natural and urban overlay zone over the project area after project completion. The social and economic goals and objectives of the project cannot be achieved without impact on vegetation and topography because earth moving and construction activities are essential to the elimination of geologic instability and blight in the J ro 'ect area. P C. The EIR identifies the effect of earth redistribu- tion within the project area on the stability of adjacent land as a potential significant environmental impact . The Agency geologist has determined that the proposed grading for the stabi- lization of the Portuguese Bend Landslide is not expected to ad- versely affect the stability of the adjacent areas. Specifi- cally, the Agency geologist is unaware of any inter-connection between the Portuguese Bend landslide and the adjacent Flying Triangle Landslide with the exception of congestion of the proposed Paintbrush Canyon drain that could be caused by debris from the Flying Triangle landslide. In addition, changes or al- terations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which further substantially lessens potential impact in that all grading shall be consistent with the general criteria of the Rancho Palos Verdes Development Code and Chapter 70 of the Building Code. All grading and earth work shall be ro erl P P Y designed and accomplished in accordance with accepted civil and geotechnical engineering standards, local guidelines, and prac- tice . Ongoing monitoring of the adjacent Flying Triangle Y g g landslide shall continue before, during, and after the proposed osed project. Created slope angles and heights shall be minimized. Flow over graded slopes shall be avoided. D. The EIR identifies the loss of cultural and ar- cheological resources as a potential significant environmental impact. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incor- porated into, the project which avoid this effect, in that if cultural or archaeological resources are discovered during g rad- ing, any work that may affect these resources must cease until the resources are removed and the find is evaluated by a qualified archaeologist. E . The EIR identifies loss of habitat areas for Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher and a potential habitat for the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly as a potential significant environmental impact. Changes or alterations have been required in, or are in- corporated into, the project which avoid or lessen this effect in that grading that would disturb Coastal Sage/Scrub/Chapparal habitat shall not be allowed during the estimated nestin g period of the Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher, March - August 15th. After earth-moving activities are completed, disturbed areas shall be reseeded and/or replanted with Coastal Sage/Scrub/Chaparral and 2 native grass varieties that would provide suitable habitat for the Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher and the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly. Where practical, existing plant material should be salvaged and used for restoration of habitats . The social and economic goals and objectives of the project cannot be achieved without some temporary impact on the (potential) habitat areas of the Black- tailed Gnatcatcher and the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly because grading in these areas is essential to elimination of the geological instability and blight in the project area. F. The EIR identifies the temporary loss of agri- cultural land within the project area as a potential significant environmental impact. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or lessen this impact. Topsoil will be removed, stored, and replaced as part of the project. Existing agricultural uses shall be relocated to another comparable site during project implementation. After topsoil is replaced within the project and agricultural terraces are created, the agricultural uses will be allowed to return to the project area. Section 2: The EIR has been prepared using the tiering concept discussed in Section 15152 of the State CEQA Guidelines. As a result, information provided by the Redevelopment Plan EIR (SCH No. 840811511 ) relating to the overall redevelopment project description, primary, secondary, and cumulative environmental impacts; broad alternatives, and technical appendices, is incor- porated into this EIR by reference. Section 3 : The Agency finds that the social and economic benefits of increasing geologic stability, and eliminat- ing the blighted and deteriorated conditions and the danger to human safety and property which result from the existing geologic instability outweigh any unavoidable adverse environmental im- pacts of the project. Section 4: The Agency finds that the proposed project is consistent with the landslide stabilization program in the adopted Redevelopment Plan and Development Plan EIR, and facilitates implementation of the General Plan. Section 5 : A public hearing on the merits of the project was held on October 21 , 1986. Section 6 : Pursuant to consideration of the EIR, a public hearing on the EIR, a public hearing on the merits of the project and Agency discussion, the Agency hereby approves the proposed grading and drainage improvement project within Project Area No. 1 . 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED October 21 , 1986 ON THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL: AYES: Hughes, Ryan, Bacharach and Mc Taggert NOES: None ABSTAIN: Chairman Hinchli f fe ' ''''--------'" kr IAM-. Age cy C : man ATTEST: IL ' /-2 / / j Age cy Secretary I - reby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. RDA 86-21 passed and adopted by Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof held on October 7, 1986. P - 2 f Ag- cy ecretary 4