RDA MINS 19861007 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING II/ OCTOBER 7, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Hinchliffe. PRESENT: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART, AND HINCHLIFFE Also present were Executive Director Dennis W. McDuffie, Agency Secretary Jo Purcell, Public Works Director George Wentz, Environmental Services Director Robert Benard, Agency Attorney Steve Dorsey, Charles Abbott and Dr. Perry Ehlig. PROPOSED PORTUGUESE BEND Chairman Hinchliffe excused himself SLIDE PROJECT from the hearing and turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Hughes. Chairman Hughes declared the public hearing open, Agency Secretary Purcell reported notice had been given. Executive Director McDuffie recommended that the Agency take public testimony and proceed with the final decision on the project at the October 21 , 1986 meeting pending review of the pro- posed resolution by the Agency Attorney. In response to the Chairman's call for public testimony the following people presented comments and posed questions concerning the project: C. Forbes , 7343 Via Lorado; Robert Maxwell, 7 Pomegranate Road; Alfred Sattler, 835 29th Place, San Pedro; F. Reinisch, 57 Limetree Lane; and Jeanne Smolley, 56 Limetree Lane. Their comments and questions dealt with how the redistribution of the land mass would affect the appearance of the slide and whether that appearance would be worsened or enhanced by this movement; the liability that the City would face in the event this earth movement did have side effects; whether the points raised by Mr. McJones in his letter to the Palos Verdes News had been answered; how this project would affect the trails in that area; and the establishment of new trails. An inquiry was made as to whether this project would affect Tract No. 14118. With regard to Mr. McJones' questions, Planning Director Benard stated that those questions had been responded to in the Final Supplement to the EIR. Additionally, he clarified the fact that all of the inquiries submitted had been responded to in the EIR. 701CP/MIN3.1 Dr. Ehlig then proceeded to respond to inquiries made by the public in ex- plaining the rate of movement for certain parts of the slide area, the fact that there is no evidence that this project will have any adverse effect on the slide area, and there is no evidence of a deep slide plane at the toe of the slide. Responding to the question posed by Tom Cunningham, 8 Cherryhill Drive, Dr. Ehlig responded that the area of the grading project will produce a gently sloping appearance, and the fill would be used to stabilize the base of the slide. He said there would be no grading along the road or along the developed areas , that the project is in the undeve- loped area only. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to close the public hearing, the motion carried unanimously. Responding to an inquiry about the City's insurance liability the Chairman said that the assessed value of the land in that area is $2 million and the City's liability coverage was adequate to cover that evaluation. A resi- dent of Clovetree Place stated that the residents are concerned about the ramifications of this project but there also is support for it . There being no additional response to the Chairman' s calls for public tes- timony, the hearing was declared closed. The Agency then proceeded to discuss the final EIR as follows: clarifi- cation of Comment No. 17, whether Comment No. 5.10 meant public beaches or should be existing beaches; and if an erosion control plan listed under Comment No. 5.10 would come back to the Agency for approval. The Agency further inquired if the decision for this project was unanimous on the part of the Technical Committee, and if the concern about tensil stress had been adequately addressed. By way of background, Chairman Hughes proceeded to summarize the meeting that took place on May 9, 1986 when the plan was re- viewed and recommendations on the course of action to abate the slide were made. Dr. Ehlig further commented that this drainage plan had been worked on by the Committee for two years. Then, with the use of maps mounted for public viewing, he further explained the location of the Flying Triangle and Por- tuguese Bend slides and how they are separate slide planes. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to refer the proposed resolution to the City Attorney and that a revised resolution be presented at the next meeting, that the revised EIR incorporating the Coun- cil comments and concerns be presented at the October 21 , 1986 meeting. The motion carried on a 4-0 vote. At 8:35 P.M. the meeting adjourned to a closed session. RECESS, RECONVENE At 8:35 P.M. the Board recessed to a AND ADJOURNMENT joint closed session on motion of Chairman Hughes. The Redevelopment Agency reconvened after the closed session and immediately adjourned at 12:50 A.M. 701CP/MIN3.2 -2- October 7, 1986 CONSENT CALENDAR Member Hughes moved, seconded by Member McTaggart to approve the Con- sent Calendar as follows: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-18 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-18 OF THE RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. MINUTES Approved the minutes of Septem- ber 16, 1986. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES, RYAN, Mc TAGGART, AND BAC HARAC H NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: HINCHLIFFE ACHAIR • ATTEST: Ail' A? . it, SEC' TARY TO AGENCY 701CP/MIN3.2 -3- October 7, 1986