RDA MINS 19860305 ADJ . M I N U T E S
MARCH 5, 1986
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Ladera Linda Community
Center, by Vice Chairman Melvin W. Hughes, notice having been given with
affidavit thereto on file.
Chairman Hughes summarized the outline that the meeting would follow:
(1) A review of the Portuguese Bend Landslide Stabilization Plan and time-
table given by Charles Abbott; (2) summary of the survey recently con-
ducted of the various stations throughout the slide area, and an overview
of the grading proposal would be presented by Dr. Perry Ehlig; and, (3) the
meeting would then open up for questions from the audience.
With the use of visual aids detailing the cost of annual street maintenance
and a topographical map of the Portuguese Bend Landslide area, Mr. Abbott
explained how the costs of maintaining Palos Verdes Drive South was much
more costly than other streets in the City. A topographical map mounted
for audience viewing showed the original location of the Drive.
Alluding to the thirteen (13) wells that have been installed in the Portu-
guese Bend slide area, Mr. Abbott stated that readings have indicated that
the wells on the west side have been successful in slowing the rate of
With regard to the Technical Committee studying the slide, Mr. Abbott indi-
cated that the Committee will be meeting again in late April to review the
well data that has been collected over the past fourteen (14) months.
With regard to future stabilization measures, he pointed out on the topo-
graphical map the effects and location of certain driving forces and masses
and how and where they could be relocated.
Dr. Perry Ehlig then reported on the results of a survey conducted in Janu-
ary which showed that all reporting stations had indicated a decrease in
the rate of movement. He then explained the cut and fill program and the
reason for grading certain areas first, and the timeline for that grading.
Public Testimony
The following residents posed their questions and concerns to the Board:
Bob Smolley, Jeanne Smolley, 56 Limetree; Andrew Sargent , 16 Peppertree;
Leticia Haney, 40 Cherryhill Lane; L.G. Baker, 16 Limetree; Gene Frank,
-1- March 5 , 1986
10 Cherryhill Lane; Tony Cunningham, Audrey Cunningham, 8 Cherryhill Lane;
Florence Smith, 30910 Via Rivera; Dave Ruth, 40 Cinnamon Lane; Barry
Hildebrand, 3560 Vigilance; David Potter, 4014 Exultant Drive; Don Fra-
ser, 26 Peppertree; James Ishibashi, 5521 Palos Verdes Drive South;
Sharon Page, 6529 Abbottswood, and Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine.
Their questions and concerns were as follows :
o If there were any written reports from the technical committees on
stopping or slowing the slide.
o The availability of technical data to the public.
o Whether the City had adequate liability insurance coverage to cover
possible consequences of moving fill.
o How the problem of ownership of homes on land that had moved would
be resolved.
o The cost benefit to the City in this effort to stop the slide.
o What effect heavy truck equipment had on the slide.
o If homes would be put on sewer lines.
o Whether the slide is water related.
o The reliability of the slope indicators.
o The reason for the differences in the rate of movement in certain
o The availability of stability analyses.
o Why Palos Verdes Drive South will be moved if it is felt that the
slide can be stopped.
o How residents will be compensated for being moved.
o How the movement of earth will affect stability in adjacent areas.
o The availability of the names of geologists that make up the techni-
cal committee.
o Where resident' s whose homes have been moved will be moved to.
o If a timetable for moving the houses had been devised.
o The status of the Army Engineer's Study and how that study would be
coordinated with the Redevelopment Agency's efforts.
o The necessity for repairing the slide at this time and if the time-
table should be extended.
o If the use of lateral wells had been considered.
705CP/MIN3.1-3 -2- March 5, 1986
° What measures would be taken to protect the wildlife in that area.
The Board members then commented that the road was moved in 1985. At that
time, it was expected to last as long as three years and, because of that,
moving it cost less than trying to maintain it; that it was moved so as not
to disturb the houses along Cherryhill Drive.
Also discussed were the environmental effects of the slide on the coastline
in the form of siltation and the fact that the Environmental review process
will address the issue of natural vegetation and habitat.
In responding to citizens concerns about moving certain homes , it was the
consensus of the Board that a schedule would be drawn up and the affected
residents notified. It was noted that HR 3670 is now in Conference Commit-
tee and that the budget reconciliation act is now in the Senate and passage
is expected by June or July. With regard to the use of lateral wells , the
Board reported that this was not feasible on this type of a slide.
ADJOURNMENT At 11 :15 P.M. Member McTaggart moved
to adjourn the meeting.
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Age • Chair an
Agency Secretary
705CP/MIN3.1-3 -3- March 5, 1986