RDA RES 1996-016 RESOLUTION NO. - RDA 96-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ABALONE COVE SEWER PROJECT; ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM AND ADOPTING THE STATEMENT OF FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HEREBY FINDS, ORDERS AND RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS : Section 1 . The Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency (the "RDA") , has proposed the installation of a sanitary sewer system in the Abalone Cove area of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes ("the Project") as part of a program of ground stabilization methods intended to mitigate landslide hazards in the Abalone Cove area. Section 2 . Various elements and cumulative impacts of proposed ground stabilization methods were previously studied in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Abalone Cove Landslide Stabilization Project (State Clearinghouse No. 88092820) , which was certified by the County of Los Angeles on December 4, 1990 ( "the 1990 EIR" ) . While the environmental impacts of a sanitary sewer system in the area were studied in the 1990 EIR, actual sewer line alignments and project specifications were not in place at the time the 1990 EIR was certified. Section 3 . The 1990 EIR reached a conclusion that a sanitary sewer system would have a positive effect on efforts to stabilize the ground in the Abalone Cove area of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes ( "the City") , and identified a number of environmental consequences that could be mitigated through future design-level and construction-level measures to be imposed once the sewer system' s alignment and design were in place . Section 4 . Upon completion of a design and proposed alignment for the Project, the RDA caused an Initial Environmental Study to be prepared for the Project by Impact Sciences, Inc . under contract to the RDA, 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 pursuant to Section 15063 of the State Guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA" ) . The Initial Study adopted the 1990 EIR by reference, and indicated that the EIR for the Project would supplement information contained in the 1990 EIR. The Initial Study concluded that there was substantial evidence that the Project might have a significant environmental impact on several specifically identified resources and governmental services . The Initial Study was distributed for public review on February 17, 1995 for a thirty (3 0) day public review period that ended on March 20, 1995 . Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15064 and 15081, a decision was made to prepare an Environmental Impact Report ( "EIR") for the Project . Section 5 . On February 17, 1995, a Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report ("DEIR" ) was prepared for the Project and sent to the State Clearinghouse in the Office of Planning and Research for the State of California and to other responsible, trustee, and/ or interested agencies and persons . Section 6 . On June 22 , 1995, the DEIR was completed. Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15085, the City prepared a Notice of Completion of the DEIR which was filed by mail with the State Office of Planning and Research on June 26, 1995 . A copy of the Notice of Completion and of the mailing list to agencies and interested individuals, is included in the Final Environmental Impact Report ( "FEIR" ) . The DEIR was then circulated to interested persons and agencies between June 22, 1995 and July 22 , 1995 for a 30-day comment period pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15087 (c) . In response to the circulation of the DEIR, the RDA received eight (8) comment letters . The RDA prepared written responses to those comment letters, incorporated the comments and the RDA' s responses into the FEIR and returned responses to commenting agencies more than ten (10) days prior to the Certification of the FEIR. Section 7,. The FEIR is comprised of the Initial Study; the 1990 EIR; the Draft EIR dated June 22 , 1995, including any revisions thereto; the Staff Reports which were prepared for the RDA meetings of July 5, 1995, July 18, 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 2 Resol. NO. RDA 96-16 1995, and August 6, 1996; the relevant portions of the Minutes of those meetings; the Statement of Findings and Facts in Support of Findings, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; the Mitigation Monitoring Program ("MMP" ) ; the list of persons, organizations and public agencies which have commented on the NOP, Initial Study and Draft EIR; the comments which have been received regarding the Draft EIR and the responses thereto; each of which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. Section 8 . The RDA held a duly noticed public hearing on the FEIR on August 6, 1996 at which time evidence, both written and oral, was duly presented to and considered by, the RDA Board. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing was provided in accordance with applicable law. Section 9 . The findings made in this Resolution are based upon the information and evidence set forth in the FEIR and upon other substantial evidence which has been presented in the record of this proceeding. The documents, staff reports, plans, specifications, and other materials that constitute the record of proceedings of the RDA on which this Resolution is based and the FEIR for the Project are on file and available for public examination during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 . The custodian of said records is the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes . Section 10 . The RDA finds that the public and government agencies have been afforded ample notice and opportunity to comment on the Initial Study, DEIR, and FEIR. Section 11,. The RDA finds, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 15084 (e) , that the FEIR has been independently analyzed by the RDA Board and its Staff, and that the FEIR represents the independent judgment of the RDA as lead agency with respect to the Project . The RDA further finds that the additional information provided in the staff reports accompanying the Project descriptions and EIR, the corrections and modifications to the EIR made in response to comments, and the evidence presented in written and oral 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 3 Resol. No. RDA 96-16 testimony presented at the above-referenced hearing does not represent significant new information so as to require recirculation of the EIR pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092 . 1 . Specifically, with reference to the most recent minor modifications and corrections to the EIR regarding the project description, the size of the pipelines to be constructed in certain areas, the capacity of the sewer system, and the growth-inducing impacts arising from the sewer system, all of which were discussed in the staff report prepared for the August 6, 1996 meeting of the RDA, none of these revisions to the EIR constitute significant new information or substantial changes to the project which would require recirculation of the EIR, as revised, pursuant to Section 21092 . 1 of the Public Resources Code. Instead, the analysis set forth in the EIR was amended to amplify the discussion of the growth inducing impact of the sewer system, which results from the elimination of a development constraint, and the number of homes that might be constructed as a result of the installation of the sewer system. The conclusion reached in the EIR that the sewer system will have a growth inducing impact by removing a development constraint has not been changed. Because this information is a minor clarification to the prior analysis and does not change the conclusion which was reached in the EIR, recirculation of the EIR is not required by CEQA. Section 12 . The RDA finds that the comments regarding the DEIR and the responses to those comments have been received by the RDA; that the RDA has received public testimony regarding the adequacy of the DEIR; and that the RDA Board of Directors, as the final decision-making body for the lead agency, has reviewed and considered all such documents and testimony prior to acting on the Project . Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15090, the RDA therefore certifies that the FEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA. Section 13 . Based upon the Initial Study, the DEIR, the FEIR, public and agency comments and the record before the RDA Board of Directors, the RDA finds that the Project will pot cause significant environmental impacts in the areas of Soil Resources, Water Resources and Drainage, 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 4 Plant Life, Animal Life, Light and Glare, Land Use, Natural III Resources, Risk of Upset, Housing, Public Services, Energy, Utilities, Human Health, and Recreation. Explanations for why the foregoing impacts were found to be insignificant are contained in the Initial Study in Appendix A of the Draft EIR, and in Pages 7 . 0 through 7 .5, inclusive, of the FEIR. Section 14 . The Initial Study identified some of the Project ' s effects as "potentially significant . " However, based upon the analysis presented in the DEIR and the FEIR, and upon public and agency comments and the record before the RDA Board of Directors, the RDA finds that the Project will pot cause significant environmental impacts in the following areas identified in the Initial Study: a. Air Quality. The proposed project will not emit sewer gas directly to the atmosphere and will not, therefore, result in the creation of objectionable odors . Further explanation for this determination may be found in Section 6 . 1 of the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference. III b. Noise. The proposed project will not result in the exposure of people to severe noise levels . The proposed sewer system will not include mechanisms that will generate significant noise on an infrequent or regular basis . The proposed grinder pumps are the only elements of the system that generate noise . The pumps do not generate high noise levels and will be located underground, thus mitigating any noise impacts at nearby homes . Further explanation for this determination may be found in Section 6 . 2 of the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference . c. Transportation/Circulation. The proposed project will not generate substantial additional vehicular movement . Once construction is finished, the sewer system will I/ generate only infrequent traffic by maintenance crews, and will involve no ongoing traffic generation. Further explanation for this determination may be found in Section 6 .3 of the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference . 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 5 - Re so l. No. RDA 96-16 d. Cumulative Impacts . The proposed project will not result in impacts which are individually limited but III cumulatively considerable . Further explanation for this determination may be found in Section 10 . 0 of the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference. Section 15 . Based upon the Initial Study, the DEIR and FEIR, public comments and the record before the RDA Board of Directors, the RDA finds that the Project may create significant impacts in the areas of air quality, noise, traffic and circulation, aesthetics, cultural resources . The FEIR identifies feasible mitigation measures for each impact that will reduce each impact to a level of insignificance. Said mitigation measures may be found in Section 2 . 0 of the FEIR, and in each applicable Section of the FEIR. In accordance with the requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081 . 6, a Mitigation Monitoring Program has been developed for the Project . The Mitigation Monitoring Program as set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Resolution is hereby adopted and approved by the RDA and is hereby incorporated herein by this reference and is a condition of the approval of the Project . RDA Staff are hereby directed to implement the Mitigation Monitoring III Program as set forth therein. Section 16 . In response to each potentially significant impact identified in the FEIR, and listed in Section 15 of this Resolution, changes or alterations are hereby required to be made, or incorporated into, the Project which will avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental impacts which have been identified. These changes or alterations to the Project, constitute the mitigation measures listed in the Final EIR. As to each impact previously identified as significant, brief explanations of the rationale for this finding and the findings contained in Section 15 of this Resolution are set forth in the "Statement of Findings and Facts in Support of Findings, " which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . Section 17 . The FEIR describes, and the RDA has fully considered, a reasonable range of alternatives to the Project which might fulfill the basic objectives of the Project . These alternatives include the "No Project" III alternative, the "Alternative to a Sanitary Sewer System" 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 6 alternative, the "Alternate Project Location" alternative, the "Gravity Sewer System" alternative, the "Septic Tank Effluent Pump System (STEP) " alternative, and the "Small Diameter Gravity Sewers" alternative. The alternatives identified in the EIR either would not sufficiently achieve I/ the basic objectives of the Project or would do so only with unacceptable adverse environmental impacts . Accordingly, and for any one of the reasons set forth herein, in the FEIR, or in the "Statement of Findings and Facts in Support of Findings" attached hereto as Exhibit "A, " the RDA finds that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible each of the Project alternatives, including the "No Project" alternative, identified in the FEIR and each is hereby rejected. The RDA further finds that a good faith effort was made to incorporate alternatives into the preparation of the FEIR, and that all reasonable alternatives were considered in the review process of the FEIR and the ultimate decision on the project . Section 18 . The RDA hereby makes the findings contained in the "Statement of Findings and Facts in Support of Findings" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" with respect to each of the significant impacts defined in the FEIR and the alternatives analysis . Further, the RDA hereby finds that each fact in support of finding is true and is based upon substantial evidence in the record, including the FEIR. Section 19 . Upon approval of this Resolution, the RDA Secretary is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County Recorder' s Office, County of Los Angeles, and the California State Clearinghouse pursuant to Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code. I/ 7 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 Resol. No. RDA 96-16 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1996 . L-77 , I __L ' A _i CHAI PERS' ' ATTEST: I , / i , // AG! CY SECRETARY f STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } SS CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES } I, Jo Purcell, Agency Secretary of the Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency hereby certify that the above Resolution No. RDA 96-16 was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency at the meeting held on August 6, 1996 . Q AGENC90 SECRETARY I/ 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 8 - Resol. NO. RDA 96-16 EXHIBIT "A" IIIFINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS This section provides a summary of the findings and facts in support of findings for the significant environmental effects of the Project . The summary identifies those impacts found to be adverse but not significant, and those potentially significant impacts mitigated to a level of insignificance. For a discussion of those effects determined in the Initial Study to be insignificant, please see Section 7 . 0 of the FEIR and Appendix A of the DEIR. I. Adverse Impacts Mitigated to a Level of Insignificance Several project impacts were determined to be adverse, but not significant, effects for which mitigation measures have been identified that would reduce such effects IIto a level of insignificance. These are listed below. A. INITIAL STUDY Soil Resources ADVERSE EFFECT • Project trenching operations would temporarily expose soils to the effects of wind and water, which could lead to erosion of soils within the construction area limits . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. III 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 9 - Resol. No. RDA 96-16 FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The significant effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . Inclusion of erosion control measures in the contract specifications will ensure that such measures are included in the construction management program. Revegetation and sand bagging are two examples of methods that will either stabilize or contain the movement of loose soils, to ensure that erosion of soils does not occur or is minimized. 1 . Temporary erosion control measures such as the immediate revegetation of disturbed areas and sand bagging shall be included in the construction contract in order to minimize erosion and sedimentation during construction activities . Plant Life ADVERSE EFFECT • Replacement of existing vegetation that is removed during construction could include use of species which are invasive or otherwise competitive with or injurious to nearby vegetation. This is not considered significant from a biological perspective, since none of the plant species found within the project limits are rare, threatened or endangered. FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 10 FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . Use of plant species in the revegetation program that are biologically compatible with adjacent plants will ensure that replacement plants do not injure or threaten the survival of the adjacent plants . 1 . Vegetation disturbed or removed due to construction activities shall be replaced with like kind, or some other species which closely resembles what was removed and which is complimentary to adjacent vegetation. Animal Life ADVERSE EFFECT • Construction noise could disturb the breeding activities of the threatened California gnatcatcher and the rare coastal cactus wren in known habitat areas located outside of the project limits . This impact could be adverse, but, due to the distance between known habitat and the nearest limits of construction, would not be significant . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . Project phasing, based on surveys to determine Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 11 - Resol. NO. RDA 96-16 presence or absence of cactus wrens or California gnatcatchers near active construction areas, would enable avoidance of noisy construction close enough to disturb nesting birds . Construction work will not occur in the vicinity of nesting birds in the nesting season. 1 . Construction activities shall be scheduled to avoid the nesting season (March through July) or phased to avoid construction, near known nesting birds . Phasing shall involve periodic surveys for nesting birds in the project vicinity prior to and during construction, with the subsequent location of construction to avoid impacts proximal to the birds . Transportation/Circulation ADVERSE EFFECT • Construction traffic could require temporary closure of a travel lane at certain times and in different places within the project area. FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . This measure would provide a mechanism by which traffic flow can be accomplished in both directions of all streets affected by construction, as needed. III 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 12 - 1 . Two-way traffic on those streets at which III construction activities are taking place shall be maintained by the use of flagmen or other acceptable traffic control methods and all lanes shall be re-opened at the end of each working day. Utilities-Storm Drains ADVERSE EFFECT • During the short-term period of construction, project trenching operations could temporarily disrupt local storm drainage facilities, either by direct excavation through a drainage way or if construction debris is allowed to block a drainage facility. FINDING III 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . Incorporation of storm drainage maintenance responsibilities into the contract specifications will provide an effective mechanism to ensure that local storm drainage facilities are kept functional during the I/ construction program. 1 . The construction contract shall include provisions for the use of water pumps and III Best Management Practices, such as keeping curbside drainage free of construction debris Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 13 Resol. NO. RDA 96-16 or stockpiled soil, during periods of rainfall . The contract shall include a provision stating that the contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. Utilities-Solid Waste Disposal ADVERSE EFFECT • A variety of construction wastes will be generated during the short-term construction program, that would require collection and proper disposal at a landfill or materials recovery facility. This will increase the number of trash truck trips into the project area that could generate noise during early mornings, unless restricted to other times . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . 1 . The contractor shall provide trash bins for I/ articles disposed of during the construction process, and trash trucks shall be restricted to mid-day pick-up. III 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 14 - B. DRAFT EIR Air Quality ADVERSE EFFECT I/ • There is a potential for formation of methane gas or hydrogen sulfide within the sewer lines, if stagnate, anaerobic conditions are allowed to occur. This could lead to concentrations of such gases that would exceed the standards set by the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) , which could contribute to corrosion of pipelines and formation of sewer gas, if not properly controlled. This impact is not expected to occur, because the proposed project does not include the use of holding tanks as part of normal operations which could allow for stagnant, anaerobic conditions, and because sewage effluent will be immediately processed by the grinder pumps and then conveyed, under pressure, through the collector system, also preventing the occurrence of stagnant conditions . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into I/ the project . This measure would provide a monitoring and action mechanism by which to detect concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the sewer system and to take corrective action, if needed, to reduce such concentrations to acceptable levels . Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 15 - Resol. NO. RDA 96-16 1 . The sewer system shall be designed and constructed to satisfy all standards of the III Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts . The completed sewer system shall be tested on an annual basis to ensure that the sulfide level contained in the effluent does not exceed 0 . 10 milligrams per liter. If an exceedance of this standard is identified, the Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency shall formulate a plan to minimize the sulfide concentration and meet the sulfide standard set by the Districts . Any such plan shall be submitted to the Districts for review and approval prior to implementation of the sulfide control system. Noise ADVERSE EFFECT • Construction activities would temporarily increase local noise levels, resulting in a nuisance effect at two-to-four residences per work day. IIII FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and MMP and I/ incorporated into the project . These measures will control construction activities in a manner that would minimize the amount and duration of construction noise, and also limit the number of persons that would be exposed to construction III noise. 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 16 - III 1 . Contract specifications shall include provisions for the fitting of a muffler or other sound reduction equipment in good working order on all construction equipment . I/ 2 . Construction activities shall be limited to weekdays, between the hours of 7 : 00 AM and 7 : 00 PM. Vehicles and equipment shall not be started before 7 : 00 AM. 3 . The construction staging area (s) shall be located at a minimum distance of 300 feet from the nearest residential uses, and shall be so located as to minimize the amount of travel along local roadways which the equipment must use to reach the active construction area. Risk of Upset (Emergency Access) III ADVERSE EFFECT • Construction activities could temporarily require a lane closure and may require temporary closure of one or more driveways, thus impeding access by emergency vehicles and crews . Unrestricted work crew parking could further constrain access and circulation along affected streets . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified I/ in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of III insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measures identified in the EIR and MMP and incorporated into Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 17 Resol. No. RDA 96-16 • the project . These measures will ensure that access by emergency services vehicles and crews to private residences or other places affected by construction activities will be provided, when needed. 1 . Contract specifications shall require that at least one travel lane shall be open at all I/ times on those streets where construction activities are taking place. Two-way traffic flow shall be restored to all affected streets at the end of each working day. 2 . Contract specifications shall include provisions to prohibit the parking of vehicles along the private roadways and along Palos Verdes Drive South. Crew parking shall be limited to the designated construction staging areas, as approved by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes . 3 . Contract specifications shall include provisions to ensure that safe vehicular access is maintained to individual residences at all times . Transportation/Circulation ADVERSE EFFECT • During construction, temporary closure of a travel lane or one or more private driveways may be required, and unrestricted work crew parking could further constrain access and circulation along affected streets . FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which I/ mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 18 FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation I/ measures identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . These measures will ensure that access by local residents, delivery services, emergency services, visitors, etc. to private residences or other places affected by construction activities will be maintained throughout the construction process . 1 . Contract specifications shall require that at least one travel lane is open at all times on those streets where construction activities are taking place. Two-way traffic flow shall be restored to all affected streets at the end of each working day. 2 . Contract specifications shall include provisions to prohibit the parking of vehicles along the private roadways and along Palos Verdes Drive South. Crew parking shall be limited to the designated construction staging areas, as approved by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes . 3 . Contract specifications shall include provisions to ensure that safe vehicular access is maintained to individual residences at all times . Aesthetics I/ ADVERSE EFFECT • During the short-term period of construction, storage of construction materials and construction activities would contrast negatively with the surrounding low-density residential and open space environment . Some existing trees and other ornamental vegetation would be removed during Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 19 Resol. No. RDA 96-16 installation of sewer lines . Several above-ground sewer system facilities would be visible, over the long-term, however, these would not contrast significantly with the existing community image, which includes other visible utility facilities and would not obstruct any scenic views . FINDING I/ 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . These measures will compensate for the loss of existing ornamental vegetation and minimize the visibility of above-ground facilities, thus reducing the project ' s visual impact to a level of insignificance. 1 . Where feasible, the contractor shall locate above ground facilities to take advantage of existing vegetation to screen the facilities from public view. 2 . The contractor shall replace with like kind all vegetation removed during installation of the sewer mains, laterals, and appurtenant facilities . The replacement vegetation shall be of sufficient quantity or type to provide I/ screening of the above ground sewer lines and appurtenant facilities, to the maximum feasible extent . 3 . Vegetative screening shall be provided around all above ground air/vacuum valve enclosures . 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 20 - Potentially Significant Impacts Mitigated to a Level of Insignificance The EIR evaluation determined that the project could result in significant environmental effects, with I/ respect to two areas, identified below. In both cases, mitigation measures were identified that will reduce such effects to a level of insignificance. Air Quality SIGNIFICANT EFFECT • Short-term, construction-generated particulates would exceed the daily threshold established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) , by approximately 11 . 7 pounds per day. FINDING 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . These measures would ensure that construction I/ operations include a variety of controls to reduce the amount of particulates that would be generated as a result of fugitive dust and exhaust from construction vehicles and equipment, to below the SCAQMD' s threshold of significance. Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 21 - Resol. No. RDA 96-16 1 . Contract specifications shall include provisions for the development and implementation of a dust control plan. The specific measures which will constitute the plan are identified below. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes . The estimated reduction in particulate matter is identified for each measure. The combined effect of these measures will reduce total particulate matter emissions to approximately 123 pounds per day, 27 pounds per day below the AQMD threshold. • Apply approved non-toxic chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturer' s specification to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for four days or more) . Reduction in PM 10: 30% • Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Reduction in PM 10: 15% • Enclose, cover, or apply approved soil binders to exposed piles (i .e . , gravel, sand, dirt) according to manufacturers ' specifications . Reduction in PM10: 30% • Water active grading sites at least twice daily. The application of water shall occur under the direction of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and/or Dr. Perry Ehlig, consulting geologist to the City. Reduction in PM10: 34% • Suspend all excavating operations when wind speeds (such as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. Reduction in PM10: Unknown • All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (i .e. , minimum vertical distance between top of the load and the top of the trailer) , in accordance I/ with Section 23114 of the California Vehicle Code . Reduction in PM10 : 7% 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 22 • Sweep streets at the end of the day if visible soil material is carried over to adjacent roads . Reduction in PM10: 25% • Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash off trucks and any equipment leaving the site each trip. Wheel washing shall occur under the direction of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and/or Dr. Perry Ehlig, consulting geologist to the City. Reduction in PM10: 40% • Apply water three times daily or chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers ' specifications to all unpaved parking or staging areas or unpaved road surfaces . The application of water shall occur under the direction of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and/or Dr. Perry Ehlig, consulting geologist to the City. Reduction in PM10: 45% • Enforce traffic speed limits of 15 mph or less on all unpaved roads . Reduction in PM10: 40% Cultural Resources SIGNIFICANT EFFECT • The project area is known to be of high sensitivity for cultural resources . Although no known resources have been identified within the proposed sewer line alignments, previously undiscovered resources may exist in certain areas, and could be damaged or destroyed during project trenching and backfilling operations . FINDING I/ 1 . Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the EIR. Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 23 Re s o l. No. RDA 96-16 FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDING The adverse effect has been lessened to a level of insignificance by virtue of the following mitigation measure identified in the Final EIR and MMP and incorporated into the project . This measure will ensure that a properly qualified monitor is present to observe construction in the areas of highest sensitivity for cultural resources, to enable identification of cultural resources that may be discovered, and to temporarily modify construction activities in order to appropriately recover and document such findings . 1 . An archaeological monitor shall be present during trenching or grading activities that occur in the vicinity of Wayfarers Chapel and Palos Verdes Drive South, and along that portion of the sewer network to be located in the vicinity of the Portuguese Bend Riding Club, along Sweet Bay Road and along the northern portion of Narcissa Drive. The specific limits of the areas to be monitored III shall be determined by the monitor, at the time of construction. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES INTRODUCTION State CEQA guidelines Section 15126 (d) requires that an EIR "describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the I/ comparative merits of the alternatives . " As stated in Section 15126 (d) (5) , " [t] he range of alternatives required in an EIR is governed by a ' rule of reason' that requires the EIR to set forth only those alternatives necessary to III permit a reasoned choice. " This section provides findings 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 24 - and facts in support of findings for the rejection of alternatives to the project, which are evaluated in Section 8 . 0 of the EIR. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Objectives established for this project by the Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency (RDA) include the following: 1 . To prevent further infiltration of household wastewater leachate into the Abalone Cove Landslide groundmass . 2 . To lower the groundwater level in the slide area, to help stabilize this land mass and reduce the potential for slide movement and damage to properties and improvements . 3 . To construct the most cost-effective and environmentally sensitive sanitary sewer system feasible, within the limitations of time and funding. ALTERNATIVES Pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines, Section 8 . 0 of the EIR evaluated a number of alternatives to the proposed project . This evaluation begins with a consideration of whether other types of projects or other project locations would be feasible. It then discusses and compares five alternative sanitary sewer systems, which were developed during the pre-design phase of this project, by the project I/ engineers . Finally, a "No-Project" scenario is discussed, as required by Section 15126 (d) (4) of the CEQA Guidelines . The alternatives evaluated in the EIR are described below, along with the findings and facts in support of findings that provide the rationale for the rejection of each alternative . III Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 25 Re so l. NO. RDA 96-16 Alternative 1- Alternative to a Sanitary Sewer System A. Description of Alternative Under this alternative, some method, other than installation of a sanitary sewer system, would be developed to replace the existing private septic tanks that are used to dispose of household wastewater in the project area. B. Findings 1 . Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the Final EIR. 2 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . C. Facts in Support of Findings The following facts are supportive of the findings . 1 . No other technology for collection and disposal of household waste water has been identified which would feasibly eliminate the existing use of private septic tanks in the project area. 2 . This alternative would not implement the I/ project objective to develop the most cost - effective and environmentally sensitive sanitary system that is feasible for the project area. III 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 26 • Alternative 2--Alternative Project Location A. Description of Alternative Under this alternative, a sanitary sewer system would be installed in another part of Rancho Palos Verdes that is presently utilizing private septic tanks for disposal of household wastewater. B. Findings 1 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . C. Facts in Support of Findings 1 . Installation of a sanitary sewer system in another portion of Rancho Palos Verdes that is presently utilizing private septic tanks would not address this projects ' objective of eliminating the infiltration of wastewater leachate into the local ground water table, would not reduce groundwater levels within the project area and would thus not improve land stability within the Abalone Cove landslide area. Alternative 3--Gravity Sewer A. Description of Alternative Under this alternative, a more "common" type of sanitary sewer system would be constructed. Sewage from individual residences would be discharged via a gravity house connection to the collector sewer, which is normally located in the adjacent street or a nearby easement . The sewer must be deep enough to permit gravity flow from the house connection. The sewer must be constructed on a slope to allow gravity to convey the sewage to its discharge Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 27 Re so l. No. RDA 96-16 point, normally a treatment facility or a pump station. The pipes in a gravity system are sized to provide sufficient carrying capacity on a slope that will produce a flow velocity in the pipe that prevents the deposition of solid material in the sewage lines . Gravity systems are often supplemented by pump stations in those cases where the sewer would otherwise become excessively deep, or when an obstruction is met that makes a gravity system infeasible . B. Findings 1 . Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the Final EIR. 2 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . C. Facts in Support of Findings 1 . In many cases, the sewers must be constructed at substantially greater depths than required for a grinder pressure sewer system, in order to maintain gravity flow. Such deep trenching results in high construction costs and more extensive construction impacts, such as greater potential for injury, a longer construction period and increased noise, air emissions and traffic disruption. It would also result in greater removals of pepper trees and other existing vegetation, thus increasing the project ' s visual impact, as well as costs of restoration of such vegetation after construction. 2 . Leaks and/or breaks in the proposed grinder pump/pressure system are much easier to detect than in a gravity system because the pressure lines can be placed closer to the ground surface. Gravity systems tend to have 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 28 joint problems with tree roots and shifting of soils, which may in turn lead to leakage of wastewater into the slide plane . To minimize the possibility of leakage, pipes would have to be televised on a regular basis to determine if there are joint problems, thereby increasing the cost of maintenance . Alternative 4 Septic Tank Effluent Pump System (STEP) A. Description of Alternative A STEP is a low-pressure sewer system which transports pumped septic tank effluent to a collection sewer network. This is similar to the proposed grinder pump system, except for its use of the septic tank and the type of pump employed. In a STEP, the septic tank serves as a treatment unit and as a holding tank for the pump. The pump is usually a centrifugal type without a grinder unit . Since the septic tank removes grit and heavy solids prior to pumping, a grinder feature is not necessary. B. Findings 1 . Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the Final EIR. 2 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . I/ C. Facts in Support of Findings 1 . The STEP system requires the continued use of the existing septic tanks systems, which requires continued maintenance and periodic cleaning by the homeowner, in addition to the Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 29 - Re sol. No. RDA 96-16 costs of maintaining the collector sewer system. 2 . STEP systems often have problems related to odors and corrosion that are inherent with septic tank-based systems . To be effective, all of the existing septic tanks would have to be structurally sound, without leaks, and with the component parts (i .e. baffles and pipes, etc . ) still intact . Given that the septic tanks in the project area have been installed at various times since the early 1950 ' s and none within the last several years, it is considered unlikely that all of the existing septic tanks are, in fact, structurally sound, and it is likely that a number of them would require replacing, at additional cost . The proposed project, on the other hand, would not require replacement of existing septic tanks, which would only be used for temporary storage, as a "back-up" option in the event of a temporary disruption of the sewer system due to a power outage or other interruption. Alternative 5--Small Diameter Gravity Sewers A. Description of Alternative Small diameter gravity sewer systems rely on small diameter pipes to carry septic tank effluent by gravity. Clean-outs are typically used in-lieu of manholes . Since manholes are not present, the sewer profile can follow the natural ground profile without hindering hydraulic flow, provided the upper end of the sewer is sufficiently elevated. This enables construction of shallower trenches than are dug for conventional sewers, reducing installation costs and the magnitude of ground disturbance . Septic tanks are required at each connection to remove grease, grit and other heavy solids to reduce pipe plugging problems . With the heavy solids removed, the need to maintain scouring velocities is minimized, compared to conventional gravity sewers . 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 - 30 - B. Findings 1 . Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the Final EIR. 2 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . C. Facts in Support of Findings 1 . Septic tanks would be required, requiring ongoing maintenance and periodic cleaning by the homeowners, in addition to the costs of maintaining the collector sewers . 2 . Areas where topography prevents the use of small diameter gravity pipes could not be served by this system. This would result in gaps in the sanitary sewer system, where continued use of the private septic tank/leach field system would be necessary, and the RDA' s objective of eliminating the infiltration of household wastewater into the local groundwater table would not be met in those areas . 3 . In those sections of the sewer that are pressurized by gravity, house connections would not be feasible . This would result in gaps in the sanitary sewer system, where continued use of the private septic tank/leach field system would be necessary, and the RDA' s objective of eliminating the infiltration of household wastewater into the local ground water table would not be met in those areas . III Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 31 Resol. No. 96-16 Alternative 6--No Project A. Description of Alternative Under this alternative, no sanitary sewer system would be developed to replace the existing private septic tank and leach line systems within the project area. B. Findings 1 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project . C. Facts in Support of Findings 1 . This alternative would not meet all of the RDA' s objectives for the project in that it would not accomplish the following: (a) prevent further infiltration of household wastewater leachate into the Abalone Cove landslide groundmass; (b) lower the ground water level in the slide area; and (c) construct the most cost-effective environmentally sensitive sanitary sewer system feasible in the project area. 2 . While this alternative would avoid all of the construction-related impacts of the proposed project, none of the project ' s impacts are considered unavoidable and all adverse or potentially significant impacts of the project can be mitigated to a level of insignificance. 3 . This alternative would result in continued infiltration of household wastewater leachate into the local groundmass, thus contributing to ground water levels that could contribute to additional movement of the Abalone Cove Landslide . This alternative would, therefore, have a greater impact than the proposed project with respect to geology and groundwater hydrology. III Exhibit A 960708 R6874-00001 pjn 1201473 4 32 Re so l. NO. RDA 96-16