RDA MINS 19950705 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JULY 5, 1995 The meeting was called to order immediately following the City Council meeting by Chairman Lee Byrd. PRESENT: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & MAYOR BYRD ABSENT: NONE Also present were Executive Director Paul Bussey, Director of Public Works Trent Pullman, Director of Planning Bret Bernard, Agency Secretary Jo Purcell and Agency Attorney Carol Lynch. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Brooks moved, seconded by Member McTaggart, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks, to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine spoke to several items on the Consent Calendar: minutes of June 6, 1995; certain items of expenditure on the register of demands; maintenance of the Portuguese Bend drainage pipe; and, the relationship of Dwight French to Abbott Associates. Kathy Snell, Vanderlip Lane, questioned number of wells being monitored and the method of payment for that monitoring; and, the payment of the property liens imposed by the Horan settlement. WAIVER OF FULL READING Adopted a motion to waive reading in full of all ordinances with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all members after the reading of the title. MINUTES Approved the minutes of June 6, 1995. FY 1995-96 BUDGET - CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS (602) Adopted RESOL. NO. RDA 95-14 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. RDA 95-12, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-96, TO CONTINUE CERTAIN EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS FROM FISCAL YEAR 1994-95. RESOL. NO. 95-15 - BUDGET REDUCTIONS (602) ADOPTED RESOL. NO. RDA 95-15 AMENDING RESOL. NO. RDA 94-7, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95, TO REDUCE THE BUDGET FOR CERTAIN PRJECTS WHICH WERE RE-BUDGETED IN FY 1995-96. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS, & BYRD NOES: NONE # # # # # # # REGULAR BUSINESS: UPDATED AERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS - PORTUGUESE BEND (1204 X 1900) Public Works Director Pulliam presented the staff report of July 5 and the following recommendations: (1) AWARD A CONTRACT TO HORIZON SURVEYS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,400 FOR NEW AERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN THE PORTUGUESE BEND AREA AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN AND THE AGENCY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. (2) AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL GPS SURVEY OF THE GPS MONUMENTS IN THE AREA OF THE NEW AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SETTING TARGETS AND ESTABLISHING CONTROL FOR THE AERIAL MAPPING AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $7, 000. (4) COPIES OF TOPO MAPS TO BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT INTERPRETIVE CENTER AND THAT PROCEEDS BE SPLIT BETWEEN INTERPRETIVE CENTER AND THE REMAINDER USED TO RETIRE THE RDA DEBT WITH THE CITY. (5) STAFF TO PREPARE REPORT ON COST OF PRODUCING TOPO MAPS. Member McTaggart moved that copies of the topographic maps be made availale for sale at the Pt. Vicente Interpretive Center and that half of the funds from their sale be used to pay off the debt to the City. The motion was seconded by Member Lyon and carried. Staff was directed to determine the cost of producing those maps. ABALONE COVE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (1204 X 1900) Director Pulliam presented the July 5 staff report and the following recommendations: (1) authorize Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers to revise the plans and contract documents so that al sewer lines, including those in the active landslide area of Abalone Cove, are placed underground at a cost not to exceed $15, 000 for such revisions. (2) Approve the attached language, which was prepared by the City Attorney, that will indemnify Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers from liability associated RDA MINUTES JULY 5, 1995 PAGE 2 with the design modifications to place the sewer system underground un the active landslide area of Abalone Cove. (3) Direct the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the agreement with Consoer Townsend which incorporates the proposed language and amends the contract to include the design revisions which are discussed in the staff report, and autorize the Agency Chair and Secretary to sign the amendment to the agreement. Kathy Snell, Vanderlip Lane, said that there are many pepper trees along Vanderlip Drive and that she owns about 35 of them on her driveway frontage, that she does not live in the landslide area and that her property has not moved. She objected to the lines going through the pepper trees, and questioned the accuracy of the property line locations as drawn by Consoer Townsend. Lois Larue, spoke in opposition to undergrounding the sewer lines. Board members questioned how, if the lines were undergrounded, leaks could be located; how the Vanderlip Drive area should be addressed to avoid disrupting the pepper trees in the area; how the system might be designed to go underground, or how above ground equipment could be made to look better. Noted was the fact that the GPS monitoring had not indicated any movement in that area since last August. It was the consensus to continue this matter until the July 18 meeting; however, staff was directed to inquire of the designers how they will put this system underground; how can it be made to look better if it is left above ground; how can it be made foolproof; let the board see a design section; and, then address the vanderlip section separately. Additionally, staff was directed to ask dr. Ehlig what can be done to accelerate removal of surface water before it becomes part of the subsurface. ABALONE COVE PANEL OF EXPERTS (1204 X 1900) Executive Director Bussey presented the July 5 staff report and the recommendation to (1) OFFICIALLY ACCEPTE, WITH REGRET, THE RESIGNATIONS OF PANEL EXPERTS CUMMINGS, MEEHAN, MANN, SLOSSON AND FRANKIAN; and, (2) INSTRUCTED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN AMENDMENT TO THE ABALONE COVE REIMBURSEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WHICH WOULD REPLACE THE PANEL OF EXPERTS WITH DR. PERRY EHLIG AND ADDITIONAL EXPERTS APPROVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS NEEDED AND ASSIGNED BY THE RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TO REVIEW LANDSLIDE ABATEMENT WORK. Representing the Del Cerro Homeowners & Peninsula Preservation was was Al Edgerton, 59 Oceanaire Drive, who spoke against the recommendation that Dr. Ehlig be appointed to replace the panel of experts because, he felt, that it was a conflict of interest RDA MINUTES JULY 5, 1995 PAGE 3 Lois Larue, started her agreement with Mr. Edgerton. Kathy Snell, Vanderlip Drive, opposed acceptance of the resignations. Board discussion centered on how often the boar met; that the attorney for the litigants agreed with the appointment of Dr. Ehlig; that the cost of operating the Panel of Experts was too much; and, perhaps that another person should be considered to aid in the decision process. Executive Director Bussey clarified that whenever Dr. Ehlig makes a recommendation that it would be reviewed and verified; that the city has a pool of talent to draw from and that only those who are necessary to solve the problem would be called upon. Member Lyon moved, seconded by Member McTaggart to approve staff recommendation No. 1 but that No. 2 should be amended to as follows: " . . .with Dr. Perry Ehlig and additional experts approved by the Redevelopment Agency would be used as needed and assigned by the RDA Executive Director, to review landslide abatement work. " Motion carried. Continued discussion of this motion resulted in the consensusit was the intent to establish a mechanism whereby items would get a solid review before being presented to the Baord for a decision; that staff would prepare a list of three names for such a pool and that any decision would require a decision of the three. APPOINTMENT OF AD HOC LANDSLIDE SUBCOMMITTEE (1900) Chairman Byrd said that the purpose of this subcommittee would be to look at all of the projects to see where they fall within the RDA or general fund budget, to look at those item in one context and, to schedule the funding required. Lois Larue, said that the landslide area is falling apart and that Dr. Ehlig wanted to put more drains in the Portuguese Canyon area. Member Brooks moved, seconded by Member Lyon to approve the formation of this subcommittee with the understanding that it was an advisory committee and that fnal decisions would be made by the full board. The motion carried. Audience Comments: Lois Larue described the condition of the pipeline in the landslide area. Kathy Snell, inquired about the payment of the tax increment in the event that the County of Los Angeles goes bankrupt or if a property owner defaults on their payment of the debt service when it comes RDA MINUTES JULY 5, 1995 PAGE 4 due. Clarifying the bond repayment matter, Mr. Bussey explained that the RDA is setting aside all tax increments to pay the debt service for all perperty owners. Even if the tax increment falls short, property owners would only be required to pay the difference between the tax increment shortfall and the amount due in any given year. Additionally, a bond reserve pool is being estblished to take care of any default until it can be recovered through late payment of the delinquent assessment or, if necessary, through foreclosure of the property. Continuing, he said that the City is having a studyh prepared to indicate the growth rate necessary in the assessed valuation to guarantee full RDA payment of the bonds. Similar to last years study, it is anticipated that the study will again show the need for a larger assessed valuation growth rate than the current rate of growth. He reported that the study should e completed with a few weeks. RECOMMENDATION: CONCURRED WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS BYRD AND McTAGGART AS MEMBERS OF AN AD HOC LANDSLIDE SUBCOMMITTEE. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: KATHY SNELL RE POSSIBLE BANKRUPTCY OF L. A. COUNTY AND HOW THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BONDS ISSUED FOR THE LANDSLIDE AREA. LOIS LARUE RE CONDITION OF PIPELINE. ADJOURNMENT: ADJOURN AT 9:20 P.M. TO JULY 18, 1995. tNIAN CHAI ATTEST: Of -1 At NCY SECRETARY RDA MINUTES JULY 5, 1995 PAGE 5