RDA MINS 19941206 ADJ M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1994 The Rancho Palos Verdes Redevelopment Agency was called to order immediately following the City Council meeting by Chairman Lee Byrd in the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. PRESENT: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS CHAIR BYRD ABSENT: NONE Also present were Executive Director Paul Bussey, Assistant Executive Director Pamela Antil, Director of Public Works Trent Pulliam, Director of Planning Bret Bernard, Agency Secretary Jo Purcell and Agency Attorney Carol Lynch. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Member Brooks moved, seconded by Member McTaggart, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, spoke to several items on the consent calendar: clarification of location of the drain to be repaired; charges for the monitoring of the dewatering wells; and, payment to Del Smith. Member Brooks moved, seconded by Member McTaggart to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: WAIVER OF READING Adopted a motion to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Members after the reading of the title. MINUTES (1900 x 301) Adopted the minutes of November 15, 1994. PAINTBRUSH CANYON DEBRIS BASIN (1204 X 1900) (1) AWARDED A CONTRACT TO RYCO ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR $26,760 AND AUTHORIZED STAFF TO SPEND UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $1,240 FOR CONTINGENCIES FOR A TOTAL AUTHORIZATION NOT TO EXCEED $28,000; AND, (2) AUTHORIZED THE CHAIRMAN AND AGENCY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH RYCO ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR MODIFICATION OF A DEBRIS BASIN IN PAINTBRUSH CANYON. RELOCATION OF THE HALF ROUND DRAINAGE PIPE (1204 x 1900) (1) AWARDED A CONTRACT TO EXCEL PAVING COMPANY FOR $ 19,944 AND AUTHORIZED STAFF TO SPEND UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $ 1, 056 FOR CONTINGENCIES FOR A TOTAL AUTHORIZATION NOT TO EXCEED $ 21, 000; (2) AUTHORIZED THE CHAIRMAN AND AGENCY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH EXCEL PAVING COMPANY FOR RELOCATION OF THE HALF ROUND DRAINAGE PIPE; (3) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. RDA 94 - 15 OF THE AGENCY BOARD OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95. 1993-94 FINANCIAL AUDIT (1900 x 602) ORDERED RECEIVED AND FILED THE 1993-94 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE RDA. REGISTER OF DEMANDS RESOL. NO. 94-16 (1900 x 602) ADOPTED RESOL. NO. RDA 94-16. The motion to approve the consent calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & CHAIRMAN BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: BROOKS on the minutes of November 15, 1994. ABSENT: NONE # # # # # # # PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOL. NO. RDA 94-17 - FIVE YEAR RDA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (1900) Chairman Byrd announced that this hearing had been continued from the November 15, 1994 meeting. Sandra Genis, of Genis Planning Resources, summarized her background report entitled FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM, RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, dated November 18, 1994: On November 20, 1984 the RDA established Project Area No. 1 and adopted a Redevelopment Plan for the area. This 1,240 acre Project Area is predominantly in single family residential use with small amounts of institutional, recreational and agricultural uses. The vast bulk of development occurred prior to 1962 . Included in the area is Abalone Cove, Portuguese Bend and Klondike Canyon landslides and adjoining areas and roughly corresponds to the City's landslide moratorium area. Continuing with her report, Ms. Genis said that continuous earth RANCHO PALOS VERDES RDA DECEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 2 movement has resulted in blighted conditions in the area; Palos Verdes Drive So. , the major road in the area, is in perpetual need of repair, as is other infrastructure. The landform is fractured with steep scarps and rifts, and homes are set at odd angles. It was in response to these continuing conditions the Redevelopment Project area was established. Assembly Bill 1290 adopted in 1993 by the California Legislature required that each redevelopment agency adopt an implementation plan containing specific goals objectives for the project area, the projects and expenditures anticipated for the next five years, an explanation of how the projects and expenditures would eliminate blight and respond to overall redevelopment goals and a five-year housing plan. This required housing plan, she reported, must include the number of housing units to be developed, destroyed, price-restricted, rehabilitated, or otherwise assisted. In addition to addressing replacement and inclusionary requirements, the plan must describe how the agency intended to utilize the twenty percent housing set aside funds for low and moderate income housing. Ms. Genis then referred to the specific sections of her report which addressed the required legislation: Goals and Objectives, Five Year Plan, and Housing Plan. Responding to the Chairman's call for public testimony was Lois Larue, who said the City did not maintain the drains and roads. There being no further response to the Chair's call for testimony, he ordered the public hearing closed. Member McTaggart moved, seconded by Member Lyon to adopt RESOL. NO. RDA 94-17 OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 1. Motion carried. CANYON EROSION CONTROL PROJECT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (1900 x 1203) Chairman Byrd announced that this was a continued public hearing from the November 15, 1994. Senior Planner Rojas presented the staff report of December 6 and the recommendation to adopt the proposed resolution adopting a mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring program for the proposed RDA Portuguese Canyon Erosion Control Project, pursuant to CEQA. In summarizing his report, he stated that in January 1992 the RDA submitted an Environmental Assessment Application No. 608 to initiate the CEQA mandated environmental review of a proposal to install a 48" corrugated metal pipe at the RANCHO PALOS VERDES RDA DECEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 3 bottom of Portuguese Canyon, from Palos Verdes Dr. So. to a point in the canyon approx'mately 1, 600 ft. north of Palos Verdes Dr. So. Based on an Initial 8tudy of the proposed project, staff determined that the project would not result in significant impacts to the environment; and, as a result, a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and circulated to the public for review and comment During the review period, a public hearing was held on October 4, 1994 to provide an additional, non-required, forum for the public to submit verbal comments on the draft MND. Comments received from public resource agencies during the review period indicated that because the project was located within an existing "blueline" streambed, the RDA would have to secure State and Federal permits prior to performing the proposed brush clearance and grading. On November 15, 1994, the RDA Board continued consideration of this item to the December 6 hearing date to allow staff an opportunity to meet with public resource agency officials and discuss their comments about the proposed project. In meeting with the agency officials, it was staff's intent to ensure that the resource agencies, particularly the California Dept. of Fish & Game (DF&G) possessed a correct understanding of the minor scope of the project and to seek a way to expedite or perhaps be exempted from the permit process. Continuing with his report, Mr. Rojas then described the project, summarized the Environmental Review process and Mitigation Monitoring Program and, lastly, the Schedule for this project. Mr. Rojas, in conclusion, requested that the Board adopt the final MND accompanying Mitigation Monitoring Program for the proposed project. Referring to a December 1, 1994 letter recently received from the State of California Department of Fish and Game, Mr. Rojas stated that if the Board wished, the language from that letter confirming the lack of potential adverse project-related impact to the coastal sage scrub habitat of Portuguese Canyon could be incorporated as a part of proposed resolution. In response to a question posed by Richard Bara, 1 Peppertree Drive, regarding the means of protection for the coastal sage scrub staff responded that the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program included mitigation measures that would ensure that would ensure that a biological monitor be present during project operations and that a revegetation plan be prepared to ensure the replacement of imported sage scrub to the satisfaction of State & federal agencies. Lois Larue stated her support for this program. RANCHO PALOS VERDES RDA DECEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 4 There being no further response to the Chairman's call for public testimony, he declared the hearing closed. A brief discussion then ensued and the Agency Attorney proposed minor amendments to the resolution to include the language from the Fish & Game letter of October 14, 1994. Member McTaggart moved, seconded by Member Lyon to adopt RESOL. NO. RDA 94-18 AS AMENDED, THEREBY ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE RDA PROPOSED PORTUGUESE CANYON EROSION CONTROL PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) . Motion carried. RDA MEETINGS Member Lyon requested that an item regarding a different meeting schedule for the RDA be placed on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT: At 11:46 P.M. the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, December 20 for a meeting to following the City Council meeting. Motion made by Member McTaggart. v.\ C HAI .∎ ATTEST: d/i& DEPUTY AGENCY SECRETARY A:12694RDM RANCHO PALOS VERDES RDA DECEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 5