RDA MINS 19911123 JNT M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL & REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WORKSHOP 1/ NOVEMBER 23, 1991 The meeting was called to order at the Ladera Linda Community Center, 32201 Forrestal Drive, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. ROLL CALL VOTE: PRESENT: BACHARACH, HUGHES, McTAGGART, MAYOR HINCHLIFFE ABSENT: RYAN Also present were Boardmembers elect Kuykendall and Brooks. The following staff members were also present: Executive Director Paul Bussey, Deputy Executive Director Mark Rohloff, Agency Secretary Jo Purcell and City Attorney Carol Lynch. DISCUSSION OF STATUS OF PROJECTS FOR THE ABALONE COVE George Wentz, Project Manager, summarized the status of mitigating projects as proposed by the Abalone Cove Panel of Experts: sanitary sewers, temporary drain improvements, storm drains, house and yard drains, investigative borings, monitoring of the piezometers and inclinometers; and, the survey of monuments, all as outlined in his November 23, 1991 status report. The Board then discussed and clarified the charge of the panel of experts in that it was part of the Horan law suit settlement: that projects for the area must be approved by the panel; and, that their funds from the Horan law suit are to be used for these projects. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDED PROJECTS IN THE PORTUGUESE BEND LANDSLIDE AREA I/ Mr. Wentz then presented a status report on the CDBG funded mitigating projects: Portuguese Canyon drainage improvements, Portuguese Bend landslide grading project, and the gabion enhancement project. Apropos of the sanitary sewer project, Mr. Wentz presented a schedule of the project and its various stages. A brief discussion followed by the Board regarding the $190, 000 available in CDBG funding from carry forwards and this year's 1 allocation and the fact that the priority for expenditures should be drainage and grading projects and the gabions. POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE MORATORIUM AREA (MONAGHAN AND PALOS VERDES LAND HOLDINGS) Dr. Perry Ehlig gave a summary of the geology of the Portuguese Bend Landslide Area. With a map of the area mounted for audience viewing Dr. Ehlig explained the monitoring program for the slide, indicated the areas of movement, and explained that the rate of movement is now about 1 1/4 feet per year with other areas moving less then 1 foot per year. He cited the Portuguese Canyon drainage improvement as the highest priority, explained the surface drainage and the necessity of getting good drainage in the area. With regard to the Flying Triangle Landslide, he briefly explained its relationship to the Portuguese Bend Slide area and explained that what is being done in the Portuguese Bend Slide area has no impact on the Flying Triangle Slide. Dr. Ehlig briefly explained the nature of the Flying Triangle Slide and how it might effect the slide in the Portuguese Bend area. Dr. Ehlig next explained that erosion of the toe of the slide along the shoreline removes stabilizing force and stated the goal was to get the slide not to exert any pressure and to have stability in the lower slide area. A brief discussion then ensued regarding the gabions, their effectiveness, and the type of material that might be used in their construction. ABALONE COVE Dr. Ehlig next described the characteristics of the Abalone Cove Landslide area, the amount of water being removed from the area on a daily basis, the level of water reduction in the area, the characteristics of the slide plane, the desirability to have the water table drop even further and how this reduction would increase the safety factor of the area. Additionally, he briefly described the salt intrusion in the area, the movement of the slide in certain areas as indicated on the map, and he gave a brief history of sliding in the area and the possible way it might slide in the future. The discussion next centered on the effects of a golf course in the area and the fact that such an installation would lower the water table because of the drought resistant grasses and trees that could be planted, the type of watering system that would be installed, and how the drainage could be improved to reduce the water saturation of the slide area. Board questions next centered on the possibility of a seawall, its 2 effects on the toe of the slide, and, the status of the City's request to the Army Corps of Engineers for a study of mitigating measures. SUBREGION 7 AND 8 - GEOLOGIC STUDIES Dr. Ehlig explained the geological structure of this area; the factors of safety; and, the location of the landslides in the area. Stating that a lot of subsurface borings had to be done, he described the geological planes, their strength and how he has checked the data collected by other geologists who have also studied the area. With the use of a map of the area, Dr. Ehlig pointed out the location of some of the slide areas in this Subregion 7 and 8. A question was raised regarding the Abalone Cove area and sewers: Dr. Ehlig briefly explained the effectiveness of putting homes on a sanitary sewer system and how this would further reduce potential slide activity in this area. The meeting then opened up for audience questions: Andrew Sargent, 1 Peppertree, described how the water flowing down Peppertree is not going into a well but instead is going into the drainage system. John Sharkey, 30320 Avenida de Calma, suggested that development be stopped in Subregion 7 & 8 until the experts are satisfied with its stability. He suggested that the geology be established first and then the projects could be done. J.J.D. McLaren, 3923 Palos Verdes Dr. South, voiced his concern about stabilization of the landslide. Kathy Manning, 14 Crest Rd. , Rolling Hills, inquired whether the standards could be raised so that it could be stated beyond a shadow of a doubt that a landslide could not be triggered. Sharon Hegetschweiler, 6 Clovetree, inquired about what the City could do to encourage the City of Rolling Hills to install a sewer district in their jurisdiction. The meeting concluded with the Chairman thanking Dr. Ehlig for his time and stated his appreciation for his efforts on behalf of the I/ City. Kathy Snell, Vanderlip Drive, stated her objection to the use of the CDBG Funding because of the low income housing requirements that were apart of that funding. In response to an audience inquiry, the Board reported that reports regarding the landslide area were available at City Hall for REDEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 23, 1991 3 review. With regard to the CDBG Funding and its requirement for affordable housing, staff reported that this funding can also be used to remodel and refurbish homes for low income persons, or it could be used to subsidize rent or for new housing. ADJOURNMENT: At 12 . 00 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of Member Hughes, seconded by Member Bacharach. ite/Zhe t C • I. 1' .27 ATTEST: I / AGENCY SECRETARY I/ 112391.min REDEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 23, 1991 4