CC RES 1973-043 0
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ii - WHEREAS the goal was achieved despite seemingly insurmountable 1, ..,-...„.,—
. "OP:" , , —
,i,,,...),,,,,Sti: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Rancho Palos ,,,,,,,;*,-*?: ,
.iirer' Verdes -extends its sincerest thanks to ..... :411-ii,
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----..,;41-X,,,,.... for his dedicated service during the past five years, and for his 1, ,-„,..,,,,,,—
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rflo- !,4 persistent determination that the beauty of the Palos Verdes 1,...„7,-,011:-
srAitt.-4,1,1, - Peninsula never be sacrificed, no matter what the pressures; and 1 -....e,,,,,,,pr,... ,
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Aso, i , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, .,,;-,,,..
,.--ciim,,,' as its first step in civic beautification, will plant three trees 1:::-'':11-__-=.7-4-
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',/,4:11'' WHEREAS the City of Rancho Palos Verdes is at last a reality; ,, r*•Migi-.1
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-.-<-03kic.. WHEREAS countless hours and immeasurable effort have been , ,7,4.,-,--›_
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r,--fi ii-:• ., expended in the causes of local control , low density, and open space; i ,-,5 ,,nali..
:..-i ir/.. ADOPTED this 10th day of October, 1973, by unanimous action ,..-',1411ir
I --4-'1:ilfZ., , '.", ..„rEi.dirl A.,,, •. 44.; MAYOR 40,- ---
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