CC RES 1978-040 RESOLUTION NO. 78-40
WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 2373 has been filed, which would
allow for the division of a .95 acre lot into two (2) parcels subject to
approval of a variance, on the northern side of Tarragon Road near the
terminus of such; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this matter at a public meeting
on May 5, 1978, at which time all interested parties were given an oppor-
tunity to be heard and to present evidence.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes
does hereby find, determine, and resolve as follows:
Section 1: That the division of the .95 acre lot into two (2) par-
cels, each with a minimum area of at least 15,008 square feet, is consis-
tent with the General Plan and Development Code, since a variance was
granted for a reduction of the required lot size. The following mandatory
findings are made by the City Council for the required variance; pursuant
to Section 9730 of the City's Development Code.
a. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances by virtue
of the juxtaposition of the Southern California Edison Substation adjacent
to the site, that the two resultant lots will be larger than the existing
adjacent lots in the area and that an easement was granted for the in-
tended purpose of a future lot split.
b. That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment .
of substantial property rights on the basis that it is equivalent to prop-
erty rights enjoyed in the immediate neighborhood and that this, subdivision
is based on a prior dedication of easement.
c. That the variance will not be materially detrimental or injurious
to property and improvements in the area based on the fact that the requested
lot size will not impact the adjacent properties.
d. That the variance is not in conflict with the General Plan and the
accompanying land use map in that the resulting gross density will still be
less than that required by the existing zoning.
Section 2: That the proposed use of the lots is for single family
dwellings and associated uses, which is compatible with the objectives,
policies, and general land use specified in the General Plan.
Section 3: That the site is physically suitable to accommodate Tenta-
tive Parcel Map No. 2373 in terms of design and density, and will not result
in substantial environmental damage, based on compliance with the City's
Development Code and General Plan, and consideration of information con-
tained in the project's negative declaration for Environmental Assessment
No. 322.
Section 4: That the creation of two (2) single family lots and poten-
tial improvements will not be materially detrimental to property values,
jeopardize, endanger, or otherwise constitute a menace to the public health,
safety or general welfare of persons or properties in the surrounding area,
nor will it adversely affect the peace, health, safety or general welfare of
the area since conditions of approval require site improvements and dedica-
Section 5: That the division and development of the property will not
unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the public
entity and public utility rights-of-way and/or easements within the tract.
Section 6: That the City Council does hereby declare that a nega-
tive declaration was granted in compliance with City and State Environ-
mental Impact Report guidelines and that the City Council has reviewed
and considered the contents of the Initial Study in reaching its decision.
The City Council further finds that the approval of this parcel map will
not have a significant adverse environmental impact because potential
impacts are mitigated as discussed in the Initial Study.
Section 7: That the discharge of sewage from this land division
into the public sewer system will not violate the requirements of the
California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7
(commencing with Section 13000) of the Water Code.
Section 8: For the foregoing reasons, the City Council of the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby grants approval of Tentative Parcel Map No.
2373 and Variance No. 20 subject to the attached conditions marked Exhibit
"A", which are necessary to protect the public health, safety and general
welfare in the area.
APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7 th day of June , 1978.
7:7 - )0'
07 74 pity Clu,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
Resolution No. 78- 40 . approved and adopted by the City Council of the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes at a meeting thereof held on the 7th day of June,
Page two Resolution No. 78-40
1. This approval expires twelve (12) months from the date of approval
of this resolution.
2. Easements are tentatively required, subject to review by the City
Engineer to determine the final locations and requirements.
3. Approval of this division of land is contingent upon use of sani-
tary sewers as the method of sewage disposal.
4. The developer shall file with this Division a statement from the
water purveyor indicating that water service will be provided by
the water purveyor to each of the lots shown on this land division
S. A final parcel map prepared by, or under the direction of, a regis-
tered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor must be processed
through the Department of City Engineer prior to being filed with
the County Recorder.
6. If signatures of record title interests appear on the final map,
submit a preliminary guarantee. A final guarantee will be required
at the time of filing of the parcel map with the County Recorder.
If said signatures do not appear on the final map, a preliminary
title report/guarantee is needed that covers the area showing all
fee owners and interest holders. The account for this preliminary
title report/guarantee should remain open until the final parcel
map is filed with the County Recorder.
7. Easements shall not be granted or recorded within areas proposed to
be granted, dedicated or offered for dedication for public streets
or highways, access rights, building restriction rights, or other
easements until after the final map is filed with the County Re-
corder unless such easements are subordinated to the proposed grant
or dedication. If easements are granted after the date of tentative
approval, a subordination must be executed by the easement holder
prior to the filing of the final map.
8. Prior to submitting the parcel map to the City Engineer for his
examination pursuant to Section 66450 of the Government Code, ob-
tain clearances from all affected departments and divisions, in-
cluding a clearance from the Subdivision Section of Mapping Division
of the County Engineer for the following items: mathematical ac-
curacy, survey analysis, correctness of certificates and signatures,
9. Prior to the issuance of building permits, plans must be approved to
eliminate the sheet overflow or elevate the floors of the buildings
with no openings in the foundation walls to at least twelve (12)
inches above the finished pad grade and provide for contributory
drainage from adjoining properties.
10. A parkland dedication fee of $670.82 shall be paid to the City prior
to approval of the final parcel map.
11. Prior to recordation, comply with Section 66493-C (relative to spe-
cial assessments) of the State Subidivision Map Act.
12. Prior to approval of the final map, the developer shall post a cash
deposit, or bonds, or a combination thereof, to cover the costs of
the construction or improvement of a private driveway pursuant to a
design to be recommended by the Director of Planning.
13. The City's final parcel map fee shall be paid prior to approval of
the final map.
Exhibit "A" of Resolution No. 78- 40
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