CC MINS 19741106 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 6, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:47 p.m. at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilman Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan, and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: None Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Planning Director Sharon Hightower, Community Services Officer Doris Brown, and Deputy City Clerk Dee Krebs. MINUTES APPROVAL It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk, and carried, that the Minutes of October 15 and 26,1974 be ap- proved as distributed. INTRODUCTION OF LENNOX _ -, . Mayor Ryan introduced to Council, Captain SHERIFF STATION COMMANDER Beto Kienast, the new commander of the Lennox Sheriff Station. . P.V.P. 4-H CLUB PRESENTATION In observance of the 20-year anninversary of the Palos Verdes Peninsula 4-H Club, Miss Nancy Vanderlip, president of the Club, presented a placque to Council to commemorate the occasion. RESOLUTION COMMENDING A resolution commending Mr. Howard McCrady HOWARD McCRADY for his work on the General Plans Goals Committee was accepted by Mrs. McCrady on behalf of her husband, who was out of the city. PUBLIC HEARING - Continued hearing was opened on Conditional C.U.P. NO. 3 & VAR. NO. 2 Use Permit No. 3 and Variance No. 2 to per- SO. CALIF. EDISON MICROWAVE FACILITY mit the construction of a microwave facility (1804) in the City. There being no objection, the hearing was continued to December 3, 1974, 7:30 p.m. SEPARATE NEWSPAPER COLLECTION Council discussed an ordinance proposed in (1301) conjunction with a pilot program sponsored by the AAUW, League of Women Voters, and PTSA for separate newspaper collection. The ordinance prohibiting collection by other than contractor was referred to the City Attorney for revision. BUS BENCH ADVERTISING An ordinance prohibiting the placing, (1405) changing, or renewing of any advertising structure in the public right-of-way was deferred until the next regular meeting so that the City Attorney could redraft the ordinance. ORD. NO. 59 ORDINANCE NO. 59 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO REVOCATION OF AMBULANCE & TOW TRUCK PALOS VERDES AMENDING THE LICENSE ORDINANCE OPERATOR LICENSES RELATING TO REVOCATION AND SUSPENSION OF Council 237 November 6, 1974 AMBULANCE OPERATOR AND TOW TRUCK OPERATOR LICENSES AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was read by title. Following discussion of the provisions which would coincide with Los Angeles County, on motion of Councilman Ruth, seconded by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried, further reading was waived and Ordinance No. 59 was passed to second reading. MINOR BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT Planning Director presented a request by (105) Craig B. Kelford for a boundary adjustment to annex his property at 14 Harbor Sight Dr. and the adjacent property owned by Lee Voss to Rolling Hills Estates. The City Attorney reported that the procedure to be followed to effect the annexation would require LAAFCO's approval, consent of resolution by the City Council, and the annexation procedure by Rolling Hills Estates. A motion, introduced by Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda, for discussion that a letter be directed consenting to annexation to Rolling Hills Estates, was withdrawn after discussion of need for other boundary adjustments. Council referred the matter to the Two-City Council Committee of Councilman Dyda and Councilman Ruth for study and contact 'with Rolling Hills Estates. TRAFFIC SIGNAL Traffic Engineer Charles Sutton reported PALOS VERDES DR. EAST & CREST RD. his recommendation to change the traffic (1503) signal at Palos Verdes Dr. East and Crest Road to "flashing red" in all directions in response to letter from Mr. Don Davis, 3302 Narino Dr. Mr. Davis and Mr. Larry Nebel, 30323 Abrazo Dr. , addressed Council on behalf of the change. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk, and carried, to accept the recommendation with report back to Council after a 3-month evaluation period. TRAFFIC SIGNAL Ken Masat, 30420 La Vista Verde, repre- MIRALESTE SCHOOLS senting the Miraleste Elementary School PTA, (1503) presented a petition to Council requesting traffic signal on Palos Verdes Dr. East at Via Canada. Traffic Engineer Charles Sutton recommended against the installation, reporting that since the high school access road presently lacks the capacity to accept the increased incoming flow of traffic which signal control would create, the net overall effect of signal control would be no improvement in the incoming school traffic flow while further delaying other traffic movements. Mr. Jim Healy of the Palos Verdes School District stated that the road is jointly owned with the water company and that widening of the school access road would have limited value as there are retaining walls near the entrance to the school parking lot. Following discussion, the Council referrred the matter to the Public Works Director, soon to be employsed, to coordinate efforts with the PTA and the school district to consider both capacity and regulation of traffic by signal at the intersection and access road. RECESS At 9:53 p.m. , the Mayor declared a five- minute recess. Council reconvened at 10:10 p.m. with the same members present. OCEANGROVE CLOSURE The City Manager reviewed written report (1408) regarding the issues related to the closing of Oceangrove Drive and staff recommendation for emergency vehicle access. Chief Paul Schneider of the County Fire Department recom- mended Council keep Oceangrove open for public use and, if not, that a gate equipped with a Fire Department lock be placed at the barrier to allow emergency equipment to get through. The following individuals spoke in favor of opening Oceangrove citing convenience and safety factors in using Palos Verdes Dr. East, and emergency vehicle access: Sheila Weiss, 32444 Searaven Dr. ; Beverly Weisz,32365 Phantom Dr. ; Elaine Frank, 32268 Phantom; Patricia Grey, 32325 Phantom Dr. ; Barsam Vartkes, 32218 Phantom Dr.; Pat Richardson, 32253 Phantom Dr. , who mentioned the possibility of installing a card gate as a solution to the problem; and John Ridgway,3420 Gulfcrest Dr. , who discussed cost factors. Council 238 November 6, 1974 tL6T '9 .agmanoN 6£Z TTounoD OHONV 130 AI,IO 3HL NI 'L£TT •ON MIVUQ 3<LVAI Id Sid NMON{ W3,LSAS 3OVNIVIQ QNV SILNWW3n02IdWl NIVUO WIO,L S 30 3OtIVX3mOO QNV u33SNV2I,Z V J,OI2I,S IQ Q I`dS 30 aavilag NO ,Ld3OOY OS, VINHO1I'IV3 30 3J1VLS 3HJ 30 S,OI2IZSIQ ZO2IJ.IOO QOO'I3 ALNnOO Sa'3ONV SQ l 3HJ, 30 SHOSInAaans 30 auvog am, ONL,I,sfnOau saauan SO'IYd OHONV I 30 &,LID am, 30 'IIDNfOO A,LIO 3HL 30 £6-fiL NOLLn'IOSaI •paspaTaa aq puog aoupwaogtad pup pano.tddk aq 9910E 4oPaI uT uTPap mao4S am. 4p1.14 'paT,:I;t 3 pup 'upkH upuITTounoD Aq (V09 x 60171) papuooas 'PpAQ U W1Touno3 Aq panom SLM 4T aixDaDQIu 'uoT4Ppuaunuooa; s,aaauTbu3 A TO au. uo buT 43V 9910£ - NI IQ w ions •1paddd auk. Auap puP uoTlop s,aaq;Tunuo3 L.zosTnpV buTuupTd au. pToudn o4 'paTaapo pup 't14nn upuz1Touno0 Aq papuooas 'rang UW1Touno3 Aq pan= SL'M 4T ';uaunuoo oTTgnd ou buTaq aaam. pup 'aa44TUnuoO 'aoSTnpV buTUUU1d at. go uoT4op pup uoT4poT1ddP am. MaTna1 ao4oa1TQ buTuupTd auk. buTaPaq .z94.1V •aATaa :;oaoicw 8ZOL 'z4uTaH ugor •H Aq uoT:.2oT1ddd uo uoT4TppP L.zo:s-0M4 P moo; sZ# uoT4P3T JTpow xpPq;aS go TPTuap s,aa44TUnuoO A.zosTnpV buTuupTd (£081) au. moi j 1Peddd UL paATaoa.z 1TOUnop avaddV NOIJ,VOIdIQOW x3Vg L S •1ana1 :aax;s anogp :.aa; 0T paeoxe 4ou Joo.z au. go sdo4 auk. 4'2t14 uoTsToap s,aa44TUnuo3 :uauissassV Ip4uauzuoaTnug au. plaudn pup 1eadde ate. paTuap TTounoD am. 'pa-r.z;Po A1SnomTupun pup 'ppAQ u u1Touno3 Aq papuooas 'x.zang upw1Touno0 Aq uoT4ow U0 •poot aoggbTau am. go xooT a1T;o.zd MoT aqq. ttlTM mzo;uoo supTd at 4pm. sPM uaaouoo ATuo aTam. pa4L4s 'saaiuoamoH ap.zan a:uow ate bufluas aada.z 'poTs spTO PpTUanv 0100£ '4unH •Q S a1.Pt4O •TV PuP 017 S4O I wox; ssoaop buTAT1 siauMoamoq .xoi o go 4pm. pup MaTA sTtt 4ona4sgo pTno' 4T asnpoaq �ubtau :oo; £T au. o: uoT4Tsoddo uT axods 'poTsspTO PpTUaAV Z1TO£ 'JTOM 'H .a4TPM •1Q •sMaTA iati4o : oa;3p A14uPoT3TUbTs 4ou pInoM ubTsap pup Aa15a.zd •1W uo dTtIspaPq P aq pInoM 4Sanbaa am. /uap off. 4pm. buT4ou 'TanaT :aa:;s anogP :aa; £T go aoupiOTTp ;oo.z P g4TM Tip pup 017 s4oZ uo pTTnq 04 4Sanba2 S,Aalsaad •aw 4upib TTounoD Tem. paban oqm 'tabPa j •r saw '4oa4TUotp sTLt puP 'z:nuoS Ma.puV 'Aauao;4p sTtt a19M ;Tpgaq s,4uPoT1ddp uo buTxPads •goPag 4aodMaN '•.za puPTUbTH ZT1Z 'AeTsa1d •a TTupupH Aq pauio T1 pup 0D, S4O'i uo 1TTLZ 4°Pas uT quama.XTnbat 411bTaq am. bUTU.taouoo aa44Tunuo3 :uauissassy TP4uaWuo.Tnug (£081) auk. woaj 1Padde UP panTaoa.z TTounoD ZV'3ddV •sassy 'IV1N3NN02IIAN3 •S1aUMOaWott au. Aq quauiAPd apnToaxd o4 4ou 4nq 'asuadxa A4To ano.zbupao0 4p a;Pb axT; Aouabiama UP go uOT4L1TL4suT aiTnbaa pup uoT4 puauzutooaa ;;L4s atj ;daoop TTounoD ate. Opt. 'paTaaPo ATsnomTupun pup 'tp.nH U UI Touno3 Aq papuooas 'ppAa upwTTounoO Aq panom uatr4 SLM 41 •a:Pb a1Tg t? go uoT4PTTP4suT ,zoo dud o; ttsTM 4ubTm s.zauMoamoti at.14 4Pu. pa;sabbns rang upui[Touno3 ear qa@aqs C4PATad P go uoTquoc uoo s,uoT;PToossr at. go MaTA uT 'puP SSao3P aloTgan Aouabaama ao; paau at. passaa4s s.zagmam TTounoD Aq uoTssnosTQ •ATuo sasodand Aouabxama aog pasn ;T a4pb atT; P o4 4oaCgo 4ou PInoM uoT4PToossp am. paqUaUIUioo aH •spaap tat .o uT SOPS ap 1no IPTTUZTS a.zaM exam. buTp.ou '4uamao.to;ua aAT4oalas .zo; 4no paTbuTS buTaq SPM anoabupao0 4E1.14 uOT;LTOOSSL au- go UoTuTdo am. SUM 4T pa4P4s puL axnsoTo am. go ;Teeuaq uo axods 'uoTlpToossv 1p4uamuoaTnua ano.zbupaoo am. buTluasa.zda1 ' •.tc apTlubTH 91 L£ 'u4TUisfbnz abaoaO •.xL1 •aouPTTbTA 6TL£ 'ouTUre3 auuTao3 pure I •.zc ano1buP900 S 160£ 'AreeD sTorl PuP xoer :•.XQ moq-uPgd 9 S Z Z£ 'T T eUr TbuPW T.'P3 =°a(1 aouPTTBTA £09£ 'SITTW •'I ;aboH !'a! 'aG abPTPaMOT3 170£1£ 'UPbT1TTW eTPQ aouPTTbTA LESE 'uosg •a uTA.zaW : •.zQ aour1TbTA ILSE '.tOAad STuuaQ :'ac aoUP1TbTA 80S£ '1T°Q •H uuor ='.113 aouPTTbTA Z SS£ '41egaH PTD.zPW = °a(1 aouPTTbTn 1799£ 'a4TuM •H up:vTag :•LQ aouPTTbTA 8ZS£ 'aTrcou •3 PTA a : •.zQ aoup1TbTA S1S£ ' T TwS •n Pam-10TH •1Q eouPTTfTA LOSE 'Sn1MOg •r : •.tQ ueAPaPeS 8T£Z£ 'uoTpoj AaxoTHT !';CI e tTd LO8E 'uaanoSoW Uttor •3 = •;Q aPTlubTH 9S9£ '' fl1 Dow •a 'r = '.113 OPT4LIfTH VO S£ 'UTPx •S 11mLtsapw :axee A4ajes uPT.z:sapad puP oT;;e,z4 pum A4aado.td go uoT4oa4oxd 's.zo4op; asTou st? su.zaouoo ions buflTO put? anoabupao0 buTUadoa1 o4 uopTsoddo uT buTaPaddv PALOS VERDES FOR FUTURE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE THEREOF was read by title and, on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and unanimously carried, further reading was waived and the resolution adopted. SEWERS Acting on the City Engineer's recommendation, Ridgegate & Mira Verde it was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded (1409 x 1402) by Councilman Ryan, and carried that sewers in Tracts 29593, 29594, 29596, 30166, and 30167 be approved and accepted for public use. COASTAL ZONE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Council received the Metropolitan Trans- (309 x 1505) portation Engineering Board's report suggesting changes in South Coast Regiona Coastal Zone Commission Transportation Element, but took no action. CLAIM - On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Highridge Development Co. Ltd. Councilman Ruth, and carried, the Council (303) denied claim filed by Highridge Development Company Ltd. in the amount of $1,344,932.05 regarding land use restrictions. RESOLUTION NO. 74-92 RESOLUTION NO. 74-92 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF REGISTER OF DEMANDS THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $154,769.92, DEMAND NUMBERS 648 THROUGH 681, was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 74-92 be adopted. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None COASTAL ZONE - INTENSITY Council authorized the Mayor to testify at DEV. ELEMENT the November 8, 1974 Coastal Commission (309) hearing on the Intensity Development Element. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 1:20 a.m. , Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss matters of potential litigation, reconvening at 1:35 a.m. with all members present. BRAEWOOD CLAIM - On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by ENV. EXC. TAX Councilman Ryan, and carried, Council (1501 x 303) authorized the City Attorney to agree with the attorney for Braewood Corporation that its claim for reimbursement of $15,000 paid for environmental excise tax be disposed of in accordance with the judgment on the Westfield/Dayton case. CITY NAME CHANGE Council directed the City Attorney to (501) explore and report on legal alternatives to election results requested by J. B. McGuire, Chairman of name change committee, entitled the Committee for Palos Verdes. MEETING PLACE CHANGE It was noted that the November 19 meeting of the City Council will be held at Miraleste Elementary School because of unavailability of Ridgecrest School. Council 240 November 6, 1974 ADJOURNMENT At 1:40 a.m. , on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, and carried, the meeting was adjourned to November 12, 1974, 7:00 p.m. , in the City Offices for a budget study session. . 41111.k X AO' i A' i !.R LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL By 49-"L'A-le-- 4s.P.Ij Deputy Council 241 November 6, 1974